How does a person feel when a loved one dies? Signs of approaching death

In this article we will tell you what processes in the body lead to the end of life and how death occurs. Have you thought about it? After reading, you can leave your opinion on this topic, your comment at the end of the article.

For many of us, death is a process that we can only see on TV and in movies. On the screen, the characters die, and then we see the actors who played their roles in full health.

Death constantly accompanies various news. Celebrities die from overdoses, traffic accidents, ordinary people from accidents and terrorist attacks.

What is death?

Death has been defined in different ways at different times. Most often, they said that this is separation and bodies. However, almost everyone is talking about it. But from a purely biological point of view, death is still difficult to define. Only recently created medical equipment can help to understand whether a person is alive or dead.

This was not the case before. If a person was sick, a doctor or a priest was called to him, who ascertained death. Approximately. That is, if a person does not move and does not seem to be breathing, he is dead. How was it determined that a person was not breathing? A mirror or pen was brought to his mouth. If the mirror fogged up, and the feather moved from breathing, the person is alive, if not, he is dead. In the 18th century, they began to check the pulse on the arm, but the invention of the stethoscope was still far away.

Over time, people realized that, despite the lack of breathing and heartbeat, a person can be alive. Edgar Allan Poe alone wrote several stories about those who were buried alive. In general, it turned out that it can be reversible.

Today we know that there is an apparatus capable of bringing a person back to life. If a person stops breathing, but his heart is still beating, you can stimulate his activity with the help of a defibrillator.

True, the presence of a pulse does not mean that a person is alive. Both doctors and relatives of the dying understood this. If the brain is dead, and cardiac activity is supported by machines in intensive care, then the person is more likely dead than alive. In medical language, this is called an irreversible coma.

It is, of course, difficult for the relatives of a dying person to recognize such a death. They are told that the person has died while he is breathing and his body is radiating heat. At the same time, machines record minimal brain activity, and this gives relatives a false hope that the patient will recover. But brain activity alone is not enough for life.

Despite the fact that death is considered brain death, rarely do you see this conclusion in the form of an official cause of death. More often you can see such as "myocardial infarction", "cancer" and "stroke". In general, death is caused in three different ways:

  • as a result of severe bodily injuries received in automobile and other man-made accidents, during falls and drownings;
  • as a result of murder and suicide;
  • as a result of disease and wear and tear of the body with the onset of old age.

In the old days, people rarely lived to old age, dying prematurely from diseases. Today, many deadly diseases have been eliminated. Of course, there are still areas on Earth with undeveloped medicine, where people die, mainly from AIDS.

In high-income countries, death is more common from coronary heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, lower respiratory tract infections, and lung failure. At the same time, life expectancy is longer in high-income countries. True, people are more likely to suffer from degenerative diseases.

How Death Comes - The Process

If the brain dies first in the body, the person stops breathing. Cells that do not receive oxygen begin to die.

Different cells die at different rates. It depends on how long they don't get oxygen. The brain requires a lot of oxygen, so when the air flow stops, brain cells die within 3-7 minutes. That's why stroke kills patients so quickly.

During a myocardial infarction, blood flow is disrupted. The brain also stops receiving oxygen, and death can occur.

If a person does not get sick with anything, but lives for a very long time, his body simply wears out from old age. His functions gradually fade away, and he dies.

There are some external manifestations of decrepitude of the body. A person begins to sleep more so as not to waste energy. After a person loses the desire to move, he loses the desire to eat and drink. He has a dry throat, it becomes difficult for him to swallow something, and drinking liquids can cause choking.

Shortly before death, a person loses the ability to control the discharge from the bladder and intestines. However, he almost does not urinate anymore and does not walk in a big way, because he practically does not eat, and his gastrointestinal tract ceases to function.

If a person is in pain before death, doctors can relieve his condition.

Shortly before death, a person begins to go into agony. The dying person is disoriented and finds it difficult to breathe. He breathes loudly and heavily. If there is an accumulation of fluid in the lungs, the patient may experience a death rattle. Due to a violation of the connection between the cells of the body, the dying person begins to have convulsions and muscle spasms.

We cannot know exactly what a person experiences on the eve of death. But those who died, but were saved in time, argued that death does not come painfully. At the same time, all the dying experienced a sense of detachment and peace, they felt that their soul was separated from the physical body, they had the feeling that they were moving out of the darkness towards the light. In general, hundreds of books and works have already been written about this.

Some doctors argue that near-death experiences are related to the fact that endorphins, pleasure hormones, are released in the human body before death.

When the heartbeat and breathing stop, clinical death occurs. Oxygen does not enter the cells, there is no blood circulation. However, clinical death is a reversible state. With the help of modern means of resuscitation, such as blood transfusion or mechanical ventilation, a person can still be brought back to life.

The point of no return is biological death. It starts 4-6 minutes after the clinical one. After the pulse stops, brain cells begin to die from lack of oxygen. Now resuscitation no longer makes sense.

What happens to the body after death?

After the heart stops beating, the body cools down and rigor mortis begins. Every hour, body temperature drops by almost a degree. This continues until the body temperature reaches room temperature. In the absence of movement, the blood begins to stagnate, and cadaveric spots appear. This happens in the next 2-6 hours after death.

Despite the fact that the organism has died, some processes are still going on in the body. Skin cells, for example, function for up to 24 hours after death occurs.

A few days after death, the bacteria and enzymes contained in it are taken for the destruction of the body. The pancreas has so many bacteria that it begins to digest itself. As the microorganisms work on the body, it becomes discolored, becoming first greenish, then purple, and finally black.

If you visually do not notice changes in the body, then you cannot help but notice the smell. Bacteria that destroy the body emit a fetid gas. Gas is not only present in the room in the form of an unpleasant odor. It inflates the body, making the eyes bulge and protrude from the sockets, and the tongue so thick that it begins to protrude from the mouth.

A week after death, the skin becomes covered with blisters, and the slightest touch to it can lead to their spontaneous opening. Within a month after the onset of death, nails and hair continue to grow.

But this is not because they are actually growing. It's just that the skin dries out, and they become more noticeable. Internal organs and tissues fill with fluid and swell. This will continue until the body bursts. After that, the insides dry up, and one skeleton remains.

Most of us cannot see the whole process described above, because the laws of different countries force citizens to do something with the body. The body can be put in a coffin and buried in the ground. It can be frozen, embalmed, or cremated. And for the same reason, we did not place images in this part of the text. Even if they exist, you should not look at them - the picture is not for the faint of heart.

Funerals in different countries and among different peoples

In ancient times, people were buried so that they would awaken in the afterlife. For this, their favorite things were placed in their tombs, and sometimes their favorite animals and even people. Warriors were sometimes buried upright so that they would be ready for battle in the afterlife.

Orthodox Jews wrapped the dead in shrouds and buried them on the day of death. But Buddhists believe that consciousness remains in the body for three days, so they bury the body no earlier than this period.

Hindus cremated the body, freeing the soul from the body, and Catholics treat cremation extremely negatively, believing that it offends the body as a symbol of human life.

Death and medical ethics

We have already written about the difficulties in determining the onset of death. Thanks to modern medical technology, it has become possible to keep the body alive even after brain death. When the brain dies, it is documented and communicated to the relatives of the deceased.

Then there are two possible scenarios. Some relatives agree with the opinion of doctors and give permission to disconnect the deceased from life support devices. Others do not recognize death, and the deceased continues to lie further under the apparatus.

People would like to always control their lives, but death deprives them of this. Now their fate will be determined by the doctor, whose decision will depend on whether to disconnect the deceased from the apparatus or not.

In general, a person whose brain does not work can no longer live fully. He cannot make decisions and benefit both his relatives and society. Relatives of the deceased must understand this and come to terms with the loss of a family member.

Appreciate loved ones while they are with you, and let go if they have already left.

Every person at a conscious age thinks about death.

What awaits us after death? Does the other world exist? Are we purely biological beings, or does each of us still have a certain soul that, after death, goes to another world?

One of the many questions that arise in the mind is the uncertainty of the sensations that a person experiences before death itself. Does a person experience torment, pain, or vice versa, all sensations become dull before leaving for the other world? The issues discussed have worried people from the moment they appeared and are still worried. Scientists continue to study this mysterious phenomenon, but only a few questions can be answered.

Feelings of dying people

The physical sensations of a dying person will depend primarily on what led him to death. He can experience both severe pain and pleasant sensations. With regard to psychological perception, at the moment of dying, most people instinctively feel fear, panic and horror, trying to "resist" death. According to biology, after the heart muscle stops contracting and the heart stops, the brain continues to function for about five minutes. It is believed that in these last minutes in the mind of a person, a reflection of his life takes place, vivid memories emerge, and the person, as it were, “sums up” his existence.

Death classification

Biologists divide death into two categories: Natural; Unnatural.

Natural death proceeds according to the laws of normal physiology and occurs due to the natural aging of the body or in the case of underdevelopment of the fetus in the womb.

Unnatural death can occur for the following reasons: Due to various serious and fatal diseases (oncological, cardiovascular, etc.); Mechanical impact: suffocation, electric shock; Chemical effects: overdose of drugs, medicinal substances or alcohol overdose; Unspecified - a completely healthy-looking person dies suddenly from a latent disease or an acute acute form of the disease. From a legal point of view, death is divided into: Non-violent; Violent. Non-violent death occurs with old age, a long course of illness, and in other similar cases. Violent death includes murder and suicide.

Stages of death

To better understand what a person may experience at the time of death, we can consider the stages of the process, distinguished from a medical point of view:

preagonal stage.

At this point, there is a failure in the blood circulation and respiration system, as a result of which hypoxia develops in the tissues. This period lasts from several hours to several days;

Terminal pause.

At this moment, the person stops breathing, myocardial function fails;

Agonal stage.

The body is trying to come back to life. At this stage, a person periodically stops breathing, the heart works weaker, which causes malfunctions in the functioning of all organ systems;

clinical death.

There is a stop of breathing and blood circulation. This stage lasts about five minutes, and it is at this moment that a person can be brought back to life with the help of resuscitation;

Biological death - a person finally dies. Important! Only people who have experienced clinical death are the only ones who can accurately tell what sensations are possible in a dying person.

Soreness with various deaths

Cause Dying time Pain
Prescription drug overdose 129 minutes 8.5
Fall from height 5 minutes 17.78
Drowning 18 minutes 79
Shot in the head with a pistol 3 minutes 13
Fire 1 hour 91

Does it hurt to die from cancer?

Cancer is one of the most common causes of death. Unfortunately, a cure for malignant carcinoma has not yet been discovered, and stage 3 and 4 cancer is an incurable disease. All that doctors can do in this situation is to reduce the patient's pain with the help of special analgesics and prolong the life of a person a little.

A person with cancer does not always experience pain at death. In some situations, before the death of a cancer patient, she begins to sleep a lot and eventually sinks into a coma, after which she dies without feeling any physical discomfort, that is, directly in a dream.

In a different situation, the stages of dying of an oncological patient are as follows: Before death, the patient may experience a migraine, see hallucinations and lose his memory, therefore not recognizing his loved ones; Speech disorders occur, it is harder for the patient to say related sentences, he can carry awkward phrases; The person may experience blindness and/or deafness; As a result, the motor functions of the body are disturbed. However, this is only a general average picture of how a person with cancer feels before death.

If we consider directly specific types of cancerous tumors, then the localization of carcinoma in the liver causes a person to die, experiencing pain, due to multiple bleeding. Death from lung cancer also causes considerable pain because the patient begins to choke, vomit blood, after which an epileptic fit occurs and the patient dies. In the case of bowel cancer, the patient also feels excruciating pain in the abdomen, in addition to this, he is tormented by a headache. Before dying, patients with laryngeal cancer also feel pain. With this localization, a person also experiences strong pain sensations in the corresponding area.

Important! Do not forget that the described symptoms are eliminated by doctors with the help of special analgesics, and before death - narcotic drugs, so in some cases it is possible to achieve an almost complete reduction in pain until it disappears. Thus, the question “does it hurt to die of cancer” is most likely to be answered in the negative, since modern medicine has all the means to help reduce the pain of the patient.

Does it hurt to die of old age?

According to medical research, people in old age experience a sense of relief at death. Only 1/10 of the respondents feel fear before death. Immediately before death, old people feel discomfort, pain and complete apathy for everything. Dying, people begin to see hallucinations, they can "talk" with the dead. As for the physical sensations, it hurts to die only because of the labored breathing.

Most old people can die in their sleep, and this death is not associated with severe pain and physical suffering. Does it hurt to die from an overdose of pills? The physical sensations of a person dying due to taking an excessive amount of a drug depend primarily on the type of drug and the individual characteristics of the organism. In fact, death occurs due to the development of severe intoxication of the body, and before death, a person may experience pain due to pain in the abdomen. In addition, he experiences dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

An exceptional case would be a person who has taken an excessive dose of a strong sedative drug, since the consequences of such an act will be the onset of a deep coma and the shutdown of all instinctive defense mechanisms. In view of this, a person departs to another world directly in a dream and does not feel pain.

Does it hurt to die from a stroke?

Since a stroke can occur in different areas of the brain, a person's feelings before death can also be different. If the motor center has been affected, weakness in a separate limb or its paralysis may occur. The general picture of a person's feelings at death is usually the following: He hears incomprehensible voices or sounds; Sleepy; Confused mind; Strong headache; General weakness. Some stroke patients may also die in their sleep or go into a deep coma.

Does it hurt to die from a heart attack?

During a heart attack in the heart, due to a failure in blood circulation, sudden pressure drops occur, which is felt by a person as severe pain in the area behind the sternum. In addition, the blood supply to all organs is disrupted, which also causes pain - in particular, blood stagnates in the lungs and edema of the latter occurs. The patient experiences difficulty in breathing and general weakness of the body. In the first minutes, when the blood stopped flowing to the brain and hypoxia began, the person will also feel a severe headache. However, as a rule, during such an attack, a person can lose consciousness almost immediately, since the organs are not supplied with blood in a normal manner. Without medical assistance, a person in this condition can live no more than 5 minutes, while not feeling pain.

Does it hurt to die from a bullet?

It all depends primarily on the place where the bullet hit and its caliber. If a bullet has pierced the brain, then very often death occurs almost instantly, and the organ turns off faster than a person could feel something. In other situations, as a rule, at first a person feels a sharp push, then some warmth in the body, and only after that - severe pain. A few minutes later, a pain shock occurs, when the pain is no longer felt due to the included defense mechanisms of the body, and the person loses consciousness. With no medical assistance, he dies from blood loss, but there is no physical suffering.

Does it hurt to die from a fall?

Death from a fall from a great height occurs almost instantly - in a few seconds or minutes. Feelings largely depend on the posture in which the person landed and on the surface on which he fell. In the event of a landing on the head, death occurs instantly, and the only thing that can be experienced in this case is psychological panic during the flight. Death due to a fall occurs due to multiple fractures, rupture of internal organs and large loss of blood. In the first seconds after the fall, a person experiences severe pain from the impact, then weakness occurs due to developing hypoxia and loss of consciousness.

Does it hurt to die from blood loss?

The time of death in this case depends on the caliber of the damaged vessels. In particular, if the walls of the aorta are destroyed, a person dies almost instantly, while not experiencing pain. Losing a lot of blood, a person has no pain. When bleeding, he first experiences dizziness, heaviness in the body and weakness. Gradually, a strong thirst is added to these feelings. In the end, due to insufficient blood supply, a person can lose consciousness and die.

Does it hurt to die from the cold?

In conditions of severe frost, a person can die for a long time, but he will not experience pain. Being in the cold for a long time, a person first experiences severe trembling and body aches. Gradually, he also begins to lose his memory and the ability to recognize the faces of loved ones. Then comes a strong weakness and, as a rule, people just fall into the snow. Slow blood flow in the brain at the same time provokes hallucinations. Severely constricted capillaries in the skin can suddenly expand their lumen to produce a burst of heat, which is why people at this point often try to take off their clothes because of the sensation of "heat". After that, the person loses consciousness and dies as if "in a dream."

Does it hurt to die from AIDS?

Since death in this case does not arise from AIDS itself, but from the disease that the body cannot cope with, the sensations before death may vary. Most often it is cytomegalovirus, cirrhosis of the liver, tuberculosis, developing against the background of AIDS. However, death can also occur from ordinary bronchitis. Physical sensations will depend entirely on the disease that the body cannot overcome. It is painful for a person to die only if he is ill with serious diseases of the internal organs. For example, if death occurs from tuberculosis, the patient will experience severe chest pain, breathing and heartbeat may be disturbed, and hematemesis may occur. In the case when death occurs due to cirrhosis of the liver, the patient may experience excruciating pain in the abdomen and right hypochondrium.


Summing up the above, we can say that it is more painful for people to die psychologically. Only in some cases, before death, a person is tormented by severe pain. Most often It's hard for people to accept the very fact of dying. .

This is the fifth and final article of the series devoted to the issues of death. Any living structure in the sense of energy exchange obeys the law of the pentagram: the organs and systems of the human body, the construction of interactions in the family and the production team ... From experience, we can say that five facets of considering a topic can create the effect of an exhaustive idea (feeling) about it.

The fear of death is that fundamental fear, to the type of which one can reduce the whole variety of fears experienced by a person, up to the “paradoxical” ones: fear of fear (fear of being scared) and fear of life! ☺

As long as there is fear, there is no freedom, no joy, no meaning, there is BLOCKING.

That is why we oppose the phenomenon of fear of death with the symbol of harmonious LIFE!!! ☺

The topic for us is far from theoretical.

Behind us is the support (for research purposes) of the centers of the mind of dead people (John Brinkley did the same, the same topic was considered in the film “I Remain”, in which Andrei Krasko starred before his death), and the study of materials left by predecessors and very respectful use of the results of instrumental studies, which Professor Korotkov conducted at the risk of his life in morgues.

He and his associates investigated the energy activity of the shell of dead people up to 9-40 (!!!) days, and the measurement results could clearly show whether the person under study died from:

  • old age
  • accident
  • karmic withdrawal from life (in this case, residual sheath activity was not observed at all)
  • negligence / ignorance (in these cases, it was simply necessary to observe maximum accuracy and attentiveness in a dangerous period from the point of view of Astrology, to use the abilities of the Personality to select a conservative or evolutionary scenario for the unfolding of events in order to avoid an astrologically predictable tragic scenario! Near the bodies of these "careless deceased" later on, the instruments recorded many attempts by the "sometimes gaping" center of the Mind of the deceased to penetrate inside "his body" and revive it. From such "underdone", "disliked", "underfulfilled the incarnation task set by the Spirit" experimenters had to endure a lot of problems that affect also on their health!

As far back as the summer of 1995, at the conference on weak and superweak interactions, which took place in St. Petersburg, we talked with the professor about the ways to successfully overcome these consequences of experiments. Our experience in accompanying the dead and researching the phenomenon of exercism was also at his service…

In this article, we will try to dispel the veil of uncertainty and consider in detail the processes that occur with a person after death from the point of view of physics.

After all, the answer to the question of what will happen after death is the key to overcoming the strongest human fear - the fear of death, as well as its derivative - the fear of life ... that is, fears that stick their subconscious sticks into the wheels of consciousness of almost any person.

But before giving a detailed answer to the question of what awaits us after death, it is necessary to understand what death is and what Man is.

Let's start, perhaps, with the definition of Man, Man with a capital letter.

So, in a complete divine configuration, Man is a triune being, consisting of:

  1. physical body belonging to the material world (has a genetic history of construction) - iron
  2. Personalities- a complex of developed psychological qualities and attitudes (ego) - software
  3. Spirit- an object of the causal plan of the existence of matter (has an incarnation history of construction), incarnating into a physical body during the cycles of reincarnation to gain the necessary experience - user

Italics is a computer analogy.

Rice. 1. What will happen after death. "Holy Trinity" - a multi-level structure of Man on various planes of existence of matter, which includes the Spirit, Personality and Physical Body

It is in this set of structural units that Man represents the Holy Trinity.

However, it must be borne in mind that not all representatives of homo sapiens have such a complete set.

There are also frankly soulless people: Physical body + Personality (Ego) without the 3rd component - Spirit. These are the so-called "matrix" people, whose consciousness is controlled by patterns, limits, social norms, fears and selfish aspirations. The incarnating Spirit simply cannot “get through” to them in order to convey to the consciousness the true tasks facing this person for the current incarnation.

The diaphragm of consciousness for corrective signals "from above" in such a person is tightly closed.

A kind of horse without a rider or a car without a driver!

He runs somewhere, goes according to the program laid down by someone, but he cannot answer the question “Why is this all”! In a word, Matrix Man...

Rice. 2. "Matrix" person, guided through life by ego-templates and programs

Accordingly, the answer to the question of what happens after death will be different for a spiritual and non-spiritual person.

Let's take a closer look at the physics of what will happen after death for these 2 cases!

What happens after the death of a person. Physics of processes


Death is a change of dimension

According to medical indicators, the moment of stopping the heart and breathing of a person is taken as the fact of physical death. From this moment on, we can assume that a person is dead, or rather, his physical body is dead. But what happens to the center of human consciousness and its field (energy) shell, which covers the physical body during the entire conscious life? Do these energy-informational objects have life after death?

Rice. 3. Energy-informational shells of a person

Literally the following happens: at the moment of death, the center of consciousness, together with the energy shell, is separated from the deceased body (physical carrier) and form an astral entity. That is, after physical death, Man simply passes to a more subtle plane of existence of matter - the astral plane.

Rice. 4. Stable plans for the existence of matter.
"Bird of materialization / dematerialization" - the process of transition of information into energy (and vice versa) over time

The ability to think on this plane also remains, and the center of consciousness continues to function. For some time, phantom sensations from the body (legs, arms, fingers) may even be preserved... Additional opportunities for moving in space also appear at the level of mental stimuli that lead to movement in the chosen direction.

Detailing the answer to the question of what happens after death, it is worth clarifying that a deceased person, having passed into a new form of subtle-material existence - the object of the astral plane described above - can exist at this level up to 9 days after the death of the physical body.

As a rule, this object during these 9 days is not far from the place of his death or the usual territory of residence (apartment, house). That is why it is recommended to cover all the mirrors in the house with a thick cloth after a person passes away, so that the center of consciousness that has departed to the astral plane cannot see its new, not yet familiar appearance. The shape of this object (Human) of the astral plane is predominantly spherical. The structure of the object includes the center of consciousness, as a separate intelligent structure, plus the energy shell surrounding it, the so-called energy cocoon.

If during life a person was very strongly attached to material things and his habitat, then in order to facilitate the “departure” of the deceased to more subtle planes of the existence of matter, it is recommended to burn the things of the deceased: in this way, he can be helped to get rid of dense material reality and transfer additional energy is the lifting force from the flame plasma.

What awaits us after death. Transients between 0-9 and 9-40 days

So, we found out what will happen after the death of a person at the initial stage. What's next?

As mentioned earlier, during the first 9 days after death, the deceased is in the so-called lower astral layer, where energy interactions still prevail over informational ones. This period is given to the deceased so that he can correctly complete and energy-information "release" all the bonds that hold him on the earth's surface.

Rice. 5. Rupture and release of energy bonds in the period from 0-9 days after death

On the 9th day, as a rule, the center of consciousness and the energy cocoon move to higher astral layers, where the energy connection with the material world is no longer so tight. Here, the information processes of this level are already beginning to have a greater influence, and their resonance with the programs and beliefs formed in the current incarnation and stored in the center of human consciousness.

The process of compaction and sorting of the information and experience accumulated in the center of consciousness, received in the current incarnation, begins, that is, the so-called disk defragmentation process (in terms of computer systems).

Rice. 6. What happens after death. Defragmentation (ordering) of information and accumulated experience in the center of human consciousness

Until the 40th day (after the death of the physical body), the deceased still has the opportunity to return to those places where he still has some connections at the energy or information level.

Therefore, during this period of time, close relatives can still feel the presence of the deceased person “somewhere nearby”, sometimes even see his “blurred” appearance. But such a tight connection is more typical for the first 9 days, then it weakens.

What will happen after the death of a person in the period after 40 days

After the 40th day, the main (most important) transition occurs!

The center of consciousness with already relatively defragmented (condensed and sorted) information begins to “suck” into the so-called mental tunnel. Passing through this tunnel is like watching a movie about a life lived, scrolling the tape of events in the opposite direction.

Rice. 7. Light at the end of the mental tunnel. Scrolling the events of life in reverse

If a person had a lot of stress and unresolved conflicts during his life, then for their repayment during the return passage through the tunnel they will require the expenditure of energy, which can be taken from the energy cocoon (the former energy shell of a person) that envelops the outgoing center of consciousness.

This energy cocoon performs a function similar to the function of fuel on a rocket launcher that launches a rocket into outer space!

Rice. 8. Transfer of the center of consciousness to more subtle planes of the existence of matter, like launching a rocket into outer space. Fuel is spent on overcoming the forces of gravity

In the passage of this tunnel, church prayer (funeral service) or candles lit for the repose of the departed person on the 40th day also help. The flame plasma of candles releases very large volumes of free energy, which the outgoing center of consciousness can use when passing through the mental tunnel to “pay” karmic debts and unresolved problems of the energy-information level accumulated during the current incarnation.

At the moment of passage through the tunnel, all unnecessary information, not completed into full-fledged programs and not corresponding to the laws of subtle plans, is also cleared from the database of the center of consciousness.

From the point of view of physical processes, the center of consciousness passes through the memory body of the 4th dimension (Soul) in the opposite direction until the moment of conception (Genome points) and then moves inside the Spirit (Causal body)!

Rice. 9. What will happen after death. Reverse passage of the center of consciousness through the body of memory (Soul) to the point of the Genome with the subsequent transition to the Causal body

The light at the end of the tunnel just accompanies the process of this transition from the point of conception into the structure of the Individual Spirit!

Further processes taking place at this level, as well as the processes of reincarnation (new incarnation), we will leave for the time being outside the scope of this article ...

What happens after the death of a person. Possible deviations from the described harmonious scenario

So, understanding the question of what awaits us after death and what will happen to us, we have described here a harmonious scenario of leaving for another world.

But there are deviations from this scenario. Basically, they concern people who have greatly "sinned" in the current incarnation, as well as those whom numerous grieving relatives do not want to "let go" into the other world.

Let's talk about these 2 scenarios in more detail:

1. If a person in the current incarnation has gained a lot of negative experience, problems, stresses, energy debts while interacting with other people, then his transition to another world after death can be very difficult. Such a center of consciousness with an energy cocoon that has departed after physical death is like a balloon with a huge amount of ballast pulling it down, back to the earth's surface.

Rice. 10. Ballast at the balloon. "Karmically burdened" person

Such deceased, even on the 40th day, can still be in the lower layers of the astral plane, trying to somehow free themselves from the bindings that pull them down. Their relatives can also very clearly feel their close presence, as well as a very strong outflow of energy, affecting the health of living relatives. This is the so-called form of post-mortal vampirism.

In this case, it is worth ordering the ritual of the funeral of the deceased in the church. This can help such a "heavy" soul of a deceased person to get rid of earthly reality.

In the event that the deceased person managed to “sin” very seriously in the current incarnation, he may not go through the reincarnation filter at all, remaining in the lower and middle layers of the astral plane. In this case, such a Soul becomes the so-called astral publican.

This is how ghosts and ghosts are formed - these are just such entities from the lower layers of the astral world that have not passed reincarnation filters due to karmic burdens.

Rice. 11. Physics of the formation of ghosts and ghosts. Fragment from the cartoon "The Canterville Ghost"

2. The soul of a deceased person can also linger for a long time in the lower layers of the astral world, if it is not released for a long time by grieving relatives who do not understand the physics and nature of death processes.

In this case, it looks like a big, beautiful flying balloon that has been hooked with ropes pulling it back to the ground. And here the whole question is whether the ball has enough lift to overcome this resistance.

Rice. 12. Reverse attraction of the Soul of a deceased person to earthly reality. The importance of the ability to "let go" to rest the departing Soul

What are the consequences of this often? In the event that a child is conceived in this family, which has not let go of a deceased relative in their thoughts, then it can be said with almost 99% probability that this child will be an open reincarnation of a recently departed relative. Why open? Because the previous incarnation in this case closes incorrectly (without passing through the mental tunnel to the center of the Spirit) and the recently departed Soul from the astral world (because it did not have time to leave higher) is “dragged” back into a new physical body.

Such is the physics of the birth of a large number of children "Indigo"! With a deeper study, it turns out that only 10% of them can be attributed to real Indigo, and the remaining 90% are, as a rule, "reincarnations" drawn back into this world according to the scenario described above (although it happens that the incarnation comes and "heavy" object from scenario #1). They are so developed very often only because the experience of the previous incarnation was not correctly erased for them, and also the past incarnation itself was not harmoniously closed. In this case, the answer to the question “who was I in a past life” for such children is very obvious. True, this can also affect the health of such children with open reincarnation.

Rice. 13. The nature of children "Indigo".
Indigo or open reincarnation of one of the relatives?

Thus, the child's consciousness gets open access to all the experience and knowledge of the past life. And who was there - a mathematician, a scientist, a musician or a car mechanic - just determines his pseudo-genius and premature giftedness!

Correct care and change of dimension

In the case when the center of Consciousness after death successfully “leaves” into the subtle planes of the existence of matter, passing into the structure of the Individual Spirit, then, depending on the experience accumulated by the Spirit for the current and all previous incarnations, as well as depending on the completeness and fullness / inferiority of information programs in the structure of the Spirit, 2 scenarios are possible:

  1. The next incarnation into the physical body (as a rule, the gender of the biological carrier changes)
  2. The exit of their circle of physical incarnations (Samsara) and the transition to a new subtle-material level - Teachers (Curators).

These are the pies, as they say! :-))

So, before departing to another world... it is even worth studying physics even here!

As well as basic instructions and rules before taking off into space!

May come in handy!

If you want to understand in as much detail as possible all the issues related to death, reincarnations, previous incarnations, the meaning of life, we recommend that you pay attention to the following video seminars.

Throughout life, the question of how a person dies of old age concerns most people. They are asked by the relatives of an old person, the person himself, who has crossed the threshold of old age. The answer to this question is already there. Scientists, physicians and enthusiasts have collected a lot of information about this, based on the experience of numerous observations.
What happens to a person before death

It is believed that it is not aging that leads to death, given that old age itself is a disease. A person dies from a disease with which a worn out organism cannot cope.

Brain reaction before death

How does the brain react when death approaches?

During death, irreversible changes occur in the brain. There is oxygen starvation, cerebral hypoxia. As a consequence of this, there is a rapid death of neurons. At the same time, even at this moment, its activity is observed, but in the most important areas responsible for survival. During the death of neurons and brain cells, a person may experience hallucinations, both visual, auditory, and tactile.

Loss of energy

A person loses energy very quickly, so droppers with glucose and vitamins are prescribed.

An elderly dying person experiences a loss of energy potential. This is manifested by longer sleep and a shorter period of wakefulness. He constantly wants to sleep. Simple activities, such as moving around the room, exhaust a person and he will soon go to rest. It seems that he is constantly sleepy or in a state of permanent drowsiness. Some people even experience energy depletion after just talking or thinking. This is explained by the fact that the brain requires more energy than the body.

Failure of all body systems

  • The kidneys gradually refuse to work, so the urine they secrete becomes brown or red.
  • The intestines also stop working, which is manifested by constipation or absolute intestinal obstruction.
  • The respiratory system fails, breathing becomes intermittent. It is also associated with a gradual failure of the heart.
  • Failure of the functions of the circulatory system leads to pallor of the skin. Wandering dark spots are observed. The first such spots are visible first on the feet, then on the whole body.
  • Hands and feet become icy.

What feelings does a person experience at death?

Most often, people are not even concerned about how the body manifests itself before death, but about how the old person feels, realizing that he is about to die. Karlis Osis, a psychologist in the 1960s, did a global study on this topic. Doctors and medical staff of departments for the care of dying people helped him. 35,540 deaths were recorded. Based on observations of them, conclusions were drawn that have not lost their relevance to this day.

Before death, 90% of dying people do not feel fear.

It turned out that dying people had no fear. There was discomfort, indifference and pain. Every 20th person experienced a spiritual uplift. According to other studies, the older a person is, the less afraid he is of dying. For example, one social survey of older people showed that only 10% of those surveyed admitted to fear of death.

What do people see as they approach death?

Before death, people experience hallucinations similar to each other. During visions, they are in a state of clarity of consciousness, the brain worked normally. Moreover, he did not respond to sedatives. Body temperature was also normal. On the verge of death, most people have already lost consciousness.

Often, visions during brain shutdown are associated with the most vivid memories of a lifetime.

Predominantly, the visions of most people are related to the concepts of their religion. Those who believed in hell or heaven saw the corresponding visions. Non-religious people saw beautiful visions related to nature and wildlife. More people saw their dead relatives, calling them to go to another world. The people observed in the study had different diseases, had different levels of education, belonged to different religions, among them were staunch atheists.

Often the dying person hears various sounds, mostly unpleasant. At the same time, he feels himself rushing towards the light, through the tunnel. Then, he sees himself separate from his body. And then he is met by all those close to him, dead people who want to help him.

Scientists cannot give an exact answer about the nature of such experiences. Usually they find a connection with the process of neuronal death (vision of the tunnel), brain hypoxia and the release of a fair dose of endorphin (visions and a feeling of happiness from the light at the end of the tunnel).

How to recognize the coming of death?

The signs of a near-death state of a person are listed below.

The question of how to understand that a person is dying of old age concerns all relatives of a loved one. To understand that the patient will die very soon, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  1. The body refuses to work (urinary or fecal incontinence, urine color, constipation, loss of strength and appetite, refusal of water).
  2. Even if there is an appetite, there may be a loss of the ability to swallow food, water, and one's own saliva.
  3. Loss of the ability to close the eyelids due to critical exhaustion and retraction of the eyeballs.
  4. Signs of wheezing in an unconscious state.
  5. Critical jumps in body temperature - sometimes too low, then critically high.

Important! These signs do not always indicate the arrival of the mortal end. Sometimes they are symptoms of disease. These signs apply only to old people, the sick and infirm.

Video: what does a person feel when he dies?


For more information about death, see Wikipedia.

As you can see, old people are rarely afraid of death. This is what statistics say, and this knowledge can help young people who are almost terribly afraid of it. Relatives whose close old man dies can recognize the first signals of the end coming and help the sick person by providing the necessary care.

Since the creation of the world, everyone on this planet has been tormented by a sacred question: is there life after death? The best minds of mankind are trying to answer it: scientists and esotericists, magicians and skeptics to the marrow of their bones - at least once everyone asked the question of the possibility of immortality.

In this article

How long does a person die

A quick death is the highest good, unfortunately, not everyone can use it. Depending on the cause of death, the process of extinction of body functions can occur instantly or stretch for hours, days and even months.

No expert can name the exact time of brain death: classic textbooks on physiology indicate an interval of 3-4 minutes. But in practice, it was possible to “resurrect” people even 10–20 minutes after cardiac arrest!

There is a whole science dedicated to the rituals and features of parting with life - thanatology. Thanatologists distinguish 3 types of death:

  1. Clinical death - the heart and breathing of a person have already stopped, but the body has a reserve for medical intervention, you can get out of this state.
  2. Biological death is the death of the brain, today it is an irreversible phenomenon, although a number of body functions are preserved, cellular memory has not yet disappeared.
  3. Informational death is the final point of no return, the body is completely dead.

Today, doctors are able to bring a person back from clinical death, and the latest developments of scientists in 10 years will reach such a level of development that a person will be taken out of biological death as well. Perhaps someday death will no longer be considered an irreversible phenomenon.

Doctors can bring a person out of a state of clinical death if not too much time has passed

Everyone's feelings before the last breath are extremely individual. A person is left alone with himself and his thoughts: we come into the world alone, and we leave it alone. Everyone will experience their own, unlike anything else, but they are approximately the same.

The process of physical death by stages, their duration and symptoms is given in the table.

Stages of death What happens to the body Symptoms of the onset Duration
predagonic state The body is trying to reduce the torment of the body caused by the cause of dying. The functions of the central nervous system are disturbed, breathing becomes frequent and irregular, pain is dulled, loss of consciousness is possible From several minutes to several hours, in some cases the phase is absent
Agony The last attempt of the organism to survive, the concentration of all forces on the struggle for life Rapid heartbeat, heavy breathing 5 to 30 minutes
clinical death The body shows no visible signs of life, but is still alive Stopping the beating of the heart, oxygen is no longer supplied to the brain From 5 to 15 minutes depending on the causes of death and the age of the patient
Diagnosis of death body is dead Stop breathing and heartbeat, CNS shows no signs of life 5–10 minutes

Lama Ole Nydahl will tell about the process of death and biological dying, the separation of the soul from the body: in addition, he will share a useful practice that will make the complex process easier.

Man feels his death

Many people are actually able to feel the icy breath of death years and months before its physical onset. But more often death is predicted in a few days, this can be explained by simple changes in the body:

  1. There are no pain receptors in the internal organs, but they can make themselves felt, signaling an imminent cessation of functioning.
  2. A person feels even an impending cold, it is not surprising that he can feel something more serious.
  3. The organism is in many ways wiser than consciousness, and its unwillingness to fade away is colossal.

Do not panic because of a sudden deterioration in health and immediately write a will. But a trip to the doctor will be most welcome.

A few hours before the expected death, you can predict a quick outcome by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the chest, it is hard to breathe and from lack of air the chest seems to be torn from the inside;
  • dizziness - a person becomes partially insane, he is no longer responsible for his actions and words;
  • fear - even if a person is completely ready for what is happening, a feeling of fear hovers somewhere nearby;
  • fever - the body temperature does not increase, but it seems to the person that the room is stuffy.

Some artists and poets predicted their death in their work long before its actual onset: for example, A.S. Pushkin described the death of his literary prototype Lensky in a duel 11 years and 11 days before the fatal shot of Dantes.

Celebrities who predicted their own death

The psychological aspect of death

Death is one of those phenomena, the expectation of which is much more terrible than the process itself: many people poison their existence with constant thoughts about the horrors of the transition to another world. It is especially difficult for the elderly and those who are terminally ill: constant thoughts about physical death can lead to severe depression.

Do not panic and devote too much energy to questions about the study of the mechanisms of death. This can lead to panic and a general deterioration in well-being.

Death is an inevitable process, it is part of life, so you need to treat it calmly. You can't get upset over something you can't change. If you can’t look at death with optimism, at least you should try to keep your presence of mind. As a result, no one can say with complete certainty. But many of the testimonies of survivors of near-death experience are in a positive mood.

What after death

It is impossible to say with certainty what awaits a person, but most agree that. This is just a parting with the physical shell and its transition to a new level.

Separation of the soul from the body

The difference in views on death and its consequences of religion and science is reflected in the summary table.

Question Religion's answer Scientists answer
Is the person dead? The physical body is mortal, but the soul is immortal Man does not exist outside of his physical shell
What awaits a person after death? Depending on the deeds during life, the human soul will continue to exist in heaven or hell Death is irreversible and is the end of life
Is immortality real? Everyone will gain immortality - the only question is whether it will be full of joy or torment The only possible immortality is in leaving offspring and the memories of loved ones.
What is earthly life? Earthly life is only a moment before the infinite life of the soul Physical life is all that a person has

After the death of the physical soul, it does not immediately go to another world: for some time it gets used to the new form and continues to be in the human world. At this time, consciousness practically does not change, the ethereal continues to feel like the same person as during life. the soul finally separates from the body and is ready for the transition to another world.

What happens to the soul after death in different religions

The peoples that developed in cultural isolation demonstrate surprisingly similar systems for organizing the afterlife: for the righteous there is a place of eternal bliss - Paradise, for sinners endless suffering is prepared in Hell. Such intersection of plots speaks of something more than a poor imagination: the ancients could have more extensive information about the underworld than a modern person, and their records may turn out to be not just a fairy tale, but a reality.


The concept of Paradise resembles a real state - it is not for nothing that it is called the Kingdom of Heaven, at the head of the sacred abode of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The souls who have gone to heaven are in a state of blissful peace and joy. The world opposite to Paradise - Hell - is a place for those who sinned a lot and did not repent of it.


The ancient religion does not have a unified concept of the afterlife. But the descriptions from the Holy Talmud suggest that this place is completely different from reality. People who have been awarded heavenly places do not know human feelings: there are no strife and quarrels between them, envy and attraction. They do not know thirst and hunger, the only occupation of a righteous soul is to enjoy the true light of God.


Beliefs are reduced to a three-level system of organization of Paradise:

  1. The lowest level is where those who have sinned fall. Most of all, it resembles earthly reality. The souls of the dead do not know the need for food and water, they sing and dance a lot.
  2. The middle level - Tlillan-Tlapallan - is a paradise for priests and those who have comprehended the true values. Here the spirit is more pleasing than the body.
  3. The highest level - Tonatiuhikan - only the most enlightened and righteous get into the House of the Sun, they will spend eternity side by side with the deities, not knowing the worries about the material world.


The dark kingdom of Hades awaited the soul that left the physical body: the entrance there can even be found in the vast expanses of Hellas. Nothing good awaited those who fell: only endless despondency and lamentations about the past beautiful days. A different fate befell the souls of heroes and people clothed with glory and talent. They ended up on the famous Champs Elysees for endless feasts and conversations about the eternal.

Charon transports the soul to the realm of the dead


One of the most popular religions in the world thanks to the idea. To determine what kind of body a particular soul deserves, Yama Raja looks into the mirror of truth: all evil deeds will be reflected in the form of black stones, and good ones in the form of white ones. Based on the number of stones, a person is given the bodily shell that he deserves.

Buddhism does not deny the concept of Paradise - but you can get there only after a long process, when the soul reaches the highest point of development. There is no place for grief and sorrow in Paradise, and all desires are instantly satisfied. But this is a fickle abode of the soul - after resting in paradise, it will return to earth for further rebirths.

Indian myths

India is a country of bright sun, delicious food and the Kama Sutra. It is from these components that the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe afterlife abode for brave warriors and pure souls is formed. The leader of the dead - Yama - will deliver the worthy to Paradise, where endless sensual pleasures await them.

nordic tradition

The Scandinavians prophesied paradise only to famous warriors. The souls of men and women who fell in battles were collected by beautiful Valkyries and taken straight to Valhalla, where endless feasts and pleasures awaited those who had found eternal life, inaccessible during life.

The ideas of the Scandinavians about the afterlife are primitive and based on the dominant part of the life of the ancient tribes - military operations.

Egyptian culture

The appearance in world religions of the description of the Last Judgment is due to the Egyptians: the famous "Book of the Dead", dated 2400 BC. e. describes this chilling process in detail. After the death of the physical soul of an Egyptian, it entered the Hall of Two Truths, where it was weighed on a double-sided balance.

Fragment of the Book of the Dead - judgment in the Hall of Two Truths

If the soul turned out to be heavier than the feather of the goddess of Justice Maat, it was devoured by a monster with the head of a crocodile, and if the sins did not pull the soul down, Osiris took it with him to the kingdom of eternal bliss.

The Egyptians considered life as a severe test and practically waited for their death from the first days of existence - it was there that they were supposed to comprehend real bliss.


In order for the human soul to find eternal peace and taste the joys of Eden, it has to go through a severe test - crossing the Sirat Bridge. This bridge is so narrow that its thickness does not even reach a human hair, and its sharpness is comparable to the sharpest earthly blade. The road is complicated by a heavy wind, tirelessly blowing towards the etheric body. Only the righteous will be able to overcome all obstacles and go to the heavenly kingdom, while the sinner is doomed to fall into the hellish abyss.


The fate of the eternal soul according to this religious worldview will be decided by the just Rashnu: he will have to divide all human actions into bad and worthy of respect, and then appoint a test. The soul of the deceased will have to cross the Bridge of Separation in order to enter the realm of eternal bliss: but those whose sins were great will not be able to do this - the unrighteous souls will be picked up by a demonic creature named Vizarsh and taken to a place of eternal torment.

Can a soul get stuck in this world

After death, the etheric body of a person is in a state of stress, and many paths open before him. , which is tantamount to endless suffering and torment, compared to which hell is a place of entertainment.

Even the most ardent righteous person can find himself imprisoned between worlds and experience terrible torment until the end of time, if his spirit is not strong enough.

Physical death continues with the separation of the soul from the body shell: it takes several days to say goodbye to the material world. But everything does not end there, and the soul has to start a journey through the invisible world. But if a person was lack of initiative, sluggish and indecisive during life, he will not be able to change even after death: they risk not making a choice and remaining between the worlds.

Peace and tranquility

People who managed to continue their earthly journey after the clinical death of the body, about what they managed to survive in a few minutes of being on the other side. More than half of the saved speak of meeting some non-material entity that has human outlines. Someone assures that this is the Creator of the Universe, someone speaks of an angel or Jesus Christ - but one thing remains immutable: next to this creature, there is a complete understanding of the meaning of life, all-encompassing love and boundless peace.


At the moment of separation of the ethereal essence from the physical shell, a person can hear unpleasant and disturbing sounds, similar to the noise of a raging wind, an annoying buzzing and even ringing akin to a bell. The fact is that the ethereal body at the moment of separation from the physical shell is sent to a completely different space through the tunnel: sometimes before death a person connects to it unconsciously, then the dying person says that he hears the voices of relatives who are not alive and even angelic speech.


The phrase "light at the end of the tunnel" can serve not only as a beautiful turn of speech, it is used by everyone who has experienced a state of clinical death and actually returned from the other world. , the contemplation of which was accompanied by extraordinary calmness and peace, the adoption of a new form of existence.

After death, a person sees a brightly lit tunnel

No one can say for sure whether there is life after the death of the physical body: but the numerous testimonies of people who have been on the other side inspire optimism and hope that the earthly path is only the beginning of a long journey, the duration of which is infinity.

The art of treasure hunting from A to Z: signs, protection from the Treasurer, attraction of good luck