What is the most important thing in a person's life? What is the most important thing for a producer and an artist? What is most important for.

As part of a large-scale study, a group of scientists from the UK decided to establish which aspect of human life is the most important in terms of the formation and maintenance of good health.

More than a dozen factors were analyzed, including diet, degree of physical activity, the presence or absence of mental well-being, and more. As a result, it turned out that with a slight margin from the diet, sleep won. Scientists note that in order for a person to be healthy, he must take into account absolutely all possible factors that can affect his state of health. However, healthy sleep among them is still the most important.

“Sleep affects the state of metabolism in the body. In the absence of optimal sleep, even an absolutely correct diet will lead to obesity, even physical activity that is optimal in terms of its volume will plant the heart, and even a generally correct lifestyle and the absence of a genetic predisposition will still not interfere with developing. At the same time, 80% of people in the modern world artificially create sleep problems for themselves, about 40% have medical problems with sleep, as a result of which approximately 30% of the world do not get enough sleep chronically, that is, constantly,” notes Bruce Lokk, Professor of the Sleep Laboratory at the University of Brighton School of Medicine, who commented on the results of this study.

Scientists have created a theoretical model of what humanity would look like if each of us got enough sleep. Interestingly, there would be a 50% reduction in cardiovascular mortality and a 30% reduction in morbidity. As a result, this would save the lives of 100-150 million people worldwide every year.

It is also interesting that every third person who has problems with sleep experiences difficulties not so much with its quantity, but with its quality. This is a category of people who can sleep for 9-10 hours, but still not get enough sleep. In this case, we are talking about the impact of bad habits: sitting at the computer in the evening just before going to bed, drinking a lot of sugar or alcohol before going to bed, going to bed after 12 pm, as well as actively thinking about the problems of the day already. in bed, etc. All this can seriously reduce the quality of sleep.

Vladislav Vorotnikov

What is the most important thing in a person's life? Each person defines his own value system. Some dissolve in the family, others cannot imagine life without travel, and still others conquer career heights with enviable persistence. Based only on this information, it is impossible to say about the level of development. Many people are successful in more than one area. Thus, they maintain inner harmony and do not strive to devote their energies entirely to achieving a single goal. In this article, we will talk in detail about the important aspects of life and the benefits of self-development, as well as draw up an algorithm of actions in case of loss of desire to live.

Value system - what is it?

You can define the concept of "value system" without hesitation. These are important facets of human existence, arranged in descending or ascending order.

The following factors can influence the formation of the system:

Heredity and upbringing

A new person has been born. Relatives discuss who he looks more like. And as they grow older, their opinions change to the opposite. For example, at the age of six, Vanechka was as restless as his father, and by the age of 12 he became calm and balanced, just like a grandfather on his mother's lines. What is the reason? Most will answer this question something like this: "I grew up, grew wiser, learned the most important thing." This is partly true reasoning, but not everything is so simple.

It has been scientifically proven that a person can inherit not only physical, but moral qualities. Surprisingly, it is not uncommon for a child to have the same habits as his father, even if they have not seen each other since birth. Therefore, if one of the parents was a purposeful careerist, and the second, on the contrary, was a passive couch potato in the third generation, the probability of such moral qualities in children will be equivalent. If both mother and father led an active lifestyle, thinking about personal growth, then these same qualities will dominate in the value system of their heirs.

Let's look at this factor from the point of view of education. If the atmosphere in the family was positive and the roles of each of its members were correctly distributed (the father is the breadwinner, the mother is the keeper of the hearth, regardless of whether she works or not), then the grown child will try to transfer this attitude to his family. No wonder it is believed that children repeat the program of their parents. And this is by no means mysticism, but a banal projection of the system, passed down from generation to generation.

Of course, it cannot be argued that this rule works with a 100% guarantee. Many people successfully break all patterns. In addition, in modern society this is much easier to do than a couple of hundred years ago.

It turns out that heredity and upbringing equally influence the formation of a scale of values.

Place of residence

The country, region, city and even the area of ​​​​residence also influence the worldview of a person. If in a certain area great importance is attached to the support of traditions and people honor the memory of their ancestors, show genuine respect for their elders and put the family above all other factors, then the probability of dissent there is close to zero. This example is especially relevant for small settlements where clan distribution takes place.

Social circle and personal development

Up to a certain point, the family has a great degree of influence on the formation of a person's personality. After entering the society, the significance of the influence of relatives gradually decreases, but the rules of imitation and denial begin to operate, under the influence of which the formation of beliefs and the formation of personality take place.

At the initial stage of the child's interaction with other people who are not family, it is the parents who should support him and guide him in the right direction, but at the same time not deprive him of the opportunity to choose and make decisions. A huge mistake of parents is excessive guardianship of their child and long-term protection from all sorts of conflicts and difficult situations. The faster children get the experience of communication, the more holistically their scale of values ​​is formed.

Transitional or critical moments

Almost everyone has ups and downs. And, despite the fact that some instantly become discouraged, while others prefer to fight, each force majeure event leaves its mark on the future.

Both positive and negative events can influence the rearrangement of values ​​in the system. Thus, the birth of a child can turn a zealous careerist who cannot imagine herself without work into a caring mother who devotes all her time to her beloved child. Or, on the contrary, disappointment in the love sphere can completely discourage the desire to create a family for the sake of business, travel and other joys.

It is known that extroverts are more amenable to influence than introverts (read:). Therefore, the scale of values ​​of the latter is more stable, but less meaningful. So, if an introvert needs to achieve success in three or four areas in order to feel happy or, as they often say in modern society, to be in harmony with himself, then the list of an extrovert will hardly be limited to a dozen goals and directions of development.

You can visualize the system in two ways:

  1. In the form of a pyramid.
  2. In the form of a diagram.

To clearly illustrate each option, we will give a specific example and define the main components of the system.


Maria Ivanova is an experienced housewife. Moreover, her mother also took care of the household, not attending a service for a day. The husband of Maria Ivanovna works tirelessly. Well, still, because he needs to provide not only his wife, two sons, but also his mother-in-law, a pensioner who lives with them. Therefore, Sergei Petrovich disappears at work from morning to evening. Also, on even numbers, he attends Chinese language courses, and on odd numbers, he goes to the gym. On weekends, the workaholic Petrovich leaves alone for the country in order to take a break from the noise of the city and do his favorite thing - growing fruit crops. Maria Ivanovna's passion is cooking, but she will not refuse shopping either.

Let's imagine the most important thing for Maria Ivanovna in the form of a pyramid:

We present the spheres of life of Sergei Petrovich in the form of a diagram:

The most important thing for him is work, it is necessary to provide for his family and.

Comparing the components of the life systems of both participants, one might think that the existence of Maria Ivanovna is boring and uninteresting, and the woman herself is extremely unhappy. This may be true, or it may indicate the opposite. Still, the scale of values ​​is a very individual concept.

Why do we need meaning in life?

Everyone has asked this question at least once in their life. Awareness of the value of this concept comes at a young age. It is then that people consciously set goals and develop a program to achieve them.

According to a survey conducted at a major forum, more than half of the female respondents answered that the meaning lies in the family and children, self-development is in second place. The opinions of men were divided into two camps. The first put career at the head, the second answered: "Life is the meaning."

Why do we need meaning and is it possible to live without it? Of course you can. Here the question is only the quality of life. Even if a person does not have a global goal (to develop his own business, learn Italian, travel around the world, etc.), his existence is still subject to the solution of microtasks aimed at the near future.

In order to live, a person needs the most necessary: ​​drink, food, shelter, clothing, medicine. Every day he makes an effort to meet these needs, namely, earning money. This is the meaning of life.

How to survive the loss of meaning and regain harmony

Often a person has a period when it seems that everything is in vain and there is no point in further existence. The cause of this condition can be both a tragedy that has occurred and banal fatigue. Surprisingly, it is easier to get out of a difficult situation that has occurred under the influence of external factors than in the case of internal devastation.

You can pull a person out of the "moral hole" that arose as a result of loss by filling life with a different meaning. A simple example of this statement would be the following situation:

The woman's only child died. It seems to her that everything has lost its significance. Either she herself or someone else who needs her help and support can pull this woman out of such a state. Often, mothers who have lost children decide very quickly to have a baby. Many couples after a tragedy in the family give birth or adopt children at the age of 45-55.

It is more difficult to get out of depression, as a person drives himself into a corner with his own hands and hides even more stubbornly in his shell on offers of help. The most important thing is that you should never leave such a person alone. Many people in difficult situations go crazy or take their own lives.

If you force a person to put on a smile every morning for at least a few seconds, after a while the facial muscles will begin to "smile" on their own as soon as he opens his eyes.

Therefore, in order to quickly cope with despondency, you need to disciplinedly perform a set of daily activities. The required minimum might look like this:

  1. Climb.
  2. Smile.
  3. Charger.
  4. Morning shower.
  5. Light breakfast.

Performing these manipulations daily, the body will tune in not only to save energy, but also to increase it.

About the benefits of self-development

Self-development is a set of efforts made by a person to realize his desires and improve personal qualities. It is inseparable from self-discipline. It is impossible to force a person to develop if he does not want it.

Self-development is impossible without the following actions:

  1. Ability to set specific goals.
  2. striving to achieve them.
  3. Result orientation.

Self-development and personal growth are identical concepts. People who want to achieve success in a particular field of activity strive for the goal through the disciplined implementation of a set of certain actions.

Ways of self-development:

  1. Sports activities.
  2. Reading of books.
  3. Attending trainings and workshops.
  4. Learning new.
  5. Overcoming fears.
  6. Keeping a diary or blog.

In fact, there are a lot of options for self-development. The most important thing is that everyone chooses for himself those that suit him.

By the way, people who actively engage in self-discipline are less prone to depression.

The most important condition, observing which self-development will start working for you, is regularity. Simply put, if a person does exercises once a week or studies something new through the sleeves, his actions will not bring any practical benefit.

As a result, I would like to add to all of the above that each person independently determines the most important aspects of his life and bears absolute responsibility for everything that happens to him.

Everyone has their own attitude to the meaning of life. Someone thinks that the main thing in life is to build a house, plant a tree and raise a son, but for another, none of this is necessary, he feels happy only remaining free, having fun in the company of friends and beautiful girls. But the most important thing for every man is to have a high ranking among other men.

For anyone, it is extremely important that when communicating with friends, classmates, work colleagues and just acquaintances, he has the opportunity to be proud of his achievements. Even if at the same time he exaggerates his success a little, the man does not consider this a deception. It is especially important for him to have a high rating among his peers and girls who did not reciprocate. The refusal of a girl greatly reduces the rating of a man and it is very important for him to hope that after a while he will be able to raise it.

Some argue that for them the main thing in life is to live for the sake of children. However, they are cunning, children are not the most important thing in the life of men. No matter how much a man has children, it is very important for him to know that he is able to feed and clothe them. If a man does not have such confidence, then he emotionally dies and loses interest in life. Therefore, without success, family life and children cease to please a man, he may even declare that he does not want to have children anymore.

Most the main thing for a man- this is something outside the family that brings the respect of the wife, children, relatives and friends. It can be a career, money, property and other goals that will help a man increase his rating. At the same time, the money itself, the prestige of the profession, property, an expensive car are just tools to increase the rating among other men and respect for family members. Sometimes it happens that a man occupies a high position and provides for his family well, but does not feel respect and love from his wife. This causes him great resentment, and he ceases to strive to achieve better success.

There is a big difference between young guy and mature man. The young guy is boyishly naive, but full of strength and hope that he will definitely reach the top of the rankings. For this reason, he changes jobs quite often, hoping that it will be more prestigious, goes in for sports and pumps muscles. It is important for a young man to make good money, achieve material success and look strong among other men.

mature man already married, has children and has reached a certain position in society. For him, stability at work and in the family is important, he values ​​​​the respect of colleagues and relatives. He no longer needs to prove that he is better than other men. If he loses his job or does not feel the respect of family members, then in order to protect himself from constant reproaches and quarrels, he will simply go on a binge or sit at the computer all day.

AT every man's life there are periods when, for various reasons, he cannot move up in the rating or even falls down. For example, he was an excellent specialist at work, but when he turned 60 he had to retire. This means one thing for a man - he drops out of the rating, which is tantamount to losing the meaning of life.

come like this a crisis maybe at the age of 35-40 years. When a young guy gets an education, gets a job and hopes to improve his rating soon. For several years he has been working diligently, ignoring the low salary and constant reproaches from management, since all his peers are approximately at the same rating level as himself.

However, by the age of 35, some of his peers and friends are pulling ahead, they have career growth prospect. Someone gets a promotion, someone starts their own successful business. Their incomes and material opportunities become many times greater. The lack of movement in the rating becomes in this case a real crisis for a man. That is why many men at the age of 35-40 begin to stop paying attention to their wife, are constantly silent or have mistresses, wanting to fill their spiritual emptiness.

Of course, "coolness" is also important for a woman, his reliability, the ability to provide and protect not only her, but also children. Men appreciate more women who are able to understand him and increase his rating. However, most wives, tired of their husband's endless promises and failures, stop supporting him, criticize and humiliate him, which leads to a final decrease in a man's self-esteem, and he completely stops striving to improve his rating.

Conclusion: success for a man is more important than a beloved woman and children. Help your man improve his rating, and then he will be a successful, happy, loving husband and father. To do this, do not criticize your husband and do not show discontent, but believe in him and admire his successes, even if they are insignificant. Do not try to change your man, his character and personality have already been formed. Accept him for who he is and tell him more often: "You are my best!".

08/06/2016 at 10:58


Today we will talk in this article about the importance of the “Product”. By this dry term, I mean a song, a track, a backing track, a beat, an instrumental. Whatever you like, but the essence is the same - this is the most important part of your business.

Despite the obviousness of this statement, unfortunately, not everyone pays due attention to their Product. As a result, we have a lot of unsuitable (to put it mildly) songs or minuses for listening.

Someone makes music for themselves and is happy with what they get (and this article is definitely not for them), but there are those who are serious about their work and intend to achieve high results. Here they should pay maximum attention to their Product. Because it is the basis. And the tenth thing is that you will sculpt on top, like papier-mâché. The question is what you have under the shell: emptiness or something worthwhile.

So, now a little practice on how to upgrade and promote your Product.

  1. First of all, do not rush into all serious and spam social networks with your works. You will only kill your reputation in the bud, which then will take a very long time to restore. And also cause in people a persistent rejection of your creativity, which will simply be ignored. Do everything wisely.
  2. Make more time for creativity. 60-70% creativity, 40-30% promotion/marketing. If you want people to respond positively to you and the results of your creative work, then you need to have the appropriate material. For example, change the program on which you write music. It is likely that this will change the way you approach music production and may elevate your product. Back in 1999, I started with the eJay Dance program, then switched to ACID, then discovered Fruity Loops and eventually came to Ableton and Logic Pro. And every time I change the program, I change the sound. This has clearly been beneficial. It also does not hurt to watch master classes from famous beatmakers and music producers more often. There is always something to learn, regardless of experience.
  3. Performers need to listen to other artists more often and analyze their songs, parse lyrics, arrangement and presentation. Try to copy some details you like to understand how it works and then do everything in your own way. When I was doing rap, I was a fan of the flow and rhymes of the Serpent from the Caste and tried to repeat it. But at one point, I realized that I did not have enough vocabulary. Trite. Therefore, the most important advice for artists (and not only) is to read more books. And after a few months of reading and hard work, you will notice how it becomes easier to write texts and they cease to be of the same type and monotony.
  4. The next step is to get feedback and criticism from more than just parents and friends. And here there is a very effective and useful life hack. Keep in mind the first point about the dangers of spam.
    First of all, you need to have accounts in the most popular networks: VKontakte, Instagram, Twitter, FaceBook, YouTube, etc. Regularly (I emphasize, REGULARLY) publish your work. And then engage in communication with people. And don't text them, "Hey, hi, how are you? Check out my new track/backing track/song on the wall.” Above, I already wrote what it is and how it negatively affects your reputation.
    Start chatting with people on simple, general topics, add friends, ask about their work, if they are engaged in it, listen to their work and share your opinion, and so on. Find common points of contact with people. And in return, you will definitely receive feedback on your work, and often without even having to ask for it. Because a person will see your product in his feed or go to your page and see it there, and for the sake of interest, he will definitely get acquainted with it. This is a time-consuming process, but the results are worth it, because in addition to getting feedback on your work, you will develop your base of loyal listeners and, quite possibly, fans. But be prepared for regular and long work, which will pay off with interest. This is clearly not for those who want to hit the jackpot by sitting in front of a slot machine.

This Starter Pack turned out to be useful for experienced ones, I think.

If you have any questions, then write to me in VK or in the comments below.

Good weekend.

Lev Tkachuk

Add me as a friend and write to me on VK -

On the site "Solar Hands". Why? Because the attitude to success in men and women is very different. We can say that this is one of the most significant differences in their psychology. It is in this area that a woman will never understand a man without additional efforts. This is where further clarification is needed. It is here that a woman needs help from a man in order for a woman to understand him.

Unfortunately, few men know how to correctly explain to their woman that success is the most important thing in life for him. Why is this happening? Because in the world of men, this attitude to success is taken for granted. They do not even suspect that you can relate to success in a different way. And if everyone (including women) thinks the same way as they do, or at least approximately the same way as they do, then why do you need to explain something further?

So, the world of men is arranged differently from the world of women. And the main law of male psychology sounds like this:

All actions and thoughts of a man are aimed at raising his rating among other men. This is the most important thing for a man.

A man lives in a world of imaginary ranking. At the top of this rating are the most "cool" males. The goal of any man is to get to the top of the rankings, or at least not slide down. If we conditionally divide the rating on a scale from 1 to 100, then a man feels himself somewhere in this rating.

I repeat once again that he connects any of his actions and thoughts by moving up or down the rating scale. A man does nothing for nothing. He tries to get through the rating higher or not to go down. This is such an interesting game - this is the world of a man. These rules are sometimes not obvious and operate with a certain number of reservations, but, in fact, they are.

For example, once I went in for sports. Among the group in which I was engaged, I gradually began to achieve better and better results, in other words, I moved up the rankings. At some point, I began to show the best results in my group and became quite happy.

But the coach, noticing my successes, transferred me to the Olympic reserve group. In the Olympic reserve group, my results were the latest. And although they began to grow due to more qualified training, but compared to other guys from the Olympic reserve group, I was still the last one.

What reason? After all, there seemed to be no logic. The results are growing. There are interesting trips around the country for training. Free meals appeared, a more qualified coach, etc.

If you understand this example, you will understand a lot in the behavior of your partner. It turns out that, for example, quite often a straightforward promotion at work, changing jobs to a more prestigious one, with much higher wages, does not necessarily increase a man's rating.

Rating is to be the first among other males. If at the previous job the man was the first, that is, at the top of the rating, and at the new job he will be at the bottom of the rating, then most likely such a move from job to job may be a mistake. It is important for every man to make good money.

Of course, we are talking about those cases when, for some reason, at a new job, a man will not be able to start moving up the imaginary rating pyramid in a relatively short time.

Therefore, if you want your man to become more successful, then it is advisable to encourage him to succeed in precisely those areas where he can go to the top of the rankings, to the highest places. Maybe it's not necessarily the first place, but it should be definitely above average.

To put it another way, the salary, the prestige of the profession are just tools to increase the rating among other men. If the salary is high and the prestige of the profession is high, but the man feels himself at the bottom of the ranking and it is impossible to move up, then most likely the profession was chosen incorrectly.

The man is at the bottom of the list. Wrote and like nothing terrible here. In fact, for a man, this is an earthly hell. Being the ugliest girl is a trifle compared to being at the bottom of the rankings for a man. After all, something can be done with beauty, now there is plastic surgery, and much more. And what to do with the rating?

Of course, now people have learned to behave relatively politely. But, nevertheless, this is not the best position for a man. Once there, he will lose confidence, start to get sick, sometimes drink, sometimes something else. A man is also unlikely to be able to keep money and prestige. How to increase your income, you will learn from my article "How to earn twice as much as now" .

Therefore, if you have a man, then evaluate his success and rating not only in terms of generally accepted measures of success, such as prestige and money. Understand that these are just tools to improve your rankings, and sometimes not.

Beware of sending your man to those places where he will earn more money due to the rating. This exchange is always a loser in the long run.

Exercise. There are several career options for your man. Which option do you prefer and why? Which option do you think is more preferable after reading the article about the rating?

Successful promotion on the rating scale, retention of the rating - this is the meaning of life for a man. If the meaning of life exists, then the man is healthy, active, energetic, cheerful, happy, self-confident. Read my book on how to develop confidence. How to become self-confident in 3 months. (The book is suitable for both men and women)

A few examples to make it clearer.

I have already given this example, but I will give it again. Let's say that a woman and a man are engaged in self-improvement. At the same time, it doesn’t matter what to improve - the body, character, the development of some abilities.

The goal of a woman in these classes is to become more perfect. At least that's usually the main goal. To become more perfect than other women is usually a deeply secondary point.

For men, as you probably already understood, the main motive for self-improvement is to become better than other men. Just a little, but better. The motive to become just better for yourself is also present, but it is usually deeply secondary.

Those activities that do not lead to an increase in the rating of a man among other men are usually avoided by him. After all, they, in his opinion, are completely meaningless.

The goal of a man, if he goes to the theater with you, always looks different. Having fun is secondary. The main thing is to increase your rating due to such a trip to the theater.

Since it is usually quite difficult for a man to increase his rating by going to the theater (to go somehow so that you can show off or otherwise earn more respect from other men), they avoid these theaters as much as they can.

Although, of course, exceptions are possible. Remember the fairly well-known film Pretty Woman, where the protagonist, a young billionaire from the United States, performs quite a lot of rating actions in the film.

One of the rating actions is a trip to the opera in Italy. I have no doubt that the hero of the film loved opera music. But going to Italy in a private jet and taking the best (expensive) seats at the opera is at least a 50% rating act.

Even cooking can be a rating occupation, if this occupation is valued among men (for example, culinary specialists), if he earns a good living in this way (chef), or if this skill is valued among men of his nationality.

An exercise. Try to understand what ratings your man participates in. Where does he try to emerge victorious, where does he try to be better than others? Sometimes it is easier to do this by analyzing the actions of not only himself, but also his environment.

I will not write much about this, I think, and so everything is clear. There are two options here. The first option is that men do not accept someone into their company and into the rating system.

Then it does not matter what successes a man has, because no one wants to compete with him.

This usually happens if a man is something very different from others. Usually these are not even some kind of internal beliefs, but unusual behavior, appearance.

If such unusual behavior is removed and the appearance is brought into line, then the man can be accepted into the rating.

That is, it is enough to make a Mohawk hairstyle and dye it crimson to be accepted as one of your own. Sometimes, on the contrary, you need to put on a suit, learn a few clever words, and the man will also be his own. Another option is to find people like him.

The second option is that a man, for some reason, cannot move up in the rating or even falls down.

This happens periodically with almost every male, regardless of his personal merits and efforts.

For example, there was a fighter pilot of the highest class. And now he was 40 years old and it's time to retire. Or maybe you can not retire, but go to fly on some kind of cargo plane. Maybe even such a pilot is not 40 years old, but simply for some reason his eyesight has decreased or somewhere else his health has slightly decreased.

As it is often written, men have an age crisis closer to 35-40 years. In fact, a crisis in men can be at any age, and it is connected with the fact that he cannot move up in the rating or his rating is declining.

But at 35-40 years old, this happens to many males. An ordinary man, after receiving an education, comes to work and receives a relatively low rating. He is perceived by him quite normally, since peers are approximately the same as he is, and there is a growth prospect.

And usually the rating goes up for a while. A man becomes a professional of some level, his income usually grows. However, by about age 35, this normal growth stops. To grow further, you must already be able to do this, make certain efforts above the average, which not everyone is capable of.

Therefore, promotion in the rating stops. And I would even say more, the rating is starting to decline. After all, some of the male peers at the age of 35 begin to break far ahead. That is, someone gets a raise, where income is higher at times. Someone starts his own successful business, where income is ten times higher.

Women do not have a crisis or it is very weakly expressed at this age, because women do not have a rating. Well, there is some kind of rating decrease, a woman may not even notice it.

For example, one of the girlfriends went up sharply and began to earn 5 times more than other girlfriends. If these are the most ordinary women, and not superfeminists, then the rest of the friends will not feel a significant change in the rating, especially if everything is fine in their family.

If, for example, there were 4 friends and three of them suddenly burst far ahead, then the lagging behind will have a real existential crisis.

And if a man has such a crisis, then he can do some completely irrational actions that are clearly not good for him. (It is useless to explain) For example, he may start drinking, doing nothing, becoming irritable with his wife, cheating on his wife, yelling at someone at work, although there is no other job in his city, etc.

Deciphering Law No. 4.

Many psychological things try to convince us that there is no rating, or rather, it is only in our ego. Therefore, a man is not better than others and not worse, he is just different. You need to realize this and not compare yourself with others, but compare yourself only with your own achievements.

You need to understand what is being said in such statements.

I decipher these statements as follows. Suppose a man is playing tennis with some partner. Constantly looking at the score (rating) is a rather stupid thing to do. You need to focus on the game and remove your attention from the account in the game. It only hinders the game itself.

Even better is to focus on the reasons leading to a high ranking. That is, not even in a specific game, but in training, training methods, etc. This is what will lead to a high rating later.

Denying a rating in principle is a very stupid thing to do. This is the same as taking away the meaning of life from a man. And many of those who deny it have reached a very high rating and only talk about what I wrote about above.

This, as you understand, is nothing more than an attempt to devalue what is not available. If it is not possible to move up the rating, even if you really wanted to, then a negative rating reaction may occur.

It seems like I didn’t really want to become the first, and indeed these achievements are nonsense. It is useless to convince a man in this case. After all, this is the same as telling him that he is at the very bottom of the rating. He probably won't want to hear it.

If success is so important to your partner, then the question is, how can you help them succeed?

You read the answer above. Telling women about how to make a man successful, without talking in detail about the rating system of a man, is the same as talking about women and not saying a word about the fact that family, children, and appearance are important for a woman.

It is necessary to contribute only to what the partner already wants. Then success will be hundreds of times easier. But in order to understand what he wants, you need to understand the rating system in principle for men and for the specific one as well. If you understand it, then you already have a base from which you can push off.

Once again, the most important thing in this article. Rating is everything for a man. Rating is the life of a man. Happiness for a man is moving up in a rating that is significant for him, or being in the top positions. Depression is a movement down the rankings or just being at the bottom of the rankings. The choice of a woman is also largely determined by whether she will increase his rating as a man or reduce it.

I'm assuming that you've read this chapter on ranking several times and are now wondering what specific benefit it can bring to you?

Let's try to draw some conclusions, shall we?

If you want to please a man, then learn how to raise his rating. If you want something from a man who is not very simple, then learn to speak in terms of ratings. If you do not want something from a man, then also speak in terms of rating. If you want a man to come to life and begin to show interest in life, then show him how you can raise his rating. Take away a rating from a man without giving him a replacement, and he will psychologically wither.

Of course, there are other ways to please or convince. But the methods associated with changing the rating are the most powerful, long-term, and often you can’t buy them for money. (partially only)

It is not necessary that when a man starts earning more and working in a more prestigious profession, he will feel like a more rated male, although, of course, a prestigious profession and money are important criteria.

Rating is more about superiority among other men, rather than absolute numbers. Therefore, when you make a decision to contribute to the success of your man, then first of all take into account the rating, and not income and prestige. Sometimes a high rating and a higher income, prestige are the same thing for a particular man, and sometimes they are different things.

Do not even think that by pushing a man into a profession with a higher income and prestige, but where a man feels like the last one, you will make yourself better. Soon this man will not hold on to this position, and besides this, he may begin to blame you for everything. (Whether he will do it right or not is not important at the moment)

If a man leaves for a profession where he has a high rating or at least the potential for growth, then usually a higher income does not take long. (Although sometimes this point needs to be specially considered)

Here I sometimes hear stories that a woman tried, tried for a man, he began to make a career because of these efforts, and then left her.

This story, as you probably understand, is not very true. There are always two things to keep in mind:

- A man made a career when a woman was around,

- The man made a career because this woman was around.

These are completely different things. If a woman was just there and even sometimes sacrificed something, in her opinion, for a man, washed him, fed him, did something for him (you don’t need to do it for him, you need help so that he does it himself), etc. etc., this does not mean at all that a man under her influence made his career. Such women, who did not take part in increasing the rating of a man, but simply were there, are indeed a little more likely to be abandoned. But the reason here is not at all that the husband has made a career. After all, they also throw those women whose husband did not make any career.

And vice versa. If a woman was directly involved in raising the rating of a man, then men do not abandon such women, or these are some kind of exceptions to the rules.

Again, I'll clarify. The role of a woman is to increase the rating of a man, and not only from purely selfish motives to increase her rating at the expense of a man. If, as I gave an example, a woman pushes a man where he obviously does not want to (and not just lazy or afraid), if a woman pushes a man up only because of her interests, not appreciating the man at all, then I would not say that a woman raises a man's rating.

In other words, help a man achieve superiority over other men in those areas where he himself wants it, but cannot achieve it due to laziness, lack of energy, lack of wisdom, caution, fears, lack of self-esteem, etc. Men rarely forget such help and are grateful for it for many decades.

Sincerely, Rashid Kirranov.