What can be detected by the tyndall effect. light scattering

***An apple fell on Newton, the Chinese admired the drops on the lotus flowers, and John Tyndall, probably walking through the forest, noticed a cone of light. Story? Maybe. But it is in honor of the last hero that one of the most beautiful effects of our world is named - the Tyndall effect....***

Light scattering is one of the general characteristics of highly dispersed systems.

Under side illumination of a dispersed system, a characteristic iridescent, as a rule, bluish glow is observed, which is especially clearly visible against a dark background.

This property, associated with the scattering of light by particles of the dispersed phase, is called opalescence, from the name of opal - opalus (lat.), A translucent mineral of a bluish or yellowish-white color. In 1868, he discovered that when a colloidal solution is illuminated from the side with a beam of light from a strong source, a bright uniformly luminous cone is observed - Tyndall cone, or Tyndall effect, while in the case of a low molecular weight solution, the liquid appears to be optically empty, i.e. the trace of the beam is invisible.

on the left - 1% starch solution, on the right - water.

The Tyndall effect occurs during scattering by suspended particles, the size of which exceeds the size of atoms by tens of times. When the suspension particles are enlarged to sizes of the order of 1/20 of the wavelength of light (from about 25 nm and above), the scattering becomes polychromatic, that is, the light begins to scatter evenly over the entire visible color range from violet to red. As a result, the Tyndall effect disappears. That's why dense fog or cumulus clouds appear white to us - they consist of a dense suspension of water dust with particle diameters from microns to millimeters, which is well above the Tyndall scattering threshold.
You might think that the sky looks blue to us due to the Tyndall effect, but it is not. In the absence of clouds or smoke, the sky turns blue-blue due to the scattering of "daylight" on air molecules. This type of scattering is called Rayleigh scattering (after Sir Rayleigh). Rayleigh scattering scatters blue and blue light even more than the Tyndall effect: for example, blue light with a wavelength of 400 nm scatters in clean air nine times stronger than red light with a wavelength of 700 nm. This is why the sky appears blue to us - sunlight scatters over the entire spectral range, but in the blue part of the spectrum it is almost an order of magnitude stronger than in the red. The ultraviolet rays that cause sunburn are even more scattered. That is why the tan is distributed fairly evenly over the body, covering even those areas of the skin that are not exposed to direct sunlight.

Gerasimenko Evgeniya

This presentation is devoted to the description of the Tyndall Effect and its practical application.



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Completed by: student of grade 11 "B" Evgenia Gerasimenko Checked by: chemistry teacher Yurkina T.I. 2012/2013 academic year tyndall effect

John Tyndall Irish physicist and engineer. Born in Lylin Bridge, County Carlow. After graduating from high school, he worked as a topographer-surveyor in military organizations and in the construction of railways. At the same time he graduated from the Mechanical Institute in Preston. Dismissed from the military geodetic service for protesting against poor working conditions. He taught at Queenwood College (Hampshire), while continuing his self-education. In 1848–51 listened to lectures at Marburg and Berlin universities. Returning to England, he became a teacher, and then a professor at the Royal Institute in London. The main works of the scientist are devoted to magnetism, acoustics, absorption of thermal radiation by gases and vapors, light scattering in turbid media. Studied the structure and movement of glaciers in the Alps. Tyndall was extremely passionate about the idea of ​​popularizing science. He regularly gave public lectures, often in the form of free lectures for everyone: for workers in the factory yards at lunchtime, Christmas lectures for children at the Royal Institute. Tyndall's fame as a popularizer also reached the other side of the Atlantic - the entire print run of the American edition of his book Fragments of Science was sold out in one day. He died an absurd death in 1893: while preparing dinner, the scientist's wife (who outlived him by 47 years) mistakenly used one of the chemical reagents stored in the kitchen instead of table salt.

Description Tyndall effect - the glow of an optically inhomogeneous medium due to the scattering of light passing through it. It is caused by the diffraction of light on individual particles or elements of the structural inhomogeneity of the medium, the size of which is much smaller than the wavelength of the scattered light. It is typical for colloidal systems (for example, hydrosols, tobacco smoke) with a low concentration of particles of the dispersed phase, which have a refractive index different from the refractive index of the dispersion medium. It is usually observed as a light cone on a dark background (Tyndall's cone) when a focused light beam is passed from the side through a glass cell with plane-parallel walls filled with a colloidal solution. The short-wave component of white (non-monochromatic) light is scattered by colloidal particles stronger than the long-wave component, therefore the Tyndall cone formed by it in non-absorbing ash has a blue tint. The Tyndall effect is essentially the same as opalescence. But traditionally, the first term refers to the intense scattering of light in a limited space along the path of the beam, and the second term refers to the weak scattering of light by the entire volume of the observed object.

The Tyndall effect is perceived by the naked eye as a uniform glow of some part of the volume of the light-scattering system. The light comes from individual dots - diffraction spots, well distinguishable under an optical microscope with sufficiently strong illumination of the diluted sol. The intensity of the light scattered in a given direction (at constant parameters of the incident light) depends on the number of scattering particles and their size.

Timing Initiation time (log to -12 to -6); Lifetime (log tc -12 to 15); Degradation time (log td -12 to -6); Optimal development time (log tk -9 to -7). Technical implementation of the effect The effect can be easily observed when a helium-neon laser beam is passed through a colloidal solution (simply uncolored starch jelly). Diagram

Application of the effect Based on the Tyndall effect, methods for detecting, determining the size and concentration of colloidal particles (ultramicroscopy, nephelometry are widely used in scientific research and industrial practice).

Example. Ultramicroscope. An ultramicroscope is an optical instrument for detecting the smallest (colloidal) particles whose dimensions are smaller than the resolution limit of conventional light microscopes. The possibility of detecting such particles using an ultramicroscope is due to the diffraction of light on them by the Tyndall effect. With strong side illumination, each particle in the ultramicroscope is marked by the observer as a bright point (luminous diffraction spot) against a dark background. Due to diffraction on the smallest particles, there is very little light, therefore, as a rule, strong light sources are used in an ultramicroscope. Depending on the intensity of illumination, the wavelength of light, the difference between the refractive indices of the particle and the medium, particles ranging in size from 20-50 nm to 1-5 μm can be detected. It is impossible to determine the true size, shape and structure of particles from diffraction spots. The ultramicroscope does not provide optical images of the objects under study. However, using an ultramicroscope, it is possible to determine the presence and number concentration of particles, study their movement, and also calculate the average size of particles if their weight concentration and density are known. In the scheme of a slit ultramicroscope (Fig. 1a), the system under study is immobile.

In the scheme of a slit ultramicroscope, the system under study is motionless. Schematic diagram of a slit microscope. Cuvette 5 with the object under study is illuminated by a light source 1 (2 - capacitor, 4 - lighting lens) through a narrow rectangular slit 3, the image of which is projected into the observation area. In the eyepiece of the observation microscope 6, luminous dots of particles located in the image plane of the slit are visible. Above and below the illuminated area, the presence of particles is not detected.

In a flow ultramicroscope, the studied particles move along the tube towards the observer's eye. Schematic diagram of a flow microscope Crossing the illumination zone, they are registered as bright flashes visually or using a photometric device. By adjusting the brightness of the illumination of the observed particles by the movable photometric wedge 7, it is possible to single out for registration particles whose size exceeds a predetermined limit. Using a modern in-line ultramicroscope with a laser light source and optoelectronic particle detection system, the concentration of particles in aerosols is determined in the range from 1 to 109 particles per 1 cm3, and the particle size distribution functions are also found. Ultramicroscopes are used in the study of dispersed systems, to control the purity of atmospheric air. Water, the degree of contamination of optically transparent media with foreign inclusions.

Used literature 1. Physics. Big Encyclopedic Dictionary.- M.: Big Russian Encyclopedia, 1999.- P.90, 460. 2. New Polytechnical Dictionary.- M.: Big Russian Encyclopedia, 2000.- P.20, 231, 460. Key words optical glow inhomogeneous two-phase medium light scattering disperse medium

Tyndall cone

It seems that flour dissolved in water has a blue color. This effect is explained by the fact that the blue light is scattered by the flour particles more strongly than the red light.

Tyndall effect, Tyndall scattering(English) Tyndall effect) - optical effect, light scattering when a light beam passes through an optically inhomogeneous medium. Usually seen as a glowing cone ( Tyndall cone) visible against a dark background. Characteristic of solutions of colloidal systems (e.g. sols, metals, diluted latexes, tobacco smoke) in which the particles and their environment differ in refractive index. A number of optical methods for determining the size, shape and concentration of colloidal particles and macromolecules are based on the Tyndall effect. The Tyndall effect is named after John Tyndall, who discovered it.


Sunbeams passing through the fog

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Tyndall's cone" is in other dictionaries:

    Tyndall cone- (Tyndall effect) - scattering of light by particles of a colloidal solution, allowing you to see the direction of the beam of light passing through the colloidal solution. General chemistry: textbook / A. V. Zholnin ... Chemical terms

    Appearance of a luminous cone on a darker background (Tyndall's cone) upon scattering of light with a wavelength K in a turbid medium with dimensions h » 0.1l. Named after the English physicist J. Tyndall, who discovered the effect; characteristic of colloidal ... ... Physical Encyclopedia

    Scattering of light in turbid media with sizes of scattering inhomogeneities? 0.1 0.2 wavelengths of light. The scattered beam of light, when viewed from the side, has the form of a bluish cone on a dark background (Tyndall's cone). Studied by J. Tyndall (1868). On the… … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Tyndall scattering, Scattering of light during the passage of a light beam through an optically inhomogeneous medium. It is usually observed as a luminous cone (Tyndall's cone) visible against a dark background. Characteristic for solutions of colloidal systems (See ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Scattering of light in turbid media with sizes of scattering inhomogeneities Tyndall effect 0.1 0.2 wavelengths of light. The scattered beam of light, when viewed from the side, has the form of a bluish cone on a dark background (Tyndall's cone). Studied by J. Tyndall ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Scattering of light in turbid media with dimensions of scattering inhomogeneities of 0.1 0.2 wavelengths of light. The scattered beam of light, when viewed from the side, has the form of a bluish cone on a dark background (Tyndall's cone). Studied by J. Tyndall (1868). On T. e ... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

    Sunbeams passing through fog ... Wikipedia

    It seems that flour dissolved in water has a blue color. This effect is explained by the fact that the blue light is scattered by the flour particles more strongly than the red light. Tyndall effect, Tyndall scattering (eng. Tyndall effect) optical effect, scattering ... ... Wikipedia

    Tyndall effect

    Tyndall scattering- Tyndall Effect Tyndall effect (Tyndall scattering) Scattering of light during the passage of a light beam through an optically inhomogeneous medium. It is usually observed as a luminous cone (Tyndall's cone) visible against a dark background. Typical for... Explanatory English-Russian Dictionary of Nanotechnology. - M.

Lesson objectives:

Educational: to acquaint students with the optical properties of colloidal solutions.

Developing: expand students' understanding of the optical properties of colloidal solutions. To develop their cognitive activity and the ability to highlight the main thing in visual information.

Nurturing: continue to cultivate attentiveness, observation, aesthetic feelings, the ability to handle technology.

Visual aids: computer, screen, projector.

Technology: lecture using TCO (computer technology).

Stages of the lesson: I Organizational part

Light scattering in colloidal solutions. Tyndall-Faraday effect

The optical properties of colloidal solutions are determined by light scattering in colloidal solutions, the color of colloidal solutions, the absorption of light by colloids, the reflection of light by the particle surface, as well as ultramicroscopic, electron microscopic, and x-ray properties. Very often colloidal systems are colored. The color changes depending on the degree of dispersion, the chemical nature of the particles and their shape, since these factors affect the scattering and adsorption of light. Sols of metals with a high degree of dispersion are usually red or dark yellow, and metals with a low degree of dispersion are violet or pale blue. For example, with a higher degree of fineness, gold sols acquire a red color, and with a low degree, violet and pale blue. The color of metal sols also depends on the length of the absorbed light wave. Searchlight beam, fog, smoke are colorless. The blue color of the sky is due to the light scattering of sunlight in the layers of air.

If the particle size is greater than the wavelength of light, then, according to the law of geometric optics, light is reflected from the surface of the particle. However, if the particles are smaller than the wavelength of light, then among the observed optical phenomena, light scattering takes place. Therefore, when light passes through colloid-dispersed and coarsely dispersed systems, light is scattered by particles of the dispersed phase. If you direct a beam of a light beam at a dispersed system, its path is visible when viewed from the side in the form of a luminous cone. This phenomenon was studied first by Faraday, and then in more detail by Tyndall. Therefore, this phenomenon is called the Tyndall-Faraday effect.

To observe the Tyndall-Faraday effect, the dispersed system (C) is poured into a tetrahedral glass container (cuvette), a dark curtain is placed in front of the cuvette and illuminated with a projection lamp (A) (Fig. 8). In this experiment, a luminous cone is formed, the cause of which is the scattering of light by colloidal particles, and as a result, each particle seems to be a point that gives light. The process of light scattering by tiny particles is called opalescence. In true aqueous solutions, in a mixture of pure liquids, light is scattered in negligible amounts and therefore the Tyndall-Faraday effect is not observed. It can be seen only in a special device. Sometimes outwardly it is not possible to distinguish a true solution from a colloidal one, and to establish whether a given solution is a colloid or a true solution, the Tyndall-Faraday effect is used. The intensity of the Tyndall-Faraday effect increases with an increase in the degree of dispersion of the sol, and when a certain degree of dispersion is reached, it reaches a maximum and then decreases. In coarsely dispersed systems (due to the fact that the particle size is greater than the wavelength of light), light is reflected from the surface of the particle at a certain angle, and as a result, light reflection is observed.

Coarsely dispersed systems equally reflect light waves of different lengths. If white light falls on the system, then the reflected light will also be white.

The process of scattering of light waves by colloidal particles depends on the length of the light wave. According to the Rayleigh law, the intensity of light scattering in a colloidal system, due to diffraction, is proportional to the number of particles, the square of the particle volume, and is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the wavelength of the incident light.

Here J0? scattered light intensity, J? incident light intensity, v- numerical concentration, V? particle volume, n1- refractive index of the dispersed phase, n2? refractive index of the dispersion medium, k is a constant depending on the intensity of the incident light and on the difference between the refractive indices of the dispersed phase and the dispersion medium, l- length of light wave, nm.

Meaning n1 in this equation depends on the nature of the substance. If a n1 and n2 are equal to each other, then in such systems the Tyndall-Faraday effect is not observed. The greater the difference between the refractive indices of the dispersed phase and the dispersion medium, the more clearly the Tyndall-Faraday effect is observed.

The Rayleigh equation is applicable only for such colloidal solutions in which the particle size is not more than 0.1 wavelength of light. It can be seen from the equation that the intensity of light scattering is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the wavelength and therefore shorter waves are formed during the scattering process. Therefore, when lateral illumination of a colloidal solution with polychromatic (white) light, colloidal solutions have a bluish color.

The appearance of a luminous cone on a dark background when light is scattered in a turbid medium with particle sizes an order of magnitude smaller than the wavelength of light



Tyndall effect - the glow of an optically inhomogeneous medium due to the scattering of light passing through it. It is caused by the diffraction of light on individual particles or elements of the structural inhomogeneity of the medium, the size of which is much smaller than the wavelength of the scattered light. Characteristic for colloidal systems (for example, hydrosols, tobacco smoke) with a low concentration of particles of the dispersed phase, having a refractive index different from the refractive index of the dispersion medium. It is usually observed as a light cone on a dark background (Tyndall's cone) when a focused light beam is passed from the side through a glass cell with plane-parallel walls filled with a colloidal solution. The short-wave component of white (non-monochromatic) light is scattered by colloidal particles stronger than the long-wave component, therefore the Tyndall cone formed by it in non-absorbing ash has a blue tint.

The Tyndall effect is essentially the same as opalescence. But traditionally the first term refers to the intense scattering of light in a limited space along the beam, and the second - to the weak scattering of light by the entire volume of the observed object.

The Tyndall effect is perceived by the naked eye as a uniform glow of some part of the volume of the light-scattering system. The light comes from individual dots - diffraction spots, well distinguishable under an optical microscope with sufficiently strong illumination of the diluted sol. The intensity of the light scattered in a given direction (at constant parameters of the incident light) depends on the number of scattering particles and their size.


Initiation time (log to -12 to -6);

Lifetime (log tc -12 to 15);

Degradation time (log td -12 to -6);

Optimal development time (log tk -9 to -7).


Technical realizations of the effect

Technical implementation of the effect

The effect can be easily observed when passing a helium-neon laser beam through a colloidal solution (simply uncolored starch jelly).

Applying an effect

Based on the Tyndall effect, methods for detecting, determining the size and concentration of colloidal particles (ultramicroscopy, nephelometry are widely used in scientific research and industrial practice).

Example. Ultramicroscope.

An ultramicroscope is an optical instrument for detecting the smallest (colloidal) particles whose dimensions are smaller than the resolution limit of conventional light microscopes. The possibility of detecting such particles using an ultramicroscope is due to the diffraction of light on them by the Tyndall effect. With strong side illumination, each particle in the ultramicroscope is marked by the observer as a bright point (luminous diffraction spot) against a dark background. Due to diffraction on the smallest particles, there is very little light, therefore, as a rule, strong light sources are used in an ultramicroscope. Depending on the intensity of illumination, the wavelength of light, the difference between the refractive indices of the particle and the medium, particles ranging in size from 20-50 nm to 1-5 μm can be detected. It is impossible to determine the true size, shape and structure of particles from diffraction spots. The ultramicroscope does not provide optical images of the objects under study. However, using an ultramicroscope, it is possible to determine the presence and number concentration of particles, study their movement, and also calculate the average size of particles if their weight concentration and density are known.

In the scheme of a slit ultramicroscope (Fig. 1a), the system under study is immobile.

Schematic diagram of a slit microscope

Rice. 1a

Cuvette 5 with the object under study is illuminated by a light source 1 (2 - capacitor, 4 - lighting lens) through a narrow rectangular slit 3, the image of which is projected into the observation area. In the eyepiece of the observation microscope 6, luminous dots of particles located in the image plane of the slit are visible. Above and below the illuminated area, the presence of particles is not detected.

In a flow ultramicroscope (Fig. 1b), the studied particles move along the tube towards the observer's eye.

Schematic diagram of a flow microscope

Rice. 1b

Crossing the illumination zone, they are registered as bright flashes visually or using a photometric device. By adjusting the brightness of the illumination of the observed particles with a movable photometric wedge 7 , it is possible to isolate for registration particles whose size exceeds a given limit. Using a modern in-line ultramicroscope with a laser light source and optoelectronic particle detection system, the concentration of particles in aerosols is determined in the range from 1 to 109 particles per 1 cm3, and the particle size distribution functions are also found.