Deja vu: what is this condition, its features and treatment. What is deja vu: mystical experience or mental illness

A large number of specialists are studying the question of why the deja vu effect occurs. Numerous versions are based on the opinion that this false memory provokes malfunctions in the brain. Each of the scientific disciplines explains the cause and mechanism of these failures in its own way.

How does this condition manifest itself?

This term is based on the French expression "déjà vu", which in translation sounds like "already seen." This state is manifested by a clear understanding that the surrounding circumstances or ongoing events have already happened before, although you are sure that nothing like this has happened before. You may recognize a stranger, remember a room you've never been to, or a book you haven't read before.

A characteristic feature is the absence of an exact date of the event in the past with which the memories are associated. That is, you know for sure that it has already happened, but you cannot remember exactly when. This feeling does not last long, usually a few seconds, and sometimes a person only after a few minutes realizes what happened to him.

The first person to ask why deja vu occurs was a psychologist from France, Emile Bouarac. Subsequently, representatives of such fields of science as psychiatry, biology, physiology, and parapsychology joined the study of this topic. Adepts of the occult disciplines were no less interested in this phenomenon.

The main difficulty lies in the fact that all the processes that provoke and control false memories occur in the brain and any intervention can lead to negative changes in the work and structure of this organ.

The opinion of modern physiologists about why deja vu occurs

Researchers from the University of Massachusetts claim that the phenomenon of false memories originates in the temporal region of the brain, which is called the hippocampus.

On this assumption is based the main opinion of modern physiologists about why there is a feeling of deja vu. The function of the hippocampus is to compare and compare new and existing information in the human memory. It is this part of the brain that allows you to distinguish and compare events that occurred in the past and in the present.

For example, a person sees a book in front of him for the first time. The hippocampus analyzes information by comparing it with data that exists in memory. With the normal functionality of the brain, a person understands that he had not come across this book before.

If the hippocampus fails, then the information seen immediately enters the memory center without being analyzed. After a second or two, the failure is eliminated and the hippocampus re-processes the information. Turning to the memory center, where there is already data about the book, the temporal lobe informs the person that this printed publication has already met them before. Thus, false memories arise.

According to scientists, the reasons for such failures can be:

  • changes in atmospheric pressure;
  • physical fatigue;
  • nervous tension;
  • mental disorders.

The American scientist Burnham refutes this statement. He believes that this state develops when a person is completely relaxed and free from thoughts, experiences, anxieties. At such moments, the subconscious mind begins to work faster and anticipate the moments that will happen in the future.

Why deja vu happens - the opinion of psychologists and psychiatrists

Psychologists believe that the emergence of erroneous memories is a protective mechanism of the human body. Getting into an unfamiliar situation, a person experiences stress. To avoid this, he begins to look for some elements or circumstances that are familiar to him. Not finding the necessary information in the memory, the brain invents it.

Some psychiatrists believe that this condition is a symptom of a mental disorder. In addition to deja vu, such patients suffer from other memory disorders. If left untreated, false memories develop into dangerous and prolonged hallucinations, under the influence of which the patient can harm both himself and those around him.

Known for his work in psychiatry, Sigmund Freud believed that deja vu is a previously experienced real situation, the memories of which were “hidden”. For example, you watched a movie that caused unpleasant or traumatic situations. To protect you, the brain "moved" information about this event into the subconscious. Then, under the influence of various factors, the image comes out.

Why the déjà vu effect occurs - the answer of metaphysicians

There is another theory from the field of metaphysics. According to this philosophical doctrine, a person simultaneously exists in the past, present and future. These planes never intersect with each other and in a conscious state people perceive only the present time. Memories of what was not arise when, due to failures, the intersection of these parallel dimensions occurs.

What do people say about why there is a feeling of deja vu

A simpler and more popular opinion among the people defines this state as a remembered dream that was dreamed earlier. The person does not remember that there was such a dream, but data about it exist in the subconscious. People who believe in the transmigration of the soul believe that in a previous reincarnation they already experienced this situation.

Most often, they remember what was not, doctors of sciences and people with a high level of intelligence. Other interesting facts and theories are presented in this video:

According to statistics, about 97% of people have experienced this phenomenon. Experts recommend that those who have experienced this condition for the first time not to give in to anxiety. At the same time, with frequently recurring phenomena, it does not hurt to consult a psychologist or other specialist in this field.

Perhaps one of the most famous psychological and psychiatric terms is the “déjà vu effect”. Today it is used quite often, but it is not always understood what, in fact, it is and under what circumstances the effect occurs.

Deja vu, or a false memory, has happened to each of us at least once. This is a distinct feeling that the situation in which you find yourself has already been in your life, and the event that is happening at the moment is only repeating itself. At the same time, you know for sure that nothing like this has ever happened to you before.

The name of this state is borrowed from French: "déja vu" in translation means "already seen." It was first described by the French psychologist E. Bouarak at the end of the nineteenth century. As a rule, the feeling of deja vu does not last long, no more than a few seconds, and the person barely has time to realize what is happening to him, as it disappears.

The opposite state is also observed in people, which, by analogy, is called jamais vu- "never seen". During “jamevu”, a person in a well-known environment suddenly ceases to recognize his surroundings: it seems to him that he has ended up in a completely unfamiliar place and is talking to unknown people.

This condition, too, is usually short-term and unpredictable, moreover, it is much less common than deja vu.

Today, there are many different theories and assumptions about what constitutes deja vu. Some believe that these are memories of those who dreamed once and suddenly emerged from the depths of memory. Others - that these are manifestations of the subconscious work of the brain, when the amount of accumulated and processed information suddenly at some point moves to a new level.

The most fantastic theory says that at these moments a person suddenly becomes able to perceive information from the future, and his consciousness, not accustomed to such phenomena, automatically translates it into a form of memory familiar to perception.

As a rule, deja vu occurs rarely: an ordinary person experiences it only a few times in his life. But even those people who have this condition quite often can never predict its onset in advance. Therefore, a direct study of the human condition during deja vu using modern methods is almost impossible.

Researchers rely only on information obtained by interviewing patients and systematizing data about their health status.

According to the physiological theory of deja vu, this condition occurs due to an imbalance in the activity of the brain lobes. Today it is known that the frontal part is responsible for the perception of the future, the temporal part is responsible for understanding the past, and the main part of the brain that lies between them is responsible for processing current information.

It is believed that with a heavy load experienced by the brain, the number of connections between its lobes increases dramatically, and at this moment confusion can occur, the consequence of which is a feeling of deja vu.

Some people may experience deja vu very often, and it is only natural that this causes them to worry about the state of their psyche. First of all, when the “attack of deja vu” begins, you need to calm down and stop panicking.

Often, subsequently, a person becomes convinced that in fact there was no exact repetition of the previously allegedly seen situation. It is possible that something similar happened to you once, but then you realize the difference in details or you are convinced that the memory is false and is dictated by fatigue, excitement or a desire for vivid impressions.

If the feeling of deja vu appeared for the first or second time in your life, you should not be scared at all, since this is a completely normal phenomenon that is characteristic of all people without exception.

QUESTION №121. What is deja vu, how and where does it come from?

What does science know about the phenomenon of deja vu?

The site " - about deja vu" is reported.

“It is human nature to experience different feelings, to rejoice or to be indignant. In addition to the usual emotions, unforeseen and unclear ones may arise - a feeling of reality lived in the past, it is customary to call it a specific phenomenon.

What is deja vu and how “falsely experienced” information enters our mind, even scientists have not figured it out exactly. The term deja vu is of French origin: “déjà vu” in translation sounds like “already seen” (or its analogue “déjà vecu” - “deja vu - already experienced”).

it a short-term state of the human psyche, when he perceives the current situation as he had seen before ... There is no logical explanation for the deja vu effect, but psychologists recognize this phenomenon as real and inherent in the human mind.

The cause of deja vu is not disclosed, ongoing research calls several versions that provoke this state in the subconscious. A person can perceive deja vu as a previously seen dream or as an abnormal state of mind - a complex game of the brain, which is not customary to talk about out loud.

Why does the deja vu effect occur? Scientific explanations

Many specialists are studying the reason why deja vu occurs: psychologists, parapsychologists, biologists and physiologists, and those who practice occult science. Modern scientific research interprets the emergence of "false memories" - deja vu in the temporal part of the brain called the hippocampus, which simultaneously enters and analyzes the perceived information in the brain.

Disturbances in the work of the hippocampus for a few seconds lead to the recording of information in the memory center without preliminary analysis, but the failure is eliminated after a short period of time (fractions of seconds) and the information received is re-processed and perceived as “previously seen”, which forms false memories. A person may feel a loss of reality, the events that take place may not seem natural.

It is difficult to name specific causes of deja vu and characterize this state as a positive or negative state of mind. One of the hypotheses describes the formation of such a state in moments of complete relaxation - the removal from disturbing and negative thoughts, causing on a subconscious level pictures of future events and experiences.

Psychologists note several factors that can cause deja vu: depletion of the physical forces of the body, pathological states of the psyche, nervous disorders - stress, sudden changes in atmospheric pressure, a high level of intelligence, an innate tendency to extrasensory abilities, the presence of genetic memory, a deeply developed intuition, the coincidence of dream visions with real events.

Getting into an unknown environment, in order to prevent a stressful state, the human brain begins to actively analyze known facts, look for suitable images and spontaneously invent information elements.

This condition often occurs in completely mentally healthy people, but epileptics and people with previous injuries in the temporal part of the head are more likely to experience "false memory".

Expressing his hypothesis about deja vu, the psychologist Sigmund Freud believed that this phenomenon is a real memory, long hidden (sometimes on purpose) in the subconscious. Hiding such information can be provoked by painful experiences of specific circumstances, public negative opinion, religious prohibition.

Detailed examples of deja vu, based on real examples, he described in his writings "Psychopathology of everyday life."

On the site "All Secrets" about the phenomenon of deja vu the following is reported:

"Reincarnation or Reboot? ...Many people are inclined to believe that deja vu has some mysterious, and even mystical roots. This happens due to the fact that scientists are not really able to explain why deja vu occurs.

Parapsychologists explain deja vu by the theory of reincarnation, in the event that a person lives not one life, but several at once, then he can remember some episodes of one of them.
The famous Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, who believed in reincarnation, believed that he was living two parallel lives... It is also worth noting that Leo Tolstoy also mentioned deja vu...

Tina Turner, when she arrived in Egypt, suddenly saw quite familiar landscapes and objects around, and remembered that in the time of the pharaohs she was a friend of the famous queen Hatshepsut.

The famous singer Madonna experienced something similar during her visit to the imperial palace in China. Many assume that “already seen” is genetic memory. In these cases the feeling of deja vu is explained as a memory of the life of the ancestors.

The phenomenon of deja vu is quite common. Experts have found that 97% of people have experienced this feeling at least once.

There were also such rather unique cases when a person experiences a feeling of deja vu almost every day. Mostly this feeling is accompanied to some extent by a slight feeling of discomfort, but sometimes it can be frightening.
Psychiatrists also argue that the often occurring deja vu can be caused by a symptom of temporal lobar epilepsy. In many cases this is not dangerous. In addition, some ongoing research has shown that déjà vu can be induced artificially, either through hypnosis or electrical stimulation of the temporal lobes of the brain.

Even physicists are trying to explain this amazing phenomenon. There is an ecstatic concept that past, present and future happen at the same time. Our consciousness, in turn, can perceive only what we call "now". Physicists explain the phenomenon of deja vu by some glitch in time.

Despite the fact that this phenomenon is strange and mysterious, it does not pose any danger to a person, and each person can personally explain directly to himself why this or that situation or object seems familiar to him. Perhaps he once saw him briefly on TV or just read about him in some book.


In order to explain the phenomenon of deja vu at the physical level, it is necessary to know the structure and functioning of our mind - consciousness and memory. In article #90 of this section, “Are our memory and consciousness outside the human brain?” it is reported that our mind and memory are located on the invisible astral and mental shells of the human aura, above his head.

The brain communicates with them through two invisible field structures emitted by the brain and consisting of ultra-small viton particles. These viton structures for reading information from the memory are emitted by the brain upwards in the form of the letter V.

The structure of consciousness has a layered structure, which means that under the upper, active layer of our consciousness, there are 11 more archival layers of consciousness that previously lived people. These layers from the minds of people who lived and died earlier are formed in our minds in the following way.

The process of incarnation of consciousness and soul

On the 40th day after the death of a person, both of his rational essences - consciousness and soul leave our material world and go to a parallel, Subtle and invisible world. They live in it for some time until the next incarnation in their chosen baby before his birth.

Consciousness from the Subtle World already contains 12 layers from previous reincarnations and incarnates in the fetus of a child in the 5th month, and the soul at the time of his birth. At the same time, the earliest, lower archival layer of consciousness is erased, and the upper 12th layer becomes a new, clean layer, on which the consciousness and memory of the newborn will be created.

Therefore, the consciousness of the deceased, embodied in the fetus of an infant, becomes an archive and ceases its vital activity, but information about it is stored in the form of the 11th layer.

The process of the emergence of the phenomenon of deja vu

The above information about the structure of consciousness and its embodiment is necessary for understanding the process of the emergence of the phenomenon of deja vu.

In the structure of the human genome there are genes that automatically perform the functions of searching in the memory of all layers of consciousness for information similar to that received from the senses. The search is carried out in all 12 layers of both the current consciousness and in its archival layers from other dead people.

Therefore, if a person experiences for the first time some event in life - visiting new places and settlements in any country, getting acquainted with new information already known in the lives of people from past incarnations, then there is an automatic search for similar information in all 12 layers of consciousness. But if this information or events are already in the mind of a given person, then the search in the archive layers is not performed.

If such an event is found in the archival layers of consciousness, then a message appears in our consciousness that this event has already happened, whether it is visual, tactile or sound information. Therefore, a person cannot explain how he already knows about this event or information.

Deja vu is information from the archive of consciousness about what has already been seen, felt and heard, but by other people in their past lives.

The deja vu phenomenon was created genetically according to the plan of the Creator as one of the many experiments with our civilization, as one of the unsolvable mysteries for our science, which has no information about the life of the human consciousness and soul, as well as about their structure and location.

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Each of us has heard of such a feeling as deja vu, and most of us have experienced it. The feeling when you have already seen it, been here, talked to someone, all this has already happened ... We can remember in detail the rooms in which we have never been before, people whom we have never met before and the like. Why is this happening? How does it appear? Many people ask these questions, but the answers to them are still obscured.

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Deja vu is...

For the first time the term "déjà vu" (d?j? Vu - already seen) was used by the French psychologist Emile Bouarak (1851-1917) in his book "Psychology of the Future". Prior to this, this strange phenomenon was characterized as "false recognition" or "paramnesia" (deceptions of memory in violation of consciousness), or "promnesia" (synonymous with deja vu).

There are also several similar phenomena: deja vecu ("already experienced"), deja entendu ("already heard"), jamais vu ("never seen"). The effect is the opposite of deja vu - jame vu, it is typical for him when a person does not recognize things familiar to him. This effect differs from memory loss in that this condition occurs quite suddenly, for example, your friend during a conversation with you may suddenly seem like a completely unfamiliar person to you. All the knowledge you had about this person simply vanishes. But the phenomenon of jame vu is much less common than deja vu.

It is quite difficult for scientists to study these effects, since they, in turn, relate exclusively to human sensations and feelings. From the point of view of physiology, the cause of all these phenomena is in the brain. It is very difficult to experiment in this area, since even the smallest intervention can make a person disabled, deaf, blind, or even worse, paralyzed.

Exploring "déjà vu"

The scientific study of the phenomenon of deja vu was not so active. In 1878, a proposal was put forward in a German psychological journal that the sensation of “already seen” arises when the processes of perception and awareness, which basically occur simultaneously, in one case or another disagree due to, for example,. This explanation has become one of the sides of the theory, which in turn suggests the reason for the appearance of deja vu in the congestion of the brain. In other words, deja vu occurs when a person is very tired, and peculiar failures appear in the brain.

Judging by the other side of the theory, the deja vu effect is the result of a good rest of the brain. In this case, the processes are several times faster. If we are able to process this or that image quite quickly and easily, then our brain, at the subconscious level, interprets this as a signal of what we have already seen before. As the American physiologist William H. Burnham, who was the author of this theory, wrote in 1889, “when we see a strange object, its unfamiliar appearance is largely due to the difficulty we face in understanding its characteristics. But when the brain centers have finally rested, the perception of a strange scene may seem so easy that the sight of what is happening will seem already familiar.

Later, Sigmund Freud and his followers took up the study of the deja vu effect. The scientist believed that the feeling of "already seen" arises in a person as a result of spontaneous resurrection in his immediate memory of subconscious fantasies. As for the followers of Freud, they, in turn, believed that deja vu is the result of the struggle of the “I” with the “It” and the “Super-I”.

Some people explain their deja vu by the fact that they have already seen previously unfamiliar places or things in. This version is also not excluded by scientists. In 1896, Arthur Allin, professor of psychology at Colorado State University Boulder, theorized that the déjà vu effect is a reminder of fragments of dreams we have forgotten. Our emotional reactions to a new image can reproduce a false sense of recognition. The déjà vu effect occurs when our attention is suddenly distracted for a short period of time during our first encounter with a new image.

Also, the phenomenon of deja vu is also characterized as a manifestation of false memory, that is, in the work of the brain, and to be more precise, in certain areas of it, some failure occurs, and it begins to take the unfamiliar for the known. The so-called false memory is characterized by such age periods when the activity of this process is most pronounced - from 16 to 18 and from 35 to 40 years.

The surge during the first period is explained by the emotional severity of adolescence, the ability to react too sharply and even dramatically to certain events, due to the lack of life experience. In this case, a person turns to fictitious experience for help, receiving it directly from a false memory. As for the second peak itself, it, in turn, also falls on a critical age, but this is already a midlife crisis.

At this stage, deja vu is a moment of nostalgia, some regrets about the past, a desire to return to the past. Such an effect can also be called a trick of memory, since memories may not even be real, but supposed, the past is presented as an ideal time when everything was still beautiful.

In 1990, Herman Sno, a psychiatrist from the Netherlands, suggested that traces of memory are stored in the human brain in the form of some holograms. What distinguishes a hologram from a photograph is that each fragment of the hologram carries all the information that is necessary to restore the whole image. The smaller such a fragment, the correspondingly reproduced picture is vague. According to Sno's theory, the emerging feeling of what has already been seen is obtained when some small detail of the current situation coincides rather closely with a certain fragment of memory, which in turn conjures up a vague picture of a past event.

Pierre Glur, a neuropsychiatrist, conducted experiments in the 1990s and stubbornly insisted that memory uses special systems of "recovery" (retrieval) and "recognition" (familiarity). In his work, which was published in 1997, he argued that the phenomenon of deja vu manifests itself at rather rare moments. When our recognition system is activated, but the recovery system is not. Other scientists insist that the recovery system cannot be turned off completely, but can simply be mismatched, which in turn is reminiscent of the fatigue theory that was put forward much earlier.

Physiological explanation

But, in spite of everything, scientists were still able to figure out which parts of the brain are involved in the process at a time when a person experiences a feeling of deja vu. It is worth noting the fact that different parts of the brain are directly responsible for different types of memory. The frontal part is responsible for the future, the temporal for the past, and the main - intermediate - is responsible for our present. When all these parts of the brain are doing their normal work, when consciousness is in a normal state, then the feeling that something is about to happen can only occur when we think about the future, worry about it, warn it, or build it. plans.

But not everything is as simple as we would like. There is an area in our brain (amygdala) that directly sets the emotional “tone” for our perception. For example, when you are having a conversation with someone and see how your interlocutor's expression changes, it is the amygdala that in a matter of seconds gives a signal on how exactly you should react to this. In neurological terms, in fact, the duration of the "present" is so short that we do not experience as much as we remember.

Short memory stores information for several minutes. The hippocampus, in turn, is responsible for this: memories, which in turn are associated with a particular event, are scattered across different sensory centers of the brain, but they are connected in a certain order by the hippocamus. Including there is also long-term memory, which is located on the surface of the brain, along the temporal part.

In fact, it is fair to say that the past, present, and future exist in our brains without any clear boundaries. When we experience something in the present, we compare it with a similar past and already decide how to react at the moment to what is happening in the near future. It is at this moment that all the necessary areas of the brain are turned on. In the case when there are too many connections between short-term and long-term memory, the present can be perceived as the past, and in this case, the déjà vu effect occurs.

As an explanation for this phenomenon, one can also use global matching models, as psychologists call them. A particular situation may seem familiar to a person because it reminds him quite strongly of a past event stored in his memory, or if it has a resemblance to large quantity events held in memory. That is, you have already been in identical and quite similar situations more than once. Thus, your brain summarized and compared these memories, as a result of which, it recognized a picture similar to them.

Reincarnation or reboot?

Many people are inclined to believe that deja vu has some mysterious, and even mystical roots. This happens due to the fact that scientists cannot really explain why deja vu occurs. Parapsychologists explain deja vu by the theory of reincarnation, in the event that a person lives not one life, but several, then he can remember some episodes of one of them.

The ancient Greeks believed in reincarnation, even the early Christians and the rather famous Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, who in turn believed that he was living two parallel lives. One life is his, and the second is the life of a doctor who lived in the 18th century. It is also worth noting that Leo Tolstoy also mentioned deja vu.

Tina Turner, when she arrived in Egypt, suddenly saw quite familiar landscapes and objects, and remembered that during the time of the pharaohs she was a friend of the famous queen Hatshepsut. The famous singer Madonna experienced something similar during her visit to the imperial palace in China.

Many assume that “already seen” is genetic memory. In this case, the awkward feeling of déjà vu is explained as a memory of the life of the ancestors.

Many psychologists believe that this phenomenon may be just a function of human self-defense. When we are in an awkward situation or in an unfamiliar place, we automatically start looking for some familiar things or objects, this is done in order to somehow support our body at a time of psychological stress.

The phenomenon of deja vu is quite common. Experts have found that 97% of people have experienced this feeling at least once. There have been some rather unique cases. When a person experiences a feeling of deja vu almost every day. Mostly this feeling is accompanied to some extent by a slight feeling of discomfort, but sometimes it can be frightening.

Psychiatrists also argue that the often occurring deja vu can be caused by a symptom of temporal lobar epilepsy. In many cases this is not dangerous. In addition, some ongoing research has shown that déjà vu can be induced artificially, either through hypnosis or electrical stimulation of the temporal lobes of the brain.

Even physicists are trying to explain this amazing phenomenon. There is this ecstatic concept that the past, present and immediate future all happen at the same time. Our consciousness, in turn, can perceive only what we call "now". Physicists explain the phenomenon of deja vu, some glitch in time.

Despite the fact that this phenomenon is strange and mysterious, since it does not pose any danger to a person, it means that each person can personally explain directly to himself why this or that situation or object seems familiar to him. Perhaps you once saw him briefly on TV or just read about him in some book.

It is human nature to experience different feelings, to rejoice or to be indignant. In addition to the usual emotions, unforeseen and unclear ones may arise - a feeling of reality lived in the past, it is customary to call it a specific phenomenon. What is deja vu, and how “falsely experienced” information enters our mind, even scientists have not figured it out exactly.

Deja vu - what does it mean?

The term deja vu is of French origin "déjà vu" in translation sounds "already seen", this is a short-term state of the human psyche, when he perceives the current situation as previously seen - a state of omen for specific events in the future. There is no logical explanation for the deja vu effect, but psychologists recognize this phenomenon as real and inherent in the human mind.

The cause of deja vu has not been disclosed, ongoing research calls several versions that provoke this state in the subconscious. A person can perceive déjà vu as a previously seen dream, or an abnormal state of the psyche - a complex game of the brain, which is not customary to talk about out loud.

Why does the deja vu effect occur?

Many specialists are studying the reason why deja vu occurs: psychologists, parapsychologists, biologists and physiologists, and those who practice occult science. Modern scientific research interprets the emergence of "false memories" - deja vu, in the temporal part of the brain called the hippocampus, which simultaneously enters and analyzes the perceived information in the brain.

Disturbances in the work of the hippocampus, for a few seconds, lead to the entry of information into the memory center without preliminary analysis, but the failure after a short period of time - fractions of seconds, is restored, and the incoming information is re-processed, perceived as "previously seen" - false memories are formed. A person may feel a loss of reality, the events that take place may seem unnatural and unreal.

Deja vu - scientific explanation

It is difficult to name the specific causes of deja vu, and to characterize this state as a positive or negative state of the psyche. One of the hypotheses describes the formation of such a state in moments of complete relaxation, removal from disturbing and negative thoughts, which causes pictures on the subconscious level that form future events and experiences. Psychologists note several factors that can cause deja vu:

  • depletion of the physical forces of the body;
  • pathological states of the psyche;
  • nervous disorders - stress;
  • sudden changes in atmospheric pressure;
  • high level of intelligence;
  • an innate tendency to extrasensory abilities;
  • the presence of genetic memory;
  • deeply developed intuition;
  • coincidence of dream visions with real events.

Getting into an unknown environment, in order to prevent a stressful state, the human brain begins to actively analyze known facts, look for suitable images and spontaneously invent new elements of information. This condition often occurs in completely mentally healthy people, but epileptics and people with previous injuries in the temporal part of the head are more likely to experience "false memory".

Deja vu in psychology

Sigmund Freud expressed his hypothesis about deja vu, he believed that this phenomenon is a real memory, long hidden (sometimes on purpose) in the subconscious. The concealment of such information may be provoked by painful experiences of specific circumstances, or by public negative opinion, a religious prohibition. Detailed examples of deja vu, based on real examples, he described in his writings "Psychopathology of everyday life."

Types of deja vu

Psychologists, describing the phenomenon of deja vu, distinguish 6 of the most common types in it that can be found in the daily life of every person. It is generally accepted that such abilities do not arise in children under 18 years of age, they are inherent in emotionally active people who react sharply to events, who are prone to a detailed analysis of circumstances with vast life experience. Different facets of deja vu:

  1. deja veku- the feeling that a person is familiar with the circumstance in smaller details hidden in the present time, accompanied by knowledge of sounds and smells and the prediction of further events.
  2. Deja visit- a clear orientation in an unknown place, knowledge of the route in a place where a person has never been.
  3. deja senti- a false memory, experienced feelings, arises from a sound or voice, reading an episode of a book.
  4. presquet vu- an annoying feeling that a person is about to see an insight, and unravel a fact hidden from others, a search in memory for associative details, if such appear, then there is an acute sense of moral satisfaction.
  5. Jamet vu- a well-known situation becomes unrecognizable, unusual.
  6. ladder mind- a later correct decision for specific circumstances, a successful remark or a tactful move that are now useless.

Deja vu and jamevu

Scientists studied the state of deja vu on the contrary, as a result it was proved that jamevu arises from a temporary overload of the brain - a protective reflex that protects the mind from fatigue during a period of intense work. A person who finds himself in a familiar environment with familiar people may temporarily lose his sense of reality - not understand why he is here. Often this condition is characterized as a mental disorder - a symptom, schizophrenia, paramnesia.

How to cause deja vu?

It is impossible to artificially provoke a feeling of deja vu. It is considered a surge on a subconscious level, not amenable to conscious emergence. The feeling of the reality of circumstances and feelings experienced in the past arises suddenly, and just as suddenly disappears, at the very beginning of its occurrence, deja vu may seem like a temporary illusion or an uncontrollable extrasensory ability - a look into a parallel reality.

How to get rid of the feeling of deja vu?

Many scientists associate the occurrence of deja vu with brain fatigue, based on this hypothesis, the treatment of this phenomenon is formed - a change in the usual schedule. Effective advice on how to get rid of deja vu is to give maximum time for a good sleep; engage in physical activity outdoors; listen to the silence and sounds of nature; practice achieving complete relaxation; temporarily eliminate the load on the brain.

Is deja vu good or bad?

The first description, interpreting the failure of the brain, and the explanation that déjà vu is bad, was compiled by Aristotle. It arises in a person on the basis of serious mental trauma, or hidden complexes, events hiding in the past. In order to get rid of deja vu, you need to mentally conduct a detailed analysis of the experienced anxiety situations, compare the past with the present opportunities that give a choice of action in specific circumstances. It is impossible to change the past, it is important to learn a lesson from it, and the negative is “deliberately disposed of”.

Deja vu and schizophrenia

Psychoanalysts characterize the occurrence of the deja vu effect as epilepsy, it can last from a couple of seconds to 5 minutes. If such a condition occurs frequently and repeats several times, and also has pronounced signs of hallucinations, you need to contact a specialist, he will determine the degree of the condition as a norm or a pathology that requires complex treatment.