Electromagnetic fields affect the consciousness, energy centers and subtle fields of a person. How to resist it? Biopathogenic zones - the threat of disease

Yuri Gavrilovich Mizun

Biopathogenic zones - the threat of disease



Based on the results of scientific studies conducted in different countries, the problem of biopathogenic zones and their impact on human health is highlighted. The book contains a practical guide to identifying the position of biopathogenic bands and moving them to a safe place.

MIZUN Yuri Gavrilovich


I dedicate to the blessed memory of Sergey Sergeevich Solovyov


Everyone has heard of dowsing. A lot has been written about him lately, reported on radio and television, even films were shown. Unfortunately, sad information prevails. Suddenly, the result of a study by medical scientists conducted from Uzhgorod to Kamchatka is reported on the radio, which showed that patients in hospitals, whose beds are located on biopathogenic bands, are much more difficult to cure. In these beds, the mortality rate is much higher. This means that fate is here too - which bed in the hospital is destined to fall into? Sad statistics.

Some optimism emanates from messages of a different kind. In Moscow, for example, training courses are constantly running, where they train specialist operators who, after a training course, can move the lane and make the place where you relax or work safe for your health. You just need to call the well-known phone and such an operator will readily cross the threshold of your apartment and the danger that you were exposed to will disappear. But is it really that simple? Unfortunately no.

Imagine that you live on the fourth or fifth floor of a nine-story building. You do not pay attention to the stripes, either out of ignorance, or unbelief, or for any other reason. At the same time, residents living above or below the floor, or two consider it necessary to shift the lanes in their apartments as it is convenient for them - so that the lanes do not pass in those places where they stay for a long time, i.e. where they rest hours or for long periods of time. If the operator, at their request, shifts the lanes in their apartment, then they will thereby move in all apartments that are above and below, that is, on all floors. This means that those residents who have been doing well in this regard up to this point will suddenly find themselves on the lanes and this may turn out to be fatal for them. So it is not enough to have the necessary knowledge, they must also be skillfully disposed of in the interests of everyone.

What is the way out of this situation? First, you really need to know exactly where the lanes are in your apartment. Secondly, it is necessary from time to time to check whether they really remain in the same place, whether they move at the wave of someone's wand. It is unrealistic to control the position of the lanes more or less regularly by resorting to certified operators - learn how to do it yourself. Whether you believe in these bands or not doesn't matter. It does not matter that scientists still cannot explain the essence of dowsing and biopathogenic stripes. First of all, one thing is important - that you do not spend hours on the strip (both in your own apartment and at work), because there is nothing more expensive than health. Thus, following so many advisers, we say to the reader: "Help yourself." Based on this principle, we selected the material for the book, chose the form of its presentation. In the first part of the book, we present almost all the material that is now contained in the scientific literature, which will allow you to successfully cope with this task.

Of course, it would be unwise to limit ourselves to this. Undoubtedly, everyone will be interested in what, in essence, by their nature, the stripes are. A person who personally determined the position of the bands and himself moved them or neutralized their effect, such an interest will certainly arise. Therefore, we have no doubt that he will also want to read about how dowsing has been used by people for centuries and millennia, how minerals, water, etc. are sought with its help. time, will try to understand the deep meaning of this phenomenon and a very important role in human communication with the information-biological field. In this understanding, the reader will be helped by the first book of this series ("God, Soul, Immortality"), where, according to world science and ancient sources, the properties of this field are described.


The location of biopathogenic bands in the apartment, as well as in the office, as well as in an open area or in a personal plot, can be determined using a vine. Hence the name - "dowsing". Most people associate dowsing with the search for underground water, minerals, etc. With the help of a vine, dowsers nowadays are looking for (and successfully finding) the location of underground pipelines, various buildings or their remains, and much more.

For many centuries and millennia, a branch of a tree has been used as a vine, for example, willow, lilac, birch, juniper, spruce, cherry (it is categorically not recommended to use an elder branch!). The length of the branch is approximately 40–55 cm, and the thickness is up to 2 cm. Experienced dowsers working with the vine in our time clarify these data. They recommend taking branches 15–18 cm long, about 3–5 mm thick. The tree branch should not just be a straight piece of the specified dimensions. It should be a fork, a forked branch. Such a branch is held simultaneously in both hands. To be able to hold it as shown in Fig. 1, the vine should be smooth, and therefore made from a freshly cut branch of a growing tree. It cannot be made from a dried branch.

On fig. 2 shows two methods of holding the vine with both hands while the dowser is working. The left side of the figure (Fig. 2, a) shows the most common technique, which dowsers call the "upper grip". On the right side of the figure (Fig. 2, b) another way of holding the vine in both hands is shown - this is the "lower grip". More precisely, this is one of the options for the "lower grip".

In addition to such a vine, other indicators, indicators, determinants of biopathogenic bands, underground water, ores, etc. have been used since ancient times. One of these methods is now very widely known (and not only among dowsers). Recall how blood pressure is measured using a suspended gold ring. True, the magazines printed a refutation that this was impossible. But we will forget about it, or rather we will discuss the meaning, the essence of it elsewhere. Here we will only say that this is the pendulum, with the help of which it is possible (under certain conditions) to receive information from the information field of the Universe (see the first book of the series "God, Soul, Immortality"). The pendulum that replaces the vine does not have to be crafted with a gold ring. You just need a compact weight so that in a suspended state it can form a physical pendulum with all the properties described in a school physics textbook. J.Valdmanis writes that “sometimes a bunch of keys, a watch on a chain and other “modifications” of a plumb line are sometimes used as a weight on a thread.”

As indicators, "search wands" are used - indicators made of metal (Fig. 3). Indicators are used made of organic glass, fish bone, ram's horn, whalebone, ivory, grass rope, and generally made of almost any material that the dowser has at hand. From this we can conclude that the material itself does not play any role in the "work" of the indicator. It really is. It's not the material that matters, it's the form that matters. This was also explained in detail in the first book of the series. Of course, the indicator, among other things, should be easy to use. But again, it all depends on who is the dowser, who works with this indicator.

A variety of methods of indication (dowsing) are known, which were used by some, and, in principle, could not be used by others. For example, a certain Bleton, whose work as a dowser was studied by Dr. Tuvenel, with his index fingers clamped horizontally a wooden stick (a piece of an even branch). At the moment of indication, when he approached the biopathogenic strip or the desired place (where there was underground water, ore, etc.), his fingers suddenly trembled, so the wand fell out of his hands. How many times Dr. Tuvenel did not repeat the experiments with him, so many times in the same place the stick fell out of the hands of the dowser. We repeat that the wand cannot be made from elderberry. If we remember that only the shape is important, and not the material from which the vine is made, then we remind the reader that an elderberry branch is not a stick, but a tube. That's the whole point.

There are many descriptions of the work of dowsers who need no indicator at all. They take measurements by perceiving information with their bodies. Actually, the same thing is observed in determining the human biofield. In the first book of the series, it was said that the Leningrad psychic scientist A.V. Martynov determines this field using an L-shaped indicator (a knitting needle bent in the shape of the letter “L”), and the no less famous psychic Safonov does the same, stretching to the side the test person's hand. In those places where there is a pathology (for example, a malignant tumor), he notes the presence of a "hole", as he himself puts it. This refers to a hole in the biofield, i.e. its absence in this place or a significant weakening.

We have not given such an analogy for nothing. The fact is that the nature of biopathogenic bands and the human biofield, if not exactly the same, identical, but in its main manifestations it is one and the same.

Let's get back to the dowsers. There is evidence that some dowsers who do not use an indicator rod tense their jaw muscles, i.e. work with their mouths open. At the right time (at the place where the strip passes), muscle tension disappears. Another variant. The French physicist Yves Rocard discovered that the arms bent at the elbows can be an indicator. In this position, they clearly respond to the presence of a strip. Other options are possible, while it is important that some muscles or a group of muscles are previously in a tense state. J.Valdmanis said very well about this: “The indicator plays only the role of a pointer, similar to the pointer of a measuring device. The “device” itself is a person, an operator.”

Nowadays, at the courses of dowsers, candidates for dowsers are clearly explained that this occupation is by no means safe, harmful to health. The indicator is a kind of antenna, through which information and energy flows are perceived by a person to a greater extent than is necessary for his normal operation. These pickups (through the indicator antenna) are harmful to human health. But there are also particularly sensitive people who suffer from these leads even if they do not use any indicators. It is clear that these vodkas occur when a person crosses biopathogenic bands and stays with the indicator on these bands.

The literature describes cases when very sensitive people (dowsers, and not only them) could not sleep on a biopathogenic strip. Moreover, there were those who even for a short time could not sit on the runway - they felt its presence so strongly. There is no need to be surprised at this - almost all animals feel the presence of biopathogenic bands. Some of them tend to stay on them as long as possible, while others avoid them. Only people in the majority have lost this sensitivity, this ability to perceive the environmental conditions that affect them so much, in particular, their health. This insensitivity is the basis of that skepticism in relation to this problem, which some people (including scientists) still have today.

With regard to sensitivity to biopathogenic bands, it is interesting that Welar reported that when he was searching for sources of water in the Sahara, the Negro who helped him on the biopathogenic band trembled all over and even fainted from time to time. After that, should we be surprised that being on the biopathogenic strip for many hours every day eventually causes a certain pathology in the human body? Since we want everyone who reads this book to be able to determine the positions of biopathogenic bands if they wish, we will immediately say that the sensitivity of even experienced dowsers for a short time (several minutes) can practically disappear. What is the matter here - in a temporary change in the sensitivity of the operator or in the bands themselves, now it is difficult to say definitively. Most likely, the properties of the bands change. This phenomenon was discovered a very long time ago. So, exactly three hundred years ago (1693) Abbé Vallemont reported about this. Already in our century (1910), G. Francius wrote about the same. Armand Wiere also pointed to a short-term (lasting 5-6 minutes) disappearance of the dowser's sensitivity with or without a vine. The band seemed to disappear for a while. Of course, researchers in our time have tried to establish the cause of this phenomenon by analyzing the changes in the environment that accompany this effect. Atmospheric electricity, illumination, air temperature and much more were measured. But there is no clarity yet.

You can start your acquaintance with the bands using the L-shaped indicator. It is very simple (see Fig. 4).

This is a copper or steel wire bent at a right angle with a diameter of 2 or 3 millimeters. Solovyov S.S. recommends taking the vertical part (which the operator holds in his hand) equal to 15 cm, and the horizontal one - 30 cm. Leningrad psychic A.V. ". It is by no means necessary to adhere exactly to the indicated dimensions in the manufacture of the L-shaped indicator. Significant deviations are possible from them, up to the point that an ordinary metal grater can be used as an L-shaped indicator. She is taken by the handle so that it is vertical, then the grater itself will be located in a vertical plane. So holding (not tightly so that it can turn) the grater and directing it forward, away from you, move with it in the direction of the object being measured.

Some improvements to the G-indicator are recommended. Often, beginners hold it very tightly in their hand, so it cannot rotate. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to place its lower vertical part in a tube in which it could rotate freely. So that it does not fall down in this tube, it is clogged from below with a cork. In this case, of course, it is not the indicator itself that is held in the hand, but the tube. When you (or any other dowser) take measurements, holding an indicator in your hand, your biofield interacts with the field of the biopathogenic band. When you insulate the indicator with a glass tube (you can take a plastic tube with a bottom, for example, a cap from a ballpoint pen), then you thereby reduce the effect of the interaction of these two fields, two radiations. But experts found a way out. You can activate the tube itself, and its radiation will replace yours. Activation of substances will be discussed in detail later. Now let's just say that phosphorus on the wall of a matchbox is an activator - it can activate other substances and objects. To do this, they must be rubbed with this phosphorus. The same must be done with the tube into which the L-shaped indicator is placed. Thus, in the event that the indicator is not directly in the hand, but in a glass tube, its vertical part must be rubbed with phosphorus. Since the glass tube has isolated the indicator from your body, you are doping in the form of phosphorus radiation.

This book is designed for everyone, so that he can independently control the place where he is. We will consider such people lovers. For them, the most acceptable, simple and convenient is the indicator in the form of the letter "G". True, as we have already said, they are also used with success by the well-known psychic scientist Martynov A.V. This suggests that despite its simplicity, such an indicator, when used correctly, allows you to measure everything that can be measured with a vine.

Solovyov S.S. for professional operators, he invented an indicator in the form of a frame (circle) with handles. Prof. A.I. Veinik highly appreciated this indicator, pointing out that with the help of S.S. Solovyov’s frame, many interesting properties of the indicated radiation were discovered. A.I.Veinik describes the indicator of S.S.Soloviev as follows:

“The frame of S.S. Solovyov consists of a ring (1) and a handle (2) attached to the ring with a clamp (3). (This is shown in Figure 5).

The clamp (3) allows you to rotate the curved handle, aligning it with the plane of the ring, and thus make the frame compact for transportation. The frame stands on horizontal parallel-oriented palms, while the straight part of the handle - the axis of rotation of the frame - rests on the little fingers, and the bent ends look forward; they are designed to limit the angle of rotation of the frame around its axis with the help of thumbs and forefingers. First, with the help of the index fingers, the equilibrium position is found, after which the ring slightly leans forward, with any change in the fields - the measured or the operator, for example, when they are relative moving, the ring overturns back. The more intense the measured field, the lower the ring rises and overturns.

Further, A.I. Veinik points out that, according to his measurements, “ceteris paribus, the overturning force acting on the ring is directly proportional to the ring area (the square of its radius) and inversely proportional to the moment of inertia (radius to the fourth power). Therefore, a ring of small diameter turns out to be more mobile - "nimble" -. The duralumin frame with a ring having an outer diameter of 140 millimeters and a cross section of 7-14 or 7-28 mm is very convenient to use. With an increase in the cross-sectional area, the acting force increases, but at the same time, the moment of inertia also increases.

The loop indicator can be made of copper, steel, aluminum. It can also be made from non-metals. It is shown in fig. 6.

You can use copper or aluminum cable. Solovyov S.S. recommends (for safety reasons) the indicator handles that come into contact with the operator's hands be insulated with polyvinyl chloride tape. This is done so that highly sensitive people do not pick up the measured radiation through the indicator. This for them is fraught not only with poor health, but also with dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and weakness. This must be avoided. The indicator isolated in this way must be recharged with doping, as described above. To do this, its handles (under electrical tape) must be wrapped with strips of paper that are impregnated with phosphorus (you can use a box of matches). Paper can also be impregnated with a solution of superphosphate.

From the loop-shaped indicator, the indicator described above was born in the form of a ring with handles. It is very easy to make such an indicator. It can be made from the same materials. With his handles, you need to do all the same manipulations: insulate and activate with phosphorus.

In order to correctly interpret the results of measurements using the described indicators, it is necessary to know the radiation of the measuring person, i.e. the operator himself.

Engineer Stalchinsky from the group of Solovyov S.S. modified the G-indicator and with its help discovered another grid of bands (Stalchinsky grid). The improvement of the G-indicator by Stalchinsky was as follows. He discovered that if a disk covered with black paper or polyethylene is placed on the end of the indicator, then the indicator readings change fundamentally: it will begin to register some new bands that it (the indicator) had not felt before. At the same time, it, as before, turns to the right (with plus) and to the left (with minus).

These new strips (Stalchinsky's grids) have different widths, vertical extensions (vertical walls). From each such band, in the case of reflection from groundwater, three bands are formed, which are located at angles of 45° and 30° to the horizon. It is curious that it is not possible to displace the Stalchinsky stripes by the same means as the Curry grid stripes. At the same time, their position is not affected by the built houses (they continue to move in the same way as before the houses were built). Although the Stalchinsky bands have been studied less than others (for example, the mutual distance between the bands has not been established), there are reasons to think that they are not harmful to human health. Moreover, some of the people on the strips of Stalchinsky feel even better.

The design of the Stalchinsky indicator is shown in fig. 7. A cardboard or metal disk with a diameter of 3–6 centimeters is fixed perpendicularly to the end of the wire (Fig. 7, a). It is covered with black paper. The operator directs his gaze to this disk. This indicator can be simplified by making it from a single piece of copper wire, with the disc replaced by a circle. It should be borne in mind that such an indicator reacts to radiation by turning in opposite directions compared to the L-shaped indicator, in which the disk is in the plane of the indicator (Fig. 7b).

In "Letter to a dowser No. 4" Solovyov S.S. recommends using an ordinary metal grater as an indicator of Stalchinsky. It has already been shown that it performs the role of a conventional L-shaped indicator. In order for it to turn into a Stalchinsky indicator, it is necessary to fix a U-shaped copper wire at its end (which is further removed from you when you hold the grater by the handle in a vertical position). The plane of this wire figure, like the disk, should be perpendicular to the grater itself. In this position, the indicator will show the Stalchinsky stripes. If this U-shaped wire is rotated 90 degrees and directed as an extension of the grater itself, then the characteristic of the indicator grater will disappear and it will work as a simple L-shaped indicator and will measure Curry and Albert bands. This is shown in fig. 8. When measuring, the operator should focus his eyes on the device for the grater, i.e., on the U-shaped wire figure.

The described L-indicator with a tip (disk, U-shaped wire), which is turned at an angle of 90 degrees, is used to measure inside pyramids and cones that are glued from cardboard or made in the form of a wire frame. The same applies to churches because of their special architecture. The fact is that radiation (bioenergy) is concentrated in a special way in these volumes, which we will talk about later. When measuring in these cases, the grater or G-indicator turns to the right (clockwise, if viewed from above).

As already mentioned, a pendulum can also serve as an indicator. With the help of such pendulum indicators, very interesting results have been obtained to date, which significantly complement those obtained by the already described indicators and devices. All these results are in good agreement with each other. Each design type of indicator has its own advantages along with certain disadvantages compared to other types of indicators. So, the L-shaped indicator deviates either to the right or to the left, depending on the sign of the radiation and the sign of the radiation of the person who makes the measurements. The pendulum cannot do this. But this shortcoming can be compensated.

Recall the pendulum definition of blood pressure. Here the answer should give two numbers, for example, 90 and 130 mmHg. Art. How will the G-indicator give you these numbers? No way. He can only answer the question - yes or no. Are you asking if there is gold? If there is, it turns in the zone of its location. The same is true for other items, substances, fossils that you are looking for. You adapt the ruler to the pendulum and you get the answer in numbers. But in both cases, you ask a clear question first, and only then do you get a clear answer. It remains to wonder how many times already - who answers us by means of an L-shaped indicator or a pendulum?

We use the term "radiation" (field) only because we present the results obtained by experimenters. They use this term. If we speak in essence, in terms of physical nature, then we must talk about a certain structure of space-time, thanks to which it contains information about everything and everyone. Thanks to this structure, you get the answer to the question that you ask someone unknown. Of course, our main concern is stripes, and above all their elimination, ensuring the safety of everyone and everyone. But be tempted, pick up a weight tied on a string (but not very heavy) and play with it. Correctly it should be done like this: your two fingers (thumb and forefinger), between which the pendulum thread is clamped, should be located in a vertical plane, i.e. the ring-shaped contour formed by them is located in a vertical plane. This closed circuit is the sensor, as in the case of loop or frame indicators. They are also located in a vertical plane.

But with a pendulum, as well as with a modified G-indicator with a disk at the end, it is possible to measure the structure (radiation) in another plane, i.e. horizontal. No wonder that in both cases the pendulum is the same. But in the second case, when you turn your hand so that the contour of the two fingers is in the horizontal plane, the pendulum at the same absolute point in space will swing differently than in the first case. At first it will seem to you that these are ordinary swings of a weight, but soon you will clearly find that the plane of the swing of the pendulum at this point is very definite. At another point, it is different. If you move the pendulum in this direction, then you get a certain contour (usually closed). V.P. Zhurzhin “leads” the pendulum with his right hand (more precisely, the pendulum leads his hand), and with his left he draws this path in the form of a contour.

The structure of space obtained with the help of a pendulum, like the bands, changes depending on the same external factors: solar activity, latitude, time of day, season, magnetic and solar storms. These connections are not clearly defined, but it is established that they undoubtedly exist. V.P. Zhurzhin carried out measurements twice a day (morning and evening) every day for four years, without missing a single day. This data is for each moment of time two numbers at each position of the contour of the fingers (horizontal or vertical). One number is the angle indicating the direction of the pendulum's swing relative to the North direction. This direction is changing. The second number is the length of the vector, indicating the magnitude of the scope of the contour that describes the pendulum. Comparison of these data with solar activity, magnetic storms, time of day and season indicates that the structure of space changes depending on these factors.

I would like to emphasize the main thing: with the help of a pendulum we can get answers to correctly posed questions as well as with the help of an L-shaped (and other) indicator.

In conclusion, it should be added that N.N. Sochevanov at one time proposed to determine the intensity of the radiation of a biopathogenic band by the number of turns of the vine per unit length of a certain route. You can measure not in revolutions, but in degrees, bearing in mind that one full revolution is equal to 360 degrees.

Grid of biopathic bands

The name "biopathogenic bands" or "zones" comes from the fact that they are capable of causing pathology, that is, negative health changes, in those people who have been on these bands for a long time. Along with this concept, experts often use another - "geopathogenic bands" or "zones". It suggests that such stripes are due to pathology in the structure of the Earth, in particular, its crust, subsurface layer, etc. In fact, this name is justified only if such a pathology is created by man. For example, subway tunnels are dug, or empty mines are formed after coal mining. This is indeed a pathology for the Earth. The same inhomogeneities of the Earth's substance that arose naturally, in the process of its evolution, we have no right to call pathology, even if we are talking about faults (and microcracks) of the earth's crust. This is not a pathology, but the norm. Thus, it is preferable to use the term "biopathogenic bands (zones)".

If you have made an indicator-vine, then you can start measuring. With a vine, you can search for anything, but you'll start by identifying biopathogenic streaks - you always have them, as they say, at your fingertips. The fact is that the entire earth's surface is covered with a network of biopathogenic bands. If you invite a certified dowsing operator to remove (shift) the stripes in your apartment, then he will “work” with the so-called Curry net. The literature also writes mainly about this grid of bands. F. Schneggenburger wrote about the network of biopathogenic bands in 1953 in his work "Excitation Bands and the Grid System". He reported that Dr. Curry had found that the biopathogenic bands formed a grid formed by parallel lines running both from southwest to northeast and perpendicularly from northwest to southeast. These bands extend over the entire globe. This grid of Curry stripes is shown schematically in fig. 9. In fairness, it must be said that the network structure of biopathogenic bands was described before. So, in 1937, it was discovered by the French doctor Payre. He called it the grid system. But in modern literature, the term "Curry mesh" is most often used. True, quite often they write and talk about the network of Hartmann's biopathogenic bands. Doctor E. Hartman described the same, in principle, grid, only less regular. Shown in fig. 9 lanes grid is ideal. It is real if the earth is homogeneous (there are no reservoirs, underground water sources, ground buildings, railways, etc.). If any of this is present, then the grid is very significantly distorted, deformed. It should be added that the presence of faults and microcracks in the earth's crust is also important in this regard.

So, in fig. 10 shows the location of the biopathogenic bands around the pond. As you can see, the stripes are located perpendicular to the coastline. The figure is shown by parallel dashed lines. The arrow shows the direction of movement of the dowser with the indicator rod. It is clear that there are also stripes directed perpendicular to the drawn stripes. They run parallel to the coastline. They are not shown in the figure.

Actually, according to the same principle, a grid of biopathogenic bands near the seashore is arranged. The lanes run perpendicular to the coastline. The distance between adjacent lanes is different in different terrain, but in all cases it is several meters.

The location of biopathogenic bands near the railway is curious. Our interest in this case is due to the fact that almost all of us live in block houses containing iron structures (in principle, the same rails). On fig. 11 shows the position of the biopathic lanes near the railway. It can be seen that some strips (only they are shown) run parallel to the rails. Their location is determined by the passage of a dowser with a vine in his hands perpendicular to the rails. There are also perpendicular stripes.

They can be identified if you move with a vine along the railroad tracks or parallel to them. Actually, the same thing with the river, only in this case the rails are replaced by the flow of river water. This is shown in fig. 12.

Since time immemorial, biopathogenic streaks have been called "water veins". This is no coincidence. The vine feels water (or rather the stripes created by water) not only in ponds, lakes, rivers and seas. She feels water and underground. Therefore, it has been repeatedly confirmed that at the intersection of biopathogenic bands, in the nodes of the grid, there is water underground. Wells were dug in these places. Indicative and very illustrative is the definition of a water source with the help of a vine, which was carried out back in the 18th century by Dr. P. Tuvenel. He worked with a very capable peasant from the Dauphine, Vatholomew Bleton. He used a forked stick cut from any bush or tree (except elder) as a vine. This forked stick - the vine rotated in the hands of the dowser at a speed of 30 to 80 revolutions per minute. The speed of rotation depended "on the amount and strength of the water." The last words, taken in quotation marks, belong to Dr. P. Touvenel himself. The doctor wrote: "All the time while he was above the soil water, even if he climbed a ladder or a tree, the wand kept spinning. It calmed down only when it was removed from the water."

J.Valdmanis, based on his measurements (carried out with colleagues), gives a diagram of the location of biopathogenic bands, which is shown in fig. thirteen.

The most "strong" bands ("strength" is determined by the number of turns of the indicator vine) are shaded. This is what is called and called "water veins". Between them there are bands of lesser "strength". They are shown with dashed lines. As you can see, the grid is rotated about 45° relative to the north-south direction (as well as the Curry grid). The intersection of the strips in one place in the figure is shown by a circle. If this grid is not indoors, then it is necessary to dig a well in this place. This is evidenced by centuries of experience.

If you take care of measuring the position of the lanes in your apartment, you can not look for a compass to determine the north-south direction. The fact is that the capital structure unfolds the grid of stripes so that the stripes almost always run parallel to the walls. Therefore, holding the vine in your hand, walk across the room, first in one direction and then in a perpendicular direction.

We advise you to use the L-shaped indicator. It's at the beginning. Then you can try all the described forms of indicators, or even invent your own - because the principle is very simple. So, when you move around the room with the L-shaped indicator (do not do it very quickly), then in some place it will turn to the right (if you do not hold it tightly in your hand or tilt it to the right or left). Repeat the measurements, do not tense up, do it all very calmly and confidently. If, with several repetitions, the rotation of the indicator repeats in the same place, then do not doubt that a strip passes here. Keep in mind that you do not have to be a psychic in order to determine the position of the strip in the apartment. This can be done by anyone using a knitting needle bent in the form of the letter "L".

Of the many factors and causes that contribute to the appearance of anomalous images and various kinds of glows in the frames, in our opinion, in addition to the photographer himself, it is necessary to highlight the effect on the camera equipment from the subject.

The influence on various kinds of equipment belongs to the field of information-field influences and is a mysterious, still not fully explored ability of the human psyche (long-range action, far-sightedness, foresight of future events, etc.).
We drew attention to the facts of impact on measuring equipment in the 80s during our stay at the Tomsk conferences on fast processes and at the nuclear physics center in Tomsk-7. In the process of research, a purposeful, deliberate mental impact on the technique was carried out, as well as an unintentional and involuntary impact, during which a strong human biofield or “secret confrontation of the will” influenced the technique, blocking or breaking something in it.
Scientific researches in special laboratories of Great Britain, the USA, Russia and other countries allow to get answers to the possibility of intentional and unintentional impact on the equipment by the energy of the biofield or by the power of thought. Many have probably noticed how, under certain circumstances, in the presence of some people, light bulbs constantly burn out, household appliances and electronic equipment fail.
Unfortunately, it has not yet been fully determined how a person’s thought, his will affects the operation of individual microcircuits, watches and electrical appliances when irons, washing machines, televisions and radios burn out.
The regulation of subtle physical and physico-chemical reactions with the help of thought, demonstrated at one time in Tomsk-7, showed that there is an "experimenter's effect" here, possessing a strong biofield or directed power of thought.
Faith, disbelief, doubt, confidence of such experimenters also inexplicably affect the devices, and skeptics most often have a negative result.
The equipment often breaks down when a person is emotionally under stress, in a conflict situation. Under such conditions, anomalies often occur in photographs.
But, according to the remark of the English neuropathologist Edmund Critchley, there are many people with an ordinary psyche who involuntarily have any watch (mechanical, quartz, electronic) behind, in a hurry or not working at all.
Researchers also associate this effect with those persons whose consciousness is opposed to working with equipment or mechanisms. In this case, the power of thought can disable the device or camera or cause a malfunction in their work.
The possibility of mental influence on devices is also recognized by the head of the American laboratory of anomalous phenomena, Robert Dzhan, who believes that such an ability is inherent in all people, but in practice a greater effect is still recorded in people with increased paranormal abilities.
We wrote about the telekinesis of N. Kulagina, who, in the presence of scientists, by an effort of will and thought, demonstrated the movement of small light objects in the horizontal and vertical planes.
Confirmation of the mental influence on devices was obtained at Princeton University, USA, when a microprocessor mounted on a random number generator recorded the output of gamma-ray decay particles. From how often such a release occurred, one or another number was displayed on the screen, which was large or small, depending on the wishes and requirements of the experimenters. And in the 90s, in one of the Moscow laboratories, experiments were carried out on mental influence on the macrocalorimeter. When mentally immersed in the image of the flame of the “working body” of the macrocalorimeter, an increase in its temperature by 0.01 degrees was registered. In the United States, the influence of thought managed to achieve a temperature drop of 1 degree.
A similar mental thermal effect, but already at a considerable distance, was carried out by an operator from Moscow to the Sofia laboratory of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, when there the recorder of the device left three sharp peaks on the tape at each of the three moments of this effect.

Analysis of photosensographs and re-photographing in the same places after some time suggests that the effect on photographic equipment, as well as on any measuring and recording devices, depends on the bioenergetics and mental state of the photographer and on other, still unexplored effects, such as the ability to predict events and telepathy. Some aspects of these phenomena are considered in our book in the section on ideophototransmission.
Outstanding sensitives and visionaries of the 20th century successfully influenced photographic equipment.
When Vanga was visited by famous people (leaders of countries, artists, artists), she often asked journalists not to photograph her or record her on film. If, without the knowledge of Vanga, the journalists quietly turned on their recorders, then after a visit to her it turned out that the film was completely clean. Apparently, Vanga felt, foresaw the intentions of journalists, read their thoughts. She apparently inadvertently exhibited an "experimenter effect" by acting on photographic and sound recording equipment during her predictive conversations, subconsciously controlling the actions of photojournalists and guests.
But not only outstanding soothsayers have the effect of mental influence on photographic equipment. The well-known researcher of the paranormal A. Gorbovsky cites a case when a shaman of the Shoshone Indian tribe did not allow an anthropologist to capture him, hung with fox tails and bells. After three unsuccessful attempts, when a working Polaroid produced three shots covered in a black veil, the shaman nevertheless allowed the scientist to get a fourth, but already high-quality, photograph. In these cases, the shaman exerted a deliberate mental influence on the Polaroid, or rather on the film, with the foresight of the expected event, while involuntarily showing the "experimenter's effect".
Some sensitives that have the ability to purposefully mentally influence the equipment, in the process of recording one information, can replace it with another one that occurs at the same time, and then phantoms of extraneous persons appear in the photograph next to the photographed subject.
The Ukrainian healer and seer Petr Udovenko once saw that one of his guests was recording their conversation without permission. He mentally acted on the recorder, and instead of recording the conversation, only music was heard on the cassette, which at that time was broadcast on the radio.
Some photosensographies are affected by the energy of the person being photographed, his neuropsychic state. On one of the frames, where a woman with a little granddaughter was photographed in a flower garden, a glow appeared in the form of a red ball, and on the other frame this glow is absent. Perhaps the first photosensography reflected the excitement and energy of an inexperienced amateur photographer, who repeated the first frame to be sure.
If, in a state of excitement, we are in a hurry to have time to take a photograph and are aimed precisely at this subject, then in these cases a glow may occur. The same thing can happen if the person being photographed is in a hurry somewhere, busy with other thoughts, etc. Such blown-out photographs were taken by the authors with a Polaroid in Russia and Paris, when they hurried to the Arc de Triomphe, as well as in Trier, in southwestern Germany ...

Natalia Glazkova, Wil Landa
Crimea, pos. Small Lighthouse

Why we make a lot of efforts for internal growth, and the results are barely visible. What hinders us on the path of enlightenment and raising the level of consciousness? How does the external environment affect us and how can we create a favorable environment for ourselves and others?

People who have been engaged in internal growth for a long time have an opinion that it is enough to engage in meditation, energy practices, inner work, and then everything around will change, life will miraculously change, and the world will become better. Some masters also pay attention to the physical body, which adds balance to their path, but is this enough? Isn't there an imbalance in this approach, when we, paying attention to ourselves, forget that the external environment also influences us to a large extent?

Have you ever thought that we are in a state of focus (when we can consciously hold a high vibration) at the moment of meditation, practice or work on ourselves, but as soon as we come out of meditation, our attention is instantly carried away by other things, and we are exposed to many factors, almost all of which are negative and low vibration if we live in a big city. Surely, everyone who has ever taken part in work on oneself will confirm that the feeling of flying during such work is inevitably replaced by a period of falling, and the reason here is not only in the internal cleansing that occurs after classes.

In fact, there are quite a lot of factors that have a significant impact on our energy system, the state of subtle bodies and energy centers. These are our nutrition (water and food), society (emotional and mental fields of people), geopathic factors, environmental factors and, finally, electromagnetic vibrational radiation, which is practically not given any attention, which will be discussed in this article. As they say, "we didn't even notice the elephant...".

What is electromagnetic radiation

This pollution, which we cannot see and cannot immediately feel, consists of electromagnetic radiation emitted from millions of household appliances, mobile phones, WiFi routers, computers, tablets, military installations, radars, industrial machines, mobile, radio and television transmitters and other devices incorporating the latest electronic and wireless technologies.

Living in the modern world means being constantly exposed to electromagnetic bombardment. To make matters worse, all the metal objects around us, such as electrical wiring, networks of water and gas pipes, even the metal objects that we wear on our body: keys, watches, jewelry, etc., all act as antennas that collect and radiate disorienting negative energy waves that affect the natural energy and biophysical polarities of the body.

Currently, a typical Russian resident in cities receives electromagnetic radiation in billions times more intense than our ancestors received from the Sun, stars and other natural sources. More importantly, the frequency and informational scalar characteristics of these studies are not natural and harmonious for biological organisms and, in fact, are harmful.

Much of the electromagnetic spectrum has already been proven to be harmful to health. Also proved the harm caused by animals living or falling under the influence of artificial fields created by man, and that's why.

Intrusion into the subtle energy fields of a person at the subatomic level

The polarities in the subtle body are affected by electromagnetic radiation of all frequencies and wavelengths. Subatomic matter is currently viewed by modern physics as energy structures and forces vibrating at speeds approaching the speed of light. Indeed, kinetic energy is an essential aspect of Being. The forces that hold it all together are also an integral part of existence. These forces are electromagnetic, gravitational and related fields. It is already known that powerful cosmic rays and particle emissions change the atomic structure even in a macroscopic sense - molecules and atoms are constantly changing. Therefore, all electromagnetic energy, including light, affects the movement of energy patterns at the subatomic level. Since subatomic energy and electromagnetic energy are of the same nature, they will attract and repel, i.e. they will interact, and will not remain indifferent to each other.

Sub-atomic and electromagnetic energy are the first physical manifestations of subtle energy. Vibrational states of subtle energy will affect subatomic energy patterns and vice versa. This leads to the conclusion that electromagnetic energy affects the polarities in our subtle body and causes changes in our level of health and well-being. This influence will be positive when we are exposed to the wavelengths of natural sunlight to which our own organs and systems are tuned. Outside of these wavelengths, we start getting problems!

Adding to the urgency of this problem is the fact that virtually no one is aware that millions of us are constantly (24/7) exposed to stray fields of magnetic waves that harm the subtle energy fields around our bodies. Although the waves are too small to kill or cause instant dysfunction of our organs and systems, they are nevertheless already powerful enough to reverse the polarity of the body's energy fields and cause changes in the long term, the horizon of which is shrinking very quickly.

It has already been proven that humans and animals themselves generate light electric and biomagnetic fields. Electromagnetic influences coming from the Earth and from space play an important role in the behavior and psychological state of people and animals. In the same way, electromagnetic sources of pollution destabilize, change, reverse the bio-plasma polarity of the body temporarily or permanently, depending on the conditions of their influence.

Altered polarities of the body can almost instantly cause psychological problems such as tension, frustration, apprehension, fear, reduce the body's resistance to bacterial and viral infections, and in the long run cause serious illness.

In the same way, these fields affect the level of consciousness, the frequency characteristics of our mental and emotional fields. The most famous example of this is psychotropic drugs used by special services, for example, to disperse demonstrations, when a feeling of panic and fear is installed in people's fields. We can only guess where the military developments started back in the 50s of the last century have gone, but we can already draw a conclusion about the reality of this impact. Surprisingly, most people do not even think that all modern wireless communication technologies (mobile phones, WiFi networks, etc.) work on the same principle. Doesn't it then become clear why in recent years the number of mental and emotional disorders has increased, immunity is falling, the number of physical diseases is increasing in almost all areas. Needless to say, even those who meditate daily and spend a couple of hours working with themselves will not easily withstand the continuous impact of negative low-vibration fields, programs and influences delivered to us by wireless communications and numerous emitters.

How to protect yourself and counteract electromagnetic radiation

Each person, of course, has his own way of dealing with external influences. The stronger the subtle energy fields of an individual and the degree of health, the greater his ability to cope with an aggressive environment, illness and disharmony. But our immunity and capacity of energy fields is limited, and the situation is already such that with the current intensity of electromagnetic influence, the average person cannot cope, as evidenced by numerous facts, and communities in the USA and Europe.

A radical way out of this situation would be to move to a remote place, not affected by intense fields and radiation, although there are very few such places left on our planet.

Another way to counteract the influence of harmful influences is to use two approaches:

  • strengthening your own energy system and creating protective fields of sufficient intensity,
  • resonant balancing of the information components of the negative frequency radiation source itself, if it is available (for example, in the case of a personal mobile phone).

In conclusion, we will mention several devices and means, the action of which is aimed at strengthening our own natural energy, protecting us from negative frequencies and fields, as well as balancing and bringing our energy structure into a healthy, natural state.

  • Pulsors.

This is a technology that was received from a higher level of consciousness and is a device containing millions of natural microcrystals, which, upon contact with human fields, form dynamic energy structures that protect, purify and align human fields in accordance with healthy, natural functioning. In fact, they read information from high-thin fields about the healthy and natural functioning of a person and build the fields in this way, removing and neutralizing all unnatural and negative structures and influences.

  • Crystalline, vibrational, auric essences and sprays.

When sprayed into the aura field, they instantly neutralize negative structures; when taken internally, they have a deeper and larger impact.

  • EMF transformer, Energy DOT

Being constant generators of natural natural signatures, they transform the information component of negative radiation from the source itself. Especially effective when used with personal electronic devices (phones, tablets, laptops, etc.). When worn on the body, they enhance the natural fields of the individual, allowing them to resist negative influences with less energy consumption.

In the following articles, we will talk about the effects of electromagnetic fields on humans, and how harmful mobile phones and Wifi networks are.

Each of us is an energy person. Some may be a weak negative, others a strong positive energy person. Scientists have long proven that everything consists of energy. Human energy consists of two types: bodily and spiritual. The corporal depends on the environment, its cleanliness, the people with whom we communicate. Spiritual, internal energy is the spiritual world of a person, which consists of his thoughts, experiences and emotionality. Purity of thoughts and actions is what gives us positive strong energy.
Below you will read all about human energy.


Many people have signs of strong energy and any person who is near the carrier of such energy is able to feel them. They are also manifested in the character traits and behavior of such people, they are characterized by charisma, determination, self-confidence, high spirituality, and much more, which indicates their high energy potential.

The energy potential that a person possesses is his ability to produce his own energy, accumulate and assimilate it from the outside, as well as rationally use it. Using energy for good, a person receives a double charge back, which means he accumulates strength. By producing negative emotions, committing negative actions, a person loses strength, and hence health.

Giving, doing sincere good deeds, we also receive. We receive internally. This means that our health will be complete, and life will be joyful and happy. A harmonious person is a happy person and people are always comfortable to be around him. A self-confident, happy person radiates a special strong energy, charging the space around with positive. The strong energy of a person is a battery for others and the space around. Everything blooms next to a person with strong positive energy.

If a person has a strong positive energy, other people feel comfortable around him. By the mere influence of his biofield, such a person is able to positively influence other people. At the same time, a person with negative energy causes a completely opposite state. People who are near him feel discomfort, anxiety, depression, those who have weak energy can also feel unwell.

According to their energy potential, people can be divided into several types. These types differ from one another in their ability to generate, accumulate and release energy and are divided into people with bad energy and people with good energy.


Energy mirrors

Both positive and negative energy, which is directed at the mirror person, always returns to the subject who directs it. That is, they are characterized by the reflection of energy. Such properties of energy, which are inherent in certain people, can be used with great efficiency to protect against negative energy, including its purposeful flows. A mirror person feels good about other people, and if he has to reflect negative energy, being next to its carrier, he immediately understands who is in front of him and tries not to contact such a person. However, the owner of negative energy on a subconscious level tries to avoid meeting with such “mirrors”, since getting back his negative charge does not affect him in the best way, up to ailments and various diseases. For a person with positive energy, on the contrary, communication with It is always pleasant to be a mirror person, because the reflected positive energy returns to the owner, filling him with new positive emotions. As for the “mirror”, having determined that the person who communicates with him is a carrier of positive energy, he will continue to be glad to contact with such a person, and will always maintain good relations with him.

Energy Leeches

There are many such people everywhere and almost every one of us has to communicate with them every day. These can be good friends, relatives of a work colleague. In principle, “energy leeches” are the same as “energy vampires”. That is, these are people who have problems with replenishing energy, and the easiest way for them to strengthen their energy is to “stick” to other people from whom they simply take away their energy (life force). Energy leeches are aggressive and persistent, and radiate bad human energy, their method of pumping energy from potential victims is simple - they try to create a conflict situation, start a quarrel or argument, in some cases even humiliate a person. After that, their state of health improves dramatically, they become cheerful and feel a surge of strength, as they have been sufficiently nourished by someone else's energy. A person (donor) who has been attacked by an "energy leech", on the contrary, feels empty, depressed, in some cases various ailments occur .The key to the existence of this type of people is the constant presence of donors around them, they try to be close to such people, sticking to their energy field.

energy walls

An energy wall is a person with strong energy. Others call such people "impenetrable". Any troubles fly away from them like from a concrete wall. But there is also a negative side to such impenetrability, the negative energy that bounces off them does not in all cases return to the person who sent it, but also to those people who at a particular moment are next to the “impenetrable”.

Energy Sticks

Such people, even at the first meeting, begin to spew a stream of negative energy, without even waiting for a question, laying out all the negative that has accumulated in them. Like leeches, they do not directly take energy. But they also try to infiltrate the living space of other people and stay in it as long as possible. Like leeches, stickies are people with low, bad energy, they tend to impose themselves, they are always there, constantly making phone calls, looking for meetings and contacts, asking for advice. However, later, if any difficulties arise, they blame those with whom they were close for everything negative that happens in their life. Thus, without provoking conflict situations, “energy stickies” receive someone else’s energy in the form of sympathy, some kind of moral help, advice. That is, by imposing themselves on other people and indirectly forcing them to make contact, they feed on the energy of these people, but the people who communicate with them do not suffer as they do from communication with energy vampires.

Energy absorbers

In this capacity, there can be both acceptors and donors. Such people are very sensitive, they have an accelerated energy-information exchange. They like to get into someone else's life, and try to influence someone else's energy with a pronounced desire to help. These people can be classified into two types:

The first type includes those who absorb both negative and positive energy. They are offended for no reason, but they quickly forget insults.

People of the second type take on a lot of negative energy and give back no less positive energy. They actively delve into the problems of people and positively influence the biofields of others, but their accelerated exchange negatively affects them.

Energy Samoyeds

This type of people, as it were fixated on their experiences. They are closed and consciously do not want to communicate with other people, they do not know how to redistribute energy for their own benefit and at the same time create huge reserves of negative energy.

energy plants

This type of people is inherent in the ability to give energy, that is, they are, in fact, energy donors. Excessive curiosity is characteristic of this type of people. This trait brings them a lot of trouble, causing displeasure, and even anger of many people.

Energy filters

An energy filter is a person with strong energy who can pass a large amount of both positive and negative energy through himself. All the information absorbed by it in a processed form returns to the original source and carries an already changed charge. All negativity remains on the filter, to which positive energy is added. Such people are often successful born diplomats, psychologists, peacemakers.

Energy intermediaries

They have excellent energy transfer. They accept energy well, but they cannot withstand negative energy effects. For example, some negative information was shared with such a person, thus transferring part of the negative energy to him. Unable to cope with the received negative energy, a person transmits information further. The same happens in the case of transmission of positive information. This type of "energy mediator" is inherent in very many people.

Having considered the main types of energy inherent in a person, one can understand that different people have different bioenergy. Even the negative or positive energy of a person, in turn, can be divided into different types. Based on this, we can say that each person, given the type of his energy, has his own specific capabilities, his own energy potential and his own specific characteristics. Energy determines and influences a person's relationship with other people and the world around him.

A person who has a negative, negative energy has a bad effect on everything that surrounds him, including people who are next to him, he always brings only trouble. He is not able to live in harmony with the outside world and even with himself.

The influence of energy on a person largely determines his daily life. If the energy is positive, then a person’s life basically proceeds in a harmonious way, he has a positive effect on others. One cannot expect meanness, deceit, trick or other negative manifestations from him. He is open, understandable, and inspires confidence in other people. The impact of energy on a person emanating from a carrier of negative energy, on the contrary, can harm other people. After all, negative energy is inherent in deceitful, envious, unfriendly, aggressive people, and this negativity often manifests itself in communication with others and does not bring them anything good.

The main signs of people with strong, positive energy are their desire to live in harmony with the world around them and the people who are close to them. These are pure, sincere people with a strong core inside.

Strong human energy is a guarantee of health and harmony of life!

Incredible Facts

As each of us probably knows, human sensory abilities have a wide range. Some people see very well, others not so much. Some have excellent hearing, while others are deaf. The same applies to energy sensitivity.

All things are made of vibrational energy. Some people are well aware of the energy that surrounds them, and they can easily tell when there is a lot or a little of it. They easily feel "good" and "bad" vibrations.

Not all energy sensitive people always have all of the following characteristics, but if you notice even a few of them, you are most likely quite sensitive to vibrational energy.

Strong human energy

1. You have a deep empathy for other people.

Often a person with strong energy can be seen where someone is offended or in upset feelings. Energy sensitive people are often the first "recipients" of information about someone else's problem. At the same time, the victim always wants to hold the hand of such a person, hug him and cry to him.

Energy-sensitive people feel the emotions of other people very keenly (and sometimes physical pain), so they easily understand and empathize with those who suffer.

2. Emotional rollercoaster

Having a keen sense of vibrational energy often means that when a person senses "high" energies around them, they are on an emotional high and vice versa. Have a few options ready for you in the event of an emotional downturn.

3. Addiction

Being sensitive to energy, such a person feels much more than other people. To escape from feeling low vibrational energy, often such people can use alcohol or some other relaxing means to reduce the strength of the sensations of negative energy.

These people may also be addicted to other types of addictions, such as food, gambling, or shopping.

Man and his energy

People with strong energy often understand the motives of people's behavior very well, in some cases they catch and feel right on the go when someone wants to say something, good or bad, it doesn't matter.

This is a very useful feature, since no one can use such a person for their own purposes.

5. People with strong energy are most often introverts.

Not all sensitive people are introverts, but a lot of them are. The process of feeling the emotions and feelings of other people is very morally exhausting, so often energy-sensitive people after such "sessions" need rest and recovery.

They often feel exhausted after prolonged social interactions.

6. A person can see the signs

People with strong energy are much more likely to understand the signs that the Universe sends them. They are more likely to find meaning in events and circumstances that most other people would consider coincidental.

Human Energy

As we can see, strong energy is a double-edged sword. Concentrating on vibrational energy allows for a deeper understanding of the universe, but on the other hand, it can also lead to some overstimulation and cause a lot of problems if left unattended.

If you think that you have a strong energy and are energetically sensitive, there are a number of things you can do to use your gift properly and not be so depleted.

First of all, the first thing that can help you strengthen your vibrational "receivers" or better feel the vibration of the environment is meditation or yoga for mental and physical uplift. It is also recommended to regularly declutter your home and work space.

Be mindful of the people you surround yourself with, stay away from toxic individuals, events, and circumstances, especially when you feel overwhelmed. It is very important to work on self-acceptance and learn to love yourself and your gift.

If you came into this world as a person who is sensitive to the perception of energy, then some responsibilities automatically fall on you. However, the constant influx of energy from the environment can overwhelm and hurt you.

But if you learn to control your gift, amazing things will start to happen. Reading energy from people and being able to empathize with others will be a huge advantage.

Energy sensitive people have the power to push the world for positive change, and they also have the ability to become the world's greatest leaders, healers and teachers.

Now let's look at what types of people's energy exist today.

Energy of the human body

1) People are energy mirrors

If energy is directed at such a person, whether positive or negative, it will always return to the one who directs it. That is, the man-mirror reflects energy.

These properties of the energy inherent in certain people can and should be used, and with a high degree of efficiency, in order to protect yourself from negative energy, and first of all, from its purposeful flows.

People - mirrors perfectly feel the surrounding people, so if they have to reflect negative energy, being near its carrier, they immediately understand who is in front of them and try not to enter into any contact with this person.

True, it is worth adding that the bearer of negative energy on a subconscious level tries not to meet with such "mirrors", because getting his own negativity back will not affect him in the best way, up to the development of various diseases or, at least, ailments.

And vice versa, for a carrier of positive energy, contact with people-mirrors is always pleasant, because the reflected positive returns to its owner, charging him with another portion of positive emotions.

As for the mirror man himself, after he quickly realized that he was in front of a carrier of positive energy, in the future he will only be glad to communicate with such a person and will maintain warm relations with him.

2) People are energy leeches

There are a lot of people with such energy, and each of us almost daily encounters and communicates with them. These can be work colleagues, relatives or good friends.

In fact, energy leeches are the same as energy vampires. That is, these are people who have problems replenishing their energy reserves, and the easiest way for them to do this is to cling to another person, taking away his energy, and with it his life force.

Such people are persistent and aggressive, they radiate negativity, and they have their own method of draining energy from others, which is quite simple. They create a conflict situation, start a quarrel or argument, and sometimes they can even humiliate a person when other methods do not help.

After what happened, their well-being improves significantly, vigor comes to them, and they feel a surge of strength, because they drank enough energy from a person to feed themselves. A donor person who has been exposed to an energy leech, on the contrary, feels emptiness, depression, and sometimes he may even experience physical ailments.

In order for a leech to feel good, there must always be donors around it, and they themselves strive to keep such people in their field of vision, whose energy field can be attached to.

The influence of energy on a person

3) People are energy walls

A person - an energy wall - is a person with a very strong energy. You can often hear about such people that they are impenetrable. All troubles, if any, appear on their life path, fly away from them literally like from a concrete wall.

However, there is a negative side to interacting with such people. Negative energy directed at them naturally rebounds and does not always return to the one who directed it. If at the moment there are other people near the "wall", then the negative can go to them.

4) People are energy sticks

These people from the very moment of meeting them begin to pour out a huge amount of negative energy on the interlocutor. Moreover, without waiting for the question, they immediately spread all the negativity that they have accumulated.