Goncharov Oblolov 2 part summary. The main characters of the novel

The novel by I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov" was published in 1859 in the journal "Domestic Notes" and is considered the pinnacle of the writer's entire work. The idea of ​​the work appeared as early as 1849, when the author published one of the chapters of the future novel, Oblomov's Dream, in the Literary Collection. Work on the future masterpiece was often interrupted, ending only in 1858.

The novel "Oblomov" by Goncharov is included in a trilogy with two other works by Goncharov - "Cliff" and "Ordinary History". The work is written according to the traditions of the literary direction of realism. In the novel, the author brings out the problem of Russian society that was important for that time - “Oblomovism”, considers the tragedy of an extra person and the problem of the gradual fading of the personality, revealing them in all aspects of the everyday and mental life of the hero.

main characters

Oblomov Ilya Ilyich- a nobleman, a landowner of thirty years, a lazy, gentle person who spends all his time in idleness. A character with a subtle poetic soul, prone to constant dreams, which replaces real life.

Zakhar Trofimovich- A faithful servant of Oblomov, who serves him from an early age. Very similar to the owner of his laziness.

Stolz Andrey Ivanovich- a childhood friend of Oblomov, his age. A practical, rational and active man who knows what he wants and is constantly developing.

Ilinskaya Olga Sergeevna- Oblomov's beloved, a smart and gentle girl, not devoid of practicality in life. Then she became the wife of Stolz.

Pshenitsyna Agafya Matveevna- the mistress of the apartment in which Oblomov lived, an economic, but weak-willed woman. She sincerely loved Oblomov, who later became his wife.

Other characters

Tarantiev Mikhey Andreevich- cunning and mercenary acquaintances of Oblomov.

Mukhoyarov Ivan Matveevich- Brother Pshenitsyna, an official, as cunning and self-serving as Tarantiev.

Volkov, official Sudbinsky, writer Penkin, Alekseev Ivan Alekseevich- Oblomov's acquaintances.

Part 1

Chapter 1

The work "Oblomov" begins with a description of Oblomov's appearance and his housing - the room is a mess, which the owner does not seem to notice, dirt and dust. According to the author, several years ago Ilya Ilyich received a letter from the headman that his native estate, Oblomovka, needed to be put in order, but he still did not dare to go there, but only planned and dreamed. After calling their servant Zakhar after morning tea, they discuss the need to move out of the apartment, since the owner of the apartment has become needed.

Chapter 2

Volkov, Sudbinsky and Penkin come to visit Oblomov in turn. They all talk about their lives and invite them to go somewhere, but Oblomov resists and they leave with nothing.

Then comes Alekseev - an indefinite, spineless person, no one could even say exactly what his name was. He calls Oblomov to Yekateringof, but Ilya Ilyich does not even want to get out of bed at last. Oblomov shares his problem with Alekseev - a stale letter came from the headman of his estate, in which Oblomov was informed of serious losses this year (2 thousand), which is why he is very upset.

Chapter 3

Tarantiev arrives. The author says that Alekseev and Tarantiev entertain Oblomov in their own way. Tarantiev, making a lot of noise, brought Oblomov out of boredom and immobility, while Alekseev was an obedient listener who could stay in the room unnoticed for hours until Ilya Ilyich paid attention to him.

Chapter 4

Like all visitors, Oblomov hides himself from Tarantiev with a blanket and asks not to come close, as he came in from the cold. Tarantiev offers Ilya Ilyich to move to an apartment with his godfather, which is located in the Vyborg side. Oblomov consults with him about the elder's letter, Tarantiev asks for money for advice and says that the elder is most likely a swindler, recommending that he be replaced and write a letter to the governor.

Chapter 5

Further, the author talks about the life of Oblomov, in abbreviation it can be retold as follows: Ilya Ilyich lived in St. Petersburg for 12 years, being a collegiate secretary by rank. After the death of his parents, he became the owner of an estate in a remote province. When he was young, he was more active, striving to achieve a lot, but with age he realized that he was standing still. Oblomov perceived the service as a second family, which did not correspond to reality, where he had to hurry and work sometimes even at night. For more than two years he somehow served, but then he accidentally sent an important paper to the wrong place. Without waiting for punishment from the authorities, Oblomov himself left, sending a medical certificate, where he was ordered to refuse to go to the service and soon resigned. Ilya Ilyich never fell in love very much, soon stopped communicating with friends and dismissed the servants, became very lazy, but Stoltz still managed to pull him out into the people.

Chapter 6

The training of break-ins was considered a punishment. Reading tired him, but poetry fascinated him. For him, there was a whole gulf between study and life. It was easy to deceive him, he believed everything and everyone. Long-distance travel was alien to him: the only trip in his life was from his native estate to Moscow. Spending his life on the couch, he thinks about something all the time, either planning his life, or experiencing emotional moments, or imagining himself as one of the great people, but all this remains only in his thoughts.

Chapter 7

Describing Zakhar, the author presents him as a thieving, lazy and clumsy servant and gossip who was not averse to drinking and taking a walk at the expense of the master. It was not from evil that he used to invent gossip about the master, while he sincerely loved him with special love.

Chapter 8

The author returns to the main story. After Tarantiev left, Oblomov lay down and began to think about developing a plan for his estate, how it would be good to relax there with friends and wife. He even felt complete happiness. Gathering his strength, Oblomov finally got up to have breakfast, deciding to write a letter to the governor, but it turns out awkwardly and Oblomov tears up the letter. Zakhar again speaks with the master about the move, so that Oblomov leaves the house for a while and the servants can safely transport things, but Ilya Ilyich opposes in every possible way, asks Zakhar to settle the issue of moving with the owner so that they can stay in the old apartment. Having quarreled with Zakhar and thinking about his past, Oblomov falls asleep.

Chapter 9 Oblomov's Dream

Oblomov dreams of his childhood, quiet and pleasant, which slowly passed in Oblomovka - practically heaven on earth. Oblomov recalls his mother, his old nanny, other servants, how they prepared for dinner, baked pies, how he ran across the grass and how his nanny told him fairy tales and retold myths, and Ilya imagined himself the hero of these myths. Then he dreams of his adolescence - the 13-14th birthday, when he studied in Verkhlev, at the Stolz boarding house. There he learned almost nothing, because Oblomovka was nearby, and he was influenced by their monotonous, like a calm river, life. Ilya remembers all his relatives, for whom life was a series of rituals and feasts - births, weddings and funerals. The peculiarity of the estate was that they did not like to spend money there and were ready to endure any inconvenience because of this - an old sofa with stains, a worn armchair. Days were spent in idleness, sitting silently, yawning or having semi-nonsensical conversations. The inhabitants of Oblomovka were alien to accidents, changes, troubles. Any issue was resolved for a long time, and sometimes it was not resolved at all, being shelved. Parents understood that Ilya needed to study, they would like to see him educated, but since this was not invested in the foundations of Oblomovka, he was often left at home on school days, his every whim was fulfilled.

Chapters 10-11

While Oblomov was sleeping, Zakhar went out into the courtyard to complain about the master to other servants, but when they spoke badly about Oblomov, ambition awakened in him and he began to praise both the master and himself to the fullest.

Returning home, Zakhar tries to wake Oblomov, as he asked to wake him up in the evening, but Ilya Ilyich, swearing at the servant, tries his best to sleep on. This scene greatly amuses Stolz, who arrived and stood at the door.

Part 2

Chapters 1-2

The second chapter of the story "Oblomov" by Ivan Goncharov begins with a retelling of the fate of Andrei Ivanovich Stolz. His father was German, his mother was Russian. Mother saw in Andrey the ideal of a gentleman, while his father brought him up according to his own example, taught agronomy, and took him to factories. From his mother, the young man adopted a love for books, music, from his father - practicality, the ability to work. He grew up as an active and lively child - he could leave for a few days, then return dirty and shabby. The frequent visits of the princes, which filled their estate with fun and noise, gave liveliness to his childhood. The father, continuing the family tradition, sent Stolz to the university. When Andrei returned after his studies, his father did not allow him to stay in Verkhlev, sending him with a hundred rubles in banknotes and a horse to Petersburg.

Stolz lived strictly and practically, most of all afraid of dreams, he did not have idols, while he was physically strong and attractive. He stubbornly and accurately followed the chosen path, everywhere he showed perseverance and a rational approach. For Andrei, Oblomov was not only a school friend, but also a close person with whom one could calm an anxious soul.

Chapter 3

The author returns to Oblomov's apartment, where Ilya Ilyich complains to Stolz about problems in the estate. Andrei Ivanovich advises him to open a school there, but Oblomov believes that it is too early for the peasants. Ilya Ilyich also mentions the need to move out of the apartment and the lack of money. Stolz sees no problem in moving and is surprised at how lazy Oblomov is. Andrei Ivanovich forces Zakhar to bring clothes to Ilya in order to take him out to the people. Stolz also orders the servant to send Tarantiev out every time he comes, since Mikhei Andreevich constantly asks Oblomov for money and clothes, not intending to return them.

Chapter 4

For a week, Stolz takes Oblomov to various societies. Oblomov is dissatisfied, complains about the fuss, the need to walk all day in boots and the noise of people. Oblomov blurts out to Stolz that the ideal of life for him is Oblomovka, but when Andrei Ivanovich asks why he won’t go there, Ilya Ilyich finds many reasons and excuses. Oblomov draws before Stoltz an idyll of life in Oblomovka, to which a friend tells him that this is not life, but “Oblomovism”. Stolz reminds him of the dreams of his youth, that you need to work, and not spend your days in laziness. They come to the conclusion that Oblomov needs to finally go abroad, and then to the village.

Chapters 5-6

Stolz's words "now or never" made a great impression on Oblomov and he decided to live differently - he made a passport, bought everything you need for a trip to Paris. But Ilya Ilyich did not leave, since Stolz introduced him to Olga Sergeevna - at one of the evenings Oblomov fell in love with her. Ilya Ilyich began to spend a lot of time with the girl, and soon bought the dacha opposite her aunt's dacha. In the presence of Olga Sergeevna, Oblomov felt awkward, could not lie to her, but admired her, listening with bated breath to the girl singing. After one of the songs, he exclaimed without control that he felt love. Coming to his senses, Ilya Ilyich ran out of the room.

Oblomov blamed himself for his intemperance, but, meeting with Olga Sergeevna after, he said that it was a momentary passion for music and not true. To which the girl assured him that she had forgiven him for his liberties and forgot everything.

Chapter 7

The changes affected not only Ilya, but his entire house. Zakhar married Anisya, a lively and agile woman who changed the established order in her own way.

While Ilya Ilyich, who had returned from a meeting with Olga Sergeevna, was worried about what had happened, he was invited to dinner with the girl's aunt. Oblomov is tormented by doubts, he compares himself with Stolz, thinks if Olga is flirting with him. However, at a meeting, the girl behaves with restraint and seriousness with him.

Chapter 8

Oblomov spent the whole day with Aunt Olga, Marya Mikhailovna, a woman who knew how to live and manage life. The relationship between their aunt and their niece had its own special character, Marya Mikhailovna was an authority for Olga.

After waiting all day, missing Olga's aunt and Baron Langvagen, Oblomov nevertheless waited for the girl. Olga Sergeevna was cheerful and he asked her to sing, but he did not hear yesterday's feeling in her voice. Disappointed, Ilya Ilyich went home.

Oblomov was tormented by a change in Olga, but the meeting of the girl with Zakhar gave Oblomov a new chance - Olga Sergeevna herself made an appointment in the park. Their conversation turned to the topic of an unnecessary, useless existence, to which Ilya Ilyich said that his life was like that, because all the flowers had fallen from it. They raised the issue of feelings for each other and the girl shared Oblomov's love by giving him her hand. Walking with her further, the happy Ilya Ilyich kept repeating to himself: “This is all mine! My!".

Chapter 9

The lovers are happy together. For Olga Sergeevna, with love, meaning appeared in everything - in books, in dreams, in every moment. For Oblomov, this time became a time of activity, he lost his previous peace, constantly thinking about Olga, who by all means and tricks tried to get him out of a state of idleness, forced him to read books and go to visit.

When talking about their feelings, Oblomov asks Olga why she doesn’t constantly talk about her love for him, to which the girl replies that she loves him with special love, when it’s a pity to part for a while, but it hurts for a long time. When talking about her feelings, she relied on her imagination and believed it. Oblomov didn’t need anything more than the image with which he was in love.

Chapter 10

The next morning, a change took place in Oblomov - he began to think about why he had a burdensome relationship and why Olga could love him. Ilya Ilyich does not like that her love is lazy. As a result, Oblomov decides to write a letter to Olga, in which he says that their feelings have gone far, they began to influence their lives and character. And those “I love, love, love” that Olga told him yesterday were not true - he is not the person she dreamed of. At the end of the letter, he says goodbye to the girl.

Having given the letter to the maid Olga, and knowing that she would be walking through the park, he hid in the shade of the bushes and decided to wait for her. The girl walked and cried - for the first time he saw her tears. Oblomov could not stand it and caught up with her. The girl is upset and gives him a letter, reproaching that yesterday he needed to “love” her, and today her “tears”, that in fact he does not love her, and this is just a manifestation of selfishness - Oblomov only in words he speaks of feelings and sacrifice, but in reality this is not so. In front of Oblomov was an offended woman.

Ilya Ilyich asks Olga Sergeevna that everything be as before, but she refuses. Walking beside her, he realizes his mistake and tells the girl that the letter was not needed. Olga Sergeevna gradually calms down and says that in the letter she saw all his tenderness and love for her. She had already moved away from resentment and was thinking how to alleviate the situation. Asking Oblomov for a letter, she pressed his hands to her heart and ran home happy.

Chapters 11-12

Stolz writes to Oblomov to settle things with the village, but Oblomov, preoccupied with feelings for Olga Sergeevna, postpones the solution of problems. The lovers spend a lot of time together, but Ilya Ilyich begins to be oppressed that they meet in secret. He tells Olga about this and the lovers discuss that they should probably declare their relationship officially.

Part 3

Chapters 1-2

Tarantiev asks Oblomov for money for the housing of his godfather, in which he did not live and is trying to beg for more money from Oblomov. But Ilya Ilyich's attitude towards him has changed, so the man does not receive anything.

Joyful that relations with Olga will soon become official, Oblomov goes to the girl. But the beloved does not share his dreams and feelings, but approaches the matter in a practical way. Olga tells him that before telling her aunt about their relationship, they need to settle things in Oblomovka, build a house there, and for now, rent housing in the city.

Oblomov goes to the apartment that Tarantiev advised him, where his things are piled up. He was met by his godfather Tarantyeva - Agafya Matveevna, who asked to wait for her brother, since she herself is not in charge of this. Not wanting to wait, Oblomov leaves, asking to be told that he no longer needs the apartment.

Chapter 3

Relations with Olga become, in the eyes of Ilya Ilyich, sluggish and protracted, he is increasingly oppressed by uncertainty. Olga persuades him to go and settle things with the apartment. He meets with the owner's brother and he says that during the time his things were in the apartment, it could not be handed over to anyone, so Ilya Ilyich owes 800 rubles. Oblomov is indignant but then promises to find money. Having discovered that he had only 300 rubles left, he cannot remember where he spent the money over the summer.

Chapter 4

Oblomov nevertheless moves to Tarantiev's godfather, the woman worries about his quiet life, life, brings up Zakhar's wife Anisya. Ilya Ilyich finally sends a letter to the elder. Their meetings with Olga Sergeevna continue, he was even invited to the Ilyinsky box.

One day, Zakhar asks if Oblomov found an apartment and if there will be a wedding soon. Ilya is surprised how the servant can know about the relationship with Olga Sergeevna, to which Zakhar replies that the servants of the Ilyinskys have been talking about this for a long time. Oblomov assures Zakhar that this is not true, explaining how troublesome and costly it is.

Chapters 5-6

Olga Sergeevna makes an appointment with Oblomov and, wearing a veil, secretly from her aunt meets him in the park. Oblomov is against the fact that she is deceiving relatives. Olga Sergeevna invites him to open up to his aunt tomorrow, but Oblomov delays this moment, because he wants to first receive a letter from the village. Not wanting to go in the evening and the next day to visit the girl, he conveys through the servants that he fell ill.

Chapter 7

Oblomov spent a week at home, talking with the hostess and her children. On Sunday, Olga Sergeevna persuaded her aunt to go to Smolny, since it was there that they agreed to meet with Oblomov. The baron tells her that in a month she can return to her estate and Olga dreams of how Oblomov will be delighted when she finds out that you can not worry about the fate of Oblomovka and immediately go to live there.

Olga Sergeevna came to visit Oblomov, but immediately noticed that he was not sick. The girl reproaches the man that he deceived her and did nothing all this time. Olga forces Oblomov to go with her and her aunt to the opera. Inspired Oblomov is waiting for this meeting and a letter from the village.

Chapters 8,9,10

A letter arrives in which the owner of the neighboring estate writes that things are bad in Oblomovka, there is almost no profit, and in order for the land to give money again, the owner needs an urgent personal presence. Ilya Ilyich is upset that because of this, the wedding will have to be postponed for at least a year.

Oblomov shows the letter to the owner's brother, Ivan Matveyevich, and asks him for advice. He recommends his colleague Zatertoy to go to settle things on the estate instead of Oblomov.
Ivan Matveevich is discussing a "good deal" with Tarantiev, they consider Oblomov a fool who can make good money on.

Chapters 11-12

Oblomov comes with a letter to Olga Sergeevna and says that a person has been found who will settle everything, so they will not have to part. But with the question of the wedding, you will have to wait another year until everything is finally settled there. Olga, who hoped that Ilya would ask her aunt for her hand in marriage from day to day, faints from this news. When the girl comes to her senses, she accuses Oblomov of his indecision. Olga Sergeevna tells Ilya Ilyich that even in a year he will not settle his life, continuing to torment her. They break up.

Frustrated, Oblomov walks unconscious around the city until late at night. Returning home, he sits motionless for a long time, and in the morning the servants find him in a fever.

Part 4

Chapter 1

A year has passed. Oblomov lived there with Agafya Matveevna. Zapped settled everything in the old days, sent a good proceeds for bread. Oblomov was glad that everything was settled and money appeared without the need for his personal presence on the estate. Gradually, Ilya's grief was forgotten and he unconsciously fell in love with Agafya Matveevna, who also, without realizing it, fell in love with him. The woman in every possible way surrounded Oblomov with care.

Chapter 2

Stolz also came to visit the magnificent celebration in the house of Agafya Matveevna on Ivan's Day. Andrei Ivanovich tells Ilya Ilyich that Olga went abroad with her aunt, the girl told Stolz everything and still cannot forget Oblomov. Andrei Ivanovich reproaches Oblomov that he is again living in the “Oblomovka” and is trying to take him away with him. Ilya Ilyich agrees again, promising to come later.

Chapter 3

Ivan Matveevich and Tarantiev are worried about the arrival of Stolz, as he may find out that the quitrent from the estate was collected, but they took it to themselves without the knowledge of Oblomov. They decide to blackmail Oblomov by allegedly seeing that he went to Agafya Matveevna.

Chapter 4

The author in the story is transferred to a year ago, when Stoltz accidentally met Olga and her aunt in Paris. Noticing a change in the girl, he became worried, begins to spend a lot of time with her. He offers her interesting books, tells her something exciting, goes with them to Switzerland, where he realizes that he is in love with a girl. Olga herself also feels great sympathy for him, but worries about her past love experience. Stolz asks to tell about her unfortunate love. Having learned all the details and the fact that she was in love with Oblomov, Stolz discards his feelings and calls her to marry. Olga agrees.

Chapter 5

A year and a half after Ivan's Day and Oblomov's name day, everything in his life became even more boring and gloomy - he became even more flabby and lazy. The brother of Agafya Matveevna counts the money for him, so Ilya Ilyich does not even understand why he is losing money. When Ivan Matveevich got married, money became very bad and Agafya Matveevna, taking care of Oblomov, even went to pawn her pearls. Oblomov did not notice this, giving himself further laziness.

Chapters 6-7

Stolz visits Oblomov. Ilya Ilyich asks him about Olga. Stolz tells him that she is doing well and the girl married him. Oblomov congratulates him. They sit down at the table and Oblomov begins to tell that now he has little money and Agafya Matveevna has to manage herself, as there is not enough for the servants. Stolz is surprised, because he regularly sends him money. Oblomov speaks of a borrowed debt to the owner. When Stolz tries to find out from Agafya Matveevna the terms of the loan, she assures that Ilya Ilyich does not owe her anything.

Stolz draws up a paper, which indicates that Oblomov does not owe anything. Ivan Matveich plans to frame Oblomov.

Stolz wanted to take Oblomov with him, but he asked to leave him for only a month. In parting, Stolz warns him to be careful, as his feelings for the mistress are noticeable.
Oblomov quarrels with Tarantiev over deception, Ilya Ilyich beats him and kicks him out of the house.

Chapter 8

For several years, Stoltz did not come to St. Petersburg. They lived with Olga Sergeevna in complete happiness and harmony, enduring all difficulties, coping with sadness and loss. Once, during a conversation, Olga Sergeevna recalls Oblomov. Stolz tells the girl that in fact it was he who introduced her to the Oblomov whom she loved, but not the way Ilya Ilyich really is. Olga asks not to leave Oblomov, and when they are in St. Petersburg, take her to him.

Chapter 9

In the Vyborg side, everything was quiet and calm. After Stolz arranged everything in Oblomovka, Ilya Ilyich got money, pantries were bursting with food, Agafya Matvevna got a closet with outfits. Oblomov, according to his habit, lay all the days on the sofa, watching Agafya Matveevna's classes, for him it was a continuation of Oblomov's life.

However, at one point after a lunch break, Oblomov had an apoplexy and the doctor said that he urgently needed to change his lifestyle - move more and diet. Oblomov does not follow instructions. He increasingly falls into oblivion.

Stolz comes to Oblomov to take him with him. Oblomov does not want to leave, but Andrei Ivanovich invites him to visit him, saying that Olga is waiting in the carriage. Then Oblomov says that Agafya Matveevna is his wife, and the boy Andrei is his son, named after Stolz, so he does not want to leave this apartment. Andrei Ivanovich leaves upset, telling Olga that now "Oblomovism" has reigned in Ilya Ilyich's apartment.

Chapters 10-11

Five years have passed. Three years ago, Oblomov again had a stroke and died quietly. Now her brother and his wife are in charge of the house. Oblomov's son Andrey Stolz took to his upbringing. Agafya yearns greatly for Oblomov and for her son, but does not want to go to Stolz.

One day, while walking, Stolz meets Zakhar, who is begging on the street. Stolz calls him to him, but the man does not want to go far from Oblomov's grave.

To the question of Stolz's interlocutor, who Oblomov is and why he disappeared, Andrei Ivanovich replies - “The reason ... what reason! Oblomovism!


Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" is one of the most detailed and accurate studies of such a Russian phenomenon as "Oblomovism" - a national trait characterized by laziness, fear of change and daydreaming that replaces real activity. The author deeply analyzes the causes of "Oblomovism", seeing them in the pure, gentle, inconsiderate soul of the hero, seeking peace and quiet monotonous happiness, bordering on degradation and stagnation. Of course, a brief retelling of Oblomov cannot reveal to the reader all the issues considered by the author, so we strongly recommend that you fully appreciate the masterpiece of 19th century literature.

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1859 Russia. Goncharov's novel Oblomov was published in the journal Otechestvennye Zapiski. The work is about Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, his servant Zakhara and their life in St. Petersburg. Ilya Ilyich practically does not get up from the sofa and his main attributes are a Spacious bathrobe, soft slippers and a sofa. The author also introduces us to Stolz, Oblomov's best friend and his aptipod. There is also a love story ... The ending of the novel is tragic - Oblomov dies, but "Oblomovism" lives on.

The main idea of ​​the novel "Oblomov" is that Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov for the first time in Russian literature draws the reader's attention to such a negative and destructive concept as "Oblomovism". It is this phenomenon that is the cause of degradation, both of an individual and of society as a whole. This can be seen in the ideological design of the novel.

The reader gets acquainted with the main character of the story - Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. He is 32 years old. He lives with his servant Zakhar on Gorokhovaya Street in St. Petersburg. His days are like one another like twins. Usually Ilya Oblomov lies in bed. "Doing nothing" is the main feature of the protagonist. His servant does not resist such a routine of life. Everything suits him.

A new day is coming and Volkov, Penkin, Sudbinsky come one after another to visit Ilya Ilyich. Their goal is to disrupt the measured course of a sloth's life. Oblomov, in turn, tells them about his problems, but the guests are not interested in these matters.
Oblomov has a friend - Andrei Stoltz. And only he alone can help Ilya Ilyich sort out his affairs.
In the meantime, the hero lies on the couch. He dreams of his native village - Oblomovka, where he is a small and curious boy, and life is carefree and calm. But the dream is interrupted by the arrival of Stolz.

Then the story begins about Andrei Stolz, his childhood and youth. It turns out that they are the same age as Oblomov, but they are antipodes in everything. Stolz has German roots, and because of this, he formed early as a person. He is active and constantly moving. Andrei even makes attempts to stir up Oblomov: take him to visit, introduce him to different people. Stoltz succeeds because Oblomov leaves the couch and tries to lead an active lifestyle.

One fine day, fate brings Oblomov to Olga Ilyinskaya. He falls in love ... But, Olga is a very active person and she definitely does not like much in Oblomov's way of life.

Stolz needs to leave on business. It was during this period of time that Ilya Ilyich fell under the influence of Tarantiev and moved to the Vyborg side. Oblomov again plunges into a pool of problems. It is unbearably difficult for him to deal with things. And then one day he met Agafya Pshenitsyna. It is so comfortable that the hero feels as if he has returned to his native Oblomovka.

Unnoticed, Pshenitsyna takes all matters into her hands. Then Ilya Ilyich again returns to a state of slumber and bliss. Often he gets a shake-up - these are meetings with Olga Ilyinskaya. Oblomov hears talk about the upcoming wedding of Olga and Stolz. But ..., Oblomov is only indignant, but does not take decisive action against it.

Almost a year passes. Oblomov has been sick all this time. Pshenitsyna manages the household with a firm hand. Tender feelings even appeared between her and Oblomov. Their life enters into a calm channel. Finally, the wedding of Olga and Stolz is played.

A few more years pass. Stoltz visits his old friend and sees that nothing has changed in his life. Oblomov doesn't care. The only thing he asks Andrei is to take care of Oblomov's son. Some time later, Oblomov dies. Agafya Pshenitsyna devotes herself entirely to her son.

The novel ends with meaningful words: “A reason… what a reason! Oblomovism!

Read a summary of Goncharov's novel Oblomov chapter by chapter

Part 1

1 chapter

In this chapter, the author tells the reader about the main character Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, his servant Zakhara and describes their life. Oblomov's favorite pastime is to lie on the couch and think about life. On the described morning, the master and the servant discussed the issue of a possible exit from the apartment.

Chapter 2

Oblomov is visited by acquaintances - Volkov, Sudbinsky, Penkin. Oblomov is trying to consult with them about exciting issues - what to do with the apartment and the estate (the headman told him that he would receive 2,000 less)? After their visits, Ilya Ilyich thought about how they thoughtlessly live their lives. Alekseev came next to him - a faceless person about whom there is nothing to say. He listened to Oblomov's problems, but could not advise anything.

Chapter 3

Tarantiev, a noisy, rude and cunning employee, comes to Oblomov for lunch. The reader is explained why Oblomov makes acquaintance with them and invites them to dinner: in Alekseev he will always find an agreeing interlocutor and an attentive listener, and the noisy Tarantiev brings Oblomov back to life for a short time. For the first time, Oblomov's friend Stolz is mentioned.

Chapter 4

Ilya Ilyich tells Tarantiev about his two misfortunes. Regarding the apartment, he advised him to move to an apartment with his godfather on the Vyborg side and promised to arrange everything. For advice on the account of the estate, he already demanded money and only then said that Oblomov should change the headman, he was deceiving him. Tarantiev and Alekseev leave, and the master remains to wait for Stolz.

Chapter 5

It tells about the life of Oblomov. Twelve years living in St. Petersburg, received the rank of collegiate secretary. After the death of his parents, he got the estate, and he lived in a big way. During the service, Oblomov mistakenly sent an important paper to the wrong place and, without waiting for the punishment of his superiors, left work. In his youth, Ilya Ilyich was more active, but over time he became apathetic and began to avoid society.

Chapter 6

As a young man, Oblomov received an education, but did not acquire any knowledge. Things on the estate went from bad to worse, the headman advised the master to come himself. But Oblomov did not want to go anywhere. Despite his apathetic nature, the desires of youth sometimes awakened in him, but then they invariably passed. Only the faithful Zakhar knew about his spiritual unrest.

Chapter 7

It tells about the life of Zakhar. Zakhar, like his master, is lazy, loves to grumble at the master, gossip about him. But he is also proud that he serves the master, loves their Oblomovka estate and puts his master above the rest.

Chapter 8

Oblomov makes attempts to write a letter to the governor, but to no avail. During this, he quarrels with Zakhar because the servant equated him with "others". Oblomov brings Zakhar to frustration with his "pathetic" words. After that, the owner, having drunk kvass, plunged into a daytime sleep.

Chapter 9 ()

Oblomov has an unusual dream. In this dream, he sees his childhood, his parents decided to educate him and sent him to a boarding school, where Oblomov met Stolz. He did not like to study, he was not indulged in the boarding school, and his parents, despite the awareness of the importance of education, often succumbed to the boy's whims and left him in Oblomovka.

Chapter 10

While the master was resting, Zakhar went out into the yard to other servants and began to scold him. But when they began to speak disrespectfully about Oblomov, pride leapt up in Zakhar and he began to praise him publicly.

Chapter 11

Zakhar returned home and began to wake up Ilya Ilyich, but he began to scold him, and the whole scene amused Stolz, who came to Oblomov.

Part 2

1 chapter

It tells about the childhood of Andrei Stolz. His father is a Russified German, his mother is Russian, she used to work as a governess. Stolz was a quick-witted, active boy, and at the end of his education, his father told him that he now had to achieve everything himself and gave him one hundred rubles. The farewell to my father was dry, but some woman decided to bless him.

Chapter 2

Stolz was a man of action. Everything he did was right, simple. He wanted to know as much as possible and apply the knowledge gained in practice. But dreams, strong feelings were alien - he tried to avoid them. He liked to visit his friend Oblomov, sit on his sofa and spend time in leisurely conversation.

Chapter 3

Oblomov consults with a friend. Stolz offers him to go to the estate himself and do its landscaping. Ilya Ilyich says that he will have time, there is no need to hurry. On the same day, Stolz still persuades Oblomov to go with him on business.

Chapter 4

Friends talk about how life should be. Oblomov philosophizes that people strive to live faster, they are in a hurry somewhere, and he does not like it. At the request of Stolz, he talks about his vision of life and family happiness. He describes the ideal of life as in his estate. Stolz calls this not life, but Oblomovism.

Chapter 5

Andrei Stolz introduces Ilya Oblomov to Olga Ilyinskaya. The young lady jokes about Oblomov's laziness and habits, which confuses him. Olga sings a song, and her singing excited Oblomov's soul. Stolz goes abroad, and his friend spends all his time with Ilyinskaya. During one of the walks, he accidentally confesses his love to her.

Chapter 6

Oblomov talks about what his wife should be like. Among female images, the image of Olga appears. The hero worries that he offended her with his involuntary confession. Oblomov apologizes. Olga, seeing his worries, finds confirmation of her guess about his feelings and forgives him.

Chapter 7

Oblomov tells Zakhar to clean up the dacha, which he rents not far from the Ilyinskys. Zakhar grumbles, Anisya offers to clean up the mess herself. It tells about the family life of Zakhar and Anisya. The master is brought an invitation to dinner with the Ilyinskys. Dear Oblomov doubts Olga's feelings.

Chapter 8

During dinner, Oblomov did not recognize his beloved - she did not feel that inner light that delighted him. He did not know that Olga was beginning to understand life better and faster, to become a woman. Oblomov decides to move to the Vyborg side. He tells Olga about this and she does not hide her annoyance. He is inspired by this discovery: he understands that the girl is not indifferent. Ilyinskaya, on the other hand, sees that thanks to her, a goal has appeared in his life.

Chapter 9

Olga understands that only after meeting with Oblomov does she begin to feel life more fully. Not a day goes by that Oblomov does not think about his beloved. He began to get out into society, to read books, because Olga demanded an answer from him for all questions. While walking on the mountain, she confesses her feelings to Oblomov. He considers the young lady the ideal of his beloved.

Chapter 10

Oblomov doubts whether Olga really loves him? Reflecting on this, he decides that the girl loves not him, but the image that she invented. He writes her a letter asking her to stop their meetings. Having handed over the letter, he becomes interested in how the young lady will react. Seeing how Ilyinskaya reads his message and cries, Oblomov tries to calm the girl. He says that they "love only once", and Olga, agreeing with him, says that she will not stop loving him and is not afraid of her feelings. After that, he realizes that the letter was unnecessary and asks to forget about it. Ilinskaya forgives him.

Chapter 11

Olga has nervous attacks. Oblomov worries about her health. They become more and more attached to each other every day. During a walk, they meet a friend of Ilinskaya with her husband. Oblomov realizes that they are behaving incorrectly and decides to propose to Olga.

Chapter 12

Oblomov makes an offer to Ilyinsky. She answers him with consent. Olga confesses to him that she never wants to part with him.

Part 3

1 chapter

Tarantiev comes to Oblomov and asks when he will move to an apartment with his godfather. Ilya Ilyich replies that he has changed his mind about renting an apartment, to which Tarantyev replies that an agreement has been signed under which Oblomov undertakes to pay a penalty of 800 rubles and that he needs to talk with the owner's brother. Oblomov in a dejected state.

Chapter 2

Olga asks her lover not to tell anyone about their engagement until he improves his estate and finds a new apartment. Oblomov arrives on the Vyborg side and meets the owner of the apartment, Pshenitsyna. To all his questions, she replies that she does not understand anything about this and it is better for him to talk to her brother. Oblomov, without waiting for her brother, leaves.

Chapter 3

At the end of the summer, Oblomov decides to live in Pshenitsyna's apartment until he finds another. They began to see less of Olga, and Ilyinskaya does not allow talking about the engagement until Oblomov does what he promised. After talking with the owner's brother, Mukhoyarov, it turns out that Oblomov must pay a penalty of 1,000 rubles. The master understands that he does not have that kind of money, and promises to try to transfer the apartment.

Chapter 4

Oblomov tries to find a new apartment, but they turn out to be too expensive. He looks closely at the mistress, he likes the way she runs the house. By chance, in the theater, he hears a conversation of young people about himself and Olga, at home Zakhar asks when the wedding is. Oblomov begins to fear that everyone has already guessed everything.

Chapter 5

Oblomov was afraid that Olga came to see him alone. He tries to explain to her that they need to be more careful. Ilyinskaya offers to tell everything to her aunt. Oblomov decides to postpone the explanation, as he is waiting for a letter from the village about how things are on his estate.

Chapter 6

Oblomov decides not to go to the Ilyinskys. According to a random phrase said by the hostess, it begins to seem to him that she knows about Olga. Oblomov decides to pretend to be sick and not see the young lady for some time. During his "illness" he becomes more and more close to Pshenitsyna.

Chapter 7

Oblomov does not come to dinner and Olga is worried. The girl comes to him on the Vyborg side. He tells her the whole truth about how he spent his days in idleness and is very repentant of this. After her departure, the desire to live returned to him again, and he is looking forward to a letter from Oblomovka.

Chapter 8

A letter arrives. In it, the neighbor says that the house is very bad and there will be no money in the near future. Oblomov is trying to find ways to solve this problem.

Chapter 9

Oblomov asks Mukhoyarov for help. He refuses to be the manager of his estate, but advises his friend. Oblomov agrees.

Chapter 10

Mukhoyarov and Tarantiev meet and discuss how cleverly they manage to deceive Oblomov. The landlady's brother is afraid of the tenant's marriage, Tarantiev reassures him. They decide, with the help of a friend, to manage Oblomov's affairs for as long as possible.

Chapter 11

Oblomov tells Olga about the letter and his decision. The young lady is disappointed in him: she understands that he will not change and decides to part with him. During a farewell conversation, she asks him why he ruins his mind, talent, his life for no reason? To which he replies that there is a reason - this is Oblomovism.

Chapter 12

Oblomov is having a hard time breaking up with Olga and falls ill with a fever.

Part 4

1 chapter

A year has passed since Oblomov's illness. The estate was managed by an acquaintance of Mukhoyarov and the owner did not see the need to go there himself. Gradually, Oblomov returned to his usual way of life, since the life of Pshenitsyna's house was like Oblomovka. Pshenitsyna develops feelings for Oblomov that neither she nor he is aware of. Oblomov just likes to watch "the work of her elbows."

Chapter 2

Stolz arrives at Oblomov's name day. He tells Oblomov that he saw Olga and she is happy. Stolz is interested in his affairs. Seeing reports from the village, he realizes that Oblomov was deceived. Offers him his help and receives consent. Stolz asks Oblomov not to forget that work is the goal of life.

Chapter 3

Tarantiev and Mukhoyarov are discussing how Stoltz ruined all their plans. Mukhoyarov notices the sympathy between his sister and Oblomov and decides to deceive him again. Together with Tarantiev, they want to force him to sign a paper that he undertakes to pay the debt to his sister for dishonorable behavior.

Chapter 4

Stolz meets the Ilinskys in Paris. He understands that Olga has changed a lot since their last meeting. Stolz gradually realizes that every day he falls more and more in love with her. Olga also understands that she has feelings for him, but is afraid to tell about Oblomov. Stoltz manages to find out the whole truth, and he calms Olga, asks for her hand. She agrees and realizes that she is very happy.

Chapter 5

Tarantiem and Mukhoyarov managed to turn their business around, and Oblomov was forced to give Ivan Matveevich most of his income. After the marriage of his brother, Pshenitsyna's household fell into decay: there was no plentiful table, everything became dirty, untidy, Oblomov himself became lazy, flabby. Pshenitsyna is worried and is trying with all her might to help him. Suddenly, Stoltz arrives.

Chapter 6

Oblomov invites Stolz to dinner. At dinner, a friend says that he is married to Olga. Oblomov is sincerely happy for him. Stolz is concerned about his life and finds out that he is forced to pay the owner a debt. Andrei, after talking with Pshenitsyna, understands that all this is the work of her brother. Pshenitsyna agrees to help Stoltz.

Chapter 7

Mukhoyarov tells Tarantiev how he was summoned by the general for the story with Oblomov, ordered to resign. Stolz warns his friend against close relations with the hostess and takes a promise from him that he will come to them. Tarantiev comes to Oblomov and begins to insult Stolz. Oblomov gives him a slap in the face. After that, Tarantiev and Oblomov no longer see each other.

Chapter 8

Olga and Stolz did not come to St. Petersburg for several years. Their family life was active, understanding and order reigned in everything. Olga delved into all the affairs of her husband, and he tried to remain worthy of his wife. A young woman worries about Oblomov. Stolz promises that he will try with all his might to help him, if he is not prevented by insurmountable circumstances.

Chapter 9

After the help of Stolz, wealth and abundance again settled in Pshenitsyna's house. From a sedentary lifestyle, Oblomov had an apoplectic stroke. Andrey and Olga come to see them. Oblomov says that he had a stroke. Stolz tries to explain to his friend that such a life as his is wrong and wants to take him to Oblomovka. Oblomov says that this is impossible and admits to him that he is married to the mistress and their son Andrei is growing up. Friends say goodbye, Stolz and Olga leave.

Chapter 10

Five years have passed. Oblomov had another blow that he suffered, but he never fully recovered. After some time, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov died. His wife mourned for her husband for a long time and only then realized that she loved him. Her brother moved to her with his family and Tarantiev. Her only joy is her son Andrei, whom she gave to the Stolts for education, so that a master would grow out of him.

Chapter 11

Stolz and his familiar writer were walking along the Vyborg side. The writer wondered where the beggars come from. At this time, one of them approaches them, in which Stoltz recognized Zakhar. Zakhar said that Anisya died during cholera, and he left home, he could not get a job anywhere and went into beggars. Stolz offers to move him to Oblomovka, it is very good there, life is in full swing, but Zakhar does not want to leave the grave of the master. Stolz tells the writer a story about his friend Oblomov.

Picture or drawing Oblomov

Other retellings for the reader's diary

  • Summary of Cossacks Blue and Green

    The story tells about the first love of young people. The young man, on whose behalf the story is told, falls in love. He was struck by her tender hands, which so beautifully whiten in the dark.

  • Summary Letter to Chekhov's scientist neighbor

    Vasily Semi-Bulatov writes a letter to his neighbor Maxim. At the beginning of the letter, he apologizes for the disturbance. Maxim is a scientist and recently moved from St. Petersburg, but he did not get to know his neighbors, so Vasily decided to be the first to make contact.

  • Summary Gray neck Mamin-Sibiryak

    In autumn, birds were preparing to fly to warm places. The duck and the drake fought constantly. She condemned her husband for being indifferent to their children. He assumed he was doing the right thing. All the quarrels were over a little wounded duck

  • Summary Fraerman Wild dog Dingo or a tale of first love

    The main character of the story, Tanya Sobaneeva, was left without a father when she was eight months old. The father went to another woman and adopted the boy Kolya. In the future, the father will come with a new family to that city

  • Summary Boyar Orsha Lermontov

    The boyar, nicknamed Ivan the Terrible Orsha, goes home after a long service. His only consolation is his young daughter.

Stolz was German only by his father, his mother was Russian. He spoke Russian and professed the Orthodox faith. He learned the Russian language from his mother, from books, in games with village boys. He knew German from his father and from books. Andrei Stoltz grew up and was brought up in the village of Verkhlev, where his father was a manager. At the age of eight, he already read the works of German authors, Bible verses, taught Krylov's fables and read sacred history.

When he grew up, his father began to take him with him to the factory, then to the fields, and from the age of fourteen, Andrei went to the city with his father's orders alone. Mother did not like this upbringing. She was afraid that her son would turn into the same German burgher that his father had come out of. She did not like the rudeness and independence of the Germans, and believed that there could not be a single gentleman in their nation. She lived as a governess in a rich house, lived abroad, traveled all over Germany and mixed all the Germans into one crowd of people with rough speech and rough hands, capable only of getting money, order and boring correctness of life. In her son, she saw the ideal of the master - "a white, beautifully built boy .., with a clean face, with a clear and lively look ..." Therefore, every time Andrei returned from factories and fields in dirty clothes and with a wolf appetite, she rushed to wash dressed him, told him about the poetry of life, sang about flowers, taught him to listen to the sounds of music.

Andrei studied well, and his father made him a tutor in his small boarding school and, in a completely German way, assigned him a salary of ten rubles a month. And nearby was Oblomovka: “there is an eternal holiday! They sell work from their shoulders ..., there the master does not get up with the dawn and does not go to the factories ... ”And in Verkhlev itself there is an empty house, locked for most of the year. Once every three years it was filled with people, the prince and princess came with their family.

The prince is a gray-haired old man with three stars, the princess is a woman of majestic beauty and volume, she did not talk to anyone, did not go anywhere, but sat in a green room with three old women. Together with the prince and princess, their sons, Pierre and Michel, came to the estate. “The first immediately taught Andryusha how they beat the dawn in cavalry and infantry, which sabers are hussar and which dragoon, what colors of horses are in each regiment, and where you must definitely go after training so as not to disgrace yourself. The other, Michel, had just got to know Andryusha, put him in position and started doing amazing things with his fists, hitting Andryusha first in the nose, then in the belly, then said that this was an English fight. Three days later Andrei broke his nose both in the English and in the Russian way, without any science, and gained authority from both princes.

Andrei's father was an agronomist, technologist, teacher. After studying at the university, he returned to his father, who "gave him a knapsack, a hundred thalers and let him go to all four sides." He traveled to different countries, and stopped in Russia, where he lived for the last twenty years, "blessing his fate." And he “drawn” the same path for his son. When Andrei graduated from the university and lived at home for three months, his father said that “there was nothing more for him to do in Verkhlev, that even Oblomov was sent to St. Petersburg, which, therefore, it’s time for him.” The mother was no longer in the world, and there was no one to object to the decision of the father. On the day of departure, Stolz gave his son a hundred rubles.

You will ride as far as the provincial town,” he said. - There, get three hundred and fifty rubles from Kalinnikov, and leave the horse with him. If he is not there, sell the horse; there will soon be a fair: they will give four hundred rubles and not for a hunter. It will cost you forty rubles to get to Moscow, from there to Petersburg - seventy-five; stay pretty. Then - as you wish. You did business with me, so you know that I have some capital; but don't count on him before my death, and I'll probably live another twenty years, unless a stone falls on my head. The lamp burns brightly, and there is a lot of oil in it. You are well educated: all careers are open before you; you can serve, trade, at least compose, perhaps - I don’t know what you will choose, what you feel more willing to ...

Yes, I'll see if it's possible all of a sudden, - said Andrei.

The father laughed with all his might and began to pat his son on the shoulder so that even the horse could not stand it. Andrew is nothing.

Well, if you don’t have the skill, you won’t be able to find your own way all of a sudden, you need to consult, ask - go to Reingold: he will teach. O! he added, holding up his fingers and shaking his head. This... this (he wanted to praise and could not find a word)... We came from Saxony together. He has a four-story house. I'll give you the address...

Don't, don't say, - Andrei objected, - I will go to him when I have a four-story house, and now I can do without him ...

Another pat on the shoulder.

Andrei jumped on the horse. Two bags were tied to the saddle: in one lay an oilcloth cloak and one could see thick boots lined with nails and several shirts made of Verkhlev linen - things bought and taken at the insistence of the father; in the other was an elegant tailcoat of fine cloth, a shaggy coat, a dozen thin shirts and boots, ordered in Moscow, in memory of mother's instructions...

Father and son looked at each other in silence, "as if they had pierced one through the other," and said goodbye. Neighbors crowded nearby in surprise and indignantly discussed such a farewell, one woman could not stand it and began to cry: “Father, you little light! Orphan poor! You don’t have a dear mother, there is no one to bless you ... Let me at least rebaptize you, my handsome man! .. ” Andrei jumped off the horse, hugged the old woman, then he wanted to go and suddenly burst into tears - in her words he heard his mother’s voice. He hugged the woman tightly, mounted his horse and disappeared into the dust.

Stolz was the same age as Oblomov, and he was already over thirty. “He served, retired, went about his business and actually made a house and money” - participated in some company that sent goods abroad.

He is constantly on the move: if the society needs to send an agent to Belgium or England, they send him; you need to write some project or adapt a new idea to the case - choose it. Meanwhile, he travels to the world and reads: when he has time - God knows.

He is all made up of bones, muscles and nerves, like a blooded English horse. He is thin; he has almost no cheeks at all, that is, bone and muscle, but no sign of fatty roundness; the complexion is even, swarthy and no blush; eyes, although a little greenish, but expressive.

He didn't have any extra moves. If he sat, then he sat quietly, but if he acted, then he used as much facial expressions as needed ...

He walked firmly, cheerfully; he lived on a budget, trying to spend every day, like every ruble ... It seems that he controlled both sorrows and joys, like the movement of his hands, like the steps of his feet, or how he dealt with bad and good weather ...

A simple, that is, a direct, real outlook on life - that was his constant task ...

Most of all, he did not like imagination, he was afraid of any dream. The mysterious and enigmatic had no place in his soul. As well as the imagination, so he followed the heart subtly and carefully - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bheart affairs was still unknown to him. Being carried away, he never lost the ground under his feet, and felt enough strength in himself in which case "to rush and be free." He was never blinded by beauty and was not a slave. “He did not have idols, but he retained the strength of the soul, the strength of the body ..; some kind of freshness and strength emanated from him, in front of which even unshy women were involuntarily embarrassed. He knew the value of these properties and spent them sparingly, so those around him considered him an insensitive egoist. His ability to resist impulses and not go beyond the boundaries of the natural was stigmatized and immediately justified, but they did not understand and did not cease to be surprised. In his stubbornness, he gradually fell into puritanical fanaticism and said that “the normal purpose of a person is to live the four seasons, that is, four ages, without jumps and carry the vessel of life to the last day without spilling a single drop in vain, and that even and slow the burning of fire is better than stormy fires, no matter what poetry burns in them.

He stubbornly walked along the chosen path, and no one saw that he was painfully thinking about anything or hurting his soul. To everything that he did not meet, he found the right reception, and in achieving the goal, he put perseverance above all else. He himself went to his goal, "bravely stepping over all obstacles", and could refuse it only if a wall appeared ahead or an abyss opened up.

How could such a person be close to Oblomov, in whom every feature, every step, the whole existence was a blatant protest against the life of Stolz? It seems that the question has already been settled, that opposite extremes, if they do not serve as a pretext for sympathy, as was thought before, then in no way prevent it.

Moreover, they were connected by childhood and school - two strong springs, then Russian, kind, fat caresses, abundantly wasted in the Oblomov family on a German boy, then the role of a strong one, which Stoltz occupied under Oblomov both physically and morally, and finally, and most of all, at the base of Oblomov's nature lay a pure, bright and kind beginning, filled with deep sympathy for everything that is good and that only opened up and responded to the call of this simple, uncomplicated, eternally trusting heart ...

Andrei often, breaking away from business or from the secular crowd, in the evening, from the ball, went to sit on Oblomov’s wide sofa and in a lazy conversation take away and calm an anxious or tired soul, and always experienced that calming feeling that a person experiences when coming from magnificent halls under own modest shelter or returning from the beauties of southern nature to a birch grove, where he walked as a child.

Hello Ilya. How glad I am to see you! Well, how are you? Are you healthy? Stoltz asked.

Oh, no, it’s bad, brother Andrei, - Oblomov said with a sigh, - what health!

What, sick? Stoltz asked carefully.

They overcame the barley: only that week one came off the right eye, and now another one is setting down.

Stolz laughed.

Only? - he asked. - You nailed it for yourself.

What "only": heartburn torments. You should have listened to what the doctor said just now. “Abroad, he says, go, otherwise it’s bad: there may be a blow.”

Well, what are you?

I will not go.

From what?

Have mercy! You listen to what he said here: “I live somewhere on a mountain, go to Egypt or America ...”

Well? Stoltz said coolly. - You will be in Egypt in two weeks, in America in three...

Stolz, having listened with a smile to his friend's complaints about his misfortunes, advised him to give freedom to the peasants and go to the village himself. And the housing problem, in his opinion, is easily solved: you need to move. Andrei asked a friend about how he spent his time, what he read, with whom he talked, and spoke with displeasure about Oblomov's frequent visitors, especially about Tarantiev.

Have mercy, Ilya! - said Stolz, turning an amazed look at Oblomov. - What are you doing yourself? Like a lump of dough, curl up and lie down.

True, Andrei, like a lump, ”Oblomov said sadly.

Is consciousness really justification?

No, this is only an answer to your words; I’m not making excuses, ”Oblomov remarked with a sigh.

You have to get out of this dream.

Tried before, failed, and now... why? Nothing causes, the soul does not break, the mind sleeps peacefully! he concluded with a barely perceptible bitterness. - Enough about it ... Tell me better, where are you from now?

From Kyiv. In two weeks I will go abroad. Go and you...

Good; perhaps ... - decided Oblomov.

So sit down, write a request, tomorrow you will submit ...

Here it is tomorrow! - began Oblomov, recollecting himself. - What haste they have, as if someone is driving! Let's think, talk, and then what God will give! Perhaps first to the village, and abroad ... after ...

Stolz decided to stop at Oblomov’s and get his friend out of his sleepy state, made him get dressed and get ready: “We’ll have lunch somewhere on the go, then we’ll go home at two or three, and ...” Ten minutes later Stolz came out shaved and combed, and Oblomov was sitting on the bed, slowly buttoning his shirt. In front of him, Zakhar stood on one knee with an unpolished boot and waited for the master to free himself.

Although it was not too early, they managed to stop by somewhere on business, then Stolz took one gold miner with him to dine, then they went to the latter’s dacha to drink tea, they found a large company, and Oblomov from complete solitude suddenly found himself in a crowd of people. They returned home late at night.

On the second, on the third day again, and a whole week flashed by unnoticed. Oblomov protested, complained, argued, but was carried away and accompanied his friend everywhere.

One day, returning from somewhere late, he especially rebelled against this fuss.

For days on end, - grumbled Oblomov, putting on a dressing gown, - you don’t take off your boots: your legs itch! I don't like this Petersburg life of yours! he continued, lying down on the sofa.

What do you like? Stoltz asked.

Not the same as here.

What exactly didn't you like here?

Everything, the eternal running around, the eternal play of cheesy passions, especially greed, interrupting each other's way, gossip, gossip, clicks to each other, this is looking from head to toe; if you listen to what they are talking about, you will get dizzy, you will become stupefied. It seems that people look so smart, with such dignity on their faces, you only hear: “They gave this one, that one received a lease.” - "Forgive me, for what?" someone shouts. “This one played yesterday at the club; he takes three hundred thousand!” Boredom, boredom, boredom! .. Where is the man here? Where is his integrity? Where did he hide, how did he exchange for every little thing? ..

Life: good life!

What is there to look for? interests of the mind, heart? Just look where is the center around which all this revolves: it is not there, there is nothing deep that touches the living. All these dead people, sleeping people, worse than me, these members of the world and society! What drives them in life? Here they do not lie, but scurry every day, like flies, back and forth, but what's the point? You will enter the hall and not stop admiring how symmetrically the guests are seated, how quietly and thoughtfully they sit - at the cards. Needless to say, the glorious task of life! An excellent example for the seeking movement of the mind! Isn't it the dead? Don't they sleep sitting up all their lives? Why am I more guilty than them, lying at home and not infecting my head with triples and jacks? ..

And our best youth, what is she doing? Doesn't he sleep, walking, driving along the Nevsky, dancing? Daily empty shuffle of days! And look with what pride and unknown dignity, with a repulsive look, they look at those who are not dressed like them, do not bear their name and rank. And they imagine, the unfortunate ones, that they are still above the crowd: “We are serving, where, apart from us, no one serves ...” And they will converge among themselves, get drunk and fight, like wild ones! Are they living, sleepless people? Yes, not only young people: look at adults. They gather, feed each other, no cordiality .. no kindness, no mutual attraction!

They gather for dinner, for the evening, as if on duty, without fun, it's cold, to boast of a cook, a salon, and then at hand to ridicule, to substitute one foot for another ... What kind of life is this? I don't want her. What will I learn there, what will I extract?

No one has a clear, calm look, ”continued Oblomov,“ everyone is infected from each other by some painful care, longing, painfully looking for something. And the truth would be good, good for themselves and others - no, they turn pale from the success of a comrade ... There is nothing of their own, they scattered in all directions, did not go to anything. Under this comprehensiveness lies emptiness, lack of sympathy for everything! And to choose a modest, labor path and follow it, to break through a deep rut - this is boring, imperceptible; there omniscience will not help and there is no one to throw dust in the eyes.

Well, we didn't scatter, Ilya. Where is our modest, labor path? Stoltz asked.

Oblomov was suddenly silent.

Yes, I’ll just finish ... the plan ... - he said. - God bless them! - with annoyance he added later. - I don't touch them, I'm not looking for anything; I just don't see normal life in it. No, this is not life, but a distortion of the norm, the ideal of life, which nature has indicated as a goal for man ...

What is this ideal, the norm of life?

And Oblomov told his friend about the plan of life "drawn" by him. He wanted to get married and go to the countryside. When asked by Stolz why he did not marry, he replied that there was no money. Ilya Ilyich's ideal of life was Oblomovka, where he grew up.

Well, I would get up in the morning, ”Oblomov began, putting his hands under the back of his head,“ and an expression of peace spread over his face: he was mentally already in the village. - The weather is beautiful, the sky is bluer, bluer, not a single cloud, - he said, - one side of the house in terms of my balcony is turned to the east, to the garden, to the fields, the other - to the village. While waiting for my wife to wake up, I would put on a dressing gown and walk around the garden to breathe in the morning fumes; there I would have found a gardener, watered the flowers together, trimmed the bushes and trees. I am making a bouquet for my wife. Then I go to the bath or to swim in the river, I return - the balcony is already open; a wife in a blouse, in a light bonnet that holds on just a little, and it looks like it will fly off her head ... She is waiting for me. “Tea is ready,” she says. - What a kiss! What tea! What a quiet armchair!.. Then, putting on a spacious frock coat or some kind of jacket, embracing his wife by the waist, go deeper with her into the endless, dark alley; go quietly, thoughtfully, silently or think aloud, dream, count the minutes of happiness, like a beating pulse; listen to how the heart beats and stops; look for sympathy in nature ... and quietly go to the river, to the field ... The river splashes a little; the ears are agitated by the breeze, the heat ... get into the boat, the wife rules, she barely lifts the oar ...

Then you can go into the greenhouse, ”Oblomov continued, reveling in the ideal of painted happiness himself. He drew from his imagination ready-made pictures he had drawn long ago, and that is why he spoke with animation, without stopping. “To look at peaches, grapes,” he said, “to say what to serve, then come back, have a light breakfast and wait for the guests ... And in the kitchen at this time it is boiling; the cook in a snow-white apron and cap bustles about... Then lie down on the couch; the wife reads something new aloud; we stop, argue... But the guests are coming, for example, you and your wife... Let's start yesterday's unfinished conversation; jokes will come or eloquent silence, thoughtfulness will come ... Then, as the heat falls, they would send a cart with a samovar, with dessert to a birch grove, or else in a field, on mowed grass, they would spread carpets between stacks and so blissfully would to okroshka and steak. The men walk from the field, with braids on their shoulders; there a waggon of hay will creep through, covering the whole cart and horse; above, from a pile, sticks out a peasant's hat with flowers and a child's head; there is a crowd of barefoot women with sickles, wailing... The lights in the house were already lit up; in the kitchen knock on five knives; a frying pan of mushrooms, cutlets, berries ... there is music ... The guests disperse to the outbuildings, to the pavilions; and tomorrow they dispersed: some to fish, some with a gun, and some just sit there ...

And the whole century so? Stoltz asked.

To gray hair, to the grave. That's life!

No, this is not life!

Why not life? What is not here? Just think that you would not see a single pale, suffering face, no concern, not a single question about the Senate, about the stock exchange, about shares, about reports, about receiving a minister, about ranks, about an increase in table money. And all the talk is to your liking! You would never need to move out of your apartment - that alone is worth it! And this is not life?

This is not life! Stolz repeated stubbornly.

What do you think it is?

This is ... (Stoltz thought and looked for how to call this life.) Some kind of ... Oblomovism, - he said at last.

Oh-blo-movism! - Ilya Ilyich said slowly, surprised at this strange word and sorting it out into words. - About-lo-mov-schina!

He looked strangely and intently at Stolz.

Oblomov was sincerely surprised: isn't the goal of running around, passions, wars, trade the desire for peace? Stolz reproachfully reminded him of their youthful dreams: to serve as long as they have enough strength, to work to have a sweeter rest, and to rest means to live on the other, graceful, side of life; travel around foreign lands in order to love your own more strongly, because "all life is thought and work." Oblomov began to recall the past, when they together dreamed of looking at the canvases of famous artists, traveling around different countries ... But all this was in the past, and now all these dreams and aspirations seemed to Oblomov empty nonsense, while for Stolz work is “an image, content, element and purpose of life. He said that for the last time he was going to "raise" Oblomov so that he would not disappear at all. Oblomov listened to his friend with worried eyes and admitted that he himself was not happy with such a life, he himself understood that he was digging his own grave and mourning himself, but he lacked the will and strength to change everything. “Take me wherever you want ... and I won’t budge alone,” Oblomov asked his friend. - Do you know, Andrei, in my life, no ... fire has ever lit up! It didn’t look like a morning, on which colors are gradually falling… No, my life began with extinction… From the first minute, when I became aware of myself, I felt that I was already fading…, I was fading and ruining my strength… Or I didn’t understand this life, or it’s no good, but I didn’t know anything better, I didn’t see it ... ”Stoltz silently listened to his friend’s confession and decided to take him abroad, then to the village, and then find a job. "Now or never - remember!" he added as he left.

"Now or never!" - terrible words appeared to Oblomov, as soon as he woke up in the morning.

He got out of bed, walked around the room three times, looked into the living room: Stolz was sitting and writing.

Zakhar! he called.

The jump from the stove is not heard - Zakhar is not coming: Stolz sent him to the post office.

Oblomov went to his dusty table, sat down, took a pen, dipped it in an inkwell, but there was no ink, he looked for paper - also none.

He thought about it and mechanically began to draw with his finger on the dust, then looked at what he had written: it came out Oblomovism.

He deftly erased what he had written with his sleeve. He dreamed of this word at night, written in fire on the walls, like Balthazar at a feast.

Zakhar came and, finding Oblomov not on the bed, looked dully at the master, surprised that he was on his feet. In this dull look of surprise it was written: "Oblomovism!"

“One word,” thought Ilya Ilyich, “and what a ... poisonous one! ..”

Two weeks later, Stoltz left for England, took the word from Oblomov that he would soon arrive in Paris and they would meet there. Ilya Ilyich was actively preparing for his departure: the passport was already ready, it remained to buy some clothes and food. Zakhar ran around the shops, and although he put a lot of coins in his pocket, he cursed both the master and everyone who invented travel. Oblomov's acquaintances watched him incredulously, saying: "Imagine: Oblomov has moved!"

“But Oblomov did not leave either in a month or three” - on the eve of his departure, a fly bit him and his lip swelled up. Stolz had been waiting for a friend in Paris for a long time, wrote him "frantic" letters, but did not receive an answer to them.

From what? Perhaps the ink has dried up in the inkwell and there is no paper? Or, perhaps, because in the Oblomov style they often collide which the and what, or, finally, Ilya Ilyich in a formidable clique: now or never he stopped at the latter, put his hands under his head - and Zakhar wakes him in vain.

No, his inkwell is full of ink, there are letters on the table, paper, even stamped, moreover, written with his hand ...

He gets up at seven o'clock, reads, carries books somewhere. On the face of no sleep, no fatigue, no boredom. Even colors appeared on him, a sparkle in his eyes, something like courage, or at least self-confidence. You can’t see a bathrobe on him: Tarantiev took him with him to his godfather with other things.

Oblomov sits with a book or writes in a home coat; a light scarf is worn around the neck; the collars of the shirt are loosened over the tie and shine like snow. He comes out in a frock coat, beautifully tailored, in a smart hat ... He is cheerful, sings ... Why is this?

Here he is sitting at the window of his dacha (he lives in a dacha, a few versts from the city), next to him lies a bouquet of flowers. He nimbly writes something, while he constantly glances through the bushes, at the path, and again hurries to write.

Suddenly the sand crunched along the path under light steps; Oblomov threw down his pen, grabbed the bouquet and ran to the window.

Is that you, Olga Sergeevna? Now! - he said, grabbed his cap, cane, ran out the gate, gave his hand to some beautiful woman and disappeared with her into the forest, in the shade of huge fir trees ...

Before leaving, Stolz introduced Oblomov to Olga Ilyinskaya and her aunt. When he first brought Oblomov to Olga's aunt's house, there were guests, and Ilya Ilyich felt uncomfortable. Olga was very happy with Stolz, whom she loved because “he always made her laugh and did not let her get bored, but she was also a little afraid, because she felt like a child in front of him. She understood that he was superior to her, and could turn to him with any question. Stoltz admired her, "as a wonderful creature, with a fragrant freshness of mind and feelings." To him, she was a lovely, promising child. Andrey spoke to her more often than to other women, “because, although unconsciously, she followed a simple, natural path of life and by a happy nature, by a sound, but outwitted upbringing, did not deviate from the natural manifestation of thought, feeling, will, even to the slightest, barely noticeable movement of the eyes, lips, hands. And, perhaps, she walked so easily through life, because she felt next to her the “confident steps of a friend whom she believed.

Be that as it may, but in a rare girl you will find such simplicity and natural freedom of sight, word, deed. You will never read in her eyes: “Now I will purse my lip a little and think - I am so good-looking. I look there and get scared, I scream a little, now they will run up to me. I'll sit down at the piano and stick out the tip of my foot a little bit...

No affectation, no coquetry, no lies, no tinsel, no intent! On the other hand, almost only Stolz appreciated her, on the other hand, she sat through more than one mazurka alone, not hiding her boredom; on the other hand, looking at her, the most amiable of the young people were taciturn, not knowing what and how to say to her ...

Some considered her simple, short-sighted, shallow, because neither wise maxims about life, about love, nor quick, unexpected and bold remarks, nor subtracted or overheard judgments about music and literature fell from her tongue: she spoke little, and then her own , unimportant - and she was bypassed by smart and lively "cavaliers"; the timid ones, on the contrary, considered her too tricky and were a little afraid. Only Stolz spoke to her incessantly and made her laugh.

She loved music, but more often she sang in secret, or to Stolz, or to some boarding friend; and she sang, according to Stolz, like no other singer sings.

Oblomov aroused benevolent curiosity in Olga at first sight. He was embarrassed by the looks of Olga, which she threw at him. When he began to say goodbye after dinner, Olga invited him to dinner the next day. From that moment on, Olga's gaze did not leave Oblomov's head, and no matter how lazy poses he took, he could not fall asleep. “And the dressing gown seemed disgusting to him, and Zakhar is stupid and unbearable, and the dust with cobwebs is unbearable.”

He ordered some wretched pictures to be taken out, which some patron of poor artists had imposed on him; he straightened the curtain himself, which had not been raised for a long time, called Anisya and ordered to wipe the windows, brushed off the cobwebs, and then lay down on his side and thought about Olga for an hour.

At first he intently occupied himself with her appearance, he kept drawing her portrait in his memory.

Olga in the strict sense was not a beauty, that is, there was neither whiteness in her, nor the bright color of her cheeks and lips, and her eyes did not burn with rays of inner fire; there were no corals on the lips, no pearls in the mouth, no miniature hands, like those of a five-year-old child, with fingers in the form of grapes.

But if she were turned into a statue, she would be a statue of grace and harmony. The size of the head strictly corresponded to a somewhat high growth, the oval and dimensions of the face corresponded to the size of the head; all this, in turn, was in harmony with the shoulders, the shoulders - with the camp ...

Whoever met her, even absent-minded, stopped for a moment in front of this so strictly and deliberately, artistically created creature.

The nose formed a slightly convex, graceful line; lips thin and for the most part compressed: a sign of a thought constantly directed at something. The same presence of a speaking thought shone in the vigilant, always cheerful, nothing missing look of dark, gray-blue eyes. Eyebrows gave a special beauty to the eyes: they were not arched, they did not round the eyes with two thin threads plucked with a finger - no, they were two light brown, fluffy, almost straight stripes that rarely lay symmetrically: one line was higher than the other, from this above the eyebrow there was a small fold in which something seemed to say, as if a thought rested there.

Olga walked with her head tilted slightly forward, so gracefully, nobly resting on a thin, proud neck; she moved with her whole body evenly, stepping lightly, almost imperceptibly ...

Oblomov decided that for the last time he would go to Aunt Olga, but as the days passed, he continued to go to Ilyinskaya. One day, Tarantiev moved all Oblomov's belongings to the Vyborg side, to his godfather, and Ilya Ilyich settled in a free dacha, located opposite the dacha of Olga's aunt. He was with Olga from morning to evening, read to her, sent flowers, walked with her in the mountains, sailed in a boat on the lake ... Stolz told Olga about Oblomov's weaknesses, and she did not miss a moment to joke about him. One evening, Stolz asked Olga to sing.

She sang many arias and romances, at the direction of Stolz; in some, suffering was expressed with a vague foreboding of happiness, in others, joy, but in these sounds the germ of sadness was already lurking.

From the words, from the sounds, from this clear, strong girlish voice, my heart beat, my nerves trembled, my eyes sparkled and swam with tears. At one and the same moment I wanted to die, not to wake up from the sounds, and now again my heart longed for life ...

Oblomov flared up, became exhausted, with difficulty held back his tears, and it was even more difficult for him to stifle a joyful cry ready to escape from his soul. For a long time he had not felt such cheerfulness, such strength, which, it seemed, all rose from the bottom of his soul, ready for a feat.

At that moment he would even go abroad if he had only to sit down and go.

In conclusion, she sang Casta diva: all the delights, thoughts rushing like lightning in her head, trembling, like needles, running through her body - all this destroyed Oblomov: he was exhausted.

Are you satisfied with me today? Olga Stolz suddenly asked, having stopped singing.

Ask Oblomov, what will he say? Stolz said.

Oh! - broke out from Oblomov.

He suddenly grabbed Olga by the arm and immediately left it, and was greatly embarrassed.

Sorry…” he muttered.

Do you hear? Stoltz told her. - Tell me honestly, Ilya: how long has this not happened to you?

It could have happened this morning if a hoarse hurdy-gurdy passed by the windows... - Olga intervened kindly, so gently that she took the sting out of sarcasm.

He looked reproachfully at her.

That night he did not sleep, but sad and thoughtful walked around the room. As soon as dawn broke, he left the house, walked the streets. And three days later he was again at Olga's aunt, and in the evening he found himself at the piano together with Olga. She, as usual, began to play a joke on him, and he admired her: “My God! How pretty! There are such people in the world…” It was hard for him to breathe from happiness, and chaotic thoughts rushed in his head like a whirlwind. He looked at her and did not hear her words. Then Olga began to sing, and when she stopped, she looked back at Oblomov and saw that “on his face shone the dawn of awakened happiness, rising from the bottom of his soul.”

But she knew why he had such a face, and inwardly triumphed modestly, admiring this expression of her strength.

Look in the mirror,” she continued, pointing to his own face in the mirror with a smile, “the eyes are shining, my God, there are tears in them! How deeply do you feel the music!..

No, I feel... not music... but... love! Oblomov said quietly.

She instantly left his hand and changed her face. Her gaze met his gaze fixed on her: that gaze was motionless, almost insane; it was not Oblomov who looked at them, but passion.

Olga realized that his word escaped, that he had no power in it, and that it was the truth.

He came to his senses, took his hat and ran out of the room without looking back. She no longer followed him with a curious look, she stood for a long time, without moving, at the piano, like a statue, and stubbornly looked down; The chest just kept going up and down...

The socio-psychological novel-long-term construction "Oblomov" includes elements of the writer's autobiography. The writing of the work was greatly influenced by Belinsky's speech on Goncharov's first novel, Ordinary History. At the same moment, Ivan Alexandrovich had an idea for his next book. The author claims that he has some common features with the protagonist of the novel "Oblomov". He also reveals the concept of "Oblomovism". For a full understanding of this literary phenomenon, we urge you to read.

Chapter 1

The landowner Ilya Ilyich Oblomov lives in St. Petersburg with his servant Zakhar Timofeevich (here is his complete one). Barin is in his thirties. He receives funds from the Oblomovka estate. Ilya is kind and very pleasant-looking. Perhaps the main drawback of his internal qualities lies in ordinary laziness.

Lying on the couch is the normal state of Ilya Ilyich. His favorite bathrobe and soft sofa are the best friends for everyday pastime.

One day, Oblomov receives a letter from the headman of Oblomovka. The letter contains information about the critical state of the crop, however, he does not forget to mention economic problems. Meanwhile, the owner asks Ilya Ilyich to vacate his apartment. The hero does not know where to go, and these problems seem to him unsolvable. But he won't lift a finger to try to solve them. He can only pour out his soul to Zakhar in impotent despondency.

Chapter 2

Oblomov, Volkov, Sudbinsky, Penkin and Alekseev visit in turn. All of them invite Ilya Ilyich to Yekateringof. Oblomov refuses, coming up with various excuses. Each guest tells the landowner about his life, deeds and achievements.

All the guests are so worried about their own problems that they completely forget about Oblomov's life, his ailments, and do not even want to help him in any way. He is a convenient listener for them, who can always be trusted with secrets.

Chapter 3

Tarantiev is Oblomov's last guest. A swindler and a scoundrel likes to make a lot of noise, because of which the owner, at least a little, but cheers up. The last guests of Ilya Ilyich somehow save the landowner from the daily routine. Although he does not complain of boredom, idleness is enough for him.

Also in this chapter, the best friend and, perhaps, the only pleasant guest of the landowner, Andrei Ivanovich Stolz, is mentioned, whom Ilya Oblomov is undoubtedly waiting for and ready to receive him at absolutely any time. Only the energetic and assertive Stolz can help him avoid problems and solve pressing problems. They grew up together, and the hero completely trusts a childhood friend (here they are).

Chapter 4

Oblomov is still worried about problems with housing. Even the most active guests are unpleasant to Ilya Ilyich. It would seem, who can help Oblomov?

Countryman Ilya Ilyich Tarantiev offers the landowner to move in with his godfather. Oblomov categorically refuses, and soon the guests dispersed. Tarantiev did not forget to reproach the headman who sent the letter for fraud. But is he to judge? He himself goes to the hero for a reason, seeing in him a person who is easy to lead around the finger.

Chapter 5

The author proceeds to a story about the life of Ilya Oblomov (we described it in detail). Answers to questions appear there: why Ilya Ilyich became so lazy, what defeats he had to endure, and what people did not leave him in trouble.

Oblomov lived in St. Petersburg for more than ten years. Due to the death of his parents, he became the owner of an estate in a remote province. Over time, Ilya Ilyich understood more and more that he was standing still, no matter how he moved, and did not try to climb the career ladder. Ilya barely served, but one big mistake taught Oblomov an important lesson. He sent a very important paper to the wrong place. Oblomov, without waiting for an order from his superiors, decides to personally resign. Ilya Ilyich eventually became very lazy, stopped communicating with friends, but his childhood best friend Andrei Stolz (his detailed description) still did not stand aside and somehow helped the hero diversify his own life.

Chapter 6

Oblomov was a true connoisseur of poetry. Unfortunately, only poetry was to Ilya Ilyich's liking. The rest of the types of literature were alien to Oblomov. In rhymes and graceful style, he found ground for dreams.

Ilya Ilyich studied at a boarding house. He had no interest in anything for most of his life. Yes, and laziness had a great influence on the dislike for learning. Nevertheless, Stolz forced his friend to read books, although Oblomov refused and did not want to.

Chapter 7

Oblomov's servant, Zakhar Timofeevich, was grouchy and conflicted, performed his duties very poorly and even reproached the master, knowing his spinelessness. He is over fifty years old. He likes to walk at the expense of his master. We have described it

Zakhar is completely faithful to Ilya Ilyich. Since childhood, Ilya Zakhar has served Oblomov as a faithful servant and fulfills all the necessary conditions, although not very carefully. And he himself receives a lot of experience and important life lessons from this.

Chapter 8

Zakhar and Oblomov again conflict with each other. The rampage is interrupted by a doctor with a message that if Oblomov does not change his lifestyle, then in two years he will definitely have a stroke.

The conflict arose in connection with the move to another housing. Oblomov often disagreed with Zakhar, and the servant tried to convince the master. Ilya Ilyich again thought about himself, his actions and deeds. That is why Oblomov was more and more overcome by grief, and sadness also knew no bounds. The move seemed too difficult and joyless.

Chapter 9

Without ceasing to think, be sad and worry about his current life, Oblomov falls asleep. He has a dream where he sees his childhood. Here

Ilyusha is seven years old. He wakes up in his bed and is dressed by the nanny before the family breakfast. Under the supervision of a serf woman, a little boy goes for a walk. The parents are minding their own business. The day goes by very slowly. The nanny tells the child scary stories, where only a kind sorceress can lead to a happy ending.

Ilya Ilyich grew up, and he perfectly understands that in real life there is no fairy tale. That makes him sad again. The measured and idle routine of the village seems to him a paradise, from which he is excommunicated by cruel fate.

Chapter 10

It became known that in the district Oblomov received a lot of unflattering statements and serious claims from other servants. They simply despise his insignificant and monotonous life.

Zakhar, who intended to talk with these same servants, takes the side of himself and his master. However, the plans of the servant were to complain about the master while he was sleeping, and talk about his main shortcomings.

Chapter 11

Andrey Stoltz comes to Oblomov. At this time, Zakhar tries to wake Ilya Ilyich, but the attempts are unsuccessful, because the owner resists and decides to sleep on.

Andrey becomes very funny from this, because he managed to observe the whole event.

Part two

Chapter 1

Andrey Ivanovich Stolz has Russian-German roots. Mother saw in Andryusha a true gentleman and a handsome man, while his father taught his son agronomy and drove him to factories (). Stolz's entourage was completely confident in the boy's independence. Nevertheless, from the side of relatives and friends, concerns still arose. Since childhood, Andrei Ivanovich has been accustomed to independence, the ability to cope with complex tasks and responsibility.

Andrei studied at the university. His father was also confident in the independence of his son and therefore sent him to St. Petersburg with things on horseback after graduation. Andrey Stolz is a wealthy man who owns a company for the supply of goods abroad, has his own house and remains the same productive and hardworking person. Oblomov completely trusts him in everything.

Chapter 2

Andrei Ivanovich and Ilya Ilyich are the same age. Stolz is a very hardworking and active person. Oblomov is lazy and absolutely frivolous. But on the other hand, they are two very close comrades who find solace in conversation. And these people have been friends since childhood.

Chapter 3

Ilya Ilyich tells Andrei Ivanovich about his problems. Stolz is sincerely glad to see his old comrade.

Oblomov tells a friend about his difficulties with money, about moving to another home. Ilya Ilyich does not forget about jokes about his health. But Stolz sees nothing problematic in this. Andrei is surprised that his best friend is very lazy. Stolz decides to help his friend. He orders Oblomov's servant to bring decent clothes and send the cunning Tarantiev out. The best friend of Ilya Ilyich intends to return his comrade to the people.

Chapter 4

All week Oblomov, together with his friend, traveled to various societies, which caused extreme dissatisfaction with Ilya Ilyich. He likes peace and absolute silence, and here you need to wear very uncomfortable clothes and endure constant noise, talk with empty-headed and hypocritical people with whom he has nothing in common.

Ilya Ilyich talks about Oblomovka, about harmony and tranquility at home. Stolz considers this "Oblomovism", and not life. The conversation leads to the fact that Oblomov needs to go abroad, and then go to the village. The result of the visits is the acquaintance of Ilya Oblomov with Olga Ilyinskaya (here is her).

Chapter 5

Oblomov's question arises. The question is: go ahead or stay? The hero decided to go forward, but the attempts are hardly successful. Ilya Ilyich was supposed to come to a friend in Paris, the documents and things were completely ready, until a fly bit the landowner's lip. The lip is swollen, and the departure is destined to be postponed. Oblomov was also disturbed by the words of a friend about “Oblomovism”.

Despite the fact that Oblomov did not leave home for a long time and did not answer Stolz's letters, he becomes more confident in his actions and feels love for Olga Ilyinskaya. Dreams and thinks about a recent acquaintance with trepidation and languor.

Chapter 6

Ilya Oblomov began to spend a lot of time with Olga Sergeevna. Olga loves to sing and does it well. Once, at the moment of the girl's singing, Ilya Ilyich confesses his feelings to her.

The confession looks ridiculous. He cannot clearly tell the lady about his feelings for her. Olga is angry with Ilya for a while, but decides to forgive him for this.

Chapter 7

Servant of Ilya Ilyich, Zakhar marries Anisya. If Oblomov changes, then his environment also changes.

Aunt Olga Sergeevna invites the hero to dinner. Ilya Ilyich is trying to find similarities with Stolz, but all these are naive assumptions, and at dinner Olga looks absolutely serious, as if there was no explanation between them.

Chapter 8

Oblomov spent the whole day with Aunt Olga Sergeevna. Aunt for the heroine was a role model. The whole day was boring and sad. Oblomov left disappointed, although he behaved very civilly, even managed to help and please his aunt in everything.

Unexpectedly for Ilya Ilyich, Olga herself made an appointment when Oblomov decided to leave the city. When they meet, Olga and Ilya confess their feelings to each other. The hero was happy that the lady of the heart agreed to a relationship with him (we wrote more about the theme of love in the novel).

Chapter 9

Oblomov and Ilyinskaya, realizing that there is love between them, find more meaning in life. The girl wants to save and re-educate her lazy boyfriend, to sacrifice herself to this noble zeal. And her gentleman wants to become a worthy seeker of her hand.

Ilya and Olga began to spend more time reading. Ilyinskaya saved her man from idleness, and they increasingly visited guests. She loved Ilya Ilyich in a special way: she spoke little about love, but even without him it was very difficult for her. Nevertheless, the hero fell in love with the image of his beloved, a beautiful and spectacular young lady with a strong character.

Chapter 10

The next day, Oblomov became more and more aware that Olga's love was not real. That the words of love remain just an empty sound. She's just having fun with the game of re-education, as if she's training a dog. Ilya Ilyich decides to write a woman a letter of separation, because he feels unworthy of her and incapable of the changes that she is waiting for.

Ilya Ilyich gives the letter to the maid Olga. Oblomov knows that she will be walking through the park, and decided to hide in the bushes. Seeing that she is crying, Ilya does not hold back and runs up to the woman. The lady reproaches Ilya for the fact that he needs one “I love” from her. However, Olga Sergeevna saw in the message all the quivering tenderness of the gentleman. The man apologizes to her. The heroine forgives everything and thinks how to smooth the situation.

As a result, Ilyinskaya and Oblomov remain in a relationship again, and the happy Olga runs to her home.

Chapter 11

The problem in Oblomovka remains unresolved. Stolz informs his friend about this, not forgetting to invite him to visit him abroad. The hero is absolutely too lazy to go to the estate, in fact, as well as abroad, he trembles, afraid of not seeing Olga for at least a day.

Therefore, Ilya Ilyich asks for help from his neighbor, the landowner. Nevertheless, love for Olga remains very important for him at such a moment, and he did not want to solve seemingly important matters at all.

Chapter 12

No matter how strong the love of Olga and Ilya is, the couple is forced to hide their relationship from prying eyes so as not to cause gossip and gossip.

Oblomov proposes to Olga Sergeevna. The couple has their first kiss. But Olga and Ilya decide not to tell anyone about this yet, and it’s worth it to finish things at the Oblomov estate. With such a precarious financial situation, the hero has no chance to adequately woo the bride.

Part Three

Chapter 1

Fraudster Tarantiev again asks for money from Ilya Oblomov. The hero nevertheless moved to a godfather in the Vyborg side, but so far he does not live there. In this regard, the rogue did not receive a penny from Oblomov.

Ilya Ilyich, in a good mood, goes to his beloved. Olga reminds him of the problems in Oblomovka, problems with housing. Only by solving some of them, it will be possible to tell your aunt about the wedding and count on her blessing.

Chapter 2

Oblomov's goal was to refuse to live in Tarantiev's godfather's apartment, he feels a catch in this matter.

Ilya, having arrived at the apartment, meets his godfather Agafya Matveevna. As a result, he decides to refuse to live in the apartment and go back to his place, conveying to the hostess that the premises are no longer needed.

Chapter 3

Olga never ceases to remind her lover about resolving the issue related to the apartment and Oblomovka, and the situation itself is dragging on more and more. The woman began to speak with Oblomov in a more serious and commanding tone.

The hero nevertheless moved to Pshenitsyna, Olga is becoming more and more sad and not sure about her relationship with Ilya Ilyich, and the question of the debt to the owner of the apartment is growing more and more. And other apartments cost a lot of money.

Chapter 4

Ilya Ilyich lives in the apartment of his godfather Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna. There he sees the idleness and slowness of his native Oblomovka.

Ilya and Olga are still dating. Oblomov is invited to the Ilinsky box. Zakhar was interested in the issue of the wedding and the owner's housing. Ilya Ilyich claims that the wedding is too costly, and it will not happen. In addition, the man is upset by gossip about their relationship with Olga Ilyinskaya. He himself is no longer sure of anything.

Chapter 5

Meeting of Olga Sergeevna and Ilya Ilyich. Olga sends a letter to Ilya about the invitation, because she misses him a lot.

Everyone around has long known about their relationship. The woman offers to tell her aunt about it. The hero claims that the problems have not yet been fully resolved and it is worth delaying this again.

Chapter 6

Olga Sergeevna invited Ilya Ilyich to dinner. Due to the fact that Oblomov is upset by the next gossip, Ilya tells his lady that he has caught a cold.

Ilya Ilyich and Olga Sergeevna have not yet met, and winter has already reigned in full force in the yard. A lot of time has passed since their last meeting.

Chapter 7

Olga exhausted a bunch of attempts to meet her lover Ilya again.

At this time, Oblomov pretends to be sick and spends more and more time with Agafya Matveevna and her children. Olga Sergeevna comes to the groom herself, being in a nervous state.

Chapter 8

Zakhar gives Oblomov a letter received from a neighbor, on whom the landowner counted heavily. A neighbor, in a rude manner and with unpleasant words, turns to Ilya Ilyich and refuses to help him because of more important matters.

This is the collapse of all hopes for settling problems with the estate. The master himself no longer feels the slightest desire to deal with them, he finally took root in the new environment.

Chapter 9

In the life of the protagonist, there really are big troubles. Marriage remains a big question mark. There is practically no money left. And Oblomov does not intend to borrow from anyone.

Mukhoyarov, taking advantage of the opportunity, offers his colleague Mr. Zatertoy to the place of the manager of the estate, they all want only one thing - to rob a gullible person to the skin.

Chapter 10

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov agrees with the proposal to replace the manager. He was completely exhausted from worries and stress.

Fraudsters Mukhoyarov and Tarantiev are really happy. They managed to deceive Oblomov, and now it remains, under the guise of a correct and respectable manager, to lure money out of the estate.

Chapter 11

Oblomov informs his lady that a person has been found who can resolve the accumulated problems, and the wedding will have to be postponed again. Olga faints.

Waking up, she accuses the groom of indecision and that he is torturing them both. Olga and Ilya break up. The hero feels sadness and relief at the same time.

Chapter 12

Ilya Oblomov is full of disappointment, grief and despair. The hero walks around the city, gets drunk until he loses his memory.

Servants find Oblomov in the morning at home in a state of fever. Zakhar and other servants notice this and try to bring the master back to consciousness. Ilya comes to his senses.

Part Four

Chapter 1

Exactly one year has passed since the separation of Ilya Ilyich and Olga Sergeevna. Oblomov lives with Agafya Matveevna. Ilya Ilyich falls in love with Agafya. The hostess went to meet the master and experiences the same quiet and respectful feelings.

Everything was fine in Oblomovka. The money is back. Ilya Oblomov gradually forgets about grief and becomes happy again.

Chapter 2

In honor of Ivanov's Day, Agafya Matveevna arranges a holiday. A friend of Oblomov, Andrey Stolz, comes to the event.

Andrei Ivanovich tells about the fate of Olga Sergeevna and her aunt, about going abroad, and also intends to lure his friend out of the usual cycle of idleness, blues and sleep. Oblomov agrees to leave.

Chapter 3

Tarantiev and Mukhoyarov learn that Andrei Ivanovich Stolz has arrived at the estate. Fraudsters are concerned about this visit.

The excitement is caused by the fact that Andrei Ivanovich may find out about the taking of dues from the estate by swindlers. Tarantiev and Mukhoyarov decide to blackmail Oblomov. As a result, the fear of scammers is not in vain. Stoltz really learned about the plan of the scoundrels and puts things in order.

Chapter 4

This chapter tells about the meeting and the relationship between Stolz and Ilyinskaya.

Stolz, by chance, meets Olga Sergeevna and her aunt in Paris. Andrei Ivanovich spends a lot of time with a woman. She just can’t let go of the thought of Oblomov and is worried about a new relationship. Nevertheless, when an affair begins between Andrei Ivanovich and Olga Sergeevna, Stolz decides to make a marriage proposal to the girl. She agrees.

Chapter 5

Ilya Oblomov got lazy again. His life became even more boring and much darker.

Agafya Matveevna's brother Ivan counts Oblomov's money. Ivan got married, and Ilya Ilyich has another financial problem. The hero does not undertake to take on at least some business.

Chapter 6

Stolz visits his childhood friend again.

Andrei Ivanovich tells Oblomov about their relationship with Olga. Ilya Ilyich complains to a friend about financial problems. In a friendly conversation, the hero does not forget to mention the debt to the mistress.

An active entrepreneur is surprised by Oblomov's lack of money. Agafya Matveevna has to work for her lover. She assures Stolz that Ilya owes nothing to anyone.

Chapter 7

Oblomov's friend fills out a paper indicating that Ilya Ilyich owes nothing to anyone. However, Ivan Matveyevich again takes the opportunity and decides to frame Ilya Ilyich.

Oblomov learns about Tarantiev's deception. Ilya Ilyich beats Agafya's brother and kicks him out of the house.

Stolz decides not to take Oblomov with him, leaving a friend for a month. Andrei Ivanovich does not forget to warn Ilya Ilyich about the danger of feelings for Agafya Matveyevna.

Chapter 8

Andrey Stolts and Olga Ilyinskaya live in harmony and joy with each other. However, a conversation about Oblomov is brewing between them.

Stolz admits that he wanted to bring Ilya Ilyich to Olga Sergeevna. The woman, upon arrival in St. Petersburg, asks her husband to visit the poor fellow, whom she still pities.

Chapter 9

Oblomov's best friend settled all the affairs in the estate. Money appeared again, but Ilya Ilyich still continued to lie on the sofa and observe the affairs of Agafya Matveyevna.

Oblomov has an apocalyptic blow. The doctor advised Ilya Ilyich to change his lifestyle and move more. The patient refuses the conditions of the doctor, so he has grown into his sofa.

Stolz tries to persuade a friend to go with him. Oblomov refuses, but Andrei Ivanovich says that Olga is waiting for him in the carriage. Ilya Ilyich justifies himself by saying that he has a wife and a son. Stolz leaves upset, telling his wife that "Oblomovism" has reigned in a friend's house.

Chapter 10

Three years later, Oblomov again had a stroke, as a result of which Ilya Ilyich died.

Agafya's brother and his wife live in the house. Andrey Stolts sheltered Oblomov's son. The widow of Ilya Ilyich does not want to go to Stolz.

Chapter 11

One day, Stolz accidentally meets Zakhar. The former servant of Oblomov is lost and unhappy. He does not want to go anywhere from the grave of his master.

When asked about the death of his comrade, Stolz calls his illness “Oblomovism”.

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Stolz was German only by his father, his mother was Russian. Stoltz grew up and was brought up in the village of Verkhlev, where his father was a manager. From childhood, Stoltz was accustomed to the sciences. But Andrey also loved to play pranks, so that he was often broken either by his nose or his eye. His father never scolded him for this, he even said that this is how a boy should grow up.

The mother was very worried about her son. She was afraid that Stoltz would grow up just like his father - a real German burgher. In her son, she saw the ideal of a gentleman. And she cut his nails, curled his curls, read poetry to him, sang songs, played the works of great composers. And Andrei grew up on the basis of Russian culture, albeit with German inclinations. After all, Oblomovka and the princely castle were nearby, where the owners often visited, who had nothing against friendship with Stolz.

The boy's father did not even suspect that all this surroundings would turn "the narrow German track into such a wide road that neither grandfather, nor father, nor himself dreamed of."

When the boy grew up, his father let his son leave the house so that he could build his own life further. The father wants to give his son the "required addresses" of the right people, but Andrei refuses, saying that he will only go to them when he has his own house. The mother is crying as she sees her son off. Andrei hugged her and also burst into tears, but pulled himself together and left.

Stolz is the same age as Oblomov. He is always on the move. He walked through life firmly and cheerfully, perceiving everything clearly and directly. Most of all, he was afraid of imagination, dreams, everything with him was analyzed, passed through the mind. And he walked and walked straight along the path he had chosen once, bravely striding through all obstacles.

Childhood and school connected him with Oblomov. He performed under Ilya Ilyich the role of a strong man. In addition, Stolz was attracted by that bright and childlike soul that Oblomov had.

Stolz and Oblomov greet each other. Stolz advises Ob-lomov to shake things up, to go somewhere. Oblomov complains about his misfortunes. Stolz advises to remove the headman, start a school in the village. And with the apartment promises to settle everything. Stolz is interested in whether Oblomov goes anywhere, does he go anywhere? Oblomov says no. Stolz is indignant, he says that it is high time to get out of this sleepy state.

Stolz decided to shake Oblomov, he calls Zakhar to dress the gentleman. Ten minutes later, Stolz and Oblomov leave the house.

Oblomov from solitude suddenly found himself in a crowd of people. So a week went by, then another. Oblomov rebelled, complained, he did not like all this fuss, eternal running around, the game of passions. Where is the person here? He says that the world, society, in essence, is also asleep, it is all a dream. No one has a fresh face, no one has a calm, clear look. Stolz calls Oblomov a philosopher. Oblomov says that his life plan is a village, peace, wife, children. Stolz asks who Ilya Ilyich is, to what category does he classify himself? Oblomov says that let Zakhara ask. Zakhar replies that this is a gentleman. Stoltz laughs. O-lomov continues to draw Stolz his ideal world, in which peace and silence reign. Stolz says that Ilya Ilyich chose for himself what his grandfathers and fathers had. Stolz offers to introduce Oblomov to Olga Ilyinskaya, and also says that the world drawn by Oblomov to him is not life, it is Oblomovism. Stolz reminds Ilya Ilyich that he once wanted to travel, to see the world. Where did it all go? Oblomov asks Stoltz not to scold him, but rather to help, because he himself will not be able to cope. After all, he just goes out, no one showed him how to live. “Either I didn’t understand this life, or it doesn’t fit anywhere,” concludes Oblomov. Stolz asks why did Ilya not run away from this life? Oblomov says that he is not the only one like this: “Am I alone? Look: Mikhailov, Petrov, Semenov, Alekseev, Stepanov ... you can’t count it: our name is legion! Stolz decides, without a moment's delay, to get ready to leave abroad.

After Stolz left, Oblomov ponders what kind of poisonous word "Oblomovism" is. What should he do now: go ahead or stay where he is now?

Two weeks later, Stoltz left for England, taking the word from Oblomov that he would come to Paris. But Oblomov did not budge either in a month or in three. What was the reason? Oblomov no longer lies on the couch, he writes, reads, moved to live in the country. It's all about Olga Ilyinskaya.

Stolz introduced Oblomov to her before leaving. Olga is a wonderful creature "with a fragrant freshness of mind and feelings." She was simple and natural, there was no affectation, no coquetry, no share of lies in her. She loved music and sang beautifully. She was not in the strict sense of the word beautiful, but it seemed to everyone that she was. Her look confused Oblomov.

Tarantiev in one day moved the whole house of Oblomov to his godfather on the Vyborg side, and Oblomov now lived in a dacha next to the dacha of the Ilyinskys. Oblomov signed a contract with Tarantiev's godfather. Stolz told Olga everything about Oblomov and asked to keep an eye on him. Olga and Ilya Ilyich spend all their days together.

Oblomov Olga began to dream at night. He thinks that this is the ideal of calm love to which he aspired.

Olga, on the other hand, perceived their acquaintance as a lesson that she would teach Oblomov. She had already made a plan to wean him from lying down, make him read books and fall in love again with everything that he loved before. So Stolz will not recognize his friend when he returns.

After meeting with Oblomov, Olga changed a lot, became haggard, they were afraid that she even got sick.

During the next meeting, Oblomov and Olga talk about the proposed trip of Ilya Ilyich. Oblomov does not dare to confess to Ilyinskaya in love. Olga holds out her hand to him, which he kisses, and Olga goes home.

Oblomov returned to his room and scolded Zakhar for the garbage that was everywhere in the house. By that time, Zakhar managed to marry Anisya, and now she was in charge of the entire economy of Oblomov. She quickly cleaned up the house.

Oblomov again lay down on the sofa and kept thinking that perhaps Olga also loves him, only she is afraid to admit it. But at the same time, he cannot believe that he can be loved. A man came from Aunt Olga to call Oblomov for a visit. And Oblomov is again convinced that Olga loves him. He again wants to confess to Ilinskaya in love, but he still cannot overcome himself.

Oblomov had to spend all that day with the company of Olga's aunt and the baron, guardian of Olga's small estate. The appearance of Oblomov in the house of the Ilyinskys did not excite the aunt, she did not look at the constant walks of Olga and Ilya Ilyich, especially since she heard about Stoltz's request not to take her eyes off Oblomov, to shake him.

Oblomov is bored of sitting with his aunt and the baron, he suffers because he made it clear to Olga that he knows about her feelings for him. When Olga finally appeared, Oblomov did not recognize her, it was a different person. It was evident that she forced herself down.

Olga is asked to sing. She sings the way everyone sings, Oblomov did not hear anything bewitching in her voice. Oblomov cannot understand what happened. He bows and leaves.

Olga has changed during this time, she seemed to "listen to the course of life by leaps and bounds." She has now entered "the realm of consciousness."

Oblomov decides to move either to the city or abroad, but away from Olga, he cannot bear the changes that have taken place in her.

The next day, Zakhar told Oblomov that he had seen Olga, told her how the master lived and that he wanted to move to the city. Oblomov was very angry with the chatty Zakhar and drove him away. But Zakhar returned and said that the young lady asked Oblomov to come to the park. Oblomov dresses and runs to Olga. Olga asks Oblomov why he hasn't been to see them for so long. Oblomov understands that she has grown up, has become spiritually superior to him, and he becomes scared. The conversation is about this and that: about health, books, about Olga's work. Then he decided to take a walk. Oblomov hints at his feelings. Olga lets him know that there is hope. Oblomov rejoiced at his happiness. So they parted.

Since then there have been no sudden changes in Olga. She was even. Sometimes she remembered Stolz's words that she had not yet begun to live. And now she realized that Stoltz was right.

For Oblomov, now Olga was the “first person”, he mentally talked to her, continued the conversation at a meeting, and then again in his thoughts at home. He no longer lived his former life and measured his life with what Olga would say. They are everywhere, Oblomov did not spend a day at home, did not lie down. And Olga blossomed, there was light in her eyes, grace in her movements. At the same time, she was proud and admired Oblomov, prostrated at her feet.

The love of both heroes began to burden them, duties and some rights appeared. But still, Oblomov's life remained in the plans, was not realized. Oblomov was most afraid that one day Olga would demand decisive action from him.

Olga and Oblomov talk a lot, walk. Olga says that love is a duty, and she has enough strength to live her whole life and fall in love. Oblomov says that when Olga is near, everything is clear to him, but when she is not there, the game of questions and doubts begins. And neither Oblomov nor Olga lied in their feelings.

The next morning, Oblomov woke up in a bad mood. The fact is that in the evening he delved into introspection and came to the conclusion that Olga could not love him, this is not love, but only a premonition of her. And he is the one who first turned up under the arm. He decided to write to Olga. Ilya Ilyich writes that the pranks have passed, and love has become a disease for him. And on her part, this is not love, it is just an unconscious need to love. And when the other one comes, she will wake up. You don't have to see each other anymore.

Oblomov felt light at heart after he "discharged the burden of the soul with the letter." Having sealed the letter, Ilya Ilyich orders Zakhar to take it to Olga. But Zakhar did not take it, but mixed everything up. Then Oblomov gave the letter to Katya, Olga's maid, and he himself went to the village.

On the way, he saw Olga in the distance, saw how she read the letter. He went to the park and met Olga there, she was crying.

Oblomov asked what he could do so that she would not cry, but Olga only asks to leave and take the letter with her. Oblomov says that his soul also hurts, but he refuses Olga for the sake of her own happiness. But Olga says that he suffers because someday she will stop loving him, and she is afraid that someday he might stop loving her. It wasn't love, it was selfishness. Oblomov was amazed at what Olga was saying, especially since it was the truth that he so avoided. Olga wishes Oblomov to be calm, because his happiness lies in this. Oblomov says that Olga is smarter than him. She replies that it is simpler and bolder. After all, he is afraid of everything, he believes that you can just take it and stop loving it. She says that the letter was necessary, because it contains all the tenderness and care of Ilya Ilyich for her, his fiery heart - all that for which she fell in love with him. Olga goes home, sits down at the piano and sings like she has never sung before.

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At home, Oblomov found a letter from Stolz demanding to come to Switzerland. Oblomov thinks that Andrei does not know what kind of tragedy is being played out here. For many days in a row, Oblomov does not answer Stolz. He is with Olga again. Some other relationship was established between them: everything was a hint of love. They became sensitive and cautious. One day Olga became ill. She said she had a fever in her heart. But then it all went away. She was tormented by the fact that Oblomov had become closer, dearer, dearer to her. He was not corrupted by the light, not guilty. And Olga guessed it in him.

Time passed, but Oblomov did not budge. His whole life now revolved around Olga and her home, "everything else was buried in the sphere of pure love." Olga feels that she lacks something in this love, but what, she cannot understand.

Once they were walking together from somewhere, the carriage suddenly stopped, and Sonya looked out from there - an old acquaintance of Olga, a socialite, and her entourage. Everyone looked at Oblomov in a strange way, he could not bear this look and quickly left. This circumstance made him think again about their love. And Ilya Ilyich decides that in the evening he will tell Olga what strict obligations love imposes.

Oblomov found Olga in a grove and said that he loved her so much that if she fell in love with another, he would silently swallow his grief and give it to another. Olga says that she would not give him up to another, she wants to be happy only with him. Then Oblomov says that it is not good that they always see each other quietly, because there are so many temptations in the world. Olga says that she always tells her aunt when she sees him. But Oblomov insists that being alone is not bad. What will they say when they find out? For example, Sonya, she looked at him so strangely. Olga says that Sonia has known everything for a long time. Oblomov did not expect such a turn. Sonechka, her husband, Olga's aunt were now standing before his eyes, and everyone was laughing at him. Olga wants to leave, but Oblomov stops her. He asks Olga to be his wife. She agrees. Oblomov asks Olga if she, like some women, could sacrifice everything for him, defy the world. Olga says that she would never go this way, because it leads to a breakup in the end. And she does not want to part with Oblomov. "He let out a cry of joy and fell on the grass at her feet."

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  • Oblomov brief retelling part 3
  • Potters Oblolov summary 2 chapters
  • summary of part 2 of chapter 1 of Oblomov
  • Potters Oblolov summary 1 part
  • summary of Oblomov part 2