Ready to bring everything to life. How to make wishes come true? Reader experience! Items of Power for gaining a special Power, so that you can bring all your deeds to life

I don't want to live life the way many people live it: dullness, routine, comfort. In my understanding, life is a whole adventure that can give you a ton of bright colors, memorable pictures, interesting acquaintances, exciting adventures, a sea of ​​adrenaline and emotions. The world allows everyone to live an amazing life, but only a few are ready to take it all. You know that you have a choice and only you can make it!

You can stay in comfort in 30 square meters of your apartment, walk along the “home-work” route and not go further than your city. This clearly does not suit me. Remember, as long as you value your comfort and safety, your life will resemble a black and white tape, like in old cameras. Real emotions are where you get out of your own, where complete uncertainty awaits you. And you need to enjoy it.

The film that showed that I live a boring life

I really like to watch different ones for my self-development. And one day I came across a movie called Until I Played the Box. This is not just a crazy comedy where you can laugh with friends, but also a very philosophical film, after watching which, you start to think. How do you live your life now and what will you remember when your last day of life comes.

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This is exactly what two cancer-stricken roommates decided when they heard their verdict. One of them is a hot-tempered billionaire, and the second is an erudite auto mechanic. They make a list of things to do before they play the game and go on a trip around the world, the trip of a lifetime. Skydiving? We will see. Rare car racing? Made. See the pyramids? Fine. Discover the joy of life before it's too late? Exactly!

Watch the movie and you will want to make the same list! How to do it? Everything is extremely simple. To do this, you only need 30 minutes and one brainstorming session. You take and create a file on your desktop with the name “What I want to bring to life!” and you begin to write down your dreams and desires there, which, in your opinion, would make your life interesting and bright. And in order to make the task easier and faster, I will prompt you with questions that you will have to answer!

What if you would have died tomorrow! What would you like to do today?

What would you like to do if there were unlimited resources in life: time, money, connections!

What countries and places would you like to visit?

What feelings would you like to experience?

What moments would you like to witness?

What would you like to learn?

What kind of people would you like to meet?

What would you like to achieve in different ?

Ask yourself these questions as many times as needed. You need to start talking to your subconscious. It knows exactly what it wants. Take as much time as it takes. It might not take 30 minutes at all. It doesn't really matter! Before going to bed, ask yourself these questions again. You'll have a few more answers in the morning. Add to your list. And I already made mine, you can read it. Of course, it will be supplemented and corrected as life progresses! Good luck!

That's what I want to bring to life!

1. Cycle through 7 European countries.
2. Skydive
3. Conquer the summit
4. Try ropejumping
5. Race down the mountainside on a snowboard
6. Scuba dive
7. Fly in a hot air balloon
8. Go down a steep slope on a mountain bike
9. Visit all 7 continents
10. Lie on the ocean and listen to the sound of the waves
11. Celebrate the New Year in an exotic place
12. Watch the stars all night with your girlfriend
13. Attend a cool rock festival
14. Jump into the sea from a cliff
15. See the sunset in Bali
16. Surf
17. Fly in a helicopter
18. Meet the dawn on the top of the mountain
19. Drive a Formula 1 balide
20. Swim with dolphins
21. Hang out in Ibiza
22. To attend the final match of the Champions League
23. See the 5 highest waterfalls
24. Drive a car all over America
25. See the 7 wonders of the world
26. Go on a sea voyage on a liner
27. Run an Olympic triathlon distance
28. See the Northern Lights
29. Hitchhike all over Russia
30. And of course buy a GoPro

This amazing experience by a reader will tell you how to make wishes come true with intention! Learn about it right now!

The most ordinary morning that started it all...

"Saturday morning. I'm in bed and I'm still not fully awake. I hear it raining outside the window. Not a light rain, but a real winter downpour. And I have to visit a sick mother who lives on the other side of the city.

There are no buses in Israel on Saturdays.

I lie with my eyes closed and imagine how I walk through huge puddles in shoes, and my feet instantly get wet. With such a downpour, you should not count on an umbrella - you will get wet anyway.

I remembered that it was dry and hot yesterday at noon when I finished work, so I left my boots at the office and came home in my shoes. There is no other warm pair of shoes at home.”

Unconscious Desire!

“I began to mentally look for other possibilities: “Maybe I have some other boots or shoes?” thoughts floated by.

Then I remembered that I had thrown my favorite Austrian shoes out of the house six months ago because they were slightly cracked near the lock. I clearly imagined these shoes. Why and why did I throw them away? How useful they are to me now! Black, in soft leather, with a small zipper on the side and lace trim along the contour, as comfortable as house slippers.

I really felt like putting them on my feet.

They are so tiny that the trousers almost completely cover them, leaving only a small nose outside.

I was so immersed in the memories that I imagined walking down the corridor in them, quietly and silently, they are so light.

How to make wishes come true with intention?

“Then I finally woke up, got dressed and left the house to throw out the garbage. Once on the site near the room with the trash can, I could not believe my eyes! In the same place where I put my shoes half a year ago (because clothes and shoes are usually not put in the trash can) on the site is ... the same pair of shoes!

I thought it was a mirage, closed my eyes, but when I opened it, the shoes didn’t disappear anywhere! It just can't be! After all, six months have passed, and all this time they were not here!

But it really was them, the same shoes with a lace outline, and most importantly - there are no cracks, they are completely intact.

I stood alone in front of these boots and thought about this coincidence. “Probably, one of the neighbors had exactly the same ones, and put them up today. Although I bought them a long time ago and in another part of the country, ”I thought.

Then I got the idea to check what size they are. Then all doubts left me - in the whole house I don’t know a single woman who would have a 42 foot size like mine. Definitely - these are my shoes, and they returned to me on the very day when I needed them so much.

Why did the wish come true?

“I grabbed my shoes and ran to my closest friend who lived in the house across the street. Over coffee, I told her this story. We both tried to find a material explanation for this miracle, but we could not do it.

Boots in my size appeared exactly on this day, when I needed them so much!

Later I tried to analyze what preceded this unexpected discovery. I remembered how I lay with my eyes closed, how I visualized¹ these boots, how I completely surrendered to my imagination and even felt them on my feet, felt their touch, immersed myself in the process of dressing, remembered their appearance in detail.

Apparently, I made a specific order for these boots.

My brain expressed a clear intention: to return the discarded favorite shoes. And I got them!

Subsequently, similar miracles sometimes happened to me in life, but only when my desire was so strong that I completely immersed myself in sensations², without thinking whether I would get what I want or not.

How often does it happen that a person comes up with an amazing idea, just when he is shopping in a store, or going to work, or taking a bath ... A person lights up, inspired by a new idea, but ... Days, months pass, and the idea does not finds its embodiment in life, everything goes on as always, nothing in life changes.

Probably, everyone has experienced this, and it can be very disappointing from this state of affairs, especially when you see how someone brings such ideas to life and achieves success. To avoid this situation, the following are very simple principles that can be followed to bring your ideas to life.

Get your idea down on paper

It often happens that a person simply simply forgets about his idea. A lot of thoughts and ideas are constantly born in the head, because a person has to solve a lot of life tasks every day. And that very brilliant idea simply disappears from my head. As a conclusion, the idea should be immediately written down on paper, well, or in a mobile phone, this is already more convenient for anyone. The main thing is that a device for recording successful thoughts is always at hand. After all, a brilliant idea can appear in the most unexpected place.

Start Small

A person can be so fired up with his idea that he wants to immediately bring it to life. For example, if you decide to go in for sports, you will start not only doing morning exercises or jogging, but also want to attend yoga, swimming and hand-to-hand combat classes. This is, of course, a commendable zeal, but there is a high probability that such a volume will be beyond your power. These activities can so squeeze you out that you just feel disgusted with sports in general. It is much better, embodying a new idea in your life, to start small and gradually increase momentum.

Start the mechanism

In order for the idea to work, and a person to approach his goal, it is necessary to act, and act again, no matter how trite it may sound. Dreams and philosophizing will not help, all that is needed is to start small and take constant actions in this direction, and very soon you will notice that you have become much closer to your dream than you were before. Start now, start now.

Do your best

Naturally, you need to try to do everything well, but you should not overdo it either. Carried away by the implementation of the idea, it is worth remembering that you can ruin everything by going too far. It can be very useful to show your project to friends. An outside perspective and constructive criticism can be a great help. And remember that the realization that you did it is very pleasant. It motivates and inspires to carry out new projects.

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We all want to be happy and make our dreams come true. But what are we willing to do about it? And is there really some secret that will help in the implementation of the plan? Interested? Then read on.

Walt Disney once said, “The surest way to start something is to stop talking and doing.” This statement, in particular, concerns our desires, or rather, their implementation.
After all, who among us does not have a dream?! Perhaps there aren't even any. But does everyone make them a reality? Someone lacks courage, someone lacks resources. However, there is a way out of any situation.
So if you don't know where to start making your dreams come true, check out Dr. Rick Kelly, who is just finishing up a book on leadership and human potential.
So, 6 habits that will help you turn your dream into real results:

1. Materialize your dream with visualization

Visualization is the method by which you visualize what you want out of life using the power of your imagination. Thanks to this, a person can turn his dreams into future opportunities. For example, visualization is often used by athletes to achieve success in competitions, and it is also widely used in business to create specific goals and aspirations.

2. Prioritize

Having a clear idea of ​​​​your own goal, you need to move on to its priority in relation to other matters - this is what is considered a good start on the way to the goal. Goals should not be too distant from reality (such that it is impossible to achieve).
Imagine a rubber band. A loose elastic band does not cause any tension. If you pull too hard, the rubber band can crack. Therefore, fixing a goal is a difficult task, but quite real and encourages us to work towards our vision.

3. Define milestones

American scientist Warren Bennis said: “Climbers do not climb to the top from the foot of a mountain. They look at the top and mentally move in the opposite direction - to where they should start from. This also applies to setting goals - when you mentally start at the end and draw up a specific plan of action, you can start working backwards and set intermediate goals that will help you achieve the final result.

4. Track your progress

One of the benefits of a structured approach to goal and vision is that people can clearly see how each action and effort pushes them towards a higher goal. It helps build momentum and motivation.

5. Enlist Support

Dreams that are not fixed in reality and do not have a clear structure or outcome can be appropriated by other people.
If your goal is truly realistic and you have a clear vision for achieving it, it will endure and increase the likelihood that people will support it.
In his book, Joe Jaworski explores the benefits of openly sharing structured goals and visions and finds that when you do so, people begin to understand your aspirations and priorities and can therefore help you achieve them successfully.

6. Know when to stop

All motivational stories teach us how to achieve goals and fulfill dreams. However, as Robert Fritz says, the achievement of the goal is connected with the present. So let go of unrealistic dreams that do nothing but suck the energy and creativity out of you, and think about what can actually be realized.
We must never stop dreaming. After all, our dreams are what makes us human. They shape and guide us. But remember that there is a difference between "being a dreamer" and being a person who is working towards a dream. Why do you need an unattainable dream that will only make you an unhappy person?! All you need is to feel happy!

28 years old, there are many ideas, but they fade as quickly as they appear, as soon as I begin to embody at least some, uncertainty appears, and everything ends with nothing, then a long lack of mood, a terrible feeling that I missed a lot of time, some senselessness in further actions, I am lagging behind in everything, there is no desire to do anything, and so for the last 5 years, some incomprehensible failures, how to get together and tune in, I feel like a loss.

23 Mar 2018

Sergey Kudryavtsev

Good evening, Sergey!
Tell us, please, do you have an education, hobbies, do you work somewhere?
Do you have a family?
And yet, formulate a request - what practical results do you expect from the consultation?

23 Mar 2018

Good evening, I have a higher education, but I was studying, because I had to, I chose a specialty related to computers because I liked spending time at the computer, I didn’t get a job in my specialty, I always work in trade, now I’m not working, I have a girlfriend, I’ve been together for seven years, what results I want from the consultation, there are a lot of thoughts, it is more accurate to get out of this chaos in my head.

Yes, from a hobby, I took up 3D modeling, it was good with drawing at school, but for some reason interest began to disappear in this.

23 Mar 2018

Sergey Kudryavtsev

Sergey, try to abstract yourself from chaos, from a lot of thoughts. Now you need to solve only one problem - to understand what question you want to answer for yourself, working with me. If you do not set a goal, you will have nothing to strive for, nothing to achieve, and, therefore, you will not gain anything by spending time here.
Do not try to set a mega goal, start small, simple.

23 Mar 2018

At least stop being afraid of failure, it holds me by the hand, when I start thinking about how I can do something, I already begin to doubt the correctness of my actions. This uncertainty fetters and paralyzes all actions further.

23 Mar 2018

Sergey Kudryavtsev

Thank you, Sergey, this is more specific!
Please tell us about your family, about your parents.

23 Mar 2018

At the age of two, Mom left my real father, and took me to Siberia to my great-grandfather and great-grandmother, she went to St. support, in 2015 she died of a stroke, her relationship with her stepfather is not bad, her stepfather has a mother who also lived with us and did not give life to my mother, I have been living in Novosibirsk for the last year, my aunt offered housing so that I could earn my own. I saw my real father once, he is an alcoholic and is unlikely to be alive.

23 Mar 2018

Sergey Kudryavtsev

Sergey, what about your girlfriend? Tell us, do you make joint plans?
Do you have any thoughts about your future professional plans?
For now, I have to say goodbye!
Till tomorrow!

23 Mar 2018

Yes, there are small plans, send her to a driving school to study for a license, somehow start saving for an apartment, we want children somewhere deep down, but we don’t have our own housing, this is the first reason why they don’t exist yet, she would like to travel, which with regards to further professional plans, they don’t exist - due to the fact that those that were collapsed, the new ones inspire for a couple of hours, she has a job that she likes, so she hasn’t broken back from Novosibirsk yet.

Thanks, see you tomorrow.

I read the correspondence of several topics below, people with the same problems and feelings as I have, just a disaster, and not a state in which you can not only live fully, but just live. One thought for the fact that it can be overcome, the next one is how I got to this never-ending run in a circle, endless obsession, almost everything, if not everything, seems to be a problem.

23 Mar 2018

Sergey Kudryavtsev

Sergey, good afternoon!
You write about the fear of failure, I suggest understanding this with real examples.
1. At the moment, it is worth making a list of tasks that you face.
2. Career guidance can help you decide your future job prospects. Ready?
3. You read other people's topics. What do you think separates you from them? Do you have something that others don't?
4. You wrote that the last 5 years of failure. Try to remember what could have happened 5 years ago?

24 Mar 2018

Good afternoon. It seems that everything is in my head, the tasks that I face, the answer to the question of how I differ, but I sit down to write everything and it’s empty, I can’t print a word, it just happened, and with regards to failures, literally half an hour ago, the phone was destroyed, the screen cracked, trifle, but unpleasant and annoying. For the last five years, maybe even more, this has all been happening.

24 Mar 2018

Sergey Kudryavtsev

Okay, thanks for the reply Sergey.
Let's try to remember what happened 5 years ago? During this period, you already met with your girlfriend. When did you graduate from the school where you studied? 5 years ago or earlier?
The screen shattered - really annoying. I sympathize! I often see people in vehicles with cracked screens. Why do you think so? Personally, it seems to me that people have ceased to appreciate their phones, because they still change them almost every year. Or maybe they began to make more fragile screens?

24 Mar 2018

In 2012, I defended my thesis, the defense didn’t go well, because I couldn’t prepare well, and when I tried to force myself to start preparing for the defense, frustration and heaviness appeared and I didn’t take on the preparation, in total, the last four days before the defense I didn’t sleep to finish at least something, but on the defense itself, I went overboard, and I almost didn’t say anything, my heart was beating in my throat, all my studies were reduced to the fact that I needed money to beat me to pay for my studies on which I could not study, even if I learn everything, then I can’t really tell. When my mother was put on support, I was in the first year, the first semester ended well, despite the fact that the answers to questions were bad, there was another girl, she left me at the end of the first year, my mother was after support and the condition was serious, I abandoned going to university, started taking light drugs, got involved in gambling, there was nothing to help my mother, debts appeared, I had to pay for my studies, ...

24 Mar 2018

Sergey Kudryavtsev

From that moment on, failures began, did I understand correctly?
Light drugs and games in the past?
Sergey, I see one direction of work: you set some urgent task, we prepare together to fulfill it, and you solve this task. And so step by step. From your side, one thing is needed - to decide with which task we will begin.

24 Mar 2018

A large number of problems that I have been solving for a long time - yes from now on, but these actions are rather a catalyst for their number, when my great-grandfather and great-grandmother were small, they sent me to a children's competition, one of the tasks was to recite a verse in front of my parents in front of the hall, I sort of learned it, but when I went out I forgot to tell and stood silent, this is repeated every time when I need to tell something to the public or people, school, university, etc., and now just with people (strangers, unfamiliar) when talking, a lump in my throat, and I worked with people and a lot, in sales. I stopped gambling myself, I quit drugs when I met a girl, I have a desire to solve the problem with this lump in my throat, and at the same moment I think that I can put it all off.

Career guidance procedure, start with it.

24 Mar 2018

Sergey Kudryavtsev

Okay, career guidance. Sergey, I will first ask direct questions, if difficulties arise, the procedure will be somewhat stretched out, but for me this is not a problem, I hope for you too.
Let's talk about priorities. I think we should start with values. What are your life values? Do you think that understanding your values ​​when choosing a profession, work is something significant?
Let's not lose sight of the rest of the points in parallel with the analysis of career guidance issues? Will you be comfortable? If so, answer a few questions about the lump in your throat. The reasons for this sensation, judging by what you described, are most likely psychogenic, but somatic ones must be ruled out. Are your digestive tract, thyroid gland and ENT organs normal?

24 Mar 2018

If life values ​​are goals and priorities, then now my goal is to get out of this state, to become a self-confident person. Values ​​are my relationship with my girlfriend, I would like my work to become a value, wealth, health, but everything is achieved through the first value, and without this it is wasted. I still haven’t decided who I want to work, to be, that’s why I can’t understand how to define work or an inclination to something through an understanding of values, back in grade 9, my parents, relatives said decide who you want to become, but then I didn’t know this and now how in the fog. I came to 3D modeling through the thought that drawing was easy for me at school, but I didn’t want to learn the process of self-learning. With regards to health, there are no problems in the gastrointestinal tract, ENT, thyroid.

And another question, is there a thing that you would be willing to do every day?
Lump in the throat.
Write in a column a list of thoughts that most often come to your mind. Perhaps some thought passes before you feel a lump in your throat?
Among other things, while we are working with you, and preferably in the future, I would like you to find time for relaxation every day: breathing exercises, a relaxing bath, etc.

25 Mar 2018

Yes, it's good to work with people and what would be the benefit for both people and for me. With a sincere definition of a goal, it’s difficult, those values ​​​​that are involved in making a decision do not strongly motivate for action, when I try to plan something, set priorities, it drags on, or the process itself does not give satisfaction from what I’m doing, it also loses meaning the goal for which he was trying to make a plan. To achieve the goal, "getting out of this state" is a sincere goal, I need to switch to the goal through which I will achieve this, (switch to other goals) at the moment, I sincerely want nothing more than the first one, everything else from the "must" section. I could say that I can do modeling every day, make 3D models of buildings, cars, people, animate, create games with these models, but the state in which I came to the fact that I want to do 3D modeling is projected onto this activity, weakness fatigue, unwillingness to learn video lessons, to understand the intricacies ...
_______________-_____ I believe that the state you are talking about will begin to recede as soon as you take a step.
If you understand what your true goal is, then there will be strength to achieve this goal.
You talked about a driving school for a girl, you talked about an apartment in order to start a family. Tell me straight, do you need it? Or is it necessary, for example, for the society in which you live?

25 Mar 2018