And why people are so cruel out of kindness. How to behave to a person with evil people

"He who does good to a friend does good to himself." "Giving - you receive." "It's time to give when you don't have much." These and a million more quotes about kindness teach us to be compassionate, generous, honest, understanding. Real. Human.

No matter how many fairy tales are written and films shot - with different endings, good still triumphs over evil. And in life too. We believe in it. Today is World Spontaneous Kindness Day, reminding us of the importance of being human. Be, not seem to be. The 14th Dalai Lama says to do good deeds and not just think about it. Taking action is what matters.

We chose facts about kindness from different books. Read, think about and, most importantly, embody good intentions. We think this is the most important thing in life.

1. Kindness changes the world

All that we have done only for ourselves dies with us.

Everything we have done for others and the world remains forever.

Albert Pike

Tal Ben-Shahar, a positive psychologist and author of What You Choose, writes about what many of us are afraid to think about. The fact that many events in the world around us do not depend on the efforts of individuals, and yet we greatly underestimate our ability to change the world for the better.

In the movie Pay It Forward, a schoolteacher asks students to give a talk about how each of them could change the world for the better. One of them, Trevor, decides to do three good deeds, volunteer to help random people three times, and then ask them - instead of gratitude - to help someone else three times and have them ask for the same instead of gratitude, and so on.

If every person helped by someone in turn helps three other people, then in twenty-one "steps" all people on Earth will receive someone's help. The film is about how Trevor's good deeds create a positive impact that spreads like circles on water. This influence deeply affects the lives of people whom Trevor himself has never even seen.

In our "global village" social ties are strong and every action moves in circles through time and space. That's why it's important not to stop doing good.

The sense of helplessness in the face of global challenges is rooted in our belief that the contribution of the individual is a drop in the ocean. But if you find a way to do something good and "infect" other people with it - even very few - you can cause significant changes.

Change the world for the better. Repay others for what has been done for you and inspire them to do the same.

2. Doing good makes us happier

Without kindness, true joy is impossible.

Thomas Carlyle

Generosity and generosity are wonderful human qualities. They are very beneficial for physical and mental health. The ability to share time, energy or money with people increases the feeling of happiness and reduces the risk of depression, stress levels and has a beneficial effect on relationships with others.

It turns out that we naturally feel happier when we are generous. When we give something to someone, our altruism activates the parts of the brain that are responsible for pleasure, communication with others, and trust.

People who are actively involved in philanthropic activities increase self-esteem and strengthen faith in their own strength. Simply put, we are happy - .

Showing kindness activates the production of endorphins in the brain. These biological responses create a euphoric feeling of peace and happiness in a generous and generous person.

3. Being kind means being a strong person.

The great thinker of the twentieth century, Stephen Covey, calls courage the father of all virtues. Courage and respect help us become a complete, whole person. For the formation of a personality, considerable life experience is required, you have to go around the built building many times and in different ways until you notice where it sank and where it sagged as a result of past mistakes, and only in this way gradually come to the integration of the internal character.

This is why it takes patience to build strong character. People who start small and work on themselves every day, mindful of high principles, will certainly begin to spread their influence until they become examples of real character and, as a result, mentors and teachers for others.

There is always time for a good deed,

Such people become catalysts for change and Transitional Persons who are able to break the cycles of negative behavior in their families, organizations or communities.

4. Kindness is an act of giving

Generosity, whether materially or spiritually, changes a person. For the most part, we tend to give, especially when it is convenient for us or socially approved. That's the way a person is. If you look at it, we constantly give something away - time or energy. But when you spend time with your kids, staring at the TV, surfing the Internet on your tablet, or constantly thinking about problems at work, this is not a real act of giving.

The most valuable gifts have nothing to do with money. They are associated with deeply personal and emotional manifestations of the human soul: understanding, moral support, spiritual closeness and kindness.

It is very important to give and love when you cannot demand the same in return. That's why giving is so difficult, but so important for personal growth -

It's easy to be a giver when all you have to do is take money out of your wallet. Whether business to put time and sincere forces in someone or something. Giving a soul is much more difficult than giving money. But generosity changes everything around when it comes from the depths of the soul. And this is the most important thing.

5. Kindness is the path to excellence

The desire to help others also helps the person himself. This is a natural consequence of uncommonness. To embark on the path of "otherness" to others, you need the ability to share experience. How can it be purchased? Doing good deeds again. Don't be afraid to get attached to something that will give you motivation and motivation. You can train with someone, attend painting classes, help animal shelters, or go on a charity mission to African countries. Over time, you will realize that you have gained a new experience, you can pass it on to others and become an outstanding person, unlike anyone else - yourself.

Kindness changes people

This time I will talk about how to become kinder. Read again - how to become kinder? Not how to be a good person. If you are here, then I dare to assume that you consider yourself not a kind enough person. You probably assume that because of this you are not getting along with others! You are right, when a person behaves like a pig, he gets the same in return. This is our world, it is like a mirror - it returns everything that is thrown into it.

All people are different and they are divided into good and bad. Even if you become kinder to people, they may still not like you. There will always be those who will never like you. This is the law of balance. There is good and there is evil! So people are divided into good and evil. Your neighbor on the left can be evil, and on the right, good. This evil neighbor can be you, and there is nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone has their own nature and their own genes. And before answering the question, how to become kinder Let's answer another question - why do people get mean?

Why do people become evil?

As I said, this can happen at the genetic level. Apparently God so pleases that this or that person is evil, like Hitler. And in films you can see it. There is always a good side and a bad side. Yin and Yang. But there are other reasons why a person becomes angry.

For example, constant fatigue, dissatisfaction, stress, nerves. All this simply cannot but make a person evil. One of my acquaintances, a dentist, when she was treating my teeth, said that she wanted to pounce on the client because of fatigue. I understand her. Imagine for yourself what it is like to drip in someone else's mouth from morning till night! Horror! Dentists who read this article will understand it.

Eternal dissatisfaction with your life also does not make a person good. If not, then there is its opposite. If happiness makes a person good-natured, then the opposite of happiness does the opposite. For example, here's how not to become angry, if every day you have to get up early in the morning, go to an unloved job, stand in a traffic jam for two hours, and even in a crowded minibus. Then the boss will bark and load up with unnecessary work, or some other problems will arise. You will come home late at night, and either everyday life or a TV is waiting for you, from which one negative is pouring.

Under such conditions, a person "boil" and then it all comes out. When I was at university, I noticed how some teachers took it out on students. It's all because of fatigue and dissatisfaction. I understand them. Not everyone can withstand such a huge flow of students that falls on them every day. Either they need it, then sign here, then they urgently need to pay off the debt, otherwise they will be expelled, and so on. Nerves heat up to the limit, and then it all comes out.

Another reason why people get angry is environment and upbringing. A person will never become kinder if he has heard since childhood that all people are scoundrels. And if he gets into a bad environment, then becoming a bad person is like two fingers on the asphalt. A person can be born into a bad family, as a result of which he is surrounded by negativity from early childhood. A child who grew up in a bad family has a small chance of knowingly. How will he take a step towards good if he himself has never received it? Therefore, children from dysfunctional families, in most cases, become bad people. There is no need to explain here, you yourself understand everything perfectly. However, in our world anything can happen. It happens that children from dysfunctional families become great people, bringing good to people and the whole world and vice versa. How this happens is not clear!

- also makes a person evil. In general, envy for successful people is a motivator, albeit a negative one. Envy is a common cause of anger and hatred. All people want to live happily without needing anything. Almost all people want, and when one person sees that everything in life is going smoothly for one, he begins to be very envious. An envious person out of spite begins to do harm to the subject of envy. For example, Vasya bought a new car for 3 million rubles. And his neighbor drives a Cossack. An expensive car is an indicator of the success and well-being of a person. An expensive car indicates the social status of a person.

Naturally people react to it. For example, girls will begin to admire Vasya. They will begin to show interest in him, because a normal woman wants to live securely, and this is a normal desire. The neighbor, watching this, begins to choke with envy. After all, he also wants an expensive car, so that it is comfortable to drive, and to attract female attention. But he can't afford it. And instead of starting to develop a plan to achieve this goal, he begins to mischief. For example, in spite of drilling late at night or stealing a newspaper. And it's all because of jealousy. Envy makes a person evil and dot.

How to become kinder?

The first tip to become kinder - stop envying. once and forever. This is very difficult to do. That's why make your anger a motivator. For example, instead of playing dirty tricks, it is better to approach a person and ask how he achieved all this. I assure you, he will gladly tell you his hard way. After all, he needs to speak out, how he went through fire, water and copper pipes. After all, it is not easy. Keep this in mind when you mess with the subject of envy.

Second tip - you need more rest. If not possible, then at least meditate three times a day. instantly. If you don't get enough rest, you will continue to lash out at everyone who comes to hand. Rest or meditation is a strong ally in becoming kinder.

Third tip - do things you love. As I said above, unwanted things wear out a person very quickly. Unloved work is hard labor. As a rule, when a person takes up a job reluctantly, he does not succeed. Hence even more rejection, hatred and irritation. All this will not help you become kinder. At first, this idea seemed suspicious to me, but when I saw that every second one was free, I nevertheless decided. I called the number on the site and on the same day we had great sex with a prostitute, which is still in my memory. Doing what you love, you are like. Everyday dissatisfaction disappears and you are transformed.

Fourth tip - change your attitude towards people. It is impossible to treat people kinder if a person considers them bastards. How can you treat people kinder if such a belief sits in your head. For example, Vasya sincerely wants to help Ivan in some business. Ivan believes that all people are scoundrels. He will start thinking like: “This Vasya just needs something from me. You bastard, why not send it to me at a known address?. To become kinder with such a conviction - that all people are scoundrels - will not work. If you have such a belief, eradicate it immediately.

A great way to become kinder is give people joy. Every day we have the opportunity to do something good for someone. If you say a compliment to a stranger - this is already good. When a person sincerely does good deeds, in return he receives gratitude. The soul begins to dance, the person rejoices. Positive energy makes a person not just kinder, but necessary and useful for society. All people strive for happiness, fun and positive. And when someone shares this, they begin to stick to him. A person begins to feel that he is needed, and this makes him happy. Happy person = good person.

Therefore, drop your selfishness and start benefiting society. If you decide to do a useful and kind deed, do it sincerely, without demanding anything in return. Society will definitely respond to you in return. As I said above, our world is a mirror. Everything that you throw there flies out of it. You throw good - you get good, dirty - and then they will spoil you.

By applying these tips, you will definitely become a kinder, more useful and necessary person. Finally, I will give you one more piece of advice - watch as much as possible, make friends with positive people. Then the chance to become kinder will increase significantly.

how to become kinder


People have become cruel, too cruel. It is especially scary to watch today's news: someone was beaten with bats, someone was tortured, someone was shot, someone was bombed ... We are already literally shaking from cruelty, can it really be even worse? What is happening with our world? Why do people become angry and cruel? And how, in the end, to stop this bacchanalia of pain, horror and despair?

Why are some people kind and some cruel?
Why exactly modern people have become especially cruel?
Why do kind people become cruel? Under what circumstances does this happen?
How to stop cruelty in the world? How to change the world for the better?

When the world begins to seem wrong, and people are too cruel - this is signal. Not to the fact that you need to pout, close in the apartment, be afraid of everyone around, be offended or angry. Not! This is a call to action. This is a signal that it is worth changing the world so that it becomes better, kinder, more welcoming. But we should remember that the world does not change when we yell at each other or hand out leaflets with calls "Thou shalt not kill!" at the nearest intersection. All this will not give absolutely nothing. You can change the world only by bringing changes into it, that is, you will have to start with yourself. And it will be difficult, but after all, the desire is not small: to turn the world upside down and make people stop being cruel. Only the walking one can master this road.

Why do we see the world the way we see it?

The most common complaint that can be heard from the lips of fighters for kindness and peace throughout the world is that people simply do not see all the threats that they themselves create. People are cruel, evil and do not even think about changing. And we, kind and good, no matter how we knock on them, we can’t get through. It is obvious that if everyone saw the world in all its glory of cruelty, then it would be transformed into one continuous kindness. And you think so too, right? Then keep in mind that you really do exactly what it seems.

To get an answer to the question why people are so cruel, you need to try to see the world through the eyes of others, try to understand what drives people.

To see the world as it is, it is necessary to rely on something. In the case of the study of the inanimate world, it is best to apply knowledge of physics - in this way, we learn the forces and laws that we obey. In the case of the study of the plant world, one will have to turn to botany, and in the case of animals, to biology. Of course, when studying a person, one can turn to anatomy and physiology, but this will be a study of only the human body. And in order to understand its essence, one will have to turn to the study of his psyche - system-vector psychology. This latest science for the first time precisely defines human psychotypes through their desires and properties.

It is through system-vector psychology that one can see people as they are. Moreover, one can understand why we ourselves see the world the way we see it, that is, with a slight distortion in our direction. For example, only the owners of the visual vector, it seems that the world is full of cruel people, and they all deliberately do cruel things. It is the spectators who divide the world into good and evil, defining all their best characteristics as good, and everything that seems unpleasant to them as evil. So, a visual person cannot kill, injure any living being, therefore everyone who kicks a dog or kills a chicken is defined by him as a cruel and evil person. At the same time, the viewer himself is very emotional and all people who also have this quality are perceived by him as kind, good people.

Other people see the world differently. For example, people with a skin vector divide people according to economic principle and social superiority, in relation to time and quantity. Through their slit, they also see only a piece of the world and, as a result, they do not suffer at all from the fact that people have become cruel, but they are very worried that they have less wealth than others, that they cannot afford to buy a house, a car and a yacht. That's how they view the world, that's how they talk. Never a skin person will say "What people are cruel."

And so in each vector, in each person - his own piece of the world, his own slit into which he peeps.

This is the reason why we make mistakes. Not every emotional person is good and kind. Not every rich person is a thief. And so on.

Why do people become violent?

But, even learning to see vectors and human life values, we, to our regret, found that the world does not shine with positivity. There is a lot of violence in the world, people have really become cruel. Information about war and horror settled in everyday news and became familiar.

Through system-vector psychology, we have the opportunity to see the true reasons for such behavior of people.

When we go beyond ourselves, many things become obvious. People have become so cruel, not because they are evil or want evil, but because they suffer. They do not get enough happiness, they cannot find what would bring pleasure. Of course, they rush about in search - and pray in churches, and change jobs, and go to success trainings, and try to get directions in horoscopes and fortunetellers, but all in vain.

It's like having a bad tooth. It hurts and there is nowhere to go from this pain, even climb the wall. Where to run, what to do? We drink analgin, and the pain goes away, for a while. This is not relief, not joy, but so ... a temporary lull, when you know that the pain will definitely return. Moreover, the same medicine, one tablet, will not help further - you will have to increase the dose to drown out the pain.

So it is here: people suffer, and in order to suffer less, they let off steam. Where? In other people: violence, crime, cruelty. Even just having a fight, shouting, it becomes a little easier for us. But this relief is akin to an analgesic - a short-term analgesic effect will pass very quickly and suffering will rush with even greater force. And even the kindest of us become cruel too. Those who yesterday could not even kill a fly are now shouting about the possibility of dropping an atomic bomb on those who prevent them from living.

How to change the world - how to make people stop being cruel?

It is impossible to take painkillers away from a person with a bad tooth - he will hate you. In the same way, it is impossible to take away from a suffering person the only opportunity to let off steam: to get angry, offended, scream, chafe, or just quietly hate everyone.

The only thing we can do is to become happy and become an example for others. Show that you can live differently - in a different way, without suffering. Just like with a bad tooth - after all, everyone goes to the dentist for a reason, but because doctors can really help and the toothache will really go away. So here - you need to feel happiness in yourself. Of course, in no case is it implied some kind of self-deception or affirmation, prayer or conspiracy, when we wind ourselves up, forcefully smile and say “I am the happiest person in the world”, and inside there is emptiness, melancholy and depression.

No, it's different. We become happy only when we begin to truly understand ourselves, the reasons for our behavior, and find answers to our inner questions. When, in response to an internal question, "stop, why am I doing this? Where am I going? Am I living the right way?" there are not some abstractions, but exact, definite answers. All this comes when we begin to understand the world as a whole, understand the actions of people, the reasons for their behavior.

And it is precisely those painful "points" that disturb us that are guidelines where it is necessary to make an effort. If it seems that there is too little good around, then our own visual vector feels suffering and it is necessary to find a way to fill it. If it sounds like no one understands you, then you should ask yourself the question - who do you understand yourself? If it seems that there is a lack of justice, then we are already suffocating from the injustice that we ourselves create, among other things. If there are only thieves around, you yourself must take will into a fist and stop thinking,

Always be a little kinder than necessary.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca.

Wash away the evil from your heart.

(Jeremiah 4:14)

More expensive than all titles - a good heart.

Goodwill towards all beings is true religion; Cherish in your hearts boundless benevolence towards all things.

Shining with love and kindness,

we all become a bit of magicians!

Be good. There are enough bad ones.

I know only one magic - Love.

Sri Ravi Shankar

How good that kindness

Lives in the world with us.☺

Blow soap bubbles and the world becomes kinder))

And it doesn’t matter at all what season is outside the window, if your thoughts are about something warm and good...

Kindness and sincerity are a sign of strength.

Not everyone can afford it.

Let the light of the goodness of your soul illuminate everything around! Anya Sklyar

Kindness - it does not fade and does not expect reciprocity in return,
It never burns, but warms, leaving a bright light in the souls.
Kindness does not judge, does not cripple - you should not expect harm from it.
Only she will heal the world from malice, never overestimating the price ...

Remember: for everything that you do evil, you will have to pay with the same coin ... I don’t know who is watching this, but they are watching, and very carefully.

Faina Ranevskaya

The one who does good to another does the most good to himself, not in the sense that he will be rewarded for this, but because the consciousness of the good done gives him great joy.

Lucius Seneca

We wish you smiles and love,

May peace last forever in your families!

Let all your days shine

And give the joy of life endlessly!)

Do not do it to spite anyone, do it for YOUR HAPPINESS ...

For good deeds, silver is not needed... Neither wealth nor gold is needed... But it is necessary that the soul be generous... And rich in kindness and faith...

Do good - it's great

A little more love, a little less fighting

- and the world will be fine.

Do not bring good to people if they do not ask for it. It will cost you dearly. The best thing to do is to put the good in a conspicuous place and quietly move away.

Whoever needs it will take it.

Radiate good feelings, and the Universe will answer you the same.

It's just that in my life I'm always warm

Because there are FLOWERS and CHILDREN.

Just do GOOD in the world

A hundred times more pleasant than evil.

Eduard Asadov

There is no better feeling in the world than feeling,

What have you done to people at least a drop of good.

Do good. Don't put your hands down.

Appreciate every moment and every hour.

Live joyfully. And just know

That much depends only on us!

Blow soap bubbles - and the world becomes kinder))

The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices goodness in people.

Gracious sovereigns and gracious sovereigns, grow in your soul, in its brightest corner, such beautiful flowers as virtue, modesty, honesty, justice and love.

Victor Hugo.

Dream, hope, plan - kindness should be big fluffy and positive!

Wrap everyone around with goodness,

Just a little, but donate.

Even with your kind eyes

You set fire to people's hearts.

All people are teachers for me,

All meetings are my reward...

I'm learning from the evil - as it is impossible,

I learn from the good - as it should ...

The most delicate plants make their way through the hardest earth, through the cracks of the rocks. So is kindness. What a wedge, what a hammer, what a battering ram can compare with the strength of a kind, sincere person! Nothing can resist him.

Henry David Thoreau

In order to fight monstrous evil, monstrous good is required.

If everyone does good within the limits of his possibilities, the possibilities of good become infinite.


Surround the heart with affection and wrap yourself in tenderness

Color your serenity with watercolor

Touch with love

like a baby with a babble

And appreciate all that you have

carefully, with a slight trembling.

Do good and life will be beautiful

Do good and it will be more fun

Do good, forget about all the bad weather,

Do good for everyone around you.

Someday they will inspire you that they wipe their feet on your kindness - do not believe it. Stay kind. After all, goodness is simple, and it saves the world.

Kindness, even the smallest, is never wasted.

Maybe it's better not to destroy evil, but to grow good?

Anya Sklyar

Do me a favor!
- Let me pour you some tea.
- No, it doesn't count.
- What about candy?
- Voooot... already goodness has gone ツ

Previously, black caviar and imported jeans were considered scarce. Today, sincerity, decency, kindness are in short supply ...

Be pure in heart and kind in heart. The beauty of the soul is like a beacon of light attracting the happiness you deserve into your life.

All - bright thoughts and kindness in the heart!)

Beautiful is not the one who outwardly turned out, but the one who was born with kindness in his soul.

Beauty only attracts attention, Kindness wins the Heart...

I am full of kindness and laziness

Accustom yourself at the first glance at a person to always sincerely wish him well!

Anthony of Surozh

What is good? This is a piece of happiness, This is fresh air, sips of wind. You give it, and it will unfold, Someone's heart will simply beat stronger. You can’t buy this word and don’t sell it, You can give it as a gift or just give it away ...

Love needs to be constantly maintained. Good emotions and deeds, favorite places, books, people, solitude, animals. Elchin Safarli - Tell me about the sea

Many people try to color their lives with entertainment, but the only source of joy is kindness.

May every day be good!

It is foolish to hope to accomplish something global, for example, to establish world peace, to arrange happiness for everyone, but everyone can do some small deed, thanks to which the world will become at least a little better.

Do good for nothing

And from the purity of the heart)

Don't miss an opportunity to do good

Don't be evil! Hold the balls!

At the end of your life, it won't matter how many cars you have in your garage or what clubs you've been to. It is important how many lives you have changed, how many people you have influenced and whom you have helped. Do good! It's nice!

All the rays of goodness !!)))))))

Wish good to your beloved and good will return to you,
Wish you well to a friend and doubly return to you,
Wish good to your neighbor and return to you three times,
Wish good to the enemy and you will return five times,
Wish good to all people, ten times will return to you,
Wish good to the Earth and you will return a hundred times,
Wish good to the universe and the universe will answer,
So all the Good of the Universe will turn into Happiness for you!

Do not think good deeds, but do good. Robert Walser

A drop of goodness is better than a whole barrel of philosophy...

Lev Tolstoy ---

Carefully guard within yourself this treasure - kindness. Know how to give without hesitation, lose without regret, acquire without stinginess.

Give the world the best you have...
and the best that is in the world will return to you!

People say that a person
When he does something good,
That is your earthly, your human age
Extends for at least a year.

And so that life does not disappoint
And so that you live more than a century,
Walk, people, avoiding evil,
And remember that good deeds
The surest road to longevity!

Do not be afraid to give warming words,
And do good deeds.
The more wood you put on the fire,
The more heat will return.

Always respond only with kindness, this is the only way to make this world a better place. Answer kindly or don't answer at all. If you return evil for evil, then evil becomes greater.

Think every time you wake up, “What good can I do today? The sun will set and take a part of my life with it.

Indian proverb

What is good?

Kindness is a miracle that anyone can create!

(Think about what you do and how you do it)

And you forget - and it will become easier.
And you forgive - and there will be a Holiday.
And you strive - and you will succeed ...
Do not be stingy - and you will be rewarded!
And you will return - will be rewarded ...
And you believe - and they will believe!
Start by yourself - it will start all around!
And you LOVE! And you will count!

They say nasty things to you, and you respond kindly.

That's for me?
- You...
- For what?
- Just!


It is for you. Just:)

My religion is very simple. I don't need temples. I don't need any special, complex philosophy. My heart, my head is my temple. My philosophy is kindness. Dalai Lama

Kindness in words breeds trust.
Kindness in thought improves relationships.
Kindness in deeds gives birth to love.

What difference does it make if it's warm outside or cold when a little rainbow lives in your room all day long?

Eleanor Porter "Pollyanna" ---

We were much more frank in childhood ...
- What do you have for breakfast?
- Nothing.
- And I have bread with butter and jam. Take some of my bread...
Years have passed, and we have become different, now no one will ask anyone:
- What's in your heart? Isn't it darkness? Take some of my light.

When you smile, you are not the only one who feels happy. You bring a ray of light into the lives of others.

The earth is always full of wonders. Only most people do not know about it, which is why all their misfortunes occur. And the very first miracle is that, having occupied our mind with a good thought, we leave no place in it for an evil one.

Frances Eliza Burnett

When the soul starts to freeze - cook cocoa.

Kindness is for all people
May there be more good ones.
They do not say in vain when they meet
"Good afternoon" and "Good evening".
And it is not for nothing that we have
Wish "Have a good time."
Kindness is from the century
Human decoration...

Think well, and thoughts will ripen into good deeds. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

This world is like an echo in the mountains: if we throw anger at it, anger returns; if we give love, love returns.

And this is a natural phenomenon, you do not need to think about it. You can trust him - everything will happen by itself. This is the law of karma: what you sow, so shall you reap - everything that you give will return to you. No need to think about it, everything happens automatically.

Love and be loved!..

Osho ---

Make sure that you do not have Resistance inside you, that there is no hatred, no negativity. "Love your enemies," Jesus said, and this, of course, means: "Have no enemies."

Eckhart Tolle

Don't let the ingratitude of many deter you from

to do good to people;

for besides the fact that doing good in itself

and without any other purpose - a noble cause,

but doing good, sometimes you meet in someone

so much gratitude to one

that it rewards all the ingratitude of others.

Francesco Guicciardini

How long do you think about good things?
That's how much good you will get.

If everyone does good within the limits of his possibilities, the possibilities of good become infinite.

But there are no lesser miracles: a smile, fun, forgiveness, and - at the right time, the right word. Owning it means owning everything.

Alexander Grin, "Scarlet Sails" ---

Always respond only with kindness, this is the only way to make this world a better place.
Answer kindly or don't answer at all.
If you return evil for evil, then evil becomes greater.

Do not believe the one who speaks beautifully, there is always a game in his words.
Believe the one who silently does beautiful things.

How much kindness, light, love is in a person - so much life is in him!

You can fill your world at will:

good or evil
greed or selflessness,
aggression or peace,
indifference or mercy;

remember only - what you leave on your way is what you meet on it.

Each of our actions leaves a mark on the soul and participates in the formation of our character and destiny. When you understand this principle, you will be more careful to ensure that only goodness lies in your actions.

Conquer anger with gentleness
Evil is good
Greed - generosity,
Lies are true.

Perhaps the times are not the same ... The conditions are dictated by the rushing century ... But the heart is so sad about kindness ... Not fashionable ... Sincere ... And real ...

When you don't know what to do, act like a human being.

What for common happiness to suffer to no avail -

It is better to give happiness to someone close.

It is better to tie a friend to yourself with kindness,

How to free humanity from the fetters.

Omar Khayyam

You can throw another person. Stones or flowers. Depending on what you have available. If there are stones in the soul, then stones. If flowers .... then flowers. And it's not about this person. It's up to you!

Every morning, when you wake up, start with the thoughts:

“Today I was lucky,” I woke up.
I am alive, I have this precious human life, and I will not waste it.
I will direct all my energy to inner development,
To open your heart to others
And achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings.
I will only have good thoughts for others.
I will not get angry or think ill of them.
I will do my best to help others."

All the bliss of the world happens from the desire for bliss to another;All the suffering of the people of the world -from the desire for your personal happiness. Shantideva

Our greatest strength lies in the kindness and tenderness of our heart...

How much wisdom is needed to never lose kindness!

M. Ebner-Eschenbach

We become happy, healthy, and successful when we stop complaining and scolding.

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

What courage is really needed for is sincerity.

Try to become a rainbow in someone's cloud.

It is impossible and unnecessary - to constantly rejoice. But you can always sit next to a dear person, put your hand on his shoulder (or hug him) and split his cloud in half. Your sun will pour into the gap between two rain clouds and illuminate the falling drops. That's how rainbows are made, right?

Ask yourself: were you kind today? Make kindness your daily essential attribute and the world around you will change.

If you want your feet not to hurt from thorns, cover the whole earth with a flower carpet. Abu'l-Faraj

You know, now I really want at least for an hour such a small pocket fairy, like from an old Disney cartoon about a sleeping beauty. So that she would say “bibidi-babodibum” and everything would work out, smooth out.

Elchin Safarli - You were promised to me ---

A tiny act of kindness is better than the most solemn promises to do the impossible.

Thomas Macaulay ---

When you do good, it does not stop, but wants to continue. The baggage of good deeds brings true happiness.

What is important is not so much reasoning about good, how many good deeds. M. Montesquieu

I am convinced that the soul of every person rejoices when he does good to another.T.Jefferson

In order for the whole world to be in our hands, we just need to stop clenching our fists and open our palms.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ---

If the heart is pure

a miracle will happen.

Kindness is hard to give away because it always comes back.

Just as we will not have a pleasant dwelling until we let fresh air and sunlight into our rooms, so our body will not be strong, and our face happy and clear, until our minds are open to good thoughts.James Allen

Live in such a way that people will smile when they encounter you.
And talking with you became a little happier ...

I read about outrages, senselessness and disgust, suspicion and cynicism. ... It seems to me that I am alone in my persistent statements about the reality of kindness, decency, generosity, all the rest remain silent. Good and evil exist in the world, they fight among themselves, and this battle has no end. However, if the good people surrender, the battle will be lost..

They tell you all sorts of dirty tricks, and you respond with kindness?!
- Everyone spends what he has.

If you want good, kind people around you, try to treat them attentively, affectionately, politely - you will see that everyone will get better. Everything in life depends on you, trust me. Maksim Gorky

Every person is a diamond that can purify and not purify itself. To the extent that it is purified, eternal light shines through it. Therefore, the business of man is not to try to shine, but to try to purify himself.Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

To all those who wish me harm ... Good to you, do you hear ?! Of good!!!)))

If accidents are not accidental, then ordinary things are also unusual.

I consider happy those who use all kinds of good without an admixture of evil. Cicero

It's amazing what a single ray of sunshine can do to a person's soul...Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

True Light is the one that comes from within a person and reveals the secrets of the heart to the soul, making it happy and in harmony with life. Gibran Kahlil Gibran

If you don’t know what to do, then try to act in such a way that the amount of goodness in the world at least does not decrease. Vladimir Fedorov

The more a person gives good, the more space he frees up for receiving new energy of good.Open yourself up to goodness.Vyacheslav Pankratov, Lyudmila Shcherbinina Smile for happiness!

Often, without noticing it ourselves, we change the lives of the people around us for the better. It's honorable and not difficult at all. Just listen to yourself and take every opportunity to help - both in word and deed. Let us never know, but our good deed can turn out for a person in an amazing way.

Special goodness (Christian parable)

One brother said to an old man:
“If I see a brother about whom I have heard something bad, I cannot force myself in any way to let him into my cell. If I see a good brother, I let him in willingly.
The old man replied:
- If you do good to a good brother, then this is not enough - do special good to one who is subject to weakness.

We must love everyone.
But if you can't, at least wish everyone well.
Spiritual instructions of Elder Gabriel (Urgebadze)

Practice kindness all day long to all the people around you, and you will realize that you are already in heaven.

It's never too late for a good deed.

Throughout life, a person is constantly surrounded by other people with whom they have to communicate and encounter in one way or another. These are colleagues, classmates, classmates, friends, employees of shops and other institutions, acquaintances of acquaintances, even just passers-by. However, not all of them, unfortunately, are friendly. And even kind people can get angry sometimes.

Why are people evil? Why can they treat life, people with aggression? What makes them do this, because we are all brought up in similar conditions, in the same traditions, instilling love for our neighbor.

Reasons for anger

Anger is a vivid and pronounced feeling of dissatisfaction with someone or something. Not infrequently, anger can develop into, that is, a person is able to proceed to actions that will be aimed at causing harm to an object or others that are the cause of anger.

Reasons for anger:

1. Disappointment, dissatisfaction with life. This should also include frustration - such an emotional state, which is caused by the impossibility of satisfying needs, unjustified expectations.

2. Envy.

3. Jealousy.

4. Life upheavals (loss, personal misfortune, etc.)

5. Psychological illnesses.

7. Stress and fatigue.

8. Psychological trauma.

9. Depression.

10. Tendency to impulsive actions, increased emotionality.

11. A person just wants to be like that.

13. Lack of a favorite thing.

This list contains reasons that depend both on the internal state of people and on external factors.

properties of anger

1. In the above list, there are reasons that depend both on the internal state of people and on external factors.

2. In addition, anger has the ability to accumulate. At the same time, various causes of anger can overlap. And this can lead to serious mental disorder, including health problems.

3. Anger in some situations is a protective reaction of a person to the current situation, or a signal for a person that warns that something is going wrong.

4. It is necessary to understand that people are not always evil. The most evil people in a different setting and situation are able to be kind and pleasant in communication.

5. A person is not always to blame for being evil. Sometimes it is life itself, the trials and its environment that makes it so.

6. Evil in the other direction. For some, simple attention is enough to awaken kindness in them. For example, a person is angry because of resentment or loneliness. For others, you will need specialized help from psychologists, or appropriate medication.

7. Anger is a destructive feeling, it accumulates. Therefore, it should be expressed constructively, in a peaceful way. This will help you deal with the problem.

How to behave to a person with evil people

1. When communicating with such a person, it should be remembered that he is currently in an affective state. He is at odds with himself, so it is difficult for him to control himself.

2. No need to provoke evil people, because it is not always possible to resolve the conflict through negotiations.

3. If the anger is directed specifically at you, then it is advisable to leave, and continue the conversation only after the time has elapsed, when the person calms down.

4. If you notice that it is around you that people have become angrier, then evaluate your behavior, try not to incite aggression in those around you. Perhaps you set a negative tone for the situation, put pressure on people, causing anger.