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Loving your body is not so easy, especially when every day from all sides of the media we are attacked by images of the body processed in graphic editors. The glamor shots and models we see on the pages of magazines and advertising billboards are a false representation of what these people really look like, but somehow we easily get the feeling that we should live up to the presented standards. There is no such thing as an ideal body, so it is impossible to achieve it. Each of us has a unique form that needs to be accepted and not criticized. Your body is part of what will get you through life, so it deserves your love.


Develop the Right Mindset

    Don't compare yourself to others. Our beauty standards are mainly influenced by the media, Hollywood and pop culture. Because of these factors, we develop negative body judgments by comparing ourselves to edited photos and glamorous movie stars. These images are created and modified by computers, they are not realistic goals that can be achieved. The popular media is hard to ignore, of course, but you can ease the pressure of majority rule by choosing to love your body because it's real.

    Compliment yourself. The love in your life starts with loving yourself. You must look at yourself and treat yourself with the same kindness and admiration that you would treat the person you love. You probably wouldn't criticize another person's body for the same things you criticize yourself for. Feel free to compliment yourself, don't judge yourself harshly for mistakes, and forgive yourself even when you slip up. Stop hating yourself and replace this unpleasant feeling with understanding and appreciation.

    Practice gratitude. Appreciate what you have and love your inner self. Don't let the number on the scale or the size of your trousers define who you are or what you are capable of. If you get angry every time you look at yourself in the mirror, it will not help you. Here are some ways to practice gratitude in your daily life:

    Make a list of all the positive things in your life. Everyone has their own fears and doubts, but the main thing is to focus on what you like about yourself and your life. It's easy to let the negatives outweigh the positives, but if you make a list, it'll be easier to prevent that from happening.

    • First, find one thing that you like about yourself, no matter how insignificant it may seem. When you feel more confident about your first positive trait, move on to the second, third, and so on. Make a whole list of what you love about yourself, and when you hear a negative thought pop into your head, immediately focus on the list. Ultimately, you will see more positive qualities in yourself than negative ones.
  1. Stay away from negativity. Stay away from people who constantly resent their bodies. Their insecurities can be passed on to you and make you wonder what kind of body problems you might have. Life is too precious to waste time hating yourself or nitpicking your body. In addition, your perception of yourself will usually be much more critical than what others think.

    • If someone starts to criticize their own body or their own life, do not get involved in this negativity. Better change the subject or apologize and walk away.
  2. Exude confidence. When you act confident, you feel satisfied with yourself. Even if you think that self-confidence is exactly what you lack, feign it. Pull your shoulders back, lift your chin up and smile. Smiling is one of the most important factors that will help you improve both your self-image and how others see you. If you keep yourself confident, your inner confidence will soon be revealed.

    Wear comfortable clothes that make you feel good. Everything in your wardrobe should please you and highlight the best features of your current body shape. Don't wear something uncomfortable just to impress others if it makes you feel uncomfortable. Remember that you will always look your best if you are yourself.

    • Always wear clean clothes with no holes or rips to dress your body the way it deserves.
    • Buy a bra and briefs of the same color, even if only you will see them. This will tell your inner self that you are doing this for yourself and only for yourself.
  3. Stick to daily affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that must be repeated until the mind begins to perceive them as true. Saying out loud what you like about yourself will help your mind remember it better than if you just thought about it silently. You can personalize your daily affirmations however you see fit, as long as they are positive affirmations. Here's a great statement to get you started:

    • Every day look in the mirror and say: “I am beautiful, I am loved, I love myself the way I am.”
  4. Balance your diet properly. Try to eat fruits and vegetables every day to nourish your body and thank it for everything it gives you. Not only will it give you a glow and provide long-term health benefits, but it will also teach you to respect your body. This doesn't mean you have to stick to a strict diet plan, but try to minimize your intake of unhealthy foods and start eating healthier to provide your body with good fuel.

Probably, there is no such woman who would be one hundred percent satisfied with her own body. Looking at ourselves in the mirror, we continually look for flaws, minuses, flaws. Here is a “crow's foot”, here is a gray hair, hips slightly covered with cellulite, it is not clear where the pigment spot came from, an absurd fold, a crimson crack of another striae, a flat butt, an ugly mole, a breast that sagged a little after feeding, a slightly asymmetrical face - to look for defects in your appearances are endless, but just what will it give?

A negative body image is formed when a person is permanently dissatisfied with his body. This, in turn, gives rise to a number of psychological problems: dysmorphophobia, depression, self-harm, eating disorders, addiction to plastic surgery. The cultural emphasis on thinness, ideal proportions, and facial features as the hallmarks of beauty sows the seeds of self-doubt and feelings of worthlessness in our heads. Models looking at us from the pages of glossy magazines, clothing catalogs, commercials and billboards, Internet banners and Instagram accounts are amazing, perfect and unimaginable - they embody the very ideal that women of the 21st century worship. Smooth smooth skin, without a hint of wrinkles, acne, excess hair, pigmentation, stretch marks or orange peel, professional manicure at any time of the day or night, thick, shiny and unrealistically voluminous hair, long and even legs, elastic round bust, standing upright, a flat stomach, a neat, as if carved by a sculptor, nose, snow-white teeth, juicy plump lips, flawlessly lined eyebrows, lush eyelashes like a fan and impeccable makeup - with the brain we understand all the artificiality and man-made of this beauty, but it captivates us, captivates and forces subconsciously focus on it and involuntarily compare their external data with those presented by mass culture. This is where body shaming comes from.

body shaming(from the English body - body and shame - shame) - this is a condemnation of all forms of the body that differ from generally accepted standards of beauty. The image of an ideal body replicated by the media makes all those who clearly fall short of this very ideal feel embarrassed and ashamed of their appearance. People who are dependent on the opinion of the majority break down under such a barrage of public pressure and criticism, and at the same time their self-esteem collapses. This is especially dangerous for people with an unstable psyche: women have recently become increasingly ill with anorexia or go under the surgeon's knife in an attempt to get closer to screen perfection. How to stop it? How to resist the onslaught of aggressive beauty propaganda? Psychologists are sure that only the formation of a positive body image can help in self-acceptance. But how can you stop constantly winding yourself up and plunging you into despair because of appearance issues? We give instructions!

positive list. Look at yourself as a whole person: you are much more than a face or body - you Human you have soul, mind and character. Write a list of qualities and traits that you can be proud of, that you really like about yourself. Of course, it is better if they are not related to appearance, but the choice is yours. It can be purposefulness, perseverance, sensitivity, quickness, determination, sociability, compassion, responsibility, etc. However, nothing prevents you from pointing out an attractive eye color, and a beautiful shape of nails, and cool hair, and a thin waist, if you see fit. However, the meaning of this advice is to stop looking at yourself only through the prism of external data.

Comfort clothes. Get rid of those wardrobe items that, for one reason or another, make you feel uncomfortable, do not fit well, or that have simply outlived their usefulness. Wear clothes that make you feel comfortable and comfortable. It doesn't matter what fashion dictates or what friends, colleagues or classmates wear - it's up to you to decide what to wear this morning.

Good company. Be selective about your social circle: form it based on the pleasure of communicating with them. Try to minimize contact with toxic interlocutors who can afford to speak negatively or joke about your appearance or the appearance of other people. You don't have to tolerate such individuals in your life. Even if this happened only once, think carefully about whether you really need to continue communicating with such a person.

Information filtering. Pay attention to what you are watching and listening to. Avoid websites, magazines and TV shows that deal with the topics of weight, strict diets, plastic surgery, ideal forms, aggressively objectifying, and also depicting the female body unrealistically. Wherever body shaming takes place, women are secretly inciting hatred for their own bodies. You should be critical of the information that is presented to you by the media: not a single star will appear on the screen of TVs or gadgets without makeup and styling or processing in a photo editor.

Refocusing. Focus on things other than looks: hobbies, studies, work, travel, helping others, etc. After all, there are much more interesting things to do than constantly staring at yourself in the mirror, looking for another imperfection and then worrying about it all day, right? Gradually move away from this: smile at yourself in the morning in the mirror, promise that today will be a productive day, and go to achieve your goals. When a person is busy and passionate about something, he does not invent unnecessary problems for himself. Therefore, occupy yourself with something useful and stop obsessing over, most likely, the imaginary shortcomings of your appearance.

Taking care of your body. To stop treating your own body as an enemy, take care of it and take care of it: eat healthy tasty food, use high-quality care products, do sparing beauty procedures without abusing them, do physical activity in the form in which you are comfortable , buy what really pleases you, and not what the fashion and beauty industry zombifies. Show your body that you love, respect and accept it for who it is, while being vigilant about its well-being by protecting and improving it based on your own personal motives.

Beauty is not a commercial tool. The objectification of the female body is a real problem in the media space. A woman is accustomed to perceive only as a beautiful and sexy shell, but not as a full-fledged person with her own needs, problems and beliefs. Meanwhile, beauty is indeed a multifaceted and largely subjective concept. First of all, real beauty does not have a superficial nature, its essence lies much deeper. True beauty is the beauty of the soul: the just actions of a person and his system of views and values. The modern world, unfortunately, has replaced this concept. Today, beauty is a successfully sold product, the main weapon of advertising. If you are ugly, in terms of the generally accepted standards of the information society, then you are unhappy and unsuccessful. Physical beauty (again, according to imposed modern canons) is presented as the only value that a woman can have. But you do understand perfectly well that this is complete nonsense?

In fact, body image is quite variable and can fluctuate at certain intervals from negative to neutral and from neutral to positive, you need to keep this in mind. Do not succumb to other people's distorted thoughts and standards, provocations and influence, develop your own culture of evaluating and understanding the image of your appearance and the concept of beauty in general. Your body and face are given to you by nature, you do everything in your power to maintain your own beauty, create and keep it the way it is at the moment. And only you yourself have the right to choose what is acceptable for you and what is not - not a single third-party opinion should shake your self-esteem.

* How to achieve harmony of soul and body? First of all, you need to think about the body. The body is your base, your foundation, your foundation. Not loving your body means destroying yourself, it means becoming schizophrenic, becoming unhappy, creating hell. You are the body. Of course, you are more than the body, but that "more" will come later. You are, first of all, the body.
* The body is your fundamental truth, never be against it. If you are against the body, then you deny God. When you disrespect your body, you lose contact with reality, because it is the body that provides this contact. Your body is a bridge. Your body is a temple. The body is great. This is the greatest secret.
* However, you have been taught to neglect the body. It happens that you are fascinated by the mystery of a tree, a green tree, or the mystery of the moon and the sun, or a flower, but you are never fascinated by your own body. But your body is the most complex phenomenon in life. Not a single flower, not a single tree has such a beautiful body as yours. Neither the moon, nor the sun, nor the star has developed such a mechanism as you have.
* You were taught to appreciate the beauty of a flower, a simple flower. You have been taught to appreciate the beauty of a tree, a simple tree. You have been taught to appreciate the beauty of stones, rocks, mountains, rivers, but you have never been taught to respect your own body, never taught to be fascinated by it. Yes, it is very close, and therefore it is easy to forget about it. But the body is the most beautiful phenomenon.
* When someone admires a flower, people exclaim: "How aesthetically pleasing!" And when someone admires the beautiful face of a woman or a man, then people say: "This is lust."
* If you go up to a tree, stand next to it and look enchanted at the flower - with wide eyes, absorbing all the beauty of the flower with all your feelings, then people will consider you a poet, artist, mystic. But if you approach a woman or a man, and look at the woman with wide eyes with respect and delight, reveling in her beauty with all your feelings, then the police will become interested in you.
* First of all, you need to learn to respect your body, to forget all that nonsense about the body that you were taught. Otherwise, you will never turn yourself outward, never turn yourself inward, never go beyond yourself. Start from the beginning. The body is your beginning.
* The body must be cleansed of any violence. The body needs a great catharsis. The body became poisoned because you were against it, you suppressed it in every possible way. Your body is getting by with the bare minimum, that's why you're unhappy. Bliss is possible only when you live to the maximum, and not otherwise. Bliss is possible when you live intensely. And how can you live intensely if you are against the body? A man leads a gray life, the fire of his life is barely glimmering. The fire actually went out. This fire has been destroyed for centuries. It needs to be rekindled. First you have to purify your body, purify your body from all kinds of violence. It is necessary to renew the flow of his energy, to eliminate all clamps.
* It is very difficult to meet a person who does not have energy clamps, it is difficult to find someone whose body is not tense. Relax, tension only blocks your energy. Because of this tension, the free flow of energy becomes impossible.
* Why are all people so stiff? Why is it so hard to relax? Have you seen a cat sleeping, dozing in the afternoon? How simply and how skillfully he relaxes. Can't you just relax too? You toss and turn in bed, unable to release the tension.
* From childhood, man has been taught to live in tension. A person does not breathe - because of fear. Because of the fear of sexuality, people have stopped breathing, because when you breathe deeply, the breath goes directly to the center of sex and beats there, massages it from the inside, excites it. Since adults are taught that sex is dangerous, all children begin to breathe shallowly, at chest level. The child never breathes deeper, because suddenly he can feel arousal: there is sexual interest, and with it fear. Breathing deeply releases sexual energy.
* Sexual energy must be released. It should flow freely throughout the body. Then your body will become orgasmic. And you are afraid to breathe, so afraid that almost half of your lungs are filled with carbon dioxide ... There are six thousand alveoli in the lungs, and, as a rule, three thousand of them never clear, always remaining filled with carbon dioxide. That's why you look so sad, that's why you lack vitality, that's why awareness is difficult. Carbon dioxide is not needed by a person, it must be constantly removed by the lungs. You need to breathe new, fresh air, you need to breathe more oxygen. Oxygen will ignite your inner fire, oxygen will cause you to be engulfed in flames. But oxygen will also set your sexuality on fire.
* The whole point is that when you are absolutely free, you can achieve a lot. Only very, very sexy and energetic people can be intelligent. In addition, the postulate that sex is sinful hit the intellect, and this hit must have been very strong. When there are no barriers to the flow of sexual energy, when there are no conflicts in the sexual sphere, when you develop your sexuality, your mind functions optimally. You will be intelligent, aware, alive. You have to make friends with the body.
* Do you feel your own body, or do you feel like you are in a dead crypt? That's what's happening. People are almost in a frozen state, they carry their body with them like a coffin. It is heavy, it is uncomfortable, it prevents you from feeling reality. If you allow the electricity of your body to flow from your toes to your head, if you give your energy, your bioenergy, complete freedom, then you will become a river, you will not feel the body at all. You will become almost incorporeal. If you don't fight the body, you will become incorporeal. Conversely, the body will become a burden if you fight with it. And if you carry your body like a burden, then you will never enter the kingdom of God.
* It will not be easy to start respecting your body. You judged him, always found flaws in him. You never appreciated him, you never loved him; and suddenly you wanted a miracle, for someone to come and love your body. If you yourself cannot love him, then no one will love him, because your vibrations will repel people.
* You can fall in love with a person who loves himself, but not vice versa. First you need to love yourself, only from this center can another love grow. You don't love your body. You hide it in a thousand ways. You hide the smell of the body, you wrap it in clothes, you hide your body under jewelry. You are trying to create some kind of beauty that you constantly feel you are missing; thus you become artificial.
* Once you start accepting yourself, you will become beautiful. When you are delighted with your body, you will delight others. Many will fall in love with you because you are in love with yourself. Now you are dissatisfied with yourself. You know you're ugly, you know you're disgusting, awful. Such a self-image will only alienate people, your self-image will not help them fall in love with you, they will shun you. Even approaching you, they will feel your vibrations and go away.
* There is no point in running after someone. The need to chase after someone appears only when we do not love ourselves. Otherwise, someone would have appeared in your life. It is impossible not to fall in love with you if you love yourself. Love your body, make friends with it, honor it, respect it, take care of it, it is a gift from God. Treat it well, and it will reveal great secrets to you. Your whole development will depend on how you treat your body.


Every child is born with perfectly developed senses. Watch him. When a child looks at something, he is completely absorbed in the object of his attention. When he plays with his toys, he is completely absorbed in the game. When he looks, he simply becomes sight. Look into the eyes of a child. When he listens, he simply becomes a rumor. When he eats anything, he is all there, he is focused on his tongue. It becomes just a taste. Watch how the child eats an apple. With what fervor! With what energy! With what delight! Watch a child chasing a butterfly in the garden. What a beautiful, meditative state, and without any effort. Watch how a child collects seashells on the shore as if they were diamonds. Everything acquires value when feelings are alive. Everything becomes clear when feelings are alive.
* Having matured, the same child will begin to relate to reality as if it were hidden behind dirty glass. A layer of smoke and dust covered the glass, and you are hidden behind it, you are watching. It makes everything look dull and dead. You look at a tree and the tree seems dull to you because your eyes are lifeless. You hear a song, but you have no interest in it, because your ears are not alive. You can listen to the Buddha, but you will not be able to appreciate his words, because your mind is not alive.
* You need to restore the forgotten language of feelings. Take every opportunity to develop your senses. When you eat, try not to just eat. Try to restore the forgotten range of taste sensations.
* Go to the tree and touch it. Touch the stone. Come to the river, let the water flow through your fingers. Feel it! Swim and feel the water the way a fish feels it. Use every opportunity to develop your feelings. There are thousands of opportunities available to you throughout the day. There is no need to allocate separate time for this. The whole day is a continuous training of the senses. Use every opportunity for this. Standing under the shower, take the opportunity - feel the water falling on you. Lie naked on the ground, feel it. Lie on the shore, feel the sand. Feel the sound of the sand, listen to the sounds of the sea. Use every opportunity, only under this condition you can again master the language of feelings.
* You need to free your feelings from habits. Habits are the root cause of your longing. Find new ways to do your job. Come up with new approaches to love. People are afraid of novelty. They live according to old habits. Even during sex they use the same "missionary position". Learn to feel differently.
* Any experience can be obtained only through great sensitivity. When you have sex, make it a celebration. Get creative every time. Sometimes you need to dance before you have sex. Sometimes you need to pray before having sex. Sometimes, before having sex, you need to run into the forest. Sometimes, before you have sex, you need to swim. In this case, each sexual experience will add new sensations, and sex will never become boring, dreary.
* Try to perceive the people around you in a new way. Get over the routine. Any routine brings lifelessness. Inertia serves death. And you can always invent, there are no limits for creativity. Sometimes you can get great pleasure from a small innovation. You always eat at the table. Sometimes you can go out on the lawn, sit there and have lunch. You will be very surprised, it will fill you with completely new sensations. The smell of freshly cut grass, birds fluttering and singing around, fresh air, sun rays and the feeling of wet grass underneath. These sensations are very different from those when you sit on a chair and eat at the table. It's a completely different experience. All ingredients are different.
* If you bring something new into your life every day, then your life will become exciting, turn into an adventure. You will never be bored, and the one who is bored is usually non-religious. You will always be interested in learning new things, you will always look for the unknown, the unfamiliar. You will keep a clear look, liveliness of feelings, for the one who constantly searches, explores, learns, finds, cannot be boring, cannot be stupid.
* People readily fall into childhood. Their mental development is very superficial, very shallow. It is worth a little scratch - and their mental retardation will immediately manifest itself. Their physical development does not matter much. People die naive, they never grow up. Do not imitate, otherwise your senses will become coarse. Stop imitating. Use your own methods at work. Everything you do, put your signature.
* You have a certain idea of ​​what the body should be like; when a person has a certain idea about something, he is doomed to suffering. Your body is the way it should be. If you have a different opinion on this matter, you will suffer: discard it.
* This body belongs to you; this body was given to you by the Lord God. Use it... enjoy it! If you love him, then it will begin to change, because if a person loves his body, he takes care of it, and care implies absolutely everything. Then a person does not stuff him with anything, because he takes care of him. Then he does not torment him with hunger, for he takes care of him. Then he listens to his needs, listens to his signals: what he needs, when he needs it.
* When a person takes care of the body, when he loves it, when he listens to its needs, the body automatically becomes prettier. If you don't like your body, then this is what creates the problem, because in this case you gradually become indifferent to it, stop caring about it: will anyone care about the enemy? You will not even look at him, you will try to avoid him. You will stop listening to his messages, and later you will simply hate him.
* You yourself are creating this problem. The body is never the source of problems; all problems are created in the mind. This is the idea of ​​the body of your mind. No animal suffers from the idea of ​​what its body should be, not a single animal, not even... a hippopotamus! No one suffers, everyone is just happy, because their mind does not generate such ideas, otherwise the hippos would think: "Well, why am I like this?" There is no problem here.
* Just give up ideals. Love your body: it is your body, it is God's gift to you. The body needs to be happy, it needs to be taken care of. When you show care, you exercise, you eat, you sleep. You take care of it because it is your instrument; you wash your car, listen to every knock in order to identify problems in time, don't you? You make sure there isn't even a scratch. The body has to be taken care of and everything will be all right: the body is beautiful!
* This is such a beautiful mechanism, so complex and at the same time so efficient, that it has been successfully functioning for seventy years. Whether you are asleep or awake, conscious or unconscious, your body continues to function, and does so silently. It works even without you caring about it, it continues to serve you. You have to be grateful to the body.
* Change your attitude - and within six months you will find that your body has changed shape. It's like how love instantly transforms a woman, she becomes beautiful when someone falls in love with her. She could ignore her body until a man fell in love with her; then she starts taking care of herself. A woman stands in front of a mirror for hours... after all, someone loves her! The same thing happens with the body: you love your body and it starts to change. It is loved, cared for, it feels needed. This is a very subtle mechanism, and people use it roughly, cruelly. Just change your attitude and you will see!
* If you become beautiful inside, you will become dazzling. This has happened many times: even an ugly person, turning to meditation, becomes beautiful. Their faces relax. Their tension subsides. Their suffering, which has become part of the face, is slowly fading away. They relax like children. Their faces begin to light up with a new inner joy, they begin to radiate light.
* Physical beauty or ugliness does not play a big role in life. Only the inner world of a person is truly important. I can teach you how to be beautiful from within, and that is real beauty. When you achieve this, your physical form will not matter much. Your eyes will begin to radiate joy, your face will light up, become attractive. The form will become intangible. When harmony flows inside you, a kind of grace, then the external form simply fades into the background. Compared to inner beauty, it loses all significance; don't worry about it.
* Meditate, love, dance, sing, celebrate, and all ugliness will disappear. Bring something higher into your life and you will forget about the primitive, because everything is comparable, everything is relative. If only you can bring something higher into your life... It reminds me of burning a small candle in a room: bring a larger candle into the room and the small candle will lose its meaning.
* Bring inner beauty into your life, it's easier to do. If you do not change inside, then your outer beauty will only emphasize the inner ugliness, this will become a contrast. Strive for inner beauty.
* First of all, you need to learn to fully accept all the changes that nature has prepared for you. Youth has its beauty, old age has its own.
* According to my understanding - and all the eastern prophets support me in this - a person becomes truly beautiful and graceful in the prime of his years; at the age when the stupidity of youth passes, when all the naivety of childhood disappears; when a man acquires all the richness of worldly experience and reaches such a point in his development when he becomes a witness on a mountain, while the world blindly bustles below in terrible gloomy valleys. Find out what else is useful and interesting on this site, you can follow the link:
* The very idea of ​​remaining always young is terrible. Everyone should know that by forcing oneself to be young, one simply becomes more stressed. He will never be able to relax. Everyone wants to live long and no one wants to grow old. Why? People are afraid of what follows old age. No one is afraid of old age, but after it comes death and nothing more. Therefore, everyone would like to live longer, but never grow old, because old age means that you have entered the death zone. Deep down, the fear of old age comes from the fear of death, but only those who do not know how to live are afraid of death.
* Youth is a disease from which you are gradually cured every day. Old age is a cure. You have gone through the whole fiery test of life, reaching a place where you can be completely detached, alone, unperturbed. But the West has never understood the beauty of old age. I can understand this, but I cannot agree with it. The West is guided by the following idea: the problem of life is that there are a lot of beautiful women in the world and very little time. That's why no one wants to grow old, everyone wants to stretch time as much as possible. And I'll tell you: the problem would be even greater if there was a lot of time and very few women. The world is perfect the way it is.
* He who lived a real life will never be afraid of death. If you have lived in the full sense of the word, then you will welcome death. It will come like rest, like a great dream. If in your life you have reached the peak, reached the highest peak, then death will be a wonderful rest, a blessing. But if you haven't lived life to the fullest, then there's no doubt that death is fearful. If you have not lived, then, undoubtedly, death will take time from your hands, all future opportunities to live. You have not lived in the past and there will be no future: fear arises. Fear arises not because of death, but because of the unlived life. Since there is a fear of death, old age also gives rise to fear, for it is the first step towards death. If not for this circumstance, old age would be beautiful. This is the maturity of your life, your experience, your growth. If you live from moment to moment, boldly go towards all life's trials, use all the opportunities that life gives you, then old age will become maturity. Otherwise, old age will be a disease.
* Unfortunately, many people simply grow old; they age before reaching the maturity of their age. The body has grown old, but the inner life has not become richer. There is no inner light, and death approaches every day. Of course you will tremble, you will be afraid, you will suffer greatly.
* Those who took everything from life warmly perceive old age, because old age only says that they are approaching their flowering, full development. Now they will be able to share all that they have achieved in life.
* Old age is incredibly beautiful; so it should be, for all life is directed towards it; old age should be the peak. The peak cannot be at the beginning of the life path. The peak cannot be in the middle of life. If you think that your peak was in childhood, as many people think, then, of course, your whole life will be filled with suffering, because you have already reached the peak and all subsequent life will be a descent, a decline. If you think that youth is the peak, as many people think, then, of course, after thirty-five you will become sad, depressed, because every day you will lose and lose something, but you will not gain anything. The energy will weaken, you will become weak, you will be tormented by diseases, and death will start knocking on your door. Your house will disappear, the hospital will appear. Is it possible to be happy in such a state? No. In the East, we never thought that childhood or adolescence could be the peak of development. The peak is waiting for the very end.
* If life flows correctly, then gradually you rise higher and higher. Death is the highest peak of life, its climax.
* Why does life pass by? Why does a person grow old, but not mature? Somewhere something is broken; somewhere you have embarked on a wrong path; somewhere you agreed to embark on a false path. This agreement must be broken, this contract must be burned.
* When you were a child, you made a compromise. You sold your life. For free. You didn't get anything in return, just all sorts of rubbish. You lost your soul for some little thing. You agreed to be someone else and not yourself - that's where you went astray. Your mother wanted you to be somebody, your father wanted you to be somebody, society wanted you to be somebody, and you gave in.
* Gradually you agreed not to be yourself. Since then, you've been pretending you're someone else. You cannot become mature, because this other in you cannot become mature. This is false. If I wear a mask, then the mask cannot grow up, it is dead. My face may age, but my mask does not. Only your mask grows old, and behind this mask you hide, but you cannot grow up. Only those who accept themselves, who want to be themselves and no one else, can grow up.
* You will never grow up if you are someone else. You can only grow up by being yourself. We need to discard all the "do's and don'ts", we need to listen less to what people say. What is their opinion? Who are they? You are here to be yourself; you're not here to live up to anyone's expectations, but that's what everyone's trying to do. Your father may no longer be alive, and you are still trying to keep the promise you made to him. And he tried to keep his promise to his father, and so forth, and so forth. Stupidity goes back to the very beginning. Try to understand the situation and take courage. Take life into your own hands. You will suddenly feel an influx of energy. The moment you make the decision: "I will remain myself and no one else. I will remain myself no matter what," you will feel a big change. You will feel the energy. Energy will burst you, pulsate in you. If this does not happen, you will be afraid of old age. How can you avoid the thought that you are wasting your time, that life is passing by, old age is approaching, and you have not yet lived as you should? How can you avoid the thought that death is creeping up on you, getting closer and closer every day, and you have not yet lived as you would like? You are simply doomed to suffer. If you are asking me what to do, I would advise you to accept everything that life gives you. © , August 9, 2005, Psychology of love. Website of a psychologist about the art of love.

1. The shortest place name

The shortest locality name is "Å" - the name of a small village that is located in both Sweden and Norway. In Scandinavian, "Å" means "river".

2. The largest city in the world

The largest city in the world, based on surface area, is the city of Hulunbuir in the Inner Mongolia region of China, which covers an area of ​​263,953 square kilometers. km.

3. Countries completely surrounded by one country

Lesotho, Vatican City and San Marino are the only countries completely surrounded by one country. Lesotho is completely surrounded by South Africa, while the Vatican and San Marino are completely surrounded by Italy.

4. Second longest place name

The second longest place name in the world has been recognized as "Taumatawhakatangihangak oauauotamateaturipukaka pikimaungahoronukupokaiwhe nua kitanatahu", which is 84 letters long, which belongs to a hill in New Zealand and in Maori means "the place where Tamateya, a man with big knees, who slipped, got up and swallowed mountains, being known as a mountain eater, played his flute for his beloved."

It was the longest place name for some time (and remains so in the Guinness Book of Records), until it was supplanted by the name "Krung thep mahanakhon bovorn ratanakosin mahintharayutthaya mahadilok pop noparatrachatathani burirom udomratchanivetmahasathan amornpiman avatarnsathit sakkathattiya visnukarmprasit", consisting of 163 letters and meaning poetic name of Bangkok in Thailand.

5. The coldest and warmest sea

The water temperature in the White Sea in Russia is the lowest and is only -2 °C. The Persian Gulf is the warmest sea. In summer, the water temperature here reaches 35.6 °C.

6. The world's oldest constitutional republic

San Marino is considered the oldest constitutional republic in the world. It was founded in 301 by a Christian stonemason who was fleeing persecution from the emperor Diocletian. The San Marino Constitution, which was adopted in 1600, is considered the oldest written constitution in the world.

The deepest hole drilled by man is the Kola Superdeep Well in Russia. It reached 12,262 m and was drilled for a scientific study that made a number of unexpected discoveries, such as a huge hydrogen deposit that was so massive that the mud that came out of the well literally boiled.

Due to the earth's bulge at the equator, the 6,310 m peak of the Chimborazo Volcano in Ecuador is the furthest point from the center of the earth, claiming to be the "highest point on Earth" despite Everest being the highest peak above sea level. . Chimborazo is an extinct volcano located 1 degree south of the equator.

The Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the world's oceans with the lowest elevation of the earth's surface. To date, it is believed that its depth is 10,971 m. It is located in the western Pacific Ocean east of the Mariana Islands.

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is the longest mountain range on Earth, at 40,000 km. It is located in the center of the Atlantic Ocean. Iceland is the only part of this mountain range that is above sea level.

The Andes form the longest surface mountain range, at 7,000 km.

10. The name of the area, consisting of only vowels

Mount Circeo on the west coast of Italy was once called Aeaea (5 consecutive vowels and no consonants). According to mythology, the sorceress Circe lived here. Two other geographic locations with only vowels in their names are Aiea in Hawaii and Eiao, one of the Marquesas Islands.

11. The most northern, eastern and western state in America

Alaska is the most northern, eastern and western state in America. It is the only state that is part of the Eastern Hemisphere, making it the easternmost and westernmost state.

12. Sea without a coast

The Sargasso Sea is an area in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean surrounded by ocean currents and is the only sea without a coast. It is bounded in the west by the Gulf Stream, in the north by the North Atlantic Current, in the east by the Canary Current and in the south by the North Equatorial Current. This system of currents forms the North Atlantic subtropical gyre.

13. Lake in an ancient impact crater formed as a result of a meteorite fall

Bosumtwi Lake, located in an ancient meteorite impact crater with a diameter of 8 km, is the only natural lake in Ghana. It is located 30 km southwest of the city of Kumasi and is a popular recreational area. Near the lake there are about 30 villages with a total population of 70,000 people.

14. Unusual river flow

There is only one river in the world that originates at the equator and flows into the temperate zone from there, and that is the Nile River. For some unknown reason, most rivers flow in the opposite direction.

15. No land at the North Pole

There is no land at the North Pole - only ice above the water surface. With 12 million square kilometers of floating ice, the Arctic Ocean has the coldest winter temperature, -34°C.

16. The territory of Hong Kong consists of one peninsula and 236 islands

17. There is a territory of eight countries beyond the Arctic Circle - Norway, Sweden, Finland, Canada, Russia, USA, Denmark and Iceland

18. The only territory south of the equator belonging to the United States is American Samoa with an area of ​​​​200 square kilometers and a population of more than 57,000 people

19. Over 90% of Egypt is desert

20. China borders on sixteen states

21. South American countries without a coastline - Bolivia and Paraguay

22. The Cape of Good Hope, contrary to popular belief, is not the southernmost point of South Africa. Cape Agulhas protrudes 160 kilometers to the south.

23. Of the 700 islands that make up the Bahamas, only 30 are inhabited.

24. Hawaii is moving towards Japan at a rate of 10 centimeters per year.

25. Of the 3,000 Bahamas in the Caribbean, only 20 are inhabited.

26. The area of ​​the Principality of Monaco is only 370 acres (less than 1.5 square kilometers).

27. More than 25 percent of the world's forests are located in Siberia.

28. The United States will fit inside the African continent three and a half times.

29. The Sahara desert can be compared with Europe in area. It is about 3,565,565 sq. miles.

30. All continents except Antarctica are wider in the north than in the south.

31. Florida is not the southernmost state in the United States. Hawaii is south.

32. The city of Hamilton in Ontario, Canada, is closer to the equator than to the North Pole.

33. More than two-thirds of the earth's land is located north of the equator.

34. Israel occupies one fourth of the area of ​​Maine.

35. The geographical center of the North American continent is located in the town of Rugby, North Dakota.

36. The largest sand dune in Europe is located in Arcachon Bay, France. Its height is 350 feet (130 meters).

37. Panama is the only place in the world where you can watch the sunrise on the Pacific Ocean and the sunset on the Atlantic.

38. For 186 days a year, the sun is not visible at the North Pole.

39. The distance between Honolulu and New York is greater than the distance between New York and Japan.

40. Saudi Arabia, which has the largest desert in the world, through which large caravans of camels wander through the centuries, is forced to import both sand and camels. A large amount of river sand for structures is brought to Arabia from Scotland; desert sand is not suitable for building purposes. And since the number of camels in Arabia is gradually decreasing, these animals are brought from North Africa.

41. The Hawaiian Islands are the protruding peaks of the world's largest mountain range. Mauna Kea is the largest mountain in the world, although it is partially submerged. This volcano rises above the water at 4205m, and more than 6000m are below sea level, so the total height of the mountain is greater than Everest.

42. Jacksonville, Florida has the largest total city area in the United States. It occupies 460 sq. miles, which is almost twice the size of Los Angeles.

43. In the Northern Hemisphere, water flows counterclockwise into the sewer, in the Southern Hemisphere - clockwise.

44. King Ranch in Texas is larger than the state of Rhode Island. It has 1.25 million acres and was the first ranch in the world to be completely fenced in. There was a time when its borders were guarded by an army patrol.

45. The highest mountain in the British Isles - Ben Nevis in western Scotland - is only 1344 meters. In many other countries, such a mountain will simply be called a big hill.

46. ​​The state of Arizona and Hawaii have never adopted Daylight Savings Time. Like Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and Samoa.

47. Of the 25 highest peaks in the world, 19 are in the Himalayas.

48. Antarctica is the only continent that does not have areas below sea level.

49. On a clear day, from the top of the Empire State Building in New York, you can see five states: New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania.

50. Until 1903, Panama was part of South America. After 1903, it became part of North America. In this year, the country gained independence from Colombia, and in order to distance itself more from it, after almost a year of deliberation, the government of Panama decided to treat North America.

51. Travelers arriving in La Paz (Bolivia) often feel unwell. The city is located at an altitude of 3700 meters above sea level. It is advisable to avoid visiting him for people with a sick heart or bronchi.