How to write a dictation well. Teaching writing in a wide range

How to write a dictation without mistakes? How to learn to write without mistakes?

    The Russian language is very difficult. And no matter how you study the rules, there are always exceptions. When a dictation is written, then, naturally, such a text is selected in advance so that all sentences correspond to the subject matter of the material being studied. And here it is enough to learn the rules properly, but there is no guarantee that the dictation will not contain words that you do not know how to write correctly. What to do? My extensive experience says only one thing. Need to read more. Need to write more. When we do this we memorize the words. When we punctuate, we remember how to do it correctly. As a result, we become more literate, not always knowing exactly why this or that word is written that way. We just know what's right and that's it. That is why competent teachers force students to read and write more, focusing on essays, abstracts, and reports. And stupid children, not understanding this, copy everything from the Internet, without delving into the meaning of the texts.

    I was born in Germany and learned Russian already here, so it's very difficult to write in Russian, but I still try. So I installed an add-on in my browser so that the text that I write is immediately checked for errors. It turns out well, in my opinion. To learn how to write dictations correctly, you just need to write more often from dictation. I have recordings of Russian stories and fairy tales on audio, I listen and write, and then my parents check whether it is correct or not.

    In order to learn how to write dictations correctly, you need to learn the rules of the Russian (or any other) language. And besides the rules, you still need to have the practice of writing dictations. My teacher called it check outquot ;. When I needed to correct a four (according to a 5-point system) in Russian, I rewrote texts from a collection of dictations for several months. Every day.

    And you also need to learn to carefully check what is written and notice your mistakes yourself.

    Write, write... and write again! I prepared myself this way: I sat down my younger sister, she dictated, and I wrote all the dictations in a row. Then he analyzed the errors and drew conclusions.

    P.S. Dictations can be viewed here (

    Dictation was easy for me at school. I only had auditory errors (I can’t hear well, I wrote the wrong words). I just always, if I found it difficult how to write, came up with a test word, and everything became clear. It is very important to read a lot, but while there was no computer until the age of 14, I read a lot. Many words were in memory.

    Try the free computer program for learning to write dictations Linguistic Gym . To complete the exercise, it is enough to have a text and an audio file corresponding to it. The program breaks the audio into phrases and stops after each is spoken, allowing the user to type what they heard into the text field. The program can be used not only for Russian, but also for any foreign language with writing from left to right.

    Personally, dictations have always been very easy for me. But to explain it is not so easy, because I never learned the rules. The fact that I write almost without errors is most likely the result of the fact that I have always read a lot. Probably, I owe my literacy precisely to constant reading, and not to studying the rules of the Russian language. By the way, the same thing with the German language - at school he wrote more competently than all the other students, although they, as local Germans, in theory, should have known their native language better.

    To write a dictation without errors, you first need to concentrate on the fact that you are now writing a dictation, that is concentrate to the utmost, as well as have a positive attitude, some optimism, psychologists call it positive setting. Having all this, then you can already talk about knowing the rules of the Russian language, about the need to read a lot, about the need to check yourself after the dictation. Without all this, it makes no sense that a person knows the whole book of the rules of the Russian language, reads a lot, etc., if his thoughts are not about how to write a dictation perfectly or well, but about a neighbor in the desk Nastya, or about that now he will come home and again will play Stalkerquot ;.

    The first thing that helps is reading literature. Many people have visual memory. I had a classmate who studied mediocrely, didn’t know the rules, but wrote dictations almost always on 5. Like that. Well, of course, you need to know the rules of the language, be able to hear the intonation of the dictator, and be attentive.

    I generally studied well at school, but for some reason it was spelling that was difficult for me. I remember that the teacher of Russian language and literature also advised me to read more. But I read so much, and it was still difficult. Maybe some sort of dyslexia or something.

    To learn how to write a dictation without mistakes, you need to train to write them 2 dictations a week, 10-120 words, depending on the complexity of the given one. For the second part of the question, you need to know the rule for punctuation marks, and try to feel them intonation.

    literacy is either there or it is not, of course, the main thing is to read and write constantly.

To test literacy, the school conducts control dictations. By checking for errors, the teacher assesses how well the student has mastered the material being studied.

There are words in the dictation, the spelling of which can be checked using grammar rules. Some difficult words cannot be checked, they must be memorized.

The child conscientiously learns the rules, but makes mistakes in the simplest words. Parents clutch at their heads, not knowing what to do. Is it possible to help a student, teach him how to write dictations without errors?

From this article you will learn

Features of schooling

A child, coming to school, brings a certain amount of knowledge and skills he received during preschool education.

You cannot demand that a first-grader write competent dictations if he learned the letters six months ago. Even if the kid has been reading since the age of four, it is difficult for him to write a dictation without mistakes.

In order to be literate, he needs to learn the rules of spelling and punctuation.

The inner instinct of competent speech helps a lot in writing dictations. It develops in the course of reading books and learning the Russian language.

Someone is lucky enough to meet a professional teacher who competently and lovingly conveys the material. It is thanks to such teachers that children find what they are interested in, choose their own path in life.

But the responsibility lies not only with the teacher of the Russian language, so that the student writes correctly, he needs the help of his parents. This help consists of checking homework and correcting mistakes, and working together to understand new rules and exceptions.

What is dictation

Dictations are control and thematic.

With the help of tests, knowledge of the material is checked and final grades are given. Thematic dictations are carried out after studying a specific topic in order to consolidate knowledge in practice.

The teacher during the teaching dictation explains the spelling of difficult words, punctuation marks.

He can also do this after dictating the text, discussing with the students the difficulties in understanding the spelling of individual words or sentences.

Dictation is written not only by children. In Russia and Ukraine, there is a tradition of holding nationwide dictations. People of different ages and professions participate in this action. In Ukraine, this event is held on November 9 on the Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language.

Many strict parents may be interested in the information that out of the thousands of participants, only a few write the text without errors. So, in Ukraine in 2010, three participants out of eleven thousand wrote the work without a single mistake.

Homework to prepare for the dictation

If a student has problems with literate writing, and dictations written in a triplet are the height of perfection, do not rush to punish and scold.

This is an extreme in education, which will bring nothing but resistance from the student, and refusal to study.

Do not go to the other extreme, forcing the student to spend all their free time reading books and writing dictations, not knowing how to teach them to write correctly.

If you are not a teacher, it is better to hire a good tutor who understands how to properly form the skills of the child and consolidate them without discouraging the learning process.

Your help will be appropriate only if the child asks for help and is ready to work with you. Then you can show diligence, creative imagination and hidden pedagogical talent for the common good.

Encouragement in learning with parents should be mutual trust and the absence of scandals about poor study. The child trusts you, allowing you to help in school.

So you have to trust him too. Accusations of laziness and stupidity and comparisons with more successful children will be inappropriate. With the goal of achieving success in life and your support, the student will give all his best in his studies at 100%.

Help from parents

How to teach a child to write correctly if there is a literacy problem? You need to start from the basics. Check the spelling of the words.

For repeated errors, you need to restore the gap in this area. Explain to the child why the word is spelled that way and not otherwise.

  • You can conduct a vocabulary dictation or let the student write off words while doing simple tasks.

Insert missing letters, distinguish word prefixes from particles and prepositions, change words by cases, numbers, genders.

  • Fixing the spelling of difficult words can be done with the help of cards. After writing the words that you need to remember, hang them in a conspicuous place. Then replace with other words.
  • A week you need to write at least two dictations, selecting them according to the learned words and the rules passed.

There are collections of dictations for each class, which can be bought at the bookstore. There are dictations on topics in school textbooks, if the child does not write them at school with a teacher, you can write them at home.

  • It is interesting to conduct dictation in the form of a game. Let your student become a teacher today and dictate sentences to you. Make a few mistakes on purpose and hand over the written text for verification. Let the child find the mistakes and explain why he considers them mistakes.
  • It cannot be argued that literacy is directly related to the number of books read. Give your child interesting children's literature, written in a competent literary language, let him read aloud to you in the evenings.

Or find a book so interesting that the child will read it without any prompting from you. This is easy to do, knowing your child's preferences.

What age to start

When a child is five years old, it is necessary to pay attention to the formation of his skills in mastering writing and reading. To prevent difficulties during language learning at school, you need to go to specialists if you suspect dyslexia or dysgraphia.

These are specific disorders that prevent a person from correctly perceiving what is written and reproducing independently when reading or writing.

Dyslexia and dysgraphia are not signs of a mental disorder. Their occurrence is associated with heredity.

There are genes responsible for the manifestation of these disorders. How to teach a child to write correctly if he suffers from dyslexia or dysgraphia?

For parents, this is an impossible task; in this case, only a specialist can teach how to write a dictation. It is important to identify violations in time so that there are no nervous breakdowns and tragedies in the school, accusations of pedagogical neglect and laziness.


There are many methods for teaching a child to write dictations correctly. You can recall the Tikhomirov method, which was created back in the 19th century.

The word is fixed in the correct sound in auditory memory. During the dictation, the student is able to remember and write the word correctly.

Other children with developed visual memory are helped by hours of home reading of their favorite books. There are children who memorize how to write words in a mechanical way by copying text from textbooks. An experienced teacher or homework with a child will be able to tell you the teaching method.

One of the most important indicators of school performance is the literacy of writing dictations. But it happens that it is difficult for a child to cope with this seemingly simple task. Are there ways to help learn how to write dictations? How to improve literacy, teach to write without errors and not discourage the desire to learn? Let's consider these and other questions further.

What is the essence of dictation

From grade 2, students write dictations regularly

Dictation is a type of written work that involves checking the spelling and punctuation knowledge of the literary form of the language. Native language dictations are an integral part of school education from grades 2 to 11. However, the requirements for writing this type of written test are the same:

  • the child must reproduce in the notebook the text read by the teacher (according to sentences);
  • each sentence the student hears three times (for familiarization and understanding of certain rules, for writing and for checking);
  • when writing, the student applies the studied spelling rules, checks punctuation marks in accordance with the intonation of the teacher;
  • after the dictation is over, the students independently reread what they have written, make corrections if necessary.

Thus, dictation is a form of work that tests the literacy of schoolchildren.

At what age should you pay attention to literacy

To increase the level of literacy of the child, it should be dealt with individually

It is interesting. According to a nationwide study of the level of literacy in the country, 70% of schoolchildren make more than 4 mistakes when writing dictations.

How parents rejoice when the baby begins to babble the first words, and then his speech becomes more and more understandable, meaningful. Then moms and dads begin to teach the baby to write. And do it without errors. However, this is a serious miscalculation of parents - the time must come for learning to write correctly. Scientists have found that the formation of the level of literacy is almost completely completed by the 4th grade. That is, it is necessary to deal with the child in increasing the level of spelling most intensively from grades 2 to 4. Further, there is an increase in knowledge about the language, which falls on the already established informational soil formed in the initial link.

Please note that if it is impossible to teach a child to spell, dysgraphia should be excluded - a violation of the principle of writing during the normal development of the intellect. This disease is usually accompanied by speech disorders and some mental disorders.

How to teach a child to write correctly and without errors

Reading is the best way to improve literacy

So that your child does not have to blush for bad grades in dictation, you will have to make an effort and find an approach to teaching the student. There are several common methods.

  1. Write dictations regularly. This is a rather boring activity, but 2 dictations weekly will give their results in a couple of months. It is only necessary to analyze the mistakes together with your student, focusing on the correct spelling of those words that previously caused difficulties - so the baby will remember their spelling even better. By the way, in this technique, tips are only encouraged. Also, complex words should be repeated 2-3 times and written down.
  2. As for exercises, they should be selected according to the rule of language that causes difficulty for the child. For example, if these are unstressed vowels in the root, then the exercises can be for substitution or filling in the missing letters, selection of test words. It is very important to point out the error correctly. Do not highlight it with red paste. It is much more efficient to write out a misspelled word surrounded by correctly spelled words. And the child is invited to rewrite the entire list several times and identify the error. So the student will not only carefully think about the rules of writing, but also remember the graphic image of the words.
  3. Read aloud systematically. Reading is great for developing literacy. After all, it involves all types of memory. This truth has been proved by more than one generation of disciples. It is desirable, of course, to select texts that are interesting for the child. But it is still worth considering the fact that the purest literary language is presented in the works of Tolstoy, Turgenev, Chekhov and Bunin. It is only necessary to read them correctly: breaking words into syllables. It will also be effective to teach the baby “role-playing” reading: the baby must read the text as we write, and then as we speak (older children can be offered to explain the rules for writing certain words).
  4. Turn learning into play. Children love to play - this is an indisputable fact. And best of all, they remember the knowledge that they received during the game. Prepare cards with those words in which the child makes mistakes, and hang them over the desk. Visually bumping into them, the baby will remember the spelling. Periodically play “cards” with him: you should prepare a stack of compound words, from which the child draws a card and explains the spelling. You can periodically do the "Hour in reverse": invite your student to be a teacher for several minutes, explaining a rule or dictating a dictation on this norm of the language.
  5. Offer peer review. Dictate short texts to each other. Intentionally make a few mistakes, exchange dictations and check what you have written. If the child cannot find your mistakes, give a hint: specify the number of misspelled words or missing punctuation marks. With the help of such a game, the student develops attention and memory in relation to words, phrases and punctuation rules.
  6. Motivate. Few schoolchildren clearly understand why they need literate writing skills. The task of teachers and parents is to convey to the consciousness of the younger generation that their literacy is the basis of the life of the literary language, as well as a very remarkable sign of the maturation of the individual. For clarity, you can take the baby to your work (or to friends) so that he understands the importance of the correct and competent preparation of legal papers and contracts.

Video: Dictation example to prepare your toddler for class work

Very often, children, even those who know the rules well, make mistakes in dictations and essays. Illiterate adults grow up from such children, and this, unfortunately, cannot be corrected by subsequent education. Try to help your children yourself, not relying on the school.

The most important rule, according to psychologists, can be stated as follows:

The error should not be fixed in the mind.

If a child asks how a word is spelled, immediately say it correctly. Phrases like: "here is written not "a", but "o".

Try to regularly conduct dictations at home at least from the exercises of the school textbook. If the child is having difficulty or is already deducing the wrong letter, standing behind him, quietly prompt: here "o" or here "e".

Do not focus on incorrect spelling, fix only the correct one.

An easy way to teach your child to write correctly

There is a very simple and effective way to teach a child to write correctly. And first of all, parents can help him in this, if, of course, they have the time and desire.

Modern innovative teachers have developed an effective method to help fight illiteracy at absolutely any age. Naturally, the sooner you start classes with your child, the faster and easier you will achieve the desired result. Let's talk about this method in a few words.

It is based on the theory of Dmitry Ivanovich Tikhomirov, a well-known researcher in the 19th century, who in 1888 was awarded the Great Gold Medal by the St. Petersburg Literacy Committee.

He owns the following lines: "If you want your child to write correctly, make him read as it is written, and do not be afraid that he will speak the same way, because children understand that we do not speak the way we write".

Some modern teachers, based on Tikhomirov's theory, are very successful in teaching children and adults literate writing. The practical application of the theory is very simple.

The child needs to be taught the so-called "spelling" reading.

What does it mean? Any text can be divided into syllables. Each syllable has its own peak, i.e., a vowel sound. The remaining sounds of the syllable, i.e. consonants, are pronounced at a lower sound level. Each syllable can be called a separate sound unit of the word.

Almost all children begin to read in syllables, and only then learn to pronounce the whole word. When the child masters reading, he no longer remembers syllables. But in order to teach him literate speech, you will have to turn his attention back to syllables.

Invite him to read aloud, loudly and clearly, some text not in the way we usually speak, but in the way we write. In this case, the child must break the word into syllables and pronounce it, emphasizing and highlighting them, but quickly enough. And if the word is simple, it can be read quickly without breaking into syllables.

In this case, visual, auditory and motor (language, larynx) memory work simultaneously. Then, when the child encounters these words in a letter, he mentally pronounces them correctly, and therefore writes correctly.

Note: for reading it is better to use the classics: I. Turgenev, L. Tolstoy, I. Bunin, etc.

If you captivate a child, such reading will be perceived by him as a very interesting game. After all, children are interested in everything new and unusual. Reading, which can be loosely called "literacy reading", is likely to be fun for a child.

"Reading literacy" should be regular, and during classes, the presence of one of the adults is obligatory in order to monitor how the child read this or that word. For example, the word "which" he pronounced as we usually say, that is, "which." An adult needs to correct the child in a mild form and ask him to read the word again.

With children under the age of ten, you can do this for a very short time, about 5 to 10 minutes. Further, motor skills no longer work, and reading does not bring the proper result. With children over ten years old, you can do a little more - about 15 minutes.

Regular classes, in which the child repeatedly pronounces various difficult-to-remember words aloud exactly as they are written, form his sense of natural literacy. Over time, he will accurately write any words, even the most complex ones. Because a trained mind automatically captures all the features of their sound.

After a few months of regular practice, you will notice an improvement in your child's writing.

Reading by syllables, with a clear pronunciation of each letter, must be practiced every day. Verification dictations, text and vocabulary, can be done 1-5 times a week. When checking your child's work, do not underline the mistakes with a red pencil. By doing this, you only fix the wrong spelling in memory. It is better to write down the words in which errors are made and include them in the vocabulary blocks read by the child, and then check again in the dictation.

Of course, there are well-established, complex methods for developing literacy. What we advise today is not difficult and requires only constant, daily work. The effectiveness has been tested over and over again.

In conclusion, I would like to retell a conversation with a random fellow traveler on the train.

An elderly man said that at school he was not certified in Russian after the eighth grade. I knew the rules, but wrote with numerous errors. The teacher advised him to rewrite ten pages of the novel "War and Peace" every day of the summer holidays. In the fall, he successfully passed the exam, making only two mistakes in the essay. Since then, he has had no problems with literacy, and now he shows his grandchildren several common notebooks with scribbled yellowed sheets, the memory of that terrible summer. Classic is great! Try it.

Every parent wants the best in life for their child. It's nice to see in your children the ability to get along with others, friendliness, literacy. But if in relations with others you can constantly improve, then literacy must be instilled from childhood for life.

A child can be taught to write a dictation without errors, a few simple tips will help with this.

Reading is a way to learn literacy

Everyone has a visual memory, so it directly improves knowledge of grammar. Some even admit that they do not know the rules, but they can write correctly without difficulty. This usually happens due to the large number of books read. It is not necessary for a child to be forced to read books that are difficult for him to perceive, those stories, stories, poems that he likes will be enough, since now such a choice is huge. It is useful to involve the child in buying books, let the trip to the bookstore give only positive emotions.

Benefits of reading aloud

Perceiving the text by ear, the child learns abstract thinking, competent construction of sentences, the ability to express his thoughts. While reading the text, be sure to pause and ask questions. Let the child retell in his own words what he heard and express his attitude towards the heroes of the work. Of course, it is better to read it yourself, but if there is absolutely no time, you can put an audio recording of the work. It would be useful to invite the child to make a brief description of what they read.

The benefits of dictations

If you write at least two or three dictations a week, you can achieve excellent results. When it becomes difficult for a child to hold attention, you can take a break and then continue dictating the text. You need to choose texts in accordance with the age of the child, so that it is not too difficult for him. Do not rush, adjust, and even more so call names if something does not work out. Studying at home, the kid will get used to working with the text, which will positively affect learning at school. When writing a text, visual memory also works; over time, the child himself will write without errors. In the meantime, we need to patiently, but persistently fight for literacy.

Teaching literacy through text rewriting

Competently writing a dictation under dictation will also help copying the text from the original into a notebook. Some do not understand the benefits of this method, but it is quite high. In this case, both visual memory and motor memory work. For example, a child develops attentiveness, perseverance, learns to keep in memory a few words, and even sentences. It is also very important that the child learns to pronounce the words in terms of their correct spelling. In turn, such attentiveness will also affect the writing of dictations. Listening to the text by ear, the child will imagine how he looks in the book, and therefore it will not be difficult for him to write even complex words correctly.

Work on mistakes

Often at school, teachers require work on mistakes, for example, to correctly write the word in which the child made a mistake, several times or even lines. This method can be adopted by parents. You can ask the child to spell the word that caused difficulties, and then write it out in the correct version. You can also make your own cards for learning, on which to write or print words that are difficult for the child with a space in the problem area. Have the child fill in the missing letter with a pencil. Or you can offer to choose those cards in which the same letters are missing. Thanks to such work, children will be more attentive to dictations, try to write correctly right away, so that later they do not have to work on mistakes.

Of course, all these tips are good in conjunction with memorizing the rules of the Russian language. If you see that the child has gaps in the material covered or the errors are of the same type, then you need to repeat the grammar and rules.

Undoubtedly, creativity, praise, interest and efforts of parents will bring good results in teaching a child literacy.