How to explain the presence of demons in a person. Possession - real cases of people being possessed by demons

Traditionally, obsession means the installation of a demon or demon in a person, who begins to control his life, pushing his victim onto the path of evil. And although today few people believe in Christian stories about demon possession, this phenomenon itself continues to excite the minds of many researchers who have decided to study this issue.

First of all, the very phenomenon of possession by demons and demons should be separated from its religious interpretation. Hundreds, if not thousands of books have been written about the possessed, and their number is steadily increasing every year. Briefly, the Christian explanation of possession is as follows: a demon or demon subjugates the will of a person in order to lead him astray from the “true path”.

Under the influence of the servants of the devil, a person changes beyond recognition: he becomes aggressive, he has convulsions or epileptic seizures, obsessive thoughts about murder or suicide come to him, he loses his sense of shame, hallucinates and speaks on behalf of those he is obsessed with, including languages ​​unknown to science.

Other signs of demon possession are expressed in an irrational hatred of Christian symbols and clergy, but in this case we are talking more about mental disorders than about outside interference. In support of this, it suffices to turn to the descriptions of possession in Islam, where, for obvious reasons, a strong dislike for Christians is not indisputable evidence of the influence of evil spirits on a person.

Islam classifies inappropriate immoral behavior, hallucinations, frequent loss of consciousness and mental deviations as signs of possession. True, unlike Christianity, Muslims blame all these symptoms on jinn or shaitans.

In both cases, the general properties of obsession should be considered: an increased level of aggression, strange visions and frequent seizures, accompanied by clouding of reason. Similar symptoms can be found in the religion of Voodoo, where, in addition to everything else, it is also about the abduction of the soul. Religious systems only interpret this phenomenon in different ways, burying it under a pile of conjectures built on the dogmas of each particular cult.

Cults may be different, but the cases of the introduction of hostile entities into the energy field of a person described by their adherents remain unchanged. The demoniac not only suffers himself, but also hurts those around him, depriving them of peace and vitality - here lies the key to solving the riddle of demonic possession.

All religions agree that demons or genies have a detrimental effect on people, but they find it difficult to explain how an intangible entity destroys the physical body of its victim. The spirit that has settled in a person does not absorb food or blood and does not eat the body from the inside, then what does it eat to maintain its own existence?

The only answer that comes to mind is energy. A possessed person behaves hostilely towards those around him not because the entity that has possessed him embodies evil, but because such is the mechanism of its feeding. Strictly speaking, calling her a spirit, a demon or a shaitan is not entirely correct, since the most accurate definition for creatures of this kind is the term "energy vampire."

Faced with these dangerous creatures, the ancient people tried to explain their nature in accordance with their religious doctrines and mistook them for demons, shaitans or ghosts. Priests and priests tried to fight them with the help of spells and rituals, but the history of the Inquisition shows that the fastest and most effective way to expel the "demon" is only the physical destruction of its carrier. A. Since energy vampires are well aware of all human delusions, they willingly play along with people for the sole purpose of getting as much energy as possible generated by physical and moral suffering.

The victims of the Inquisition did not always incriminate themselves, confessing to intercourse with the devil, under the influence of torture. Often, the energy vampire who inhabited them really took on the appearance of a demon or Satan in the hallucinations he created, which were taken by the demoniac for true reality.

The stronger the torture, the more the victim suffered, and the energy vampire does not need another. Burning alive at the stake, a person released an enormous amount of energy. The vampire could only take it and leave the body of its carrier just before death.

However, over time, the audience got used to public executions and ceased to experience fear for their own lives, which helped energy vampires from the lower castes survive. They had to look for other ways of feeding, and public burnings of heretics gradually became history. Belief in demons and demons began to steadily weaken, and at the moment it has almost completely disappeared in civilized countries, where from now on a cult of virtual violence and an irresistible fear of the future, promising either crises and ruin, or another "Doomsday", reigns.

In the first decades of the existence of Soviet Russia, the mass repressions of the clergy gave the energy vampires a lot of food, closing the circle of history. However, from the point of view of a predator, the human personality is secondary in relation to the amount of energy that can be obtained from it. Executioners and victims change places from era to era, but for an energy vampire, this is just a change of dishes on the dinner table and nothing more.

Incubus and succubus

Sexual energy is a powerful source of food for energy vampires, who from ancient times came to people under the guise of incubi and succubus in order to have sexual intercourse with them. Incubi are called promiscuous demons who seek sexual contact with women. In contrast, succubi seduce men in the form of seductive women.

History has preserved many descriptions of the intercourse of people and demons, but the nature of incubi and succubus has long remained a mystery to researchers. Traditional ideas about sin and morality, as well as the desire of many demonologists to replace reality with their own fabrications and speculations, prevented them from looking at the problem from the point of view of the physical processes of energy flow from one being to another.

Descriptions of incubi are full of ugly details and details. They, like most demons, are credited with goat-like features that make them related to satyrs. Sometimes they look like dogs, cats, deer and other animals, while their animal appearance does not interfere with carnal contact with a person.

Due to the fact that demons were considered incorporeal beings, for a long time demonologists tried to figure out how they converge with women. Some suggested that the demons simply moved into other people or created bodies for themselves from improvised materials. Others believed that the demons used corpses for their own purposes.

Both of these versions should be considered unnecessarily far-fetched, if we take into account the ability of energy vampires to inspire their victims with any visions, giving rise to vivid realistic hallucinations in them.
Succubi visit men in the form of beautiful demonesses, whose devilish essence is sometimes given out by clawed feet or webbed wings.

In the era of the early Middle Ages, they were considered demons of sleep, which aroused lustful thoughts and visions in "good Christians". Initially, there was no sexual motive in their actions. In the mythology of many peoples, there is an invisible creature that comes to people at night and sits on their chest, causing suffocation and immobilization. Caught during sleep, a person experienced horror, generously sharing his life force with an energy vampire who visited him. Later it turned out that during orgasm the human body releases much more energy, and the vampires simply changed tactics, skillfully playing on the religious beliefs of that time.

The fact that demons only create the illusion of sexual relations was written by the Parisian bishop Guillaume Auvergne (c. 1180 - 1249). For a variety of reasons, his ideas were not further developed, because the Inquisition needed something more substantial than the fantasies of illiterate peasants prone to self-hypnosis and hallucinations generated by ergot poisoning. As in the case of ghosts, the appearance of which is accompanied by a decrease in temperature, there are similar details in the descriptions of incubi. “The specific cold emanating from demons was spoken of by many witches in all countries of Europe and in all ages when they were persecuted ...

Isabelle Goody and Janet Braidheid of the coven at Alderk confessed in 1662 that the devil is “a dark man, very cold; this cold was like water from a spring well "" (Summers A. "History of Witchcraft"). "Jeanne d'Abadie confessed to de Lancre [the demonologist] that the devil's seed was unusually cold, so that she could not get pregnant from him" (Robbins R. Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology). “In those cases when the Devil appeared in human form, he was often “dark-skinned” or “dark-skinned”, as befits the Prince of Darkness. They said that icy cold blew from him ... ”(Cavendish R.“ Black Magic ”).

The feeling of cold occurs in a person when he loses energy, for example, in winter on the street or when in contact with an energy vampire. In turn, a plentiful loss of vitality can lead to illness and even death, as medieval demonologists wrote about. After intercourse with a "demon", a person feels "upset and weakened." The man, whom the succubus visited for a month, soon died. According to the English monk Thomas Walsingham, one girl died three days after intercourse with the "Devil".

Other cases are known when sexual relations with "demons" continued for several decades. “So, the priest-witcher Benoit Bern, burned at the age of eighty, admitted that he had lived with a demon named Hermione for forty years; while the demon remained invisible to others ...

In the legends about the incubus ... a person often leads a long and quite happy life with a succubus (incubus) and has prosperous offspring, but in the end the succubus (incubus) still disappears after a violation of a certain prohibition by his mortal partner ”(Makhov A.“ Garden demons"). And in Neoplatonism, sexual intercourse with a “demon” was considered completely honorable: “As a result of communication with an incubus, human nature not only does not degrade, but, on the contrary, is ennobled” (Sinistrari L. “On demoniacality and incubus and succubus”).

It was believed that a woman could give birth to a child from an incubus, who would be either a great genius or a terrible villain. Any extraordinary personality, like Attila or the wizard Merlin, was recorded as demonic offspring. There is no real basis for such stories, since energy vampires do not have DNA and seed to pass it on to a woman. The roots of these tales should be sought not in the facts of sexual relations between people and "demons", but in the psychology of envious inhabitants who tend to see mysticism and otherworldly intervention where the result was achieved with the help of patience and hard work.

Temptations of Saint Anthony

Saint Anthony was a very interesting person from the point of view of researchers of the problem of possession by demons and demons. He was born about the year 251 in Egypt, at the age of eighteen he distributed all his property to the poor and went to live in the desert, where throughout his long life he was tempted by the forces of the devil. He died at the age of 105, which indicates a huge supply of vital energy and explains the reasons why the energy vampires did not leave him alone until his death.

Being an ascetic, St. Anthony successfully resisted the attempts of energy vampires to infiltrate his biofield, but the enemies found a very effective way to feed at his expense. Initially, vampires came to him under the guise of seductive women, trying to awaken sexual energy in him. When this strategy failed, they took on the form of hideous demons and tormented his flesh, causing unbearable suffering.

From the point of view of an outside observer, all this looked like hallucinations of an old man who had lost his mind, however, according to the information that has come down to us, St. Anthony was by no means a madman, He retained clarity of mind and reason until a very advanced age, which many of our contemporaries cannot boast of.

Energy vampires took advantage of the burning sense of guilt for their own sinfulness, inherent in most great ascetics and ascetics, as a master key to the treasury of St. Anthony's life force. Struggling with the "devilish temptations", he was forced to pacify the flesh and work hard, which caused him a lot of physical suffering, which he perceived as a reward for his asceticism.

Saint Anthony lived far from people, in a tomb. He ate only once a day, and ate mainly bread and salt. He prayed at night, leaving only a few hours to sleep, “Then the enemy ... comes to him in one night with many demons and inflicts so many blows on him that he remains silently lying on the ground from pain; and, as Anthony himself assured, his sufferings were very cruel, and the blows inflicted by people could not, according to him, cause such pain ... ”(The Life of Our Reverend Father Anthony).

Another passage from the Life testifies that Anthony was well aware of the immateriality of his tormentors: “The whole place was instantly filled with the ghosts of lions, bears, leopards, oxen, snakes, asps, scorpions, wolves. Each of these ghosts acts according to its outward appearance. The lion, preparing to attack, roars; the ox apparently wants to butt; the snake does not stop writhing: the wolf strains his strength to rush. And all these ghosts make a terrible noise, reveal a fierce rage.

Anthony, struck and wounded by them, feels terrible bodily pain, but even more so, awake in soul, lies without trembling, and although he groans from bodily pain, nevertheless, sobering his mind and as if chuckling, he says: “If you have any any strength, then it was enough for one of you to come ... If you can and have power over me, then do not hesitate and attack. And if you can't, then why are you tossing about in vain?

Here, the demons that tormented the thirty-five-year-old Antony are referred to several times as ghosts, although the author of the Life does not even try to explain how these immaterial entities could cause such serious physical suffering to Antony. The answer is quite simple: ghosts and apparitions in ancient times, and even now, are called energy vampires, who briefly acquire a visible form. It was they who, under the guise of demons and demons, devoured the energy of St. Anthony for eighty-five years of his seclusion.

And although Saint Anthony did not leave drawings or other images of the demons he saw, the history of his temptations has been an inexhaustible topic for artists from the Renaissance to the present day. However, the greatest interest in this respect is the creative heritage of Hieronymus Bosch, in particular his famous triptych "The Temptation of St. Anthony".

The magical appeal of Bosch's paintings baffled many art historians, especially when you consider that similar images can be found on the canvases of other painters of that era, such as Jan Mandijn, Pieter Brueghel the Elder or Wellens De Kock. Perhaps Bosch did not invent his monsters, but depicted the real creatures he saw.

In this case, Bosch's painting is the most detailed and accurate reflection of the world of energy vampires, inspiring people with disgusting hallucinations in exchange for pure energy of fear and suffering. It is difficult to say something definite, since Bosch himself preferred not to talk about the source of his inspiration. The triptych "The Temptation of St. Anthony" is so full of monstrous characters that you can look at it for hours, marveling at the abyss into which the painter bravely looked.

Among other notable canvases, one should name the painting by Peter Hughes "The Temptation of St. Anthony" (1547), as if divided into two parts. On the left, we see many demons and demons that appeared before Anthony as an endless string, and on the right, a lonely candle in ruins, which the saint symbolically protects from the invasion of devilish forces.

If by a candle we mean a source of light and energy, then the ultimate goal of the satanic army becomes obvious: they did not come for Antony, but for his vitality, which they need for existence. Orthodoxy developed the theme of torture by "demons" and "demons" in the doctrine of the posthumous ordeals of the soul.

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In Slavic mythology, demons are malicious spirits that build all sorts of intrigues for the human race. Often they were identified with the devil, endowed with a terrible appearance - a tail, horns, hooves ... The Christian religion began to define demons as fallen angels, who at one time joined the angel Dennitsa (Devil) who rebelled against the Lord. And, having hated the Creator, they transferred this hatred to all of his creations, inhabited people and animals, forcing them to commit obscenities and sin.

Modern esotericism and even traditional science recognize the existence of some kind of dark energy, which, forming clots, creates astral entities. They are the demons. Penetrating into the subtle body of a person (in other words, into the soul), they begin their destructive activity, connect to the brain, nervous system, sense organs, and speech. Black magicians can form such a clot and send it to anyone. You can pick it up in the crush of a big city - after all, we are faced with so much negativity!

Sometimes we can give birth to a demon ourselves, because any thought is material. And negative thoughts, especially repetitive ones, leave a trace in approximately the same place of the mental body - there an engram is formed, that same black clot.

Most often, demons settle in people who currently have an altered state of consciousness - under the influence of alcohol, for example. They also “love” overly emotional personalities. The family of demons is very numerous, and each of its members is responsible for its own "site": there are demons of hatred, irritability, gluttony, drunkenness, lust, pride, envy, greed, etc.

Signs of a demon invading a person

What are the signs of "possession" of demons?

When a person’s will is greatly weakened, the demon can put the victim into a hypnotic state, literally ordering him to do sometimes wild things, even life-threatening ones: take a walk in the forest at night, sit on the railing of a balcony, hurt another ... Moreover, a person at this time may not be aware of what he is doing. The victim is brought to a mental disorder.

How to cast a demon out of a person

There is a practice of exorcism through exorcism through prayers - exorcism. But often an unnecessary spectacle is staged from this: the possessed growl, grunt, convulse. Such a public “event” is very harmful for those who are present at it: demons, having left one person, can immediately spread to others!

"Do I know you! You're lying - you won't take me! Come out in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!”

After that, you need to spit three times over your left shoulder, and then throw a handful of beans through it. You need to do this at an open window or on the street.

Have demons overcome already thoroughly? More symptoms? It's time for a serious ceremony. It can be done for yourself or a loved one.

You will need:

  • candle,
  • mirror,
  • marker,
  • two woolen threads - black and red.

A rune is drawn on the mirror. This is a trap for demons, consisting of the following runes: Perth, Eyvaz, Nautiz, Turisaz, Algiz, Kenaz.

We light a candle. We tie one end of the black thread around the index finger of the right hand, the second - with candle wax we stick to the mirror, in the center of the rune. We tie a red thread around the candle and the left wrist. Looking in the mirror, you need to say:

“I tied a black thread - I showed the way to demons. They will follow it and fall into a trap. From that trap they will perish into their world on the other side, in an unknown country. A red thread is tied - the road is shown to the holy fire. It is easier for him to reach the servant of God (the servant of God) along the red path - to cleanse his soul and wash him. So be it!”

After that, you need to tie a red thread on your wrist with seven knots. Wear for 2 weeks, then burn. Let the candle burn out. Bury a black thread along with a mirror in the forest under a tree.

SIANEL Copyright


I. The first trick of the devil is to try to convince everyone that he does not exist. Disguised, trying to look like everyone around. He is called the prince of darkness because, weaving his intrigues, he seeks to hide in the shadows, to remain incognito. He has a number of alibis prepared for any actions.

II. A person possessed by the devil certainly has a hidden or obvious moral vice. The possession of vice manifests itself as mental lameness, although God marks many sons and daughters of sin with an innate physical defect.

III. The devil is always a misanthrope. The devil cannot love and does not tolerate those who love. Each manifestation of tenderness the devil meets with furious malice.

IV. The devil is extremely aggressive and extremely cruel. In the manifestation of power and cruelty, he finds vicious voluptuousness, bringing the husband subject to him to the eruption of the seed. At the bottom of the soul of any leader, the devil lurks.

V. The devil, looking like an anarchist, always strives for power. He recognizes no authority but his own. His obedience to something is always temporary and ostentatious.

VI. The devil is the father of lies and the first deceiver: he promises mountains of gold, but pays with broken shards.

VII. The devil is the first intriguer. Cunning is his innate trait. Possessed by a morbid curiosity about all sorts of secrets. He spreads gossip and slander, finding special pleasure in it, and reports his intrigues only in order to once again laugh at the gullible. Everything he does is based on cold calculation.

VIII. The devil is the Trojan horse of all times and peoples. The father of all traitors and provocateurs, all mentally unbalanced and eternally dissatisfied people.

IX. The devil loves to disguise himself as an angel of light, a fighter for the ideals of the Church and the State, while he himself secretly defends vice. The greatest sinners give the impression of special holiness.

X. The devil loves to hide behind the best human feelings. Behind the rantings about high love, the mortal sin of incest is very often hidden - the Sin of Oedipus, Electra and the ungodly Caligula, who lived with his sister, like a husband.

XI. The devil is a relentless innovator, he is also the first extremist, always strives for extremes and will never be satisfied with half measures.

XII. The devil is always a nihilist and a cynic. Secretly despises, whatever it may be, the truths of the Holy Church and the human order and rejects them in practice, if he is not afraid to drop the mask from his face.

XIII. The devil likes to do everything in the dark, behind and vice versa. Perversion of taste is the primary sign of the devil. The habit of contradiction is an indestructible property of the devil.

XIV. The devil is dangerous only when he is not seen, and as soon as he reveals himself, he becomes vile, ridiculous and pathetic.

XV. The devil is always prone to irony and sarcasm, but he cannot stand irony and ridicule over himself.

XVI. The devil is always prone to destruction and self-destruction, murder and suicide. Finds pleasure not only in torturing someone, but also in provoking others to hurt him.

XVII. The devil always knows better than others how to influence people, how to win friends, because the dark sides of life are visible to him better than simpletons who are not used to peering into the darkness.

XVIII. The devil is a party of parties and a union of unions. Those possessed by the devil quickly recognize each other by intimate signs. According to the law of similarity, they are drawn to each other. They create a secret cohort within any organization, with the help of which they seize power in the organization.

XIX. Legion is the name of the devil. Wherever you look, the devil will always be between us, for half of humanity, to one degree or another, is possessed by the sin of fornication. Homosexuals and lesbians are the first servants of the devil, but they make the most capable spies for the cause of the Holy Order.

XX. The truth about the devil is such a dirty thing that people labeled with the devil cannot take it in peace.

XXI. When you think you've finally trapped the devil, you'll see him sitting in your own chair. For, faced with the intrigues of the eternal enemy of mankind, the heart of an honest servant of the Lord is filled with bitterness. This interferes with the work of the Inquisition of the Holy Roman Church: some sinners need only be isolated, others, like Jews, should be deprived of their rights, and only the incorrigible should be burned alive, without shedding blood.

Let me summarize. Moral Imperative of Good: Treat others as you would like to be treated. The devil, acting with others as with dumb cattle, demands to be treated as God. Being an immortal essence, the devil imagined himself equal to God in everything. He is tirelessly jealous of people for Him. Exorbitant pride prevents him from humble himself before the Lord. That is why humility is the first virtue of a warrior of the Order of the Holy Grail.

These incorruptible truths were proclaimed to me, the servant of God Christobald, by the prophet John, who appeared to me on the night of October 6-7, 1582 from the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Recorded authentically in the monastery of Saint Sebastian by the novice Diego, Seville. Friday, October 12, 1582

29.05.2014, 00:01



Horror films and mystical novels have taught us the idea that only a person who spits green mucus, crawls along the ceiling and always speaks in a terrible demonic voice, and in half of the cases - not Latin, can be possessed. However, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the possessed behave in exactly the same way as we do.

No, looking at them, we can safely assume that something is wrong with these poor fellows. But what exactly? .. As a rule, the most difficult diagnosis that others put on them is “strange” or, to quote Courage Bombay, “minor problems with the cuckoo”. And this despite the fact that an incredibly terrible misfortune happened to a person - some hellish creature moved into one of his subtle bodies, having already begun his enslavement, which almost always ends either in early death, or obligatory madness, or acts so monstrous that we we don't even want to say them.
At the same time, it is incredibly simple to identify the possessed at any stage of the enslavement of his energies by a third-party entity. For this, all you need is to find in it at least 45% of the signs of obsession, which I, the witch Olga, will list below. Well, if you find them all, then you can be sure that the worst has already happened to a person, and only an esoteric or a priest with exorcism skills can help him.

But one or two signs mean absolutely nothing. And I urge you to keep this in mind when you undertake to diagnose your friends, relatives, mother-in-law or acquaintances.

1. The first thing you pay attention to when communicating or contacting the possessed is the smell. And this is not the unpleasant smell of stagnant sweat or unwashed sewage. The classic possessed exudes a real stench around him, which not only almost instantly fills the entire room in which he is located or the passenger compartment of the bus, but also causes vomiting spasms in many, or burning in the eyes and throat.

2. Pay attention to the condition of his skin. In the possessed, it is always either too pale or inflamed. The back, buttocks, hands and neck are especially affected. But on the face and other parts of the body, you can find both a wet rash and real ulcers.

3. In some obsessed people (and those who compiled treatises for the Inquisition on identifying the carriers of infernal spirits wrote treatises on the body) one or more moles of the correct form, so huge that they resemble a real nipple, can be found on the body. It is believed that it is from him that the energy of the possessed creature is sucked out, who settled not in him, but next to him - on some subtle planes.

4. Let's return to the appearance, and pay attention to the teeth and hair. The former, with a probability of 99%, are simply in a terrible state, or even completely absent (professional athletes and lovers of street fights do not count). As for hair, their main problem is tangles, which occur constantly, despite the fact that their owner or owner is combed daily.

5. Such a person, as a rule, dresses very poorly. Provided that he has money for a complete wardrobe replacement, he wears articles and rags, which makes him look cleaner than a real bum.

6. He avoids making eye contact even with those he is talking to. Such fear is so great that if you look into his eyes too carefully, then the possessed person can cut off the conversation and leave. And this is understandable. After all, it is not in vain that the eyes are considered the windows of the soul, through which one can see that evil spirit that has settled in the possessed.

7. He generally avoids looking at anything directly, and therefore you can constantly see how such a person, standing slightly sideways, squints his eyes to the side, trying to consider something or someone.

8. Also, those possessed by the extreme do not like mirrors, avoiding looking into them for a long time. In the dark, they generally experience a certain mystical horror in relation to mirrors, which they cannot explain at least a little intelligibly.

9. Look at how such a person sleeps. The possessed is constantly haunted by nightmares, the presence of which he may even complain aloud. But often the carriers of hellish essences in the morning are not able to remember what they dreamed about. Although in a dream they cried, screamed, tried to get up or sit down (as a rule, they did not wake up). Also a classic sign is a loud grinding of teeth, which begins in the last stages of possession.

10. Almost all possessed people talk to themselves because they no longer see the line between reality and their thoughts.

11. They are characterized by such strong differences in behavior that it often seems that you are communicating with a completely different person every time.

12. In some cases, you can observe when men begin to behave like women, and women - like men. But such "attacks" quickly end, and the person returns to his "normal" state.

13. The Possessed are incredibly helpful and constantly try to show their worthlessness compared to you. They easily go to any humiliation, because they believe that otherwise they cannot hide from your attention the essence that already lives in them.

14. And at the same time, they are always ready to show their real essence. So it is enough for them to drink a little, and they turn into real monsters, vicious cynics and boors, capable of showing aggression towards anyone or anyone.

15. But that is why they rarely drink alcohol. At least in unfamiliar companies, choosing as drinking companions those who are able to endure their fits of rage and anger.

16. Ask the obsessed to tell you about what awaits any of your mutual acquaintances, and he will surely draw you a picture of illness, trouble, misfortune, which will end with the obligatory fall of the person whose fate he undertakes to predict.

17. The possessed do not like bright sunlight, and avoid crowded places. But they also cannot be alone for a long time, and in the same way they cannot stand the darkness of the night. If you go home to such a person in the evening, you will see that all possible lights are turned on in his apartment, and the TV is always on, and in addition to it, a computer, receiver or some other sound-reproducing device.

18. What such a person eats deserves special attention. First, the obsessed have a fantastic passion for poor-quality or spoiled products. Secondly, they never diet or eat healthy food, preferring fatty and starchy foods. Thirdly, they rarely imagine their daily diet without meat. And the last - very many of them are characterized by either excessive thinness or excessive weight, sometimes turning into serious obesity.

19. At the same time, the obsessed are distinguished by very good health - they rarely get sick, and even less often catch a cold. But, as it was said, looking at them, it is incredibly difficult to call such people bursting with health.

20. In some cases, the possessed begin to actively use obscenities and foul language in their speech. However, if they see that it shocks you, they experience some kind of obvious joy.

Well, the fact that the possessed can be afraid of holy water, bell ringing, prayer, or the very sight of a priest is nothing more than a myth. This is much more often a sign of either an overactive fantasy, or one of the forms of schizophrenia. And this has already been repeatedly proven by countless experiments, during which it turned out that all pseudo-possessed people are afraid only of the priests of the religion to which they belonged, or of the prayers uttered by them in a language they understand. Or any Latin texts that they took for "strong Catholic prayers."
(c) Witch Olga

Possession - a myth that came to us from the Middle Ages, or a reality? Having a medical education, I never believed in demons inhabiting the human body, because. I knew that this phenomenon has a scientific explanation, and often it is associated with the presence of mental disorders. But while doing my internship in a neuropsychiatric dispensary, I happened to encounter a demon-possessed person, the signs of such a phenomenon are noticeably different from the symptoms of a mental illness. In this article I will tell you how to recognize a possessed person and save yourself from a similar fate.

According to representatives of the clergy, demon possession is a harsh reality, and not medieval fiction. There are many demoniac people around, but since the evil spirit does not want to be noticed, it skillfully hides in the body of its victim. The clergy say that the demon in a person can be recognized by the eyes. From his cold and penetrating gaze to become uneasy.

People who have been possessed by a demon cannot stand anything related to religion. They can have a broad outlook, have different hobbies, take into account the opinions of others and treat others with understanding. But it is worth starting a conversation about God and what is connected with him, as they immediately change in the face, and there is no trace of their courtesy and respect. The Imp is unable to hide his presence when he hears something about his eternal adversary. In addition, they cannot be in a church or near a priest.

In addition to the above, demonic possession can be recognized by the following signs:

  • aggressive behavior, swearing;
  • conversations in a strange voice, often in a third person, as well as in an unknown language;
  • epileptic seizures, convulsions;
  • the smell of sulfur emanates from a person;
  • the ability to telekinesis, levitation, mind reading;
  • thoughts of murder or suicide;
  • lack of sympathy, pity and shame.

Addictions and addictions of possessed people

Demons in people often pretend to be unhealthy addictions and various addictions, which include:

  1. Fornication, insatiable passion and adultery. According to the church, sexual relations outside of marriage are unacceptable, and it is believed that dark forces are pushing people into this. Possessed persons behave loosely and lustfully. They are unable to restrain their attraction to the opposite sex, and sometimes to members of their own sex, so they often change sexual partners. Being married, such people cheat on their spouses.
  2. Having bad habits. Possessed people are often alcoholics or drug addicts. The demon, residing in the body of a person, forces him to use alcohol and drugs in order to accelerate the process of destruction of the personality, and to conquer not only his body, but also his mind. Being in an altered state, possessed people behave aggressively and inadequately, and after sobering up they do not remember anything.
  3. Gluttony or gluttony. An insatiable appetite and constant thoughts about food may indicate the presence of a demon in a person. Each meal of such personalities looks like a grand feast for a company of 3 people. In addition, they always and everywhere chew something - at home, at work, in transport, on the street or at a party.
  4. Envy. Other people's successes of a normal person motivate to self-improvement and achievement of their own heights. While possessed people, looking at the triumph and happiness of other people, begin to harm them in every possible way. The feeling of envy completely absorbs them and makes them do unthinkable things.

Possession or mental disorders?

Despite the fact that the signs of possession and mental disorders have some similarities, it is quite possible to distinguish a possessed person from a sick person. A person in whose body a demon lives behaves aggressively towards others. Of course, some mental disorders can also manifest in this way, so those cases should be taken into account when a person constantly behaves maliciously, regardless of the situation.

To distinguish mentally ill people from possessed ones, a number of special checks can be carried out, thanks to which the evil spirit will certainly manifest itself:

  • talk about religion or start praying;
  • put an icon in front of a person or light incense;
  • pour holy water into a drink and give it to the alleged possessed person to drink.

There is another simple, but at the same time effective, way to detect demons, but it should be used in conjunction with other methods to eliminate chance. Place 2 glasses in front of the person, one of which will contain ordinary water, and the other will contain holy water. The demons will immediately feel the danger, and in no case will they reach for a glass of holy water.

Despite the fact that the clergy believe in possession, they argue that today most of the allegedly possessed people are actually mentally ill. And some individuals even pretend to be demon-possessed in order to attract the attention of others.

Characteristic diseases

Demonic entities can manifest themselves not only in the aggressive behavior of a person, but also in the form of physical ailments:

  • general weakness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • convulsions and convulsions;
  • headaches;
  • causeless nausea;
  • excessive leanness or obesity;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • fever or low body temperature;
  • mummification of body parts.

Of course, you should not take all the alarming symptoms for demonic possession, you must first consult a doctor to identify the cause of poor health. If the presence of any disease is not confirmed, then, most likely, a demon has taken possession of the person, and is trying in every possible way to harm his health.

Priests also talk about such cases when a demon takes possession of the mind of a parent and in every possible way convinces him of the child's obsession. As a result, instead of going to the hospital, they try in every possible way to expel the unclean from their child, which often leads to his death. As a rule, such people categorically refuse traditional medicine, arguing a huge distrust of it.

How to protect yourself from demons

According to the priests, people endanger themselves when they begin to lead the wrong way of life. A demon can enter a person along with sin, such as alcohol, drugs, adultery, cynicism, and murder. Sinners do not have a strong guardian angel, and they are also deprived of God's grace, so it is not difficult for demonic entities to subjugate his body and mind.

To protect yourself from evil spirits, you need to adhere to Christian morality, follow the biblical commandments, regularly attend church, take communion, confess your sins, read prayers, and fast. Demons are afraid to approach believing people, tk. he is under the protection of God. In addition, it is never too late to start leading a righteous life and overcome your addictions before the demon tries to take possession of you.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card: