How to make a psychological portrait of a person using an avatar. Psychological portrait - what is it, how to make a psychological portrait of a person

Drawing up a psychological portrait

A psychological portrait is a person described in psychological terms. In practical psychology, the compilation of a psychological portrait may be required in a number of situations, for example:

Although the psychological portrait is described in psychological terms, this is usually done in understandable terms - so that the consumer understands, so that there is no ambiguity in the descriptions.

A psychological portrait should be drawn up by a fairly experienced psychologist, because it requires deep knowledge, the ability to analyze data (for example, the results of psychological testing). If possible, use all the data that you can get. You should not rush to conclusions. If necessary, then conduct an additional study (repeated psychodiagnostics).

The very genre of psychological portrait implies almost complete freedom of presentation. However, this freedom should not be abused. It is advisable to limit yourself to dry, but understandable formulations, to present the material in a system. If some data is of interest to the customer, but they are not, then you can directly say so.

The facts stated in the psychological portrait may be of varying degrees of reliability. First, it is better to describe reliable facts (which the psychologist, at least, does not raise doubts).

It is necessary to distinguish between a psychological portrait and a psychological profile. The latter concept is used mainly to convey meaningful information about the identity of the client to another specialist who is able to understand the formal data. A psychological portrait is not a formalized characteristic, its task is to show the individual originality of a person. If the reader of a psychological portrait does not have such an understanding, if he cannot rely on this new knowledge to predict the behavior of the person being described, such a psychological portrait should be recognized as unsuitable.

What psychological concepts can be relied upon when drawing up a portrait? All these concepts (or parameters) can be divided into four categories (although this division is rather arbitrary):

A person as an individual is something that is quite closely connected with natural features:

- age,

- the constitution

- temperament

- diseases and pathologies,

- emotional orientation, etc.

At the same time, in our psychological portrait, we not only state, say, gender or age, but also describe various kinds of deviations, interesting points related to gender or age: how a person relates to his sexual role, his sexual activity, mental age, etc. d.

So, in general, we act with all parameters: we not only state, but also pay attention to characteristic deviations, individual originality, creatively combining this with each other.

A person as a person is what influences, what is connected with the interpersonal communication of this person, his social role:

- interests

- tendencies

- character (attitude to certain aspects of being),

- sociability

- sincerity

- conflict,

- loyalty,

- participation in certain social groups,

- preferred social roles,

- leadership qualities, etc.

A person as a subject (activity) - these are the qualities that affect the activity (educational, labor, gaming and other):

- intellectual ability

- rationality (reason, rationality),

- Creative skills,

- other abilities

- volitional traits

- traditional ways of making decisions

- motivation and self-motivation,

- Attention,

- features of thinking,

- features of speech,

- representation and imagination,

- communicative competence,

- professional experience,

– professional plans and prospects,

– other general and professional competencies, etc.

A person as an individual - all other qualities that did not fall into other categories:

- self-concept and self-esteem,

- level of self-control,

- personal biography

- characteristic features of behavior,

- characteristic features of the picture of the world,

- prejudices

- beliefs and values

– life strategy and current goals,

- intrapersonal conflicts

- complexes (piling up of ideas),

- personal achievements, etc.

This typology is a combination of numerology and Tarot.
As Khshanovskaya herself writes:

Replacing the corresponding birth number cards allows you to see the similarity of the genetic code with which a person comes into this world, manifested through the archetypes of the Major Arcana of the Tarot.

You can calculate the portrait.
Position value:
Position 1 - childhood and youth
Position 2 - mature age
Position 3 - autumn of life

Subconscious: fears and complexes, blocks that we often do not realize.
Position 5 - consciousness: aspirations, goals, morality, ethics, the sphere of self-realization.
Position 6 - superconsciousness: hidden talents, abilities, as well as spiritual patrons.

Mission: the task for which a person came into this life.
- gifts, i.e. mission-enhancing potential

9, 10 and 11 refer to the karmic portrait, to his past incarnation.
Position 9 - who was?
Position 10 - what did you do?
Position 11 - what is the karmic task?

Map of Psychic Harmony
- a person's perception of himself
How a person is perceived by other people

The way of working out karma (refers to the karmic portrait)

position 16 - the point of obsession or "rake", which a person periodically steps on.
position 17 - card of karmic comfort (refers to the karmic portrait)
position 18 - how to work with the mission in this incarnation (refers to the karmic portrait)

position 19 - what is outside the human mind, what a person underestimates, what he does not pay attention to
position 20 - how a person behaves in an emergency
position 21 - the most important thing for a person - what gives pleasure and where at the same time there are big responsibilities.


    Psychological Harmony Card (12)
    The Psychic Harmony Card can be calculated in two ways: by summing up the numerical values ​​of the cards in the 4th, 5th and 6th positions, or by summing up the 7th and 8th positions, the result will always be the same. This card describes situations and conditions in which a person feels most comfortable or, in other words, happy. This card is always in position number 12. and we write it on the side of our inverted pyramid
    A very important information is that only even cards can stand in this position. This happens because psychic harmony is the dominant of female energy, which is contained in even cards.
    Jester(XXII) - harmony is achieved through work with children, the development of spontaneity, the joy of life, friendly contacts and new beginnings. A person with the "Jester" card in the 12th position feels happy when he has established contact with the inner child.
    High Priestess(II) - harmony is achieved through communication with nature, work on the land and other activities in nature, trips to the village, to the forest, to nature, as well as through helping people and good relations with the mother. Happiness can also bring secret knowledge (for example, Tarot).
    Emperor(IV) - harmony is achieved through vigorous activity, career growth, a high level of professionalism, thriftiness and the wise use of available funds, obtaining status and recognition in society, as well as contacts with men.
    lovers(VI) - harmony is achieved through an agreed and complete partnership in every sense of the word, joint work with a person, mutual love, tolerance, understanding of others, as well as through the ability to make the right choice.
    Justice(VIII) - harmony is achieved due to the desire for justice, both internal and external, contact with highly moral and educated people, social work for the benefit of the environment, following the rules adopted in society, excluding any unseemly things from one's life.
    Wheel of Fortune(X) - harmony is achieved through a sense of material stability, providing oneself with a stable income and work that will bring the necessary income, wise disposal of earned funds, prudent investment and capital investment, as well as through the development of karma.
    Hanged(XII) - harmony is achieved through:
    rich spiritual life;
    trance states;
    listening to your inner voice;
    maintaining contact with your superconsciousness;
    direct contact with God, understanding His promptings, accepting His help;
    development of one's own psyche, work on understanding feelings, emotions, desires and aspirations. These people are not recommended to smoke and generally use any drugs that introduce an altered state.
    Moderation(XIV) - harmony is achieved through:
    balance between external and internal content;
    surrounding yourself with calm and balanced people;
    positive contacts with the environment, work for its benefit;
    good contacts with neighbors, acquaintances and other people;
    balanced relationships in the family and at work.
    Tower(XVI) - harmony is achieved through:
    rejection of everything old and obsolete and finding the best, modern, more effective;
    finding your place in life (in the family, at work) and improving your life in all its directions.
    Moon(XVIII) - harmony is achieved through:
    the development of the feminine: the preservation and support of the family hearth, healthy care for its inhabitants, good cuisine, decorating the house and keeping it clean;
    development of intuition, imagination and creativity.
    Court(XX) - harmony is achieved through:
    close and warm, open and sincere relationships in the family, with loved ones and relatives;
    wise and mature value system.
    World(XXI) - harmony is achieved through:
    broad outlook;
    deepening into other cultures and traditions;
    understanding people and tolerant attitude towards them.
    Let me remind you that the card of Psychic Harmony in the Portrait has a clearly designated place for it.

    Value of cards in 8th position:
    Jester (XXII)- a person received as a gift the ability inherent in children, when you take on new and diverse things with interest and enthusiasm, spontaneity, excitement, the ability to find unconventional solutions. Such a person, because he trusts his instincts, will be able to make great fun out of any difficult work and with genuine enthusiasm will complete the task assigned to him, will always find an unconventional way out of the current situation, and if he uses the traditional method, he will certainly contribute something new in it and will solve the problem. Such people remain young at heart until the end of their lives, and cynicism and boredom are not inherent in them at all.
    Mage (I)- a person received from fate the gift of virtuoso command of the word, the talent to reconcile the warring parties, to mediate in disputes, to resolve conflicts, and also
    the ability to combine both in oneself and in one's environment the energies of the four elements. A person with the “Magician” card in the 8th position knows how to correctly put words together, both in his oral speech and in writing, and his statements will be logical, clear and beautiful. The gifts given to such a person can also include the ease of obtaining any information, the dexterity in making new contacts with peers and fruitful cooperation, both with them and with their brothers and sisters.
    High Priestess (II)- a person received as a gift the ability to keep secrets, the ability to act at his own discretion, an intuitive understanding of other people and excellent contact with all natural elements. This person is a real "child of nature", a guardian, always ready to help those who need it. In addition, a person has received a considerable talent in the field of magical arts, and even if he does not use any particular practice of predicting the future type of Tarot, runes or astrology, he can foresee what is to happen and how things will be in the future. It is also easy for such a person to do everything that is directly related to nature - caring for flowers, animal husbandry, gardening, etc.
    Empress (III)- the gifts that this card points to are connected, first of all, with a sense of beauty and aesthetics. Accordingly, people who have the Empress card in the 8th position of their Portrait have an ideal taste, knowledge of how to make life richer and brighter.
    Such people from any, even the most miserable space, can create something exceptionally beautiful and cozy. They also know how to accurately determine what goes with what, what suits who, how to run a household, how to receive guests, how to dress in order to look great. Such people are connoisseurs of art in any of its manifestations, and at the same time, as the highest gift, they also receive a beautiful appearance that simplifies life, because it is not for nothing that it is said: "Beautiful can do more."
    Emperor (IV)- a person received as a gift the ability to make decisions, administer and manage, as well as exceptional performance. There is no such job that a person with the "Emperor" card in the 8th position could not handle. An additional gift is a rare, amazing talent to feel what will go easily and profitably, and what will bring neither income nor pleasure. These people are often powerful and demanding, but they do not demand more from anyone than they would demand from themselves and are well aware that power is, first of all, responsibility and concern for subordinates, and not just enjoying the privileges that it brings. People with the Emperor in the 8th position are able to give orders and assignments, as well as control their execution.
    High Priest (V)- the gifts indicated by this card are primarily related to the ability to receive and use one's knowledge in life at a very high level, to teach other people what a person knows himself, to conduct research, process the results of these studies and convey them to a wide circle of the public. Such people can bring together past experience, historical knowledge and the latest achievements of science. Because of this, they can become spiritual leaders, operating within a particular religion, or outside of it. An additional gift is the ease of gaining authority, the ability to be a professional in your field and fame.
    Lovers (VI)- with this card, a person is gifted with the ability to share his love in the global sense of the word. Such people know how to make a choice and make a decision, no matter how difficult the situation is. They also have a predisposition to trade, mediation and assistance related to decision making. An additional gift is the ability to forge complex partnerships (both in business and in personal life).
    Chariot (VII)- a person received as a gift the ability to career growth and achieve success in this field. Their positive aspects are dynamism, mobility, self-confidence and a desire to succeed. Frequent changes of residence, profession or just travel are not a problem for such people, and the talent to set up any technique greatly simplifies life and speeds up the process of career growth. Additional gifts of fate are the ability to captivate other people with your ideas, talent for innovation and invention, innovation in the field of mastering technical innovations.
    Justice(VIII) - this card indicates the inherent gift of an exceptional sense of social justice and legal literacy, as well as the ability to find inner balance in any situation. A positive feature of the character of such a person is an objective and unbiased approach to any business, which simplifies the assessment of available opportunities. Such people are perfectly realized in professions that are somehow connected with legislation, legal and judicial norms. An additional gift is the ability to objectively evaluate erroneous decisions, distance yourself from them and not repeat them twice, which allows you to successfully implement your plans and achieve your goals.
    Hermit(IX) - people who have this card on the 8th position of their Portrait received as a gift high spirituality, the ability to find the right path in life and understand the higher laws of being (universal, cosmic). Such people learn not only from their own experience, but also use the knowledge bequeathed to us by their ancestors. The positive qualities of such people are a wise and benevolent attitude towards elders, with whom, regardless of their age, they have a good relationship, as well as the ability to go through life along the path of their Destiny. An additional talent is the ability to work on oneself, grow spiritually, enrich one's inner world with spiritual eternal values. Although they do not shy away from communicating with other people, they still feel better alone, which does not interfere with doing their job well.
    Wheel of Fortune (X)- the card shows that a person is gifted with an extraordinary instinct for profitable business, a careful attitude to money, the ability to earn it and use it correctly. Such people are well aware of the value of both their work and the money they receive for it. They know how to separate the material from the spiritual sphere, they do not forget about the physical world. In addition, such people work out karma, often not even knowing that something like this exists. In the second half of life, they already have sufficient funds and begin to engage in charity work.
    Force(XI) - people who have this card in the 8th position received the ability to work with the physical body as a gift. Such people can be conditionally divided into two groups:
    1. possessing good health and great physical strength;
    2. Poor health, weak and even physically handicapped, who nevertheless lead an active lifestyle and try to improve their physical condition.
    It is those who have the Strength card in the 8th position who perfectly understand the needs of the human body, know how to satisfy them, how to raise the level of vitality (vitality), immunity and physical strength. An additional gift is the ability to effectively use the inherent potentials, talents and inclinations, which allows you to achieve high results in life, regardless of the position originally occupied.
    Hanged(XII) - the card in this position shows that a person has the gift to convey prayers to the Higher Forces, the ease of entering into altered states of consciousness, establishing contact with his inner world, God, other Worlds. Such people are well versed in their own and other people's emotions, which greatly simplifies the understanding of both themselves and the world around them. The gift of successful interaction with one's inner world makes it possible to use the prompts of the subconscious, and if you watch such people, you get the impression that something is leading them to a higher goal. Their prayers have healing and cleansing qualities. An additional gift is the ability to turn everything upside down and start all over again, starting from such a different point of view.
    Death(XIII) - the gift is the ability to transform both oneself and the world around, as well as the talent to heal the body and soul. An additional gift of fate is the absence of fear of change, the challenges of fate and emerging opportunities. These people, in principle, have no problem using their “five minutes”, which fate gives each of us to experience. In the life of such people, it often comes to radical changes, both in professional life and in personal life, but this does not bother them at all. They can easily bring changes to the fate of other people or be realized in extreme professions that require strong nerves and complete control over oneself.
    Moderation(XIV) - such people received as a gift from fate the talent to bring balance to very problematic and strained relationships, the ability to find a way out of difficult situations, to bring harmony and tranquility to their surroundings. An additional skill is the ability to find the golden mean, eliminate dissonances between the inner and outer worlds, peacefully resolve conflicts and misunderstandings, and harmonize unbalanced emotions. Such people are valued for their calmness, restraint, ability to look at the situation from the outside, external gentleness and internal harmony. These are born diplomats who know how to find a way out in any situation, give the right advice and slowly but surely move towards the goal.
    Devil(XV) - people with this card in the 8th position are endowed with great energy, which can be realized at different levels. People around are often surprised by the activity, expression and dynamism that these people have in full. Very often, such people receive a healing gift, they know how to cheer up in any company and bring positive energy. Therefore, such people can engage in bioenergy therapy, Reiki, or other types of healing. Additionally, they have the following features
    character that make them the soul of any company, excellent workers who are not afraid of difficult tasks, charming people, causing special interest in the opposite sex.
    Tower(XVI) - this card, being in the 8th position of the Portrait, brings the ability to destroy old, obsolete, ossified systems and build new, more modern ones in their place. Often such people can create a complex structure out of nothing, which will be able to exist for many years and in any conditions. It is not a problem for them to fit into existing structures if they consider them promising, stable and capable of fulfilling their tasks. Additionally, such people have the gift to feel the time, they know how to organize it and spend every minute usefully. They also have abilities in the field of logistics, the knowledge of which is used both in the personal and professional fields, and thanks to which they become excellent workers or leaders, they easily organize the work of even very large teams.
    Star(XVII) - people with a Star in position 8 have artistic talent, they are creative and able to create works of art. Thanks to these abilities, they approach any work creatively and with their successes influence others. Additionally, these people know how to evoke friendly feelings in others and are themselves true friends. Possessing such character traits as sensitivity, delicacy, refinement, they can cause admiration not only for their creativity, but also for their unusual and charming behavior, refined manners. Another gift of fate is the patronage of the Higher Forces, which accompanies them in life. It is not in vain that they say about such people: "Born under a lucky star."
    Moon(XVIII) - this card indicates that a person is endowed with excellent intuition, knowledge of the human psyche, vivid imagination, rich imagination and hypersensitivity. These gifts help to be realized in any kind of activity related to communication and communication between people, the ability to foresee the results of one's actions, foresight and the ability to respond to the emotional state of others. Additionally, such people are endowed with the ability to establish contact with the subconscious and understand its prompts. Sometimes people watching from the sidelines may be surprised at the ability of a person with the "Moon" in the 8th position to intuitively choose what will give the best results. Also, these people have the ability to take care of their home and maintain a cozy atmosphere in it.
    The sun(XIX) - a person with this card in the 8th position of the Portrait has the talent of a leader, a leader, and therefore can easily occupy any leadership positions where such character traits as firmness and authority are needed. Such a person is able to lead people, give them motivation for action and convince them that they are right. You are lucky if your leader is just like that, because
    he knows exactly what he wants not only from himself, but also from others. In addition, such people receive as a gift charisma, the talent to speak in public, the ability to convincingly and accurately express their point of view, the ability to argue and state the very essence of any case. Their undoubted positive feature is the unwillingness to rest on their laurels and the constant work on their own character, the development of existing abilities and their practical use.
    Court(XX) - this card shows as a gift the ability to create a healthy and wise value system, develop positive relationships between people, and also demonstrates an open mind with superpowers for analysis and synthesis, which helps to realistically assess the situation, draw conclusions and apply the experience gained to practice. Additionally, such people are very family-oriented, and at the same time, they consider not only relatives and relatives, but also employees, neighbors, acquaintances, and even their own people or all of humanity to be a family. Many of them, often without even knowing it themselves, are working off ancestral karmic debts. Such people have a positive outlook, and depression is not known to them at all; they are proud of their origin and never support any manifestations of racism and tribalism.
    World(XXI) - a person with such a card at the 8th position in the Portrait received as a gift cosmopolitanism, tolerance, the ability to establish contacts with foreigners, the ability to look at the world objectively, interest in everything modern and the absence of blockades and complexes. Such a person feels good in any environment, knows how to adapt to any conditions, is able to quickly learn the language, customs and culture of the country in which he has to live. An additional gift is a sense of humor, the ability to look at oneself from the outside and the talent to simplify one's own and others' lives. Such people go through life with a smile, with interest, in everything that they can meet in life, they are positive, modern and self-confident. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that they succeed in various activities and often receive worldwide recognition.

    Positions 13 and 14
    Now let's move on to the so-called side cards numbered 13. and 14. To calculate the numerical value of the card at the 13th position, you need to sum up the cards at positions 1. + 4. + 6. This card talks about how he sees himself from the side a person, how he treats himself and what kind of self-esteem he has ..
    The card on the 14th position is obtained by summing up the numerical values ​​of the cards on the positions 3. + 5. + 6. The card on this position speaks about how other people perceive a person.

    Card meanings for 13 positions:
    Jester(XXII) - a person perceives himself as a positive, cheerful person who is interested in the world and people, constantly interested in what is new and unknown for him, although sometimes he believes that he is not stable enough, naive, hardly finishes what he started
    to the end and often does not follow the sequence in their actions.
    Mage(I) - a person evaluates himself as a communicative person, easily establishing new contacts, eloquent, and also able to help a person get comfortable in a team, although sometimes he may consider himself too talkative, friendly and trusting.
    High Priestess(II) - such a person considers himself sensitive, caring, loving nature, restrained, trustworthy, having a strong intuition and a rich inner world, although he treats himself with criticism, he may consider himself too critical, secretive, which greatly complicates his relationship with other people.
    empress(III) - a person finds himself quite beautiful both inside and out, interesting, having a beautiful appearance and good taste, aesthetically developed, economic, elegant and well-groomed. Sometimes doubts really creep in, and then he condemns himself for idleness and too high an opinion of himself.
    Emperor(IV) - the owner of this card in the 13th position considers himself a hard-working, competent, energetic person, always ready for action and taking responsibility for his actions, although he may think that he is too demanding of himself and others and doubt that that he does not abuse his power too much.
    High priest(V) - the person considers himself to be intelligent, intelligent, serious or even severe, deeply moral, religious and ethical, although at times he may think that he is too dry, demanding of people and taking matters too seriously.
    lovers(VI) - such a person evaluates himself as a person capable of great love for everyone and everything, as well as able to make decisions quickly and make the right choice, although he often considers himself too sensitive and hasty in making decisions.
    Chariot(VII) - a person considers himself a dynamic, mobile person who loves travel and all kinds of movement, as well as who knows how to build a career and achieve success, although sometimes he may think that he is too assertive professionally, and the desire to gain recognition interferes with him in personal life.
    Justice(VIII) - a person considers himself fair, always adheres to the laws, knows the rules of behavior in society well and easily achieves inner harmony, although at times he doubts his innocence and his desire to blindly adhere to norms and rules.
    Hermit(IX) - such a person evaluates himself as a person who is serious, wise, having rich life experience, able to give good advice and confidently stepping along the path of life, although he may consider that he is unattractive, dry and has old-fashioned views.
    Wheel of Fortune(X) - this person believes that he knows how to adapt to different life situations, earn money and knows the field of finance very well. Yet it happens that a person begins to doubt his abilities and worry about whether he can provide for himself financially.
    Force(XI) - such a person believes that he is strong, healthy, has an athletic physique, healthy immunity and a strong will, that he correctly uses the potential inherent in him and the opportunities that appear, although it happens that doubts cover him, and then the slightest illness turns into catastrophe.
    Hanged(XII) - the owner of this card at the 13th position of the Portrait considers himself a detached person, closed in himself, introverted, prone to reflection and meditation, immersed in himself and seeing the world differently. Sometimes he believes that he is not adapted to life in society.
    Death(XIII) - a person considers himself an active, energetic, dynamic person, capable of any transformations. He is sure that he is not afraid of any changes and will cope with them perfectly, although quite often he thinks that he has poor health and is not destined to live long.
    Moderation(XIV) - such a person believes that he is a restrained, balanced person and able to look at a situation or a person from the outside. Such a person always keeps his emotions under control and maintains a balance between what he feels and what happens.
    around, although he suspects that there may be such energies in him that (if they are not controlled) can be destructive.
    Devil(XV) - the owner of this card in the 13th position considers himself a person with great energy, strong character, able to make an unforgettable impression on people and be the soul of the company, although sometimes such a person is afraid of himself and therefore hides his energy potential.
    Tower(XVI) - such a person considers himself a good builder in every sense of the word, who can easily fit into any structure. He does not hesitate to put everything on the line and be sure that, regardless of the situation, he will be able to start everything over, although at times he considers such an attitude too radical, and himself too sharp in behavior.
    Star(XVII) - a person believes that he is capable of deep feelings, benevolent, faithful in friendship, has artistic talent, or at least is gifted with some potential and the ability to create, although there is a reflection on the topic that he is too sentimental, emotional, and his talent mediocre.
    Moon(XVIII) - the owner of this card at the 13th position of the Portrait considers himself a very sensitive person, an intuitive homebody with a rich imagination. Such a person happily takes care of the house, cooking and decorating everything that surrounds him, although he often considers himself too sensitive, a person from another era, prone to illusions.
    The sun(XIX) - such a person has a very high self-esteem, considers himself an outstanding, charismatic personality, a born leader who will lead the masses, and will also be able to demonstrate himself to society. But sometimes he is visited by doubts and then he begins to suffer from the question of what others think of him.
    Court(XX) - the owner of this card at the 13th position of the Portrait considers himself a family man, interested in his origin, taking care of his family. Such a person believes that he has a well-formed worldview and a time-tested value system, although he may have doubts whether he can protect his family and values.
    World(XXI) - a person considers himself a cosmopolitan, a citizen of the world, a tolerant, liberal person who does not have any prejudices. Such a person is open to everything new and unusual and will never judge a person by the first impression. However, he often feels fear because of the problems of civilization.

    Card meanings for 14 positions:
    Jester(XXII) - regardless of a person's age, people often perceive him as a child, believing that he is too trusting, naive and even infantile, but appreciate him for spontaneity, naturalness, spontaneity, fun, wit. People love to be in the company of such
    a person because they begin to feel freer, can remain themselves and do not have to pretend to be smarter than they really are.
    Mage(I) - people consider such a person to be an eloquent, talkative, and sometimes too talkative, contact, sympathetic, although rather sharp personality in their assessments and opinions. It is believed that such people grasp information on the fly, remember it well, but do not always know how to apply it. People love to spend time with such a person, as there is always something to talk about with him.
    High Priestess(II) - a person who has this card in the 14th position is considered by people to be a caring, attentive, loving nature, reserved and even mysterious person, who knows more than he shows. People easily trust such a person with their secrets and often ask for help.
    empress(III) - such a person is considered a person who is delicate, subtle, sensitive, outwardly attractive, elegant, having good taste and surrounding himself with beautiful things and people. Although sometimes it seems that this person is a slacker and pays too much attention to his appearance.
    Emperor(IV) - such a person is considered decisive, energetic, active, quite powerful and self-confident, efficient, smart, able to solve any problems, although sometimes too assertive in professional affairs and too demanding of subordinates.
    High priest(V) - people perceive such a person as an outstanding, authoritative, sensible, intelligent, serious, highly moral personality. Such a person can be a role model, although at times he seems harsh, harsh and devoid of a sense of humor.
    Lovers (VI) - such a person is considered a person who is able to truly love and do a lot in the name of love, as well as who knows how to make the right decisions and be responsible for their actions.
    Chariot(VII) - others perceive such a person as a mobile, dynamic, relentlessly moving person and not having the patience to stay in one place for a long time, sociable, but also tuned in to gain recognition, popularity, striving for success, which is often perceived as careerism.
    Justice(VIII) - people perceive such a person as a calm and even somewhat inhibited, fair person, striving at any cost to comply with binding norms and rules, both legislative and universal, which leads to the fact that a person is considered pedantic, wonderful and boring.
    Hermit(IX) - people treat such a person with great respect and admiration, knowing that he has significant knowledge, wisdom, life experience,
    understanding of the world and its laws. Often people blindly follow him and unconditionally agree with his opinion.
    Wheel of Fortune(X) - people treat such a person as a person who does an excellent job in the world of matter, knows how to manage money. Many people use his advice in this area, because they believe that this person will find a way out of any situation and will be able to adapt even to the most difficult living conditions.
    Force(XI) - a person is perceived by society as a strong person with an unbending character and will, able to fully use the potential received from fate and not miss a single opportunity to develop a more confident and strong position. It happens that such a person instills fear in other people.
    Hanged(XII) - people perceive such a person as a person suspended between this and that world, somewhat absent, backward, closed in himself, living in a world of his own experiences and emotions, and this world is inaccessible to other people. This is one of the most difficult cards in position 14, since people's opinion about this person absolutely does not coincide with what they really are.
    Death(XIII) - such a person is perceived by others as a person capable of any transformation, well adapted to various changes, even those that are revolutionary in nature. Such
    people are energetic and decisive, and sometimes it seems to those watching from the outside that they do not experience doubts and disappointments at all, that at times people begin to be wary of this person.
    Moderation(XIV) - others see in this person a peacemaker, a mediator, a person who can find a good way out of any situation, find a middle ground in resolving any conflict and calm violent emotions, establish harmony between the conflicting parties and bring balance to any relationship.
    Devil(XV) - such a person is perceived as a very energetic, active, dynamic, overflowing with energy, capable of unexpected explosions, both enthusiasm and anger, passionate, suitable for many things with animation, loudly declaring his views, which often causes people fear and anxiety.
    Tower(XVI) - is considered a disciplined, serious, highly moral person, having clearly defined norms and rules, able to build the right relationships with others, while outlining the boundaries of what is permitted, although he is often conservative and old-fashioned.
    Star(XVII) - a person with such a card in position 14 easily wins the sympathy of the environment, because he is considered a sweet, friendly, pretty, friendly and at the same time attractive person
    outwardly, elegant, sociable, charming, artistic.
    Moon(XVIII) - such a person is perceived as a dreamer, a dreamer living in the world of his imagination, a homebody who loves to spend time at home, a person somewhat cut off from this world, easily amenable to illusions and fraud, although in general this should not happen, so how people of the moon have exceptional intuition.
    The sun(XIX) - such a person is considered a leader, a real leader, whom you can follow without fear, a leader with whom you do not argue, and even a charismatic person capable of leading the masses. Also, such a person is evaluated as a strong, self-confident person with a high self-esteem and an interesting image.
    Court(XX) - people perceive such a person as a family person, faithful to his relatives and friends. People around know how important it is for such a person to take care of his relatives, to maintain good relations in the family. Many treat such a person with respect due to the fact that he has a healthy value system and an integral worldview, and also has his own point of view about everything that concerns him.
    World(XXI) - a person who has this card in position 14 is perceived by the environment as a person absorbed in earthly interests, open to everything new, having extensive interests and contacts. Also such
    a person is considered tolerant, positive, interested in the world and people, devoid of fears, complexes and remaining himself in all situations.

    Map of the way to work out karma (15)

    I think that the most important card of the Karmic Portrait is the 15th position card, so I will outline its most important values ​​here, although all the cards of the Karmic Portrait are interpreted according to the general and karmic meanings of the Major Arcana
    Jester(I) - the way to work out karmic duties in the case of a person who has this card in the 15th position is to give birth and raise children, work with children, take care of their well-being (in the sense of personal and social). Such a person should not retreat before each new challenge of fate, be open to new deeds, phenomena, tasks, as well as cultivate the enthusiasm inherent in children and fight stereotypes and routine behavior.
    Mage(II) - people with such a card at 15. positions must work out karmic duties, establishing and developing a large number of positive contacts. Such people should take care of relationships with relatives and peers, work on the word, both oral and written, make sure that harmony is maintained in the team. You also need to weigh every word and not only not offend anyone, but also try to say something pleasant to everyone.
    High Priestess(II) - a person with such a card at position 15 can work off his karmic debts by establishing good relations with his mother, taking care of those who need it. You must learn to keep secrets and do as you please. Engage in esotericism (for example, Tarot or natural magic), protect nature and take care of animals and the environment of the entire planet.
    empress(III) - the way to work off karmic debts in this case is to build good relationships with your children, take care of the house and create a warm, cordial atmosphere between family members, as well as have a good relationship with a partner. This person must adhere to such an attitude towards material values ​​that he never becomes their prisoner, but also does not neglect their significance.
    Emperor(IV) - this card advises a person to devote himself to professional activities and treat it with all responsibility, fight laziness in all its manifestations and at the same time build good relations with his partner. It is also necessary to develop an appropriate attitude towards power, and if fate has given the opportunity to be a leader, then remember that his position, first of all, obliges him to be responsible.
    High priest(V) - a person with such a card in the 15th position should become an example to follow and a teacher.
    We can say with confidence that in order to work off karmic debts, it is necessary not to be hypocritical, to be sincere in relations with other people, to get a higher education, to develop an integral philosophical system, a personal attitude to religion and faith, a professional approach to work duties. It is also necessary to take care of good relations with the father and other authoritative persons.
    lovers(VI) - one who has such a card in his Karmic Portrait at position 15 can work off his karmic debts, bestowing cosmic, universal love on everyone and everything. Such a person should forget about all distinctions and perceive everyone equally, regardless of gender, age, nationality, etc., and pay the most attention to all types of partnerships. Not the last place will be occupied by the ability to make decisions and make choices, as well as to bear personal responsibility for these decisions.
    Chariot(VII) - the way to work off debts in this case will be the desire for success, obtained in a crystal-clear way. Such a person must gain recognition and become popular at least in his immediate environment in order to be able to make positive changes even in such a small community. It is necessary to promote the idea of ​​mutual understanding, consent, cooperation between different people and social groups.
    Justice(VIII) - a person with such a card on the 15th position, in order to work off his karmic debts, must comply with universal rules and norms, be sensitive to any manifestations of injustice and in no case pass by such cases. It is necessary to conduct your affairs in such a way that no one can accuse of dishonesty, much less suspect of a crime. In personal life, the task of a person is to develop and maintain inner balance.
    Hermit(IX) - a person who has this card in his Karmic Portrait at the 15th position must put all his strength into his spiritual development, learn how to correctly apply his life experience, engage in esoteric or other human sciences, and also develop a positive attitude in himself to the elderly, and pay special attention to relationships with their grandparents. The main tasks of such a person: service to other people, modest behavior, rejection of laziness, acceptance of what life brings, even if it is loneliness among people.
    Wheel of Fortune(X) - a person with such a card in the 15th position should first of all concentrate on finding a balance between the spiritual and the material, developing the right attitude towards money, learning how to earn it in order to financially provide for their loved ones, help those who are in this needs, and participate in charity. Such a person must remember that the soul consciously came into this world to work off its karmic debts, so you need to listen to its voice.
    Force(XI) - one who has such a card in the 15th position must develop an appropriate attitude towards his body, which is a "temple for the soul", health, immunity and physical form. Also, make full use of all the opportunities that arise, do not neglect or be ashamed of any work, even physical, and develop the abilities and talents given by fate. Such a person must remember that if he took up something voluntarily, promised something to someone, he is obliged to fulfill it regardless of the price that will have to be paid for it.
    Hanged(XII) - a person with such a card on the 15th position for working off karmic debts must plunge into his inner world, understand himself, his emotions, but not impose them on others, but cope with them on his own and not make himself a victim. Such a person should pray and ask the Higher Powers to bless not only himself, but also other people. At the same time, do not expect anything in return, since a person in a past life was too passive in relation to himself and other people and now must take the initiative in his own hands, work and encourage others to do the same.
    Death(XIII) - a person with this card on the 15th position in order to work off his debts from previous incarnations must develop the ability to adapt to the constant changes that he needs. The ability to transform, to cleanse what is outdated and irrelevant, to disassociate from the past are the most important and effective ways to eliminate karmic debts in this case. A person must learn to work in extreme conditions, save lives, support the desperate and unfortunate.
    Moderation(XIV) - the owner of this card at the 15th position of the Portrait should be very attentive in relations with the closest environment, neighbors and acquaintances, help and support them, and in case of conflicts, act as a mediator and peacemaker. The task of such a person in this life is to establish harmony between the external and internal world. It is necessary to learn to control your emotions, to develop the ability to find a golden mean in any situation, regardless of the circumstances.
    Devil(XV) - a person must learn to cope with his energy, use it effectively, work for the benefit of offended and defenseless creatures. Such a person should develop in himself an appropriate attitude towards sex, erotica and bring spirituality into his intimate life, not forgetting about physical pleasure. An important role is also played by honesty, objectivity, loyalty, the ability to resist temptations and keep a distance from the environment.
    Tower(XVI) - a person with such a card on the 15th position, in order to work off his karmic debts, must learn to build and maintain relationships with people, starting with his family and ending with organizations and government
    institutions. Such a person should be able to take care not to succumb to the temptation to impose his opinion on other people, destroy everything that does not correspond to his views, be guided by momentary whims and be offended by those who do not agree with his opinion.
    Star(XVII) - in the case of this card on the 15th position, a person can work off his karmic debts by cultivating friendly ties, loyalty and fidelity to his friends, a benevolent attitude towards the world, the ability to understand the feelings of one's own and others, and the rejection of cynicism. Such a person should not allow boredom into his life and fully use the available talents, mainly in the artistic field. A person also should not be indifferent to beauty, goodness, selflessness, the creativity of other people and the highest values.
    Moon(XVIII) - the owner of the Moon in the 15th position, in order to work off karmic debts, must have good contact with his subconscious, cooperate with his intuition and listen to her prompts. Such a person must control his imagination and not succumb to illusions in order to be able to correctly assess reality. It is also necessary to take care of your home, family, people, homeland, be true to your views, never forget about the duties you have assumed, but fulfill them using soft female energy, regardless of gender in the current incarnation.
    The sun(XIX) - a person with this card on the 15th position of the Karmic Portrait, first of all, should avoid
    develop tendencies to be a leader and to impose your leadership on other people. Well, if it nevertheless happens that a person takes a leadership position, then do not forget that he has a huge responsibility and there are much more requirements for him than for other people in the same situation, but with a different map of the way to work out karma. A person should show the way to other people, while remaining aloof, be modest, maintain peace of mind and his opinion, regardless of the situation on which he has influence.
    Court(XX) - in order to work off karmic debts, a person with such a card on the 15th position must devote a lot of time and work to the family, and not only to family or closest relatives, but also to distant relatives, to take care that between them are preserved good relationships, cultivate family traditions, remember your roots, and work on a whole system of people's values ​​and worldview. A person must remember that his soul came into this world on purpose to work off all sorts of ancestral karmic debts, so he must listen to her voice and follow it.
    World(XXI) - the task of a person with this card in the Portrait is to develop a high level of tolerance, understanding and patience for people, regardless of their origin, education, race, nationality and culture. A person should establish and maintain as many contacts as possible at the international level, throw bridges over borders, respect the traditions and customs of other people, be open to modern trends and trends, introduce technical rationalizations and improvements, as well as get rid of any kind of phobias, blockades and prejudice.

Each person has the skill of adapting to the current situation, but everyone does it in their own way. There are many options for behavior. The psychological portrait of a person is an example of how, using a description of a person’s character traits, one can predict his actions and reactions. This is extremely useful when applying for a job, entering educational institutions and more.

The psychological portrait of a personality is an example of a qualitative textual interpretation of a person's characteristics. Its compilation is one of the most complex and important tasks of modern psychology.

Drawing up a psychological portrait - why is it necessary?

The psychological portrait of the child helps the educator and teacher to find an individual approach to each pupil. Identification of the characteristic features of each baby will allow you to correctly build the process of development and education.

A psychological portrait of a person is often compiled when applying for a job. With its help, managers will be better able to organize the activities of personnel in the company, increase the efficiency and success of each member of the team.

The psychological portraits of criminals differ from the characteristics of law-abiding citizens, since they are characterized by emotional-volitional deformations, criminal motives and negative social interests. The problem of the identity of swindlers and murderers is central to forensics and other sciences that are associated with crime. Psychological portraits of criminals help the investigator to understand the motives of the committed illegal act.

How many people, so many personalities, because each person is an individuality. Let us briefly consider the main components that make up the psychological portrait of a person.


Observing people in different situations, you can always notice differences in their behavior and lifestyle. This is due to the temperament of the person under observation. So, temperament is one of the main factors on which a psychological portrait is built.

Modern psychology under "temperament" understands the characteristics of the nervous system and the psyche of the individual. This is not only the rhythm, pace and intensity of the psychological process, but also its content. Temperament is the biological foundation of personality. These characteristics are inherited, which is why they are difficult to change. The psychological portrait of a person should reflect the main features of a person's temperament: the style of his behavior, ways to help him organize his activities, and so on.

Based on certain psychological principles, you can find your own approach to the carrier of each of the four types of temperament.


Motto: trust but verify!

The advantages of this type of temperament are cheerfulness, sociability, enthusiasm and responsiveness, and the disadvantages are dispersion, over-sociality, frivolity, a tendency to arrogance, superficiality and unreliability. The psychological portrait of a person marked "sanguine" is as follows: an individual is always happy to promise something so as not to offend the petitioner, but he does not always keep his word, so you should check whether he fulfilled the promise.


Motto: Not a minute of peace!

The principle of communication with a choleric person is based on the use of its advantages: enthusiasm, mobility, energy, passion and purposefulness. At the same time, it neutralizes the disadvantages of this type of temperament: aggressiveness, intolerance, incontinence, conflict. A psychological portrait with the characteristic "choleric" should suggest that a person should always be busy with some business. Otherwise, he will direct all his energy and activity to the team and can decompose it from the inside.

Phlegmatic person

Motto: Don't rush!

Among the strengths of the phlegmatic are constancy, patience, activity, stability, reliability and self-control. Cons - it's indifference, dryness, slowness and "thick skin". The psychological portrait of a person marked “phlegmatic” means that he cannot work if time is in short supply, as he needs his own individual pace: you don’t need to adjust it, he himself will draw up a work schedule and do everything on time.


Motto: Do ​​no harm!

The psychological portrait marked "melancholic" is as follows: the strengths of the personality are gentleness, the ability to sympathize, humanity, high sensitivity and goodwill. The disadvantages of this type of temperament are suspiciousness, shyness, low efficiency, isolation, daydreaming and vulnerability. Never shout at a melancholic, do not put pressure on him, do not give harsh and harsh instructions, as this person is extremely sensitive to intonations and is too vulnerable.

It is very difficult to find an individual who would fully meet a certain temperament, usually there is a dominant of one of them.


Intelligence is a system of mental processes that ensures the realization of a person's ability to assess the current situation, make decisions and regulate their behavior in accordance with this. As a rule, intelligence is important if the situation is non-standard - as a symbol of the individual's learning everything new.

Jean Piaget, a psychologist from France, called interaction with the outside world through adaptation to it one of the most important functions of the intellect. Or, in other words, the ability to navigate the conditions and expediently build one's behavior.

The core of the intellect is the ability of a person to single out the main properties in a situation and build his behavior in accordance with them. The Soviet psychologist S. L. Rubinshtein in his works considered this category as a type of personality behavior - “smart behavior”.


Character is a set of individual characteristics of a person, which are formed and manifested in communication and activity. The psychological portrait of a person is an example of how the identified character traits help determine her typical behaviors.

Character traits are called stable properties and qualities of human behavior that have become the properties of the personality itself. A psychological portrait is an example of displaying the most typical and essential features of a human character.

Its structure includes 4 groups of traits that express the attitude of the individual to various aspects of activity: to himself, to work, to society and the team, as well as to things.

Ability to communicate

Communication is an extremely delicate and subtle process of interaction between people. It is in it that the individual characteristics of each participant in the process are most comprehensively revealed, therefore this characteristic is extremely important for such an interpretation of the personality as a psychological portrait.

An example of the most obvious function of communication is the transfer of information: any information, content and meaning. This side of communication is called semantic or semantic. The transmission has an impact on a person's behavior, his actions and actions, as well as on the organization and state of his inner world.

In general, information, control, cognitive functions of communication are distinguished, in addition, there is a function of exchanging mental states and emotions.


Since the time of the ancient Greek thinker Plato, the entire mental life of a person has been divided into three relatively independent units: mind, will and emotions.

If the will and the mind are subordinate to a person at least to some extent, then emotions always arise regardless of our desire. This is a reflection of personal significance and assessment of situations for the process of human life in the form of feelings and experiences. This is where the subjectivity and involuntariness of emotions manifest themselves. The ability to manage emotions is necessary first of all for health and ambition.

What does it mean to be able to manage emotions? Most often, this statement means hiding them. It hurts, but we won’t show it, we’re ashamed, but we pretend that we don’t care, it’s insulting, but outwardly we will demonstrate only irritation and anger. But from the fact that a person does not show his emotions, they do not become weaker, rather the opposite, or take the form of protection - aggression.


A psychological portrait of a person is an example of a description of a person’s inner warehouse, which includes such a characteristic as abilities.

In psychology, abilities are considered as a special property of a psychological system, which is expressed in a certain level of its productivity. Accuracy, stability and speed of functioning are quantitative parameters of the productivity of abilities. They are measured by solving problems of a certain degree of complexity, resolving conflicts, etc.

The degree of resolvability of contradictions between the relationship of the individual and the properties of the individual is the level of abilities. The most successful option is when there is a penchant for a certain field of activity, coupled with an interest in this business.

Abilities are divided into special and general. General can predetermine a tendency to a rather extensive field of activity. They are formed by the development of intelligence and personality traits. The special one acts as a socio-psychological basis for the development of craving for a certain field of activity: research, music, teaching, creative, etc.


Self-esteem expresses a certain emotional and value attitude towards oneself, which a person has developed on the basis of self-knowledge. A psychological portrait is an example of how a person's self-esteem affects all areas of life, because it involves assessing one's own abilities, actions, goals, qualities and capabilities, as well as one's place in society. It is overpriced, underestimated and adequate.


Motivation of activity and behavior, satisfaction of needs - all this underlies the orientation of the individual (on a task, on oneself or on communication).

Some may be satisfied only with the provision of security and the satisfaction of physiological needs. And for others, in addition to this, it is equally important to satisfy social needs, the need for self-expression, and also to realize their creative abilities. The main task of the manager and psychologist is to identify the needs, beliefs and interests of each individual and determine the direction of its motives.


The main criteria by which you can draw up a psychological portrait are:

1. character (reinforces the stable features of a person that determine his behavior in different situations);

2. temperament;

3. self-esteem;

4. intelligence;

5. level of emotionality.

Psychologists distinguish a different amount of character. For example, K. Leonhard distinguishes demonstrative, stuck, pedantic and excitable characters. The main features of a demonstrative personality are the performance of actions under the influence of emotions, the ability to get used to invented ones (sometimes on their own). Pedantic people, not influenced by emotions, scrupulous, do not know how to "play", it is difficult to make decisions. "Stuck" people are those who have the most difficulty processing their own emotions and experiences. They find it difficult to both successes and constantly scroll through them in their memory (including even far-fetched successes and grievances). In principle, they live by events experienced within themselves more than by real ones. Excitable people are similar to demonstrative ones, but they are more conflicted, do not know how to use circumstances for their own purposes and play roles. It's like just very neurotic people, tired, irritable.

With temperament, everything is quite simple, it characterizes the mobility of human behavior, the speed of decision-making. By temperament, people are divided into 4 types: choleric, phlegmatic, sanguine, melancholic. The sanguine and phlegmatic have a strong nervous system, but the phlegmatic is inert and indecisive, and the sanguine is quite excitable. The nervous system of the choleric is extremely unbalanced, although it cannot be called weak. A choleric person does not know how to "press the brake pedal" in time, he must always, constantly be busy with something. The melancholic has a weak nervous system, is suspicious, sensitive, prone to deep inner experiences that deplete his nervous system even more.

Self-esteem can be normal, low or high. It is very subject to change, for example, due to the onset of a certain age. Most suffer from low self-esteem, but this mostly goes away when they become adults, achieve some significant success, which allows them to look at themselves differently and be less dependent on the opinions of others.

Intelligence allows a person to assess the situation, highlight the essential and non-essential, make decisions and correct their behavior. Thanks to the intellect, a person can function more or less efficiently. The level of intelligence depends on age, education, social circle of a person, etc.

Emotions arise against the will of a person, the task of anyone is to be able to manage them, which is necessary both for behavior in society and for physical health. It is noticed that healthier people are distinguished by the ability to control their emotions. However, it must be remembered that managing emotions, controlling them does not mean at all hiding them, driving them inside: often they become even more acute from such actions. The level of emotionality of a person depends on the ability to properly manage emotions.

Even if it seems to us that we have made a clear psychological portrait of a particular person, it is not that we can completely rely on him. First, each person is still unique. Secondly, a person changes with age, under the influence of various life circumstances.