How to spell words correctly using transcription. Phonetic transcription of Russian words

Transcription reflects the sounding speech in writing and allows you to show pronunciation norms. The same letter denotes several sounds, consequently, phonetic writing is very different from spelling. There are several transcription rules that schoolchildren and their parents can master.

You will need

  • - notebook;
  • - pen.


1. Conclude the transcribed word or phrase in square brackets. When transcribing text, use one vertical line to indicate a short pause, at the end of a phrase and during a long pause - two vertical lines. In words that have more than one syllable, put the stress.

2. To designate vowel sounds, use the letters [a], [o], [y], [i], [e], [s]. Often the question is how to transcription words with an unstressed sound [o]. Write down the unstressed letter “o” in transcription with the sound [a], say, a beard - [barad`a].

3. Designate the letters e, e, u, i in transcription as , , , if they are at the beginning of a word, later than a soft or hard sign or later than a vowel, as in the word anchor -. Remember that consonants before these vowels soften, as well as before the vowel sound [and]. At the same time, the sound [j] disappears - the transcription of the word "gloss" looks like this: [gl'`an'ets]. To indicate the softness of consonants, use an apostrophe, the one that you write to the right of the soft letter.

4. Consider the fact that consonants in words can be voiced or stunned, depending on the further sound, say, kadka - [katka], but kadushka - [kad`ushka]. Remember that loud consonants are invariably deafened at the end of words, so write the final sound in the words mushroom and tooth as [p].

5. Mark a long consonant with a horizontal line above the letter or a colon ([k`a], [k`as: a]). Designate the letter u in transcription as follows: [w ‘:].

6. If a preposition, particle or union is pronounced with word m together, then in transcription indicate the phonetic word entirely: downhill [padg'oru], from the school [isshk'ola].

7. Knowledge to do and understand transcription may come in handy when reading encyclopedias and dictionaries, only if there are doubts about the positive pronunciation of the words of the Russian language.

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1. Make a new document in Photoshop and then make a new layer. On the newest layer, place whatever object you want to apply a glossy result to. Open the Layer Styles menu and set whatever results you like, and then open the Satin tab.

2. Set the blending mode to Color Dodge, set the Opacity to 90% and select any color from the palette whose shades will be used in gloss (Satin). Click OK and admire the result - the gloss result is achieved, but for now it is still.

3. In order to make an animation, click on the button in the menu, which will allow you to transfer the drawing for later editing in Image Ready.

4. Again add a sparkling result to the layer palette. Lower the opacity to 0% and make a new layer, then select the Tween option, which allows you to make intermediate frames.

5. Set the number of frames to be added (Frames to add), and then change the angle of the picture on the entire frame, modify the lighting and the degree of transparency - so that in the animated version gloss flowed beautifully.

6. In the settings of the Tween option, you can set any number of frames - the more frames Image Ready makes, the more difficult and detailed animation you can make from your work.

Transcription is a system of conventional signs, by means of which the sounds that make up words are recorded. Knowledge of this "phonetic" language allows anyone to read an unknown word in a foreign language.


1. At first glance, the characters in the transcription seem to be difficult, unknown scripts. But upon comprehension, it turns out that many of them denote the same sounds that are found in the Russian language. In every school, children in the classroom are also taught to write down the word in transcription, in the form of sounds: [sol '], , . Knowing the designation of symbols, everyone will be able to recognize here the words "salt", "iodine", "hedgehog". The same is true in any foreign language. Let's say the word survey is easy to pronounce after seeing its transcription: [?s?:vei].

2. And transcription has its exceptions, but first you need to learn the rules. There are a number of sounds that have analogues in Russian. They are worth listing, these are consonants: [b] - [b], [d] - [d], [f] - [f], [g] - [g], - [g], [h] - [x ], [k] - [k], [l] - [l], [m] - [m], [n] - [n], [p] - [n], [s] - [s], [t] - [t], [v] - [c], - [h], [z] - [h], [?] - [w], [j] - "iot". Some sounds are also similar to those familiar to us, but with some nuances. These are consonants - [j], - [ts, q], as well as vowels: [?] - [a] - short, - [a] - long, [i] - [i] - short, by analogy with them [ o], , [u], . In addition, there are sounds [e], as in the Russian word "beg", and [?:], as in the word "lyon".

3. There are also so-called difficult sounds - diphthongs. These are such as [?u] - [oh], - [ay], - [hey], - [oh], - [ay]. Some of the sounds, there are not so many of them, have no analogues in Russian. This [?], [?] - denote a combination of th, "interdental" sound [z]. [?] - nasal sound, as in French, [n] with pronunciation. Also [w] is something between [y] and [v]. [?] - between [a] and [e]. [?] is a neutral unstressed vowel. There are also characteristic English [?:] and [?:] - as in the words turn and board, similar to the “burr” sound [p].

4. And the final main point is the accent. It is usually denoted by the sign "?" and put invariably before the stressed syllable. Using these skills, it is now easy to read the English word transcription - transcription.

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What is transcription used for?

III. Principles of Russian transcription. Transcription rules for vowels and consonants. Transliteration.

When studying the sound side of a language, in order to convey the sound of words, one has to resort to a special phonetic writing , based on the fact that the same sound is transmitted by a certain icon. Such writing is called phonetic transcription.

Transcription(from lat. transcription- rewriting) - a special type of writing, with the help of which sounding speech is fixed on paper.

AT transcription is based on the alphabet of the language in which it is spoken, with the addition or change of certain letters . So, the basis of the transcription system that we will use is the Russian alphabet, but the letters e, e, d, u, u, i, and b, b denote special unstressed vowels. Separate letters of other alphabets are also used: j (yot) from Latin, Υ (gamma) from Greek.

1. To learn to hear native speech and show the norms of literary pronunciation.

2. When teaching a foreign language, especially if the spelling does not make it possible to judge pronunciation. For example, in English.

3. Transcription is also needed where the writing system is complex and little known to the student, especially where graphics are not intended to convey sound. For example, in hieroglyphic writing.

4. Transcription is used to record an unwritten language or dialect speech.

Phonetic writing does not match spelling, because spelling does not reflect living sound processes occurring in the flow of speech, does not reflect changes in the sound system of the language, but rests on tradition. Phonetic transcription reflects the change in sounds that occur depending on the position and environment .

1. A sound, word, part of a word or a segment of speech is enclosed in square brackets -.

2. The text is written as it is pronounced.

3. Capital letters are not used.

4. Punctuation rules do not apply, punctuation marks are replaced by pauses: a small pause is indicated by one vertical line - /; phrases are separated from each other by two lines - //, denoting a long pause.

5. Each sign is used to denote one sound.

6. Apply diacritics signs (gr. diakritikos- distinctive), which are placed above the letters, below them or near them. So,

a) the emphasis is mandatory: the main one is the sign ak at t ́, side sign gr a vis `;

b) a straight line above the letter indicates the longitude of the consonant - [ˉ];

c) the softness of the consonant is indicated apostrophe - [m"];

d) service words pronounced together with the significant are connected by a chamber - - [in l "esʹ];

e) the bow under the sign indicates the non-syllabic nature of the sound - [į].

7. In the field of consonants, the letter u is not used, but is indicated as [w̅ "]; in the field of vowels there are no letters e, e, u, i.

8. To designate the sound [th], two signs are given: [j] - yot and [į] - and non-syllable (a kind of iota): [j] - only before the stressed vowel, in other cases - [į]: [moį], [moįk].

9. To designate voiced and deaf consonants, the letters corresponding to them are used: [ball], [juice].

10. Vowel sounds, depending on the position in the word, experience great changes in sound:

a) vowels [i], [s], [y] in an unstressed position do not qualitatively change, they only sound shorter than under stress, and such changes are not indicated in transcription:

[needle / needle / was / was / bow / meadow];

b) unstressed vowels [a], [o], [e] change both quantitatively and qualitatively:

Unstressed vowels [a], [o] at the absolute beginning of the word and in the first pre-stressed syllable after solid consonants are indicated by the sign [Λ] - a short sound [a]: [Λrbusʹc], [Λr "ehʹ],
[nΛra], [zhΛra];

Unstressed vowels [a], [o], [e] in the second pre-stressed and stressed syllables after solid consonants are indicated by the sign [b] - the sound is ultra-short [s]: [milΛko], [parΛhot], [kolkul], [zhlt" out ];

The unstressed vowel [e] in the first pre-stressed syllable after solid consonants is indicated by the sign [s e] - the sound is average between [s] and [e]: [zhy e l "ezo], [shy e lka];

Unstressed vowels [e], [a] in the first pre-stressed syllable after soft consonants are indicated by the sign [ and e] - the sound is the middle one between [i] and [e]: [s "and e lo], [c "and e sleep], [h "and e sy], [m" and e sn "ik];

Unstressed vowels [e], [a] in the 2nd pre-stressed and stressed syllables after soft consonants are indicated by the sign [b] - the sound is ultra-short [and]: [b "b" iega], [g "b" ieral], [h "sΛfsh̅" ik], [d "at" bl], [d "ad" b];

To denote the sound [g], pronounced “without an explosion” in some words, and when voicing the sound [x], [γ] is used - “g fricative”: [bóγъ / bΛγа́тыį (in dialect)].

It should also be borne in mind that in transcription, in some cases, variants are allowed that reflect the variant pronunciation that actually exists in the literary language. So, depending on the style of pronunciation, different vowels can sound at the absolute end of the word: in full style, with a distinct pronunciation, - [Λ], [and e], [s e], and in colloquial, with fluent pronunciation, - reduced [ b], [b]. Compare: loud - [loud Λ] and [loud]; field - [floor "and e] and [floor" b]; more - [bol "shy e] and [bol" shb].

IV. Classification of speech sounds.

All sounds are traditionally divided into two main categories: vowels and consonants.

The division into vowels and consonants is directly related to the peculiarities of pronunciation, and the assignment of a sound to a particular group depends on which pronunciation organs and how they are involved in its formation.

Vowels and consonants differ in a number of ways:

1) acoustics: vowels are formed only by the voice; consonants - either by a combination of voice and noise; or just noise

2) articulation: in the formation of vowels, the organs of speech do not create barriers, so the air passes freely into the oral cavity; in the formation of consonants by the organs of speech, a barrier is created;

3) from the semantic side consonants have more distinctive features than vowels; for example, if in the word sleeve, when pronouncing, we first omit the consonants (p, k, c), and then the vowels (y, a), then it is obvious that you can guess the word from the consonants, but not from the vowels.

V.A. Bogoroditsky called vowels "mouth-openers", and consonants - "mouth-closers".

V. Classification of vowel sounds. Row and rise. Additional articulation (labialization). Longitude and brevity of sounds. Monophthongs, diphthongs, triphthongs.

Vowel sounds- these are speech sounds, during the formation of which the outgoing air stream does not encounter obstacles in the oral cavity, and therefore, acoustically, they are characterized by the predominance of a musical tone, or voice.

There are 6 vowels in Russian: [a], [o], [e], [i], [s], [y]. They are heard most clearly under stress .

When pronouncing vowels, the shape and volume of the oral cavity may change. These changes depend on the participation or non-participation of the lips and the movement of the tongue vertically (the degree of elevation of the back of the tongue) and horizontally (the place of the rise of the back of the tongue).

By the participation of the lips All vowel sounds are divided into two groups: vowels rounded or labialized (from lat. labium- lip), - [o], [y] and vowels undead, or unlabialized , - [and], [e], [s], [a].

When the sounds [o], [y] are formed, the lips are rounded and stretched forward. In the formation of sounds [a], [e], [i], [s], lips do not take an active part. The sound [o] differs from [y] in a lesser degree of elongation and rounding of the lips. This can be easily seen by muscle sensations, pronouncing in a row, for example, the sounds [a] - [o] - [y].

By degree of ascent top, middle and bottom lift.

At education high vowels, which include the sounds [and], [s], [y], the language is raised to the greatest extent.

Vowel formation bottom lift, which is the sound [a] in Russian, is characterized by a minimal rise in the language.

Vowels medium lift, which include the sounds [e], [o], according to the degree of elevation of the tongue, occupy an intermediate position between the vowels of the upper and lower rise.

It is easy to replace different degrees of tongue elevation by pronouncing, for example, the sounds [y] - [o] - [a] in a row.

Classification of vowels (together with reduced ones) according to articulation (Shcherba's triangle)

row (point of back of tongue rise) rise (degree of back of tongue rise) front anterior middle average mid-posterior rear
upper and s at
upper middle and e
average uh b about
mid-lower b Λ
lower a

By place of ascent back of the tongue distinguish vowels front, middle and back row .

At education front vowels, which include the sounds [i], [e], the front part of the back of the tongue moves towards the hard palate.

Vowel formation back row- these are the sounds [y], [o] - occurs when the back of the back of the tongue moves towards the soft palate.

Vowels middle row[s], [a] at the place of the rise of the tongue occupy an intermediate position between the front and back vowels.

To make sure that when forming front, middle and back vowels, the language articulates in different parts, you can pronounce in a row, for example, the sounds [and] - [s] - [y].

So, depending on the articulation in the Russian language, six different sounds are clearly perceived by ear: [i], [s], [u], [e], [o], [a].

Longitude. In a number of languages ​​(English, German, Latin, Ancient Greek, Czech, Hungarian, Finnish), with the same or close articulation, vowels form pairs, the members of which are opposed by the duration of pronunciation, i.e. for example, short vowels are distinguished: [a], [i], [u] and long vowels: [a:], [i:], .

Diphthongization. In many languages, vowels are divided into monophthongs and diphthongs.

Monophthong is an articulatory and acoustically homogeneous vowel.

Diphthong- a complex vowel sound consisting of two sounds pronounced in one syllable. This is a special sound of speech, in which the articulation begins differently than it ends. One element of a diphthong is always stronger than another element. There are two types of diphthongs - descending and ascending.

At descending diphthong the first element is strong and the second is weaker. Such diphthongs are typical for Eng. and German. lang.: time, Zeit.

At ascending diphthong The first element is weaker than the second. Such diphthongs are typical of French, Spanish and Italian: pied, bueno, chiaro. For example, in such proper names as Pierre, Puerto Rico, Bianca.

There are no diphthongs in Russian. The combination “vowel + th” in the words “paradise”, “tram” cannot be considered diphthongs, since when declining this quasi-diphthong breaks into two syllables, which is impossible for a diphthong: “tram-em, ra-yu”. But in Russian there are diphthongoids.

Diphthongoid- this is a stressed heterogeneous vowel, having at the beginning or end an overtone of another vowel, articulatory-close to the main, stressed. There are diphthongoids in Russian: the house is pronounced "DuoOoM".

triphthongs- this is a combination of three vowels (weak + strong + weak), pronounced as one syllable, for example, in Spanish: cambiáis - change.

VI. Classification of consonants. The method of formation of consonant sounds (noisy: explosive, fricative, affricates; sonorous). Place of education (labial, lingual: anterior lingual, middle lingual, posterior lingual; lingual). Additional articulation of consonants (palatalization, nasalization).

Consonants- these are speech sounds, consisting only of noise, or of voice and noise, which are formed in the oral cavity, where the air stream exhaled from the lungs meets various obstacles, are called

There are 37 sound units in the consonant sounds of the Russian language, each of which in a certain position is capable of performing a meaningful function:

1) [b], [b "], [c], [c"], [g], [g "], [d], [d "], [h], [h "], [n] , [p "], [f], [f "], [k], [k"], [t], [t"], [s], [s"];

2) [l], [l "], [m], [m"], [n], [n "], [p], [p"];

3) [x], [x "], [g], [w], [c];

4) [h "], [j];

5) [w̅"], [g̅"].

The classification of consonants is based on the opposition of some signs to others. In modern Russian, consonants are divided according to several classification criteria (acoustic and articulatory):

2) at the place of education;

3) according to the method of education;

4) by the presence or absence of palatalization ("mitigation", from lat. palatum- sky).

According to acoustic consonants differ according to the degree of participation of voice and noise . All consonants of the Russian language are divided into sonorous(from Latin sonorus- sonorous) and noisy.

Sonorant are characterized by the fact that in the composition of these sounds the voice prevails over the noise. In modern Russian, these include: [l], [l "], [m], [m"], [n], [n"], [r], [r"], [j].

Noisy consonants are characterized by the fact that their acoustic basis is noise, however, there are noisy consonants, which are formed not only with the help of noise, but with some participation of the voice. Among the noisy differ deaf and voiced .

W smelly formed by noise accompanied by voice. In modern Russian, these include: [b], [b "], [c], [c"], [g], [g "], [d], [d "], [h], [h "], [zh], [zh̅"].

Deaf formed with the help of noise, without the participation of voice. When pronouncing their vocal cords are not tense and do not fluctuate. In modern Russian, these include: [k], [k "], [p], [p"], [s], [s"], [t], [t"], [f], [f "], [x], [x], [c], [h "], [w], [sh̅"].

Most of the noisy consonants of the Russian language are opposed by deafness - sonority: [b] - [p], [b "] - [p"], [c] - [f], [c "] - [f "], [d] - [t], [d "] - [t "], [s] - [s], [s "] - [s"], [g] - [w], [g] - [k], [g "] - [k"]; do not have pairs voiced voiceless consonants [w̅"], [c], [x], [x"], [h"].

Sounds [w], [w], [h], [u] - hissing , [h], [s], [c] - whistling .

Starting to learn a foreign language, a person is faced with the need to pronounce new words correctly. Unlike Slavic languages, in which most words are read according to certain rules, in the same English there are quite a few exceptions to the rules for reading words. Phonetic transcription of words will help to pronounce and read words correctly. And although it often seems that this is a complex concept, in fact, everything is very simple, once you understand this issue.

The concept of phonetic transcription

Phonetic transcription is a way of graphic recording of the sounds of oral speech. Transcription is incredibly accurate and based on correct pronunciation. To achieve this, each transcription mark has a corresponding graphic symbol, and each symbol, in turn, corresponds to a well-defined sound.

With the help of transcription, it is possible to record in writing not only the pronunciation of sounds and words, but also sentences and texts.

Basic transcription rules

1) First of all, transcription is always recorded in special square brackets: .

2) If the transcribed word has two or more syllables, the stress must be placed.
3) If two words are read together, in phonetic transcription this is fixed using the league icon: [v_dom].
4) Capital letters are not written in the transcription.
5) If a sentence or text is transcribed, punctuation marks are not put. Instead, they put beveled vertical lines / (if the pause is small like a comma), // (with a longer pause), like a period or semicolon.
6) The softness of a consonant is indicated in transcription with an apostrophe placed to the right of the letter.
7) A non-syllabic sound is shown by an arc below it.
8) The length of the sound is indicated with a colon [a:], sometimes with a horizontal line above the letter.
9) To write words, there is a specially developed international phonetic alphabet, which is based on Latin letters, as well as some icons taken from the Greek alphabet.

10) Slavic languages ​​in Cyrillic can also be written in Cyrillic letters (this applies to East Slavic languages).

Transcription in Russian

Despite its apparent simplicity, Russian transcription has a lot of nuances, without knowing which it will be difficult to correctly write down the transcribed word. Transcription in Russian is subject to the general rules of transcription, but there are additional features.

1) Consonants are written using all consonants of the Cyrillic letters of the alphabet, with the exception of y and u.
2) b and b do not denote sounds, therefore they are not recorded in transcription.
3) The sounds [th] and [h] are always soft, so in transcription they are not indicated by the softness icon.
4) The sounds [w], [g], [c] are always solid, although in rare cases the letter g can give a soft sound [g "]. If they are followed by the letter e, it is written in transcription as [e]: "c [e]thread".
5) The letter u, in transcription, is the sound [w: "] or [w"].
6) If the vowels are stressed, they are pronounced clearly and written using six characters: [a], [y], [o], [i], [e], [s].
7) Diphthongs yu, i e, e denote two sounds and are written in transcription respectively [yu], [ya], [ye], [yo], provided that they are either at the beginning of a word or after a vowel, b or b , in other cases - after consonants - they denote one sound [y], [a], [e], [o], with the designation of the previous consonant soft.
8) The letter and after the dividing b becomes a diphthong and its transcription is [yy] - mura [in "yy].
9) Y in the transcription of some words is written as [j] for example “cha [j] ka”.
10) The letters o and a, at the very beginning of a word or in the first syllable without stress in transcription, sound like [a], but the [^] icon is used to write them.
11) After soft consonants in syllables without stress, the letters e and i in transcription will be recorded as a kind of sound [ie]: [r'ieb'ina] - "rowan".
Interestingly, most Russian dictionaries do not indicate the transcription of words, so you need to either learn how to do it yourself, or use the services of online resources that do it.

Transcription in English

If Russian transcription can be written in either Latin or Cyrillic, then English transcription is always written using the IPA Latin alphabet. It is also subject to the rules and symbols common to all languages ​​for transcribing words. However, unlike Russian, the pronunciation of English words has a more historical tradition and often does not follow the rules. In such cases, transcription is the only way to pronounce the word correctly. Therefore, most English words in dictionaries are written with transcription. The table below shows the main characters used in the transcription of English words.

Knowing what phonetic transcription is is very important, because this knowledge enables anyone not only to correctly read a word in a foreign language, but also to pronounce the words of their native language correctly.

Phonetics is a branch of linguistics that studies the sound system of a language and the sounds of speech in general. Phonetics is the science of combining sounds in speech.

Run Parse

Phonetic analysis, or sound-letter, is an analysis of the structure of syllables and the sound system of a word. This analysis is proposed to be done as an exercise for educational purposes.

Analysis means:

  • counting the number of letters;
  • determining the number of sounds in a word;
  • stress setting;
  • distribution of sounds into consonants and vowels;
  • classification of each sound;
  • compilation of transcription (graphic form of the word).

When parsing, it is important to distinguish between the concepts of "letter" and "sound". After all, the former correspond to spelling rules, and the latter to speech rules (that is, sounds are analyzed in terms of pronunciation).

Before proceeding with the sound-letter analysis, you should remember

There are ten vowels in Russian:

The first five indicate that the preceding consonant is hard, while the second is soft.

And twenty-one consonants:

voiced unpaired sounds [Y'] [L] [M] [N] [R]
deaf unpaired [X] [C] [h'] [SCH']
voiced paired [B] [AT] [G] [D] [W] [B]
deaf pairs [P] [F] [TO] [T] [W] [WITH]

Voiced consonants are called, which are formed with the participation of sound, and deaf - with the help of noise. Paired consonants are those that form a deaf / voiced pair. For example, [B] / [P], [V] / [F], [G] / [K]. Unpaired - those that do not form a pair: [L], [M], [P].

When analyzing a word phonetically, it is worth remembering that the consonants [H '], [U'], [Y '] are always soft, regardless of which vowel forms a syllable with them. Consonants [Ж], [Ш] and [Ц] are always solid.

[Y ’], [L], [L ’], [M], [M ’], [N], [N ’], [P], [P ’] - sonorous sounds. This means that when pronouncing these consonants, the sound is formed mainly by voice, but not by noise. All sonorants are sonorous sounds.

In the Russian alphabet there are also letters b, b. They don't make sound. b (soft sign) serves to soften the consonants after which it is placed. Ъ (hard sign) has a separating function.

Sound Parsing Rules

  1. Transcription is written in square brackets: .
  2. The softness of the sound is indicated by the symbol "'".
  3. Before the deaf, voiced consonants are deafened: nails - [noct'i].
  4. The sounds [s], [h] in word prefixes are softened: disconnect - [raz’y’ed’in’it’].
  5. Some consonants in words are not readable: bone - [inert '].
  6. The combination of the letters "sch", "zch" are read as "u": happiness - [sh'ast'y'e].
  7. The doubled consonant is indicated by ":": gradual - [past'ip'en: y'].

An example of sound-letter parsing of a word

  1. Write the word according to the spelling rules.
  2. Divide the word into syllables.
  3. Mark the stressed syllable.
  4. Say the word aloud and, based on this, perform transcription.
  5. Describe the vowel sounds in order, indicate which of them are stressed and which are unstressed. Describe consonants. Describe them: paired / unpaired, voiced / deaf, hard / soft.
  6. Count the number of sounds and letters in a word.

Examples of phonetic parsing

For example, below are selected words with the most interesting variants of phonetic analysis.

Nov 25

What are the rules of phonetic transcription for schoolchildren studying the Russian language in depth?

Phonetic transcription - 1) this is a system of signs and rules for their combination, designed to record pronunciation; 2) transcription is also called the very spelling of a word or text according to transcription rules.

The process of recording speech using transcription is called transcription.

Phonetic transcription is used to record sound speech.

Phonetic transcription at school

1. Transcription is enclosed in square brackets.

2. In transcription, it is not customary to write capital letters and put punctuation marks when transcribing sentences. Pauses between speech segments (usually coinciding with punctuation marks) are indicated by a double slash // (significant pause) or a single / (shorter pause).

3. In words consisting of more than one syllable, stress is placed: [z'imá] - winter. If two words are combined with a single stress, they make up one phonetic word, which is written together or with the help of a league: to the garden - [fsat], [f_sat].

4. The softness of a consonant sound is indicated by an apostrophe: [s'el] - sat down.

5. Recording of consonants is carried out using all the corresponding letters, except for u and y.

Special superscript or subscript icons can be placed next to the letter. They indicate some features of the sound, for example: o [n '] - an apostrophe denotes soft consonants: [n'obo] - palate;

The length of the sound is indicated by a superscript: [van¯a] - bath, [cas¯a] - cash desk.

The letter u corresponds to the sound that is conveyed by the sign [w ’] y [w ’] spruce - gorge, [sh ’] etina - bristles.

The sounds [w ’], [th], [h] are always soft. Note. For sounds [th], [h], it is not customary to denote softness with an apostrophe, although in some textbooks it is indicated.

Sounds [g], [w], [c] are always solid. Exceptions: soft [w ’] sounds in the words: jury - [w ’] yuri, Julien - [w ’] Julien, Jules - [w ’] Julien.

The letters ъ (hard sign), ь (soft sign) do not denote sounds, i.e. there are no such signs in the transcription for consonants: [razyom] - connector, [triangular] - triangular.

6. Recording vowels

Stressed vowels are transcribed using six characters: and - [and] - [p'ir] feast, s- [s] - [ardor] ardor, y - [y] - [beam] ray, e - [e] - [ l "es] forest, o - [o] - [house] house, a- [a] - [garden] garden.

The letters e, yo, i, yu denote double sounds [ye], [yo], [ya], [yu]: [ya] block - apple, water [yo] m - reservoir, [yu] g - south, [ ye] l - spruce. The letter and after the dividing soft sign also denotes a double sound [yi]: voro [b'yi] - sparrows.

Unstressed vowels [and], [s], [a] are not necessarily used in place of similar letters - you should carefully listen to the pronunciation of the word: mod [s] lier - fashion designer, d [a] ska - board, [and] skursant - excursionist , [a] search - search.

Phonetic transcription in manuals for in-depth study of the Russian language.

1. In some textbooks, additional signs are used to indicate vowels: [Λ], [ie], [ye], [b], [b].

In place of the letters o, and in the first pre-stressed syllable and the absolute beginning of the word, the sound [Λ] is pronounced: [vΛda] - water, [Λna] - she.

In place of the letters e and i in unstressed syllables, after soft consonants, a vowel is pronounced, intermediate between [i] and [e], but closer to [i], it is denoted [ie] (called “i, prone to e”): [l 'iesá] - forests, [r'ieb'ina] - mountain ash.

In place of the letter e, after solid hissing [w], [w], [c], it is pronounced [ye] (“s, prone to e”): w [ye] lat - to wish, sh [ye] ptat - whisper, q [ ye] on - the price. Exception: dance [a] wat - dance.

The sound [b] (“er”) is pronounced after solid consonants in the non-first pre-stressed and stressed syllables and is denoted by the letters a (locomotive [pravos]), o (milk [milako]), e (yellowness [zhlt "izna]).

The sound [b] (“her”) is pronounced after soft consonants in the non-first pre-stressed and stressed syllables and is denoted by the letters e (transition [n" pr "ihot]), i (ordinary [r" davoj]), a (hour [chsavoj) .

2. The Latin letter j denotes the consonant “yot” in transcription, which sounds in the words blocko - an apple, water - a reservoir, sparrows [b "ji] - sparrows, language - language, sara [j] - barn, ma [j] ka - T-shirt, cha [j] nickname - teapot, etc.

Sample phonetic transcription for school.

[bal’sháya plosh’at’ / na_katorai raspazhy’las’ tse’rkaf’ / was completely zan’itá dl’ i´nym’i r’idam’i t’il’e´k //]

A sample of phonetic transcription for in-depth students of the Russian language at school.

The large square on which the church was located was completely occupied by long rows of carts.

[bΛl’shájъ square’t’ / n_kΛtórj r’splΛzhy´ls’ tse´rkf’/was completely zn’ieta dl’i´n’m’r’iedam’i t’iel»e´k //]