collective opinion. The value of collective opinion in life and work

Opinion of the labor collective- a general opinion that is formed on the basis of prevailing points of view and realizes itself through collective (group) value judgments or practical actions of people. In these judgments and actions, moods, attitudes, value orientations, norms and traditions of the collective are reflected in a concentrated form. In each labor collective, a common opinion can be formed both on questions of interest to the broad masses of working people, and on questions that affect the interests of only members of this collective.

With the growth of education and culture of people, the range of manifestation of M. to. Today it actively interferes in the solution of not only purely economic, but also various socio-economic, political, spiritual and ideological problems. Especially confidently, as practice shows, the collective opinion is oriented in the sphere of moral relations, influencing the behavior and practical activities of the members of the team. In addition, in the field of morality, M., since it reveals its preventive purpose, reveals the ability to nip immoral acts in the bud.

The prevailing collective opinion can play a dual role: in one case it can be a strong moral and psychological barrier to the spread of negative phenomena, in the other (due to incorrect orientation) it can serve as a nutrient medium for their maturation and reproduction. One has to meet with the latter in those labor collectives where, in the name of the falsely understood "feeling of camaraderie:" and the preservation of a "good climate," they turn a blind eye to obvious flaws in the work and behavior of individual workers. Therefore, the creation, and everywhere, of the inevitability of a decisive condemnation by the collective opinion of any deviations from the norms of socialist morality is one of the key tasks of educational practice. Without the active and resolute help of collective opinion, it is impossible to get rid of the negative phenomena encountered in our lives. To achieve this, according to Lenin, is possible only on the condition "if the masses of the people themselves help."

M. because only then becomes an effective tool for education when it meets a number of requirements. Being formed in line with public and truly collective interests, it should be distinguished by unity of views, express the unbending will of the entire collective and its vanguard - the primary party organization. To be publicly expressed, in a vivid emotional and sensual form to give an objective and fair assessment of the labor contribution and behavior of team members. To have in view not the "average person", but, relying on the principle of a differentiated approach to people, to take into account their individual characteristics, proceeding from the generally accepted norms of socialist society.

The most educationally effective forms of expressing collective opinion: general meetings of the collective, workshop, site, brigade (in rural areas - gatherings of fellow villagers), permanent production meetings, comrades' courts with the involvement of veterans of the party and labor, cadre workers, propagandists, youth mentors.

Collective opinion can act not only as an important means of education, but also as a fundamental criterion for its effectiveness, since the reaction of the collective to events and facts of reality contains elements of the knowledge and beliefs of the people working in it, reveals their interests and life positions. Therefore, the results of studying the opinions of team members turn out to be valuable material both at the stage of planning educational work and in assessing its effectiveness. The adoption of the Law on labor collectives significantly increased the role of collective opinion in solving the primary issues of the economic, social and cultural life of the members of the collective. According to this Law, the opinions and proposals of labor collectives are taken into account by state authorities and administration when making decisions regarding the activities of relevant enterprises, institutions, organizations (Article 3), and the collective discussion of various issues and consideration of public opinion are defined as the basis for the participation of labor collectives in management (Article 4). In addition, when relying on collective opinion, measures of public encouragement and public punishment can be applied, the appointment and dismissal of executives (Article 9), the distribution of funds from the fund for social and cultural events and housing construction (Article 16) can be carried out. These and other powers that the labor collective and its general meeting have received will undoubtedly significantly activate the collective opinion and, along with the economic and social effect, will also have a great educational effect.

Group, collective opinion- this is the cumulative judgment and attitude of the members of the collective (all or a significant part of them) to the events and facts of reality in the life of the collective and its individual members, to their behavior and activities. This is a certain degree of unanimity of the members of the team. Collective opinion is an indicator of the orientation of the group psyche. It is a kind of synthesis, an alloy of individual opinions of the members of the team, one of the forms of rational, speculative manifestation of the group, collective consciousness and acts as a powerful motivating force for the behavior and activities of the members of the team. In the general opinion that has developed in the team, the strength of the beliefs, will, and feelings of the whole team is manifested.

In the collective opinion, the actions of each member of the team are evaluated. Such evaluation is systematic, daily, operational in the form of approval or condemnation, wishes or demands. Value judgments and attitudes in the collective opinion are often categorical and unambiguous and have the character of truth, since the work collective, as a rule, does not make mistakes in assessing its employees.

At the same time, the opinion in the team is a source of feedback, information for each employee about the compliance of his actions, behavior, attitudes towards things in the team, workmates, collective norms and rules, values.

The collective opinion is publicly expressed by the leader, by the meeting of the team members - this is the official opinion in the team.

In the team, along with the official opinion, which is expressed publicly, there may be an unofficial opinion. It is usually formed when members of the team disagree with official assessments, norms, and rules. Such an opinion may not only not coincide with the official one, but also be directed in the opposite direction. In this case, an unofficial opinion does not contribute to the rallying of the team, the creation and stabilization of a healthy moral and psychological atmosphere in it. It is a sign of serious contradictions between members of the team.

In its development, the collective opinion goes through a number of stages.

1. The stage of individual consciousness, when, according to this or that fact, event, the members of the collective develop individual assessments, judgments, attitudes.

2. The stage of group consciousness, when as a result of the mutual exchange of information, views, assessments, relationships in the team, employees unite around one or another basic point of view on the problem under discussion. In addition, there are usually relatively stable, spontaneously formed microgroups in the team, whose members evaluate certain events, as a rule, through the prism of group value orientations and attitudes.

3. Stage - when in the process of discussion in various forms of interaction (at a meeting, in other forms of communication) a common opinion is formed in the team.

29.8. Group moods in the team

The most dynamic form of manifestation of the group, collective psyche are general, group moods. These are general emotional states, the emotional mood of the team, this or that degree of unanimity, the totality of empathy of people who have mastered the team (or a significant part of it) at one or another moment or period of time.

Moods are inherent in any group of people, even random ones. Emphasizing this idea, V. M. Bekhterev noted: "Will we have a randomly assembled crowd in the street in front of us ... a rally - everywhere and everywhere we will meet with the manifestation of public sentiments." Acting primarily as the emotional side of the spiritual life of a particular social group, team, moods significantly affect the effectiveness of people's joint activities.

Unlike individual emotional states, group moods are largely conditioned by the social, group existence of people. Group moods are dynamic, they can quickly spread in the team, quickly change polarity: from positive to negative, from upsurge to apathy. In the general mood in the team, there may be different and even opposite tendencies.

Collective moods usually carry a large energy charge, have great effectiveness, and are contagious.

The mood in the team is often determined by the facts and events of reality, directly perceived by people. In the emergence of general group moods, the subconscious of people plays an important role. Group moods are more irrational and less conditioned by the rational, rational activity of people. Such moods can drown out the voice of reason and even turn a social group into a crowd (when panic occurs, for example).

In the presence of group emotional states, the effect of such a mechanism for protecting people as criticality and meaningful perception of reality is sharply reduced. For example, the activation of general emotional states of anger, hatred, feelings of honor, dignity, national pride, etc. in people. lowers and can even remove the action of the mind, prudence, caution and stir up a large energy potential.


  • - a term from the concept of the unconscious by K. Jung, according to which the experience of the phylogenetic development of a person is inherited with the help of archetypes, that is, universal, a priori patterns of behavior, which, as it were ...

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  • - According to C. G. Jung, it is a special form of social existence of the unconscious as the accumulator, custodian and bearer of the genetically inherited experience of the phylogenetic development of mankind...
  • - mental contents that belong not to an individual, but to society, people or humanity in general ...
  • - the structural level of the human psyche, containing hereditary elements. It must be distinguished from the personal unconscious...

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  • - the concept of Jung's analytical psychology, denoting the totality of universal unconscious mental structures inherited by people, mechanisms, archetypes, instincts, impulses, images, etc., ...

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  • - English. opinion, collective; German Collectivemeinung. The general opinion for this group, formed on the basis of consensus ...

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  • - an appeal of two or more citizens in writing containing a private interest, or an appeal of a public nature and adopted at a rally, meeting and signed by their organizers or participants ...

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  • - the concept of analytical psychology by K. Jung, denoting the totality of universal unconscious mental structures inherited by people, mechanisms, archetypes, instincts, impulses, images, etc., ...

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When receiving a referral for analysis, think about

what will you do if the result is:

a) positive

b) negative.

If the answers match, the need

disappear in the analysis.


The collective opinion is

In reality, not all of your thoughts are yours. To be honest, you generally have very few thoughts, but on the contrary, there are a lot of strangers.

Collective or public opinion is the opinion of the majority. Until people learned how to manipulate it and turned it into an instrument of power, it was very useful in the process of evolution. At present, the collective opinion contains many false judgments.

What is collective opinion? This is magic for the initiated! The one who understands how society's opinion works gets the steering wheel and power in his hands.

Collective opinion is a powerful tool, the power of which is welcomed by any democratic institution from a public organization to the country as a whole. Collective opinion changes the power and courses of countries, throws people into poverty or raises them above the whole world, educates the spirit or takes away the will.

Otherwise, the collective opinion is called the opinion of the majority or public opinion, or the opinion of the masses, the opinion of the labor collective. But no matter how they call it, they always talk about it as a kind of truth and law, actions against which are unacceptable and can undermine the unshakable and fundamental laws of society.

Collective opinion is a set of assessments of society on a certain number of issues. People are arranged in such a way that when experiencing any events, they share their personal opinion on them with others, and they, in turn, receive some opinion, without even coming into contact with the events that this person told them about. Thus, a large number of people (society) have an opinion about the event which they were not a participant in. The formation of their views took place on the basis of collective opinion.

The formation of a collective opinion is a social process. The original opinion can be subject to the judgments of different people. There is a process of interaction, where a complex of individual judgments is synthesized. After some time, a stable collective opinion influences the educational processes in society. They support and unite the team, and then suppress people who have a different opinion. If the collective does not accept common moral values ​​(criminal society), it can reach tyranny.

In the USSR, it was customary to use collective opinion in educational work. Comrades' courts developed strongly. In fact, they were a general meeting of members of the team at which the issue of the misconduct of one or another member of the team was discussed.

Secondary school teachers often resorted to the use of public opinion in the education of students. They held meetings to discuss the personality of students, seeking to develop the belief that the collective is always right, and the individual is obliged to act within the framework of the collective opinion.

Formation of collective opinion

Every phenomenon has its origin and development. Collective opinion also goes through a series of steps. Each stingy development of collective opinion is connected with the previous one.

The first step in the formation of a collective opinion is only a hint that arose at the level of emotions, feelings, spiritual impulses in an individual or several members of society. The second stage is connected with the exchange of impressions from the feelings that have arisen, the expression of one's vision to another (second) person. The third stage begins when the third participant begins to disseminate information based on the story of the second. In this case, we can already talk about the launch of public opinion and the beginning of the discussion. From the moment of the exchange of judgments, the process of the emergence of a collective opinion begins.

The fourth stage is when carriers, leaders, experts who know more on this issue are determined in the collective opinion. They cement a single collective opinion.

The fifth stage is a fully formed collective opinion. This is the opinion of the majority. More than 50% of the group or population, with individuals included in this process who can be distinguished as experts, leaders, information carriers.

The sixth stage in the development of collective opinion is the transfer and dissemination of collective opinion to other groups of people, in which information carriers, leaders, and experts have appeared.

The seventh step is related to action. Various groups of citizens are taking all sorts of actions to solve these problems.

The goals of the actions are to ensure that this collective opinion is expressed in specific decisions, rules, laws, etc. Therefore, the possibility of this action in the future pushes for certain actions in the present. For example, people invest money to make a profit, or go to vote to build a road, or learn a foreign language to improve their well-being, and so on.

The seventh step is action to achieve improvement. The communists, as an improvement in life, promised people the construction of a brighter future, which turned out to be a myth, but in reality only worsened the condition of people. After a while, it turned out that the road to hell was paved with the good intentions of the Communist Party. The formation of collective opinion occurs under the influence of everyday life circumstances. Its formation is strongly influenced by the living conditions of individuals.

Collective opinion is not always the ultimate truth. More often the opposite. The collective opinion is infected with viruses of social infections, programs of alien, often government interests, and is a tool for managing people in their upbringing. The ruling apparatus is always trying to include its own formulas in public opinion. He propagates the idea that a person who has comprehended only his own experience is primitive and does not have the opportunity to form accurate views.

A.A. Weissburg, apparently fulfilling an order “from above,” says, “In the process of accumulating personal experience that is not associated with the use of means of ideological and political education, an ordinary consciousness is formed, as a rule, which, due to primitivism and subjectivism, does not always provide a correct understanding by people public interest." These formulations form the basis of teaching students around the world. Therefore, young scientists are supposed to interfere in every possible way in the collective opinion through the media, resorting to suggestions, persuasion, explanatory work, etc.

As a result, at present, each individual does not have his own personal opinion, but the opinion that he received from outside. The course of the process of forming an opinion is affected by the very nature of the phenomenon on which the collective opinion is formed, interest in it, and the magnitude of the education of the team. There are many different methods for forming a healthy, effective collective opinion. But these methods should not be applied indiscriminately. They must be used kindly, for the benefit of society and in accordance with the logic of the formation of collective opinion.

Collective opinion as a means of manipulation

The collective is always superior to the individual. Subordination to the opinion of society and the collective is a reflex phenomenon. As a rule, violators are punished with terrible general condemnation. Many hard-hitting arguments are ready for them, capable of condemning the unfortunate and convincing the negligent to return to the bosom of the established opinions of the masses. Within society, it is possible to elevate individuals to the level of celestials and lower other people into social abysses, or create taboos, or, as it used to be, shoot dissidents by the thousands. In fact, the opinion of the masses often turns out to be a screen behind which the interests of states, clans and individuals are hidden. This may mean that, in reality, belief in public or collective opinion is an infiltrated virus of consciousness, which, among other things, performs the functions of managing the public. This virus Trojan seems to be harmless as long as it is not used against the moral foundations and life of a person, but this is not always the case.

Sometimes, relying on collective opinion, someone tries to humiliate or morally crush you. Most often, an action is carried out against you not in the interests of society, but only of some representatives of the clan. Let us turn to examples in order to understand some of the gaps in the mass, social structure. These will be rather cruel examples affecting the social structure and exposing its dangers.

Suppose society is preparing for elections, to which everyone is invited except those who are not yet 18 years old. In other words, everyone but sane people under 18 go to the polls. They are considered children. It is for them that the whole society lives, but they are excluded from the election process. They do not invite to the elections precisely those for whom practically every person on earth lives and in what he finds the meaning of his life. Why were those who were labeled “children” excluded from the list in advance? Such questions can be asked to a more civilized society than the one in which we live. Today's realities are such that the law has rejected their opinion as second-rate and incapable, which means that future elected representatives: deputies, mayors, various heads, etc., no longer have to focus on the non-voting part of society. Is it possible now to talk about the opinion of the whole society, if a significant part of it. Sometimes 40% of the population is simply not allowed to vote.

But, for example, the alcoholic Vasya came to the polls. True, he did this not because he decided to show his civic position, just one of the candidates promised him his coveted alcohol. So is Vasya's intellect and logical abilities comparable to the person on whom the label of a child lies? Of course, when conducting psychological testing, our hypothetical Vasya will lose. Is a schoolboy worse than those crazy people who are allowed to vote? But they vote in hospitals. All over the world, with the will of the people, the opinion of the most responsible, sensitive, enterprising part of society, which are children, is rejected. Children are labeled as minors, and even the very word child is already a restriction of the right. Doubt it? Then how do you react to someone who calls you a child? In court, you can prove that this word is an insult to you.

All this is a very good example in order to see the imperceptible mechanism of the collective opinion. The situation is a reflection of our attitude towards children in general. We always expect them to make mistakes and rigidly reshape their psyche to fit the norms of society, often erroneous, honest relations between adults and children are below and beyond the relationship between adults and alcoholics and crazy people. Humane principles, the very basis of love, humanity come to our souls in childhood. To become better and more humane to the whole society, it is enough just to start trusting children completely. And carefully nurture in children this, the very present, the future of planet Earth.

Today it's completely the opposite. And it's very sad. It is worth, for example, to look at the school system in order to see the mistakes that we make only from our attitude towards children as inferior citizens, and not small people.

For example, what worldview is given to children if there is no spiritual relationship between the teacher and the child in schools? Absolutely negative outlook. It is worth talking with schoolchildren to understand that at school the child feels a hostile environment, where teachers act as enforcers, and do not entail creativity and spirituality on the wings. In the view of children, the school is a forced evil, where you have to adapt, dissemble, deceive in order to get the least possible evil. At school, a child needs to get good grades, but spend as little work on it as possible and put on a mask suitable for universal approval to hide a quivering and sensitive soul deeper.

Humiliation and deception, tricks, pretense and cunning - these are legitimate weapons for the protection of the child's personality find their full use. In most modern schools, future citizens hone their survival skills. Teachers attack and force—children defend themselves and adopt new ways of adapting. At the same time, at home, students often find approval for their actions in the face of their parents. The views of parents on the education system are almost the same as those of their children, and there are small differences.

Thus begins the upbringing of disrespect for authority. This means that the degree of expectation from the authorities as a whole is also not great. Power limits - the people adapt. This is what misunderstandings lead to. This is how the snowball of society's problems grows. But the examples of bad social order do not end there.