Circles on the water. Create water ripples and circles on the water

Part One - Draw Water Circles in Paint.NET

Create a new image with default dimensions of 800 by 600 pixels. Using the DropRipple effect from the Ed Harvey Effects kit (menu "Effects" - "Distortions"). We used the default effect settings, except for the following values:

Ripples Phase=0.75

The result can be seen in the figure below.

Now let's invert the colors. To do this, use the correction "Corrections" - "Invert Colors"

We change the brightness and contrast of the resulting picture using the standard Paint.NET correction - “Brightness and Contrast”. We used the brightness value of 60, and the contrast of 40.

Now let's make smoother borders using the standard Paint.NET effect - "Gaussian Blur" with a blur radius of 15.

Let's rotate the image so that it is located as if on a plane. To do this, use the layer tool (Layers menu) in Paint.NET "Rotate and Scale". Used parameter values: Tilt angle 90, Tilt radius 70, scale 1.45, other parameters 0.

Let's add volume to the image using the Alpha Displacement effect. Changed parameters:

Y= -30 (minus 30)

Natural Value = 80

We did not change the rest of the effect parameter values, relative to the default values. Tip: for better anti-aliasing, when using this effect, you should not use large values ​​for the X and / or Y parameters.

Part Two - Draw a Water Drop in Paint.NET

Create a new layer on the image and fill it with black. Use the Paint.NET brush tool with a size (width) of 60 and put a dot-circle with white color. Let's apply the standard Paint.NET effect to the layer - Gaussian Blur with a blur radius of 20. The result should be as in the figure below.

Throwing pebbles into the water, look at the circles they form:
otherwise such throwing will be empty fun.
Kozma Prutkov

A task

A stone was thrown into the lake, and circular waves ran across the surface of the water. They consist of concentric ridges and troughs. Let us agree to draw the boundary between the wave area and the flat surface of the water along the outermost ridge.

Find, with what acceleration the wave area expands (an order of magnitude estimate is sufficient).

Hint 1

The condition of the problem, formulated in such a peremptory way, means that first it is necessary to explain why the expansion will be accelerated at all, then to prove that the acceleration will be more or less constant, and only then to estimate its magnitude. Moreover, the very last step can, in some approximation, be done immediately - after all, if the wave parameters are not given in the problem, this means that the required acceleration should be expressed only in terms of universal quantities related to the problem.

Hint 2

We are used to the fact that waves move from some speed, but not acceleration; it is not for nothing that there is the speed of light, the speed of sound, the speed of seismic waves, etc. However, in certain situations, waves can slow down or speed up. For example, a tsunami moves in the open ocean at great speed, but when it comes to the shelf and then to the shore, it abruptly slows down and swells. Thus, at first it is necessary to figure out what the wave speed in this problem generally depends on.

Generally speaking, waves on the surface of the water, despite all their routine, are one of the most complex types of waves. The nature of the wave and the forces due to which the water, taken out of equilibrium, tends to return to its original position, depend primarily on the wavelength. If it does not exceed a centimeter, then the surface tension forces (capillary waves) play the main role in the propagation of waves. If the wavelength is ten centimeters or more, gravity comes to the fore; then we are talking about gravitational waves on water (not to be confused with other gravitational waves - distortions of space-time!). In this case, it is still necessary to distinguish between gravitational waves in shallow water (if the wavelength is much greater than the depth of the reservoir) and in deep water. Tsunami in the open ocean, as strange as it sounds, refers to waves in shallow water.

Thus, it is necessary to understand what type of waves a stone thrown into a lake generates, find an expression for the wave speed and understand how to derive from this the accelerating expansion of the wave zone.

Hint 3

The correct formula for the wave speed in this problem would contain the wavelength. The very first waves formed from the splash have a wavelength of the order of the size of the stone (that is, several centimeters). However, this surge cannot answer only one wavelength, since such a wave would be strictly periodic, and therefore unlimited in space. The initial burst is actually an overlay of an infinite number of wave components at once with all wavelengths (this statement is the same as the spectral decomposition of a sound wave or a radio signal). Being generated by a stone that fell into the lake, these waves further begin to change according to their hydrodynamic laws, some waves faster, and some slower.

Let time pass from the moment the stone fell t. Find which waves managed to "turn on" in evolution during this time and what size they occupy.


A stone thrown into a lake generates gravitational waves in deep water. If the wavelength is λ, then the period of oscillation and the (phase) velocity of such a wave have the form

where g- acceleration of gravity. It can be seen that the longer the wavelength, the faster the wave runs, but also the slower it evolves in time.

The initial surge is a set of all possible waves with any λ. It's just that waves with λ much larger than the size of the stone are superimposed on each other in antiphase, and so precisely that they completely cancel each other away from the stone. However, over time, these waves begin to evolve and gradually leave the regime of strict compensation. To establish the outer boundary of the zone of unrest, we need to follow the fastest waves that are "included" in the evolution.

If time has passed since the fall of the stone t, then waves with a period of the order of T ~ t. The wave zone must contain at least one length of such a wave. From here we find an approximate expression for the radius of the wave zone:

The quadratic dependence on time is a sign of uniformly accelerated motion. The acceleration is approximately

This is, of course, only an order of magnitude estimate: the most we can say is that the acceleration is proportional to g and, apparently, several times less than it.


In principle, the fact that the circles on the water do not expand uniformly, but with acceleration, can be seen with the naked eye. However, while watching them, you need to remember a few things.

  • It must really be gravitational waves in deep water: that is, the size of the stone must be several centimeters, and the size of the reservoir - at least several meters. A drop falling into a cup of water will give rise to waves of a completely different kind and behavior.
  • It is necessary to follow not some particular crest, but the wave front as a whole. As time goes on, the oscillations at the periphery of the zone will become more and more long-wavelength; it is due to them that the zone of unrest expands rapidly. However, they will have smaller and smaller amplitudes, making observation even more difficult.
  • In order to notice long-wavelength and low-amplitude oscillations, it is necessary that the initial surface of the water be as smooth as possible; even a slight rough sea will hide this effect.

Let us conclude with a couple more points. First, the dependence of the velocity on the wavelength leads to other beautiful wave phenomena. For example, the characteristic wave wake from a ship moving on a flat surface of water (the so-called ship waves) also arises due to this dependence.

Secondly, when solving the problem, we considered that waves with different lengths do not interfere with each other, but simply overlap, like light rays of different colors. In fact, this assumption (the principle of superposition) has a limited scope, since water waves are non-linear. This means that the spectral decomposition also changes gradually over time. Moreover, a monochromatic wave on water is unstable: even if you start with a purely periodic oscillation with one wavelength, then the order will gradually be violated in it and waves of different heights and lengths will begin to appear. For short-term processes, this phenomenon is insignificant. But if we are talking, for example, about the long-term evolution of sea waves, then we cannot do without taking into account the nonlinearity. It is possible that the famous killer waves also arise due to this effect (see about extreme waves).

This article is proposed for deletion. An explanation of the reasons and the corresponding discussion can be found on the Wikipedia page: To be deleted / July 18, 2012. While the discussion process ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Circles on the water. Circles on the water Genre: detective

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A kind of waves on water, in which the force that returns the deformed surface of the water to a state of equilibrium is simply gravity, i.e. height difference of the ridge and trough in the gravitational field. Contents 1 General properties 2 Dispersion law ... Wikipedia

Arkady Averchenko Date of birth: March 15 (27), 1881 (1881 03 27) Place of birth: Sevastopol, Russian Empire ... Wikipedia

a circle- a, in (on) a circle / and a circle / ge, pl. i /, o / c, m. 1) (in, on a circle / ge) Part of the plane bounded by a circle. Area of ​​a circle. Draw a circle. Synonyms: circle / zhnost 2) (in, on a circle / ge) A platform, an object having the shape of a circle ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

a circle- a, suggestion; about the circle / ge, in the circle / ge and in the circle /; pl. circles/; m. see also. on a circle, a circle 1) suggest., in a circle / ge Part of the plane bounded by a circle; the circle itself. Calculate the area of ​​a circle... Dictionary of many expressions

Ah, suggestion. about the circle, in the circle and in the circle; pl. circles; m. 1. offer. in a circle. Part of a plane bounded by a circle; the circle itself. Calculate the area of ​​the circle. Draw k. Draw k. around you. Squaring the circle. Circles on the water from the abandoned ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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Rits; nesov. 1. Get wider. How he yawned! His mouth twisted, torn from one ear to the other, expanding, growing, swallowing his whole face. L. Andreev, At the station. Muddy streams rush along the road, the Salgir violently spilled. He is everything... ... Small Academic Dictionary


  • Circles on the water, Arkady Averchenko. Moscow-Leningrad, 1928. Publishing house "Land and factory". New binding. The original cover has been retained. The safety is good. There are signs of aging on the pages of the publication.…
  • Circles on the water, Averchenko Arkady Timofeevich. Arkady Averchenko (1881-1925) - famous satirist writer, playwright, theater critic and editor of the famous periodicals "Satyricon" and "New Satyricon". In this edition…

Marine doctor Valentin Shepilov, who visited almost all oceans, once told about one mysterious phenomenon.

One night, the captain ran into the doctor's cabin and asked him to come up to the bridge, where, pointing to the water, he said with fright and delight: “Look! Underwater saucers of aliens!” On the surface of the sea, several luminous circles were actually spinning.

Shepilov grinned, filled a bucket of sea water and asked the captain to return to the cabin. There he poured water into the tub. The captain shrugged in disbelief. Then Shepilov turned off the light, and the water in the bath lit up. Underwater UFOs turned out to be ordinary luminous plankton. It would seem that everything is simple. But...

Not so simple

Many sailors have observed huge luminous circles in different areas of the oceans. Here are just a few of the recorded facts.

Glowing circles in the Indian Ocean

The first message about the mysterious phenomenon came from the captain of the English warship Welcher. On April 13, 1879, the captain and crew in the Persian Gulf followed the movements of two huge underwater "wheels" that had 16 "spokes" of light rays. Luminous "spokes" were spinning at a speed of about 130 kilometers per hour.

In 1880, a similar phenomenon was observed by sailors from the Shahinkhin ships off the Malabar coast and Patna in the Persian Gulf. The length of the rays in the "wheels" was about 600 meters. After the first information about circles on the water, messages fell like a cornucopia.

Here are some examples from the memoirs of Soviet sailors. Once the sailors of the scientific vessel "Vladimir Vorobyov", who were resting after the shift, woke up from a feeling of fear. It happened in the Bay of Bengal. The crew of the ship and scientists observed the movement of eight white rays about 200 meters long underwater. The rays came from some object of large mass, located at a depth of 20 meters under the ship - as the instruments showed. The whole "scene" lasted no more than 30 minutes.

Spinning "wheels" on the surface of the ocean (drawing according to the descriptions of witnesses)

On June 8, 1984, members of the crew of the Professor Pavlenko, while sailing in the Neretvan Bay of the Adriatic Sea, saw a bright spot suddenly appear on the surface of the water. Luminous circles with clear boundaries radiated from it. Their speed of propagation was about 100 meters per minute.

It is worth noting that these luminous objects almost always suddenly appeared and just as suddenly disappeared. Sailors from Asian countries called the spinning circles "Buddha wheels", Europeans - "the devil's carousel".

And here is another evidence from the numerous facts collected by ufologists. In July 1978, sailors of the crew of the Novokuznetsk ship in Guayaquil Bay, not far from the equator, saw four luminous stripes 20 meters long appear at the bow of the ship. Then two more 10-meter approached the starboard side of the ship.

Then, 100 meters from the ship, a white flattened ball the size of a soccer ball rose from the water and flew around the ship. Then the object hovered over the Novokuznetsk for several seconds and again sank into the waters of the bay. Here it is already necessary to talk about unidentified underwater objects seen by earthlings.

Unidentified underwater objects

People who have observed the luminous "wheels" have noted more than once that they have a source. From the waters, objects of various types often “jumped out”, which performed various maneuvers, and then plunged back. These actions of underwater bodies make it possible to refute the assumption of skeptics that meteorites, rocket stages or fragments of artificial satellites launched into space fell into the water.

Also, when objects were immersed in water, people did not notice steam emissions, which means they were not red-hot. And if we recall the cases that occurred in the 19th century, then here, of course, we are not talking about spacecraft at all.

In 1824, readers of Andrew Blockham's Diary learned of a strange phenomenon seen by the author of the notes on August 12 of that year. Blockham's ship sailed on the waters of the Atlantic. Suddenly, the watchmen noticed how a huge round body rose from the water, which emitted a bright light. In a moment it disappeared into the clouds.

In 1884, the English ship Innerwisch was almost capsized by a strong wave, moreover, a round object. It flew over the ship, and then, with a loud sound, sank into the water. In 1887, two round flying objects appeared above the Dutch ship Jeannie Hey. One of them glowed, the other was dark. After a while, one of them “dived” into the water with a crash and a splash.

Let's move on to the twentieth century. Hundreds, if not thousands, of sightings of flying and floating saucers, cigars, and balloons have been recorded. Here is some of them. In 1969, an elliptical object 25 meters long flew over the American military transport Sparrow. Radio communication on the ship immediately disappeared. After passing over the ship, the o6 object turned sharply to the side, instantly picked up speed and descended five miles from the ship. For several minutes, a luminous circle was visible on the surface of the water in this place.

In 1972, many eyewitnesses on the Mediterranean coast observed a plate with a diameter of about 100 meters. From time to time, bright rays emanated from the object. The disk flew in a circle, and then, when some lights lit up under the water, it sank in this place into the sea and disappeared. For 15 minutes, the sailors of the crew of the Argentinean ship Naviero watched a thirty-meter cigar move next to the ship, which did not at all resemble a submarine. Then the "alien ship" plunged into the water, passed under the bottom of the "Naviero" and disappeared into the depths of the ocean, radiating a bright glow.

Unidentified objects also appear in inland waters. For example, hydrologists encountered an unknown object in August 1970 in Kamchatka, on Lake Kronotsky, the depth of which reaches 100 meters. Four scientists were walking on a motorboat on the lake. Suddenly, a dome of billowing water formed about a kilometer away. An oval object flew out of it. He hovered over a boat whose engine had stopped working. Having studied the earthlings and their equipment, the object flew towards the ocean at a very high speed. The boat engine started up again.

A spinning "wheel" observed in 1967 in the Gulf of Thailand. (Reconstruction according to the descriptions of eyewitnesses).

In 1982, one of the military information bulletins reported that “on Baikal, on the Pamir lake Sarez and a number of other deep-sea lakes in the USSR, huge disks and balls dived under water and emerged, a powerful glow from the depths and even the appearance of underwater humanoid beings” .


There is no shortage of hypotheses, of course. According to one of them, moving "wheels" are groups of luminous microorganisms. But this conclusion does not explain the rectilinear nature of the rays. In addition, the speed of movement of unidentified objects for microorganisms is too high.

The authors of another hypothesis tried to explain this phenomenon by "successive illumination of microorganisms by seismic waves from the ocean floor." But how then to explain the symmetry of the "wheels" and their uniform rotation? By the way, the sailors of the vessel "Vladimir Vorobyov" in the place where the "wheels" were spinning took water samples and did not find any luminous plankton in it.

The author of the book "Invisible Residents" Professor Sanderson suggested that all these oddities are electrical in nature. However, fireballs rising from the water and objects sinking into it do not fit into this concept. Desperate to give a natural interpretation of these amazing phenomena, Sanderson suggested that the inexplicable phenomenon be considered the activity of some underwater civilization.

Marine doctor Valentin Shepilov, who visited almost all oceans, once told about one mysterious phenomenon.

One night, the captain ran into the doctor's cabin and asked him to come up to the bridge, where, pointing to the water, he said with fright and delight: “Look! Underwater saucers of aliens!” On the surface of the sea, several luminous circles were actually spinning.

Shepilov grinned, filled a bucket of sea water and asked the captain to return to the cabin. There he poured water into the tub. The captain shrugged in disbelief. Then Shepilov turned off the light, and the water in the bath lit up. Underwater UFOs turned out to be ordinary luminous plankton. It would seem that everything is simple. But...

Not so simple

Many sailors have observed huge luminous circles in different areas of the oceans. Here are just a few of the recorded facts.

Glowing circles in the Indian Ocean

The first message about the mysterious phenomenon came from the captain of the English warship Welcher. On April 13, 1879, the captain and crew in the Persian Gulf followed the movements of two huge underwater "wheels" that had 16 "spokes" of light rays. Luminous "spokes" were spinning at a speed of about 130 kilometers per hour.

In 1880, a similar phenomenon was observed by sailors from the Shahinkhin ships off the Malabar coast and Patna in the Persian Gulf. The length of the rays in the "wheels" was about 600 meters. After the first information about circles on the water, messages fell like a cornucopia.

Here are some examples from the memoirs of Soviet sailors. Once the sailors of the scientific vessel "Vladimir Vorobyov", who were resting after the shift, woke up from a feeling of fear. It happened in the Bay of Bengal. The crew of the ship and scientists observed the movement of eight white rays about 200 meters long underwater. The rays came from some object of large mass, located at a depth of 20 meters under the ship - as the instruments showed. The whole "scene" lasted no more than 30 minutes.

Spinning "wheels" on the surface of the ocean (drawing according to the descriptions of witnesses)

On June 8, 1984, members of the crew of the Professor Pavlenko, while sailing in the Neretvan Bay of the Adriatic Sea, saw a bright spot suddenly appear on the surface of the water. Luminous circles with clear boundaries radiated from it. Their speed of propagation was about 100 meters per minute.

It is worth noting that these luminous objects almost always suddenly appeared and just as suddenly disappeared. Sailors from Asian countries called the spinning circles "Buddha wheels", Europeans - "the devil's carousel".

And here is another evidence from the numerous facts collected by ufologists. In July 1978, sailors of the crew of the Novokuznetsk ship in Guayaquil Bay, not far from the equator, saw four luminous stripes 20 meters long appear at the bow of the ship. Then two more 10-meter approached the starboard side of the vessel.

Then, 100 meters from the ship, a white flattened ball the size of a soccer ball rose from the water and flew around the ship. Then the object hovered over the Novokuznetsk for several seconds and again sank into the waters of the bay. Here it is already necessary to talk about unidentified underwater objects seen by earthlings.

Unidentified underwater objects

People who have observed the luminous "wheels" have noted more than once that they have a source. From the waters, objects of various types often “jumped out”, which performed various maneuvers, and then plunged back. These actions of underwater bodies make it possible to refute the assumption of skeptics that meteorites, rocket stages or fragments of artificial satellites launched into space fell into the water.

Also, when objects were immersed in water, people did not notice steam emissions, which means they were not red-hot. And if we recall the cases that occurred in the 19th century, then here, of course, we are not talking about spacecraft at all.

In 1824, readers of Andrew Blockham's Diary learned of a strange phenomenon seen by the author of the notes on August 12 of that year. Blockham's ship sailed on the waters of the Atlantic. Suddenly, the watchmen noticed how a huge round body rose from the water, which emitted a bright light. In a moment it disappeared into the clouds.

In 1884, the English ship Innerwisch was almost capsized by a strong wave, moreover, a round object. It flew over the ship, and then, with a loud sound, sank into the water. In 1887, two round flying objects appeared above the Dutch ship Jeannie Hey. One of them glowed, the other was dark. After a while, one of them “dived” into the water with a crash and a splash.

Let's move on to the twentieth century. Hundreds, if not thousands, of sightings of flying and floating saucers, cigars, and balloons have been recorded. Here is some of them. In 1969, an elliptical object 25 meters long flew over the American military transport Sparrow. Radio communication on the ship immediately disappeared. After passing over the ship, the o6 object turned sharply to the side, instantly picked up speed and descended five miles from the ship. For several minutes, a luminous circle was visible on the surface of the water in this place.

In 1972, many eyewitnesses on the Mediterranean coast observed a plate with a diameter of about 100 meters. From time to time, bright rays emanated from the object. The disk flew in a circle, and then, when some lights lit up under the water, it sank in this place into the sea and disappeared. For 15 minutes, the sailors of the crew of the Argentinean ship Naviero watched a thirty-meter cigar move next to the ship, which did not at all resemble a submarine. Then the "alien ship" plunged into the water, passed under the bottom of the "Naviero" and disappeared into the depths of the ocean, radiating a bright glow.

Unidentified objects also appear in inland waters. For example, hydrologists encountered an unknown object in August 1970 in Kamchatka, on Lake Kronotsky, the depth of which reaches 100 meters. Four scientists were walking on a motorboat on the lake. Suddenly, a dome of billowing water formed about a kilometer away. An oval object flew out of it. He hovered over a boat whose engine had stopped working. Having studied the earthlings and their equipment, the object flew towards the ocean at a very high speed. The boat engine started up again.

A spinning "wheel" observed in 1967 in the Gulf of Thailand. (Reconstruction according to the descriptions of eyewitnesses).

In 1982, one of the military information bulletins reported that “on Baikal, on the Pamir lake Sarez and a number of other deep-sea lakes in the USSR, huge disks and balls dived under water and emerged, a powerful glow from the depths and even the appearance of underwater humanoid beings” .


There is no shortage of hypotheses, of course. According to one of them, moving "wheels" are groups of luminous microorganisms. But this conclusion does not explain the rectilinear nature of the rays. In addition, the speed of movement of unidentified objects for microorganisms is too high.

The authors of another hypothesis tried to explain this phenomenon by "successive illumination of microorganisms by seismic waves from the ocean floor." But how then to explain the symmetry of the "wheels" and their uniform rotation? By the way, the sailors of the vessel "Vladimir Vorobyov" in the place where the "wheels" were spinning took water samples and did not find any luminous plankton in it.

The author of the book "Invisible Residents" Professor Sanderson suggested that all these oddities are electrical in nature. However, fireballs rising from the water and objects sinking into it do not fit into this concept. Desperate to give a natural interpretation of these amazing phenomena, Sanderson suggested that the inexplicable phenomenon be considered the activity of some underwater civilization.