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Service in the army involves significant physical exertion, so young men must undergo a medical examination. The presence of ophthalmic diseases of a weak and moderate degree is not an indication for removal from the army. At the same time, there are a number of eye diseases that prohibit military service due to a possible deterioration in vision.

Service in the army is prohibited if the young man has serious eye diseases, which, with strong physical exertion, can lead to deterioration of vision or even its complete loss. In turn, young people with a mild or moderate degree of refractive error, for example, myopia or hyperopia, can serve - fully or with some restrictions, depending on the decision made by the ophthalmologist of the military commission. In some situations, the doctor indicates the need to reduce physical activity for the conscript or enroll him in a certain branch of the military.

What vision imposes a restriction on military service?

Many are interested in what kind of eye diseases and what kind of vision they do not take into the army. There are a number of serious ophthalmic diseases that impose a ban on being in the army. With strong physical exertion, they can progress and cause serious complications, up to retinal detachment and loss of vision. Their list is indicated in the special document "Schedule of Diseases", which is used by doctors when deciding on the suitability or unsuitability of a conscript. It specifically states at what vision they do not take into the army. Often, a conscript with serious eye diseases is considered completely unfit for service, in which there is a significant risk of loss of vision.

Diseases for which you can not serve:

  • Visual acuity less than 0.09 in one eye, as well as blindness in one eye and visual acuity less than 0.3 in the other;
  • Any retinal disorders;
  • Glaucoma;
  • Violation of the functioning of the muscles of the eye;
  • Diseases of the lacrimal ducts;
  • eye injury;
  • Chronic conjunctivitis;
  • Color blindness (wrong perception of colors);
  • Anatomical deformation of the eyes (congenital);
  • Any progressive ophthalmic disease.

Vision suitability categories

If the conscript has a weak or moderate degree of refractive error or some features of the eyelids and conjunctiva, according to the Schedule of Diseases, he is fit for service (category A).
Conscripts with chronic non-progressive diseases of the iris, cornea, retina, lens and optic nerve, as well as diseases of the eye muscles and glaucoma in the early stages, as a rule, are considered eligible, but with some restrictions (categories "B" and "C"). They are sent to serve in a certain type of troops. When it comes to special conditions, it means a reduced level of physical activity, a more favorable climate and other factors.
In some cases, a young man may receive a temporary deferment from the army, for example, with an exacerbation of an ophthalmic disease or in the postoperative period when rehabilitation is required (category D). The regulation on military medical medicine also defines a list of diseases, the presence of which allows us to assert complete unfitness for service. Some of them can be diagnosed immediately, and some - after a certain time, established by regulatory documents. In this case, the young man is considered unfit for service.

"A" - fit for service (weak or moderate degree of refractive error, minor conjunctivitis, features of the eyelids);
"B" and "C" - fit for service with restrictions or limited fit (non-progressive chronic diseases of the iris, cornea, etc.);
"G" - temporarily unsuitable (acute stage of eye diseases, postoperative condition);
"D" - unfit for service (serious diseases indicated in the section "Schedule of diseases").

With what vision they don’t take to the army: norms and deviations

Some of the most common refractive errors are nearsightedness and farsightedness. With these pathologies, the lens is partially deformed, as a result of which the focus of refraction of the rays goes astray (located in front of the retina or behind it), and the person does not clearly see objects located far and near, respectively.

  • Myopia

With myopia, fitness for service is regulated by Article 34 of the Schedule of Diseases. According to this document, the young man receives category A (fit) with myopia from -1 to -5 diopters. It is believed that such a violation of refraction will not adversely affect the stay in the army. Recruits with myopia from -6 to -12 diopters will be able to receive a military ID marked "fit for service with some restrictions" or "limited fit". With myopia more than -12 diopters, a young man will not be accepted into the army.

It should also be noted that if during the service the vision rapidly began to deteriorate, in this case an unscheduled examination by an ophthalmologist is performed, on the basis of which the final decision is made.

Categories of suitability for myopia:
"A" - fit for service (from -1 to -5 diopters);
"B" and "C" - can serve, but with restrictions (from -6 to -12 diopters);
"D" - unsuitable (more than -12 diopters).

  • farsightedness

Conscripts with farsightedness up to 8 diopters are considered fit for military service. According to experts, in this case, strong physical activity cannot adversely affect the general condition of the visual system. If visual impairment with hypermetropia ranges from 8 to 12 diopters, the young man is likely to receive a military ID with categories "B" and "C", indicating the possibility of serving with restrictions. If the deviation is more than 12 diopters, the ophthalmologist imposes a ban on any physical activity, which makes it impossible to stay in the army.

Categories of suitability for farsightedness:
"A" - fit for service (from 1 to 8 diopters);
"B" and "C" - can serve, but with restrictions (from 8 to 12 diopters);
"D" - can not serve (more than 12 diopters).

What kind of vision is taken into the army in the presence of astigmatism?

Astigmatism is a common disease that occurs due to the curvature of the cornea or lens. In this case, it is difficult for the patient to clearly focus on objects, he sees them blurry and distorted. In ophthalmology, there are several types of astigmatism: simple, complex and mixed. However, this does not play any role in passing the commission, since doctors do not take into account the type of pathology, but its degree. Article 34 of the “Schedule of Diseases” states that category “D”, that is, complete unfitness for service, corresponds to a strong degree of astigmatism, when the difference in refractions along the two meridians is 6 diopters and above. In turn, with an average degree of the disease (the difference in the meridians is from 3 to 6 diopters), the ophthalmologist can assign a category with restrictions (“B” or “C”). In the presence of mild astigmatism (up to 3 diopters), there are no features. With such vision they take in the army.

"A" - fit for service (up to 3 diopters);
"B" and "C" - can serve with restrictions (from 3 to 6 diopters);
"D" - can not serve (more than 6 diopters).

Other diseases

If, during the examination, the ophthalmologist of the medical commission discovers any damage to the retina, then the young man at least receives a reprieve from the army for a long time. This is necessary to establish the cause of the disease (inflammation, eye injury, exacerbation of the disease, etc.). In this case, the conscript will most likely need surgery with a long rehabilitation period. Most often, when problems with the retina are detected, the ophthalmologist gives a complete exemption from the service.

In glaucoma, the degree of the disease plays a significant role. A young man with glaucoma progressing in both eyes is considered unfit for the army. In other cases, the ophthalmologist determines some restrictions with which it is allowed to serve. When diagnosing chronic conjunctivitis, a young person receives a ticket with category "D" only if the disease has led to significant visual impairment. With its non-progressive degree, he is called up for service with restrictions. After the examination, the doctor writes a conclusion in the personal file of the conscript. It is accompanied by comments, on the basis of which the young man is sent to a certain branch of the army.

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Those with poor eyesight are not accepted into the army. But what meaning does the military commissariat attach to the word "bad"? Usually, the opinions of military enlistment office doctors and young people differ on this issue. To figure out in which cases people with poor eyesight are taken into the army, you need to refer to the Schedule of Diseases, a document that members of the medical board rely on when determining fitness for service.

The army and vision is a vast topic. There are dozens of eye diseases, and each of them has a separate category of suitability. In this article, using the most common diagnoses as an example, I will analyze whether people with poor eyesight are taken into the army.

With what vision do they not take to the army in 2019?

According to the Schedule of Diseases, each eye disease has its own:

  • "A" - suitable for military service.
  • "B" - fit for service with minor restrictions.
  • "B" - limited fit for service.
  • "G" - temporarily unusable.
  • "D" - not fit for military service.

If we transfer these categories to eye diseases, then persons with insignificant anatomical features of the eyelids and conjunctiva, hyperopia of 6-8 diopters, myopia of 3-6 diopters, and astigmatism of 2-4 diopters are considered fit for military service.

Myopia and exemption from the army

Nearsightedness or myopia is an eye disease in which the curvature of the lens is disturbed and a person cannot focus on objects that are far away.

Examination for myopia is carried out according to Article 34 of the Schedule of Diseases. It is believed that vision up to -6 diopters in the army will not interfere with the service. You can get a military ID for vision only with myopia of more than 6 diopters. The category of suitability in this case corresponds to the following indications:

  • "B" - more than 6 and up to 12 diopters;
  • "D" - more than 12 diopters.

Expert opinion

Conscripts who want to get a military ID for health reasons either do not know whether it is possible not to serve with their illness, or do not understand how to be exempt from conscription due to their diagnosis. Read the real stories of conscripts who received a military ID in the "" section.

Ekaterina Mikheeva, head of the legal department of the Assistance Service for Conscripts

Farsightedness and exemption from the army

Farsightedness also occurs when the lens is curved. If at least one eye has such a disorder, hypermetropia is diagnosed.

If a conscript has confirmed hypermetropia of any eye in one of the meridians of more than 8.0 diopters, then the military registration and enlistment office will have to release him from conscription.Farsightedness indicators for exemption from the army should be as follows:

  • "B" - more than 8 and less than 12 diopters;
  • "D" - more than 12 diopters.

In other cases, the young man is recognized as fit for service in certain branches of the military.

Astigmatism and the Army 2019

AT There are three forms of astigmatism: mixed, simple or compound astigmatism. You can end up in the army with any of them, since when determining suitability, doctors look not at the type of pathology, but at the degree of its development:

  • Weak - the difference in refractions in two meridians up to 3 diopters,
  • Average - the difference in refractions in two meridians is 3-6 diopters,
  • Strong - the difference in refractions in the two meridians is more than 6 diopters.

Whether an eye with astigmatism is taken into the army depends on the degree of visual impairment. Astigmatism of a strong degree corresponds to the fitness category "D". With an average degree, the ophthalmologist of the military medical commission can put the category "B" or "C". The non-draft category "B" is exhibited if the difference in refractions exceeds 4 diopters. With astigmatism, they are taken into the army in the presence of a weak degree and an average degree of up to 4 diopters.

Visual acuity and fitness for service

During any medical examination, visual acuity is checked, which, according to the Schedule of Diseases, under certain indicators, can also be a reason for exemption from conscription.

Table 1. Visual acuity and fitness categories

Validity category Units
  • 0.09 or less in one eye or its blindness, 0.3 or less in the other eye;
  • 0.2 or less in both eyes;
  • the absence of the eyeball with visual acuity of another 0.3 or less.
  • one eye 0.09 or less or its blindness, the other eye 0.4 or more
  • one eye 0.3, the other eye from 0.3 to 0.1
  • one eye 0.4, the other eye 0.3-0.1;
  • absence of the eyeball with visual acuity of the other eye 0.4 or more.

Advice from the Recruit Service:

H It is always possible to fully determine the deviations characteristic of a particular disease during the passage of a medical commission. Therefore, I advise you to come to the doctors already with the available conclusions.

Are they recruited into the army after vision correction?

With the help of medical intervention, you can not only partially or completely restore visual acuity, but also get rid of astigmatism. How will the treatment affect the possibility of conscription, what category of fitness awaits the conscript and whether a deferment from the army is granted after vision correction - the answer to these questions depends on a number of reasons. I'll tell you more about this.

The final decision of the military commissariat depends on the results of treatment. On the forums you can find information that the call is not possible. This is not true. During the examination, the military commissariat relies on the results of the latest medical research. Even if, at the initial stage, the young man was given the category “B”, then by the time of the call, the category of suitability will be set based on the results of the new examination.

With respect to you, Anna Nikolaeva, lawyer of the Conscript Assistance Service.

Many conscripts are interested in whether it is possible to count on receiving a deferment or complete exemption from service with poor eyesight. In this article we will tell you whether they take into the army with poor eyesight. We hope that this information will be useful to anyone who wants to know with what kind of vision you can thunder into the army.

With what vision do they not take to the army in 2019?

Unfortunately, you can get into the Russian army even with poor eyesight. The fact is that military doctors believe that the 2019 army is suitable for people who have poor vision. For example, in their opinion, poor eyesight up to -6 in the army will not interfere with service. With what vision they take to the service, can be determined by the category of suitability, which is established by the members of the draft board.

Categories of suitability for military service:

Today, there are five main categories of suitability. It is these categories that determine the ability of a young person to serve in certain types and branches of the military. Let's take a closer look at each category.

Expiration category "A"

The fitness category "A" is assigned to young men who are in good health. As a rule, they are sent to serve in elite troops (marines, airborne troops and special forces). However, they may have minor visual impairments. You can get category "A" even with minimal myopia and hyperopia, as well as with anatomical changes in the eyelids and progressive astigmatism up to four diopters.

Category "B"

  • myopia (myopia) of any eye on one of the meridians is more than 3.0 diopters and up to 6.0 diopters;
  • hyperopia of any eye in one of the meridians is more than 6.0 diopters and up to 8.0 diopters;
  • astigmatism in any eye with a refraction difference in two meridians of more than 2.0 diopters and up to 4.0 diopters;

Expiration category "B"

  • myopia (myopia) of any eye in one of the meridians more than 6.0 diopters and up to 12.0 diopters;
  • hyperopia of any eye in one of the meridians more than 8.0 diopters and up to 12.0 diopters;
  • the difference in refraction in the two main meridians is more than 4.0 diopters and up to 6.0 diopters.

Expiration category "G"

The fitness category "G" can be assigned in the event that a conscript is recognized as temporarily unfit for military service. As a rule, this means that during the medical examination, the conscript was first found to have any impairment of the functions of the organs of vision. Based on this, you can get a deferment from the draft for a period of six or twelve months. Most often, to clarify the diagnosis, the conscript is sent for an additional examination to confirm the presence of a disease of the organs of vision.

Expiration category "D"

  • myopia (myopia) of any eye in one of the meridians more than 12.0 diopters;
  • hyperopia of any eye in one of the meridians is more than 6.0 diopters; and up to 8.0 diopters;
  • astigmatism in any eye with a refraction difference in the two main meridians of more than 6.0 diopters;
  • the acuity of one eye is 0.09 and below or its blindness, and the other eye is 0.4 and above;
  • absence of the eyeball with visual acuity of the other eye 0.4 and above.

With such visual problems, a conscript can count on receiving a military ID, which will indicate that he is not fit for service in the Russian army due to health reasons.

Myopia and the army

Myopia is a disease that occurs due to the curvature of the lens of the eye. With nearsightedness, a person can distinguish objects near him well, but he can’t see everything that is far from him. You can get a military ticket for vision only if you have myopia of more than 6 diopters.

Farsightedness and the army

Farsightedness is also due to the curvature of the lens. But at the same time, a person does not see well what is located next to him. In 2019, you can get an exemption from the army if the farsightedness is more than 8 diopters.

Astigmatism and the army

Astigmatism is a deformation of the natural shape of the lens, cornea, or eye. To date, doctors distinguish three forms of astigmatism: mixed, simple or complex. When determining fitness for service, it is not a certain type that matters, but the degree of development of a given disease:

  • if the difference in refractions in two meridians is up to 3 diopters, then the conscript is recognized as fit for service;
  • if the difference in refractions in the two meridians is in the range of 3 to 6 diopters, then the military medical commission can put the category "B" or "C";
  • if the difference in refractions in two meridians is more than 6 diopters, then the conscript receives the fitness category "D" and is exempted from military service.

Do they take in the army with poor eyesight?

Unfortunately, eye diseases are not limited to myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. In addition, there are a number of diseases that give the right to receive a temporary deferral or complete exemption from military service.

These diseases include:

  • violation of the retina;
  • glaucoma and problems with pressure inside the eye;
  • diseases of the lacrimal ducts;
  • complete blindness;
  • eye injury;
  • misperception of colors;
  • chronic conjunctivitis;
  • congenital anatomical deformity of the eyes;
  • any ophthalmic progressive disease.

Vision minus 7

With such myopia, the conscript can count on exemption from conscription in peacetime.

Vision minus 6

If the vision is less than -6, for example, -6.25, then the conscript is released from service and transferred to the reserve.

If your vision is minus 5

Such myopia does not fall within the limits of vision, so the conscript can serve with minor restrictions.

Vision minus 4

In this case, the conscript can get to serve in the engineering or railway troops.

If your eyesight is minus 3

With what vision they do not take into the army

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Are they drafted into the army with poor eyesight? We will help you!
The relevance of the question "With what vision do they not take to the army?" there is no doubt, since in recent years there has been a noticeable trend towards a decrease in the number of absolutely healthy young people with perfect vision. Spending most of the time at the computer, physical inactivity, stress, malnutrition, bad habits - all these factors negatively affect the state of the visual sensory system, rapidly accelerating its physiological aging.

The result of going to the military registration and enlistment office and the definition depends on the following factors:

    legal literacy of the conscript, the study of useful information

    the correctness of building tactics for the passage of draft events, strict adherence to the developed algorithm of actions

    thoroughness and timeliness of the preparatory stage for passing all the necessary medical examinations

    Efficiency in collecting a full package of documents and obtaining medical reports reflecting the state of health

    mandatory presence of epicrises (in the presence of chronic diseases) from the location on the dispensary record

    decisiveness and perseverance in the event of disputable situations, readiness to undergo additional medical examinations to obtain objective results

How to determine the prospects for exemption from military service and obtain it legally? Comprehensive information is contained in a special regulatory document - "" - on which the members of the medical board rely when determining fitness for service.

If a young man wants to find out what his chances are, then he needs to correlate his diagnosis with the main guidelines in this matter - articles No. 29 - 36 of the section "Diseases of the eye and its auxiliary organs." Each article is devoted to a specific problem of the functioning of the visual sensory system. In order for the conscript not to be tormented by vague doubts, he should take a critical look at his “reserve” of diseases and undergo medical examinations that will determine the exact diagnoses and the category of fitness for military service.

Among the most "popular" non-conscription diseases and disorders, the following can be distinguished: glaucoma, retinal detachment, myopathy.

Category "D"include extremely severe, chronic, refractory or difficult to treat, progressive functional disorders of the visual sensory system that prevent a young person from serving in the army.