Who approves work programs. Regulations "on the work program"

The regulation on the structure of the work program is formed in accordance with industry legislation, the charter of the educational institution and other regulatory, local documents. Next, consider what is the structure and content of the work program.

General information

First of all, the concept of a work program should be clarified. It acts as a legal document that must be fully complied with. The structure of the work program in the subject ensures the implementation of the requirements of the second generation state standard. It is formed in accordance with the conditions and results of education at the 1st and 2nd levels. Drawing up a work program is necessary to create conditions for organizing, planning and managing the process of education in a particular discipline (area). It should ensure the achievement of the set results for the development of the basic material.


The structure of the work program for the GEF is built in such a way that:

  1. To form an idea of ​​the practical implementation of the components of the standard in the study of a particular discipline.
  2. Clearly define the essence, order, volume of studying the course in accordance with the goals, features and process of the institution and the contingent of students.


The structure of the work program for the Federal State Educational Standard implements:


The structure of the working curriculum is formed and approved by the educational institution. The preparation of the document can be carried out by one teacher or their group. The program should be the same for all specialists in a particular discipline. It acts for the teacher as a basis for the formation of a calendar-thematic plan for the year. If there is no indication in the project of the distribution of hours by topic and section, if only their total number is given, the teacher independently sets them. At the same time, one should be guided by the relevant methodological materials and focus on the personal characteristics of children.


Work programs in mathematics, literature or another discipline are executed according to the model on a computer. The text should not contain corrections. The set is carried out in the Word editor. Letter font should be used Times New Roman size 12-14. Line spacing is single. The text is justified in width, there should be margins of 1-2 cm on all sides. Paragraphs and headings are centered using the editor's tools. Tables are inserted directly into the text. The first page is the title page. It is not numbered. The calendar-thematic plan is carried out in the form of a table. The structure of the work program should include a list of references. It is arranged alphabetically with all output data. the design of the document should be neat, all information is given in a logical connection with each other. A4 program format. Additional design for the work program in academic subjects in an educational institution is not provided for in the standards.


The structure of the work program of the teacher is as follows:

All this information is indicated on the structure of the work program of the educator will differ from the presented scheme. They are due to the specifics of the work of the DOW itself.


All work programs (in mathematics, foreign language, biology and other disciplines) are accompanied by applications and explanations. These include:

  1. Enumeration of normative- legal acts.
  2. General tasks of primary and basic education. They should be specified in accordance with the specifics of the course (subject).
  3. General characteristics of the discipline.
  4. Description of the position of the course in the plan.
  5. The exact name of the program in the discipline with a bibliographic description.
  6. Presentation of value orientations.
  7. Meta-subject, personal, subject results of mastering a particular discipline.
  8. Course content.
  9. Description of the regional component. It is formatted in a table.
  10. Calendar-thematic plan. At the same time, the main types of educational activities should be determined with a description of the expected results of development.
  11. Requirements for the level of preparation of children.
  12. Description of control and measuring materials.


The structure of the teacher's work program must comply with the requirements of the standards. The material of the educational course is aimed at providing conditions for the formation of individual and metasubject (universal) actions. In this regard, in the relevant section, one should list the UUDs that are performed during the development of a particular course. In addition, the types of tasks and techniques in which the formation of universal actions is designed are given.

Sequence of study

The structure of the work program includes the rationale for choosing hours by section and year. It should disclose the sequence of mastering the material, show the distribution of time, taking into account the maximum load. In the description of the content of sections (topics), the following sequence is established:

  1. Name.
  2. Content.
  3. Required number of hours.

The expected results of mastering are presented taking into account the specifics of the subject (“the graduate will learn / be able to learn ...”).

Methodological support

This section provides a description of the corresponding complex. The list of educational and methodological support should contain such materials as:

  1. Theoretical (textbook, program).
  2. Didactic and methodological (manuals for teachers, collections of control / test papers, notebooks for independent work).

Other sections

When describing the part on practical exercises, one should indicate the number of them that is necessary for the program, and which are distributed by topic. The section for monitoring the level of assimilation includes a set of measuring materials (tests, practical / control work). Each discipline has its own forms:

  • In Russian - dictations, tests, essays, tests, control cheating, presentations.
  • In physical education - standards of physical training.
  • In mathematics - independent / tests, testing and so on.

The structure of the work program should include measuring materials that comply with the standard. Forms created by the author of the project should be included in the application.

Explanatory note

It should indicate:

  1. Addressee (type and type of educational institution, class.
  2. Features of the program in relation to the Federal State Educational Standard.
  3. The main idea of ​​the project.
  4. The validity of the program.
  5. The area that the particular course belongs to.
  6. A brief statement of the general goals for
  7. Project implementation period.
  8. Key criteria for selecting materials, explanations of the logic of the program. This section, among other things, reveals the links between the main and additional courses in the discipline (if any).
  9. Planned results.
  10. Brief summary of the grading system.
  11. Description of the main analysis tools.
  12. Presentation of the system of symbols.

Course characteristics

This section contains information about:

  1. Approximate or author's program on the basis of which this project was created (year of publication, publisher).
  2. Basic technologies, forms, methods, mode of training.
  3. The logical connections of the subject with other disciplines / sections of the plan.

Development results

This section describes the requirements:

Description of topics

The work program contains lists and names of sections, topics of the discipline, the required number of hours. The content of the topic is:

  1. Basic questions for study.
  2. Laboratory and practical work, creative tasks, excursions and other forms used in training.
  3. Requirements for the skills and knowledge of students to complete the study.
  4. Questions and forms for control.
  5. Assumed types of independent work of schoolchildren.
  6. Formed UUD.

Calendar-thematic plan

It is compiled with an indication of the key activities of children:

  1. List of sections, topics, sequence of studying the material.
  2. The number of hours for each element.
  3. Topics for individual lessons and materials for them.
  4. Type of classes (practical, theoretical), number of hours.
  5. Types of activities of schoolchildren.
  6. Control methods and forms.


They can be represented as:

  1. Topics of projects.
  2. Key concepts used in the course.
  3. Control and measuring materials.
  4. Themes of creative tasks.
  5. Work examples.
  6. Texts of dictations, checks, tests, etc.

Responsibility of the educational institution

It is established in the Federal Law "On Education". According to its provisions, the educational institution will be responsible for the implementation of curricula that do not fully comply with the schedule of the educational process. In the course of drawing up his project, the teacher must take into account the requirements that are imposed by state standards. The following are the main principles for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in the discipline:

Review and approval

The work program on the subject is discussed at a meeting of methodical school associations. The project is coordinated with the head of the MO. In particular, the date is affixed, the number of the protocol that was taken at the meeting, the signatures of authorized persons are put. The work program is agreed upon by the deputy director. After that, the project is approved by the director of the educational institution itself. The title page is stamped accordingly.


The structure of the program reflects all aspects of the educational process specifically in the subject. The preparation of this document ensures the clarity and consistency of the teacher's actions, allows you to foresee various situations. When forming the program, the individual characteristics of children, the specifics of the discipline are taken into account. The development of the program is of great practical importance. It not only describes the features of the discipline, methods of studying and presenting the material, but also establishes the results that graduates should achieve. The introduction of programs into the practice of teachers has a stimulating effect on them. By analyzing the final results, teachers see the effectiveness or inefficiency of certain tools and means, find errors, problems, and ways to eliminate them. It is also important that the implementation of the work program is carried out with the active participation of schoolchildren. The document provides for a variety of forms and types of children's actions that contribute to the assimilation of the material.

Both the current and the new law on education do not directly define the work program for an academic subject, but at the same time it establishes its place and significance in the education system. Thus, this term is included in the concept of "educational program" as an integral part of the complex of basic characteristics of education, as well as the concept of "exemplary basic educational program" as a structural unit of educational and methodological documentation that defines "the recommended volume and content of education at a certain level and (or) a certain directions, planned results of the development of the educational program, approximate conditions for educational activities, including approximate calculations of the standard costs of providing public services for the implementation of the educational program” (Article 2, Chapter 1 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”).

The concept of a work program

According to the law on education, the development and approval of educational programs falls within the competence of an educational organization, whose teaching staff is granted “the right to participate in the development of educational programs, including curricula, calendar training schedules, work subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), methodological materials and other components of educational programs” . They are also obliged to "carry out their activities at a high professional level, ensure the full implementation of the taught subject, course, discipline (module) in accordance with the approved work program."

Thus, the work program for a subject (hereinafter referred to as the work program) is an integral part of the educational program of a general educational organization and, by definition, A.B. Vorontsov, a set of educational and methodological documentation, which is independently developed by the teacher of the educational institution on the basis of the working curriculum and exemplary programs of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, author's programs, taking into account the goals and objectives of the main educational program school and reflects the ways of implementing the content of the subject.

Because the law on education does not define the requirements for the work program. the teacher can choose an independent form of recording, a text version of the work program. For example, the work program can be drawn up by analogy with the requirements for a typical curriculum, and the teacher can make adjustments to all the structural elements of the program, taking into account the characteristics of the educational institution and students of a particular class.

At the same time, as pedagogical practice shows, based on the recommendations of regional methodological services, work programs include the following content:

  • an explanatory note that specifies the general goals of this stage of education, taking into account the specifics of the subject, course;
  • general characteristics of the subject, course;
  • description of the place of the subject, course in the curriculum;
  • description of the value orientations of the content of the subject;
  • personal, meta-subject (competency-based) and subject results of mastering a particular academic subject, course;
  • the content of the subject, course;
  • thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities of students;
  • description of the material and technical, educational, methodological and information support of the educational process.
  • technologies of teaching and verification of the achievement of planned results;
  • recommended literature (for teachers and students).

The work programs can be accompanied by various documents that the teacher needs for the full and effective implementation of the educational process.

Structure of the work program

In accordance with the indicated content, the work program can have the following structure:

  • title page;
  • explanatory note;
  • expected results at the end of the course;
  • description of the educational, methodological and logistical support of the educational process;
  • the content of the subject by year of study;
  • extracurricular activities of students in the subject;
  • control materials (tests, tests, assignments, etc.).

Possible difficulties

Creating a working program is a rather laborious process. The main difficulties, especially for a young specialist, are usually associated with such problems:

  • description of the requirements for the level of training of students through operationally expressed diagnostic goals - learning outcomes;
  • the need to revise the content itself, based on the analysis of redundant and possible missing information material;
  • development of control materials that allow obtaining objective information about the formation of special subject and general educational skills of students.

Work program administration

The procedure and terms for consideration of the work program are established by the local act of the educational organization. They can be, for example, like this:

  • consideration of the draft work program at a meeting of the methodological association of the school (scientific and methodological council of the school);
  • ShMO or scientific and methodological council, after examination, gives an opinion on the approval or revision of the work program;
  • if necessary, it is allowed to obtain a review (expert opinion) of the relevant specialized departments of institutions of higher professional education, a regional institute for advanced training;
  • in case of a positive decision, submission of the work program to the administration of the educational institution for approval;
  • the work program is analyzed by the deputy director for educational work for the compliance of the program with the curriculum of the educational institution and the requirements of state educational standards, and the compliance of the textbook intended for use from the recommended list, the date of the examinations, their number in the class and compliance with the requirements of SanPiN are checked, the provisions of local acts of a general education institution;
  • after agreement, the work program is approved by the director of the educational institution.

The decision of the methodological association of teachers is reflected in the minutes of the meeting and on the last page of the work program (bottom left) the approval stamp is placed: AGREED. Minutes of the meeting of the methodological association of teachers dated 00.00.0000 No. 00.

The stamp of approval by the Deputy Director is also placed on the last page of the work program (bottom left): AGREED. Deputy director for water resources management (signature) Transcription of the signature. The date.

The stamp of approval is placed on the title page (top right): I APPROVE Director (signature) Signature transcript. The date.

Approval of work programs is carried out before the start of the academic year. After approval, the work program becomes a normative document implemented in this educational institution.

Office work and control

One copy of the approved work programs is usually kept in the school records in accordance with the nomenclature of cases, the second is transferred to the teacher for the implementation of the educational process.

The administration of the general educational organization exercises control over the implementation and implementation of work programs in accordance with the HSC plan.

Each reporting period (quarter, half year), the calendar and thematic plan of the work program is correlated with the class journal and the teacher's report on the passage of the program material. In case of their discrepancy, the teacher substantiates and makes changes to the calendar-thematic plan, providing conditions for completing the program in full in fewer or more teaching hours.

Of course, the task of the administration is not limited to control. The main thing is to help the teacher in its preparation and implementation, especially a novice teacher who has neither practice nor experience in writing such papers.

Work program on the subject

General provisions.

Currently, educational institutions use exemplary curricula for academic subjects, which are approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and are advisory in nature. They are the basis for the preparation by teachers of work programs that take into account the national-regional and school components, the methodological potential of the teacher, the level of preparedness of students, and the possibility of using new information technologies.

1.1. Work program - a regulatory document that determines the volume, procedure, content of studying and teaching any academic discipline, developed on the basis of an exemplary program (Article 28 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education")

The purpose of the work program is planning, organization and management of the educational process in a particular academic discipline.

The tasks of the work program are the specific definition of the content, volume, procedure for studying the academic discipline, taking into account the characteristics of the educational process of a particular educational institution and the contingent of students.

1.2. Drawing up work programs for training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) is within the competence of an educational institution (clause 2, article 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"). The educational institution is responsible for the quality of the implemented work programs.

1.3. The work programs that determine the content of the activities of an educational institution in the framework of the implementation of the educational program include:

– programs in academic subjects;

– programs of elective courses;

– programs of optional courses;

– additional educational courses.

1.4. The work program is being developed to:

ensuring the constitutional right of citizens of the Russian Federation to receive a quality general education;

ensuring that students achieve learning outcomes in accordance with federal state educational standards;

providing ample opportunities for the implementation of various technologies, approaches to the construction of a training course, subject, discipline (module).

1.5. Work programs are compiled on the basis of:

– exemplary programs for individual subjects of general education;

1.6. Exemplary programs developed at the federal level cannot be used as work programs in an educational institution, since they do not contain the distribution of educational material by year of study and individual topics.

1.7. The number of hours allotted for the development of the work program must comply with the federal basic curriculum of general educational institutions of the Russian Federation, approved by order Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 09.03.2004 No. 1312 (as amended by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 08.20.2008 No. 241).

1.8. The mandatory minimum content of each work program is established in accordance with the exemplary program and the federal state educational standard.

1.9. The normative terms for mastering the work program in educational institutions are determined by the model regulations on educational institutions of the corresponding types and types, federal state educational standards established by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education".

2. Structure and requirements for the development and execution of the work program

2.1 The structure of the work program is compiled taking into account:

– requirements of federal state educational standards;

– obligatory minimum content of training programs;

– requirements for the level of training of graduates;

- the volume of study hours determined by the curriculum of the educational institution for the implementation of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules);

– cognitive interests of students;

- selection by the teacher of the necessary set of educational and methodological support.

2.2. Mandatory structural elements of the work program are:

1. Title page.

2. Explanatory note.

4. Requirements for the level of training of graduates;

5. List of educational and methodological support.

6. Calendar-thematic planning (appendix to the work program)

2.3. The title page of the work program should contain:

- full name of the educational institution (in accordance with the license);

- the stamp of approval and consideration of the program (“Approved” by the order of the educational institution (date, number), reviewed and recommended for approval by the self-government body of the educational institution indicating the name in accordance with the charter of the educational institution (date, protocol number));

- the name of the training course, subject, discipline (module);

- FULL NAME. the teacher (teachers) who developed and implements the training course, subject, discipline (module);

- the class (parallel) in which the training course is being studied;

– subject, course, discipline (module);

- the year in which the work program was drawn up.

2.4. The explanatory note states:

- information about the program (exemplary (typical) or author's), on the basis of which the work program was developed, indicating the name, author and year of publication;

– goals and objectives of this program

– normative legal documents on the basis of which the work program has been developed;

- information about the changes made to the exemplary or author's program and their justification;

- determination of the place and role of the training course, the subject in mastering the requirements for the level of training of graduates in accordance with federal state educational standards;

- information on the number of study hours for which the work program is designed (in accordance with the curriculum, the annual calendar study schedule), including the number of hours for conducting control, laboratory, practical work, excursions, projects, research, etc.;

- forms of organization of the educational process, as well as the prevailing forms of current control of knowledge, skills, skills (in accordance with the Regulations on the current control of students in an educational institution), intermediate and final attestation of students (in accordance with the relevant Regulations).

- the name of the educational and methodological set (textbook, workbook, notebook for tests, atlas, contour map, etc. according to the list of textbooks approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) used to achieve the goal in accordance with the educational program of the institution

3.1. The content of the work program must comply with the requirements of federal state educational standards, the goals and objectives of the educational program of the educational institution.

3.2. Educational institution independently:

reveals the content of sections, topics, indicated in the federal state educational standards, based on textbooks, teaching aids (from the approved federal list);

determines the content of the work program, taking into account the peculiarities of studying the subject in classes with in-depth study of individual subjects, specialized classes, classes of special (correctional) education, classes of compensatory education;

determines the sequence of studying the educational material, establishing intra-subject and inter-subject logical connections.

3.3. For each educational topic (section), the following are indicated:

- name of the topic (section);

- content of educational material (didactic units);

- requirements for the level of training of students on a specific topic (section) in accordance with federal state educational standards, goals and objectives of the educational program of an educational institution;

- list of control measures (control, laboratory, practical work, tests, etc.). The number of tests, laboratory, practical work is determined by instructive and methodological documents on the teaching of subjects and disciplines.

4. Requirements for the level of training of graduates

4.1. The structural component "Requirements for the level of training of graduates" is prescribed at the end of the education stage in accordance with the federal state educational standards and an exemplary curriculum and is a description of the learning outcomes expressed in the actions of students (operational) and actually identifiable with the help of diagnostic tools. This list of learning outcomes includes special subject and general learning skills and activities.

5. List of educational and methodological support

5.1.List of educational and methodological support as a component the work program includes basic and additional educational literature (textbooks, manuals, collections of exercises and tasks, control tasks, tests, practical work and laboratory workshops, anthologies); reference manuals (dictionaries, reference books); visual material (albums, atlases, maps, tables), equipment and devices, etc.

Literature is drawn up in accordance with GOST: elements of the description of each educational and methodical funds should be given in alphabetical order and meet the requirements for a bibliographic description.

5.2. The list of educational and methodological support used can be classified into two groups: “Literature” (basic and additional educational literature, educational and reference manuals, educational and methodological literature), “Equipment and devices” (list of recommended teaching aids, didactic materials).

6. Calendar-thematic plan

6.1. The teacher's calendar-thematic plan is an annex to the work program, it specifies the content of topics, sections.

6.2. The calendar-thematic plan is developed by the teacher for each academic year in accordance with the work program.

6.3. The mechanisms for the development, coordination, approval of the calendar-thematic plans of teachers are established by the educational institution independently in accordance with regulatory legal acts.

6.4. A single structure of the calendar-thematic plan is established in the educational institution.

In the calendar-thematic plan, it is necessary to determine:

- topics of each lesson (in accordance with the goals and objectives of the lesson);

- the number of hours allotted for the study of topics, sections for conducting control activities (control, laboratory, practical work, tests, etc.);

- dates of passage of the topic, section;

- types, forms of control.

6.5. Calendar-thematic plandrawn up in the form of a table for the entire period of study

Exemplary calendar-thematic plan

Name of sections and topics

Number of hours

Pass date

Types, forms of control


Control, practical work, etc.

Section 1. ______________



Reserve time

Section total:


Section 2. ______________



Section total:



Note: the number of columns in the calculation grid of hours is determined by the teacher, depending on the characteristics of the educational material and the age of the students.

7. The procedure for the development and approval of the work program

7.1. The procedure for developing and approving work programs is determined by the local regulatory act of the educational institution.

7.2. Work programs must be reviewed before approval self-governing body of an educational institution (term 1 – 30 June) who, in accordance with the charter of the educational institution, has been delegated these powers, according to the results of the consideration, a protocol is drawn up. self-government body educational institution decides to “recommend for approval”.

7.3. Based on the results of consideration of work programs by the self-governing body of the educational institution, the work program is approved by order of the educational institution (term August 1 - 30).

7.4. The educational institution independently sets the terms for which work programs are developed.

7.5. An educational institution may make changes and additions to the work programs by considering them at a meeting of the relevant self-government body educational institution by approving them by order of the educational institution.

7.6. After approval by the order of the educational institution, the work program becomes a regulatory document implemented in this educational institution.

7.7. Work programs must be stitched (stitched).

8. Control over the implementation of work programs

Control over the implementation of work programs is carried out in accordance with the intra-school control plan of the educational institution.

When drawing up a detailed thematic planning for the subject World Artistic Culture, it is necessary to pay special attention to the forms of organization of cognitive activity in relation not only to the student, but also to the teacher. The planned result is displayed in a separate column, the indicators of which are various types of control. Homework is best planned as a search form of student activity.

Expanded thematic planning


lesson number

Lesson type

The purpose of the lesson

Form of organization of cognitive activity

Planned result (forms of control)

Search homework



"Compilation of working

programs in accordance with GEF

and approved changes.

15.04.2016 1. "On the work programs of educational subjects" letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 28.10.2015. No. 08-1786 2. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1576 of December 31, 2015 “On Amendments to the Federal State Educational Standard of the LEO, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 6, 2009 No. No. 373” 3. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1577 of December 31, 2015 “On Amendments to the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2010. No. 1897" "On the work programs of educational subjects" letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 10/28/2015. No. 08-1786 1. "... In order to reduce the administrative burden of teaching staff of the PA, the Department prepared amendments to the Federal State Educational Standard in terms of the requirements for the work programs of educational subjects." 2. “... the author's curricula of subjects developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and taking into account the approximate BEP of the corresponding level of education, can also be considered as working curricula of subjects. The decision on the possibility of their use in the structure of the OOP is made at the level of the OOP "

3. “... changes have been prepared to the procedure for the formation of the federal list of textbooks, ... It is assumed that the FPU will include textbooks that have a methodological manual for a teacher, containing materials on teaching methods, studying a subject or education; including an exemplary work program of the subject, developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard ... "

Mandatory elements of the work program of a separate academic subject, course Until 12/31/2015 From 01/01/2016 , course 5) The content of the subject, course 6) Thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities 7) Description of educational - methodological and material - technical support 8) Planned results of studying a separate subject, course 1) Planned results of mastering a subject, course 2) The content of the subject, the course 3) Thematic planning with an indication of the number of hours allocated for the development of each topic Mandatory elements of the work program of extracurricular activities Until 12/31/2015 (FSES IEO) From 01/01/2016 (FSES IEO and FSES LLC) 1) Explanatory note 2 ) General characteristics of the subject, course 3) Description place of the subject, course in the curriculum 4) Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the subject, course 5) Content of the subject, course 6) Thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities 7) Description of educational, methodological and material and technical support 8) Planned results of studying a separate subject, course 1) The results of mastering the course of extracurricular activities. 2) The content of the course of extracurricular activities, indicating the forms of organization and types of activities; 3) Thematic planning. How are the various components related? Development of a work program, thematic planning, calendar and thematic planning Preparation for the lesson (technological map of the lesson target settings \u003d planned results) Design (design) of control and measuring materials (CMM), preparation for various evaluation procedures

Work programs for academic subjects (courses) are compiled for the entire stage of education

(grades 1-4, grades 5-9), and not for the academic year

Each teacher draws up his own work program, taking into account his own specifics and the specifics of specific students.

Programs compiled by different teachers for parallel classes can (and should) differ!

I. Planned results of the study of the subject, course

The graduate will learn

The graduate will have the opportunity to learn

The planned results of the study of the subject, the course completely repeat the subject part of the section "Planned results of the development of the OOP LLC" .

However, since the Work Program is often used as a separate document, it is better to repeat this section here as well.

The basis for writing this section of the Work Program is the corresponding section in the "Exemplary OOP LLC", where the planned results are listed by subject.

Here the column "Graduate will learn" is not changed by the teacher, while in the column "Graduate will be able to learn" there may be significant changes.

This section is based on the content Fundamental core» Standard

learning programs


The program does not reflect the sequence of mastering the topics of the course

This section of the Work Program describes ONLY the semantic units of the training course by grade!

III. Thematic planning, indicating the number of hours devoted to the development of each topic

Sample Lesson Thematic Planning

Similar thematic plans are created FOR ALL SUBJECTS as part of LESSON ACTIVITIES.

Calendar - thematic planning

Each teacher compiles his own KTP, taking into account his own specifics and the specifics of specific students.

The structure of the KTP (in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard)

Section topic

Lesson topic

PR (planned result from the section "Graduate will learn") = content element code


Calendar-thematic planning

It is intended for chronological alignment of the content units that were described in the previous section.

Calendar-thematic planning (KTP) is compiled by the teacher ONLY FOR HIMSELF! THIS IS A TEACHER'S TOOL!

Therefore, the KTP should contain those columns that the teacher needs for his work.

Therefore, different teachers may have different planning forms (indicate mandatory columns in the Regulation)

Thus, in the school Regulations on the work program of a teacher implementing the GEF IEO and GEF LLC, the teacher has:

  • Author's program on the subject (course).
  • Author's work program on the subject (course).
  • Own calendar-thematic planning containing KIMs or a link to them.

The work program is a tool with which the teacher determines the content, forms, methods and techniques of organizing educational relations that are optimal and most effective for a given class in accordance with the results determined by the Federal State Educational Standard. The work program is a tool with which the teacher determines the content, forms, methods and techniques of organizing educational relations that are optimal and most effective for a given class in accordance with the results determined by the Federal State Educational Standard. The RP of the subject can be the same for all teachers working in the school or individual. It is the basis for the creation of QFT.

According to paragraph 7 of Art. 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"development and approvalwork programs of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules)to competence and responsibilityeducational institution.

Work programs are one of main components educational program of a general education institution, as well as a means of fixing the content of education in subjects of the invariant part of the curriculum of a general education institution, intended for compulsory study, as well as elective, optional courses and additional subjects (courses) of the variable part of the curriculum. Also, work programs are compiled for subject circles that expand the possibilities of the curriculum.

In order to bring the work programs in line with the existing requirements, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the methodological recommendations for their development and execution.

1. Status of work programs in a general education institution

Working programm- this is a document that defines the content, volume, procedure for studying any academic discipline, in accordance with which the teacher directly carries out the educational process in a particular class in a subject, elective and optional courses, subject circles. Together, it is the work programs that determine the content of the activities of a general education institution in accordance with the educational program aimed at implementing the Federal State Educational Standard for General Education, taking into account the specifics of the educational policy of a general education institution, the status of a general education institution (type and type, See http://edu.tomsk .gov.ru/ou/ou.html), educational needs and requests of students, characteristics of the contingent of students, the author's intention of the teacher.

The working program performs three main functions: normative, information-methodical and organizational-planning.

normative function determines the obligation to implement the content of the program in full.

Information and methodological function allows all participants in the educational process to get an idea of ​​the goals, content, sequence of studying the material, as well as ways to achieve the results of mastering the educational program by students by means of a given academic subject.

Provides for the allocation of stages of training, structuring of educational material, the definition of its quantitative and qualitative characteristics at each of the stages, including for the content of the intermediate certification of students.

The functions of the program determine the following requirements for it:

1) the presence of signs of a regulatory document;

2) taking into account the main provisions of the educational program of the educational institution;

3) consistency and integrity of the content of education;

4) the sequence of location and interconnection of all elements of the course content;

5) taking into account logical relationships with other subjects of the curriculum of an educational institution;

6) the specificity and unambiguity of the presentation of the elements of the content of education.

Types of work programs:

Work programs

subjects of the invariant part of the curriculum

subjects additionally introduced into the curriculum at the expense of hours of the variable part in accordance with the characteristics of the educational institution (type and type) and its educational policy (mission, goals, objectives, etc.)

elective courses

optional courses

subject circles

Circles, associations, sections of additional education

2. Work programs for academic subjects included in the invariant part of the Basic Curriculum.

The basis for the preparation of work programs are sample programs . Sample program is a document that discloses in detail the mandatory (federal) components of the content of education and the parameters of the quality of assimilation of educational material in a specific subject of the basic curriculum. Exemplary programs serve as a tool for the implementation of the federal component of the state standard of general education in general education institutions. The development of exemplary curricula falls within the competence of the Russian Federation in the field of education represented by its federal government bodies (Article 28 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education").

Sample Programs Perform Two Main Functions .

Information and methodological function allows participants in the educational process to get an idea of ​​​​the goals, content, general strategy for teaching, educating and developing school students by means of a specific academic subject, about the contribution of each academic subject to the solution of the general goals of education.

Organizational planning function allows to consider the possible direction of deployment and concretization of the content of the educational standard of general education in a separate academic subject, taking into account its specificity and the logic of the educational process. The implementation of the organizational and planning function provides for the allocation of stages of training, the determination of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the content of training at each stage.

An exemplary program defines an invariant (mandatory) part of a training course, subject, discipline (module), outside of which there remains the possibility of the author's choice of a variable component of the content of education. At the same time, the authors of curricula and textbooks can offer their own approach in terms of structuring educational material, determining the sequence of studying this material, as well as ways to achieve the results of mastering the educational program by students.

Sample programs cannot be used as working programs. , because they do not contain the distribution of educational material by year of study and individual topics. Sample programs are reference document when preparing work programs in subjects included in the Basic Curriculum. Also, exemplary programs can be a reference document in the preparation of programs for integrated academic subjects. (Sample programs are posted on the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia – http://www.mon.gov.ru/ )

The work programs for academic subjects included in the invariant part of the Basic Curriculum include:

1) Author's programs for textbooks(lines of textbooks or teaching materials).Author's program- this is a document created on the basis of the state educational standard and an exemplary program and having the author's concept of constructing the content of an academic subject, course, discipline (module). The author's program is developed by one or a group of authors. The author's program is characterized by an original concept and content construction. For such programs, the teacher makes only calendar and thematic planning. , reflecting the features of the educational process in a particular educational institution, class.

2) Programs compiled by a teacher or a team of teachers. In this case, to develop a work program, teachers can take as a basis:

-sample programs on individual subjects of general education.

The compiler of the work program can independently: expand the list of topics studied, concepts within the academic load, disclose the content of sections, topics indicated in the state educational standard and exemplary program; specify and detail topics; establish the sequence of studying educational material; distribute educational material by year of study; distribute the time allotted for studying the course between sections and topics according to their didactic significance, as well as based on the material and technical resources of the educational institution; specify the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program by students; choose, based on the tasks facing the subject, methods and technologies of teaching and monitoring the level of preparedness of students.

3. Working programs of additional subjects, elective, optional courses, subject circles and other associations of additional education.

Work programs for additional subjects, elective, optional courses, subject circles introduced into the curriculum in accordance with the features of the educational policy of a general education institution, status (type and kind), educational needs and requests of students, characteristics of the contingent of students can be developed on the basis of a wide variety of program and teaching materials. Such materials can be:

Programs of institutions of primary and secondary vocational education;

Programs implemented in institutions of additional education for children;

Reference and methodical literature;

Other information sources.

Such diversity is determined by the fact that, as a rule, these programs are aimed at mastering the content of general education that is not included in the state educational standards, and the teacher, in the absence of ready-made author's programs, can use a variety of sources. If there are approved author's programs for optional, elective courses, subject circles, they can be used as working ones.

4. Structure of the work program:

The structure of the work program is a form of presentation of the training course, subject, discipline (module) as an integral system that reflects the internal logic of the organization of educational and methodological material, and includes the following elements:

Title page;

Explanatory note;

Requirements for the level of training of students;

Calendar-thematic planning;

List of educational and methodological support.

Title page The work program must contain:

Name of the educational institution;

The name of the course for which the program was written;

Program level (basic, profile level, in-depth or extended study of the subject);

Indication of the parallel, class in which the course is being studied;

Surname, name, patronymic of the teacher - compiler of the work program;

Program approval stamp;

Year of the program.

Purpose explanatory note in the structure of the program is to:

Determine the goals and objectives of studying the subject (should be understood unambiguously and be diagnosable), the role of the subject in achieving the results of mastering the educational program of the educational institution;

To give an idea about the ways of deploying educational material, to show in general terms the methodological system for achieving the goals that are set when studying the subject, to describe the means of achieving them;

If a teacher uses a published author's program as a working program, then in the explanatory note it is enough to provide information about the author's program indicating the name, author and year of publication and briefly justify the reasons for choosing it and the features of its implementation in a particular educational institution. In this case, the explanatory note is very brief.

main content of the program.

This section is included in the work program if:

There are no author's program and teaching kit, and the work program is based on educational literature (for work programs in additional educational subjects, elective and optional courses).

This part of the work program provides a summary of the studied educational material in the form of a listing of the main sections, course topics and a list of didactic elements within each topic. For each section (general topic), the number of teaching hours allocated for its development is indicated.

The teacher, developing a work program, can determine a new order for studying the material; make changes to the content of the topic under study, concretizing and detailing didactic units; expand the list of didactic units, supplement the requirements for the level of training of students. Changes made in the content of the work program in comparison with the exemplary or author's program in the subject must be justified, logically follow from those stated in the explanatory note.

If the changes compared to the author's program do not significantly affect its structure, the order of presentation of educational material, etc., then in this section you can only indicate the sections, topics, didactic elements introduced into the author's program, indicating their place in the author's program without completely rewriting its text.

If the teacher uses the author's program without changes as a working program, then this section may be absent (in this case, the teacher must have a published author's program).

Requirements for the level of training of students

Requirements for the level of preparation of students are designed taking into account and on the basis of state educational standards. They are formulated in three main components: "Students should know ...", "Be able to ..." and "Use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life."

The state educational standard and exemplary programs for a number of subjects characterize the requirements for the level of preparation of students at the time of graduation from a certain stage of education (basic general education, secondary (complete) general education) without detailing by year of study. Some of the requirements that are natural for a graduate of the 9th grade can hardly be made for a student who has completed the 5th grade. This circumstance must be remembered when compiling the section "Requirements for the level of preparation of students."

If the teacher uses the author's program as a working program, which formulates the requirements for the level of students' preparation, then this section may be absent (at the same time, the teacher must have a published author's program with this section).

Calendar-thematic planning is one of the most important components of the work program, because allows you to distribute all educational material in accordance with the curriculum and the annual work schedule of the educational institution.

Calendar-thematic planning is developed for the academic year. Planning for six months or quarters (trimesters) is inappropriate, because does not allow planning, ensuring and controlling the passage of the work program by students in full.

The calendar-thematic plan should contain information about the sections and topics of the program, indicating the amount of training hours allocated for their implementation; topics of lessons within the framework of the topics and sections of the program, topics of workshops and laboratory lessons; themes of the lessons of monitoring the results of mastering the program material by students. The lesson distribution of educational material is carried out sequentially. Approximate dates for completing training topics are indicated according to the calendar of the current year.

In each reporting period (quarter, semester, half year), the calendar and thematic plan of the work program should be correlated with the class journal and the teacher's report on the passage of the program material. In case of discrepancy, the teacher substantiates and makes changes to the calendar and thematic plan, providing conditions for completing the program in full in fewer or more teaching hours.

Approximate form of the calendar-thematic plan.

Lesson numbers

Names of sections and topics

Planned completion dates

Adjusted due dates

Name of the topic under study No. 1 (total hours for its study; number of hours per week according to the curriculum)

Lesson topic

Lesson topic

Theme of the control lesson

List of educational and methodological support, which is a component of the work program, contains reference information about the output data of exemplary and author's programs, the author's educational and methodological set and additional literature, and also includes data on the educational and laboratory equipment used.

The work program is subject to examination . First, it is considered at a meeting of the methodological association of teachers for its compliance with the requirements of the state educational standard, as well as the mission, goals, objectives of the educational institution, fixed in the educational program. The decision of the methodological association of teachers is reflected in the minutes of the meeting, and on the last page of the work program (bottom left) the stamp of approval is put: AGREED. Minutes of the meeting of the methodological association of teachers dated 00.00.0000 No. 00.

Then the work program is analyzed by the deputy director for educational work for the compliance of the program with the curriculum of the general education institution and the requirements of state educational standards, and the presence of the textbook intended for use in the federal list is also checked.

On the last page of the work program (bottom left) the stamp of approval is put: AGREED. Deputy director for water resources management (signature) Transcription of the signature. The date.

After agreement the work program is approved by the director educational institution, puts the stamp of approval on the title page (top right): I APPROVE Director (signature) Signature transcript. The date.

5. Classification of work programs according to the level of content being implemented

In educational institutions are implemented:

Work programs for studying the subject at a basic level (grades 1-11);

Work programs for studying the subject at the profile level (grades 10-11);

Work programs for in-depth study of the subject (grades 2-11);

Work programs for extended study of the subject (grades 2-11).

Work programs for studying the subject on basic level are a tool for the implementation of the state standard of general education and allow for general educational preparation of students. The basis for the compilation of these programs (as noted above) are exemplary programs.

Work programs for studying the subject at the profile level (grades 10-11) are focused on preparing students for further professional education. These programs provide specialized training for students in secondary general education schools and institutions of higher status (school with in-depth study of individual subjects, lyceum, gymnasium.). The basis for the compilation of these programs are exemplary profile level programs.

In order to implement additional training for students in institutions of higher status, programs of in-depth and extended study of the subject are also being implemented.

as work programs for in-depth study of the subject, as a rule, author's programs are used, proposed by groups of authors, authors

textbooks for in-depth study of subjects recommended or approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. In the absence of such programs, the teacher (a team of teachers) can develop work programs for in-depth study of the subject. In primary and secondary schools, an exemplary program in the subject is taken as a basis (guaranteeing the fulfillment of the requirements of the state standard) with a deepening of individual topics and issues. In high school, the program of in-depth study of the subject can be compiled on the basis of 1) an exemplary profile level program with a deepening of individual topics and questions; 2) the author's program for the profile study of the subject with the deepening of individual topics and issues. Also, the program of in-depth study of the subject can be recognized as the author's program for studying the subject at the profile level, provided that students are offered elective courses that deepen certain issues of the subject being studied (i.e., the program of profile study of the subject + programs of elective courses = the program of in-depth study of the subject) .

When developing programs for in-depth study of subjects by a teacher (a team of teachers), the following conditions must be met:

The program should be considered in an educational institution (methodological council, department, methodological association, etc.);

The program must be tested in an educational institution and receive an expert opinion on the progress of the program and the results obtained (in aggregate, these actions provide an internal review of the program);

The program must undergo external review at the subject (subject-methodological) departments of profile (pedagogical) universities, advanced training institutions (regional, federal).

Work programs for extended study of subjects are implemented, as a rule, in institutions of higher status - a lyceum, a gymnasium, and provide additional training in a certain direction (humanitarian, natural science, etc.). The program for an extended study of the subject assumes the presence of additional content (at least 10-15%), which allows you to study additional questions, topics that are not contained in the exemplary program. The content of the additionally proposed material reflects the features of the educational policy of the educational institution, its type, areas of profile training, the needs and requests of students, the author's intention of the teacher.

The teacher, the developer of the program for extended study of the subject, in the explanatory note must justify the goals of including additional material, highlight the planned result (increments compared to the basic level of training), describe ways to check the result; indicate the available resources for the development of the proposed content.

The program of extended study of the subject undergoes an internal review procedure at the educational institution:

Presented at a meeting of the methodological council (subject department, methodological association, etc.)

It is being tested, analyzed for the effectiveness of the additions made.

Thus, the work programs used in a general educational institution reflect the features of the institution's educational policy, its status (especially its type) and ensure the implementation of the State Educational Standard.