Meanwhile sent his lordship. Detailed report on the Poltava battle

this month On the 20th of the day, we crossed with the whole army across the (river) Vorskla and on its side it was a small mile 1) from the enemy army. Then, on the 24th, we went further with the whole army and stood about a quarter of a mile from the enemy, and so that he would not accidentally attack us, we made a tranjament near the convoy 2). Our cavalry on the right hand was placed between the forest, and between it several redoubts 3) were made, and people and cannons were besieged, and his royal majesty deigned to make any preparation for an attack on the enemy. However, this one, in his usual passionate courage, forestalled us in this, and on the 27th in the morning it was early, read in the still darkness, from the defiles 4) in which he had his entire army in line all night, on our cavalry, both with cavalry and with his infantry, with such a fury 5) attacked that, although he was repeatedly driven away with great damage from our cavalry and from our redoubts, to which he approached, there is, however, our cavalry, better than our infantry only soon they couldn’t help out, after a little to our retrangement, they were forced to give in; however, the packs soon stopped and the enemy was attacked, and his right wing was very much shot down, and Major General Schlipembach, who commanded that wing, was taken into captivity. Meanwhile, his royal majesty (Peter 1) sent his lordship General Prince Menshikov 6) and with him Lieutenant General Renzel with some part of the cavalry and infantry to Poltava, 7) marching troops to the enemy, also in the trenches of the remaining enemy Major General Rose 9 ) attack enemy troops and release the aforementioned city from the blockade of Veem. And the aforementioned his lordship (A.D. Menshikov) met on the road an enemy corps of reserves, consisting of 3000 people, which they placed behind their right wing near the forest, whom they beat without a trace in a short battle and took them to full. And then his lordship returned to the main army, and ordered Lieutenant General Renzel to continue the march to Poltava, along which, on arrival, 10) Major General Rose with three former regiments under him retreated to the fortresses and trenches made in front of the city from the enemy; but this one from the aforementioned Lieutenant General Renzel was attacked there and, after a brief resistance, was forced with all people to discretion 11) to surrender.

Meanwhile, the enemy cavalry from the main army conceded (retreated) from our cavalry and with its infantry it happened (connected), and put (the Swedes) their entire army in a battle order in front of a quarter of a mile from our wagon train. Meanwhile, his majesty (Peter I) immediately ordered two lines from our infantry to come out of our tranny, and left the third in it behind 12), and put that army into operation in such a way that the infantry was in the middle, while the cavalry was placed on both wings. And from our side, the right wing of the cavalry was commanded by Lieutenant General Baur ... the left wing was commanded by His Grace Prince Menshikov, because there his arrival was most needed. And the corps of the battle 13) was commanded by his royal majesty himself<...>and at the same time, Mr. Field Marshal Sheremetev<...>And the artillery was controlled by lieutenant general from artillery Bruce. And everyone in his appointed place ruled with a fair amount of experience of courage and his martial art. And as our army thus established itself in a battle order, it went to the enemy, and then at the 9th hour before noon an attack and fierce fire began from both sides, which attack from our troops was carried out with such courage that the entire enemy army in a half-hour battle with little damage to our troops<...>both the cavalry and the infantry have been refuted, so that the Swedish infantry did not stop more than once, but without stopping from our swords, 14) and stabbing peaks, and even to the forest that was found nearby, like cattle, driven and beaten.<...>

And so, by the mercy of the Almighty, a perfect victory, which the like is little heard and seen, with easy work against a proud enemy through his royal majesty, a glorious weapon and a personal brave and wise drive is won, for his majesty is truly his courage, wise generosity and martial art without any fear<...>showed in the highest degree, and besides, his hat was pierced by a bullet. Under his lordship, Prince Menshikov, to whom he quite showed his courage, three horses were wounded.<...>

News was received from those who were sprinkled for burial of the dead during the battle that they counted and buried the Swedish dead bodies of 8619 people in the battlefield and around it, except for those who were beaten in pursuit through the forests in different places.<...>

And what from the enemies, at the same time, cannons, standards, banners, tacos and other things received as booty, about that will follow at seven painting 17). According to the murals attached to the report, in the battle "at Poltava" 2977 people were captured with 137 banners and standards and 4 cannons (including the first minister of Karl HP Count Pieper, Field Marshal Rehnskiöld, 4 generals, 4 colonels were taken "in full" , 6 lieutenant colonels, 167 officers, 201 non-commissioned officers, 2528 ordinary dragoons and soldiers, etc.). More accurate data on the losses of the parties are as follows: the Swedes left 9 thousand killed at the battlefield, about 3 thousand were captured. Russian losses - 1345 killed and about 3300 wounded.

Cit. on: Poltava battle// Letters and papers of Emperor Peter the Great. T. IX. Issue. 1. M.-L.. 1950. S. 258-276.

Read an extract from a historical document.

“Meanwhile, his royal majesty sent ... his lordship General Prince Menshikov ... with some part of the cavalry and infantry to Poltava, in order to [help] the enemy marching troops ... attack and the mentioned city from the blockade ... liberate. And [Menshikov] met on the road an enemy reserve corps, consisting of 3,000 people, ... who, in a short battle, were shot down and completely beaten and taken to full. And then his lordship ... returned to the main army ...

Meanwhile, His Majesty ... immediately ordered two lines from our infantry (infantry) ... to advance, and left the third behind ... And from our side, the right wing of the cavalry was commanded by Lieutenant General Baur ... the left wing was commanded by him lordship Prince Menshikov, since his stay there was most needed ... And [the main forces] were commanded by his royal majesty himself<...>and at the same time, Mr. Field Marshal Sheremetev ...<...>And everyone in his appointed place ruled with a fair amount of courage and military skill of his ... The attack from our troops was carried out with such courage that the entire enemy army in a half-hour battle with little damage to our troops<...>refuted, so that the Swedish infantry did not stop more than once, but without stopping from our swords, baguettes and pike peaks, and even to the forest near ... driven and beats.

Using the passage and knowledge of history, select three correct judgments from the list provided.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) The battle referred to in the report refers to the period of the Seven Years' War.

2) In this battle, the enemy troops were led by Charles XII.

3) Ivan Mazepa was a participant in the events described in the report.

4) The war, to which the battle described in the report refers, ended for Russia without results, without territorial acquisitions.

5) Under the Russian sovereign, to whose reign the battle described in the report belongs, the Manifesto on the Liberty of the Nobility will be adopted.

6) The text notes the great role of A. D. Menshikov in the successful outcome of the battle.


1) The battle referred to in the report refers to the period of the Seven Years' War - NO, incorrect.

2) In this battle, the enemy troops were led by Charles XII - YES, right, we are talking about the Battle of Poltava in 1709.

3) Ivan Mazepa was a participant in the events described in the report - YES, right, we are talking about the Battle of Poltava in 1709.

4) The war, to which the battle described in the report refers, ended for Russia without results, without territorial acquisitions - NO, incorrect.

5) Under the Russian sovereign, to whose reign the battle described in the report belongs, the Manifesto on the Liberty of the Nobility will be adopted - NO, incorrect.

6) The text notes the great role of A. D. Menshikov in the successful outcome of the battle - YES, right, we are talking about the Battle of Poltava in 1709.

If the participants in the largest battle of the Northern War of the 18th century, which took place between the Russian troops led by Peter I and the Swedish army of Charles XII, knew how many political copies would be broken in a few centuries, they would have turned over more than once in their "mass grave" in the river under Poltava.

On June 27, 2009, Ukrainians, Swedes and Russians will celebrate the 300th anniversary of the Battle of Poltava. In 1700-1721. Russia waged the so-called Northern War with Sweden for access to the Baltic Sea. And on June 27, 1709, the Battle of Poltava took place, which changed the previous balance of power. The period of Swedish domination ended, Russia began to grow stronger and turn into a large state. Ukraine was also drawn into the struggle for foreign interests. For several years, Ukrainian Cossacks, led by Hetman Mazepa, fought on the territory of the Commonwealth against the Swedes, Polish and Lithuanian magnates, on the side of the Russian tsar.

Poltava - this small fortress city was surrounded by an earthen rampart with a wooden palisade to protect it from Krymchak raids. In the winter of 1708-1709 there was a lot of work here. Peter ordered to strengthen it in accordance with the prescription of the then engineering science. The city had only 2.5 thousand inhabitants, but its garrison consisted of 4 thousand people. The prudent, courageous and staunch colonel Ivan Stepanovich Kellin was the commandant of Poltava. In the fortress there were warehouses in which there was a lot of gunpowder, provisions. Karl made one attempt after another to immediately take the fortress. Kelin, however, skillfully defended himself, made preemptive sorties, unraveled the course of mine digging, and blew up Swedish charges. It must be said that, together with the regular troops, all the inhabitants of Poltava bravely fought with their weapons, children, women, old people and teenagers.

Menshikov, taking advantage of the location of the civilians of Poltava, led additional troops into the city, strengthening the strength and spirit of the garrison. By June, the main Russian and Swedish troops lined up around Poltava. Karl did not notice that he was in the "horseshoe" of the Russians, who were almost twice as many. But back...

Having forced August II to surrender, Charles XII began preparations for a decisive blow to Russia. His plan was to defeat the Russian army in the Baltics with the forces of the 16,000th corps of Lewenhaupt in Livonia, the 14,000th corps of Liebeker in Finland and the fleet, and then defeat the main forces of the Russian army in a pitched battle.

Peter ordered that in the Polish possessions not to enter into a general battle with the enemy, as he tried to lure him to the Russian borders, harming him at every opportunity, especially when crossing rivers. By this time, the total number of the Russian army was 100 thousand people, the army of the Swedes numbered 63 thousand, but in war real forces are determined not only by the number of troops, but also by their combat training. Charles had well trained soldiers and officers. He had a strategic initiative on his side. Therefore, Peter waited for a more convenient moment for the battle. Peter was in a difficult position, because Karl did not stop for a long time, and it was not known where he would direct the path. Peter simultaneously strengthened both Moscow and Petersburg. At the beginning of June 1708, Charles XII launched an invasion of Russia, crossed the Berezina and moved to Mogilev. At the same time, the Swedish troops and fleet began active operations in the area of ​​the Neva and St. Petersburg. However, the plans of Charles XII were not destined to come true. The actions of the Swedish troops in the St. Petersburg region did not bring them success. The Russian and Belarusian population began a guerrilla war against the Swedish troops.

Convinced that a head-on attack on Moscow had little chance of success, Charles XII turned south, to Ukraine. Russian troops moved ahead of the enemy. In addition to everything, dragoon regiments and regular cavalry scurried around the moving Swedish army day and night.

Karl proceeded from the fact that this maneuver would allow him not only to attack from the rear, but also to get the support of Turkey, the Crimean Khanate and the Ukrainian people. Charles XII also counted on the significant stocks of food and ammunition prepared by Mazepa, planned to find strong reinforcements in the Cossacks, and with their help to safely get to Moscow, where he did not dare to break through the tsarist troops through Smolensk. But these plans of Charles XXI collapsed one after another. The Russian army preempted him and did not allow him to occupy the cities of Ukraine. Only a two thousandth Mazepa detachment joined Charles XII, which constituted only an insignificant part of the Cossacks.

Detachment A.D. Menshikov captured the fortress of Baturyn (the residence of the Ukrainian hetmans) and destroyed the warehouses of ammunition and food prepared by Mazepa, as well as over 70 guns, the Zaporozhian Sich was devastated.

The East is burning like a new dawn.
Already on the plain, over the hills
Cannons roar. Smoke crimson
Circles rises to heaven.

Fatal for Charles XII was September 28, 1708. On this day, the 12,000-strong detachment "korvolant" (flying detachment) led by Peter I utterly defeated the 16,000-strong corps of Lewenhaup, moving from the Baltic to join with Charles XII, south of Mogilev near the village of Lesnoy . Lewenhaup lost more than 9,000 killed and wounded and a convoy of 7,000 ammunition wagons, so necessary for the Swedish army. The confidence of the Swedes in their invincibility was undermined, but the spirit of the Russian army rose. The defeat near Lesnaya left Karl without reserves, ammunition and allowed the Russian army to enter into a decisive battle with the Swedes in favorable conditions for it. The victory of the Russians at Lesnaya is especially significant in that it was won over a superior enemy in numbers. On October 12, 6,700 ragged and hungry soldiers arrived at Karl's camp, remaining from the 16,000th army of Levengaupt. In an effort to achieve a turning point, the Swedes laid siege to Poltava, but a three-month siege and numerous attacks did not work, and in June, the main forces of the Russian army approached the besieged.

Karl was deceived in all his hopes: after Mazepa and the Cossacks, he still hoped for Turkey that she would take the opportunity and rise with him to Russia, but the Turks and Tatars did not dare; all the neighboring peoples refused to take part for one side or another; everything seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the bloody game between Peter and Charles to end, which would decide the fate of Eastern Europe.

And the battle broke out, the Poltava battle!
In the fire, under the red-hot hail,
Reflected by a living wall
Above the fallen system fresh system
The bayonets close. heavy cloud
Squads of flying cavalry,
Reins, sounding sabers.
Knocking down, cut off the shoulder,
Throwing piles of bodies on a pile,
Cast iron balls everywhere
Between them they jump, smash,
They dig the ashes and hiss in the blood.
Swede, Russian - stabs, cuts, cuts,
Drum beat, clicks, rattle.
The thunder of cannons, stomping, neighing, groaning
And death, and hell from all sides.

On the eve of the general battle, the opposing sides had the following forces: the Swedish army numbered about 35 thousand people with 39 guns; in the Russian army there were 42 thousand people and 102 guns. On June 27, 1709, the Battle of Poltava took place, ending in the complete victory of the Russian army

As a result of the Battle of Poltava, which determined the further outcome of the war, the Swedish land army actually ceased to exist. The victory was achieved literally "with little bloodshed". The Russian army had less than one and a half thousand killed and a little more than three thousand wounded. This testified to the power and maturity of the young regular army and the high level of Russian military art. The victory at Poltava changed the balance of power between the belligerents and strengthened Russia's foothold in the Baltic. Poltava resulted in new Russian victories in 1710. in the Baltic. The Poltava victory had no less important consequences in international relations. It brought Russia to the broad international arena, forced all the countries of Europe to reckon with it, radically changed the role of Russia in European affairs of that time. But on the other hand, the victory of June 27 did not hasten the peace, but, on the contrary, complicated the position of Peter and indirectly dragged out the war. Lesnaya and Poltava showed that Peter alone was stronger than with allies, and the immediate consequence of Poltava was the revival of the former coalition defeated by Charles. With Russia in the war with Sweden, Denmark and Saxony renewed the alliance, Prussia and Hanover also joined it. Augustus II established himself on the Prussian throne.

So, in the history of Russia, the Battle of Poltava stands next to the Battle of Kulikovo, the battle of the militia of Minin and Pozharsky for Moscow, the battle of Borodino, the battles of Moscow, Stalingrad and Prokhorovka, which saved the Fatherland from enslavement and destruction.

St. Petersburg should bow to Poltava for its existence, for Charles XII repeatedly claimed in his campaign that he would destroy this creation of Peter.

Moscow is also indebted to the battle of Poltava, because after the victory at Poltava the king intended to turn to Moscow and plant "his tsar" there, cut Russia into pieces and prepare Moscow for the role of a provincial town.

Russian speech should be grateful to Poltava, because the next conqueror set as his goal to destroy Russia, and, consequently, the language of the people.

Eternal glory to all compatriots, Russians and Ukrainians, generals, soldiers, Cossacks, defenders of Poltava, who defended our Fatherland from enemies, who did not allow our people to disappear ...

The order given to E.V. Tsar Peter I to his army on the day of the Poltava battle

June 27th, 1709.

Warriors! Here comes the hour that will decide the fate of the fatherland. And so you should not think that you are fighting for Peter, but for the state handed over to Peter, for your family, for the fatherland, for our Orthodox faith and church. You should also not be embarrassed by the glory of the enemy, as if invincible, which lie you yourself have repeatedly proved by your victories over him. Have in battle before your eyes the truth and God who will fight against you. And know about Peter that his life is not dear to him, if only Russia would live in bliss and glory, for your well-being.

Cit. on: . The order given by E. V. Tsar Peter I to his army on the day of the Poltava battle, June 27, 1709.

Battle of Poltava (from the archive):

On the 20th of the day, we crossed with the whole army across the (river) Vorskla and on its side it was a small mile 1) from the enemy army. Then, on the 24th, we went further with the whole army and stood about a quarter of a mile from the enemy, and so that he would not accidentally attack us, we made a tranjament near the wagon train 2). Our cavalry on the right hand was placed between the forest, and between it several redoubts 3) were made, and people and cannons were besieged, and his royal majesty deigned to make any preparation for an attack on the enemy. However, this one, in his usual passionate courage, forestalled us in this, and on the 27th in the morning it was early, read in the still darkness, from the defiles 4) in which he had his entire army in line all night, on our cavalry, both with cavalry and with his infantry, with such a fury 5) attacked that, although he was repeatedly driven away with great damage from our cavalry and from our redoubts, to which he approached, there is, however, our cavalry, better than our infantry only soon they couldn’t help out, after a little to our retragement, they were forced to give in; however, the packs soon stopped and the enemy was attacked, and his right wing was very much shot down, and Major General Schlipembach, who commanded that wing, was taken into captivity. Meanwhile, his royal majesty (Peter 1) sent his lordship General Prince Menshikov 6) and with him Lieutenant General Renzel with some part of the cavalry and infantry to Poltava, 7) marching troops to the enemy, also in the trenches 8) the remaining enemy general-maeor Rosa 9) attack the enemy troops and release the aforementioned city from the blockade of the city. And the aforementioned his lordship (A.D. Menshikov) met on the road an enemy corps of reserves, consisting of 3000 people, which they placed behind their right wing near the forest, whom they beat without a trace in a short battle and took them to the full. And then his lordship returned to the main army, and ordered Lieutenant General Renzel to continue the march to Poltava, along which, on arrival, 10) Major General Rose with three former regiments under him retreated to the fortresses and trenches made in front of the city from the enemy; but this one from the aforementioned Lieutenant-General Renzel was attacked there and, after a brief resistance made, forced with all people to discretion 11) surrender.

Meanwhile, the enemy cavalry from the main army conceded (retreated) from our cavalry and with its infantry it happened (connected), and put (the Swedes) their entire army in a battle order in front of a quarter of a mile from our wagon train. Meanwhile, his majesty (Peter I) immediately ordered two lines from our infantry to come out of our tranny, and left the third in it behind 12), and put that army into operation in such a way that the infantry was in the middle, while the cavalry was placed on both wings. And from our side, the right wing of the cavalry was commanded by Lieutenant General Baur ... the left wing was commanded by His Grace Prince Menshikov, because there his arrival was most needed. And the corps of the battle 13) was commanded by his royal majesty himself<...>and at the same time, Mr. Field Marshal Sheremetev<...>And the artillery was controlled by lieutenant general from artillery Bruce. And everyone in his appointed place ruled with a fair amount of experience of courage and his martial art. And as our army thus established itself in a battle order, it went to the enemy, and then at the 9th hour before noon an attack and fierce fire began from both sides, which attack from our troops was carried out with such courage that the entire enemy army in a half-hour battle with little damage to our troops<...>both the cavalry and the infantry have been refuted, so that the Swedish infantry did not stop more than once, but without stopping from our swords, 14) and stabbing peaks, and even to the forest that was found nearby, like cattle, driven and beaten.<...>

And so, by the mercy of the Almighty, a perfect victory, which the like is little heard and seen, with easy work against a proud enemy through his royal majesty, a glorious weapon and a personal brave and wise drive is won, for his majesty is truly his courage, wise generosity and martial art without any fear<...>showed in the highest degree, and besides, his hat was pierced by a bullet. Under his lordship, Prince Menshikov, to whom he quite showed his courage, three horses were wounded.<...>

News was received from those who were sprinkled for burial of the dead during the battle that they counted and buried the Swedish dead bodies of 8619 people in the battlefield and around it, except for those who were beaten in pursuit through the forests in different places.<...>

And what from the enemies, at the same time, cannons, standards, banners, tacos and other things received as booty, about that will follow at seven painting 17). According to the murals attached to the report, in the battle "at Poltava" 2977 people were captured with 137 banners and standards and 4 cannons (including the first minister of Karl HP Count Pieper, Field Marshal Rehnskiöld, 4 generals, 4 colonels were taken "in full" , 6 lieutenant colonels, 167 officers, 201 non-commissioned officers, 2528 ordinary dragoons and soldiers, etc.). More accurate data on the losses of the parties are as follows: the Swedes left 9 thousand killed at the battlefield, about 3 thousand were captured. Russian losses - 1345 killed and about 3300 wounded.

Cit. Quoted from: // Letters and Papers of Emperor Peter the Great.


"Our Wednesday online"- The Battle of Poltava is the largest battle of the Northern War between the Russian troops under the command of Peter I and the Swedish army of Charles XII. It took place on the morning of June 27 (July 8), 1709, 6 versts from the city of Poltava on Russian lands (the Left Bank of the Dnieper). The decisive victory of the Russian army led to a turning point in the Northern War in favor of Russia and put an end to the dominance of Sweden as one of the leading military forces in Europe.

Here is a "Detailed report" (report) about the battle, written to Peter I immediately after the battle.

“On the 20th day of this month, we crossed the (river) Vorskla with the whole army and on its side it was a small mile 1) from the enemy army. Then, on the 24th, we went further with the whole army and stood about a quarter of a mile from the enemy, and so that he would not accidentally attack us, we made a tranjament near the convoy 2). Our cavalry was placed on the right hand between the forest, and between it several redoubts 3) were made, and people and cannons were besieged, and his royal majesty deigned to make any preparation for an attack on the enemy. However, this one, in his usual ardent courage, forestalled us in this, and on the 27th in the morning it was early, read it in the still darkness, from the defiles 4) in which he had his entire army in line all night, on our cavalry, both with cavalry and with his infantry, with such a fury 5) attacked that, although he was repeatedly driven away with great damage from our cavalry and from our redoubts, which he attacked, there is, however, our cavalry, better than our infantry only they couldn’t help out soon, after a little to our retrangement, they were forced to give in; however, the packs soon stopped and the enemy was attacked, and on its right wing they were very beaten, and Major General Schlipembach, whom he commanded that wing, was taken full. Meanwhile, his royal majesty (Peter 1. - Ed.) sent his lordship General Prince Menshikov 6) and with him Lieutenant General Renzel with some of the cavalry and infantry to Poltava, so that even in the sukurs 7) the enemy marching troops, also in trenches 8) of the remaining enemy major-general Rosa 9) attack with enemy troops and release the aforementioned city from the blockade of Veem. And the aforementioned his lordship (A.D. Menshikov. - Ed.) met on the road the enemy corps of reserves, consisting of 3000 people, which they placed behind their right wing in the forest, whom they beat in a short battle and beat them without a trace and took them to full . And then his lordship returned to the main army, while General Lieutenant Renzel ordered to continue the march to Poltava, along which, on arrival, 10) Major General Rose with three former regiments with him retreated to the fortresses and trenches made in front of the city from the enemy; but he was attacked there by the aforementioned Lieutenant-General Renzel and, after a brief resistance, was forced, with all the people who were with him, to discretion 11) of the building.

Meanwhile, the enemy cavalry from the main army conceded (retreated) from our cavalry and with their infantry the packs happened (connected), and put (the Swedes) their entire army in a battle order in front of a quarter of a mile from our wagon train. Meanwhile, his majesty (Peter I. - Ed.) immediately ordered two lines from our infantry to come out of our tranjament, and left the third in it behind 12), and put that army into operation in such a way that the infantry was in the middle, the cavalry was on both wings. delivered. And from our side, the right wing of the cavalry was commanded by Lieutenant General Baur ... the left wing was commanded by His Grace Prince Menshikov, since his stay there was most necessary. And the battle corps 13) was commanded by his royal majesty himself<…>and at the same time, Mr. General Field Marshal Sheremetev is also the generals from infantry Prince Repnin and Alart<…>And the artillery was controlled by lieutenant general from artillery Bruce. And everyone in his appointed place ruled with a fair amount of experience of courage and his martial art. And as our army thus established itself in a battle order, it went to the enemy, and then at the 9th hour before noon an attack and fierce fire began from both sides, which attack from our troops with such courage was carried out that the entire enemy army in a half-hour battle with little damage to our troops<…>both the cavalry and the infantry have been refuted, so that the Swedish infantry did not stop more than once, but without stopping from our swords, baguettes 14) and lances, and even to the forest that was found nearby, like cattle, driven and bits.<…>

And so, by the grace of the Almighty, a perfect victory, which the like is little heard and seen, with easy work against a proud enemy, through his royal majesty, a glorious weapon and a personal brave and wise drive is won, for his majesty is truly his courage, wise generosity and martial art without any fear<…>in the highest degree he showed, and besides, his hat was pierced by a bullet. Under his own lordship, Prince Menshikov, to whom he also showed his courage quite well, three horses were wounded.<…>

News was received from those who were strewn for burial of the dead in battle that they counted and buried the Swedish dead bodies of 8619 people in the battlefield and around it, except for those who were beaten in pursuit through the forests in different places.<…>

And what from the enemies, at the same time, cannons, standards, banners, etc., were received as booty, about which a painting will follow at seven 17).

Published by: Letters and papers imp. Peter the Great. T. IX. Issue. 1. M.-L.. 1950. S. 258-276.


1) A small mile - probably English, about 1.5 km long. 2) Tranjameng - a trench or ditch with a rampart.
3) Redoubt - a closed field fortification; Peter 1, for the first time in the history of military engineering, erected redoubts on the outskirts of the main position of the Russian army, placing two battalions of soldiers with cannons in them. The breakthrough of the redoubts upset the battle order of the Swedes before the clash of the main vultures of the two armies.
4) Defiles - gorge; here: the exits of the Swedes to the places of formation of troops before the start of the battle.
5) Furies - among the ancient Romans, avenging goddesses, evil and violent; with such a fury - in a figurative sense: with such fury, fury.
6) Menshikov A.D. commanded cavalry (dragoon regiments) near Poltava.
7) Sukurs (distorted French) - help, support.
8) Shantsy - trenches, fortifications.
9) General Rose (Rosen, modern spelling Ross), after the destruction of the column of the Swedish general Schlippenbach in the Budishchensky forest, retreated with its remnants to Poltava and joined the detachments located there in the Swedish shands, left by Charles XII to continue the siege of the fortress, which he hoped to take after the alleged victory in the main battle. The order of Peter 1 to "liberate Poltava from the blockade" was carried out.
10) Retreated - retreated.
11) At the discretion of the builder - here; without any preconditions.
12) As a reserve at the time of deployment of two lines in battle formation on the field
13) The battle corps is the center of battle formation with infantry.
14) Baguinet - a bayonet. Baganettes were inserted into the muzzle of a gun; Peter 1 introduced a bayonet into the Russian army, which was attached to the gun barrel with a tube with a lock screwed onto the front sight, which made it possible to fire with a fixed bayonet. In the battle of Poltava, such a bayonet was used, called in the relation in the old way a bapshet.
15) According to the murals attached to the report, in the battle "at Poltava" 2977 people were taken to pien with 137 banners and standards and 4 cannons (including the first minister of Karl HP Count Pieper, Field Marshal Rehnskiöld, 4 generals, 4 generals, were taken "in full" 4 colonels, 6 lieutenant colonels, 167 officers, 201 non-commissioned officers, 2528 ordinary dragoons and soldiers, etc.). More accurate data on the losses of the parties are as follows: the Swedes left 9 thousand killed at the battlefield, about 3 thousand were captured. Russian losses - 1345 killed and about 3300 wounded.

This month, on the 20th day, we crossed the Vorskla with the whole army and on its side, a small mile from the enemy army, we became. Then, on the 24th, we went further with the whole army and stood about a quarter of a mile from the enemy, and, so that he would not accidentally attack us, we committed a transshipment near the wagon train. Our cavalry was placed on the right hand between the forest, and between it several redoubts were made, and besieged by people and cannons, and his royal majesty deigned to make any preparation for an attack on the enemy.

This month, on the 20th day, we crossed the Vorskla with the whole army and on its side, a small mile from the enemy army, we became. Then, on the 24th, we went further with the whole army and stood about a quarter of a mile from the enemy, and, so that he would not accidentally attack us, we committed a transshipment near the wagon train. Our cavalry was placed on the right hand between the forest, and between it several redoubts were made, and besieged by people and cannons, and his royal majesty deigned to make any preparation for an attack on the enemy. However, this one, in his usual ardent courage, forestalled us in this, and on the 27th in the morning it was early, read it in the still dark, from the defiles in which he had his entire army in line all night, to our cavalry both with his cavalry and with his infantry, he attacked with such a fury that, although he was driven away many times with great damage from our cavalry and from our redoubts, which he attacked, however, our cavalry, which our infantry could not help out soon , after a little to our retrangement, yielding is forced; however, the packs soon stopped and the enemy was attacked, and on its right wing they were very beaten, and Major General Schlipembach, whom he commanded that wing, was taken full. Meanwhile, His Royal Majesty sent His Grace General Prince Menshikov and, under him, Lieutenant General Renzel with some part of the cavalry and infantry to Poltava, in order to attack and free the aforementioned city from the blockade of Veem. And the aforementioned his lordship met on the road an enemy corps of reserves, consisting of 3000 people, which they placed behind their right wing near the forest, whom they beat in a short battle and beat them without a trace and took them to full. And then his lordship returned to the main army, while General Lieutenant Renzel ordered to continue the march to Poltava, along which Major General Rose with three former regiments with him retreated to the fortresses and trenches made in front of the city from the enemy; but he was attacked there by the aforementioned Lieutenant-General Renzel and, after a brief resistance, was forced, with all the people who were with him, to the discretion of the building.

Meanwhile, the enemy cavalry from the main army conceded (retreated) from our cavalry and with their infantry the packs happened (connected), and put (the Swedes) their entire army in a battle order in front of a quarter of a mile from our wagon train. Meanwhile, His Majesty immediately ordered two lines from our infantry to come out of our tranny, and left the third in it behind, and put that army into operation in such a way that the infantry was in the middle, while the cavalry was on both wings. delivered. And from our side, the right wing of the cavalry was commanded by Lieutenant General Baur ... the left wing was commanded by His Grace Prince Menshikov, since his presence there was most needed. And the corps of the battle was commanded by his royal majesty himself<...>and at the same time, Mr. General Field Marshal Sheremetev is also the generals from infantry Prince Repnin and Alart<...>And the artillery was controlled by lieutenant general from artillery Bruce. And everyone in his appointed place ruled with a fair amount of experience of courage and his martial art. And as our army thus established itself in a battle order, it went to the enemy, and then at the 9th hour before noon an attack and fierce fire began from both sides, which attack from our troops with such courage was carried out that the entire enemy army in a half-hour battle with little damage to our troops<...>both the cavalry and the infantry have been refuted, so that the Swedish infantry did not stop more than once, but without stopping from our swords, baguettes and pikes, and even to the forest nearby, like cattle, driven and beats.<...>

And so, by the grace of the Almighty, a perfect victory, which the like is little heard and seen, with easy work against a proud enemy, through his royal majesty, a glorious weapon and a personal brave and wise drive is won, for his majesty is truly his courage, wise generosity and martial art without any fear<...>in the highest degree he showed, and besides, his hat was pierced by a bullet. Under his own lordship, Prince Menshikov, to whom he also showed his courage quite well, three horses were wounded.<...>

News was received from those who were strewn for burial of the dead in battle that they counted and buried the Swedish dead bodies of 8619 people in the battlefield and around it, except for those who were beaten in pursuit through the forests in different places.<...>

And what about guns, standards, banners, etc., received from the enemies as booty, that will follow at seven painting