Morphemic analysis of the word. How to make morphemic and derivational parsing of a word: specific examples

Linguistic analyzes are necessary in order to systematize information on a specific section of linguistics. So, for example, morphemic analysis allows you to remember everything studied in the section "Morfemics and word formation" and apply part of the knowledge in practice.

What is morpheme parsing

Morphemic parsing of a word is parsing by composition. During this analysis, the student must identify all the significant parts of the word.

There are parts of the word (letters, syllables) and significant parts (prefix, root, etc.): the latter have their own meaning and are able to influence the meaning of the whole word: house-ik is a small house.

Guys do such analyzes in the 5th grade, and even earlier in a number of programs. In many cases, the search for parts of a word is not difficult, but requires attention.

How to parse a word by composition

There is a well-established order of morphemic parsing. You should not change it, even if it seems that you can make it easier. It is better to follow the instructions, then you will be able to avoid mistakes.

So, how to do morpheme parsing?

Necessary highlight ending. To do this, you need to change the word (names or participles - by cases, verbs - by persons, gender (past tense, conditional) or numbers (imperative))

In complex numerals there are two endings, in the middle and at the end of the word: seven-and-ten-and, seven-th-ten-th.

Designate the basis(the whole word without an ending; -sya is included in the stem).

Necessary find the root. To this end, we select words with the same root, that is, we try to change prefixes and suffixes: you can pick up a word of a different part of speech. At the same time, we remember that

  • roots may have alternation (snow - snow-ok; love-and-be - love-th);
  • roots can be homonymous (look the same, but denote different meanings (mountain and mountain-a).

Designate affixes: suffixes and prefixes. It must be remembered that a word can have more than one prefix and more than one suffix. To distinguish them, you need to find the nearest predecessor of this word in the word-formation chain (from which word it came).

For example, the word “circle” did not come from the word “circle”, but from the word “circle” (but “circle” - from “circle”, but we need to find the word “daddy”, not “grandfather”).


Let us give examples of morphemic parsing of words.


Ending -a (cup-and, cup-oh ...)

Cup - the basis.

Bowl- - root (bowl-ka, bowl-a, bowl-elistiki)

There are no attachments.

Suffix -k- (cup-a + -k-) and -ech- (alternating k / h and e with zero sound).


Ending -th (pre-winter-im, pre-winter-him).

The basis is pre-winter.

Root -zim- (zim-a, zim-orodok, zim-ear).

Prefix pre-(winter - pre-winter).

Suffix - -n- (winter - winter-n-y).

What have we learned?

To perform morphemic analysis, it is necessary to act according to a plan. First, we change the form of the word and find the ending. Then we define the base. The next stage is the search for the root (using the selection of cognate words). At the end, look for prefixes and suffixes.

Morphemic and derivational analysis of the word(what is conventionally denoted by the number 2) are two interrelated stages in the analysis of the structure of the word.

A) Plan of morphemic analysis

  1. Write the word in the form in which it is presented in the sentence. Define the word as a part of speech (variable or invariable part of speech).
  2. Select the ending of the modified word and indicate its meaning. To determine the ending, the word must be declined or conjugated.
  3. Specify the basis of the word.
  4. Select the root of the word; pick up single words.
  5. Select prefixes, suffixes, postfixes, connecting vowels (if any); pick up other words with the same prefixes, suffixes, etc., but with a different root.

B) Plan of word-formation analysis

  1. Put the word in the initial form.
  2. Indicate the basis of the word and determine whether it is a derivative.
  3. For a derived word, choose a word-formation pair (the word from which the parsed word is directly formed).
  4. Indicate the stem in the generating word.
  5. Indicate derivational prefixes, suffixes, postfixes (if any).
  6. Specify how the word is formed.


1) In morphemic analysis, the form of the word that is presented in a particular text is analyzed; in word-formation parsing - a word in its initial form.

2) The basis of the parsed form of the word can always be distinguished, the ending (including the zero ending) is distinguished only in the inflected parts of speech (there are no endings for gerunds, adverbs, service parts of speech and some nouns and adjectives).

3) To determine whether a word is a derivative, you need to pay attention to the composition of its stem (in its initial form!).

4) If the basis of the initial form of the word consists of one root, then it is usually non-derivative. Exceptions can be made for words that are formed by: (a) zero suffixation; (b) transition from one part of speech to another.

5) If the stem of the initial form of a word consists of a root and a prefix, a suffix, etc., such a word is usually a derivative. Exceptions are some non-prefixed verbs.

6) A compound word is always a derivative.

An example of morphemic and word-formation parsing

There were so many hairdressers 2 and funeral processions in the county town N that it seemed that the inhabitants 2 of the city were born 2 only to shave 2 , cut their hair, freshen their heads 2 2 with a vegetal and immediately die. But in reality, people were born, shaved and died quite rarely in the county 2 town N. The life of city N was the quietest 2 . The spring evenings were intoxicating, the mud sparkled under the moon like anthracite, and all the youth of the city were so in love 2 with the secretary of the local communal committee 2 that it prevented her from working (Ilf and Petrov).

(Many) barbershops

1) Morphemic analysis:

1. hairdresser-sk - them(noun).
2. End - - them. It expresses the meanings of the plural, R.p., cf.: barbershop - and I, hairdresser - oh.
3. The basis of the form is a hairdresser-sk-.
4. Root - hairdresser-. One-word words: hairdresser□ , hairdresser -sh-a.
5. -sk- - suffix. This is an adjective suffix, cf.: sailor- sk-uy, female- sk-uy.

1. Initial form - salon.
2. The basis of the word is hairdresser-. Derivative base.
3-5. barbershop - and I(n.) ← barbershop - uy(adj.).
6. The word is formed by moving from one part of speech to another (from an adjective to a noun - substantiation).


1) Morphemic analysis:

1. zhi-tel - and(noun).
2. End - - and. It expresses the meanings of plural, I.p., cf.: inhabitant □, inhabitant - I.
3. The basis of the form is zhi-tel-.
4. Root - zhi-. One-word words: zhi-be, zhi -l-oh.
5. -Tel- suffix. This is a noun suffix, cf.: pis-a- Tel□ , water-and- Tel□ .

2) Word-building analysis:

1. Initial form - inhabitant.
2. The basis of the word is zhi-tel. Derivative base.
3-4. live- Tel□ → zhi - be.
5. -tel - derivational suffix.
6. Suffix way.


1) Morphemic analysis:

1. birth - yut-sya(verb).
2. End - - ut. It expresses the meaning of the 3rd l. pl., cf.: birth-a-et-sya, birth-a-em-sya.
3. The basis of the form is birth-a-...-sya.
4. Root - birth-. One-word words: birth-th, born-th.
5. -a- - suffix. It is a verb suffix, cf.: pis- a-t, decide- a-th.
-Xia we -t-t-sya, kup-a-t-t-sya.

2) Word-building analysis:

1. Initial form - be born.
2. The basis of the word is birth-a-...-sya. Derivative base.
3-4. born - be-Xia← birth - be.
5. -sya - derivational postfix.
6. Postfix method.


1) Morphemic analysis:

1. brie - be-sya (a verb in an indefinite form).
2. End - - be on-bra-et-sya, on-bre-em-sya.
3. The basis of the form - bri- ... -sya.
4. Root - brie-. One-word words: brie tv-and you- brie-th.
5. on- - prefix, cf .: by -sl-a-be, by -garden-and-be.
-Xia- postfix of a reflexive verb, cf .: we -t- Xia, kup-a -t- Xia.

2) Word-building analysis:

1. Initial form - shave.
2. The basis of the word is in-bri- ... -sya. Derivative base.
3-6. a) b-bri -th- Xiabrie-t; -sya- derivational postfix; postfix method.
b) b-bri -th- Xia← brie -t- Xia; on- - derivational prefix; prefix method.


1) Morphemic analysis:

1. o-fresh-and - be(verb in indefinite form).
2. End - - be. It expresses the meaning of an indefinite form, cf.: o-fresh-it, o-fresh-im.
3. The basis of the form is o-fresh-and-.
4. Root - fresh-. One-word words: fresh th, fresh-about.
5. about- - prefix, cf .: o-bel-i-th, o-light-and-th.
-and- - verb suffix, cf.: o-bel- and-t, o-light- and-th.

2) Word-building analysis:

1. Initial form - refresh.
2. The basis of the word is o-fresh-and-. Derivative base.
3-4. oh-fresh-and-t ← fresh.
5. o- - derivational prefix; -i - derivational suffix.
6. Attachment-suffix method.


1) Morphemic analysis:

1. goals - at(noun).
2. End - - at. It expresses the meaning of f.r., singular, V.p., cf.: heads - a, heads - oh.
3. The basis of the form - heads -.
4. Root - goals-. One-word words: goals -n-oh, golov -ast th.

2) Word-building analysis:

1. Initial form - head.
2. The basis of the word is head-. The basis is non-derivative (consists of one root).

(In) county (city)

1) Morphemic analysis:

1. county - ohm(adjective).
2. End - - ohm. It expresses the values ​​of singular, m.r., p.p. compare: county-n-th, county-n-th.
3. The basis of the form is county-n-.
4. Root - county-. One-word words: county□ , by- county -n-th.
5. -n- - suffix. This is an adjective suffix, cf .: volost- n-oh, entrance- n-th.

2) Word-building analysis:

1. Initial form - county.
2. The basis of the word is county-n-. Derivative base.
3-4. county-n - th← county □ .
5. -n- - derivational suffix.
6. Suffix way.

(Life)… (was) the quietest

1) Morphemic analysis:

1. tish-aysh - her(adjective).
2. End - - her. It expresses the meaning of singular, female, etc., compare: tish-aysh - and I, tish-aysh - wow.
3. The basis of the form is tish-aysh-.
4. Root - hush-. One-word words: quiet-about, quiet-in-a.
5. -aish- - suffix of the superlative form of the adjective, cf .: great-y - great- aish-th, fresh -th - fresh- aish th.

2) Word-building analysis:

1. Initial form (positive degree of the adjective) - quiet.
2. The basis of the word is quiet-. The basis is non-derivative (consists of one root).

in love

1) Morphemic analysis:

1. in-love-en - a(short form of participle).
2. End - - a. It expresses the meaning of singular, female, cf.: in-love-yon □, in-love-en - s.
3. The basis of the form is in-love-yon-.
4. Root - love-. One-word words: love-be(alternating b/bl), love□ .
5. in- - prefix, cf .: in -krapl-yonn-th, in -plet-yonn-th.
-en- suffix of the short passive participle of the past tense of the verb, cf .: in-nes- en-a, in-plet- en-a.

2) Word-building analysis:

1. The initial form of the sacrament - enamored.
2. The basis of the sacrament is in-love-yonn-. Derivative base.
3-4. in-love-yonn - th← in-love-and - be.
5. -yonn - participle suffix.
6. Suffix way.

(To the secretary) local committee

1) Morphemic analysis:

1. place-com - a(abbreviated word, noun).
2. End - - a. It expresses the meaning of m.r., singular, R.p., cf.: place-com □, place-com - ohm.
3. The basis of the form is place-com-.
4. Word roots: 1) places-; 2) the committee)- - in abbreviated form. One-word words: places -n-th, places-about; the committee□ , committee -sk-uy.
5. There are no prefixes and suffixes.

2) Word-building analysis:

1. Initial form - local committee.
2. The basis of the word is place-com-. Derivative base.
3-4. place-com □ ← places - (n)-th the committee).
5-6. The addition of bases reduced to syllables is an abbreviation.

In Russian, words consist of morphemes - the minimum meaningful parts of a word.

In contact with

The concept of a morpheme

Morphemes include , root, suffix, ending, connecting vowels and . Each morpheme has specific position in a word:

  • The prefix is ​​at the beginning. There can be several of them in one lexical unit. The prefix has a word- and formative function. For example, crumble - crumble, think - think about, move - pass.
  • At the root lies the main meaning. Words without this part do not exist. For example, bread - bread-ny - bread-etz, wave - wavy-those - un-wave-ovate.
  • The position of the suffix is ​​after the root and before the ending. It also has a formative function. One lexical unit can have from one to three suffixes. For example, a river is a speech-to-a, advice is advice-ova-th, a stone is stone-n-th.
  • The ending not part of the base and stands out only for inflected parts of speech (except for indefinite pronouns, reflexive verbs, complex numerals). It indicates the gender, number, case, person, and also determines the connection of words in syntactic constructions. In some words, there is a zero ending. For example, horse Ø - horse-I, twist-th - cool-yat, thin - thin.
  • Connecting vowels form compound lexemes (have two or more roots). The most common connect. vowels - -o and -e, but you can meet -i, -a, -u. For example, hunting, cook, sixth grader, forty, daredevil, double-barreled gun.
  • Postfix stands after the end. It includes the reflexive verbal suffix -s / -sya, the suffix will command. inclinations pl. hours - those; pronominal -something, -either, -something; -ka and -the same. Postfixes refer to the stem and terminate at the end. For example, squint, perform, so-and-so, ever, someone, show me, after all.

Important! All morphemes, with the exception of the ending, form the basis of the word form. Verb suffix past. temp. -l- is also not included.

How to morpheme a word

What is morphemic parsing? This is decomposition of the word form into its component parts. It has a clear structure:

  1. Determine the part of speech.
  2. Select ending and stem.
  3. Select prefix(es) and suffix(s).
  4. Select root.

Let's study examples:

Let's make a morphemic analysis of the word confine:

The part of speech is the verb. Graduation -t indicates the infinitive form. The invariable part of the word is -limit + -sya. We select word formation. adj. o-, returnable suf. oh, soof. -and- indicating II conjugation. The root is border from the word "border".

Let's parse the word origin(option 1):

This is a noun cf. R. 2nd fold, as indicated by the end. -e. Basis -origin-. Selected words. adj. -pro- and -is- (a variant spelling of the adjective -from- before a voiceless consonant) and the suffix -eni- indicating an action or state. Cor. -walk-.

Morphemic word parsing origin(option 2):

The main part is the same - -origin-. Selected words. suf. -eni-. This word has 2 roots: -origin- and -hod-.

Morphemic word parsing folder:

This is the noun husband. R., 2nd fold, as indicated by the zero ending. The main part is the binder. We select words. adj. -s-, shock suf. -va-, verbal suf. -tel- indicating the name of mechanisms/professions. This is a complex lexical unit, it has two roots -skor- and -shi-, connected by the vowel -o.

Attention! For morphemic analysis, the word form used in the given text is always taken, regardless of the /person/number it is in.

How to do word-formation analysis

Always goes with the morpheme. Its purpose is to clarify how the word form is formed.

Word-formation analysis is carried out according to a clear algorithm:

  1. The word is put in its initial form.
  2. The immutable part is determined and derivation is established.
  3. For the derivative, single-root words are selected.
  4. The stem is indicated in single-root words.
  5. Derivational morphemes are indicated.
  6. It is called the method of education.

Morphemic parsing of words

Let's parse the word centipede:

The sentence "The body size of centipedes can be up to 30 cm."

  • The initial form is a centipede (complex).
  • The basis of the noun - centipede - is a derivative.
  • It has two roots: -forty- and -knife-. Single-root words: forty and legs-a / knife-ka.
  • Connect. vowel -o-; suffix -k-.
  • Merging several bases; suffix.

Word-building analysis of the word have traveled:

Let's look at the sentence: "We've traveled half the world."

  • The initial form is to go around.
  • The basis of the verb -byezdi- is a derivative.
  • Cor. -drive-. Single-root words: detour, detour, detour.
  • word images. adj. -ob-, dividing bj, verbal suf. -i- and -l-.
  • Prefix-suffix.

Word-building analysis of the word earphone.

To disassemble a word according to its composition or to make its morphemic analysis means to indicate what morphemes it consists of. A morpheme is the smallest meaningful part of a word.

Run Parse

The following morphemes exist in Russian:

  • root - the most important part of the word, carrying its meaning. Words with the same root have a common root. For example, the words "leaf", "leaf" and "foliage" have a common root - "leaf". There are words that consist only of the root - "mushroom", "metro", "island". It happens that there are two roots - “boat”, “waterfall”. It happens that there are three roots - do not be afraid - "water and mud bath". Repeat the rule that concerns connecting vowels, so as not to make mistakes in writing them;
  • suffix is ​​the significant part of the word. It is usually located after the root. Used to form new words. For example, in the word "teapot" "tea" is a root, "nick" is a suffix. There may be no suffixes in a word. Sometimes there are two suffixes - for example, in the word "boletus";
  • prefix - another significant part of the word. located in front of the root. The purpose is the same as that of the suffix - with its help new words are formed. In the word "suitable" "move" is the root, "under" is a prefix;
  • The ending is the variable part of the word. What is it for? To link words in a sentence;
  • A stem is a part of a word without an ending.

Each part of the word has a graphic designation. You can see how the parts of a word are indicated in a textbook on the Russian language, in a morphemic dictionary or on the Internet.

Rules and exceptions when parsing by composition

Parsing a word by composition online is not difficult if you know the rules by which it is done. At the initial stage, you can use a morphemic-spelling dictionary - it will help you not to make mistakes.

The word must contain only the root - one or more. There are no words without a root. There are no words without a foundation. But words without suffixes, prefixes or endings are very common. This should not be surprising.

It often happens that the whole word is a stem. This happens, for example, with adverbs. They are invariable parts of speech. The word "fast" has no ending ("o" in the word is a suffix), and therefore the whole word will be the basis.

Tikhonov's word-building dictionary will help the student in conducting morphemic analysis. This textbook contains information about the composition of 100 thousand words of the Russian language. The dictionary is easy to use, and during the period of study in elementary school, it should become your reference book.

Those who have Internet skills will find useful resources where you can do a morphemic analysis of a word online. Train if the classes at school in the Russian language lessons are not enough for you.

Brief cheat sheet (plan) on morphemic word parsing

Morphemic analysis consists of the following steps:

  1. Determine what part of speech the word belongs to. To do this, ask him a question. Let's take the word "travel" as an example. It answers the question "what?".
  2. First of all, you need to find the ending in the word. To do this, you need to change it several times. Let's change it several times - "before the trip", "on the trip". We see that the changing part is "a". This is the ending.
  3. Parsing the word by composition continues with the definition of the root. Let's pick up the same-root words - "train", "moving". Let's compare these words - the part of "rides" does not change. This is the root.
  4. Find out which prefix is ​​in the word. To do this, we analyze once again the same-root words - “train”, “entrance”. Accordingly, in the word "trip" the prefix "by".
  5. The final stage is finding out where the suffix is ​​in the word. The letter “k” remains, which comes after the root and serves to form the word. This is the suffix.
  6. We designate all parts of the word with the corresponding symbols.

Examples of morpheme parsing

For example, below are selected words with the most interesting options for parsing by composition.

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How to morpheme a word

How to make morphemic parsing of a word? How to make a morphemic analysis of a word. The main nuances and stages of morphemic analysis. How to do phonetic analysis. How to do phonetic parsing of a word. The basic principle of phonetic analysis of the word. How to parse a word by composition - parsing a word by composition in philological science is called morphemic analysis. This is one of - , Russian language | e. Litnevskaya - part 2. Morphemics and word formation. Morphemics and word formation derivational and morphemic. The word can be analyzed from the point of view of its derivative - it will, do and do - one word. Home; guys; what, how, why and why? Answers to your questions; doing and doing are one thing. Morphemic analysis of the word 1.

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