My struggle is to read in Russian. George Orwell Review of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf

And the second book "My Struggle" is one of the bloodiest dictators in history - Adolf Hitler. Mein Kampf (original title in German) is Hitler's autobiography.

First part

The first part tells about where he was born, about his family, studies, moving to Vienna, thoughts about a unified German state, attitude towards Slavs, Jews, and so on. Then he leaves for the German Empire (Second Reich), in Bavaria. Then he goes to the western front during the First World War.

Second part

The second part is about the ideas of National Socialism (Nazism). I will make a small digression.

Many residents of the countries of the former USSR believe that Nazism and fascism are one and the same. But this is absolutely wrong, these are different ideologies.

In Nazism the nation plays the most important role, in fascism it is the state. These are the most important differences.

The book is filled with ideas (although this is expressed in the second part) of the superiority of the Aryan nation over all, the ideas of anti-Semitism (Esperanto is the point of the Jewish conspiracy) and a negative attitude towards parliamentarism, social democracy, Slavophobia (Hitler was afraid of the Slavization of Austria-Hungary). Negative attitude to the ideas of Marx.

Hitler had a good attitude towards trade unions (because they can become a tool for healing), propaganda.

He considered Russia a state that lived at the expense of the German core in the intelligentsia. But after the Revolution of 1917, this place was occupied by the Jews, and the Germans were destroyed. Because Russia will also disappear, like the Jews.

The book itself was published in 1925. Initially, the book was not in great demand, but when the National Socialist Party gained power in 1933, sales increased significantly. It was issued free of charge to all members of the NSP, and since 1936 at weddings instead of the Bible. It should be noted that Hitler refused income.

Second book

Then the second book was written. But due to low sales of the first book, the publisher did not dare to publish it, as it would completely reduce sales. But when Hitler came to power, then it was decided not to publish it for other reasons. She was hidden in a safe. And only in 1946 it was found. And in 1961 it was published, in 1962 - translated into English.

It should be noted that in the Russian Federation "My Struggle" is prohibited in accordance with the federal law on extremism of 2002. Because of what, it is not possible to get a legal printed copy (although you can find it on the Internet, but the price tags are quite high and there is a high chance that you will be deceived). But on the same Internet, finding an electronic copy is quite simple.

Mein Kampf has been translated into many languages. The first translation into Russian was made in the 1930s in a limited edition for party workers. Further excerpts were translated in 1990 in the VIZH magazine. A full translation was made by the T-Oko publishing house in 1992. By the way, this year's edition is most often available for download.

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"They wanted to replace the Bible" - this muffled whisper sounds in one of the halls of the Bavarian State Library. Rare books expert Stefan Kellner describes how the Nazis turned a rambling, largely unreadable manuscript - part memoir, part propaganda - into the centerpiece of the Third Reich's ideology.

Why is the book dangerous?

According to the producer of Publish or Burn, which first appeared on screen in January 2015, this text remains quite dangerous. Hitler's story is proof that he was underestimated in his time. Now people underestimate his book.

There is good reason to take this book seriously, as it is open to misinterpretation. Despite the fact that Hitler wrote it in the 20s of the 20th century, he fulfilled much of what it says. If more attention had been paid to him at that time, it is quite possible that they would have been able to consider the threat.

Hitler wrote Mein Kampf while in prison, where he was sent for treason after the failed Beer Putsch. The book outlines his racist and anti-Semitic views. When he came to power 10 years later, the book became one of the key Nazi texts. It was even given to newlyweds from the state, and gilded editions were kept in the homes of senior officials.

Publication rights

At the end of World War II, when the US Army took over the Echer Verlag publishing house, the rights to publish the book were transferred to the Bavarian authorities. They ensured that the book could only be republished in Germany and under special circumstances. However, the expiration of copyright at the end of December last year caused a fierce debate about whether the publication can be left free for everyone.

The Bavarians used copyright to control the reprinting of Mein Kampf. But what happens next? This book is still dangerous. The problem with neo-Nazis has not gone away, and there is a danger that the book will be distorted if used in context.

The question is whether anyone would like to publish it. Hitler's work is full of grandiloquent, difficult-to-construct sentences, historical minutiae, and convoluted ideological currents that neo-Nazis and serious historians alike try to avoid.

However, the book has become very popular in India among politicians who have Hindu nationalist leanings. It is considered a very important book for self-development. If you miss the moment of anti-Semitism, then it is about a little man who, while in prison, dreamed of conquering the world.

Will the comments help?

The result of the first publication of this book was that millions of people were killed, millions were abused, and entire countries were engulfed in war. It is important to keep this in mind if you are reading short passages with appropriate critical historical commentary.

Since the copyright has expired, the Institute for Contemporary History in Munich is about to issue a new edition, which will contain the original text and current comments pointing to omissions and distortions of the truth. Orders for 15,000 copies have already been received, although the circulation was supposed to be only 4,000 copies. New edition exposes Hitler's false claims. Some victims of the Nazis oppose this approach, so the Bavarian government withdrew its support for the project after criticism from Holocaust survivors.

Do you need a post ban?

However, banning the book may not be the best tactic. To vaccinate the youth against the Nazi bacillus, one must use open confrontation with Hitler's words, instead of trying to declare the book illegal. In addition, it is not only a historical source, but also a symbol that is important to dismantle.

In any case, a global ban on the book is not possible. Therefore, it is important to develop a position, and not try to control its spread. Indeed, in the modern world, nothing will prevent people from gaining access to it.

The state plans to prosecute and use the law against incitement to racial hatred. Hitler's ideology falls under the definition of incitement. Definitely a dangerous book in the wrong hands.

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Servilism could not lead to anything good. Only for flatterers and dish-lickers, only for all these degenerate subjects, such a servile attitude towards their monarch could be pleasant. Honest and steadfast souls could not and did not like this. All this "most subject" petty at any moment, ready to crawl on their knees in front of their monarch and spender of goods, showed incredible impudence and cheekiness in relation to the rest of the world, especially when these subjects could pretend to be monopolists of monarchical feelings, and portray all other sinners and publicans. opponents of the monarchy. Such creeping worms - whether they came from the nobility or from any other classes - inspired only disgust and in fact caused great damage to the monarchy itself. It is clear as daylight that such people are in reality only the grave-diggers of the monarchy and cause the deepest harm, especially to the very idea of ​​the monarchy. Yes, it cannot be otherwise. A person who is truly capable of fighting for his cause will never be a flatterer and a reptile. If anyone is a sincere supporter of the monarchical regime, he will be devoted to it with all his heart and will be ready to make any sacrifice to this regime. But such a person will not shout at all crossroads about his devotion to the monarchy, as gentlemen democratic "friends" of the monarchical system like to do. Such a person, if necessary, will consider it his duty to openly warn his monarch of this or that danger and will not at all consider it unacceptable to influence the decision of the monarch in one way or another. A sincere monarchist can in no way take the view that His Majesty the monarch can simply do whatever he pleases, even in those cases when obviously bad consequences will result from this. The sincere monarchist will then consider it his duty to take the monarchy under his protection against the monarch himself. If the institution of the monarchy depended entirely on the personality of the monarch, then the monarchical regime would have to be considered the worst regime imaginable. For it must be openly admitted that only in very rare cases are monarchs truly outstanding sages and examples of strong characters. No matter how much they try to present the matter in such a way that every single monarch is an outstanding person, it is impossible to believe this. Perhaps only professional flatterers will believe this, but honest people, that is, people most valuable to the state, will indignantly reject such a version. For honest people, history remains history, and truth remains truth, even when it comes to monarchs. No, the combination in one person of a great monarch and a great man is so rare in history that peoples must already consider themselves happy if indulgent fate sends them a monarch of at least average personal qualities. Thus, it is clear that the great significance of the monarchical idea is not at all inherent in the very personality of the monarch - except for those exceptional cases when heaven sends to mankind such a hero of genius as Frederick the Great was, or such a wise leader as Wilhelm I was. But this does not happen more often than once in a century. In all other cases, one has to state that the strength of the monarchical regime lies not in the personality of the monarch, but in the idea of ​​the monarchy. Thus, the role of the monarch himself becomes only a service one. The monarch himself is in these cases only the wheel of the general mechanism and owes his entire role to the mechanism itself. And the monarch himself in these cases is obliged to subordinate his actions to higher goals. The real "monarchist" will not be the one who will silently watch how this or that monarch acts to the detriment of these higher goals, but the one who considers it his duty to do everything possible to avoid this. If we really agreed that the idea of ​​monarchism is entirely exhausted by the "sacred" personality of the monarch, then we would find ourselves in such a position that even a crazy monarch could never be deposed.

(this is a brief reference article,
fragments of the book itself were deleted on 06/19/2009,
see details here - mein kampf )

"Mein Kampf" ("Mein Kampf" - "My Struggle"), book Hitler in which he detailed his political program. In Nazi Germany, Mein Kampf was considered the bible of National Socialism, it gained fame even before it was published, and many Germans believed that the Nazi leader was able to bring to life everything that he outlined on the pages of his book. first part "Mein Kampf" Hitler wrote in Landsberg prison, where he served time for trying coup d'état . Many of his associates, including Goebbels , Gottfried Feder and Alfred Rosenberg , had already published pamphlets or books, and Hitler passionately wanted to prove that, despite his insufficient education, he was also capable of contributing to political philosophy. Since the stay of almost 40 Nazis in prison was easy and comfortable, Hitler spent many hours dictating the first part of the book. Emil Maurice and Rudolf Hess . The second part was written by him in 1925-1927, after the re-establishment of the Nazi party.

Hitler originally titled his book Four and a Half Years of Struggle Against Lies, Stupidity and Cowardice. However, the publisher Max Aman, not satisfied with such a long title, shortened it to "My Struggle". Loud, raw, pompous in style, the first draft of the book was oversaturated with length, verbosity, indigestible turns, constant repetitions, which betrayed a half-educated person in Hitler. German writer Lion Feuchtwanger noted thousands of grammatical errors in the original edition. Although many stylistic corrections were made in subsequent editions, the overall picture remained the same. Nevertheless, the book was a huge success and turned out to be very profitable. By 1932, 5.2 million copies had been sold; it has been translated into 11 languages. When registering a marriage, all newlyweds in Germany were forced to buy one copy of Mein Kampf. Huge circulations made Hitler a millionaire.

The main theme of the book was Hitler's racial doctrine ( see chapter XI. people and race . - Ed.). The Germans, he wrote, must be aware of the superiority of the Aryan race and preserve racial purity. Their duty is to increase the size of the nation in order to fulfill their destiny - to achieve world domination. Despite the defeat in World War I need to regain strength. Only in this way can the German nation in the future take its place as the leader of mankind.