Mukhina developmental psychology all editions. Mukhina Valeria Sergeevna - an outstanding domestic psychologist

Age-related psychology. Phenomenology of development. Mukhina B.C.

10th ed., revised. and additional - M.: 2006. - 608 p.

The textbook reveals the issues of the phenomenology of development and being of a person from birth to adulthood. The author's position on the conditions of development, determined by the realities of the objective and natural world, the realities of figurative-sign systems, social space, is presented. The realities of the inner space of the human psyche are discussed separately. The individual development of a person is considered in two forms: as a social unit and as a unique personality. The author's concept of mechanisms (identification-separation) that determine the development of the personality and its social existence is revealed.

For students of psychological and pedagogical faculties of pedagogical universities, psychologists, as well as all those who are interested in the problems of developmental psychology and the psychology of personality development.

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From author 4
Introduction 5
Chapter 1. Factors that determine mental and personal development 11
§ 1. Conditions for mental development and personality development 11
1. Reality of the objective world 12
2. Reality of figurative-sign systems 24
3. Natural reality 38
4. Reality of social space 50
5. The reality of the inner space of the personality 60
§ 2. Prerequisites for the development of the psyche. Genotype and personality 70
1. Biological prerequisites 70
2. Interaction of biological and social factors 81
Chapter 2. Mechanisms of development and existence of personality 93
§ 1. Identification as a mechanism of socialization and individualization of personality 95
§ 2. Isolation as a mechanism of socialization and individualization of the individual 100
§ 3. Interaction of identification and isolation 105
Chapter 3. Individual development of personality 114
§ 1. Internal position and personality development 114
§ 2. Social unit and unique personality 119
§ 3. The factor of place as a condition for the development of personality 138
Chapter 4. Infancy 149
§ 1. Newborn^: congenital features and development trends 150
§ 2. Infancy proper 155
Chapter 5 Early Age 170
§ 1. Features of communication 171
§ 2. Mental development 178
§ 3. Subject and other activities 193
§ 4. Prerequisites for the formation of personality 207
Chapter 6. Preschool age 219
§ 1. Features of communication 221
§ 2. Mental development 231
§ 3. Games and other activities 271
§ 4. Child personality 285
Chapter 7
§ 1. Features of communication 311
§ 2. Mental development 329
§ 3. Educational activities 347
§ 4. Personality of a child of primary school age 372
Chapter 8. Conditions and way of life 413
§ 1. The social situation in the life of a teenager 413
§ 2. Educational activity and orientation to work 422
Chapter 9. Features of communication 427
§ 1. Communication with adults and peers: general trends 427
§ 2. Communication with peers of the opposite sex 438
Chapter 10
§ 1. Development of speech 445
§ 2. Development of higher mental functions 451
Chapter 11
§ 1. Peculiarities of isolation identification. Identity crisis in adolescence 464
§ 2. Self-consciousness in adolescence 475
Chapter 12. Conditions and way of life 492
§ 1. Social situation 492
§ 2. Educational, labor and other significant activities 496
§ 3. Psychological problems of youth as an electorate 504
Chapter 13
§ 1. Communication with elders and peers: general trends 509
§ 2. Communication with peers of the opposite sex 527
§ 3. Early motherhood and fatherhood 539
Chapter 14
§ 1. Mental development and value orientations 548
§ 2. Features of identification - isolation in the context of personality problems 564
§ 3. Self-consciousness in youth 574
Appendix 589
Recommended Reading 603

Year of issue: 2006

Genre: Psychology

Format: Djvu

Quality: Scanned pages

Description: Developmental psychology studies the features of mental development, the phenomenology of personality development in childhood, adolescence, adolescence and in the period of maturity. Despite all the wealth of fundamental research, today there is still no holistic description of the development of the human psyche at the stages of its life path.
The textbook "Age Psychology" seeks to reflect the uniqueness of each age moment, to show how gradually, from year to year, a child becomes a person capable of realizing himself in social relations, choosing a professional activity for himself and exercising his claims to freedom, rights and obligations in communication, as he becomes able to love, to be a true friend, to defend his dignity, to be responsible for himself and others.
It is equally important to understand how, in the process of their development, a child and a teenager acquire negative traits, manifest themselves in opposition to others in alienated and non-traditional forms of behavior. Penetration into the deep tendencies of the development of the child and adolescent (positive and negative) is the task of this textbook.
The book “Age Psychology” considers the phenomenology of a person, contradictory in its essence: on the one hand, it is a tendency to development and an opposing tendency to rest, on the other hand, a combination in one person as a social unit and a person as a unique personality. These characteristics are seen at all ontogenetic stages of a person's development - in his existential life and in his mental structure.
The textbook is based on the approaches to the problem of mental development that have developed in Russian psychology. It is shown that human development is determined by the success of assimilation of socio-cultural experience; the leading role of education and training in the mental development of the child is revealed; the importance of different types of activity, which is fundamental for this development, is analyzed.

The textbook "Age Psychology" suggests that in equal time intervals the human psyche goes through various "distances" in its development, undergoes various qualitative transformations. In this regard, as the transition from the neonatal period to older ages, the material is studied more and more "dissected" in accordance with the progressive differentiation of the psyche of the child and adolescent, the complication of spiritual life itself is shown.
The guiding idea in the creation of this textbook was to reveal developmental psychology as a science, the subject of which is the holistic mental development of a person. Therefore, the central place in the coverage of each age period, each side of mental development is occupied by questions related to the characteristics of the development process, due to the prerequisites and conditions of development, as well as the internal position of the personality itself.
The book widely discusses the ideas and research of L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinstein, B.G. Anan'eva, A.N. Leontiev, A.R. Luria, A.V. Zaporozhets, V.V. Davydova, P.Ya. Galperin, D.B. Elkonina, L.A. Wenger, their students and employees, students and employees of the author of this textbook, as well as many other domestic psychologists. The ideas and materials contained in the works of well-known representatives of foreign psychology are also involved: V. Stern, K. Buhler, L. Levy-Bruhl, J. Piaget, K. Koffka, E. Claparede, Z. Freud, A. Wallon, R. Zazzo, E. Erickson, J. Bruner, K. Popper and others.
In the context of discussing the conditions for the development and existence of man, modern research and futurological forecasts of future disasters and the aspirations of mankind, so popular at the beginning of the 21st century, are considered. authors such as I. Wallerstein, S. Huntington, F. Fukuyama, as well as P. J. Buchanan, N. Wiener, J. Galbraith, M. Castells, E. Toffler, Y. Habermas and others.
At the same time, mindful of the fact that the purpose of the textbook is a holistic presentation of the mental development of a person, the author considered it right not to go into discussions about discrepancies in understanding the development of the psyche and the formation of the personality in modern psychology, but to offer her own understanding of this development, including a description of not only the results of his own research, but also those classical ideas that have become the property of modern psychology and are accepted by the author as adequately explaining development.
The right to such an approach to writing a textbook on developmental psychology is given by the curriculum of psychological and pedagogical faculties, which, in addition to many special psychological courses, includes a course in the history of psychology, including a course in the history of developmental psychology. The book represents the author's vision of human development as a unique phenomenon at all age stages of ontogeny.
Section I presents the author's understanding of the conditions of mental development and human existence. Description and discussion of historically conditioned realities of human existence are offered. The realities of the objective world, figurative-sign systems, social space and natural reality are discussed as a condition for the development and existence of a person from the first days of his birth. The inner space of the human psyche is considered as a special reality that determines the motivation, choice of behavior, the way of individual life and the inner position of the individual. An understanding of the development and formation of a person's self-consciousness at all stages of ontogenesis is presented in the context of the historical moment of development and his ethnicity. A fundamentally new approach is proposed to explain the mechanisms of development and existence of a person through identification and isolation.
Sections II, III and IV are devoted to childhood, adolescence and youth. Here, the analysis of the mental development and existence of a child, adolescent and youth is carried out in accordance with the general approaches formulated in Section I to the conditions and prerequisites for development, as well as to the position of the person himself.

"Age-related psychology"

Factors that determine mental and personal development

  1. Conditions for mental development and personality development
    1. The reality of the objective world
    2. The reality of figurative-sign systems
    3. natural reality
    4. The reality of social space
    5. The reality of the inner space of the personality
  2. Prerequisites for the development of the psyche. Genotype and personality
    1. Biological background
    2. Interaction of biological and social factors
Mechanisms of development and existence of personality
  1. Identification as a mechanism of socialization and individualization of personality
  2. Isolation as a mechanism of socialization and individualization of personality
  3. The Interaction of Identification and Separation
Individual Personality Development
  1. Inner position and personality development
  2. Social unit and unique personality
  3. Place factor as a condition for personality development
  1. Newborn: congenital features and development trends
  2. Proper infancy
Early age
  1. Features of communication
  2. Mental development
  3. Subject and other activities
  4. Prerequisites for the formation of personality
preschool age
  1. Features of communication
  2. Mental development
  3. Games and other activities
  4. child personality
Junior school age
  1. Features of communication
  2. Mental development
  3. Learning activities
  4. The personality of a child of primary school age
Conditions and lifestyle
  1. The social situation in the life of a teenager
  2. Educational activities and work orientation
Features of communication
  1. Communication with adults and peers: general trends
Mental development
  1. Speech development
  2. Development of higher mental functions
Teen personality
  1. Peculiarities of isolation identification. Identity crisis in adolescence
  2. Self-awareness in adolescence
Conditions and lifestyle
  1. social situation
  2. Educational, labor and other significant activities
  3. Psychological problems of youth as an electorate
Features of communication
  1. Communication with elders and peers: general trends
  2. Communication with peers of the opposite sex
  3. Early motherhood and fatherhood
personality in youth
  1. Mental development and value orientations
  2. Features of identification - isolation in the context of personality problems
  3. Self-awareness in youth

Valeria Sergeevna Mukhina - leading national psychologist of world renown, academician of the Russian Academy of Education and Science of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department of Developmental Psychology at Moscow Pedagogical State University (since 1988), Editor-in-Chief of the Personality Development magazine, Chairman of the Personality Development section » of the Russian Psychological Society, member of the Writers' Union of Russia, laureate of the Russian Presidential Prize in the field of education (1997).

Valeria Mukhina was born on January 22, 1935 in the city of Voroshilov (now Ussuriysk), Primorsky Krai, in the family of a regular officer of the Soviet Army. Father died on the front of the Great Patriotic War. While still a schoolgirl, she became a student of the largest scientist, zoopsychologist Nadezhda Nikolaevna Ladygina-Kots. Under her guidance, she learned to observe the behavior of animals. In 1956 she graduated from the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. From 1962 she taught there at the Department of Psychology; in 1965 she defended her Ph.D. thesis, and in 1972 - a doctoral thesis. From 1988 to the present, he has been the head of the Department of Educational Psychology of the Institute, now the Department of Developmental Psychology of the Moscow State Pedagogical University. From 1992 to 1998 at the same time director of the Institute for the Development of the Personality of the Russian Academy of Education. Since 1997, under her leadership, the journal Personal Development began to be published, which has become one of the leading professional periodicals in our country.

In the late 1950s, on the basis of the Moscow Clinical Hospital. Kashchenko carried out zootherapy using trained animals in the interests of treating mentally ill children. Author of a mother's diary, unique in terms of the duration of continuous scientific observation of the mental development of twin sons - from birth to 7 years (published in the books "Gemini: A Diary of the Development of Two Boys", "The Mystery of Childhood" (1969, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2005) "Sons are currently candidates of psychological sciences, professors at leading Moscow universities. In the 1960s and 70s, she studied the sign function of consciousness in the development of graphic images in children (the book "The visual activity of the child as a form of assimilation of social experience", 1981). In 1970- In the 1990s, V. S. Mukhina revealed the psychological simultaneity of the child’s entry into the world of real objects and into the world of their symbolic substitutions, the gradual weakening of the direct dependence of children’s behavior on the functional purpose of surrounding objects and the increase in the degree of freedom of the child in the sphere of his actions with substitute objects and in development reflections.

Since the 1970s, he has been developing the problem of the mental development of a personality as the interaction of the processes of its identification and isolation; on this basis, substantiated options for psychological support, taking into account the age of the individual. Many provisions of V.S. Mukhina are summarized in her book “The Birth of a Personality” (not published in the original language), ed. in English. (1984) and other languages.

In 1975–80, she proposed a theory of the historical and ontogenetic development of the structural links of self-consciousness, in the system of which she included: the emotional and value attitude of a person to his bodily self, to his name, to the individual mental “I”; claim for recognition; gender identity; psychological time of the individual (past, present, future); social space of the individual - its rights and obligations. From the standpoint of this theory, it becomes possible to diagnose and correct negative manifestations in the development of mental processes, incl. associated with group and ethnic issues.

V.S. Mukhina participated in the organization of psychological assistance to the victims of the Spitak earthquake in Armenia (1988–1989). Since the late 1980s, she has led the training of practical psychologists for the regions affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. From 1992-1999, she headed the program of the RAO "Future Leaders of Russia". Since 2002, together with the Department of Psychological Services of the GUIN of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, the “Program for the Rehabilitation of Mother and Child in Conditions of Deprivation of Freedom” and the program “Innovative Technologies for Social Adaptation and Resocialization of Convicts Convicted to Long Term Sentences” have been developed. In 2004, she led a group of psychologists to provide psychological express assistance to children affected by the terrorist attack in Beslan. Participant in the implementation of childhood support programs, incl. "Orphans", "Children with Disabilities", "Children of Chernobyl", etc. The author of the concept of a child psychologist's office, the equipment of which includes stimulating dolls (RF patents, 1992) for children with various psychological problems.

Under the leadership of V.S. Mukhina conducted many ethnopsychological studies in various regions of our country and beyond, including: 1 - North and Far East - expeditionary studies of the personality of the small peoples of the North and the Far East in the context of traditional culture and modern conditions (Chukchi, Eskimos, Koryaks, Aleuts, Khanty and Mansi, Evenks, Nivkhs, Uiltas, Nanais, Sami, Evens, Yukagirs, Yakuts, etc.) from 1985 to 2009; 2 - Yakutia from 1994 to the present; 3 - Tatarstan 1994-1997; 4 - Krasnodar Territory: ethnopsychological expeditions to study the Cossacks as a specific social group; interethnic relations in 1992–2001; Circassians 1992–1995; 5 - Dagestan: from 1995 to the present; 6 - Russians in the Far East, about. Sakhalin, Arkhangelsk region from 2001 to present; 7 - Buryats: from 1997 to the present.

Under the leadership of V.S. Mukhina conducted research: in Armenia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, Spain, China, Mongolia, Korea, Vietnam, India, Israel; Colombia, Cuba; Chad, Namibia, Angola, Sao Tome, Benin and other countries. Under the leadership of V.S. Mukhina defended 25 doctoral and 68 master's theses.

V.S. Mukhina is the founder of the scientific school "Phenomenology of the Development and Being of the Personality", recognized in the domestic psychological community. V.S. Mukhina is widely known abroad as a prominent specialist in the field of developmental psychology, ethnopsychology, and personality psychology. Research interests: psychological support of a child, adolescent, adult and elderly person; human behavior in extreme conditions; people at all stages of age; ethnic identity in the context of interethnic relations. Among the main directions of the scientific school under the direction of V.S. Mukhina include: "The structure of self-awareness of the individual"; "Ethnic identity in the context of interethnic relations"; "Mechanisms of formation and development (identification-isolation) of a person as a social unit and as a unique personality"; "Diagnostics and psychological support of personality at all stages of its development in normal and extreme conditions"; "Personality and ethnic groups in the context of internalization and global acculturation".

The main theoretical positions of V.S. Mukhina became the following conceptual ideas. Personality in its phenomenology suggests development . Personality and its consciousness are mediated by a system of social relations, its development is carried out in the process of education and appropriation by a person of the foundations of material and spiritual culture. At the same time, this mediation does not exclude the formation of the individual's own internal positions, which go beyond the limits of the existing social conditions. The concept of upbringing and development of the personality is built primarily on the recognition of the dialectical unity of three factors: 1 - genotype, congenital characteristics; 2 - external conditions; 3 - internal position. When characterizing a person's personality at the stages of ontogenesis, the features of the social situation - his being and development - are taken into account. The person is seen in two historically characteristic incarnations: as a social unit and as a unique personality. The historically conditioned realities of human existence are: the objective world, nature, figurative-sign systems, social space, into which a person enters from the moment of birth (masters them in the process of his development and being). The realities of human existence determine the features of the development of his self-consciousness. Mechanisms of development and being man as an individual identification and separation. Self-awareness of the individual develops through the appropriation of value orientations existing in culture, filling the links of self-consciousness. The links of self-consciousness develop and change in their content depending on the characteristics of the individual development of the personality, its internal position and social environment; the links of self-consciousness in their structure do not change in time and in the history of mankind, in the entire extent of the space inhabited by mankind. In terms of their content, the links of self-consciousness reflect general trends - cultural, ethnic, confessional, age, gender and gender identity of a person, as well as his individual position in the world.

V.S. Mukhina is the author of more than four hundred and fifty published works published in Russia and abroad. More than 50 editions of books in the languages ​​of the world. Among them: Gemini: A Developmental Diary of Two Boys. M., 1969, 2nd ed. 1997; Visual activity of the child as a form of assimilation of social experience: Monograph. M., 1981; Birth of personality. M., 1984, 1987 in English, Bengali, Marathi and Arabic; Child psychology. Textbook. M.; L., 1975, 1985, 1992; Psychology of childhood and adolescence: Textbook. M., 1997; Phenomenology of development and being of personality. M.; Voronezh, 1999; Mystery of childhood. Three editions in 2 volumes: M., 1998; SPb., 2001; Yekaterinburg, 2005; Developmental psychology: Phenomenology of development. Textbook. M., 2015, 15th edition; Personality: Myths and Reality (Alternative view. System approach. Innovative aspects). Monograph. Moscow, 2014; Alienation of people in everyday life. Monograph: In 2 books. Moscow 2014.

In many regions of the Russian Federation, CIS countries and far abroad, her scientific ideas continue to develop, where her students introduce into science and practice the conceptual provisions laid down in the scientific school of V.S. Mukhina. Valeria Sergeevna is an example of a true scientist, an active creative person, a landmark in life and science for her colleagues and students.

4th edition stereotypical

UDC 159.922.7/8(075.8) BBC 88.8ya73 M92


A. V. Petrovsky;

Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education V. P. Zinchenko;

Doctor of Psychology L. F. Obukhova

Mukhina V. S.

M92 Developmental psychology: developmental phenomenology, childhood, adolescence: A textbook for students. universities. - 4th ed., stereotype. - M.:

Publishing Center "Academy", 1999. - 456 p. ISBN 5-7695-0408-0

The textbook reveals questions of the phenomenology of general development and ontogenesis from birth to adolescence. The author shows that the development of the child occurs through his activities. The individual development of a person is considered in two forms: as a social unit and as a unique personality. The book presents the author's concept of the mechanisms that determine the development of personality and its social existence.

The textbook is addressed to students of psychological and pedagogical faculties of pedagogical universities, psychologists, as well as to everyone who is interested in the problems of developmental psychology.

UDC 159.922.7/8(075.8) BBK88.8ya73

ISBN 5-7695-0408-0

© Mukhina V. S., 1997 © Publishing Center "Academy", 1997

Dedicated to students of psychological and pedagogical faculties of Moscow State Pedagogical University and Samara State University

The super-idea of ​​the book is to consider the diversity of the components of mental development at the age stages as a condition for the birth of the personal principle in a person. For to be a person means, first of all, to want and be able to take responsibility for oneself, for others and for the fatherland.

The book gives the author's presentation of the phenomenology and development of the personality's self-awareness, as well as a description of the amazing time of childhood and adolescence - the true forerunner of the birth of the personality, when a person develops in bodily, mental, emotional, volitional and spiritual terms and goes through a school of socialization in the game, in learning, in communicating with other people.

I dedicate my work to student youth - future psychologists and teachers, since it is during this period of life that a person can deeply reflect on his past and present, not only experience emotionally a "sense of personality", but also freely act in problem situations in accordance with his worldview and moral sense, i.e. may be a person in the highest sense of the word. The study of the psychological characteristics of the age preceding adolescence will allow young people not only to get an idea of ​​the patterns of mental development, but also to better understand themselves.

December 1996 Moscow

Valeria Mukhina

The textbook suggests that in equal time intervals the human psyche goes through various "distances" in its development, undergoes various qualitative transformations. In this regard, as the transition from the neonatal period to older ages, the material is studied more and more “dismemberment” in accordance with the progressive differentiation of the psyche of the child and the adolescent, while the complication of the spiritual life itself is shown.

The guiding idea in the creation of this textbook was to reveal developmental psychology as a science, the subject of which is the holistic mental development of a person. Therefore, the central place in the coverage of each age period, each side of mental development is occupied by a range of issues related to the characteristics of the development process itself, due to the prerequisites and conditions of development, as well as the internal position of the personality itself. The described material relating to age-specific features is used to the extent that it is necessary for understanding the developmental process.

The book widely discusses the ideas and research of L. S. Vygotsky, S. L. Rubinshtein, B. G. Ananiev, A. N. Leontiev, A. V. Zaporozhets, V. V. Davydov, P. Ya. B. Elkonin, L. I. Bozhovich, L. A. Venger, their students and employees, students and employees of the author of this textbook, as well as many other domestic psychologists and psychologists from the CIS countries. Also involved are materials contained in the works of famous representatives of foreign psychology: V. Stern, K. Buhler, J. Piaget, K. Koffka, E. Clapered, 3. Freud, A. Ballon, R. Zazzo, E. Erickson, J. Bruner and others.

At the same time, bearing in mind that the purpose of the textbook is a holistic presentation of the mental development of a person, the author considered it right not to go into discussions about discrepancies in understanding the development of the psyche and the formation of the personality in modern psychology, but to offer his own understanding of this development, including a description of not only the results of his own research, but also those classical ideas that have become the property of modern psychology and are accepted by the author as adequately explaining development. The right to such an approach when writing a textbook on developmental psychology is given by the curriculum of psychological and pedagogical faculties, which, in addition to many special psychological courses, includes a course in the history of psychology, including a course in the history of developmental psychology. The book represents the author's vision of human development as a unique phenomenon at all age stages of ontogeny.

The first section presents the author's understanding of the conditions of mental development and human existence. Description and discussion of historically conditioned realities of human existence are offered. The realities of the objective world, figurative-sign systems, social space and natural reality are discussed as a condition for the development and existence of a person from the first days of his birth and throughout his life.

An understanding of the development and formation of a person's self-consciousness at all stages of ontogenesis is being formed in the context of the historical moment of development and his ethnicity. A fundamentally new approach to understanding the mechanisms of development and existence of a personality through identification and isolation is proposed.

The second and third sections are dedicated to childhood and adolescence, respectively. Here, the analysis of the mental development and existence of a child and a youth is carried out through the general approaches formulated in the first section to the conditions and prerequisites for development, as well as to the position of the person himself.



1956, Moscow State Pedagogical Institute im. Lenin (Moscow State Pedagogical University), Faculty of Biology and Chemistry, biologist

Topic of Ph.D. thesis

The development of the initial forms of the visual activity of children and its connection with the emotional and aesthetic attitude to reality - 1964

Topic of doctoral dissertation

"Genesis of the visual activity of the child - 1972

Courses of the current academic year

Phenomenology of personality development; Methodology of psychological research


More than 50 editions of books in the languages ​​of the world. Among them:

Gemini: A Developmental Diary of Two Boys. - M., 1969; 2nd ed. 1997;

Visual activity of a child as a form of assimilation of social experience: monograph. - M., 1981;

Birth of personality. - M., 1984, 1987 in English, Bengali, Marathi and Arabic;

Child psychology: a textbook. – M.; L., 1975, 1985, 1992;

Psychology of childhood and adolescence: a textbook. - M., 1997;

Phenomenology of development and existence of personality: selected psychological works. - (Psychologists of the Fatherland) - M.; Voronezh, 1999;

The sacrament of childhood: in 2 volumes - M., 1998; 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg, 2000; 3rd ed. - Yekaterinburg, 2005;

Alienated: The Absolute of Alienation. - M., 2009; 2nd ed. – Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, 2010;

Alienation from oneself: About self-destructive human passions. - M., 2011 (co-authored with A.A. Khvostov);

Alienation from others: From attachments and thoughts to deed and crime. - M., 2013 (co-authored with A.A. Khvostov);

Alienation of people in everyday life: monograph: in 2 books. / V.S. Mukhina, A.A. Tails. - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional - M., 2014;

Age-related psychology. Phenomenology of development: textbook. - 15th ed., stereotype. - M., 2015;

Personality: Myths and Reality (Alternative view. System approach. Innovative aspects). - 5th ed., Rev. and additional - M., 2017.

Articles in journals included in the list of HAC since 2010:

Mukhina V.S. From the past to the present: Ancestral traditions - the original basis of the mentality of the peoples of the world // Development of personality. - 2010. - No. 4. - P. 137 - 144.

Mukhina V.S. The deep meaning of the predetermined "time" in the context of the life path // Development of personality. - 2010. - No. 1. - P. 15 - 54.

Mukhina V.S. Alienation from oneself: Gluttony that generates laziness of thought // Development of personality. - 2010. - No. 1. - P. 97 - 111.

Mukhina V.S. The method of scientific photography in the psychology of personality and ethno-psychology // Development of personality. - 2010. - No. 1. - P. 152 - 179. (co-authored).

Mukhina V.S. From the past to the present: Family traditions - the original basis of the mentality of the peoples of the world (end) // Development of personality. - 2010. - No. 1. - P. 193 - 210.

Mukhina V.S. The deep meaning of the predetermined "time" in the context of the life path (End) // Development of personality. - 2010. - No. 2. - P. 11 - 33.

Mukhina V.S. Alienation from oneself: Fornication that devastates the moral sense (To be continued) // Development of personality. - 2010. - No. 2. - P. 34 - 64. (co-authored).

Mukhina V.S. Centuries-old sacrament of spiritual growth: Buddhism Buryatia // Development of personality. - 2010. - No. 2. - P. 99 - 124.

Mukhina V.S. The method of included observation in ethnopsychology // Development of personality. - 2010. - No. 2. - P. 147 - 163.

Mukhina V.S. Mental features of modern Buryats of Russia // Development of personality. - 2010. - No. 2. - P. 164 - 175. (co-authored).

Mukhina V.S. From the past to the 21st century: visual-sign presentation of the head, face and body in modern African tribal cultures // Development of Personality. - 2010. - No. 2. - P. 200 - 213. (co-authored).

The universal feeling of love: the ascent of people to each other // Development of personality. - 2010. - No. 2. - P. 219 - 221.

Mukhina V.S. Psychology of perception of visual archetypes // Development of personality. - 2010. - No. 3. - P. 8 - 26.

Mukhina V.S. Alienation from oneself: Love of money that corrodes the soul (To be continued) // Development of personality. - 2010. - No. 3. - S. 27 - 58.

Mukhina V.S. Teenagers' initiations as a condition for personal growth: Conducting initiations through obedience and physical difficulties (To be continued) // Development of Personality. - 2010. - No. 3. - P. 146 - 162. (co-authored).

Mukhina V.S. Phenomenology of development and existence of personality: Programs for graduate students // Development of personality. - 2010. - No. 3. - P. 195 - 237. (co-authored).

Mukhina V.S. Acmeology of scientific creativity: Programs for graduate students // Development of personality. - 2010. - No. 3. - P. 238 - 250. (co-authored).

Mukhina V.S. The book "Alienated: The Absolute of Alienation" // Development of Personality. - 2010. - No. 4. - P. 8 - 12.

Mukhina V.S. Alienation from oneself: Anger, sadness and despondency that destroy the soul (To be continued) // Development of personality. - 2010. - No. 4. - P. 13 - 29. (co-authored).

Mukhina V.S. Initiations of adolescents as a condition for personal growth: Conducting initiations with freedom (To be continued) // Development of personality. - 2010. - No. 4. - P. 37 - 51. (Co-authored).

Mukhina V.S. Psychology in education: Programs for graduate students // Development of personality. - 2010. - No. 4. - P. 150 - 188. (co-authored).

Mukhina V.S. Influence of fundamental scientific directions in the field of philosophy and psychology on the ideofield of public consciousness in the countries of Europe and Russia: XX-XXI centuries: Programs for graduate students // Development of personality. - 2010. - No. 4. - S. 189 - 201.

Mukhina V.S. Methodology of psychological research: Programs for graduate students // Development of personality. - 2010. - No. 4. - S. 202 - 232. (co-authored).

Mukhina V.S. Attitude to the image of "I" in the philosophy and psychology of Buddhism // World of Psychology. - 2010. - No. 4. - P. 234 - 245.

Mukhina V.S. 300th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov - the forerunner of Russian academic thought // Development of personality. - 2011. - No. 3. - P. 8 - 11.

Mukhina V.S. Alienation from others: Liars and traitors // Development of personality. - 2011. - No. 3. - P. 12 - 36. (co-authored).

Mukhina V.S. From the past to the present and the future: Ancestral traditions - the fore-foundation of the self-consciousness of the peoples of the world // Development of personality. - 2011. - No. 3. - P. 155 - 177. (co-authored).

Mukhina V.S. study of the phenomenological connection between the body and the psyche (based on the study of adolescents through tests of the A-test VI.ZI.ES) // Development of personality. - 2011. - No. 3. - P. 178 - 201. (co-authored).

Mukhina V.S. Man at the intersection of realities created by him // Development of personality. - 2012. - No. 1. - P. 16 - 35.

Mukhina V.S. Alienation from others: Fraudsters and rogues, rapists and murderers (end) // Development of personality. - 2012. - No. 1. - P. 36 - 58. (co-authored).

Mukhina V.S. Perception as the highest mental function // Development of personality. - 2012. - No. 1. - P. 119 - 135. (co-authored).

Mukhina V.S. On the readiness of life-sentenced prisoners to communicate with deviant adolescents // Development of personality. - 2012. - No. 1. - P. 208 - 225.

Mukhina V.S. The development of consciousness and self-consciousness in the context of the intersection of the realities of the conditions of being in historical dynamics // World of Psychology. - 2012. - No. 2. - P. 77 - 91.

Mukhina V.S. Alienation from others: Alienation in the process of moving towards the goal // Development of personality. - 2012. - No. 2. - P. 59 - 87.

Mukhina V.S. Perception as a higher mental function (continued) // Development of personality. - 2012. - No. 2. - P. 99 - 118.

Mukhina V.S. Alienation from others: Alienation in the process of moving towards the goal (end) // Development of personality. - 2012. - No. 3. - P. 33 - 62. (co-authored).

Mukhina V.S. Perception as a higher mental function (end) // Development of personality. - 2012. - No. 3. - P. 100 - 127.

Mukhina V.S. Attempts to dialogue: life-sentenced people communicate with deviant teenagers // Development of personality. - 2012. - No. 3. - P. 201 - 216.

Mukhina V.S. (pseudonym Valeria Fly). Essay: Ham Syndrome // Personal Development. - 2012. - No. 4. - P. 196 - 197.

Mukhina V.S. Science: Scientists, falsifiers and plagiarists // Development of personality. - 2012. - No. 4. - P. 162 - 184.

Mukhina V.S. Psychological features of value orientations of life-sentenced and delinquent adolescents (to be continued) // Development of Personality . - 2013. - No. 1. - P. 116 - 135. (co-authored).

Mukhina V.S. Socio-psychological essence of personality: is it possible to fully embody the historically conditioned aspirations of mankind in a person // Development of personality. - 2014. - No. 3. - P. 77 - 107.

Mukhina V.S. The unique range of the concept of "archetype" // Development of personality. - 2014. - No. 4. - P. 163 - 201.

Mukhina V.S. Thesaurus of the scientific concept: its reading in the spheres of the scientific community // Development of personality. - 2015. - No. 1. - S. 30 - 51.

Mukhina V.S. Archetypes of a fornicator and a harlot // Development of personality . - 2015. - No. 1. - P. 228 - 230.

Mukhina V.S. Archetypes of the vanity and the proud // Development of personality . - 2015. - No. 1. - P. 231 - 232.

Mukhina V.S. Psychological support of delinquent adolescents: project and its implementation (is it possible to overcome the archetype of delinquency?) (continued) // Development of personality (co-author).

Mukhina V.S. Ideas and super-ideas in time and space of the history of mankind: The socio-psychological reality of the development and existence of the individual // Development of the individual. - 2015. - No. 3. - P. 90 - 116.

Mukhina V.S. The unique phenomenon of intonation, inherent in man, and its embodiment in the sciences // Development of personality. - 2015. - No. 3. - P. 41 - 57.

Mukhina V.S. Psychological support of delinquent adolescents: project and its implementation (is it possible to overcome the archetype of delinquency?) (continued) // Development of personality . - 2015. - No. 3. - P. 117 - 137. (co-authored).

Mukhina V.S. Psychology of life-sentenced prisoners: Metamorphoses of the internal position of the personality // Development of personality . - 2015. - No. 3. - P. 213 - 224.

Mukhina V.S. Interview. Archpriest Alexander Trushin - Rector of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the village of Lyamtsino // Development of Personality. - 2016. - No. 1. - P. 209 - 216.

Mukhina V.S. Psychological support of delinquent adolescents: project and its implementation (is it possible to overcome the archetype of delinquency?) (end) // Development of personality . - 2016. - No. 1. - P. 41 - 73. (co-authored).

Mukhina V.S. Appendix 1. The problem of worldview, freedom and feelings of oneself // Development of personality. - 2016. - No. 1. - P. 74 - 87.

Mukhina V.S. Appendix 2. From the correspondence of Alyosha V. and Valeria Sergeevna Mukhina in the period from the end of 2015 to the beginning of 2016 // Development of personality. - 2016. - No. 1. - P. 88 - 91.

Mukhina V.S. H scientific creativity and its ambivalent phenomenology // Development of personality . - 2016. - No. 2. - P. 181 - 208.

Mukhina V.S. Psychological and social assistance in difficult life situations: problems discussed at the international scientific and practical symposium on May 23-24, 2016 // Development. - 2016. - No. 3. - P. 12 - 14.

Mukhina V.S. Express- and long-term psychological and social assistance in situations of natural, man-made and social disasters and long-term deprivations // Development of personality. - 2016. - No. 3. - P. 17 - 56.

Mukhina V.S. Lev Semenovich Vygotsky in the Time of History: Socio-historical pressure and the search for a path// Personal development. - 2016. - No. 4. - P. 10 - 27.

Mukhina V.S. Continuity of ideas about human mental functions in the cultural-historical conception: Lev Semenovich Vygotsky's unique ability to master significant ideas productively for science // Development of Personality. - 2016. - No. 4. - P. 67 - 113.

Mukhina V.S. Phenomenology of scientific creativity: Self-creation and self-standing as personality traits that determine the development of creative activity // Development of Personality. - 2016. - No. 4. - P. 114 - 141.

Mukhina V.S. Trails of tribal self-awareness among the peoples of the North and the Far East of Russia at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century. // Pedagogy. - 2017. - No. 1. - P. 49 - 55.

Mukhina V.S. Culture in the Semiotic Aspect: Yury Lotman's Semiosphere // Development of Personality. - 2017. - No. 1. - P. 10 - 12.

Mukhina V.S. Trails and flashes of tribal self-awareness of peoples living on planet Earth // Development of personality. - 2017. - No. 1. - P. 144 - 167.

Mukhina V.S. Intonation as a phenomenon of culture // Development of personality. - 2017. - No. 2. - P. 44 - 77.

Mukhina V.S. Psychology of development, acmeology: actual problems // Development of personality. - 2017. - No. 2. - P. 220 - 231.

Mukhina V.S. Nadezhda Nikolaevna Ladygina-Kots - a graduate of the Higher Women's Courses (now the Moscow State Pedagogical University), an outstanding researcher of the psyche of animals and children, the founder of comparative and child psychology // Development of Personality. - 2017. - No. 3. - P. 10 - 28.

Mukhina V.S. Intonation as a phenomenon of culture: At the intersection of external historical realities// Personal development. - 2017. - No. 3. - P. 44 - 77.

Mukhina V.S. Intonation and intonation as phenomena of culture: the context of the development of external realities and higher mental functions // Development of personality. - 2018. - No. 1. - P. 10 - 44.


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Man in the World of Uncertainty: Methodology of Cultural and Historical Knowledge

State and departmental awards

Achievements and promotions

V.S. Mukhina participated in the organization of psychological assistance to the victims of the Spitak earthquake in Armenia (1988–1989). Since the late 1980s, she has led the training of practical psychologists for the regions affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. From 1992-1999, she headed the program of the RAO "Future Leaders of Russia". Since 2002, together with the Department of Psychological Services of the GUIN of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, the “Program for the Rehabilitation of Mother and Child in Conditions of Deprivation of Freedom” and the program “Innovative Technologies for Social Adaptation and Resocialization of Convicts Convicted to Long Term Sentences” have been developed. In 2004, she led a group of psychologists to provide psychological express assistance to children affected by the terrorist attack in Beslan. Participant in the implementation of childhood support programs, incl. "Orphans", "Children with Disabilities", "Children of Chernobyl", etc. The author of the concept of a child psychologist's office, the equipment of which includes stimulating dolls (RF patents, 1992) for children with various psychological problems.
V.S. Mukhina is the founder of the scientific school "Phenomenology of the Development and Being of the Personality", recognized in the domestic psychological community. V.S. Mukhina is widely known abroad as a prominent specialist in the field of developmental psychology, ethnopsychology, and personality psychology. Research interests: psychological support of a child, adolescent, adult and elderly person; human behavior in extreme conditions; people at all stages of age; ethnic identity in the context of interethnic relations. Among the main directions of the scientific school under the direction of V.S. Mukhina include: "The structure of self-awareness of the individual"; "Ethnic identity in the context of interethnic relations"; "Mechanisms of formation and development (identification-isolation) of a person as a social unit and as a unique personality"; "Diagnostics and psychological support of personality at all stages of its development in normal and extreme conditions"; "Personality and ethnic groups in the context of internalization and global acculturation".
Under the leadership of V.S. Mukhina defended 17 doctoral and 87 master's theses. Specialists who defended candidate and doctoral dissertations under the guidance of V.S. Mukhina work in many regions of Russia and in countries near and far abroad. Regions of Russia: Amur region, Arkhangelsk region, Astrakhan region, Bashkiria, Bryansk region, Buryatia, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kaliningrad region, Kemerovo region, Krasnodar region, Krasnoyarsk region, Kurgan region, Moscow and Moscow region, Rostov Region, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Sakhalin Region, Sverdlovsk Region, Stavropol Territory, Tatarstan, Khabarovsk Territory, Khanty-Mansiysk Aut. env., Chechnya, etc. CIS and Baltic countries: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Moldova, Ukraine, Estonia, etc. European countries: Bulgaria, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Spain, Italy, Malta, Poland. African countries: Angola, Benin, Gabon, Ganna, Egypt, Cape Verde, Congo, Mali, Namibia, Sao Tome and Principe, Chad, Ethiopia. North American countries: USA and Mexico. South American countries: Colombia, Uruguay. Central American countries: Cuba. Asian countries: Vietnam, Israel, India, China, Korea (North), Korea (South), Mongolia, United Arab Emirates, Syria, etc. V.S. Mukhina is the developer of innovative educational programs for graduate students, gives courses on them: I - Phenomenology of the development and existence of the individual (Blocks: 1 - Self-awareness and the internal position of the individual; 2 - Moral consciousness of the individual; 3 - Ethnopsychological foundations of the development of the individual). In collaboration with A.A. Khvostov. II - Methodology of psychological research. In collaboration with A.A. Khvostov. III - Acmeology of scientific creativity. In collaboration with A.A. Khvostov. IV - Psychology in education. With the participation of A.S. Obukhov and K.A. Khvostov. V - Influence of fundamental scientific directions in the field of philosophy and psychology on the ideofield of public consciousness in Europe and Russia: XX - XXI centuries. Since 2013, he has been the founder and director of the Scientific and Educational Center for Express Psychological Assistance in Extreme Situations.
In many regions of the Russian Federation, CIS countries and far abroad, her scientific ideas continue to develop, where her students introduce into science and practice the conceptual provisions laid down in the scientific school of V.S. Mukhina. Valeria Sergeevna is an example of a true scientist, an active creative person, a landmark in life and science for her colleagues and students.

Research projects and grants

Project manager:
1. The project "Innovative technologies of social adaptation and resocialization of convicts sentenced to long terms of punishment" of the International Organization "PRI-International Prison Reform" in cooperation with the psychological service of the GUIN of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation: Mordovia, 2001 - present.
2. Development of programs and guidelines for conducting master classes "Child psychologist's office: the practice of using play therapy in extreme and everyday practice", 2007 - 2009.
3. Project for the study of the mental characteristics of the inhabitants of the eastern regions of Russia: scientific expeditions: the islands of the Kuril ridge 2007 - 2010; Buryatia 2012; Khanty-Mansi national. county: 2011–present
4. Development of programs and guidelines for the diagnosis of the new generation A-test "VI-ZI-ES", 2010 - 2012.
5. Scientific research program: "Relations to the image of "I" in the philosophy and psychology of Buddhism", 2010 - 2011.
6. Scientific research program: "Mental characteristics of representatives of tribal cultures", Angola, 2010 - 2012.
7. Advanced training program for psychologists and social workers of orphanages commissioned by the Minister of Education of the Irkutsk region, Irkutsk 2011.
8. European Union TEMPUS Program: Master's program "Psychological Support for Child and Youth Development": 2011 - 2013. Stage V
9. Draft program of psychological support for adolescents deprived of parental care, 2012 - present (co-supervisor of the doctoral student of the Department of Developmental Psychology V.S. Basyuk).
10. Program "Difficult teenager" in cooperation with the Ministry of Education of the Irkutsk region, 2012 - present.
11. Russian-American symposium "Behavior: Conditions of development and the internal position of the individual" together with the International Psychological and Pedagogical Association "Global Behavior Solutions": Moscow State Pedagogical University, FPP, October 2013.

Scientific Supervisor of the Department of Psychology of Personality Development; Honorary Professor of Moscow State Pedagogical University

Academician of the Russian Academy of Education; Professor

Doctor of Psychology

Professional interests

Research interests: psychological support of a child, adolescent, adult and elderly person; human behavior in extreme conditions; people at all stages of age; psychology of deviant teenagers; ethnic identity in the context of interethnic relations.
Among the main directions of the scientific school under the direction of V.S. Mukhina include: "The structure of self-awareness of the individual"; "Ethnic identity in the context of interethnic relations"; "Mechanisms of formation and development (identification-isolation) of a person as a social unit and as a unique personality"; "Diagnostics and psychological support of personality at all stages of its development in normal and extreme conditions"; "Personality and ethnic groups in the context of internalization and global acculturation".