We live in a huge ventriloquist organism. Ventriloquism - what is it? How to learn ventriloquism at home

Ventriloquism is a useful technique to master if you plan to practice ventrology or if you want to instantly prank your friends with a good-natured trick. Successful ventriloquism depends on the ability of your voice to sound at a distance, as well as the ability to prevent the movement of lips and jaws unnecessarily. Also, you need to be able to use non-verbal cues to redirect the listener's attention away from you and somewhere else. Everything you need to know to master this technique is described here.


Part 1

Remote effect training
  1. Breathe in. Take a deep breath, taking in as much air as possible.

    • The actual practice of ventriloquism is also known as the "remote effect" because it changes your voice to sound like it's coming from far away.
    • To ventriloquize with your voice, you need to rely on the pressure that comes from squeezing large amounts of air through narrow passages. So basically the most important first step is to get a lot of air into your lungs.
    • Practice inhaling deeply so that it is imperceptible and silent. Inhale even more quietly through your nose to avoid the “choking” sound of taking deep breaths through your mouth.
  2. Raise your tongue. Position the back of your tongue so that it almost touches your soft palate.

    • The soft palate is that soft part of it that is near the throat.
    • Engage the back of your tongue, not the tip. Your tongue should be near the soft palate, but not really touching it.
    • This action covers most of the throat. The opening of your throat must be narrowed to produce the muffled voice that this effect requires.
  3. Tighten your diaphragm. Pull your stomach in to compress your diaphragm and squeeze it just below your lungs.

    • The diaphragm is a muscle located directly below the lungs. It plays an important role during inhalation and exhalation, the deepest breaths you take with the help of the diaphragm.
    • Because the diaphragm is under the lungs and around the upper abdomen, tension or contraction of the muscles in the middle will also compress the diaphragm.
    • Applying pressure to the area below your lungs narrows the passage from your lungs to your mouth and nasal cavity. This constriction gives you more control over your voice and is essential for trapping it inside your throat.
  4. Let out a groan. Exhale slowly to make a groan sound as the breath leaves the throat.

    • By constricting your airways, you will catch your breath around your larynx. The resulting moan will be blocked inside the throat and will sound as if from a distance.
    • Practice moaning this way a few times until you feel free to have the moaning sounds blocked and resonate in the distance. Inhale deeply each time and contract your muscles as well, releasing your throat as you begin to feel pain and tension in it.
  5. Make an "ah" sound. Repeat the inhalation and contraction techniques that you used to reproduce the moan. Instead of a low moan, use a simple open "ah" sound.

    • The "ah" sound should be long. Start pronouncing it as soon as you start exhaling, and continue until you have exhaled all the air from the lungs.
    • It should be noted that the sound, however, should not be loud. In any case, you should expect the sound to sound muffled, as that's part of what makes it sound from far away. As you practice, over time you will gradually work on making the sound louder. To begin with, however, focus only on capturing the sound in your throat.
    • Keep practicing the technique of making the "ah" sound until you can do it fluently. Stop if you feel sore or scratchy in your throat.
  6. Replace "ah" with "help!» When you can say "ah" fluently, repeat the breathing and squeezing techniques while replacing the "ah" with "help."

    • “Help” is a common phrase in ventrology, because ventriloquism is often used to create the illusion of a talking doll held by the chest or trapped in a box. You can, however, use other phrases like "Let me out" or "Here!" The chosen words are up to you, but it is better if they are the simplest, because. ventriloquism tenses your muscles.
    • Repeat this phrase as often as necessary until you are happy with the resulting sound.
  7. Limit your workout time. Practice should take at most 5 minutes.

    • Stop as soon as you feel pain or severe tension in your throat or lungs.
    • Your larynx, vocal cords, and throat as a whole work in an unusual pattern. To prevent injury or severe stress, your workouts should be short and focused.
    • As you gain experience, you will be able to practice a little longer, but still, your practice sessions should always be fairly short.

    Part 2

    Mask your mouth
    1. Control your lips. Three basic lip positions are used in ventriloquism: relaxed, smiling, and open.

      • A relaxed position is obtained by opening your lips. Let the jaw hang loosely so that the top row of teeth separates from the bottom, instead of being closed.
      • The smiling-lip position is common in ventrology, but not as commonly used as the relaxed and open position to create a "range effect". Fake a smile while keeping your jaw and lips apart for a relaxed posture. Tighten the muscles at the corners of your lips, stretching your lips into a slight smile. Your lower lip will stretch out a little more than for a normal smile.
      • The open position is great for when you're trying to shock or surprise, but some movement of the tongue can be seen. Keep your mouth open so that you can see that the lower jaw is separated from the upper. Keep the corners of your lips slightly raised, essentially creating a more open version of the smile position.
    2. Practice on easy sounds. Light sounds can be produced with little or no jaw movement. Practice each of these sounds in front of a mirror until you can confidently reproduce them without unnecessary mouth movements.

      • Long and short version of five vowels A, E, I, O and At are soft sounds.
      • Hard and soft With both hard and soft G also from the category of light sounds.
      • Other light sounds include D, X, F, K, L, N, R, S, T and W .
    3. Work on complex sounds using the front press position. Compound sounds, also known as lip sounds, are produced by an altered position of the tongue, called "front pressing" or "pulling".

      • Usually, you make sounds like B and M, closing your lips for a moment, but this movement is too noticeable and it will be difficult to convince others that it is not from the lips, but from another source.
      • Using the forward press position, your tongue acts as a substitute for one lip.
      • Briefly touch the back of your teeth with the tip of your tongue, applying light pressure. Do this movement every time your lips naturally close to produce a sound.
      • Use this technique for sounds B, M, P, F and AT. Note that they won't sound the same as usual, but the modified version of them resulting from this technique will be the closest you can get without moving your lips.
      • Do not use strong pressure and do not touch the palate with your tongue. If you do this, your B will sound like D, and yours M will sound like H .

Learning to breathe through the nose while speaking

Below are some very simple ones that allow you to master nasal breathing during speech in a very short time. Breathe as you would normally before starting the exercise, and then strictly follow the instructions.

Exercise 1

Speak aloud any poem or read any text - preferably in short phrases. For example, we say in a normal voice:

Pause. The mouth closes, the jaws are not strong, but close. At the same time, you hold your lips with both hands so that they do not open. Those. prevent your lips from parting. Whether you like it or not, you will have to inhale through your nose. After the return of breathing through the nose, release the lips and say further:

When I seriously fell ill

Pause. The mouth closes, the jaws are not strong, but close. At the same time, you again hold your lips with both hands, so that they do not open.

After the return of breathing through the nose, release the lips and say further:

He forced himself to respect

Pause. The mouth closes, the jaws are not strong, but close. At the same time, you again hold your lips with both hands, so that they do not open. After the return of breathing through the nose, release the lips and say further ... ..

At first, the exercise should not take more than 3-5 minutes. It is advisable to perform this exercise 5-6 times a day. If after pronouncing one line of a poem you have a lot of air left, then say two lines in a row. If there is still a lot of air left, say three lines in a row. But in no case do not try to set records for speaking as many lines as possible in one breath. To do this, there are further special exercises on special texts. Here your task is to learn how to return breathing through the nose during speech.

Of course, holding lips with your hands is not aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, this exercise should be performed at home or where no one sees you. However, the purpose of the exercise is not to teach you to hold your lips with your hands, but to develop a pattern (pattern) of how you return breathing through your nose during a conversation. It is this behavioral model that should be fixed.

You can modify the exercise so that the lips are not held by hands, but are strongly pressed into the gap of slightly ajar teeth. This modification of the exercise can also be applied to humans. And tell them about the benefits of breathing back through the nose.

Exercise 2

This exercise is called "ventriloquism". This is a very important, good, necessary and useful exercise in all respects. The author of this exercise is Anatoly Ivanovich Popov. The position of "ventriloquism" is later used very often in various exercises, including singing.

The essence of the exercise is that any text or poem is pronounced with the mouth closed. At the same time, the teeth are slightly pressed against each other, and the lips open and move as they used to move when pronouncing a particular letter. For example: the letters "O" and "U" - the lips are reduced to the center of the mouth with a donut, and when the letter "I" is pronounced, the lips stretch into a smile.

Remember - and this is one of the basic principles of the correct breathing system - the breath should never be spent to the end. In other words, there should always be a supply of air in the lungs - about 1/3 of what was at the beginning of speech or singing.

In this exercise, you do not need to follow the lips - they will do their job. The most important thing here is to carefully monitor only that the jaws remain closed all the time. In this case, whether you like it or not, you will be forced to return your breath through your nose.

Stand so that your back is straight. Do not straighten your shoulders too much. Don't clench your jaw too hard. Breathe in through your nose. Without unclenching your jaws, say:

My uncle of the most honest rules

When I seriously fell ill

He forced himself to respect

True, I had one student who had teeth - to put it mildly, not a very beautiful shape, and she managed to return her breath with her mouth with clenched jaws, primarily due to holes between her teeth. But this case is very, very rare. In this case, you need to turn on intensive attention or use exercise number 1.

This exercise is best done - 5-7 minutes

5-6 times a day. You can alternate the first and second exercises. In this case, the break between exercises is half an hour - an hour.

We emphasize that at first this exercise is given quite difficult, since it is already very unusual, primarily in terms of execution technique, and the sound seems somewhat different. But in fact, this is an easy exercise - as soon as the initial feeling of inconvenience is overcome, everything else will go on automatically. Moreover, I recommend that readers start talking with their loved ones in ventriloquism. Imagine a television announcer - who, while pronouncing the text, will never open his mouth. Everyone will just die of amazement. But in vain. I will now run ahead a little and say that the position of "ventriloquism" is the main position of Anatoly Ivanovich Popov's system - "physical vocalization". It was in this position that the great singer Georg Ots sang.

Exercise 3

This is an exercise by Olga Georgievna Lobanova. We will give this exercise again below somewhat in a different modification. In the meantime, modification No. 1 of Lobanova's exercise.

In the usual way you do this, always read any text or poem. As soon as you are drawn to inhale - after two or three lines of the poem, open your mouth as much as possible, but not wide (horizontally), but vertically, due to the intensive retraction of the lower jaw down and back to the neck. At the same time, try to put your tongue in such a position, as if you were yawning. In such a position of the palate and larynx, the nasal passages open very widely and the return of breath is naturally, easily and very quickly carried out by the nose. This technique of breath return is used by most singers.

The exercise seems very difficult at first. Therefore, doing it in a row more than 3-4 times is not recommended. Exercise to do 2-4 times a day. When performing all exercises, always follow the "golden" rule of yoga - consistency and gradualness.

We emphasize that the maximum efficiency from all three of the above exercises will be only when you remember for a second during all those hours when you are awake that breathing should be returned only through the nose. In this case, two to four days will be enough for you to develop a stable habit of correct, preventive breathing. We emphasize that this way of breathing can and should be considered as meditation. It was through such meditation on the process of proper breathing that the Buddha attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree.

So, let's remember again. The purpose of all three exercises is the same - to develop a stable, forever-lasting skill of returning breathing through the nose during a conversation.

And on this, most readers can close the book. Why? Firstly, the culture of breathing in communication is provided. Secondly, the first and very important step has been taken towards developing the basic skill of preventive breathing, as well as improving the body. HURRAH!

Good luck!

Source: O.Yu.Ermolaev-Tomin – Preventive healing breathing

This amazing art - to speak without opening your mouth - was born in Ancient Judea. And although three thousand years have passed since then, ventriloquism (or ventrology) strikes us no less than the ancient Jews and Egyptians. The Latin-Greek name "ventrology" comes from the words "venter" - the stomach and "logos" - the word. But talking with your stomach is actually impossible. Ventrologists, like all people, use the vocal cords.

At the end of the XIX-beginning of the XX centuries. among other strange entertainments, performances were very popular ventriloquist puppeteers. They went on stage with creepy dolls that supposedly talked, while their owners were silent. For modern inhabitants, these dolls do not cause anything but fear and disgust, while 100 years ago people were dying of laughter, looking at the performances of "speaking" figures.

One day a curious scene took place in a Berlin restaurant. There were few visitors. In the back of the hall, a middle-aged man was sitting at a table, and at his feet lay a dog, who did not take his eyes off the owner. He sent piece after piece into his mouth. And suddenly the dog asked clearly and loudly: “Why don’t you give me anything? I'm hungry too." “You can wait. March under the table!” the owner answered sternly.

The dog obeyed, but from under the table continued to express its displeasure: “You always tell me to wait, and then you will throw a bare bone, and that’s it. Take advantage of the fact that I'm a dog. It's just shameless on your part," The Englishman who was sitting not far away froze in surprise. Still would! The dog spoke with a human voice! The Englishman asked to sell him a talking dog. The owner asked for a lot of money, but the Englishman was not embarrassed. The dog, sensing something was wrong, began to squeal. And when the Englishman put a collar on her and was about to take her away, she distinctly said: “Well, if so, then from this moment I won’t say a word more!” And only then the secret was revealed: the dog was the most ordinary, and the owner spoke for her , the famous German artist-ventrologist Schreiber.

The Englishman Stephen, who surprised people about two hundred years ago with his performances, is considered the first professional ventrologist. Stephen first? was. a dramatic actor, but he could not achieve noticeable success in this field. Glory came to him when he became a ventriloquist. "Dialogue with heads" - that was the name of his number.

Papier-mâché busts were placed on the stage. The lower jaw of all was movable. Each bust depicted a person belonging to some class. There were court doctors, lawyers, shopkeepers, peasants, fishermen. The artist walked between the busts and talked to them. The busts were also not silent (Stephen, of course, spoke for them): they threw remarks, argued with the artist and with each other.

The French artist Alexander Vatemar was also an outstanding ventrologist. He arrived in St. Petersburg in 1832, then visited Moscow and gained wide popularity with his unusually bright performances. The famous connoisseur of antiquity, Mikhail Pylyaev, wrote about Wattemar: “Many wonderful people told about a foreigner who came to St. Petersburg - a ventriloquist. It was said that once he brought the watchman, who stood on the clock, to the point that he began to break the booth with a halberd, believing that an unclean one was hiding in the corner. Another time, he brought a woman who was carrying firewood in an armful to complete despair, talking to her from every log.

One of the most famous ventriloquists was Great Lester (Harry Lester). This man was able to speak with his mouth closed so masterfully that in his practice there were many curious and not very cases. While the other ventriloquists performed with a puppet on their lap, the Great Lester paced the stage drinking water while his puppet, Frank Byron Jr. "talked". Once they decided to play a trick on Lester and poured whiskey into his glass instead of water. Not a single muscle moved in the master's face as the doll coughed and spat.

Another time, in 1924, a Lester doll was accused of murder. During the performance, three old women died of laughter. When the police arrived, eyewitnesses claimed that the doll was talking, and the lips of the Great Lester did not move. The artist’s guilt was not proven, but his “partner” got more. Frank's doll was taken to the police station, filed a case, photographed and ... forever banned from performing on stage.

Photo of the daughter of the ventriloquist Edgar Bergen and his doll.

Some ventriloquists treated their dolls like family members. Puppeteer Edgar Bergen was so attached to his “partner” that he sat him down to eat with his family and often took pictures with his daughter Candace.

Probably, there was no ventrologist in the world who would not be asked the question: Is it possible for anyone to learn ventrology or does it require some special qualities? Previously, it was believed (and even now some people think) that any person can become a ventrologist. There would be a desire. But experience shows otherwise. In order to speak without moving your lips, you must at least have a special structure of the vocal apparatus. This is a gift from God. This can be confirmed by the fact that in the families of professional ventrologists, children are by no means always capable of ventriloquism.

According to doctors, the larynx, vocal cords of a gifted ventrologist have some deviations from the norm in their device, alas, not noticeable to the human eye. This, however, is not enough. The ventriloquist must be able to correctly, economically spend the air drawn into the lungs when talking. Breathing for the ventriloquist is a real art. And not everyone can learn it either.

In ordinary people, words are pronounced with the participation of the tongue and lips. The ventrologist cannot use lips. He can only apply the so-called "internal diction". It is formed through the increased work of the larynx, soft palate, tongue. And at the same time, a real ventriloquist must own a variety of voices: a child, an old man, a man, a woman, find his own voice for one or another "speaking" subject. The ventrologist speaks without moving his lips. But this does not mean at all that his face should be devoid of facial expressions, expressions. If the actor's face is a frozen mask, it is not a ventriloquist.

And one more, perhaps the most mysterious quality: the ability to give voice, as ventrologists say, flight ability. An experienced ventrologist can make the sound fly in any direction, so that the bookcase, table, chairs “speak”. And it should seem to the audience that the sound comes from this particular object.

Embarrassed, Maccabee asked the audience not to disturb him while he was talking with his friend John, who was allegedly sitting on the fifth tier. Looking up, the artist asked: "John, are you there?". Hearing no answer, he asked again: "John, where are you?". And then from the stalls someone shouted out in a thick bass: “There is no one upstairs!”. This, of course, was uttered by the ventrologist himself, but the sound was heard from the stalls.

Maccabee again asked the audience not to interfere with him. Then an angry female voice was heard from the near row: “Yes, they are just fooling us!”. And at that moment, exclamations of indignant "spectators" were heard from all over the hall, scolding the artist in vain. It is clear that Maccabee also uttered these exclamations in different voices, without opening his mouth. He was completely "embarrassed" and left the stage to thunderous applause.

Dynasty of ventrologists

The first Russian professional ventrologist was Grigory Mikhailovich Donskoy. He was born in 1865, grew up in poverty, without a father. Like many circus artists of that time, he ran away from home, stuck to the booth and went through all the steps of the difficult path to mastery. Seeing, as a boy, the performance of a visiting ventrologist, he decided at all costs to learn ventriloquism. But there was no one to learn from. Everything had to be done by myself. In the end, Donskoy became a remarkable ventriloquist.

Grigory Mikhailovich usually worked with two dolls: John, a comedian in a red wig, and Paulina, a lady in curls, an evening dress and long gloves. The dolls started an argument, ridiculed each other. Donskoy intervened in the skirmish.

Then Donskoy got the idea to introduce a live "talking" dog into the room. He seated her at the table and talked to her in five foreign languages! The illusion that the dog was speaking with its mouth open was complete. With his "wonder dog" Donskoy traveled almost all of Europe.

Grigory Mikhailovich lived a long life. He died in 1956 at the age of 90. Of course, he dreamed that one of his children would also become an artist-ventrologist. This gift manifested itself only in one of his daughters - Mary. She became a wonderful ventriloquist. But before, ventrology was considered only the lot of men.

Sources from the Internet


Ventriloquism is the art of making inanimate objects appear to be alive. In this article you will find tips and guidelines on how to become a good ventriloquist.


    Learn to speak without moving your lips. Put your finger to your mouth as if you want to call someone to silence. This will help you prevent lip movement. Next, say the alphabet. You will notice that letters such as "b", "f", "m", "p", "u", "v" and "y" make the lips move. To prevent this wiggle, you must find replacements. For example, "b" as "d" or "g", "f" as "s", "m" as "n", "but" or "no", "p" as "cl" or "t" , "y" as "ou", "v" as "z", and "yu" as "yu". You may think that new words with a replacement sound funny, but if you learn to pronounce words by stressing the syllable without this letter, the word will sound natural.

    Change your voice. A persuasive "inner" voice should sound different from yours. Listen to your voice. Do you speak loudly or softly? Fast or slow? Do you have a low or high voice? Try to make your partner's voice differ from yours on most points. To change the voice, you need to use other functions of the body. For example, if you pinch your nose while speaking, your voice will change.

    • One great way to change your voice is to exhale through your nose instead of your mouth when you speak.
    • Another way is to try to keep the sound deep in the throat or diaphragm. To do this, pretend you want to cough or that you are lifting something heavy. You will notice that the muscles around your abdomen tighten up. Now, try to speak using these muscles. The result is a deep, punchy voice that can also be refined, depending on the personality type of your chosen character.
    • Choose your "inner" voice very carefully so that it suits your partner's personality type. If he/she is witty, make the voice fast, without stuttering. If the character is stupid and slow, let him speak in a low, slow voice. The voice will help to better characterize the hero and breathe life into him.
  1. Breathe life into a new friend. Decide what kind of partner you want. His personality must necessarily be different from yours in order to create the illusion that you are not the same person. If you are a kind, responsible person, make your partner a mischievous joker. Just choose something to contrast with.

    Come up with a doll that fits the character. For example, if you came up with a young and energetic boy character, do not choose a doll in the form of an old grandfather or a girl. Make sure you choose the right partner.

    Convince yourself that your partner is alive. Once you can convince yourself, it will be easier for you to convince your audience. Try to make sure that from the moment you take him/her out (from the box, bed, etc.) and take control, the doll will come to life. Let her tell stories about how she is doing, about her thoughts, going to school, etc. Even though technically you are making this all up, it will be easier for you to believe that there is life in your partner.

    Carefully animate your partner. There are many control systems for dolls, but the best option for beginners (and even professionals) is head movement control. Be careful when buying a doll not to buy a version with a thread around the neck to control the mouth. Buy the one where you have to stick your hand behind your back, grab a stick attached to your head, and pull a lever to control your mouth. This is the key to bringing the character to life. As your partner speaks, make sure his/her mouth moves with each syllable. Also, make your partner move while you speak. So the audience will believe that he/she is real. However, do not forget to keep track of the number of movements. If your character is young and energetic, move his head quickly and shake as he speaks. But if it is an elderly person or a sleepy child, the head should move slowly and infrequently. Make sure you don't jerk your head too much while you're speaking, otherwise it will distract the audience from the point of the conversation. Watch real people to convey similar facial expressions to the character.

  2. Enjoy. For the ventriloquist, enthusiasm, or even passion, for his occupation is of great importance. You must always hone your craft. Daily practice will eventually make you an excellent ventriloquist. In addition, you do not have to sit and talk with a partner during training. Play games, watch movies, bring the doll to family gatherings and meetings with other people. Whether you're into ventriloquism for yourself or for a career, always have fun. The illusion of recreating life does not come easily, however, you must have faith in your partner to bring him/her to life.

    • In each of us there is a grain of a small child. The audience wants to believe that your partner is real, so don't do any antics or actions (like turning your head 360 degrees) that might remind viewers that the character isn't real.
    • Look at yourself and your partner in the mirror while exercising to notice what you are doing right and what is wrong. Also ask friends or family members to watch you and give their opinion.
    • Try to talk to the doll as if it were a real person within its characteristic features. For example, if the doll is funny, imagine you are talking to a funny friend.
    • Try to move your partner's whole body, not just your head. For example, make him fidget in your lap or in a chair. If he/she does not move, it will look unrealistic to the audience.
    • If you are new to this business, practice a lot. Over the years, you will be able to master this skill to perfection.
    • Remember, most viewers are judging your performance, not how cool your puppet is.
    • Watch famous ventriloquists such as Jeff Dunham perform and watch them in action.
    • NEVER beat yourself up. You will succeed!
    • In order not to move your lips, clench your teeth, sticking your tongue between them.
    • Try to apply lip balm before performing. In case you need to open your mouth, it will open easily.
    • When touching your lips, try to keep your middle and index fingers at the corners of your mouth.


    • Don't buy a doll with many features just for the sake of those features. It is likely that you will not use them often. In addition, it is quite expensive, and you may also have problems with management. Remember, the best ventriloquists like Edgar Bergen and his partner Charlie McCarthy used perfectly simple puppets.
    • Do not use the doll to insult anyone. This is not only rude, but it is also obvious that these are your words.
    • If the doll has many functions, make sure you only use them when necessary. Some ventriloquists moved their puppets' eyes, eyebrows, and even ears as they spoke. This is very distracting and confuses the audience.

    What will you need

    • You will need a doll with a moving mouth and head. If you need to practice before buying, get a hand-wrap doll or something similar made at home. A very famous ventriloquist (Shari Lewis) used a hand puppet as a partner and appeared on radio, television, and in a variety of theaters and clubs.
    • You will need a lot of perseverance, passion and optimism to create the illusion of life.
  • Voice apparatus
    • Device catalog
    • Hronos Electrolarynx
    • Servox Eco
    • servox digital
    • TruTone
    • TruTone Plus
    • Romet R 310
    • How to talk to the device
    • Patient reviews
    • Question to a specialist
    • Financial compensation
  • Accessories
    • Servona catalog
    • Servox neck aprons
    • Trachea Neck Aprons Norm
    • Romet neck aprons
    • Tracheofix overlay
    • Romet pad
    • Tracheofix Plus overlay
    • Trachi-Wipe for tracheostomy care
    • Servox Skin Connector
    • Provox patch connector
    • Compress for tracheostomy
      • Compresses Tracheocompresse AL
      • Compress (bandage) Metalline (Metalline)
    • Shower protection
    • Servox battery, spare parts
    • TruTone handsfree holder
    • artificial nose
      • artificial nose
      • Servox TNF artificial nose
      • Servox TNP artificial nose
      • Servox HME Modul cassette
      • Module (HME) Provox (art. 7290; 7291)
      • Tracheolife artificial nose
      • Thermovent T PORTEX artificial nose
    • A device for smelling
    • Cannula cleaners
    • Neck ribbons
    • Tracheostomy tubes
      • Tracheostomy tubes
      • Portex Blue Line
      • Portex Blue Line C without cuff
      • Replacement cannula for Portex tube
      • Sumi Tracheostomy Tubes
      • Fenestrated Portex pipes
      • Ruler for tube selection
    • Ostomy spacer
    • voice valve
    • Sumi aspiration catheter
    • Masks for inhalation
    • Surgical aspirator
      • Medical aspirator
      • Suction units Armed 7E
      • Aspirator Armed 7D
    • Tracheostomy? Life goes on
  • Voice restoration
    • Voice rehabilitation
    • Voice formation
    • The principle of operation of head.ob. apparatus
    • Larynx prostheses
    • Provox
    • Esophageal speech (pseudo-voice)
  • Laryngectomy
    • Anatomy of the larynx
    • Cancer of the larynx
    • Treatment of laryngeal cancer
    • Laryngectomy
    • Tracheostomy
    • Tracheostomy and children
    • Cannula Care
    • Tracheostomy care
    • Respiratory sanitation
    • Devices for tracheostomy
    • Short cannulas (ring, valve, funnel)
    • Artificial respiration through a tracheostomy
    • Rehabilitation of the senses
  • How to buy

The larynx has high compensatory capabilities.

Formation esophageal voice is a complex of processes for the creation of a new compensatory phonation organ and changes in conditioned reflex connections in the central nervous system that existed before laryngectomy. Esophageal speech is an alternative to normal speech and allows returning cancer patients to normal life after complete extirpation of the larynx. The patient's desire to restore lost speech is an additional positive factor.

Thus, the rehabilitation program for laryngectomy patients is reduced to several components:

1. Dental rehabilitation classes

2. Psychotherapy. Depends on the condition of the patient and is to create a positive psychological attitude.

3. Psychological trainings are also conducted with the close environment of the patient, aimed at developing the right attitude towards the disease, the need for maximum rehabilitation, including the restoration of speech and return to society.

The creation of an artificial phonation organ consists in the formation of a new physiological formation in the patient's esophagus - a pseudoglottis. In order to produce sounds with the esophagus, the walls of the esophagus must be able to close and open. In addition, to pronounce a speech, you need to learn how to retain a large amount of air in the esophagus.

After the laryngectomy operation, all patients are offered to take speech therapy courses, where they can learn these skills and get the opportunity to control a new voice apparatus.

imitation of vomiting with an open mouth, in a prone position, several times in a row.

from a standing position, lean forward, lower your arms freely and try to pronounce the sound “Y”; while the tongue should be clamped between the teeth, the abdominal muscles are tense, the diaphragm is raised.

The first words that the patient will be able to pronounce will be those that begin with the consonants "T", "P" or "K". Classes last no more than 5 minutes.

Ventrology, ventriloquism has nothing to do with esophageal speech. This is the ability to speak without moving your lips, based on a high command of the vocal cords and breathing. The ventriloquist's lips do not move during the conversation, and although he uses the usual organs of speech, the sound seems to come from the stomach.

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How to learn ventriloquism at home

This amazing art - to speak without opening your mouth - was born in Ancient Judea. And although three thousand years have passed since then, ventriloquism (or ventrology) strikes us no less than the ancient Jews and Egyptians.

One day a curious scene took place in a Berlin restaurant. There were few visitors. In the back of the hall, a middle-aged man was sitting at a table, and at his feet lay a dog, who did not take his eyes off the owner. He sent piece after piece into his mouth. And suddenly the dog asked clearly and loudly: “Why don’t you give me anything? I'm hungry too." “You can wait. March under the table!” the owner answered sternly.

The dog obeyed, but from under the table continued to express its displeasure: “You always tell me to wait, and then you will throw a bare bone, and that’s it. Take advantage of the fact that I'm a dog. It's just shameless on your part," The Englishman who was sitting not far away froze in surprise. Still would! The dog spoke with a human voice! The Englishman asked to sell him a talking dog. The owner asked for a lot of money, but the Englishman was not embarrassed. The dog, sensing something was wrong, began to squeal. And when the Englishman put a collar on her and was about to take her away, she distinctly said: “Well, if so, then from this moment I will not say a word more!” And only then the secret was revealed: the dog was the most ordinary, and the owner, the famous German artist-ventrologist Schreiber, spoke for her.

The Latin-Greek name "ventrology" comes from the words "venter" - the stomach and "logos" - the word. But talking with your stomach is actually impossible. Ventrologists, like all people, use the vocal cords.

The Englishman Stephen, who surprised people about two hundred years ago with his performances, is considered the first professional ventrologist. Stephen first? was. a dramatic actor, but he could not achieve noticeable success in this field. Glory came to him when he became a ventriloquist. "Dialogue with heads" - that was the name of his number.

Papier-mâché busts were placed on the stage. The lower jaw of all was movable. Each bust depicted a person belonging to some class. There were court doctors, lawyers, shopkeepers, peasants, fishermen. The artist walked between the busts and talked to them. The busts were also not silent (Stephen, of course, spoke for them): they threw remarks, argued with the artist and with each other.

The French artist Alexander Vatemar was also an outstanding ventrologist. He arrived in St. Petersburg in 1832, then visited Moscow and gained wide popularity with his unusually bright performances. The famous connoisseur of antiquity, Mikhail Pylyaev, wrote about Wattemar: “Many wonderful people told about a foreigner who came to St. Petersburg - a ventriloquist. It was said that once he brought the watchman, who stood on the clock, to the point that he began to break the booth with a halberd, believing that an unclean one was hiding in the corner. Another time, he brought a woman who was carrying firewood in an armful to complete despair, talking to her from every log.

Probably, there was no ventrologist in the world who was not asked the question: is it possible for any person to learn ventrology or does this require some special qualities? Previously, it was believed (and even now some people think) that any person can become a ventrologist. There would be a desire. But experience shows otherwise. In order to speak without moving your lips, you must at least have a special structure of the vocal apparatus. This is a gift from God. This can be confirmed by the fact that in the families of professional ventrologists, children are by no means always capable of ventriloquism.

According to doctors, the larynx, vocal cords of a gifted ventrologist have some deviations from the norm in their device, alas, not noticeable to the human eye. This, however, is not enough. The ventriloquist must be able to correctly, economically spend the air drawn into the lungs when talking. Breathing for the ventriloquist is a real art. And not everyone can learn it either.

In ordinary people, words are pronounced with the participation of the tongue and lips. The ventrologist cannot use lips. He can only apply the so-called "internal diction". It is formed through the increased work of the larynx, soft palate, tongue. And at the same time, a real ventriloquist must own a variety of voices: a child, an old man, a man, a woman, find his own voice for one or another "speaking" subject. The ventrologist speaks without moving his lips. But this does not mean at all that his face should be devoid of facial expressions, expressions. If the actor's face is a frozen mask, it is not a ventriloquist.

And one more, perhaps the most mysterious quality: the ability to give the voice, as ventrologists say, flight. An experienced ventrologist can make the sound fly in any direction, so that the bookcase, table, chairs “speak”. And it should seem to the audience that the sound comes from this particular object.

Embarrassed, Maccabee asked the audience not to disturb him while he was talking with his friend John, who was allegedly sitting on the fifth tier. Looking up, the artist asked: "John, are you there?". Hearing no answer, he asked again: "John, where are you?". And then from the stalls someone shouted out in a thick bass: “There is no one upstairs!”. This, of course, was uttered by the ventrologist himself, but the sound was heard from the stalls.

Maccabee again asked the audience not to interfere with him. Then an angry female voice was heard from the near row: “Yes, they are just fooling us!”. And at that moment, exclamations of indignant "spectators" were heard from all over the hall, scolding the artist in vain. It is clear that Maccabee also uttered these exclamations in different voices, without opening his mouth. He was completely "embarrassed" and left the stage to thunderous applause.

The first Russian professional ventrologist was Grigory Mikhailovich Donskoy. He was born in 1865, grew up in poverty, without a father. Like many circus artists of that time, he ran away from home, stuck to the booth and went through all the steps of the difficult path to mastery. Seeing, as a boy, the performance of a visiting ventrologist, he decided at all costs to learn ventriloquism. But there was no one to learn from. Everything had to be done by myself. In the end, Donskoy became a remarkable ventriloquist.

Grigory Mikhailovich usually worked with two dolls: John, a comedian in a red wig, and Paulina, a lady in curls, an evening dress and long gloves. The dolls started an argument, ridiculed each other. Donskoy intervened in the skirmish.

Then Donskoy got the idea to introduce a live "talking" dog into the room. He seated her at the table and talked to her in five foreign languages! The illusion that the dog was speaking with its mouth open was complete. With his "wonder dog" Donskoy traveled almost all of Europe.

Grigory Mikhailovich lived a long life. He died in 1956 at the age of 90. Of course, he dreamed that one of his children would also become an artist-ventrologist. This gift manifested itself only in one of his daughters - Mary. She became a wonderful ventriloquist. But before, ventrology was considered only the lot of men.

Many saw the performances of Maria Donskaya with her favorite "partner" - the doll Andryusha, a lively and mischievous "boy". The daughter of Maria Grigoryevna, Evgenia, also turned out to be a talented ventrologist. They often performed as a duet. And always with constant success.