What is the place of the Tatar language in the world. The rule of clear pronunciation of the last syllable

Choose the letter that starts the word.

The Tatar language (Tatar. Tatar tele, Tatarcha, tatar tele, tatarça) is the national language of the Tatars. The state language of the Republic of Tatarstan and the second most common and the number of speakers of the national language in the Russian Federation. It belongs to the Volga-Kypchak subgroup of the Kypchak group of Turkic languages.

Distributed in Tatarstan, in the center and north-west of Bashkortostan, in Mari El, Udmurtia, Chelyabinsk, Orenburg, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen, Ulyanovsk regions, Perm region of Russia, as well as in certain regions of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan .

The modern Tatar language has undergone many changes in its development, formed from a mixture of ancient Bulgarian with the Kypchak and Chagatai dialects of the Turkic languages.

The Tatar language was formed together with the native speakers of this language in the regions of the Volga and Ural regions in close contact with other, both related and unrelated languages. He experienced a certain influence of the Finno-Ugric (Old Hungarian, Mari, Mordovian, Udmurt), Arabic, Persian, Russian languages. Thus, linguists believe that those features in the field of phonetics (changes in the scale of vowels, etc.), which, on the one hand, unite the Volga-Turkic languages ​​with each other, and, on the other hand, oppose them to other Turkic languages, are the result of their complex relationships. with Finno-Ugric languages.

The earliest surviving literary monument - the poem "Kyssa-i Yosyf" - was written in the 13th century. (The author of the poem Kul Gali died during the Mongol conquest of the Volga Bulgaria in 1236). The language of the poem combines elements of the Bulgaro-Kypchak and Oghuz languages. In the era of the Golden Horde, the Volga Turki became the language of its subjects, a language close to the Ottoman and Chagatai (Old Uzbek) literary languages. During the period of the Kazan Khanate, the Old Tatar language was formed, which is characterized by a large number of borrowings from Arabic and Persian. Like other literary languages ​​of the pre-national period, the Old Tatar literary language remained obscure to the masses and was used only by the literate part of society. After the conquest of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible, an active penetration into the Tatar language of Russianisms, and then Western terms, began. From the end of XIX - beginning of XX centuries. Tatar intelligentsia began to actively use the Ottoman socio-political vocabulary.

From the second half of the 19th century, on the basis of the middle (Kazan) dialect, the formation of the modern Tatar national language began, which ended at the beginning of the 20th century. Two stages can be distinguished in the reformation of the Tatar language - the second half of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century (until 1905) and 1905-1917. At the first stage, the main role in the creation of the national language belonged to Kayum Nasyri (1825-1902). After the revolution of 1905-1907. the situation in the field of reforming the Tatar language has changed dramatically: there is a convergence of the literary language with the colloquial language. In 1912, Fakhrel-Islam Ageev founded the Ak-yul children's magazine, which marked the beginning of children's fiction in the Tatar language. In the 1920s language construction begins: a terminological apparatus is being developed, first based on the Tatar and Arabic-Persian vocabulary proper, and from the 1930s on Russian and international using Cyrillic graphics.

The modern literary Tatar language in phonetics and vocabulary is close to the middle dialect, and in morphological structure - to the Western dialect.

The Tatar language belongs to the family of Turkic languages, its close relatives are Bashkir, Kazakh, Nogai, Karachay, Kumyk, Karakalpak, Uzbek, Turkmen, Azerbaijani, Kyrgyz, Tuva, Khakass, Chuvash, Yakut and other Turkic languages.

About 7 million people speak the Tatar language, of which 1 million 765 thousand live in Tatarstan, the rest live in 80 regions of the former Soviet Union and abroad - in Finland, Turkey, Germany, America, China, Japan, Australia, etc.

The writing of the Tatars has a long history: the starting point is the monuments of runic writing (as in many Turkic peoples). Tatar scientists (A. Mukhammadiev, N. Fattah) convincingly proved that the Turkic peoples had written language even before the new era. Then, from the beginning of the 10th century, along with Islam in the Volga Bulgaria, the Arabic alphabet was also adopted: at the end of the 20s, this alphabet was changed to Latin (the so-called "yanalif" - a new alphabet), whose life was short. Before the start of the Great Patriotic War, the Tatars switched to Cyrillic, with the addition of 6 letters for some specific sounds of the Tatar language. However, the shortcomings of the Cyrillic-based alphabet did not satisfy many. For a long time, the public discussed the problems of a possible transition to the Latin alphabet, specific projects were proposed and they were actively discussed in the press and in government and scientific circles.

In the late 90s, the majority of the public agreed to change the Cyrillic alphabet to an alphabet based on the Latin alphabet. Starting from 2001, schools will begin teaching the Tatar language in the Latin alphabet from the first grade. The change of three alphabets in a short time tore the people away from their written culture for many years. Attempts are now being made to rectify the situation: circles for teaching Arabic script have been created, appropriate courses have been introduced in universities, manuals are being issued, and television programs have been organized. But to build is not to break, it's a long business...

The Tatar language, according to UNESCO, is in fourth place in the world in terms of its harmony, formality and logic. In this sense, it can be used as a computer language. Knowledge of Tatar makes it possible to communicate with all representatives of the Turkic peoples. The Tatar language ranks fourteenth in the world.

Gabdulla Tukay - the founder of the literary Tatar language

The Old Tatar and modern Tatar language has accumulated a huge artistic, philosophical, historical, journalistic, educational, epistolary, scientific and ideological legacy left by Kul Gali, Mukhammedyar, H. Feizkhanov, Sh. Marjani, G. Tukay, F. Amirkhan and many other poets and writers , scientists, thinkers, educators.

The problems of teaching the Tatar language were especially acute in Russia in the 18th-early 19th centuries: the colonial policy of the tsarist autocracy, the Christianization of the region required qualified performers. And therefore, especially in the 19th century, hundreds of self-instruction books, phrasebooks of the Tatar language, grammars, manuals, dictionaries, books for reading, anthologies were published, many of which were compiled by missionaries, teachers of theological schools, academies. They, together with others compiled by Russian scientists from higher educational institutions, as well as Tatar scientists and educators, deserve the closest attention and study.

Representatives of many nationalities live in our republic. State languages ​​according to the Constitution

The Republic of Tatarstan are two languages ​​- Tatar and Russian.

distribution of the Turkic-speaking peoples of the world

Features of the Tatar language

Let's start learning with the Tatar alphabet. It is based on Russian graphics and consists of 39 letters:

Aa Zz Pp Hh

əə Ii Rr Shsh

Bb yy ss schsch

Vv Kk Tt bj

Gg Ll Uu Yy

DD Mm YY b

Her Nn ff uh

Yoyo n Xx Yuyu

Zhzh Oo ҺҺ Yaya

General information about the Tatar language

The Tatar language (Tatar. Tatar tele, Tatarcha, tatar tele, tatarça) is the national language of the Tatars. The state language of the Republic of Tatarstan, and the second most common and the number of speakers of the national language in the Russian Federation!

It belongs to the Volga-Kypchak subgroup of the Kypchak group of Turkic languages ​​(Altai language family).

Distributed in Tatarstan, in the center and north-west of Bashkortostan and in some areas of Mari El, Udmurtia, Chuvashia, Mordovia, Chelyabinsk, Orenburg, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen, Ulyanovsk, Samara, Astrakhan, Saratov, Nizhny Novgorod, Penza, Ryazan, Tambov, Kurgan , Tomsk regions, Perm region of Russia, as well as in certain regions of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.

The number of speakers in Russia is about 4.28 million people as of 2010 (5.1 million according to the 1989 census). The Tatar language is also common among the Bashkirs, Russians, Chuvashs and Maris, as well as some other peoples of Russia.

Kypchak languages

one of the largest in terms of the number of languages ​​(11 languages) groups of Turkic languages, dating back to a single Kypchak language. Other names: northwestern, tau group, etc. Includes the following subgroups:

Kypchak-Bulgarian (North-Kypchak, Ural-Volga, Bulgar-Kypchak, Volga-Kypchak) - Tatar and Bashkir languages ​​(and the Siberian-Tatar language is also highlighted);

The Volga-Kypchak community is not recognized by all scientists, there is an alternative point of view according to which the Tatar language is Polovtsian-Kypchak, and the Bashkir Nogai-Kypchak (this is the point of view formulated in the book "Comparative Historical Grammar of the Turkic Languages. Regional Reconstructions" edited by E. R. Tenisheva).

Turkic languages

a family of related languages ​​of the Altaic macrofamily, widely spoken in Asia and Eastern Europe. The distribution area of ​​the Turkic languages ​​extends from the Lena River basin in Siberia southwest to the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The total number of speakers is more than 167.4 million people.

The opposition between the Bulgar and the Turkic group proper is generally recognized - their separation took place at the turn of BC. e., probably in the II century. n. e.

ancient description of the Turkic-speaking peoples of the world

Altaic language family -

a possible language family, which, according to its supporters, includes the Turkic, Mongolian, Tungus-Manchu and Japanese-Ryukyu language branches, as well as the Korean language isolate. These languages ​​are spoken in Northeast Asia, Central Asia, Anatolia and Eastern Europe (Turks, Kalmyks). The group is named after the Altai Mountains, a mountain range in central Asia.

These language families have many similar characteristics. The question is their source. One camp, the "Altaists", sees the similarities as the result of a common origin from the Proto-Altaic language, which was spoken several thousand years ago. The other camp, the "anti-Altaists", sees the similarities as the result of interactions between these language groups. Some linguists believe that both theories are in equilibrium; they are called "skeptics".

Another opinion accepts the fact of the existence of the Altaic family, but includes only the Turkic, Mongolian and Tungus-Manchurian branches in it. This view was common until the 1960s, but has almost no adherents today.

distribution of the Turkic-speaking peoples of Eurasia

Dialects of the Tatar language

The vernacular Tatar language is divided into 3 main dialects:

Western (Mishar) dialect, which has a strong connection with the Oghuz-Kypchak language;

Kazan (middle) dialect (has hypothetical elements of the Bulgar language);

The Eastern (Siberian-Tatar) dialect, which was formed as an independent language, but due to political ties and the relocation of Kazan Tatars to Siberia, became close to the middle dialect.

In the XIII-XIX centuries, the Old Tatar language functioned among the Tatars.

distribution map of the Mishar language

Mishar (western) dialect of the Tatar language is more uniform, has retained more ancient features, is less subject to external influences and changes, its dialects were in contact with a small number of other languages ​​​​(with Russian and Mordovian).

The Mishar dialect, unlike Kazan, according to a number of researchers, is included in the Kypchak-Polovtsian group of languages ​​(V.V. Radlov, A.N. Samoylovich).

The mutual proximity of the Mishar dialects is explained by the relatively late resettlement of the Mishars (starting from the end of the 16th century), which took place in connection with the creation of the so-called protective (zasechny) lines by the tsarist government.

When creating the modern Tatar Cyrillic alphabet, the phonetics of the Tatar-Mishars was taken as a basis, close to the phonetics of the ancient Tatar literary language, which causes the presence in it of letters unusual for the middle dialect and the sounds they denote Ch (tch) and Җ (j), as well as the absence Щ (fricative (slit) equivalent of Ch), Ў, Қ and Ғ.

Mishar dialect of the Tatar language L.T. Makhmutova divides into two groups of dialects: "clattering" and "choking". At the same time, G. Kh. Akhatov, in his classification, subdivides the Mishar dialect into three groups of dialects, adding a "mixed" group of dialects to the "clattering" and "choking" dialects. Linguistically, dialects are close to each other, however, they are not identical: each of these groups has some specific features in the field of phonetics, grammar and vocabulary.

The "choking" group of Mishar dialects includes:

Temnikovsky dialect (western regions of Mordovia, southeastern part of the Penza region)

lyambir dialect (eastern part of Mordovia),

Pribirsky dialect (Birsky, Karaidelsky, Mishkinsky districts of Bashkortostan).

Kuznetsk dialect (Penza region),

Khvalyn dialect (south of Ulyanovsk region)

Sharlyk dialect (Orenburg region)

Orenburg dialect (Orenburg region)

dialects of the Volgograd and Saratov regions.

The "clattering" group of Mishar dialects consists of:

Sergach dialect (Nizhny Novgorod region),

drozhzhanovsky dialect (Tatarstan and Chuvashia),

Chistopol dialect (mixed) (Zakama region of Tatarstan and Samara region),

Melekessky dialect (conditionally) (northern regions of the Ulyanovsk region).

However, according to Professor G. Kh. Akhatov, the Kuznetsk dialect and the Khvalyn dialect do not belong to the "choking" group of dialects at all, but to the "mixed" one. According to the scientist, the "mixed" group of dialects is characterized by an almost parallel use of Ch (tch) with a pronounced explosive element and C, for example: "pytchak, pytsak (pychak - knife). Therefore, G. Kh. Akhatov singled out these two dialects into a separate group of dialects Mishar dialect and called it "mixed".

Phonetic processes

The leading phonetic processes of the overwhelming majority of dialects of the Mishar dialect, which distinguish it from the middle dialect and from the literary language, are as follows:

the use of undead a in all positions: bala, alma;

the presence in some dialects of various variants of diphthongoids uo-uo, үe-үe (in the first syllable of the word), ıo-ıo, eө-өe: dүert -dүrt;

a number of dialects are characterized by a weakening of the labial articulation: ul-ol-iol-il; possible transition [y] to [o] after th;

monophthongization of diphthongs in certain positions: ү—өү;

the use of back-language literary K, G, X (instead of uvular Қ, Ғ, χ of the middle dialect);

the falling away of the initial G, which originated from the epiglottic ع (ʿayn) in Arabic words: alim - galim, adiet - gadit;

regular literary y-ringing at the beginning of words: yer-җir (middle dial.), yul-җul (middle dial.);

the use of h (tch) is inherent in the group of dialects: chәch (schәshch-sr.dial - hair); there is a group using q instead of h (tch).

in the Mishar dialects, the sounds Ch and Җ are affricates (against the fricative ones in the middle dialect).

Tatar language

Kazan (middle) dialect of the Tatar language differs from other dialects in the presence of the phenomenon of zh - okania, uvular қ and ғ, fricative h (u), rounded variant a. The formation of the middle dialect was influenced by the Bulgar language (VII - XIII), the Kypchak language (XI - XV), the Nogai language (XV - XVII), as well as the Finno-Ugric and Russian languages.

Dialects of the Kazan dialect of the Tatar language

Zakazansky (Vysokogorsky, Mamadyshsky, Laishevsky, Baltasinsky districts of Tatarstan)

Baranginsky (Paranginsky district of Mari El)

Tarkhansky (Buinsky, Tetyushsky districts of Tatarstan)

Levoberezhny - Gorny (left bank of the Volga of Tatarstan, Urmarsky district of Chuvashia)

Kryashen dialects (Tatarstan, Bashkortostan)

Nogaybaksky (Chelyabinsk region)

Menzelinsky (Agryzsky, Bugulminsky, Zainsky, Aznakaevsky, Menzelinsky, Sarmanovsky, Bavlinsky, Muslyumovsky, Almetevsky, Aktanyshsky regions of Tatarstan; Udmurtia; Alsheevsky, Bizhbulyaksky, Blagovarsky, Buraevsky, Belebeevsky, Dyurtyulinsky, Ilishevsky, Karmaskalinsky, Krasnokamsky, Kushnarenkovsky, Miyakinsky, Meleuzovsky, Sterlibashevsky, Sterlitamaksky, Tuimazinsky, Fedorovsky, Chekmagushevsky, Chishminsky, Sharansky, Yanaulsky districts of Bashkortostan)

Buraevsky (Buraevsky, Kaltasinsky, Baltachevsky, Yanaulsky, Tatyshlinsky, Mishkinsky, Karaidelsky districts of Bashkortostan)

Kasimovsky (Ryazan region)

Nokratsky (Kirov region, Udmurtia)

Permsky (Perm region)

Zlatoustovsky (Salavatsky, Kiginsky, Duvansky, Belokataysky districts of Bashkortostan)

Krasnoufimsky (Sverdlovsk region)

Ichkinsky (Kurgan region)

Buguruslansky (Buguruslansky district of the Orenburg region)

Turbaslinsky (Iglinsky and Nurimanovsky districts of Bashkortostan)

Tepekinsky (Gafurysky, Sterlitamaksky districts of Bashkortostan)

Safakulsky (Kurgan region)

Astrakhan (Kazan Tatars of the Astrakhan region)

Tatar-Karakalpak dialect (East of the Saratov region (Alexandrovo-Gaisky district), Ural region of Kazakhstan.

ancient monument with Turkic inscriptions

Phonetic processes

The leading phonetic processes of the vast majority of dialects of the middle dialect are as follows:

the use of rounded a in all positions: bala, alma;

the use of an elongated diphthong -өy (kөyәntә, sөyәk, chөy) or its replacement by a diphthong -ij: silәshә (lit. sөylәshә), kiye (lit. kөya), siyәk (lit. soyak).

the use of diphthongs -ay / әy (lit. -y / y): barmay (lit. barmy), shundai (lit. shundy), karay (lit. kary), soylәy (lit. soyli)

use instead of literary back-lingual K, G, X, uvular Қ, Ғ, Һ:

karga (lit. karga), kaygy (lit. kaigy), aq (lit. ak), galim (lit. galim), һәtәr (lit. khatәr), etc.

The use of Җ (zh - okanie) instead of the literary Y: җaulyk (lit. yaulyk), җөri (lit. yori), җөz (lit. joz), җul (lit. yul), җuk (lit. yuk), җasy (lit. yasy), җyget (lit. eget), җylan (lit. elan), җygerme (lit. egerme), etc.

the use of fricative fricatives H and Җ: schәsh instead of chəch (hair), sandugash instead of sandugach (nightingale), almagash instead of almagach (apple tree), tatarscha instead of tatarcha (Tatar language), zhәy instead of җәy (summer), etc.

Features of morphology

the use of the verb in the form -asy/әse: barasy bar; Bүgen eshkә kilase st., etc.

the use of adjectives -mal(l)s/mәl(l)e, -әse/әse: kilmale, ukymaly, kilase, etc.

as a designation of repetition, the forms gala / gәlә, yshtyr / eshtsher are used: bargala, ukyshtyr, etc.

Tatar language

Siberian Tatar language belongs to the language of the Kypchak-Nogai subgroup of the Kypchak group of the Western Xiongnu branch of the Turkic languages ​​according to the majority of phonetic and grammatical indicators. In vocabulary and grammar there are elements of the languages ​​of the Karluk group, the Kypchak-Bulgar and Kirghiz-Kypchak subgroups. Such interpenetration of elements of languages ​​of different groups and subgroups within the framework of the Turkic languages ​​is typical for almost all Turkic languages. In phonetics, phenomena of total stunning of voiced consonants associated with the Ugric substrate are traced. 9 vowels make up the system of vocalism, there are ascending and descending diphthongs. There are 17 native consonants. The specific ones include noisy fricative (fricative) labial semi-voiced [bv], back-lingual noisy fricative semi-voiced [g], noisy fricative uvular voiced [ғ], noisy stop uvular voiceless қ stop uvular [ң], fricative labial-labial [ w]. The language is characterized by clatter and yokan in all positions of the word. At the morphological level, there is a wide use of participles and gerunds, the use of the ancient Turkic lexeme bak (look) in the meaning of the modal particle pak (karap pak - look, utyryp pak - sit down). Professor G. Kh. Akhatov believes that the “clatter” of the Siberian Tatars was preserved from the Polovtsy.

The Siberian Tatar language has a number of dialects and dialects: Tobol-Irtysh dialect with Tyumen, Tobol, Zabolotny, Tevriz, Tara dialects, Baraba dialect, Tomsk dialect with Eushta-Chat and Orsk dialects. From the time of the penetration of Islam into Siberia and until the 20s. 20th century Siberian Tatars, like all Muslim peoples, used a script based on the Arabic script, which in 1928 was replaced by the Latin alphabet, and in 1939 by the Cyrillic alphabet. The written language for the Siberian Tatars is the Tatar literary language, based on the grammatical laws of the language of the Kazan Tatars. The native language of the Siberian Tatars is a stable phenomenon. It is widely used by them in the communicative sphere and does not tend to actively level with other languages. At the same time, the urban Siberian Tatar population is switching to Russian, which refers only to the language, but not to self-consciousness.

For the first time, the fundamental language of the Siberian Tatars was studied by the doctor of philological sciences, professor G. Kh. Akhatov.

The history of the formation of the Tatar language

The modern Tatar language has undergone many changes in its development, formed from a mixture of ancient Bulgarian with the Kypchak and Chagatai dialects of the Turkic languages.

The Tatar language was formed together with the native speakers of this language in the regions of the Volga and Ural regions in close contact with other, both related and unrelated languages. He experienced a certain influence of the Finno-Ugric (Old Hungarian, Mari, Mordovian, Udmurt), Arabic, Persian, Russian languages. Thus, linguists believe that those features in the field of phonetics (changes in the scale of vowels, etc.), which, on the one hand, unite the Volga-Turkic languages ​​with each other, and, on the other hand, oppose them to other Turkic languages, are the result of their complex relationships. with Finno-Ugric languages.

The earliest surviving literary monument - the poem "Kyssa-i Yosyf" - was written in the 13th century. (The author of the poem Kul Gali died during the Mongol conquest of the Volga Bulgaria in 1236). The language of the poem combines elements of the Bulgaro-Kypchak and Oghuz languages. In the era of the Golden Horde, the Volga Turki became the language of its subjects, a language close to the Ottoman and Chagatai (Old Uzbek) literary languages. During the period of the Kazan Khanate, the Old Tatar language was formed, which is characterized by a large number of borrowings from Arabic and Persian. Like other literary languages ​​of the pre-national period, the Old Tatar literary language remained obscure to the masses and was used only by the literate part of society. After the conquest of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible, an active penetration into the Tatar language of Russianisms, and then Western terms, began. From the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. Tatar intelligentsia began to actively use the Ottoman socio-political vocabulary.

From the second half of the 19th century, on the basis of the middle (Kazan) dialect, the formation of the modern Tatar national language began, which ended at the beginning of the 20th century. Two stages can be distinguished in the reformation of the Tatar language - the second half of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century (until 1905) and 1905-1917. At the first stage, the main role in the creation of the national language belonged to Kayum Nasyri (1825-1902). After the revolution of 1905-1907. the situation in the field of reforming the Tatar language has changed dramatically: there is a convergence of the literary language with the colloquial language. In 1912, Fakhrel-Islam Ageev founded the Ak-yul children's magazine, which marked the beginning of children's fiction in the Tatar language. In the 1920s language construction begins: a terminological apparatus is developed, first based on the Tatar and Arabic-Persian vocabulary proper, and from the 1930s on Russian and international using Cyrillic graphics. When switching to Cyrillic graphics, they relied on Western phonetics (mishar), so the throat sounds of the middle dialect /ʁ/ and /q/ were ignored, instead of Shch, Chh was used in the spelling of words.

The modern literary Tatar language in phonetics and vocabulary is close to the middle dialect, and in morphological structure - to the Western dialect.

Brief description of the Tatar language

Distinctive features of the literary Tatar language in phonetics: the presence of 10 vowel phonemes, one of which has a diphthongoid character; the presence of vowels of incomplete education; the presence of a labialized [а°] (typically, as a rule, when [a] is the first in a word: alma - [ºalmá] - apple: the second a is not labialized (not rounded); vowels o, ө, e in the first syllable instead of common Turkic y , ү, u, vowels u, ү, and instead of common Turkic o, ө, e (this is also characteristic of the Bashkir language); the absence of a labial-dental phoneme in; the non-affricative nature of h and җ.

Analytical tense forms are widely represented in morphology, as well as combinations of the main verb with auxiliary ones, expressing the nature of the course of the action, its intensity, degree of completion, etc. The past and future tenses of the verb are divided into the known and the possible (examined or assumed), for example: bardyk - we definitely walked, barganbyz - we might have walked; barachakbyz - we will definitely go, baryrbyz - we may go. In syntax, the design of nominal predicates with predicate affixes is extremely rare, synthetic subordinate clauses are diverse. The vocabulary is full of Arabic, Persian and Russian borrowings.

One of the distinguishing features of the Tatar language is that when personal affixes are attached to a word (in particular, to a noun), the stress remains on the root.

Phonetics of the Tatar language

The pronunciation norm of the modern literary language is assigned to the dialect of the Kazan Tatars.

The Tatar language has the following features.

1. According to the morphological structure, the Tatar language belongs to agglutinative languages. This means that affixes and endings are added to the unchanging root one after another in a certain order; for example, the Tatar word təңkə (scales, then a coin) also entered the Russian language, where it acquired the form of money. Let's add a plural affix to it: təңkələr; then add the affix of ownership: təңkə-lər-em (my money); then add a variant of the affix of the original case: təңkə-lər-em-nən - (from my coins, money). un (ten) un + lyk (ten) un + lyk + lar (tens) un + lyk + lars (his tens) un + lyk + lar + s + (n) a (to his tens). Notice how the word "stretches"?

2. There is a law of synharmonism in the Tatar language.

Its essence is as follows: in the Tatar language, vowels make up pairs of hardness and softness: a - ə, y - Y, s - e, o - Ө (only it does not have a hard pair). That is why, if the first syllable has a hard vowel, then all subsequent syllables will only have hard vowels. And, conversely, if a soft vowel is used in the first syllable, then in all subsequent syllables there will be only soft vowels: bala - a child; bala-lar-ybyz-ny - our children kil - come; kil-de-lər-me? - did they come?

Have you noticed that the words in the Tatar language are either only hard or only soft? In Russian, both hard and soft vowels are found in one word: first, table, street, windy, etc.

An exception to the law of synharmonism are only complex words of the Tatar language itself or borrowed from Arabic, Persian, Russian, Western European and other languages. For example: sigeziellyk - eight years old; su-sem - algae; bilbau - lit. waist rope, i.e. belt; Gölnaz - letters. flower + weasel; daki - genius; dictation, academy of mathematics, physics, etc.

Another version of the law of synharmonism is as follows. This is lip harmony, in which the labial vowels o - Ө in the first syllable round off the vowels s - e in the second (and partially in the third) syllable. All these sounds are pronounced briefly.

Let's see: salts [solo] - oats of the bark [kyoro] - dry, dry sӨlge [sӨlgӨ] - towel tҨnge [tӨңgӨ] - night

3. The Tatar language has specific sounds, both vowels and consonants: [ə], [Ө], [o], [Y], [e], [s], [kъ], [„], [ң ],

[Һ], [h], [Җ], [-], ['] (gamza): əni, əti, Өch, Өz, ozyn, Үzem, Үlən, senel, ylys, [kara], [„ədət], blue, Һəm, FəҺim, chəy, chəch, Җəy,

Gil, [a-yl], təesir [tə‘sir], maemai [ma‘may].

4. In the Tatar language, verbal stress tends to the last syllable in a word; however, there are cases where this does not happen. This is especially true for interrogative pronouns, in which the stress is always on the first syllable:

who - who? kaida - where? kaichan - when? nope - how? kindi - what kind? what - where? kaidan - where from? nərsə — what? etc.

The stress never falls on the negative affix -ma/-mə in verbs, but falls on the syllable before it: bar - barma kil - kilmə asha - ashama.

The emphasis never falls on the question affix -we/-me?

It falls a syllable before it:

Barmes? - whether there is a? yukms? — isn't it? kirekme? - whether it is necessary? Beləme?—does he know? maturma? - is it beautiful?

We will talk about exceptions to the general rule later.

5. Syllable division in the Tatar language is also specific.

There are only 6 types of syllables. The most common are the following 4 types: a) vowel: ə-ni (mother), ə-ti (dad) b) vowel + consonant: al-ma (apple), at-you (threw, shot) c) consonant + vowel : ka-ra (black); ba-ra (goes) d) consonant + vowel + consonant: bar-dy (walked); kil-de (came) 2 other types are less common: e) vowel + consonant + consonant (the last 2 consonant combinations yt, nt, rt, lt): əyt (say); ant (oath); art (rear); f) consonant + vowel + consonant + consonant (last 2 consonants yt, nt, rt, lt): kart (old); tart (pull); kyrt (sharply); kite (come back); shalt (clap).

You probably noticed that the combination of consonants in one syllable is only allowed: lt, rt, yt, nt.

The second syllable in Tatar cannot begin with a vowel.

If the next word begins with a vowel, then in the previous one, the regrouping of syllables begins: urman arasyna (into the thicket of the forest) ® [ur-ma-na-ra-sy-na] yashel alan (green meadow) ® [ye-she-la-lan ].

6. There is no grammatical category of gender in the Tatar language.

7. The Tatar language has a special form of expressing belonging through special endings added to nouns; in Russian, this meaning is conveyed by possessive pronouns: alma - apple alma-m - my apple alma-byz - our apple alma-n - your apple alma-gyz - your apple alma-sy - his, her apple alma-lara - their apple

əni - mother

əni-em - my mother əni-without - our mother

əni-en - your mother əni-egez - your mother

əni-se - his (her, their) mother əni-ləre - their mother

8. In the Tatar language there is no category of the verb form, but the meanings of the way the action proceeds are expressed by auxiliary verbs and special affixes: ukydym - read ukyp chyktym - read bardym - went baryp kildem - went kil - come kil-gələ - drop in

9. In the Tatar language, each affix has hard and soft variants, which is explained by the law of synharmonism. For example: bar-a (goes), kil-ə (comes) bar-dy (went down), bər-de (hit) yaz-u (writing, writing), bel-Y (knowledge).

Variants of affixes differ in both sonority and deafness: bar-dy (went down), kite-ty (returned) bel-de (learned), kit-te (left) kysh-ky (winter), yaz-gy (spring) kich- ke (evening), koz-ge (autumn).

And sometimes the difference in affixes is explained by the nasal nature of the sound: urman (forest) - urman-nan (from the forest), kon (day) - kon-nən (from the day).

10. In the Tatar language, the verb has many temporary and impersonal forms. We can say that knowledge of the verb is the basis of knowledge about the Tatar language.

11. There are no prepositions in the Tatar language that are placed in front of words. (For example, in Russian: from home, to home, behind the house.) In the Tatar language, there are only postpositions following words.

For example:

əti belən - with dad, (lit. dad with);

Vatan Өchen - for the Motherland, (lit. Motherland for); phone asha - by phone, (lit. phone through); saen theater - to each theater, (lit. theater to each);

Aidar kebek - like Aidar, (lit. Aidar as).

12. In the Tatar language, numerals and adjectives, being in front of nouns, do not decline, do not change, that is, they do not agree with nouns.

Ike kyz - two girls; matur kyz - a beautiful girl; ike kyznyn - two girls; matur kyznyn - a beautiful girl; ike kyzdan—two girls; matur kyzdan - from a beautiful girl; ike kyzda—two girls; matur kyzda - with a beautiful girl.

13. In the Tatar language, the word order is rather strict: the definition precedes the determined, the predicate completes the sentence, that is, it is placed in the last place in the sentence, the circumstance precedes the main word (predicate), the addition precedes the verb-predicate. The place of address and introductory words is grammatically free. The explanatory word is placed after the explained one. Circumstances of time and place that apply to the entire sentence are placed at the beginning of the sentence. A typical mistake of Russians who begin to speak Tatar is this: following the example of their native language, where in most cases a predicate is immediately placed after the subject, they also build Tatar sentences: I'm going to the market - Min baram bazarga. But it will be correct like this: Min bazaar baram. Without university ukybyz. - We study at the university.

14. In live colloquial speech, unions are of little use, while in writing there are quite a lot of them. All of them are borrowed from Arabic and Persian languages. The most used of them are the following:

Һəm - and chonki - because yes-də, ta-tə - and goya - like ləkin - but ki - what

əmma - however I "neither - that is, I - or əgrər - if yaki - or yaisə - or

15. In the Tatar language there are specific subordinate clauses that resemble secondary members, but non-finite verbs have their own subject. The predicate in them is expressed by various forms of impersonal forms of the verb

- gerund, participle, action name. These so-called synthetic clauses always precede the main clause: Sin kaitkach, min əytermen.

(When you come, I will tell). Yaz Җitkəndə, kaitty st. (When spring came, he returned).

16. We think that the following feature of the Tatar language will make it easier for you to learn it. There are many Russian borrowings in the Tatar language that came into our language hundreds of years ago: bҮrənə, sailor, arysh, steamboat, kelət, train, cannon, factory, bidrə, decree, projectile, etc. In addition, there are many words in common with the Russian language, which are borrowings from European and Oriental languages: soldier, shop, army, doctor, candy, general, headquarters, emperor, senate, shawl, headquarters, ship, pomegranate, academy, cavalier, coat, guard, ticket, cash desk, bank, chin, bowl, khan, ocean, mausoleum, hut, gin (Җen), halva (khəlvə), tangerine, tomato, orange, etc. The presence of such words in both languages, of course, will facilitate the study of the Tatar language.

17. In addition, there are a lot of Turko-Tatar borrowings in the Russian language, which were borrowed over many centuries as a result of contacts in trade, politics, culture, everyday life, etc.: money (təңkə), hearth (uchak), kibitka (kibet ), shoe, shoemaker, ichigi (chitek), bishmet (bishmət), malakhai, pants (ech tun), savrasy (saur), brown (kara), playful (Җirən), aksakal, peremyach (pərəməch), byalish (bəlesh) , chakchak (chəkchək), etc. These words are well known to you.

18. Tatar speech is very harmonious, rich intonation, rhythmic, slightly at an accelerated pace, with an abundance of emotional particles and interjections, with many speech formulas and clichéd expressions.

Tatar language in Tatarstan

The inscription in the two state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Kazan metro

The Tatar language, along with Russian, is the state language of the Republic of Tatarstan (in accordance with the law of the Republic of Tatarstan "On the languages ​​of the peoples of the Republic of Tatarstan" of 1992). In Tatarstan and in the places of residence of the Tatar diaspora, there is a developed network of educational and educational institutions in which the Tatar language is used: preschool institutions with the Tatar language as the language of education, primary and secondary schools with the Tatar language as the educational language.

In addition to the traditional use of the Tatar language as a subject of study and educational tool at the philological faculties of Kazan State University, pedagogical institutes and pedagogical schools, the Tatar language as a language of instruction is currently used at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Journalism of Kazan University, at the Kazan Conservatory and the Kazan State Institute of Art and culture.

Educational, artistic, journalistic and scientific literature is published in the Tatar language, hundreds of newspapers and magazines are published, radio and television programs are conducted, theaters operate. The centers for the scientific study of the Tatar language are the Faculty of Tatar Philology and History of Kazan State University, the Department of Tatar Philology of the Faculty of Philology of the Bashkir State University, the Faculty of Tatar Philology of the Tatar State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University and the Institute of Language, Literature and Art of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan.

A significant contribution to the study of the Tatar language and its dialects was made by such scientists as G. Kh. Alparov, G. Kh. Akhatov, V. A. Bogoroditsky, Dzh. Fazlullin and others.

Source of information and photo:

Team Nomads.

Tatar folk dialects. Bayazitova F.S., Khairutdinova T.Kh. - Kazan: Magarif, 2008,

Akhatov G. Kh. Vocabulary of the Tatar language. - Kazan, 1995. - 93 p. - 5000 copies. — ISBN 5-298-00577-2

Akhunzyanov G. Kh. Russian-Tatar Dictionary. — Kazan, 1991.

Dialectological dictionary of the Tatar language. — Kazan, 1993.

Zakiev M.Z. Tatar language // Languages ​​of the world: Turkic languages. - M .: Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1996. - S. 357-372. — (Languages ​​of Eurasia). — ISBN 5-655-01214-6

Nurieva A. Spelling dictionary of the Tatar language. - Kazan, 1983-84.

Russian-Tatar Dictionary / Ed. F. A. Ganieva. - M., 1991.

Safiullina F.S., Zakiev M.Z. Modern Tatar literary language. — Kazan, 1994.

Tatar grammar. In 3 volumes - Kazan, 1993.

Tatar-Russian Dictionary / Comp. K. S. Abdrazakov and others. - M., 1966.

Tatar-Russian Dictionary / Ed. Sabirova R. A..

Comparative-historical grammar of Turkic languages. Regional reconstructions / E. R. Tenishev (ed.). - M., 2002.

Phraseological dictionary of the Tatar language / G. Kh. Akhatov (author-compiler). - Kazan, 1982. - 177 p. - 3000 copies.


Let's start learning with the Tatar alphabet. It is based on Russian graphics, consists of 39 letters:

Aa Zz Pp Hh
Әə Ii Rr Shsh
Bb yy ss schsch
Vv Kk Tt bj
Gg Ll Uu Yy
DD Mm YY b
Her Nn ff uh
Yoyo Ңң Xx Yuyu
Zhzh Oo Һһ Yaya
Җҗ Өө Цц

As you can see, there are 6 additional letters in the Tatar language that are not in the Russian language. Next, we will dwell in more detail on each new letter.

1. Sounds indicated by additional letters of the Tatar alphabet

This audio material includes all the sounds and exercises for them, which will be discussed below. You can break up the study of sounds into several days in order to more thoroughly absorb the material. The audio recording lasts approximately 14 minutes, before each exercise, the start and end times of the text in the audio recording will be indicated.


[ә] - this sound can otherwise be described as very soft [“a]. It is close to the Russian [“a] in the words “sit”, “look”, “row”. When pronouncing the letter “ә”, lower the tip of the tongue to the lower teeth. By the way, the sound [ә] is in English: black, hat -,.

Listen and repeat

Audio 00:08- 00:54

Ә avaza - sound ә

Audio 00:55- 01:28

Әti belәn әni eshkә baralar. Әti әnigә әytә: “Aidә, mәktәpkә barabyz”. Mom and dad go to work. Dad says to mom: "Let's go to school."

Ati mina: "Ber ayber da aitep bulmy" - dide. “Dad told me: “You can’t say anything.”

Ashley, Ulym, Ashley. Eshlәgәn keshedә khөrmat bulyr. Work, son, work. A working person gets respect.

Әrәmәdәge әrem әche (patter). - There is bitter wormwood in the willow tree.

When pronouncing [ә], the most common mistake is due to the influence of graphics: when reading, the letter itself is confused with the Russian ‘e’. It should be immediately noted that there is no relationship between them. Moreover, the sounds [e] and [ә] often interchange themselves in similar positions, affecting the meaning of the word. For example: ishetә - ishette (hears, heard), etc.


[ө] - this vowel is the most difficult for the Russian-speaking reader. The closest variant of the Tatar [ө] can be found in the words ‘maple’, ‘honey’, ‘Peter’. But in the Tatar language [ө] is short, and Russian [’o] is found only under stress. Try to pronounce these Russian words as shortly as possible and with more rounding, and you will be close to the desired sound. It is similar to a common sound in English: bird, work. ,. But the English sound lacks roundness.

Listen and repeat:

Audio 01:31- 02:05

Ө avaza - sound ө

Audio 02:08- 02:32

Өydә gөllar matur bula. - At home, flowers are beautiful.

Kozen könnär kyskara. - The days get shorter in autumn.

Tonlә uramda matur koy ishetelde. - A beautiful melody was heard in the street at night.

Min Tatars telen өyrәnәm. – I am learning the Tatar language.

Byel abyem өylәnә. My brother is getting married this year.


[ү] - soft and more rounded ['y]. A sound close to it is found in the Russian words ‘bale’, ‘ditch’. Say these words, giving ['u] even more rounding (curl your lips into a tube), and you will approximately get the sound you are looking for.

Listen and repeat:

Audio 02:34- 03:10

Ү avaza - sound ү

Audio 03:12- 03:50

Kүldә kүp balyk bula, ә chүldә bulmy balyk. There are many fish in the lake, but no fish in the desert.

Urdak kup asharga yarata. Ul үlәn ashhy һәm tiz үсә. The duck likes to eat a lot. She eats grass and grows fast.

Utkәn elny min үzәkkә bardym. Anda bөtenese үzgәrgәn. - Last year I went to the center. There everything has changed

Min үzem dә үzeshchәn is an artist of kyn. “I am just an amateur artist myself.

Tizaytkech- tongue twister:

Kuper bashynda kүp kүrkә,

Kүp kүrkәgә kirәk kүp kөrpә. There are a lot of turkeys on the bridge, and a lot of turkeys need a lot of grits.


[җ] - this sound is also often found in English, and in borrowings from English in Russian it is transmitted by the letter combination j: 'jumper', 'Jack' - Jack. Tatar borrowings are also drawn up: dzhilyan - җilәn, Jalil - Җәlil. The sound [zh] in Russian is always hard, but it is usually not difficult for a Russian-speaking reader to form a soft version from it. It should be noted that the hard [zh] is also uncharacteristic for the Tatar language, as ['zh] is for Russian. Therefore, mixing of these sounds, as a rule, does not occur.

Listen and repeat:

Audio 03:52- 04:27

Җ avaza - sound җ

Audio 04:29- 04:54

Yegetkә җitmesh җide һөnәr dә az. - A guy and seventy-seven professions are not enough.

Minem җyrym җirdә tudy һәm җildә yangyrady. – My song was born on the earth and rang in the wind.

Kәҗә huҗalygynda saryk huҗa bulmy. - In the goat farm, the sheep will not be the mistress.

Tizaytkech - tongue twister

Җәyneң yamle kөnnәrendә җilәk җyya Җәmilә – Gathers Jamil’s berries on fine summer days.


[ң] - a nasal sound formed with the help of a small tongue. The closest in Russian can be considered the sound combination [ng] in the word ‘gong’ when pronouncing it through the nose. This sound is often found in French: jardin, bien, chien (if someone knows French), and also in English: working, playing-.

Listen and repeat:

Audio 04:56- 05:37

Ң avaza - sound ң

Audio 05:39- 06:05

Ale karangy ide. Yangyr yava bashlady. “It was still dark. It started to rain.

Min songga kaldym. - I am late.

Bu esh җinel bulmasa yes, min any anladym, shūna tiz bashkardym. – Even if this work was not easy, I understood it, so I quickly did it.

Tatar җrynyң nindider ber mony bar, any anlap ta bulmyy, any kүңel asha sizeep kenә bula. - The Tatar song has a special tune, it cannot be understood, it can only be felt


Һ avaza - sound һ

[h] - pharyngeal sound. It is formed in the pharynx and pronounced with a breath. There is a sound close to it in English: hat, hand, hare. In Russian, the closest sound can be considered [x] in the words robe, chill, if you pronounce it without a guttural overtone. It must be remembered that the Tatar [һ] is of more posterior, pharyngeal origin.

Listen and repeat:

Audio 06:08- 06:50

Audio 06:54- 07:20

Җөmһһuriyatebezdә zur yokle avtomobillәr yasylar. - In our republic, heavy vehicles are made.

Һәr egetneң yakhshy һөnәre bulyrga tiesh. Tahir - igenche. Every guy should have a good job. Tahir is a grain grower.

Shәһәrebezdә һәykәllәr kүp. Galimҗan Ibrahimovka yes ber һәykәl kuelyr inde. There are many monuments in our city. And someday a monument will be erected to Galimdzhan Ibragimov.

Additional exercises

Say several times each row:

ak-әk, az-әz, at-әt, ar-әr, am-әm;

ak-әk, uk-үk, az-az, uz-үz, uky-үke;

he-өn, om-öm, ok-ök, as-әs-us-үs-os-өs;

zhi-җi, zhe-җe, zhu-җu;

un-un, an-an, in-yin;

ham-һәm, khas-һәs, hat-һava.

  1. Sounds denoted by the same letters of the Tatar and Russian alphabets

The complexities of the sound system of the Tatar language are not limited to specific Tatar letters. In addition, there is a discrepancy between common letters for the Tatar and Russian alphabets.


a - in the Tatar language, this letter denotes a more rear, wider and somewhat rounded sound.

Listen and repeat

Audio 07:22- 07:52

And avaza - sound a

Audio 07:54- 08:28

Qyrdan - from the song:

Ay Yugars, Ay Yugars,

Ai Yugari Salkyng;

Agach bulsa, yanar ide

Echemdage yalkynga.

Shigyrdan - from the poem:

Al almalar yua ani,

Tezep kuya өstәlgә.

Asha, ulym, alma, - deep,

Bersen suzdy Rөstәmgә.

Hata sizde Rostam suzd:

- Asha alma, disenme?

"Asha" digach, "alma" dima,

"Alam" Bulsyn Iseme.

[o], [s], [e]

o, e, s - for these vowels of the Tatar alphabet, in comparison with Russian, brevity is characteristic.


Listen and repeat

Audio 08:30- 08:47

About avaza- sound about

Listen and repeat:

Audio 08:50- 09:06

Y avaza-sound

Listen and repeat

Audio 09:07- 09:20

E avaza - sound e

in - this letter in the Tatar language serves to designate two sounds: [v] and [yy]. The second sound is in English: William, will.

Listen and repeat:

Audio 09:22- 09:38

Tatar telendage in Avaz - the sound in in the Tatar language

[g], [k]

g - this letter also denotes two sounds: voiced g and deaf g. These are quite different sounds. The deaf r, formed with the help of a small tongue, is familiar to the Russian-speaking reader: it is obtained when a person burrs and does not pronounce [r].


Listen and repeat

Audio 09:40- 09:53

Tatar telendage g avaza - the sound g in the Tatar language:

k - similarly to the letter g, it denotes two sounds: voiced k and deaf k.


Listen and repeat

Audio 09:54- 10:07

Shundy uk to avaza - the same sound to

3. Phonetic patterns of the Tatar language

Now you practically know the pronunciation of all Tatar letters.

In the Tatar language, the two main rules of practical phonetics are:

- the law of synharmonism;

- clear pronunciation of the last syllable.

3.1. The law of synharmonism

In the Tatar language, all words are divided by pronunciation into hard and soft. We call hard words those in which non-front vowels are used: [a], [o], [y], [s]. And soft are words in which front vowels are used: [ә], [ө], [ү], [e], [i].

Soft sounds: [ә], [ө], [ү], [e], [and].

Solid sounds: [a], [o], [y], [s].

Pay attention to the paired opposition of hardness-softness.

This law is of great importance, since not only all words, but also all affixes obey this law of synharmonism. Accordingly, almost all affixes, particles have two options: hard and soft. Therefore, you need to learn how to determine the softness or hardness of Tatar words by ear.

Listen and repeat several times, try to catch the difference between the pronunciation of different columns by ear.

Audio 10:09- 11:01

Nechka suzlar kalyn suzlar

soft words hard words

өstәl (table) arysh (rye)

bүrәnә (log) balyk (fish)

eshlәpә (hat) san (number)

kharef (letter) bash (head)

suz (word) avyl (village)

rәsem (drawing) altyn (gold)

ber (one)

ike (two) tugyz (nine)

өch (three) syynif (class)

kon (day) shoe (shoe)

tәrҗemә (translation) kaida (where)

nәrsә (what) kaychan (when)

Nichek (like) bara (goes)

eskämiya (bench) torba (pipe)

We will consider the law of synharmonism in more detail in Lesson 2.

3.2. The rule of clear pronunciation of the last syllable

As for stress, in the Tatar language it is qualitatively different from Russian. Remember that all syllables in the Tatar language must be pronounced clearly. Therefore, from the very beginning of training, you should make a weak accent on the last syllable, so you will get rid of a common mistake of Russian speakers who study foreign languages: "swallow the endings of words."

Audio 11:02- 12:32

Kaiber kүnegүlәr - some exercises

Алмаштынганнардыр, ачуланучылар,әһәмиятлелекне, башлангычныкы, гомум дәүләтчелек, җаваплылык, кулъяулыкларсыз, мәсәләләрдән, мөстәкыйльлек, пәнҗешәмбенең, төрләндерергә, укытучылык, үзенчәлекле, үзләштерүчән, үзәкчелекләрнең.

Audio 12:34- 13:03

Chagyshtyrygyz - compare

Like (Russian) -like, court (Russian) -court, syrt-sort (Russian) -sort, without (Russian) -without, son (Russian) -son, ҩл-goal (Russian), cards (Russian) - cards, count (Russian) - count.

Read, paying attention to the new sound letters (try to guess the meaning of the highlighted words):

Audio 13:04- 14:12

Mak, rat, shәp, fәn, bәlesh, tәrtә, chainek, talinka, eshlәpә, kabesta;

Mүk, kүk, kүl, kүp, bүre, kүrәgә, kusәk, bүrәnә;

Kөn, tөn, köl, tölke, örpäk, köräk, östäl;

kaҗә, җen, җil, җir, җәй, җyyu, җyly, җyr, rәnҗү;

Son, in, an, un, tan, tanre, barange;

Һava, һich, һәр, һөнәр.

When performing the exercise, the last syllable is pronounced clearly.

Test yourself

The meanings of the highlighted words: poppy, row, teapot, plate, hat, cabbage, goat.

In preparing materials for the lesson, materials from the site http://tatar.com.ru/sam/1.php were used

Tatar language belongs to the family Turkic languages, its close relatives - Bashkir, Kazakh, Nogai, Karachai, Kumyk, Karakalpak, Uzbek, Turkmen, Azerbaijani, Kyrgyz, Tuva, Khakass, Chuvash, Yakut and other Turkic languages. About 7 million people speak the Tatar language, of which 1 million 765 thousand live in Tatarstan, the rest live in 80 regions of the former Soviet Union and abroad - in Finland, Turkey, Germany, America, China, Japan, Australia, etc.

The writing of the Tatars has a long history: the starting point is the monuments of runic writing (like many Turkic peoples). Tatar scientists (A. Mukhammadiev, N. Fattah) convincingly proved that the Turkic peoples had written language even before the new era. Then, from the beginning of the 10th century, along with Islam in the Volga Bulgaria, the Arabic alphabet was also adopted: at the end of the 20s, this alphabet was changed to Latin (the so-called "yanalif" - a new alphabet), whose life was short. Before the start of the Great Patriotic War, the Tatars switched to Cyrillic, with the addition of 6 letters for some specific sounds of the Tatar language. However, the shortcomings of the Cyrillic-based alphabet did not satisfy many. For a long time, the public discussed the problems of a possible transition to the Latin alphabet, specific projects were proposed and they were actively discussed in the press and in government and scientific circles.

In the late 90s, the majority of the public agreed to change the Cyrillic alphabet to an alphabet based on the Latin alphabet. Starting from 2001, schools will begin teaching the Tatar language in the Latin alphabet from the first grade. The change of three alphabets in a short time tore the people away from their written culture for many years. Attempts are now being made to rectify the situation: circles for teaching Arabic script have been created, appropriate courses have been introduced in universities, manuals are being issued, and television programs have been organized. But to build is not to break, it's a long business ...

The Tatar language, according to UNESCO, is in fourth place in the world in terms of its harmony, formality and logic. In this sense, it can be used as a computer language. Knowledge of Tatar makes it possible to communicate with all representatives of the Turkic peoples. The Tatar language ranks fourteenth in the world.

The Old Tatar and modern Tatar language has accumulated a huge artistic, philosophical, historical, journalistic, educational, epistolary, scientific and ideological heritage left by Kul Gali, Mukhammedyar, H. Feizkhanov, Sh. Marjani, G. Tukai, F. Amirkhan and many other poets and writers, scientists, thinkers, educators.

The problems of teaching the Tatar language were especially acute in Russia in the 18th - early 19th centuries: the colonial policy of the tsarist autocracy, the Christianization of the region required qualified performers. And therefore, especially in the 19th century, hundreds of self-instruction books, phrasebooks of the Tatar language, grammars, manuals, dictionaries, books for reading, anthologies were published, many of which were compiled by missionaries, teachers of theological schools, academies. They, together with others compiled by Russian scientists from higher educational institutions, as well as Tatar scientists and educators, deserve the closest attention and study.

Representatives of many nationalities live in our republic. According to the Constitution of the Republic of Tatarstan, the state languages ​​are two languages ​​- Tatar and Russian. Every Tatarstan knows the Russian language. This is clear.

The Russian speech of the Tatars in many cases cannot be distinguished even from the speech of Russians. Unfortunately, in Tatarstan, especially in the cities, there are even many Tatars who do not speak their native language. Unfortunately, there are also few Russians who know the Tatar language.

But we have been living on the same land for centuries. Even in the 18th - 19th centuries, the Tatar language was taught in higher and secondary educational institutions in Russia. The situation has changed in connection with the perestroika processes, the democratization of society, the conquest of sovereignty by Tatarstan. The Tatar language has been taught in schools for almost ten years now. Teaching the Tatar language has been introduced both in secondary and higher educational institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan. In this regard, a set of school textbooks for Russian-speaking students was compiled and published, programs, dictionaries, audio cassettes, methodological developments, various phrasebooks, self-study books, manuals for a wide range of readers who wish to learn the Tatar language, etc. were released.

There are some successes in this direction, which was facilitated not only by the linguo-methodological support of the learning process, but also by the emergence of respect for the Tatar people, their history, art, culture and the desire to know more about it and the understanding of historical irreversibility to the past, when the Tatar language, which has a rich history, has ceased to be the language of education, science, the language of official communication.

Dear friends! Each of you who reads newspapers, listens to the radio, watches TV, is connected with schools and universities, knows very well that in 2002 the deadline will expire when all of us in the Republic of Tatarstan will freely communicate in the two state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan - Tatar and Russian.

This book is intended for those who want to learn the Tatar language at home on their own, in courses, at work. It is built on the principle of "from simple to complex", "from easy to difficult". There are no difficult and boring rules in it. Its peculiarity is the teaching of live colloquial speech, which is conducted on the example of dialogues close to natural. The simplest transcription will help you pronounce words and sentences correctly.

This edition has been in the making for several years. It includes lessons published in the magazines "Idel", "Tatarstan", the newspaper "Izvestia of Tatarstan", etc. In addition, this book includes additional materials, grammatical explanations, diagrams that facilitate the memorization of language material.

The book is mainly built on dialogues that are conversational in nature and have frequency characteristics of the words and expressions used in them, which will allow you to immediately engage in a conversation in the Tatar language. At the end of the book you will find a list of publications that will help you in teaching the Tatar language.

Features of the Tatar language

Let's start learning with the Tatar alphabet. It is based on Russian graphics and consists of 39 letters:

The Tatar language has the following features.

1. According to the morphological structure, the Tatar language belongs to agglutinative languages. This means that affixes and endings are added to the unchanging root one after another in a certain order; for example, the Tatar word təңkə(scales, then coin) entered the Russian language, where it acquired the form of money. Let's add a plural affix to it: təңkə-lər; then add the ownership affix: təңkə-lər-em(my money); then add a variant of the original case affix:

təңkə-lər-em-nən - (from my coins, money).

un (ten)

un + lyk (dozen a)

un+lyk+lar (dozens)

un + lyk + lary (his dozens)

un + lyk + lar + s + (n) a (his dozens).

Notice how the word "stretches"?

2. In the Tatar language there is a law of harmony.

Its essence is as follows: in the Tatar language, vowels make up pairs of hardness and softness: a - ə , y - y , s - e ,o - Ө (only and does not have a solid pair). That is why, if the first syllable has a hard vowel, then all subsequent syllables will only have hard vowels. Conversely, if a soft vowel is used in the first syllable, then in all subsequent syllables there will be only soft vowels.

Tatar language, one of the Turkic languages; belongs to the Kypchak group. Sometimes it is also called Bulgaro-Tatar or Volga-Tatar to distinguish it from the Crimean Tatar language. It is widespread in the Republic of Tatarstan, where, according to the Constitution of 1992, it is a state language along with Russian, as well as in Bashkortostan, Mordovia, Mari El, Chuvashia, the Republic of Komi, Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk and many other regions of the Russian Federation, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as in Central Asia and Azerbaijan. The total number of speakers, according to the 1989 USSR census, exceeds 5.5 million people, with a total number of ethnic Tatars of 6.65 million people.

There are three dialects with numerous dialects within each of them: middle, western (Mishar) and eastern (the language of the Siberian Tatars). The self-name "Tatars" was adopted from the Russians, first by the Mishars (in the second half of the 19th century), and at the beginning of the 20th century by the Mishars. and other representatives of the people, in particular, speakers of the middle dialect, who previously called themselves "Bulgars" ( Bulgarian) or "Kazan" ( cauldron keshese, Kazanly). The immediate neighbors of the Kazan Tatars still call them in their own way: the Mari - suas, Udmurts - biger, Kazakhs and Karakalapaks - nougai.

The phonetics of the Tatar language is characterized by vowels of incomplete formation and special reflections of common Turkic labialized ones, in the grammar there are numerous analytical verb forms, as well as combinations of the main verb with an auxiliary, expressing various, including specific, meanings. Compared to other Turkic languages, predicate affixes are not widely used. The vocabulary contains a significant number of Arabic, Persian and Russian borrowings; the influence of these languages ​​can also be traced in phonetics and grammar (for example, the emergence of conjunctions and allied complex sentences). During the existence of the Volga Bulgaria (9th–12th centuries) and the Golden Horde (13th–15th centuries), the language of the ancestors of modern Tatars influenced the Russian language ( cm. TURKIC LANGUAGES).

Before the formation of an independent Tatar language, the ancestors of the Bashkirs and Tatars were part of the Golden Horde and in the 13-19 centuries. used the common literary language of the Turks, which had a number of regional features that distinguished it from other versions of this Turkic bookish language. Written monuments have existed since the 13th century. (poem by Kul Gali Kissa and Yusuf), although writing, first runic (from the 7th century), and then on an Arabic (from the 10th century) basis, existed earlier. In the 16th–19th centuries the so-called Old Tatar literary language functioned, continuing the tradition of the Turks; on it a rich literature of various subjects was created. The modern Tatar literary language was created on the basis of the middle and western dialects in the late 19th and early 20th centuries; its formation is associated with the activities of the Tatar writer, philologist and educator K. Nasyri and the writers of that period (Y. Emelyanov, G. Ilyasi, F. Khalidi), who freed the Tatar language from the influence of the Turki. In the 20th century there was a further development of literary norms and the expansion of the functions and areas of use of the Tatar language.

Writing until 1927 existed in Arabic, in 1927-1939 on a Latin basis, from 1939 on the basis of Russian graphics with several additional letters. In 1992, the law "On the languages ​​of the peoples of the Republic of Tatarstan" was adopted, and in 1994 - the State program for its implementation. The Tatar language is taught both in secondary (since the beginning of the 20th century) and partly in higher education; university textbooks are being compiled. The Tatar language is taught in a number of institutes and universities. Extensive periodicals have been published, and in recent years not only in Tatarstan, but also in a number of other areas where Tatars are densely populated; radio and television broadcasting.

The scientific study of the Tatar language began in the 18th century, when M. Kotelnikov's handwritten Russian-Tatar phrase book (1740) and S. Khalfin's Russian-Tatar dictionary (1785) were compiled. In 1801, I. Giganov's grammar was published in St. Petersburg, and in 1804, a dictionary by the same author. In the 19th century the works of the Kazan school of Turkologists, as well as missionaries, were of great importance. Subsequently, a significant contribution to the study of the Tatar language was made by the works of G. Alparov, V. A. Bogoroditsky, M. Z. Zakiev and other researchers. Studies of the Tatar language are conducted at the Kazan and Bashkir universities, the Institute of Language, Literature and History. G. Ibragimova of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as in a number of pedagogical universities.