Unknown and mysterious inexplicable nature. Unexplained mass mystical phenomena associated with disasters and tragedies (10 photos)

April 12 marks the 56th anniversary of the appearance of man in space. Since then, astronauts regularly tell incredible stories that happened to them in space. Strange sounds that cannot propagate in vacuum, inexplicable visions and mysterious objects are present in the reports of many astronauts. Further, the story will go on about what so far there is no unambiguous explanation.

Already a few years after the flight, Yuri Gagarin attended one of the concerts of the popular VIA. Then he admitted that he had already heard similar music, but not on Earth, but during a flight into space.

This fact is all the more strange, since before Gagarin's flight, electronic music did not yet exist in our country, and it was precisely such a melody that the first cosmonaut heard.

Similar sensations were experienced by people who visited space later. For example, Vladislav Volkov spoke about the strange sounds that literally surrounded him during his stay in space.

“The earthly night was flying below. And suddenly from this night came ... the barking of a dog. And then the cry of a child became clearly audible! And some voices. It’s impossible to explain all this,” Volkov described the experience.

Sounds followed him almost the entire time of the flight.

American astronaut Gordon Cooper said that, flying over the territory of Tibet, he was able to see houses with surrounding buildings with the naked eye.

Scientists have given the effect the name “ground objects magnification,” but there is no scientific explanation for being able to view something from a distance of 300 kilometers.

A similar phenomenon was experienced by cosmonaut Vitaly Sevastyanov, who said that when flying over Sochi, he was able to see his own two-story house, which caused controversy among opticians.

Candidate of technical and philosophical sciences, test cosmonaut Sergei Krichevsky first heard about inexplicable cosmic visions and sounds from his colleague, who spent half a year on the Mir orbital complex.

When Krichevsky was preparing for his first flight into space, a colleague informed him that while in space, a person can be subject to fantastic daydreams that many astronauts have observed.

Literally, the warning was as follows: "A person undergoes one or more transformations. Transformations at that moment seem to him a natural phenomenon, as if it should be so. Visions of all astronauts are different ...

One thing is similar: those who have been in such a state determine a certain powerful flow of information coming from outside. None of the astronauts can call it hallucinations - the sensations are too real.

Later, Krichevsky called this phenomenon the "Solaris effect", which was described by the author Stanislav Lemm, whose fantastic work "Solaris" predicted inexplicable cosmic phenomena quite accurately.

Although there is no definitive scientific answer to the occurrence of such visions, some scientists believe that the occurrence of such unexplained cases is due to exposure to microwave radiation.

In 2003, Yang Liwei, who became the first Chinese astronaut to go into space, also witnessed the unexplainable.

He was on board the Shenzhou 5 when one night on October 16th he heard a strange sound from outside, like crackling.

According to the astronaut, he had the feeling that someone was knocking on the wall of the spacecraft in the same way as an iron ladle knocks on a tree. Liwei says that the sound did not come from outside, but not from inside the spacecraft either.

Liwei's stories were called into question, since in a vacuum, the propagation of any sound is impossible. But on subsequent Shenzhou missions in space, two other Chinese astronauts heard the same knock.

In 1969, American astronauts Tom Stafford, Gene Cernan, and John Young were on the dark side of the moon, quietly removing craters. At that moment, they heard an “otherworldly organized noise” coming from their headset.

“Space Music” went on for one hour. Scientists suggested that the sound arose due to radio interference between spacecraft, but could three experienced astronauts mistake ordinary interference for an alien phenomenon.

On May 5, 1981, Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot-cosmonaut Major General Vladimir Kovalyonok noticed something inexplicable in the window of the Salyut station.

"Many astronauts have seen phenomena that are beyond the experience of earthlings. For ten years I never talked about such things. At that time we were over the South African region, moving towards the Indian Ocean. I was just doing some gymnastic exercises when I saw in front of me through the porthole is an object whose appearance I could not explain ...

I was looking at this object, and then something happened that is impossible according to the laws of physics. The object had an elliptical shape. From the side, it seemed as if it was spinning in the direction of flight. After that, there was a kind of explosion of golden light...

Then after one or two seconds there was a second explosion somewhere else and two spheres appeared, golden and very beautiful. After this explosion, I saw white smoke. The two spheres never returned."

In 2005, American astronaut Leroy Chiao, commander of the ISS, led her for six and a half months. One day he was setting up antennas 230 miles above the Earth when he witnessed the inexplicable.

“I saw lights that seemed to line up. I saw them fly and thought it looked terribly strange,” he later said.

Cosmonaut Musa Manarov spent a total of 541 days in space, of which one in 1991 he remembered more than others. On the way to the Mir space station, he managed to capture a cigar-shaped UFO on camera.

The video is two minutes long. The astronaut said that this object shone at certain moments and moved in a spiral in space.

Dr. Story Musgrave has six PhDs and is also a NASA astronaut. It was he who told a very colorful story about UFOs.

In a 1994 interview, he said: "I saw a snake in space. It is elastic because it had internal waves, and it followed us for quite a long period of time. The more you are in space, the more incredible things you can see there" .

Cosmonaut Vasily Tsibliyev was tormented by visions in his sleep. During sleep in this position, Tsibliyev behaved extremely restlessly, he screamed, gnashed his teeth, and tossed about.

“I asked Vasily what was the matter? It turned out that he had enchanting dreams, which he sometimes took for reality. He could not retell them. He only insisted that he had never seen anything like this in his life,” said a colleague of the ship commander.

Six cosmonauts aboard the ISS, while waiting for the arrival of Soyuz-6, observed translucent figures 10 meters high for 10 minutes, which accompanied the station, and then disappeared.

Nikolai Rukavishnikov observed flashes in near-Earth space during a flight aboard the Soyuz-10 spacecraft.

During the rest, he was in a darkened compartment with his eyes closed. Suddenly he saw flashes, which at first he took for the signals of a flashing light panel, shining through his eyelids.

However, the board burned with a steady light and its brightness was not sufficient to create the observed effect.

Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin recalled, "There was something there, close enough to us that we could see it."

"During the Apollo 11 mission on its way to the moon, I noticed a light in the window of the ship, it seemed that it was moving with us. There were several explanations for this phenomenon, another ship from another country, or was it the panels that moved away when we removed from a rocket lander. But it was all wrong."

"I feel absolutely convinced that we came face to face with something incomprehensible. What it was I could not classify. Technically, the definition could be one "unidentified.""

James McDivitt on June 3, 1965 made the first manned flight on the Gemini 4 and recorded: "I looked out the window and saw a white spherical object against the black sky. It abruptly changed the direction of the flight."

McDivitt also managed to photograph a long metal cylinder. The Air Force command again resorted to a tried and tested trick, announcing that the pilot confused what he saw with the Pegasus-2 satellite.

McDivitt replied: "I report that during my flight I did see what some people call a UFO, namely an unidentified flying object."

At the same time, many fellow astronauts also observed unidentified flying objects during flights.

They say that the archives of Roskosmos describe an unusual story with the crew of the Soyuz-18 spacecraft that happened in April 1975 - it was classified for 20 years. Due to the failure of the carrier rocket, the cabin of the spacecraft was fired from the rocket at an altitude of 195 km and rushed towards the Earth.

The astronauts experienced enormous G-forces during which they heard a "mechanical, like a robot" voice that asked if they wanted to live. They did not have the strength to answer, then the voice said: We will not let you die in order for you to pass on to your own - you need to abandon the conquest of space.

Having landed and climbed out of the capsule, the astronauts began to wait for rescuers. When night fell, they lit a fire. Suddenly they heard a growing whistle and at the same time they saw some kind of luminous object in the sky, hovering right above them.

By the way, the ISS cameras record unknown space objects with enviable regularity.

Cosmonaut Alexander Serebrov expressed his opinion on this issue: “There, in the depths of the Universe, it is not known what happens to people. The physical state is at least studied, but changes in consciousness are a dark forest. Doctors pretend that a person can be prepared for anything on Earth . In fact, this is absolutely not the case. "

Vladimir Vorobyov, Doctor of Medical Sciences and Senior Researcher at the RAMS Center, states the following: “But, visions and other inexplicable sensations in space orbit, as a rule, do not torment the astronaut, but give him a kind of pleasure, despite the fact that they cause fear. ..

It is worth considering that there is also a hidden danger in this. It is no secret that, after returning to Earth, most space explorers begin to experience a state of longing for these phenomena and at the same time experience an irresistible, and sometimes painful craving to feel these states again.”

The process of development of modern science and its achievements make people believe more and more that science is able to explain everything on our planet and in the Universe. Many phenomena of our world have a scientific explanation, however, not all occurring phenomena can be explained by modern scientific theories.

For example, science does not yet give a definite answer to the question about the process of formation of the Universe. Science also fails to explain how religious beliefs are formed. If we take a jump into the world of the supernatural, we will see unusual phenomena that cannot be explained by modern science, since scientific methods are not suitable for measuring or studying such phenomena. Let's take a closer look at some hitherto inexplicable phenomena, and be aware that nature itself is a miracle, and that much remains a mystery.

1. Placebo effect

The placebo effect remains a medical mystery, confirming the role of consciousness in physical health and healing. It was found that patients who were confident in receiving the medicine could recover even if they received only a sugar pill. To study this phenomenon, experiments called "double-blind" (neither the patient nor the researcher knew about the real nature of the treatment) were carried out so that the expectations of doctors and patients could not influence the results.

Unfortunately, for many years the effectiveness and potency of the placebo effect has been considered unreliable by science. Perhaps this is due to the limitations of scientific methods. However, there are many cases of self-healing, which sometimes even surpass the effect of existing medical remedies for healing the physical body.

2. Sixth sense

Such five senses as sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell help a person to navigate well in the surrounding physical world. There is, however, a sixth sense, an inner power of perception known as intuition. The word "intuition" comes from the Latin word "intueri", which means "view from within". Intuition is the ability to know and understand without using logical reasoning or analysis, it is common to all people and depends on their power of perception.

Popularly speaking, intuition is something felt as "pre-knowledge" or "pre-feeling" of something one did not know before. According to a study published in GEO PRWeek/Burson-Marsteller in 2006, 62% of executives will make decisions in their business based on their intuition rather than not thinking.

A 2007 study published in the journal Current Biology also found that participants in an experience should rely on their intuition when they need to give a quick answer. They are much more accurate at finding the same characters from similar 650 characters after two and a half seconds of looking at them.

The Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said, "The power of intuitive understanding will protect you from evil for the rest of your life." Albert Einstein also said that "the most precious thing is intuition."

Where is the source of intuition, where does it come from? A study of the human brain has shown that the pineal gland is a possible answer to this riddle. René Descartes (1596-1650), the father of modern philosophy, called the pineal gland "the seat of consciousness." The ancient sages of the East also believed that intuition comes from the region of the pineal gland, and believed that it can manifest itself in the form of knowledge and ideas, enlightenment and the soul.

3. Experience near death

There are many reports of strange and varied experiences experienced by near-death survivors. For example, going through a brightly lit tunnel, meeting loved ones who have already passed away, and feeling calm and serene.

In 1976, the most famous case of "clinical death" of Dr. George Rodanay was noted, he is considered the most incredible. This experience transformed Dr. Rodonay from an atheist to an Eastern Orthodox priest. This case gives us the key to discovering the existence of another world beyond the human physical world.

Although many people have gone through similar experiences, science has been unable to explain the phenomenon of near-death experiences. Some scientists are trying to suggest that the experience of being on the verge of death can be explained by the result of hallucinations when the brain is damaged. But brain damage is not the only reason, there is no specific scientific theory to explain why these people can experience these sensations or explain these life changes.

4.Unidentified flying objects (UFOs)

The name unidentified flying object was coined in 1952 by the US Air Force to identify objects that could not be identified by experts after discovery. In popular literature, the word UFO usually refers to a spacecraft controlled by aliens.

The first UFOs were seen and recorded in China during the Song Dynasty. In the tenth century, the scholar, the warlord Shen Kuo (1031-1095), wrote in his book "Records of conversations in Menxi" in 1088 about a flying object in the form of a pearl, which moved at an incredible speed, emitting a blinding light.

Kenneth Arnold, an American businessman, reported that in 1947 he saw nine brightly luminous objects near the Cascade Mountains. Arnold described the saucer-shaped object as a "frying pan". His story was extremely interested in the media and aroused great interest of the general public.

Since then, the number of UFOs has increased exponentially. The UFO phenomenon has been studied by both government and independent researchers around the world.

Dr. Josef Hynek (1910-1986) studied UFOs while working for the US Air Force. Hynek was initially extremely critical, but after studying hundreds of UFO reports over the past thirty years, his point of view has changed.

In the last years of his career, Hynek publicly expressed his disappointment that the vast majority of scientists consider the UFO phenomenon inexplicable, unwilling to admit it and showing inflexibility of mind.

5. Deja vu

The phenomenon of "déjà vu" [from fr. - already seen] this feeling of something strangely familiar, something that has already happened in a certain place or an event that has already been experienced. People may feel very strange when faced with this, as if it has already happened, but they realize that they are facing this situation for the first time. Research in the field of neurophysiology is trying to explain such experiences as a memory anomaly, a brain disease, or a side effect of certain drugs.

In 2008, psychologist Ann Clary (see http://cdp.sagepub.com/content/17/5/353.full) explored the feeling of déjà vu in terms of "recognition memory". Alternative explanations combine the phenomenon of deja vu with the ability to prophesy, to remember past lives, to clairvoyance, or as a harbinger of the end of predestination. Whatever the explanation, déjà vu is certainly a universal phenomenon in the human world, whose underlying cause is still a mystery.

Today, places like Whaley's cursed Villa in San Diego have become a tourist attraction, and ghost stories are no longer uncommon.

Popular culture is full of films about ghosts, and mainstream science is retracted from clear explanations of these phenomena. Only researchers outside the scientific community make efforts to determine the significance of such life experiences.

The existence of ghosts is deeply rooted in the notion of having other spaces outside of our physical world and the survival of the soul after death. Researchers of this phenomenon harbor the hope that one day this mystery will be revealed.

7. Unexplained disappearances

There are many strange cases when people disappeared without a trace.

For example, in 1937, pilot Amelia Earhart and navigator Frederick Noonan disappeared along with their Lockheed plane. They approached Howland Island in the Pacific Ocean, where the Coast Guard ship Itasca received word that they had run out of fuel. But, due to communication being difficult, the Itasca was unable to determine Lockheed's location.

Soon Earhart and Noonan sent word that they had half an hour of fuel left and no land in sight. Then the connection was lost. They were unable to splash down, and after many years of searching, their traces in the ocean were not found.

In such cases, despite the considerable efforts of various organizations and the use of the best modern scientific methods, it is impossible to find concrete answers about what happened to these mysteriously disappeared people.

8 Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle, the space in the Atlantic Ocean between Bermuda, Miami and San Juan in Puerto Rico where ships and planes keep disappearing, is one of the biggest mysteries on a global scale.

Survivors point to the lag of navigational instruments, changes in their functioning, talk of luminous balls in the sky, sudden and unreasonable changes in the weather and the inexplicable appearance of a wall of fog. Frank Flynn in 1956 described it as an "unknown mass" that stalled engine power as his ship entered it.

On December 4, 1970, Bruce Gernon Jr. met with a special kind of fog that surrounded his plane and turned into something supernatural. For years, scientists have tried to debunk the myth of the Bermuda Triangle. But those who directly experienced these strange experiences testify and strongly insist that there are things that happened at sea and in the sky over the Bermuda Triangle that are beyond the limits of logical understanding.

9. Bigfoot or Yeti

Bigfoot is one of the most legendary creatures studied by cryptozoologists. Bigfoot or Bigfoot, as it is called on the Pacific coast of North America, is also known as Yeti in the Himalaya region of Nepal and Tibet or Yovi in ​​Australia.

In 1951, mountaineer Eric Shipton photographed a giant footprint in the Himalayas. The photo that surprised the world made the Bigfoot story popular. In 1967, footage taken by Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin that they claimed was Bigfoot was the subject of numerous attempts to debunk it on the one hand and confirm it on the other.

Anthropologist Grover Krantz studied Patterson and Gimlin's film and concluded that the images are genuine and belong to a very large, unknown bipedal creature. Due to the lack of physical evidence of Bigfoot, mainstream science does not recognize evidence of his existence. However, the myth is supported by various reports of sightings around the world.

10. Hum

The persistent low frequency hum phenomenon has been reported in many places around the world, especially in the US, UK and Northern Europe. The sound that only certain people hear is known as "Hum", which refers to the names of the places where it is heard: Hum Taos (New Mexico, USA), Hum Kokomo (Indiana, USA), Hum Bristol (England) and Hum Large (Scotland).

Those who can perceive this sound often describe it as the hum of a diesel engine idling in the distance. It brings some people into a state of extreme excitement, which negatively affects health.

Government agencies around the world have studied the sources of this noise. In the US, the first studies began in the 1960s. In 2003, the UK Department of Food, Environment and Rural Affairs published a report analyzing low frequency hum and its impact on victims. However, results from studies of noise source locations are very inconclusive and the phenomenon remains a mystery.

English version

Supernatural and paranormal phenomena from time to time appear in the life of every person. Moreover, they disturbed the ancient minds, causing fear, misunderstanding. Previously, in such miracles, people saw pure mysticism and even witchcraft.

Modern science, on the other hand, lays out phenomena that are inexplicable at first glance on the shelves of ordinary physical laws and chemical reactions.

But the share of unsolved mysteries remains more than significant. The most interesting facts about the supernatural and the paranormal are in this article.

1. A mysterious phenomenon systematically occurs on the coast of Crete. Near the ancient castle of Franco-Castello, the events of the battle between the Turks and the Greeks are played out in front of the tourists. And they appear in the form of ... a mirage. A cloud of smoke or millions of droplets of moisture with a barely perceptible ringing of weapons and the cries of warriors moves from the embankment, and disappears near the walls of the castle. No one can explain the nature of such a phenomenon from a scientific point of view.

2. An unusual picture of Mount Ararat was taken in 1949 by American pilots. In addition to picturesque rocky ledges and a snow cap, they captured a strange object over the abyss. According to numerous studies conducted from satellites and aircraft, some scientists suggest that this is the mythical Noah's Ark. There is no single reliable opinion about the mysterious object on Mount Ararat.

3. Deja vu is familiar to everyone. But in most cases we cannot explain the nature of this feeling. The phenomenon was studied in more detail by psychologist K. G. Jung. At the age of 12, he saw an old statuette of a doctor of the 18th century, and the boy was impressed by the buckles on the doctor's shoes. C. G. Jung was sure that at some time (possibly in a past life) he wore shoes with the same buckles. He could not logically explain his deja vu.

4. Did you know that Abraham Lincoln had a vision of his own death? This happened 10 days before the tragic incident. At night, the president heard sobbing from the lower floor of the house. He went down and found a body there. When asked who died, the answer was: “President. He fell at the hands of a hired killer."

5. In the Atlantic Ocean between the Falkland Islands and about. South Georgia is theoretically home to the Aurora Islands. Theoretically, because the captain of the ship "Atrevida" saw them and accurately mapped them in the 18th century. Half a century later, the islands disappeared without a trace.

6. Interesting facts about the supernatural also apply to natural phenomena. Many of them defy scientific explanation. You just need to believe in such miracles. For example, in the Shaanxi province of China, there is a waterfall whose waters do not freeze even in harsh winters. But in the summer, the stream can completely freeze in the air for a while.

7. In the valley of Jatinga (in Assam, India) every year in August there is an anomalous phenomenon. Here every night a huge number of birds fall to the ground. What is happening and what affects the birds is not known. This place has already been dubbed the “Valley of Falling Birds”.

8. Not so long ago, scientists discovered similarities between the size and contours of Antarctica and the Arctic Ocean. The explanation for this anomaly is no less supernatural. It is believed that a large meteorite squeezed out part of the mainland (Antarctica) from the opposite side of the Earth.

9. There are plants on our planet that are over 150 million years old. We are talking about vulemi pines, the existence of which until recently remained a secret.

10. Do you know that the place on earth where lightning struck is called "thunder baldness"? In addition, for some time (a couple of minutes) it remains dangerous for all living creatures that have set foot on the territory of the bald patch. It turns out that lightning did not touch, for example, a person at all, but he can still suffer. Scientists cannot explain this phenomenon.

Many anomalies that researchers have been tracking for years are only now becoming known.

Every year, scientists are increasingly confronted with phenomena on our planet that they cannot explain.

In the United States, not far from the city of Santa Cruz (California), there is one of the most mysterious places on our planet - the Praser zone. It occupies only a few acres, but scientists believe that this is an anomalous zone. After all, the laws of physics do not apply here. So, for example, people of the same height, standing on a completely flat surface, will appear one - higher, and the other - lower. Blame the anomalous zone. Researchers discovered it back in 1940. But in 70 years of studying this place, they have not been able to understand why this is happening.

In the center of the anomalous zone, George Preiser built a house in the early 1940s. However, a few years after the construction, the house tilted. Although it shouldn't have happened. After all, it was built in compliance with all the rules. It stands on a solid foundation, all angles inside the house are 90 degrees, and the two sides of its roof are absolutely symmetrical to each other. Several times this house was tried to level. They changed the foundation, put iron supports, even rebuilt the walls. But the house returned to its original position each time. Scientists explain this by the fact that in the place where the house is built, the earth's magnetic field is disturbed. After all, even the compass here shows absolutely opposite information. Instead of north, it indicates south, and instead of west, it indicates east.

Another curious property of this place is that people cannot stay here for a long time. Already after 40 minutes of being in the Prazer zone, a person experiences an inexplicable feeling of heaviness, legs become cottony, dizzy, pulse quickens. Long stay can cause a sudden heart attack. Scientists cannot yet explain this anomaly, one thing is known that such an area can both have a beneficial effect on a person, endowing him with strength and vitality, and destroy him.

Researchers of the mysterious places of our planet, in recent years, have come to a paradoxical conclusion. Anomalous zones exist not only on Earth, but also in space. And it is possible that they are related. Moreover, some scientists believe that our entire solar system is a kind of anomaly in the universe.

After studying 146 star systems that are similar to our solar system, the researchers found that the larger the planet, the closer it is to its star. Closer to the luminary is the largest planet, then the smaller one follows, and so on.

However, in our solar system, everything is just the opposite: the largest planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptupe - are on the outskirts, and the smallest are located closest to the Sun. Some researchers even explain this anomaly by the fact that supposedly our system was artificially created by someone. And this someone deliberately arranged the planets in such an order to make sure that nothing happened to the Earth and its inhabitants.

For example, the fifth planet from the Sun - Jupiter - is a real shield of the planet Earth. The gas giant is in an atypical orbit for such a planet. So, as if specially located so as to serve as a kind of space umbrella for the Earth. Jupiter plays the role of a kind of "trap", intercepting objects that would otherwise fall on our planet. Suffice it to recall July 1994, when fragments of the comet Shoemaker-Levy crashed into Jupiter with great speed, the area of ​​​​the explosions was then comparable to the diameter of our planet.

In any case, science is now taking the issue of finding and studying anomalies, as well as trying to meet other intelligent beings, already seriously. And this is bearing fruit. So, suddenly, scientists made an incredible discovery - there are two more planets in the solar system.

An international team of astronomers recently published even more sensational research results. It turns out that in ancient times our Earth was illuminated by two suns at once. It happened about 70 thousand years ago. A star appeared on the outskirts of the solar system. And our distant ancestors, who lived in the Stone Age, could observe the radiance of two heavenly bodies at once: the Sun and a foreign guest. This star, which tours alien planetary systems, is called the Scholz star by astronomers. Named after the discoverers Ralf-Dieter Scholz. In 2013, he first identified it as a star closest to the Sun.

The size of a star is one tenth of our Sun. How long the celestial body stayed visiting the solar system is not exactly known. But at the moment, Scholz's star, according to astronomers, is at a distance of 20 light years from Earth, and continues to move away from us.

Astronauts talk about many anomalous phenomena. However, often their memories are hidden for many years. People who have been in space are reluctant to reveal the mysteries they have witnessed. But sometimes astronauts make statements that become sensational.

Buzz Aldrin is the second person after Neil Armstrong to walk on the moon. Aldrin claims that he observed space objects of unknown origin long before his famous flight to the moon. Back in 1966. Aldrin then made a spacewalk, and his colleagues saw some unusual object next to him - a luminous figure of two ellipses, which almost instantly moved from one point of space to another.

If only one astronaut Buzz Aldrin saw a strange luminous ellipse, then this could be attributed to physical and psychological overload. But the luminous object was spotted by the dispatchers of the command post

The American Space Agency officially admitted in July 1966 that the objects that the astronauts saw could not be classified. They cannot be attributed to the category of phenomena explainable by science.

The most amazing thing is that all the astronauts and astronauts who have visited the Earth's orbit have mentioned strange phenomena in space. Yuri Gagarin has repeatedly said in interviews that he heard beautiful music in orbit. Cosmonaut Alexander Volkov, who has been in space three times, said that he distinctly heard a dog barking and a child crying.

Some scientists believe that for millions of years the entire space of the solar system has been under the close supervision of extraterrestrial civilizations. All the planets of the system are under their hood. And these cosmic forces are not only observers. They save us from cosmic threats, and sometimes from self-destruction.

On March 11, 2011, an earthquake measuring 9 on the Richter scale occurs 70 kilometers off the east coast of the Japanese island of Honshu - the strongest in the history of Japan.

The center of this destructive earthquake was in the Pacific Ocean, at a depth of 32 kilometers below sea level, so it caused a powerful tsunami. It took only 10 minutes for a huge wave to reach the largest island of Honshu in the archipelago. Many Japanese coastal cities were simply washed away from the face of the Earth.

But the worst thing happened the next day - March 12. In the morning, at 6:36 a.m., the first reactor at the Fukushima nuclear power plant exploded. The radiation leak has begun. Already on that day, at the epicenter of the explosion, the maximum permissible level of pollution was exceeded 100,000 times.

The next day, the second block explodes. Biologists and radiologists are sure that after such huge leaks, almost the entire globe should be infected. After all, already on March 19 - just a week after the first explosion - the first wave of radiation reached the shores of the United States. And according to forecasts, the radiation clouds should have then moved on ...

However, this did not happen. Many at that moment believed that a catastrophe on a worldwide scale was avoided only thanks to the intervention of some kind of inhuman, or rather, extraterrestrial, forces.

This version sounds like fantasy, like a fairy tale. But if we trace the number of anomalous phenomena that the inhabitants of Japan observed in those days, we can draw a striking conclusion: the number of UFOs seen was more than in the last six months around the world! Hundreds of Japanese photographed and filmed unidentified glowing objects in the sky.

The researchers are absolutely sure that the radiation cloud, which is not unexpected for environmentalists, and contrary to weather forecasts, dissipated only due to the activity of these strange objects in the sky. And there were many such amazing situations.

In 2010, scientists experienced a real shock. They decided that the long-awaited answer had been received from the brothers in mind. The American spacecraft Voyager could become a liaison with the aliens. It was launched to Neptune on September 5, 1977. On board were both research equipment and a message for an extraterrestrial civilization. Scientists hoped that the probe would pass near the planet and then leave the solar system.

This carrier plate contained general information about human civilization in the form of simple drawings and audio recordings: greetings in fifty-five languages ​​of the world, children's laughter, sounds of wildlife, classical music. At the same time, the current American president, Jimmy Carter, personally participated in the recording: he turned to extraterrestrial intelligence with a call for peace.

For more than thirty years, the device broadcast simple signals: evidence of the normal functioning of all systems. But in 2010, the Voyager signals changed, and now it was not the aliens who needed to decipher the information from the space traveler, but the creators of the probe themselves. First, communication with the probe was suddenly severed. Scientists decided that, after thirty-three years of continuous operation, the apparatus simply failed. But just a few hours later, Voyager came to life and began to broadcast very strange signals to Earth, much more complex than they were before. At the moment, the signals have not been deciphered.

Many scientists are sure that the anomalies that lurk in every corner of the universe are, in fact, just a sign that humanity is just beginning its long journey to understanding the world.

People around the world are witnessing strange and sometimes inexplicable paranormal phenomena. Our country is rich not only in natural resources, but also in strange places and mysterious phenomena. Today I will tell you about 11 of the most interesting and famous of them.

Astronaut meeting with UFO

The pioneers of space exploration had a hard time: the technologies of the beginning of the space age of mankind left much to be desired, so emergency situations arose quite often, like the one that Alexey Leonov encountered, almost remaining in outer space.

But some of the surprises that lay in wait for the space pioneers in orbit were not related to the equipment at all. Many Soviet cosmonauts who returned from orbit spoke about unidentified flying objects that appeared near terrestrial spacecraft, and scientists still cannot explain this phenomenon.

Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, cosmonaut Vladimir Kovalyonok said that during his stay at the Salyut-6 station in 1981, he observed a bright, luminous object the size of a finger, rapidly enveloping the Earth in orbit. Kovalenok called the crew commander Viktor Savinykh, and he, seeing an unusual phenomenon, immediately went for the camera. At this time, the “finger” flashed and split into two objects connected to each other, and then disappeared.

It was not possible to photograph it, but the crew immediately reported the phenomenon to Earth.
Observations of unknown objects were also repeatedly reported by participants in the missions of the Mir station, as well as employees of the Baikonur Cosmodrome - UFOs appear quite often in its vicinity.

Chelyabinsk meteorite

On February 15 of this year, residents of Chelyabinsk and neighboring settlements observed an extraordinary phenomenon: a celestial body entered the Earth's atmosphere, which, when falling, was 30 times brighter than the Sun. As it turned out later, it was a meteorite, although various versions of the phenomenon were put forward, up to the use of secret weapons or intrigues of aliens (many still do not exclude such a possibility).

Exploding in the air, the meteorite split into many pieces, the largest of which fell into Lake Chebarkul near Chelyabinsk, and the rest of the fragments scattered over a vast territory, including some regions of Russia and Kazakhstan. According to NASA, this is the largest space object that has fallen to Earth since the Tunguska fireball.

The “guest” from outer space caused quite significant damage to the city: the glass in many buildings was shattered by the blast wave, and about 1,600 people were injured of varying severity.

The series of "space" adventures for Chelyabinsk residents did not end there: a few weeks after the meteorite fell, on the night of March 20, a huge luminous ball hovered in the sky above the city. It was observed by many townspeople, but there is no exact explanation of where the “second Sun” suddenly appeared from, and even at night. However, some believe that the ball arose due to the reflection of the lights of the city on specially located ice crystals in the atmosphere - that night Chelyabinsk was covered with thick cold fog.

Sakhalin monster

The remains of an unknown creature were found by the Russian army on the coast of Sakhalin Island in September 2006. According to the structure of the skull, the monster somewhat resembles a crocodile, but the rest of the skeleton is completely different from any reptile known to science. It also cannot be attributed to fish, and the locals, to whom the soldiers showed the find, could not identify in it any creature living in these waters. The remnants of animal tissues have been preserved, and, judging by them, it was covered with wool. The body was quickly picked up by representatives of the special services, and its further study took place "behind closed doors."

Now most experts are inclined to believe that these were the remains of some kind of cetacean, according to some versions, killer whales or beluga whales, but others object that the creature differs from both of them in its skeleton. As an alternative to the "accepted" point of view, one can name the opinion that the remains belonged to a prehistoric animal, which probably still survived in the depths of the oceans.

Seeing off the mermaid

Mermaids are one of the main characters of Russian folklore. According to legend, these spirits living in water bodies are born as a result of the painful death of women and children, and rumor has it that meeting with a mermaid does not bode well: they often seduce men, luring them into the abyss of a lake or swamp, steal children, scare animals and generally behave not too decently. According to tradition, in order for the year to be successful and fertile, the villagers brought various gifts to the mermaids, sang songs about them and danced in honor of these restless souls.

Of course, now such beliefs are far from being as common as in the old days, however, in some parts of Russia, rituals associated with mermaids still take place. The most significant of them is the so-called Mermaid Week (also known as Trinity Week or Seeing the Mermaid) - the week preceding the Trinity (50th day after Easter).

The main part of the ritual is the making and destruction of a stuffed mermaid, accompanied by fun, music and dancing. During Mermaid Week, women do not wash their hair to protect themselves from spirits, and men carry garlic and walnuts with them for the same purpose. Of course, at this time it is strictly forbidden to enter the water - so as not to be dragged away by some bored mermaid.

Russian Roswell

A missile military range near the village of Kapustin Yar in the northwest of the Astrakhan region is often found in reports of the most strange and inexplicable incidents. Various UFOs and other curious phenomena are observed here with surprising regularity. Because of the most high-profile case of this kind, Kapustin Yar received the nickname Russian Roswell, by analogy with the city in the US state of New Mexico, where, according to some assumptions, an alien ship crashed in 1947.

Almost a year after the Roswell incident, on June 19, 1948, a silvery cigar-shaped object appeared in the sky over Kapustin Yar. On alarm, three MiG interceptors were raised into the air, and one of them managed to knock out a UFO. The "Cigar" immediately fired a beam at the fighter, and it crashed to the ground, unfortunately, the pilot did not have time to eject. The silvery object also fell in the vicinity of Kapustin Yar, and it was immediately transported to the bunker of the landfill.

Of course, many have questioned this information more than once, but some documents of the State Security Committee, declassified in 1991, indicate that the military has repeatedly seen something over Kapustin Yar that does not yet fit into the framework of modern science.

Ninel Kulagina

During the Second World War, then Nina Sergeevna Kulagina served as a radio operator in a tank and participated in the defense of the Northern capital. As a result of her injury, she was commissioned, and after the blockade of Leningrad was lifted, she married and gave birth to a child.

In the early 1960s, she became famous throughout the Soviet Union as Ninel Kulagina, a psychic and possessor of other paranormal abilities. She could heal people with the power of her mind, determine color with the touch of her fingers, see through the fabric that lies in people's pockets, move objects at a distance, and much more. Her gift was often studied and tested by specialists from various institutions, including secret scientific institutes, and many testified that Ninel was either an extremely clever charlatan or actually possessed anomalous skills.

There is no convincing evidence of the former, although some of the former employees of the Soviet research institutes assure that when demonstrating "supernatural" abilities, Kulagin used various tricks and sleight of hand, which was known to the KGB experts investigating her activities.

Until her death in 1990, Ninel Kulagina was considered one of the most powerful psychics of the 20th century, and the inexplicable phenomena associated with her were designated the “K-phenomenon”.

Dragon from Brosno

Lake Brosno, located in the Tver region, is the deepest freshwater lake in Europe, but it is known to the whole world mainly because of the mysterious creature that the locals believe lives in it.

According to numerous (but, unfortunately, not documented) stories, an animal about five meters long, resembling something like a dragon, has been seen more than once in the lake, although almost all observers describe it differently. One of the local legends says that a long time ago, the "dragon from Brosno" was eaten by the Tatar-Mongolian warriors, who made a halt on the shore of the lake. According to another story, in the middle of Brosno, an "island" suddenly appeared, which disappeared after a while - it is assumed that it was the back of a huge unknown beast.

Although there is no reliable information about the monster supposedly living in the lake, many agree that some oddities do sometimes occur in Brosno and its environs.

Space Defense Troops

Russia has always sought to protect itself from all possible external (and internal) threats, and more recently, the defense interests of our Motherland include the security of its borders. To repel an attack from outer space, the Space Forces were created in 2001, and in 2011, the Space Defense Forces (VKO) were formed on their basis.

The tasks of this branch of the military include mainly the organization of missile defense and the control of military satellites coordinating it, although the command is also considering the possibility of aggression from alien races. True, in early October of this year, answering the question of whether the East Kazakhstan region was ready for an alien attack, Sergey Berezhnoy, assistant head of the German Titov Main Test Space Center, said: “Unfortunately, we are not yet ready to fight extraterrestrial civilizations” . Let's hope the aliens don't know about it.

Ghosts of the Kremlin

There are few places in our country that can compare with the Moscow Kremlin in terms of mystery and the number of ghost stories that are found there. For several centuries it has served as the main stronghold of Russian statehood, and, according to legend, the restless souls of the victims of the struggle for it (and with it) still roam the Kremlin corridors and dungeons.

Some say that in the Ivan the Great Bell Tower you can sometimes hear the cries and groans of Ivan the Terrible, atoning for his sins. Others mention that they saw the spirit of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin in the Kremlin, moreover, three months before his death, when the leader of the world proletariat was seriously ill and no longer left his residence in Gorki. But the most famous ghost of the Kremlin is, of course, the spirit of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, who appears whenever shocks await the country. The ghost is cold, and sometimes he seems to be trying to say something, perhaps warning the leadership of the state against mistakes.

Black bird of Chernobyl(although not Russia, but also worthy of attention)

A few days before the infamous accident of the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, four plant employees reported seeing what looked like a huge dark man with wings and glowing red eyes. Most of all, this description resembles the so-called Mothman - a mysterious creature that allegedly repeatedly appeared in the city of Point Pleasant in the US state of West Virginia.

The workers of the Chernobyl station who met the fantastic monster claimed that after the meeting they received several threatening calls and almost everyone began to have vivid, incredibly scary nightmares.

On April 26, the nightmare happened not in the dreams of the employees, but at the station itself, and the amazing stories were forgotten, but only for a short time: while the fire that raged after the explosion was extinguished, survivors of the flames said that they clearly saw a 6-meter black bird that flew out from the clubs of radioactive smoke that poured out of the destroyed fourth block.

Well to hell

In 1984, Soviet geologists launched an ambitious project to drill an ultra-deep well on the Kola Peninsula. The main goal was to satisfy scientific research curiosity and to test the fundamental possibility of such a deep penetration into the thickness of the planet.

According to legend, when the drill reached a depth of about 12 km, the instruments registered strange sounds coming from the depths and most of all resembling screams and groans. In addition, voids were found at great depths, the temperature in which reached 1100 ° C. Some even reported a demon flying out of a well and a flaming "I have won" sign appearing in the sky after terrible screams were heard from a hole in the ground.

All this gave rise to rumors that Soviet scientists drilled a "well into hell", however, many of the "evidence" does not stand up to scientific criticism: for example, it is documented that the temperature at the lowest point reached by the drill was 220 ° C.

Perhaps David Mironovich Guberman, one of the authors and project managers of the Kola super-deep well, told the best about the “well”: “When I am asked about this mysterious story, I don’t know what to answer. On the one hand, stories about the "demon" are bullshit. On the other hand, as an honest scientist, I cannot say that I know what exactly happened here. Indeed, a very strange noise was recorded, then there was an explosion ... A few days later, nothing of the kind was found at the same depth.