Deception of history or history of deception. For everyone and about everything The big deception of mankind a distorted story

A MILLENNIUM DECEPTION part 1.. Where did evil come from on such a beautiful planet? Why do wars not stop, blood is shed, violence and injustice occur? Why, on the one hand, do we rejoice in beauty, goodness and truth, and on the other hand, we are possessed by evil thoughts, envy, hatred, lies and greed? Why can't people come to an agreement, why are they constantly at odds, arguing and competing? Is it only human beings who are to blame for all this? The Bible sheds light on this issue and says that the true instigator of evil is Satan, and that evil on Earth did not arise on its own, but as a result of the fact that a person turned out to be weak and fell under the seduction of the devil. Satan or the devil, according to the Bible, is an enemy, an adversary of God. And this is not a mythical, fictional character, not an abstract concept symbolizing evil, but an evil energy spirit, a real-life character, until the beginning of 2016, as one of the Global Predictors of our planet, as a person opposing God, as the Ruler of the Universe and the Solar the Earth system and the Earth itself for more than 1000 years. After an agreement with the son of the Most High Lucifer, it was Satan who was the self-proclaimed god on Earth for the last 1000 years, after the Baptism of Russia. The conspiracy between Satan and Lucifer against the Most High God was committed 80 million years ago. The Bible also mentions this. Analyzing many texts of the Bible, we can bring them together into a big picture showing what actually happened once in heaven. It was there - in Heaven - that the causes were created, the consequences of which we are seeing now, as mentioned at the beginning - injustice, suffering, chaos and division into Good and Evil, Light and Darkness ... Namely: Angel is the son of the Creator named Lucifer, "Light-bringer" - a representative of the Higher forces of Light, was proud of his own wisdom, perfection and originality. It seemed to him that since he is so outstanding, he should be much more appreciated and exalted by God the Father, to the point that he should not stand in the same line with Him, on God's throne, but replace the Creator Father and manage EVERYTHING himself. It seemed to Lucifer not enough that honorary status and that glory that was deservedly determined for him by God the Father, who taught his son everything that he could himself, and then Lucifer decided to independently exalt himself, ignoring God the Father and His highest justice and ideal world. That is, instead of rejoicing in the special closeness to God the Father, rejoicing in the great honor that he is a separated part of the Creator-God himself, Lucifer imagined himself worthy of more, worthy of the glory, power and position of God Himself. The God-given wisdom, beauty and great strength of Lucifer did him a disservice, making him so great and powerful in his eyes, which led him to the idea of ​​rivalry with God the Father himself, the source of life, wisdom, love, harmony and justice. . In order to rise above God the Creator, Lucifer decided to overthrow the rule of the Creator Father and declare himself "god". But in order for the celestials to recognize him as God, he needed to offer them something better, in relation to the perfect rule of the Father, because no one will follow the ruler who offers a worse life. What happened next was that Lucifer's unrestrained pride in time led him to the idea of ​​taking advantage of a much greater lawlessness, violating God's ideal moral law. The fact is that there is not and cannot be anything better and more perfect than a harmonious government based on love and mutual respect, on justice. And Lucifer, realizing this, decided to use deceit, lies and deceit to offer the celestials a worse way of existence, passing it off as better than God's. He offered the Angels (later they were called the Fallen Angels), who left with him, to each of them a Kingdom and the rank of God in this Kingdom. That is, He decided to seize power in Heaven by deceit. As an ally, he also invited the son of Antimatter - Satan. Antimatter is the Black brother of the Most High, the ruler of the energy world of darkness, with a negative polarity "minus", the opposite world to the energy world of Light, the Kingdom of the Creator with a polarity "plus". What was Lucifer's deception? His main task was to persuade the Angels and Satan to oppose the Creator. He offered not the best, not perfect law, but he suggested that the celestials live without any law at all. They say laws only restrain and restrict "freedom". Lucifer set the matter in such a way that if He himself determines the law, then the Universe will reach a completely new level of well-being and creation. That is, Lucifer, by lies and deceit, offered the Angels of heaven to become "gods" themselves, to live by the principles of selfishness and selfishness, thereby promising that only in this way everyone will be able to fulfill themselves and achieve all those blessings that are only generally possible. But how did it happen that the Angels, beings more perfect than we humans, could not resist the seductive power of lies? The thing is that the Universe has not yet had a visual experience of such a path of development. This gave false freedom for creativity to each newly minted "god". It was the Fallen Angels who played the role of such "gods" in the Indian Pantheon of Gods and in Paganism. Many Angels believed Lucifer, because they did not know about all the consequences of lawlessness. And they didn't know where it would lead. And this did not lead to order and creative creation in the Universe, but to chaos, to lawlessness and to war not only with the Creator himself, but later, already between the "gods" themselves - Lucifer and Satan, as well as the Fallen Angels, who ceased to obey Lucifer and went on an independent "swimming", creating even more monstrous chaos in the Universe and on Earth. About the same thing happened with our country, Russia, when she believed the revolutionaries who proposed communism. The communists promised freedom, prosperity, they promised factories to the workers, land to the peasants, power to the soviets, but having seized power, they plunged the country into bloody terror, establishing despotism and a totalitarian system. That is, having promised freedom, they completely deprived it, shackling the people in the iron walls of totalitarianism. So Lucifer, promising improvements, hid the fact that there would be no improvements, but there would be chaos and devastation, as a result of lawlessness, arbitrariness, moral decline and degradation. We must understand that peace, tranquility and harmony can only be guaranteed by God's Perfect and Holy Rule, when all creatures are subject to the Uniform norms of morality and morality, that is, God's law of harmony, and everything acts as a Single Living Organism. Creatures that break the law are criminals, carrying their deeds, devastation and decline. In fact, Lucifer offered to become all criminals of the law, under the guise of a new trend of universal progress. Lucifer invited everyone to become gods, independently determining what is good and evil (knowing good and evil), based only on their own selfish interests. Imagine what would happen if the rules of the road were abolished. Immediately there will be chaos, accidents and disorder on the roads. Imagine what will happen if the criminal code is abolished. Rapists, robbers, recidivists will rob, rape and kill with impunity. So the abolition of God's law and His government leads to utter chaos, plunging beings into the abyss of lawlessness, when everyone can do what he pleases. The strength and deceit of lies is that the truth is revealed only later, when almost nothing can be corrected. A large number of heavenly angelic beings fell under the seduction of Lucifer, because they did not know all the consequences of lawlessness. Evil at that time was not obvious, so the scale of the subsequent fall was terrifying. And as we know, not only some Angels fell, but also the first people created by the Almighty and received from the Creator as a gift the immortality of the body and Soul. From among people, the Creator chose two - Adam and Eve, endowing them with immortality. People were equated with the Creator himself, but could not resist, succumbing to the tempting promises of Satan. Because of this connection with Satan, Adam and Eve were punished by the Creator and deprived of the immortality of the body, becoming, like all other people, mortal after the end of their biological age. The Bible writes about the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise. There was no expulsion from Paradise, since that Paradise was the Earth, they were deprived only of the immortality of the body. By his actions, Lucifer crossed the line to which repentance and the hope of returning to God the Father were still possible, but He, in his plan to overthrow God and own Everything that the Creator-Father owns, decided to go to the very end. It would seem, what do we care and what do we care about Lucifer and what is happening there between the Gods? The trouble is that whether we realize it or not, our whole world, all people, albeit unconsciously, have submitted to the devil, accepting for themselves his principles of life, the principles of immorality, lawlessness, selfishness and selfishness. Thus, without realizing it, people became helpers of the dark forces. The true Creator - God, who once sat on the throne of the human heart, was expelled in the form of love, kindness, peacefulness and justice, and the devil treacherously seized His place in the human heart, cultivating passions and acquiring vices. After the fall, our planet Earth became the realm of the devil, where he created a "new world" free from God and His laws. People who were once created by the Almighty and lived with God the Creator were subdued, humiliated, and the rebellious were destroyed, and gradually retreated from the True God the Creator, submitting to the way of life proposed by the devil, in fact, becoming subjects of his kingdom, where he has been a god to this day. This apostasy from God is allegorically described in the book of Genesis, which can be read in detail in the book Knowledge of Good and Evil. As a result of the fall, under the influence of dark forces, a person not only lost a special connection with God, but becoming self-willed and selfish, began to fall deeper and deeper to the bottom of the moral abyss. Living lawlessly and immorally from generation to generation, self-will has taken root in a person so deeply that nature itself, the nature of man, has become sinful, self-willed and selfish. Therefore, each born person initially has a sinful nature, predisposed to sin and opposed to the True Creator God. You will never come to an understanding of the truth, looking for answers through earthly sources, The whole story is removed, cleaned and replaced with lies and there is a risk of falling into insidious traps set by the same devil, as he tries to hide not only the truth, but also the fact of his existence, because he does not want anyone to guess about his insidious, subversive work. The dark forces built their kingdom, and shifted all the blame for the evil done in the Universe and on Earth to the True God, denigrating Him and attributing to Him what He did not do, did not write and did not say. It is much easier for darkness to manipulate people blinded by atheism and unbelief, to believe that there is no God and their own Lucifer and Satan. Origin of Satan There is a misconception that God created Satan, but this is not true. As already mentioned, Satan was created by Antimatter - the God of darkness. There are two worlds in the Universe: the World of Light and the world of darkness. In the world of Light, God is the Almighty, and in the world of darkness - Antimatter. Satan is the son of Antimatter. And Lucifer is the son of God. Satan and the devil are common earthly names that literally translate as an adversary, accuser, crafty, slanderer. The Bible does not call the fallen Angel Lucifer - a real name, due to the fact that he lost him, as a result of the fall, because he ceased to be Luminous, Star, Light, becoming an opponent of God the Father. The fall of Lucifer, in general terms, is mentioned in the book of the prophet Isaiah: “How you fell from heaven, morning star, son of the morning! I will sit on the mountain in the host of the gods, on the edge of the north; I will ascend to the heights of the clouds; (Isaiah 14:12-15) This reference to Lucifer belongs to Satan. How did it actually happen? Lucifer ruled the Earth's solar system and the Earth for 80 million years, and Satan was his ally and assistant, on the sidelines, but always dreamed of taking the place of Lucifer. I nurtured these plans and prepared for a long time. And such a moment has come. Lucifer was engaged in the arrangement of the planet, and his son Life and grandson Love-son of Life, (who left with him), were engaged in the "cultivation" of the population in the East. Thus was born Indian philosophy and culture, with the worship of the gods, and religion was born - Buddhism, and other branches of the "spiritual" Indian culture, where the role of the gods went to the Fallen Angels. And the role of the Supreme God was occupied by Lucifer himself. For the peoples of India and the Slavic tribes, their own culture was created separately, but since the "gods" were the same, these two religions have much in common. Worship of the Sun and fire - paganism and "agni yoga". The main supreme god Perun among the Slavs was Lucifer. Satan at that time was engaged in the Western part of the planet, creating his own Rome. And I learned something from Lucifer. Satan could not create something himself, but he was a master at copying. Also, Lucifer lacked such knowledge as the Almighty, and everything that he created was primitive and rude, unlike the creations of the Almighty. After waiting for the moment, Satan and Antimatter 1500 thousand years ago attacked the kingdom of the Creator. As a result of the Second Universal War between Light and darkness, the Kingdom of the Creator was occupied, and the Creator Himself was captured and the forces for resistance were lost. Since then, the entire Universe has plunged into chaos and darkness. "After the attack of Antimatter with his son Satan and the Army of demons on God's Kingdom, the Earth turned into a zone of interest. God's grandson of Life, with his son Love, and grandson of Truth (Jesus) had to wait a long time until the Milky Way Galaxy, stars and planets were built in the right location and the portals to Earth will open. Only then will they be able to carry out their plan - to hide Jesus from Satan on Earth in the body of a man, in the body of an earthly woman, Mary. Now it's Lucifer's turn. Satan captured it and illuminated it, and cut it into pieces and scattered it throughout the universe. This is the story of Osiris, Isis and Set. Osiris - Lucifer, Isis - Lilith, Set-Satan. This time is called the Baptism of Russia. In fact, it was a coup by Satan. And to replace the pagan culture and Gnosticism, which were based on the teachings of Lucifer, Christianity came. Where Satan himself became God, and the role of the devil was assigned to Lucifer. The introduction of Christianity and Judaism was easy in the west, but it was more difficult with the people of the Most High, the Tartars, who lived in Middle-earth. Lucifer managed to partially persuade the Creator's people towards paganism, but Satan had to baptize the Creator's people by force with fire and sword. After the Baptism of Russia, the villages stood empty, people fled to the mountains and forests, but even there they were overtaken. They did not want to forcibly accept a religion alien to them. The time called Christianity began, the time of the reign of darkness and Satan, which has stretched to the present day. "After the victory, all this time Satan filled the Earth with his astral demons, and next to them his allies were in charge - astrals from the other world of non-terrestrial civilizations." Continued here at the link: The True Story of Jesus Christ

 20.11.2017 04:17

There are many facts testifying to the falsification of the history of Russia. Distorted history was created in ancient times, then repeatedly rewritten and repeated in various historical works. It is extremely difficult to understand this heap of works. In recent years, publications have appeared in which an attempt is made to restore the true history of the Russian people. The difficulty of creating such works lies in the fact that there are practically no real and reliable information sources. They either died or were destroyed.

A quick look at various works on ancient Russian history showed that they are all based on statements, small works of non-Slavic ancient philosophers, writers, researchers who have never been to Russia. Among them are the Romans Tacitus, Pliny the Elder, Ptolemy Claudius, Flacus; Greeks and Byzantine Greeks Herodotus, Efor, Skimon, Sophocles, Procopius of Caesarea, Leo the Deacon; Arabs Ali Abdul Hassan Masudi, Khordadbe, Fadlan. Where the mentioned historical figures drew their knowledge about ancient Russia is unknown. It is known only from the "important" source on ancient history - the Bible, that the Slavs, like some earthly peoples, descended from the son of the biblical Noah - Japhet. Today there is no doubt that the biblical tales about the creation of the World and the emergence of peoples are fiction and outright stupidity.

Perhaps some real sources have survived and are waiting for their time. In addition, modern researchers have a completely different psychology, thinking and mentality than our distant ancestors. It is extremely difficult to understand many events or actions of people of that time, passing them through the machine thinking of a modern person. The situation is aggravated by the appearance in recent decades of supposedly discovered ancient works such as the Pigeon Book, the Book of Veles and others. These are fakes of the 20th century. An attempt to completely confuse historians and researchers. But it is not clear - who falsified history and for what purpose?

This article presents some results of studies of historical events using noospheric information or Akashic records.

It is better to start the investigation with Kievan Rus, or rather, with the prehistory of its formation. So, the 4th century AD, the territory of the North Caucasus was inhabited by people who came out of India called Alvs. In our time they were called Aryans. A brief history of this people is presented by the author in the article. One large genus of alves occupies the territory in the region of today's region of the cities of Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk and Mineralnye Vody. A wonderful beautiful and blessed place. But there was one "but" ... An aggressive and evil tribe lived nearby in the foothills. The main occupation of this people was robbery. Night raids, murders and thefts have become the norm for this tribe. An attempt to calm the possessed population ended in vain. Therefore, the leadership of the Alv family decides to create a new structure of their society, where paramilitary units play a large role. In essence, a state entity was created, which was given the name Ruskolan. For several decades, bloody skirmishes with the barbarians continued. People died, children and women suffered. Several attempts were made to calm the restless neighbors. The combined detachments of the Caucasian elves drove them high into the mountains, but it was extremely difficult to get and destroy the enemies. Their horses were well adapted to moving high in the mountains, along narrow paths and glaciers. Alvs could not move in such conditions and returned home. And the cowardly neighbors gradually returned to their settlements and after a while began to continue their dirty and vile raids. The life of the elves became unbearable. The meaning of life was the protection of their people and the destruction of enemies. And it was a direct path to degradation.

Therefore, the leadership of the Alvs makes a decision on the resettlement of the clan. And the people moved to the territory that today belongs to Ukraine, or rather the region of the middle reaches of the Dnieper, leaving behind artifacts that experts attributed to the Trypillia culture. The region of residence was also called Ruskolan. The resettled people got a quiet life in the new place. The overgrown population gradually expanded the areola of their residence. In the fifth century, part of the population rises up the Dnieper and establishes a new colony just below today's Smolensk. Today this place is called Gnezdovo. Archaeological excavations are being carried out at this site.

In the 7th century, for unknown reasons, the population is divided into two parts. The first stream rises upstream and founds the city of Smolensk. The second stream, on the contrary, goes downstream and establishes a settlement, which was called Kiev. This word in the Alvian language means a hill, steep above the river, a hill. The settlement gradually grew and turned into a city. Everything went well, but unfortunately, a settlement of Greek merchants, the Byzantines, arose near the city. It was an intermediate point of the trade route, which was later called "from the Varangians to the Greeks." The Greeks actively traded with many European peoples, including some northern elves living in the area of ​​lakes Ilmen, Ladoga and the Volkhov River.

The Greeks had a small pier near Kiev, warehouses, guest houses and a small Orthodox wooden church. Until the 9th century, the Greeks did not interfere in the affairs of the Kiev population, but from the 9th century, through the Greek colony, the introduction of a philosophy of life alien to the Alves through the Christian religion began. The introduction of the Evil One's program to conquer the elves through the ideology of blind faith in Jesus Christ, the son of God, began.

At first, the Greeks were rebuffed, but gradually the people of Kiev began to listen to their speeches and even visit their village, visiting the already new stone church of the Byzantines, where services were regularly held. Some people of Kiev liked the religion of the Greeks. It should be noted that the centenary struggle of the Ruskolans in the Caucasus with demon-possessed neighbors had a negative impact on the spirituality and mental abilities of the population. They weren't lost, but their levels dropped.

By the middle of the 9th century, fermentation began in Kiev society. There were disputes, disagreements, insults. In those days, there was not a strong and charismatic personality among managers, military leaders and sorcerers capable of managing society. Therefore, the leadership of the city asked for help from its Alvian neighbors, to send strong managers to help, able to strengthen the society and give it development. The northern neighbors, the brothers, responded to this request. Two tribes of Vars and Yagis singled out 10 people and sent them to help Kiev. Here you need to insert a small remark. Over time, these two peoples, very close and kindred, began to be called Varyags. The artificially invented Scandinavian people - the Varangians never existed. Modern peoples Danes and Norwegians are distant descendants of the same Scandinavian people. They were called Vikings - sea travelers. They never penetrated into the territory of the Alvs-Slavs for one reason - they were at a lower stage of development than the Alvs, and were a relatively peaceful nation. Unless they could teach the elves to knit sea knots. In the history of the Vikings, there is no mention not only of trade, but also of wars or any other contacts with their eastern neighbors. But the Vikings actively explored the North Sea, and sometimes visited North America. They had enough of this region in abundance. And the Swedes of that time, in their development and culture, could only claim the role of assistants and servants in the society of the Alvs. Therefore, the story about the saviors of Kievan Rus by people from Scandinavia is a frank and stupid fiction.

A delegation of Vars and Yagis in the amount of 10 people arrived in Kyiv in 875. Indeed, the detachment was led by Rurik, his closest assistants were Truvor, Askold and Sineus. These heroes are mentioned in historical annals. With their arrival, life in the city quickly improved. But time passed inexorably and our heroes passed away one by one. Rurik and Truvor were buried with honor far outside the city. The graves were preserved for a long time, but with the advent of Prince Vladimir, they quickly disappeared. Luckier Askold. He ruled the society for many years and was loved and respected by the inhabitants of the city. But the time has come, and he left the mortal world. The funeral was held with great honors. Askold was buried at the insistence of the residents in the city at the place that today is called Vladimirskaya Gorka. For about 300 years, the grave was kept in order. On the grave was a stone with an engraved inscription. But later the grave mysteriously disappeared, and the grave stone also disappeared. But not far from the burial place, a chapel was erected and called it the Tomb of Askold.

After the death of Askold, the last of the Varyags, a new leadership of the city was elected at the people's council. It did not include the children and grandchildren of Rurik. His son Igor and grandchildren Oleg and Yaropolk chose another service for themselves - to be the defenders of their people. The great-grandson of Rurik Yaroslav, who was later given the name Wise, went with his abilities to his great-grandfather. For three decades he was chosen as the main leader of the city. Yaroslav ruled for a long time. The city grew rapidly, the infrastructure changed, stone buildings began to be built. The Byzantine neighbors decided to give Kiev a gift and built an Orthodox church on the outskirts of the city - the Church of St. Sophia, a reduced copy of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Constantinople. Nobody objected to the construction. And this gift was a kind of Trojan horse, which played a major role in the conquest of Ancient Russia by Orthodoxy.

Yaroslav the Wise showed himself not only as a good organizer, but also as a politician and military leader. And the people were grateful to him. He showed great interest in the history of his people and collected a large amount of historical materials, including literary works of the time. Distant descendants called this collection the library of Yaroslav the Wise.

Yaroslav knew that the most difficult times of the dark evolutionary period were beginning on the planet. He began to notice negative changes in people and society. Therefore, feeling the approach of his death, he decides to save his collection for distant descendants and hides it. Today, professionals and amateurs are looking for her in Kyiv. But they won’t be able to find it, because Yaroslav was much smarter than these specialists and hid it securely. Here computer programs and rational thinking of modern man will not help. This collection of written works contains the most important information about the history of Kiev society, starting from the moment the city was founded.

After the death of Yaroslav the Wise, a nationwide election of a new head of the city was held. A new leader was chosen who is not related to Yaroslav. The descendants of Yaroslav were not quoted for this position, but were part of the city administration. It should be added that in ancient Russia until the 14th century, democratic elections were held almost everywhere. There was no hereditary transfer of power. The exception was Kyiv.

After Yaroslav, the Byzantine Greeks began to be active in the life of the city. Services began to be held regularly in the temple, where the Slavs were actively invited. They began to participate in the construction and improvement of the city. In addition, they got the opportunity to participate in meetings - people's councils, where they gradually began to impose their decisions and thoughts. The program of the Evil One to enslave the country of the Alves through the ideology of faith in God has started working. The center of control of this process was in Constantinople - the patriarchate of the Greek Orthodox Church, headed by the patriarch. "Trojan horse" from Byzantium quietly drove into Kyiv and no one noticed.

The language of the Alvs gradually began to change. It was quite complex and required great efforts from the Slavic population in its use. The mental abilities of the Slavs began to decline, therefore, in the 10-11 centuries, the Old Russian language arose in Russia, more simplified using individual words and sentences from the Alvian language. At the same time, a new name stuck to all the descendants of the Alves - the Slavs. Glory is the patroness of alves in the entire galaxy - a highly intelligent energy consciousness in the divine structure of our galaxy.

By the 12th century, the Greeks had seized leadership positions in many areas of the city's life and began to strongly influence the management of the city. And finally, the hour of truth came for them. At the next elections of the head of Kyiv, they proposed the candidacy of Vladimir, a completely outsider who has no kinship with the Rurikovichs. The people laughed at him. Vladimir was a resident of Kiev, he never held any position. It was a vain, evil, envious, vengeful and dishonorable person. It was such a person that the Greeks needed for the program of conquering Russia. The Greeks swallowed the pill. But five years later, a large detachment of Greek mercenaries, armed to the teeth, unexpectedly arrives in Kyiv. The detachment included Polovtsy, Circassians, Vainakhs and Taurians - Crimean Turks.

There was a danger of an armed clash. The Slavs showed weakness and shortsightedness at that moment. To avoid bloodshed, they agreed to the coming to power of a new leader and protege of the Greeks - Vladimir. The dark and dirty history of Russia began. Vladimir, at the suggestion of his Greek advisers, creates a new city administration with new people to match Vladimir. Then for the first time the title of the ruler of the city is introduced - the prince, which later transformed into the word "prince". The word came from Serbia. There is still one of the most common surnames is Knyazhevich.

The new ruler, having absolutely no understanding of religion, began to demand that the people of Kiev began to attend the temple and participate in the services. More temples were built. But the majority of Kievans abandoned this idea. Then the vile plan of the Evil One was carried out. At night, armed detachments of mercenaries broke into houses and killed the best representatives of the city. And in the morning, the townspeople were driven to the banks of the Dnieper to conduct a rite of black magic, the so-called baptism. Many refused to participate in the ceremony and were killed. The introduction of Christianity took place by force and not only in Kyiv, but also in other Russian cities. But the Christianization of Russia began from Kyiv, and later this vile process, accompanied by murders, began to spread to many Russian cities. The Greek priests rubbed their hands, the enslavement of Russia began, the task of the Evil One began to be carried out.

After the detachment of mercenaries left, a popular uprising broke out in Kyiv. Prince Vladimir, the great saint of the Orthodox Church, he is also a murderer, a libertine, a scoundrel and a traitor to the Russian people, fled with his henchmen. But after some time he returned with a mercenary detachment and again took the place of the prince. For several years, with a combined detachment, which already included Russian fighters, he was engaged in the introduction of religion into other Russian cities, staining them with the blood of the innocently killed. The title "Red Sun" was given to him for his bloody deeds.

After the death of Vladimir, the Greeks put a new man, who had no relationship with the prince, to reign. The children of Vladimir were big idiots and could not take over power from their father. Later in the history of Russia, the transfer of power very often took place not by hereditary means, but by artificial substitution by another person, not a relative, but arranging the Greeks. The last head of the city of Kyiv from the Rurik family was Yaroslav the Wise. Neither his children nor his descendants ever became leaders or princes of the ancient cities of Kievan Rus. The history of those times was rewritten by church hacks already in the 17th century by decree of the church synod, which was trying to hide the true history of the Slavic people and the crimes of the Orthodox Church. A perverted story was created with the falsification of various events and facts. A false genealogical tree of the Rurik dynasty was created, where most of the so-called princes were never relatives and had nothing to do with the descendants of Rurik. This falsified history was included in various historical works and textbooks.

Nevertheless, one representative of the Rurik dynasty, which is part of the Kiev government structure, went down in history. His name is Andrey. The man was vain, tried several times unsuccessfully to become the head of the city. Taking into account his experience of management and aspirations for power, he is persuaded by the clergy to go to the city of Vladimir and organize a settlement near the city as an alternative to the existing elective city government structure. And so it happened. A settlement was founded, which was later named Bogolyubov. Andrei did not take part in the management of Vladimir, he was not perceived as a potential leader and did not understand the purpose of his appearance under the city. Andrei and his team used money from outside Russia to build an Orthodox church, a castle, outbuildings, and surrounded a small area with stone walls. He waited and hoped that sooner or later he would be able to lead the city's leadership. Not wait.

Since the 11th century, the Orthodox Church has repeatedly provoked a change of power in Vladimir, including by military means. As soon as the prince appeared at the head of the city, after a while he was driven away. Andrei's task was different - to acquire power peacefully, using cunning and the ability to convince people. But they did not believe him. Moreover, in his declining years, he was killed by his own assistants. Andrei was distinguished by cruelty and very often offended his people. One day Andrei flared up over a trifle, lost his temper and went as far as assault. The offended attendant stabbed Andrei with a dagger. A few minutes later he was finished off. So ingloriously ended the life of the Kiev missionary and at the same time the last Rurikovich. And only a few decades later, they managed to put their man, the prince, in control. As a rule, an obedient and narrow-minded person. Then the proverb arose: "from rags to riches."

Sweeping the traces of the existence of the ancient history of Russia and its crimes, the church destroyed everything that could discredit it. For almost several centuries, almost all written and archaeological monuments indicating the true history of Russia were destroyed. In Kyiv, many burial places of historical figures have disappeared. Cancer with the relics of Yaroslav was empty. With the appearance in the 70s of the twentieth century of scientific information about genetic studies of the relationship of people, the churchmen, out of fear of exposing the substitutions among the princes and falsifying history, made them commit a crime. The relics of Yaroslav were removed from the shrine and destroyed. Many monuments were destroyed, such as the place where people's meetings were held - a veche made of stone. In the center of the city there was a dolmen, erected in the 9th century, and in the 13th century it was destroyed. A five-meter statue of the main sorcerer of Kyiv, installed on Vladimirskaya Gorka, known in history as the "Kyiv blockhead", was thrown from a height into the Dnieper. They could not break it, it was made of high-strength material.

A similar situation was in other Russian cities. In Vladimir, in the 18th century, the princely cemetery on the banks of the Lybid River disappeared overnight, where, by the way, the folk epic hero Dobrynya Nikitich was buried. The graves of ancient Vladimir warriors in Zaklyazmye were consigned to oblivion. The legendary man Ilya Muromets was buried there. Burials were "forgotten" very quickly. Nothing remained of epic heroes in Vladimir: no military armor, no written chronicles, no graves.

But Andrei Bogolyubsky was not deprived of attention. A colorful biography of the "prince" - a martyr. His relics were placed much later in the Assumption Vladimir Cathedral. In Soviet times, the cancer with its relics was opened and the image of Andrei was restored by the scientist Gerasimov. The resulting picture caused bewilderment - the face clearly did not belong to the Slavic type (see photo). Noospheric information says the following. Andrei and his family were buried next to Bogolyubov. Nearby was the Klyazma River and the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl. Over time, the graves were abandoned and forgotten. But when the churchmen decided to create a hero among the princes of Vladimir, there were no worthy candidates. Then they decided to create the hero-martyr Andrei Bogolyubsky, whose relics had to be placed in the central cathedral of the city. They did not look for his burial place, but removed the remains of an unknown man from an abandoned unmarked grave in the old Bogolyubov cemetery. It turned out to be a man of the Ungur family - an Asian from the territory of China. During the Tatar-Mongol invasion, he was in a mercenary army, was wounded, recovered and remained to serve at the Bogolyubov monastery. Quietly died and was buried in the cemetery without any wires. Here his relics were solemnly placed in the shrine of the cathedral. The puncture of the church is colossal!

The ancient thousand-year-old stone temple of the Alves, standing not far from the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl, was destroyed. The same ancient temple was destroyed near Alexandrov in the Vladimir region. In Suzdal, the settlement of the Magi was forgotten. The burial place of the Magi is also abandoned there. Forgotten and abandoned not by chance, but by the malicious intent of people trying to hide the history of Russia.

Two great saints of Russia Sergius of Radonezh and Seraphim of Sarov are the defenders of holy Russia. Many books and publications are devoted to these personalities. In every church there are icons with images of these people. What did these people do for Russia? Their spiritual feat consisted in constant prayer for the country, the Orthodox religion. Was this "feat" heard in heaven? The answer is no! The Christian egregor fed on the energy of praying people. He had nothing to do with Russia. An appeal to the higher divine spheres could be heard only in one case, if the person praying or asking was a highly spiritual person, possessing colossal internal energy. Our heroes did not have such a property. And the Akashic chronicle gives completely different information. The great "saints" were not pleasers, but scoundrels. Their entire story is made up.

"Sergius" was born into a Jewish family somewhere in the Stavropol Territory. His relatives moved to this area after the dispersal of the Jewish Kaganate, which controls the Great Silk Road in the North Caucasus. The boy was in poor health, but distinguished by cunning. Experiencing harassment in the family, in his younger years he left her and went in search of adventure. Along the way, he stopped at the monasteries that arose in those days in Russia, serving and helping in the monastic economy. In one monastery, a priest noticed him and taught him the basic knowledge of the Orthodox religion. Noticing the young man's abilities, he advised him to leave for Moscow in order to further study religious affairs, giving him a letter of recommendation. Three years of study in the Moscow monastery ended, and our hero received the task to go to the northeast of Moscow and organize monasteries there. A monastery is an unnatural, isolated religious entity that was lured into by people seeking truth and God in this world. They came to the monastery and acquired an ersatz of spirituality, falling into a religious trap and abundantly flavoring the Christian egregor with their spiritual energy. Thus, some of the best people in society were removed from the active life of the Russian people.

Sergius created several monasteries, the main of which is located in Sergiev Posad. But what is striking is that after a while his brethren, having got to know him better, expelled him from the monastery. We read one phrase in the book “Holy Trinity Stefano-Makhrishchensky Stauropegial Convent”, Rideau Publishing House, 2006, pp. 8-9.

“Once, enduring grief from the brethren, the Monk Sergius left his native monastery and came to the Makhrishche hermitage for a few days ... and then went further on his way ... and in a picturesque area on the steep bank of the Kirzhach River he founded a monastery, in which he lived for about three years" .

It is known from history that before the Battle of Kulikovo, the chief governor of Muscovy (he was never a prince) Dmitry made a decision - how to stop the enemy, who was superior in strength. There were a lot of advisers. One of them was Sergius. He offered to pay off tribute. One can imagine what would happen if Moscow offered tribute to the enemy, and he had a task from the Evil One to completely destroy the city and its inhabitants. And the city would have disappeared: both its inhabitants and ... tribute.

Dmitry chose the right decision - to give battle to the enemy, to meet him unexpectedly on the road in an inconvenient place. And this place was not on the Protva River three hundred kilometers from Moscow, but very close in the Moscow region, not far from today's cities of Domodedovo and Zhukovsky. The main battle took place on the field, which was called the Kulikovo field. In this field, traces of the battle and burial can be found, in contrast to the place, which is considered the official site of the battle. Who needed the falsification of the battlefield? Orthodox Church. What for? The priests dissuaded Dmitry, as well as Sergius, from the battle. But he did not listen to them. Moreover, he became a national hero, and then the head of the city of Moscow. He had a negative attitude towards the church. Therefore, in retaliation for him, she belittled the role of the battle and thought up the place of the battle in another place.

To strengthen the Orthodox faith and the position of the church in the 17th century, it was decided to create a "saint" - the great ascetic of Russia. The choice fell on Sergius. No sooner said than done. An old burial of an unknown person was found, whose body was well mummified. Who he was and his life history is unknown. And the noospheric information says that the relics did not belong to a man, but to a woman - a modest nun with a masculine body (if this is true, then this is a grandiose scam and deceit!). The relics were solemnly transferred to the Sergiev Posad Lavra and placed in a shrine. Gradually, this burial was overgrown with myths and miracles. In the 20th century, this burial became popular. This popularity has continued to this day. Crowds of pilgrims and tourists stand in line to bow, ask for recovery and blessings from the great "saint". But in fact, the bones of an unknown person. Watching this procession is painful and funny at the same time. Many famous people can be seen among the suffering: politicians, businessmen, scientists and artists. What can these people with limited consciousness and distorted knowledge do for Russia? — almost nothing, more harm than the real deal.

The second, great "Russian saint" Seraphim of Sarov was born and raised in the center of Russia. He entered one of the Moscow monasteries without a vocation. He was not interested in learning other crafts and professions. Noticing some of the student's abilities: the ability to speak eloquently and convince people that he is right, he is sent to an Orthodox school. After graduating from school, he is sent as a priest to a small rural church. Stayed there for a short time. By order of the leadership of the church, he returns to Moscow, where he is being prepared for new cases. A project called "The Hermit" was developed. The project concerned the peaceful elimination of the objectionable Tsar Alexander the First. The project was prepared by the chief Evil himself - the chief Atlanto-Egyptian priest. The tsar, having ascended the throne, began to show great activity in changing Russian society. Serious state reforms began. First of all, it concerned the army. The creation of a new army was followed by military victories. Russia was becoming a very strong state. The strong independent personality of the tsar threatened to turn Russia into a great independent state. And this was not included in the plans of the Evil One.

At the same time, several priests entered the project. They should play the role of a mentor - the confessor of the king as Orthodox hermits. Alexander was a believer, but in religion he found many contradictions and ambiguities. He was in search of true spiritual values. Many priests tried unsuccessfully to answer his questions and at the same time limit his activities for the benefit of the state.

And then the “holy hermits” went into battle, not burdened by church scholasticism and appearance. Numerous attempts to become tutors of the king were successful only to Seraphim. A simple and accessible language, the ability to inspire one's vision of events and phenomena, as well as the artistry of a person playing the role of an ascetic hermit, wise and insightful, played a role. Seraphim became at first a desired and interesting interlocutor, and then a mentor to the king.

Gradually, Alexander was inspired that he had come into this world with a historical mission - to atone for the sins of the Romanov family, which had been reigning for over two hundred years. Some of the secrets of the life of the Romanovs were revealed to Alexander, which shocked him. If you do not atone for the sins and guilt of the reigning dynasty, then he himself, his children or his descendants will be destroyed by God. The suggestion turned out to be very strong and the king believed in his mission.

The subsequent history is known. Near Taganrog, during the next military campaign, the death of the king was staged. The lead coffin with honors was delivered to St. Petersburg, where it was buried in the cathedral ... Alexander was not buried, but an empty sarcophagus. Already in our time, when the sarcophagus was opened, no relics were found in it. It was empty.

Alexander retired to Siberia, where he built a skete near Tobolsk and spent many years in it praying and asking for the forgiveness of the Romanov family for their sins. The Evil One's plan was a success. The progressive king was removed and isolated. The history of the Tobolsk hermit is described in sufficient detail in historical works. The king was peacefully liquidated, but the family was destroyed anyway, much later.

Seraphim, before the main stage of the operation, moves to Sarov, where there was a monastery. Over time, it was called Diveevsky. He introduced himself as a forest hermit. Participated in church services. He was never a hermit. He lived in one remote village from the monastery as a simple resident and sometimes appeared in front of the monastery, showing himself to the gathering believers as a prophet and miracle worker, using his artistry and cunning. Having created the image of a holy hermit, Seraphim suddenly disappeared. And this image and myths about it are still exploited. Thousands of believers visit the monastery to venerate the relics of the holy elder. And the relics belong, as in the case of Sergius, to another person.

Both heroes of church mythology after their death, or rather their souls, were destroyed as great criminals against the true divine world without trial or investigation.

Among the so-called princes, it is worth noting several positive heroes who had a great influence on the development of Russia. These are Alexander Nevsky, Ivan the Terrible, Ivan Kalita, Dmitry Donskoy, Yaroslav the Wise. These are true heroes. Everyone had a different fate, but their activities, their whole lives were devoted to the preservation of the Russian people and the unification of disparate territories or principalities where Russians lived.

Especially, the difficult and tragic fate of Alexander Nevsky and Ivan the Terrible. Alexander was never a prince, he was a governor. He showed himself as a talented military leader, and then the leader of a large region of Northern Russia. In his time, Russia was surrounded on all sides by enemies. In the northwest, the Swedes and Lithuanians were aggressive, in the west, the Poles and Prussians, in the southwest, aggressive and degraded detachments of the Slavs were formed, having plans to organize their own state in the territory that today belongs to western and central Ukraine, in the south the detachments were hooligans Polovtsy, Taurian Turks and Pechenegs - an aggressive people of the Kurdish clan, who came from Transcaucasia, but in the East, the combined detachments of the Tatar-Mongols constantly attacked. In addition, the internal enemy has matured - the Orthodox Church, calling for humility and humility.

Alexander, having great authority among all Russian regions, took on the role of general leader and coordinator of the joint actions of Russian troops against the aggressors. Where by force, where by persuasion and persuasion, where by cunning and diplomacy, he managed to preserve the independence of the Russian lands. A trip to the Mongol Horde to conclude a peace treaty was his tragic mistake. He was poisoned and died on the way back.

The feat of Alexander was so significant that historians could not hide his role, although they greatly belittled it. If Alexander could get acquainted with modern history, he would be extremely surprised that he was a prince, a descendant of Rurik. His great-grandfather was allegedly Yuri Dolgoruky, and he himself heads the Moscow dynasty of princes. A criminal perversion of the history of the Russian people.

But Ivan the Terrible really was a prince. Since the 15th century, reigning with a hereditary transfer of power was finally established in Russia. Three directions can be traced in Ivan's life and work - two state ones: the unification of Russian principalities, the creation of a state and a state management structure, as well as one personal one - a collection of ancient and old books, manuscripts, scrolls, clay tablets and historical relics. Since the eighteenth century, this collection has been called the Library of Ivan the Terrible. Ivan's state activity is generally known and well covered. And there are problems with the collection of antiquities, but it was she who became the main reason for Ivan's life tragedy.

The history of this library is very complex and requires separate consideration. But briefly, to understand the general situation, it must be described. About 5 thousand years ago, the Mycenaean oracles began to collect old books and various antiquities. Their task was to collect and preserve for future descendants historical values ​​for understanding the ancient history of earthly mankind. Over the course of many generations of kyams, the collection gradually increased. Collected ancient books, scrolls, figurines and jewelry from different parts of the planet: India, Atlantis, Arab countries, Judea, Transcaucasia, Central Asia, Europe, as well as their own works.

The deterioration of the situation in the Kyams region about 3 thousand years ago forced the oracles to move the collection to another place. This place was the famous Alexandrian Library. A hall for initiates was created in it, where the collection was moved. The hall could only be visited by highly enlightened people, and then only by recommendation. Archimedes, Socrates, Pythagoras, Homer, Jesus got acquainted with the works of this hall.

About 2 thousand years ago, the Evil One found out about this collection and became angry. He formed his perverted and deceitful history. And then unexpected and truthful historical sources. A military detachment is urgently formed, the purpose of which is to destroy the collection. At the last moment, the collection of antiquities manages to be evacuated and hidden in a cave on one of the Mediterranean islands. Over the years, the collection was transported from one place to another, away from the eyes of the evil bloodhounds.

Finally, the critical moment arrived. The circle of the search for the collection is almost complete. The curators took a non-standard step, transferring the collections to Byzantium, to Constantinople, to the royal palace for indefinite storage. The collection lay there for about 400 years. During this time, only one person showed interest in her - the great-granddaughter of Konstantin Sophia Paleolog. She was informed of the value of this collection. And she promised to take her to a safe place in case of danger. And this moment presented itself. Sophia was married to a Moscow prince. A little later, Constantinople was besieged by the Turks. The evacuation of some valuables and relics at the very last moment before the capture of the city could be called a miracle. Among them was the famous collection. Then she was sent to Sophia in Moscow.

Ivan, thanks to his grandmother Sophia, received a very high education for those times. The education he received and self-study made Ivan one of the most educated people in Europe at that time by the age of 28. Knowledge of seven languages, the state system of government, diplomacy and military affairs. An excellent chess player, a poet who wrote many poems and created songs based on them, an organizer of folk holidays and tournaments. Multifaceted, smart, strong-willed and intelligent personality. But he did not like the Orthodox Church. And I tried not to participate in church services.

Sophia, before her death, passed the baton on the preservation of the collection of antiquities to Ivan. “You must make every effort to preserve it for distant descendants. Die but save. This is roughly what my grandmother said. Since then, the meaning of Ivan's life has become not only state activity, but also the preservation of this collection, which since then has become known as the library of Ivan the Terrible. A new stage in the life of Ivan has come. And this collection caused a great tragedy in his personal life.

When the Evil One learned of the library's new location, a plan was made to destroy it. Metropolitan of Kyiv was the head of this project, and Metropolitan Philip of Moscow was the responsible executor. Both are dark and dishonorable personalities. Namely, the Russian Orthodox Church was entrusted with the destruction of the library by any means. To this end, large funds were allocated on the orders of the Evil One.

At first, Philip tried to persuade Ivan to transfer the relics to the church, ostensibly for more reliable storage and study. But the prince knew the cunning and deceit of the Orthodox Church, and therefore he was categorically refused. After that, attempts were made to steal chests with a collection. Failed. Ivan was smarter than the organizers of the thefts. And then there were threats. And over time, these threats began to materialize. It is difficult and scary to describe all the meanness and abominations against Ivan and his family. In short, the family was sacrificed to save the library. Aggression against Ivan increased every year, his wives were poisoned, sons Ivan and Dmitry were killed by bribed servants. Ivan himself was poisoned several times. In order to protect his family and library, Ivan creates a paramilitary detachment of reliable people - guardsmen. Skirmishes broke out between the guardsmen and mercenaries of the church with some boyars, at times turning into battles. So at one moment in the Kremlin, in front of the entrance to the basement where the library was kept, a whole bloody battle broke out, in which more than 300 soldiers participated from both sides. Over 60 people died within half an hour. The area in front of the Assumption Cathedral was covered in blood.

After that, the guardsmen staged a cleansing of the prince's entourage, and innocent people suffered. And this was Ivan's mistake and sin. After that, Ivan transports the library to Aleksandrov, where he studies the books and sorts them into 3 groups. The first group is the most valuable and ancient books and relics. The second group is less valuable and less ancient books. And the third group is his personal documents and church books. Ivan showed some copies of the books of the second group to persistent visitors of Aleksandrovskaya Sloboda. And then gradually over the course of one summer, the books are secretly transported to a safe place, and the cache is walled up ... until better times. A little later, in retaliation, Ivan was poisoned again. Only a strong organism allowed him to survive, but at what cost. A man returned to Moscow from Alexandrov, in whom it was difficult to recognize Prince Ivan the Terrible. Thin, pale, sickly appearance, almost without hair and teeth. Amazing fate! To lose one's relatives, while preserving the ancient collection, multiplying it with acquired books of Russian antiquity, collecting Russian lands, participating in military campaigns and engaging in state reforms - is this not a feat of the great ascetic of the Russian land.

Terribly different. Ivan the Terrible was blamed for all the sins of that time, which he never committed. They made him a satrap, a tyrant, a murderer. Who created this image is not worth explaining. The most terrible thing is that, after the expiration of time, this false image of Ivan was repeated by historians and people of art, who, like parrots, repeated the lies of the old time.

In fact, with the death of Ivan the Terrible, a new history of Russia began. Power peacefully passed to the Romanov family. And the entire historical period in the next three hundred years is called "Romanov". After the official coming to power of Mikhail Romanov, an unprecedented destruction of historical and state books and documents began. There was heavy smoke over the Kremlin for several days. Many documents were burned. The same thing happened in many monasteries and temples. After that, monastic and princely hacks rewrote Russian history for many years. Great historical substitutions of events arose, and not only the era of Ivan the Terrible, but also earlier ones.

Tsar Peter Alekseevich became the key figure in Romanov's history. The figure is odious and ambiguous. Historians are still arguing about the significance of this person for the history of Russia. And for good reason. During the reign of Peter the state was strengthened, a strong modern army and navy was created. Metallurgy and mining arose. Important strategic victories were won in military battles. But it is impossible to fully attribute all these facts to the merit of the king. Around the king during his lifetime, two groups of assistants and advisers were formed. One group consisted of the Germans, who introduced in the country many laws and regulations in the administration of the country. Many of which had a negative impact on the development of Russia. The second group consisted of Russians. This group was headed by Menshikov, the main close associate of the tsar. He is an associate, friend and drinking companion of Peter. There was a struggle between the two groups for influence over the king. Menshikov did it better. Thanks to him, it was possible to implement a number of state projects and transformations that are important for the country. All these achievements were attributed personally to Peter. Because of his mental abilities, Peter had little understanding of the general situation in the country. Therefore, he signed many decrees and resolutions under the influence of the two groups of influence mentioned, poorly understanding their meaning. This often led to the weakening of the state and society.

What did the king do negatively for the country? He toughened and legalized the system of enslavement of the peasantry - corvée. But in fact, the system of a rigid slave-owning society, in which the peasants were tied to the land, without the right to own it, without elementary rights to life and existence. Complete lack of rights, which led to the degradation of the rural population.

With the help of his German advisers, Peter gave instructions for the Europeanization of Russian society. At the same time, many Russian traditions, literature, culture, writing, and the centuries-old way of life of the people were destroyed. Many rules, elements of culture, the structure of society, most of which did not bring positive changes and were alien to the Russian people, were brought from Germany.

Peter's crazy idea - to build a city on the Neva - turned into high costs and great human losses. When historians say that by building a city he cut a window to Europe, this is not true. The window has always been open since time immemorial. Since ancient times, the northern Slavs along the Neva went out with different goals on the boats to the Gulf of Finland. No one has ever interfered with sea travel. The Byzantine Greeks passed without obstacles on ships along the Dnieper, Volkhva and Neva to the Baltic Sea. No one robbed or captured them. Indeed, the situation in the time of Peter the Great in Europe became threatening. To protect the northern borders, it was enough to build three military fortifications in the Gulf of Finland. One on the largest island in the bay, where Kronstadt is now located. And two on the northern and southern coasts of the bay, 50-60 kilometers from the mouth of the Neva, where the shore is already higher and the water is deeper. And Russian waters and territories would be protected. But no, it was necessary to build a big city at the mouth of the Neva, on swamps and swamps, where centuries-old river silt reaches a thickness of several tens of meters.

The cost of building the city was truly colossal, reaching half of the annual budget of the state. For the poor of the country, this was devastating. But this is not the main thing. Tens of thousands of serfs were driven to the construction of the city, who died by the thousands from hard work and inhuman conditions. We can say that the city on the Neva was built on human bones. The healthiest and strongest peasants from all over serf Russia were driven to the construction site, and most of them died from exhausting labor, diseases and harmful gas emissions from the soil. The healthy gene pool of peasant Russia was being lost.

From distant European countries, Peter brought a lot of bad traditions, a new calendar, holidays alien to the Russian people, the psychology of the inferiority of the Russian people and drunkenness. By decrees of Peter, distilleries and taverns were built everywhere. All holidays, and then Sundays, were accompanied by drunkenness. It was considered bad form not to drink wine or vodka on holidays or in company. The soldering of the entire population of Russia began, accompanied by degradation.

Things during his lifetime and after his death reached the point that the opinion arose and exaggerated in society that Peter had a second twin brother - a shadow figure in the government of the state. They allegedly shared functions in the state. Good and important deeds in Russia were accomplished by the twin brother, and Tsar Peter himself distinguished himself in bad deeds. Of course, this is a legend that arose under the influence of the controversial figure of the king.

Well, who was Tsar Peter Alekseevich really? What is the figure? As a child, the king suffered from many serious diseases that caused him strong hormonal changes. As a result, low mental abilities, low spirituality and an ugly appearance. Judge for yourself - a long, skinny figure (height 204 cm, weight 74 kg), a small head, bulging eyes (a consequence of Graves' disease). Ridiculous unsteady gait of a heron, ridiculous movements. A monster, and only, frightening people with its appearance. Well, even giant genitals, which played a significant role in the history of the royal family. Normal women couldn't have a normal sex life with him. Peter's first wife refused to marry him and was sent to a monastery in the city of Suzdal. Peter searched for a second wife for a long time and found in an army regiment ... regimental whore Ekaterina! In what country can you find such a story!? Only with her he could lead a normal life. But this was not the end of his personal life. It turned out that he was not able to have offspring, his seed material was dead. Ekaterina, having discovered this, found the donor father on the side. Several children were born from commoners. This is where the true and short history of one branch of the Romanov family ended.

Peter was sure that these were his children and they were heirs to the throne. However, the last years of his life were overshadowed by illness. From Holland, he brought not only shipbuilding skills, but a disease called syphilis. This disease and drunkenness took their toll. The “great king” spent the last five years in bed, suffering from insanity, alcoholism and a ferocious temper.

Already after his death, the “heirs”, with the help of German historians, began to create myths and legends about Peter, changing the image of the king to the exact opposite. In the nineteenth century, the image of the Great Peter was already created according to "his great deeds", and not according to his height.

The secret history of the Romanov royal family did not end there. Elizabeth - Catherine's daughter - was barren. The second daughter of Catherine, Anna, became the successor of the reigning family. Further power passes to their son Peter II. The sickly and weak tsar dies relatively early and power passes to his wife Ekaterina, a German princess who left a noticeable mark on the history of the Russian state. Either the queen had problems with childbearing, or her husband Peter II, but their marriage led to the appearance of only one heir - Paul I. Paul was both health and mind was weak. Moreover, he, like many Romanov offspring, could not have children. In order to maintain her power and avoid disgrace, Catherine II goes on an adventure. She finds surrogate dads for Pavel's wife Maria Feodorovna and turns her into a parenting machine. To guarantee the preservation of power and the acquisition of a worthy heir, she requires Anna to give birth and give birth. Five popes from the upper layer of Russian society worked to preserve the royal family. In total, the queen gave birth to 13 children, of which 10 were viable. This is how a new second generation of pseudo-Romanovs appeared.

One of the babies turned out to be strong and most beloved by the queen. It was the future Emperor Alexander the First. Its history is known. During the 18th and 19th centuries, the royal generation was diluted with bad German-Semitic blood. This eventually led to the appearance of a mediocre, weak-willed, weak Tsar Nicholas II. Which led Russia to the collapse of the state and the army, a number of defeats in wars, the penetration of foreigners into the state and financial sectors, and in the final to revolutions and their own death.

The history of a thousand-year-old Russia since the beginning of the introduction of Orthodoxy is a series of wars, mass confrontations, murders, distortions of history, its rewriting and the destruction of the gene pool of the Russian people. This is what is called a dark evolutionary period in the history of the Earth, where every society goes through suffering, distortions of cosmic laws through religions, through false morality.

The reader will ask, where is the evidence of the crimes mentioned in the article? They exist, and they lie in graves and crypts. These are the relics or remains of princes, kings and some "saints". Genetic analysis of kinship or nationality will provide conclusive evidence. Pay attention to how the Orthodox Church behaved when identifying the remains of the family of Nicholas II. On the one hand, the church declares the tsar a “great martyr” and classifies him as a saint, and on the other hand, when identifying the remains of the family, she hid, kept silent about the applicability of the genetic methods used for identification, and during the burial of the royal family in the Peter and Paul Cathedral, representatives of the head of the church were absent and in the church did not participate in the ceremony. Why? Fear of exposing historical falsifications, fear of the possible continuation of comparing the relationship of princes and kings by genetic and other methods, determining their nationality and burial dates. If such studies are carried out, then a big scandal will break out. But who will allow such work to be done? The Church will stand up in defense of its positions and will use all means to prevent such studies from being carried out.

Fyodor Dostoevsky has a work called Crime and Punishment. Drawing an analogy with this book, we can say that the historical period of Russia, accompanied by crimes, is ending, the second one is about to begin - punishment. The divine judgment has already been rendered. And this will be a very cruel stage for many scoundrels, swindlers of all stripes, thieves, counterfeiters and various henchmen of the Evil One.

And the history of Russia will be restored. During the visit of the American delegation of archaeologists to the ancient city of Arkaim alves, who were surprised by what they saw, the following was said. “Of course, history must be completely revised, but you will not be allowed to.” Deep delusion! All Cerberus distorted history, entrenched in academic archaeological and historical, as well as in Orthodox institutions, will soon go into oblivion. After all, the dark evolutionary period on Earth is ending!

On August 25, 1835, the New York newspaper The Sun published the first of 6 articles about new scientific discoveries concerning the moon, which claimed that a flourishing civilization had been found there. People bought newspapers eagerly waiting for each new report on this incredible discovery. And as you can guess, it was pure deceit, or rather fiction. Throughout history, people have been fooled, sometimes for profit, sometimes just for their own amusement. Here are 10 such scams. And which one would you believe?

10 Cardiff Giant, 1869

To ridicule the Bible, or rather the biblical giants, George Hull, a New York atheist, carved a "giant" from a piece of plaster and buried him on his land in Cardiff. After some time, he organized everything so that the workers began to dig in this very place and "accidentally discovered" the "fossil" remains of a giant man. Visitors paid 50 cents to see the curiosity, and the founder of the circus, PT Barnum, offered Hull $50,000 to buy his "attraction". Hull ended up selling the "giant" for $23,000.

9. Mermaid from Fiji (or Feejee), 1842.

This creation was the product of the mind of the founder of the aforementioned circus, PT Barnum. In essence, it was the head of a monkey, sewn to the carcass of a fish with a beautiful artificial breast. And it was presented to the public as a mummified mermaid. The original exhibit was destroyed by fire in the 1860s, but other similar fake mermaids were created and are now in private collections.

8. Hitler's Diaries, 1983.

The German newspaper Stern reported that it became the owner of the diaries of Adolf Hitler, which were restored after a plane crash in East Germany. British and American "experts" declared the documents authentic and "diaries" were published. Of course, material like this is too good to be true. Declared a fraud, the diaries cost Stern DM 9 million and lost credibility. In 2012, Rupert Murdoch admitted he suspected the documents were forgeries, but had them printed for profit.

7 Spaghetti Trees, 1957

As an April Fool's joke in 1957, the BBC showed British television viewers Swiss farmers growing spaghetti from trees. These inquisitive representatives of the British gene pool invited an announcer who told how to grow such wonderful trees. The gullible were advised to put the spaghetti in a jar of tomato sauce and wait.

6. Photograph of the Loch Ness Monster, 1934.

The famous photo of "Nessie" floating in picturesque Loch Ness in Scotland was shown in 1975 and was a hoax of Christian Sperling, the man who took the photo. His story became the foundation of a 1999 book. The amazing thing is that despite the recognition, a huge number of people continue to believe in the monster and are still convinced that the photo is genuine.

5. Yeti, 1958.

Yeti or Bigfoot, whatever you prefer to call it, was a mythological creature that supposedly lived in the remote forests of North America, especially in the northwestern region of the United States. In 1958, footprints left by giant, human-like feet were "discovered" in northern California. They were photographed and preserved as a plaster cast. Lovers of mysticism were hooked and here and there they began to find footprints and yeti hair. An entire industry has grown around this lie, giving rise to new stories, books, and even series with documentaries. In 2002, the family of the man who created the fake footprints of the Yeti in 1958 said it was all a hoax, even showing the fake legs they used to make the casts. But people don't believe them anymore.

But the most surprising thing in the history of the Yeti's "existence" was the death of a young man dressed in a Bigfoot costume and standing a few meters from the roadway. This was as recently as 2012. The guy just wanted to spice up the story a bit by adding some passing eyewitness accounts, but as a result, he died. Two drivers, seeing the Yeti, decided not to miss the chance and get into history. They simultaneously sent cars at this guy and hit him. As they later told the police, they did not want to miss the Yeti. Sometimes cheating can be dangerous!

4. American landing on the moon, 1969.

It was a US success, but on the other hand, thousands, if not millions, of people around the world believe that it was all a hoax, some kind of Hollywood movie to fool everyone. Now, if NASA claims that the Yeti was found on the moon, people might believe that too!

3. Piltdown Man, 1912.

A paleoanthropological find in England, or rather a "fossil of a prehistoric man", turned out to be the lower jaw of an orangutan with chimpanzee teeth and a human skull. The truth was discovered only in 1953, 41 years later. This deception has even made adjustments to the archaeological picture of human development. The mastermind of the hoax was probably Charles Dawson, an amateur archaeologist who originally presented this "find" to the scientific community. He was later found to have other fake "finds".

2. Great Moon Deception, 1835.

This deception was a ruse by reporter Richard Locke and was intended to increase the newspaper's sales and ridicule some astronomers who claimed to have found signs of life on the moon. The chief astronomer who claimed to have made the discovery was a real scientist, but his name was used in articles without his permission. Interestingly, Edgar Allan Poe published his own version of the Moon Deception a few months before Locke. In it, he described the use of a balloon to fly to the Earth's satellite. Poe also published a series of lunar hoax stories in 1844 in which an astronaut uses a gas-filled balloon to get to the moon.

1. War of the Worlds, 1938.

As part of the Halloween program on October 30, 1938, CBS radio broadcast an adaptation of Orson Welles' 1898 science fiction short story "The War of the Worlds". The radio version of the Martian invasion of Earth entered the news bulletin. Americans who missed the start of the show, which explained the show was fictitious, panicked, and fear of an alien invasion spread like wildfire across the States. Listeners told friends and neighbors that Earth had been invaded by Martians until the country was buzzing with panic. The critics who denounced the show as a cruel, irresponsible hoax only made Orson Welles more famous and helped his career.