Why the Russian language is the richest and most developed. Russian is one of the richest languages ​​in the world

The Russian language is one of the most developed languages ​​in the world, the richest literature is written in it, reflecting the historical experience of the great Russian people and the achievements of all mankind. The richness of the Russian language is manifested at all language levels.

At the phonetic level, it consists in a variety of sounds, richness of stress and intonation. According to scientists, the Russian language is one of the most musical languages ​​in the world due to the following characteristics:

1. It has a large number of vowel sounds (a, o, u, s, i, e), organizing the syllable and rhythm of the word. Compare: in the Hamitic languages ​​(ancient Egyptian, Coptic, etc.) - 3 vowel sounds, in some Avar dialects - 2.

2. A quarter of all the words of the Russian language consists of sonorant consonants closest to vowels (m, n, r, l), which also give the sound musicality, cf .: “He stood on the shore of desert waves, full of high thoughts, and in looked into the distance..” (A.S. Pushkin).

3. A sign of the musicality of the language is the presence of a large number of soft consonants. Almost every Russian hard consonant has a soft paired version. In native Russian words, consonants (b, p, d, t, c, f, z, s, m, n, l, r) before e are always soft: deed, earth, "sky, dough, etc. The Russian language seeks to soften and long borrowed words: academy, beret, motto, scenery, museum, text, term, plywood, etc. In Western European languages, consonants before e are mostly pronounced firmly: atheist, business, prodigy interval, dash, timbre, aesthetics, etc. , therefore, in some words there are fluctuations in the pronunciation of consonants (options): dean, deodorant, credo, congress, neorealism, neofascism, session, etc.

It is believed that the Russian language (and Slavic languages ​​in general) has a difficult pronunciation. The main reason for this is the accumulation of consonants (hello, do not interfere, do not be zealous, testify, etc.) and the presence of consonants paired in hardness - softness: brother - take, standing - set, corner - coal, they say - mole, etc. To difficult articulation of vowels slanted sound! s !: carpets, red, rummage and under. Unlike French, Polish and other languages ​​​​with fixed stress, in Russian the stress is different, that is, it can fall in different words on different syllables (cloud - barrier - heaven), and mobile, t, e, can move in one and the same word when it changes (head - raise your head, big heads, etc.).

At the morphemic level, the Russian language is distinguished by a wealth of suffixes: diminutive (table - table), petting (son - son, sonny), magnifying (house - home), dismissive (beard - beard), suffixes of the producer of the action (teach - teacher), carrier of the sign (old

Old man), a weakened degree of quality (white-whitish), and many others. Russian prefixes are also diverse, cf.: drive - drive, drive away, drive out, drive, drive, drive away, disperse. In one word there can be up to three prefixes: on-at-open.

The Russian language is also rich at the level of word formation: it has many models for creating new words, especially in the field of prefix-suffix word formation, for example, the following words were formed from the word dove:

Dove, dove, dove, dove, dove

Dove, dove, dove, dove, dove

stuffed cabbage


Dovecote, dovecote, pigeon, pigeon breeding, pigeon-like
- dove, dove

At the lexical level, the Russian language is distinguished, firstly, by its huge vocabulary.

Here are some data: Dictionary of the modern Russian literary language (Big Academic Dictionary - BAS) includes more than 110,000 words. Dictionary of Russian folk dialects - 102,000 words. A large dictionary of foreign words - about 30,000 words, which is very popular Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language by VIDal - more than 200,000 words. Even if we take into account that the named dictionaries in some dictionary entries may overlap, the lexical richness of the Russian language is not questioned. For comparison: the dictionary of the most widespread language in the modern world, Chinese, includes approximately 90,000 hieroglyphic words.

Secondly, polysemy is developed in the Russian language, that is, polysemy.

So, 80 percent of the words of the Russian language have not one, but several meanings, for example, the word "take" can have up to 50 meanings, the word "language" - 25 meanings that are realized in different contexts,

Thirdly, the presence of a huge vocabulary and polysemy created the basis for the development of synonymy and antonymy. A large number of synonyms (words that are close in meaning) and antonyms (words that are opposite in meaning) decorate and enrich Russian speech.

The phraseological richness of the Russian language is manifested both in the presence of a large number of proper Russian phraseological units (Mamaev’s massacre, put in a long box, hit the sky with a finger, come in a shop analysis, two inches from the pot, pour from empty to empty, etc.), and in assimilation by the Russian language of numerous borrowed stable expressions: Greek-Latin (Achilles' heel, sink into oblivion, seize the moment, Pyrrhic victory, Sisyphean labor, Trojan horse, Pandora's box, etc.), biblical (Babylonian pandemonium, bury talent in the ground, beating babies, flesh from the flesh, the parable of the parable, etc.) phraseological units from Western European languages ​​​​(the ugly duckling, the game is not worth the candle, the straw widow) Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language, edited by A.N. Molotkov, which contains 4,000 entries.

In the field of morphology, the Russian language is characterized by a wealth of word forms, in particular, a branched declension system: 3 types of declension of nouns,

6 cases and 2 numbers - thus, the Russian inflected noun has 12 forms. In addition, in the Russian system of declension, the variability of case endings is developed, for example, in the genitive case of the singular: left the house - left the house; in the prepositional case of the singular; at the airport - at the airport, in the nominative plural: cruisers - cruisers; volumes - volumes and under. The Russian language is rich and there are 6 areas of verbal formation (simple and complex forms of the future tense, the presence of participial and participle forms, etc.)

The Russian language is distinguished by a harmonious syntax: the phrase is built on the basis of three types of connection (coordination, control, adjunction), sentences by structure are divided into simple and complex, simple sentences by composition - into one-part and two-part, complex by the presence or absence of unions - into allied and unionless, allied in terms of relations between parts - into compound and compound; both those and others are divided into varieties depending on the meaning of the unions; non-union complex sentences also differ in the composition and nature of the semantic relations between their parts,

The richness of the Russian language is also manifested in a wide variety of its stylistic means (tropes and figures of speech, with the help of which poets and writers created artistic texts of world significance. Russian literature is one of the most developed in the world.

V.G. Belinsky wrote: "... that the Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world, there is no doubt about it." Modern Russian is the most widespread European language. His international recognition was a permanent membership in the World Languages ​​Club. Of course, when we talk about any language, first of all we are talking about a means of education, a tool for communication, mastering the world around us. It is the language that forms the culture of any society, its spiritual and national identity. Today, the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation is an effective means of interethnic communication between peoples living on the vast territory of our Fatherland. It performs an integration function in the political, social and cultural spheres, acts as a factor in the consolidation of citizens of different nationalities and religions. Of course, the Russian language will always be a guarantee of the preservation and development of the languages ​​and cultures of all the peoples of the country.

Extraordinary richness, the finest shades and nuances, a deep and special meaning - the Russian language is really great and omnipotent, all possibilities are available to it, and there are no such natural beauties or human emotions that could not be accurately, colorfully and reliably described.

Knowledge of the Russian language, in its true and historical meaning, develops a person's personality and gives unprecedented power over the word. After all, the word, true and truthful, is a real treasure with which you can achieve any success and heights.

With the help of a word, one can become not only a poet or a writer, a philologist or a linguist, but also an exceptionally successful businessman who knows how to conduct any complex negotiations for the benefit of social creation and one's own prosperity. You can become an outstanding diplomat by working for the good of your native state. The power of speech is also great among journalists; with their help, public opinion is formed, which undoubtedly influences the entire political and social life of the country.

Possessing a beautiful and correct Russian language, you can become happy in your personal life, find your love, express your sincere feelings, confess your passion, without fear of being misunderstood or misunderstood.

Comparing the Russian language with other widespread languages ​​of the world, such as laconic English or jerky German, we involuntarily note the richness of epithets, intricate phrases, subtle shades and other signs of true greatness and unprecedented diversity.

Enjoying the classic literary works of famous Russian authors, savoring their magnificent style and our own unique style, each time we find answers to many questions and topics that touch to the core, because their mastery is truly amazing and makes us realize the true versatility and amazing harmony of Russian language.

Description of the topic: The Russian language remained and is now the language of poets and prose writers, the language of culture and the means of transferring the national heritage of a huge cultural heritage from generation to generation.

There is a feeling that now the Russian language is underestimated and its role is underestimated, if not it is only used for their own selfish purposes by modern society, leaving dark spots of swear words, replacing English and other words of foreign dictionaries, Internet jargon and "simple language".

But the secret of the Russian language is that it is surprisingly flexible and rich, all classes can communicate with it, and the same word can sound in dozens of variations and meanings. So "What is the secret of the Russian language", "Russian word" and "Why do I love the Russian language?"

Let's think together, and write the reasoning in the form of an essay on the topic:

"The great and mighty Russian language".

Russian language The richness, euphony and grandeur of the Russian language is the subject of admiration for many Russian classics. It is all the more surprising that our contemporaries underestimate its role, littering their speech with anglicisms, jargon, colloquial expressions, newfangled Internet slang and swear words. If everyone thought about the value of the Russian language and what enormous possibilities for expressing thoughts it has, then they would strive to know it even more deeply and would neglect other means. What is the secret of the Russian language and why do I love it so much? I will try to explain with weighty arguments and illustrative examples.

The richness of the Russian language is not in the number of lexical units recorded in the dictionary, but in its flexibility, which has no limits. So, for example, it is believed that the most words are contained in the English language - about a million today. In the "Dictionary of the Modern Russian Literary Language" - only 131,000. But this does not take into account the unique feature of our speech: if we take into account all possible word forms, then the number of lexical units in the Russian language will exceed 1.5 million.

Let us prove the consistency of the above argument on a specific example. Let's take any noun from the dictionary of the Russian language. Let it be "mom". Let's create word forms (grammatical varieties) by cases and number: mom, mom, mom, moms (genitive singular), moms (nominative plural), moms, moms, (o) moms. In English, the word "mother" has only 1 word form - "mothers" (plural). Such a comparison can be made with almost every noun in Russian: most of them can have 8 times more word forms than in the same English.

The great and mighty Russian language

The dictionary of the Russian language is impressive in terms of volume and flexibility of semantic meanings so much that a lifetime is not enough for complete mastery, even if we are talking about a person whose native language is this. The numbers prove very clearly: the absolute record for the number of words used belongs to A.S. Pushkin - about 24 thousand words (from the Dictionary of Pushkin's Language). A highly educated person uses a maximum of 8000 words in his speech. The average "native speaker of the Russian language" has even less: about 3-4 thousand words. Is this not a reason to think about how limited we are using the huge potential of the Russian language and how ridiculous are the attempts to “enrich” our speech with jargon or Internet slang.

The possibilities of the Russian language are so wide that you can replenish your vocabulary throughout your life and not even master half. A variety of word forms and meanings allows you to convey the smallest shades of meanings, compose colorful figurative descriptions, and clearly express your thoughts - this is the virtuoso use of the richness of the Russian language.

Sections: Russian language

Lesson type: The lesson of "discovery" of new knowledge.

Technology: health saving, the formation of students' creative abilities, personality-oriented learning.

Planned results

Subject: learn to understand statements on a linguistic topic, to make a reasoning on a linguistic topic.

Metasubject UUD

  • Communicative: listen and hear each other, express their thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication.
  • Regulatory: independently identify and formulate a cognitive goal, search for and highlight the necessary information.
  • cognitive: to explain linguistic phenomena, processes, connections and relationships revealed in the course of studying the structure, content and meaning of a word, sentence, text.

Personal UUD: formation of "starting" motivation to study new material.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Hello guys. I am glad to see you. I hope that the academic year will bring you the joy of discovering new knowledge.

II. Goal setting. Motivation.

Listen to the statement of Kuprin A.I., where the phrase is missing: "... in skillful hands and experienced lips - handsome, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and roomy." Guess what the lesson will be about? (Russian is one of the richest languages ​​in the world).
What is the purpose of our lesson? (Consolidation of previously acquired ideas about the language as a means of communication, awareness of the wealth, beauty, expressiveness of the Russian language).

Why do we need it? (Studying the Russian language will help us speak and write better, choose the most accurate and necessary words to express our thoughts).

III. New material.

Schoolchildren's speeches on the topic "Russian is one of the richest languages ​​in the world" (during the speeches, students should write down the main provisions, work in pairs).

1 speaker.

The Russian language has a huge vocabulary. The richness of the Russian dictionary allows not only to accurately name this or that object, its features, various actions, but also to express the most diverse shades of meaning, to show how the speaker evaluates the subject of speech.
Synonyms help us with this. Synonyms are words of the same part of speech, different in sound, but the same or similar in lexical meaning. Synonyms help us accurately and figuratively express our thoughts. They are also used in order not to repeat the same word. For example, a person who does not feel fear can be called brave and brave, and a person who is in a hostile relationship with someone can be called an enemy, enemy, adversary. But the synonyms of the word say: pronounce, speak, pronounce, say, speak, throw, utter, grunt, insert, screw in, blurt out, let go, say, give out and others.

Choose a word that best suits the style of your speech, speech.

2 speaker.

Russian proverbs and sayings are very expressive - treasures of folk wisdom. What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe. It is not good to read a book, if you swallow only a few inches. Good brotherhood is better than wealth. A good book, but the reader is bad. Every bird loves its nest. Stand up for the right cause. Hurry up and make people laugh. Grab at straws. The appropriate use of proverbs and sayings enlivens speech, makes it vivid and figurative.

3 speaker.

Prefixes and suffixes can change the meanings of words, give them the most subtle shades of meaning: daughter - daughter, daughter; friend - friend, friend, white - whiteness, turn white, whitish, white, white; walk - enter, exit, enter, leave, depart, descend, pass, come; bold - timid; author - co-author.

4 speaker.

Shades of the same thought can be expressed in both simple and complex sentences: Snow has fallen from the fields and exposed the floating earth. The snow fell from the fields, and the floating earth was exposed. When the snow fell from the fields, the floating land was exposed.
(Possible entries in student notebooks

Russian is one of the richest languages ​​in the world.

1. Synonyms: bold and brave; enemy, adversary, adversary.

2. Russian proverbs and sayings are treasures of folk wisdom.

  • What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe.
  • It is not good to read a book, if you swallow only a few inches.

3. Prefixes and suffixes can change the meanings of words, give them the most subtle shades of meaning: daughter - daughter, daughter; author - co-author.

4. Shades of the same thought can be expressed both in simple and complex sentences: Snow has fallen from the fields and exposed the floating earth. Snow fell from the fields, and the floating earth was exposed.)

IV. Consolidation.

1. Ex. 2

2. Ex. 6

Physical education minute

Are you tired?
Well, then everyone stood up together.
They stomped their feet,
They clapped their hands.
Twisted, turned
And everyone sat down at the desks.
We close our eyes tightly
We count up to 5 together.
We open, we blink
And we continue to work.

3. Collect "forest" words(work in pairs). But first, listen to how the writer K. G. Paustovsky collected “forest” words.

Expressive reading to students of an excerpt from the book by K. Paustovsky "Golden Rose".

“The first forest word that completely fascinated me was wilderness. True, it refers not only to the forest, but for the first time I heard it (as well as the word wilderness) from the foresters. And then there were real forest words: ship grove, aspen, low forest, sandy forest, mshary (dry forest swamps), burning, black forest, wasteland, edge ... and many other simple words filled with picturesque content.

What "forest" words will you add? Write them down and pick up synonyms.

4. Work in groups: write a miniature essay (optional): “Whisper of a forest stream”, “Summer day in the forest”, “Collecting forest berries”.

V. The culture of our speech.

Agitation team "My tongue is my friend"

I love my mother tongue!
It is clear to everyone
He is melodious
He, like the Russian people, is many-sided,
As our power, mighty.

2. The world of words is diverse, interesting, fascinating.

3. And the word, language is our friend.

4. Thanks to the language people communicate -

5. Get information about the past and present, -

6. Doing things - Posters

7. Create a culture. -

8. But, unfortunately, correct speech has become a rarity.

1. It is subject to various influences, in particular, impoverishment, clogging.

2. Recently, one has to deal with abusive and vulgar expressions.

The word is a special and different world,
Equivalent to the one named by him.
If the word became chatter -
This word has become bad.

This word is detrimental to poetry,
This word is a house that has rotted.
I'd rather not hear him.
Didn't read, didn't know, didn't speak.

5. Foul language imperceptibly becomes a disease.

6. A disease of evil, cruelty, lies, heartlessness.

7. It is especially unpleasant when a child says bad words when he hears them from adults.

Thus begins the destruction, the disintegration of the moral world of the little man.

8. An arrow launched by an evil force through the mouth of a man strikes both the one who fired it and the one it hit.

1. Any “unclean” word leaves a black spot in our heart.

2. No wonder they say: "A good word heals, and an evil word cripples."

3. Our daily life is also equipped with jargon.

4. The oral speech of today's youth is simply strewn with jargon.

Scene number 1.

- Hey!
- Everything? Shoot back?
- Blown away. And Vaska, damn it, flew by, he did not manage to tear it off. Sculpted, damn it, such nonsense.
“I can’t get my head around this chemistry either. It would be cool to get a "4". She says: go, damn it, answer, and I have, count up, eyes on my forehead.
- Well, they cheated. Fenders.

5. And eloquent, but not clean. Here's how.

Scene number 2.

Hello Kolya!
- Hello, Anton!
- Passed the exam?
- Yes, everything is fine. Chemistry is my favorite subject. I got "5". How did you pass?
- I got a "4". But that's because he didn't get it right. Where are you going now?
- Home.
- We're on our way. Let's go together.

6. Remember the words of Alexei Tolstoy: “To deal with the language somehow means to think somehow: inaccurate, approximately, incorrectly.”

7. The problem of the purity of the language is also the abundance of foreign words in our speech, which sometimes are not at all clear to most people.

8. And the press, and television, and we, communicating with each other, seemed to have forgotten about the beauty and richness of the Russian language.

1. The use of foreign words by people is often used as a tribute to fashion or in order to obscure the meaning of what was said.

2. Before using a newfangled word, make sure you know exactly what it means.

3. Otherwise, it may turn out the same as in the next story, there were.

4. Once V.I.Dal treated the son of the writer Melnikov-Pechersky Andrey with homemade kvass.

Scene #3

What, good kvass?
- Good, Vladimir Ivanovich.
- What's good?
- Delicious, cold, with erfix
- With what?
Young Melnikov was embarrassed, not knowing how to translate the erfix into Russian.

Erfix (French word) - sparkling.

5. And most importantly - think: is a foreign word necessary in this case?

6. Even M.V. Lomonosov noted: “The Russian language is the richest of all, because it has the liveliness of French, the firmness of German, the tenderness of Italian and the sublimity of Spanish.”

7. Lived and continue to live dialectisms.

8. But to use dialect words everywhere means to be misunderstood.


It's not true, I'm very smart, I can explain and understand any word
- Try. What is it? Vytopok, stega, bypass, mezhinka.
- I do not know.
- Footpath.
- And also.
- Sipucha, giba, zasipuh, kutiha.
- I give up.
- Snowfall.

1. Guys, do not abuse dialect words in your speech.

3. A person whose speech is saturated with approximately such words is difficult to listen to, and sometimes even funny.

4. But what happens when thoughts and speech are poor:

At the meeting
Chairman Vova
I wanted to take the floor.
While getting up
Lost my word.
Got up from the chair
And sat down again.

Then he got up again
I wanted to say something.
But I decided to remain silent
And didn't say a word
Then he got up
Then he sat down.

And sat down again.
Tired and fell
So he didn't say a word.

5. We have no power over the speech of others, but we have power over our own speech.

6. This is our mirror, and let it not be dirty.

7. If you want the language to become a true friend, heed our advice:

8. Read more. It has long been wisely said: "You can learn to speak well by reading those who wrote well."

1. Use dictionaries. - Posters

2. Don't let the word get ahead of the thought. -

Together. Take care of our beautiful Russian language.

VI. Conclusion.

1. What role does speech play in our lives? (With the help of language, we communicate with each other, transmit our thoughts, feelings, study the experience of generations, acquire knowledge)

2. Among these statements of writers about the Russian language (handout), select the one that most fully reflects the topic and main idea of ​​our lesson. Prove your opinion.

1) Russian language! For thousands of years the people have been creating this flexible, magnificent, inexhaustibly rich, intelligent, poetic and labor instrument of their life, their thoughts, their feelings, their hopes, their anger, their great future. (A.N. Tolstoy)

2) We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language. True love for one's country is unthinkable without love for one's language. We learn language and must learn it continuously until the last days of our lives. (K. Paustovsky)

3) Language is an amazing tool with which people, communicating with each other, convey any thoughts to each other. (L. Uspensky)

VII. Homework.

1. For everyone: T. pp. 9-10 (retelling).

2. At the choice of students:

1) expressive reading of statements about the Russian language, 1 statement by heart (see lesson handout);

2) collect "school" words, write a miniature essay about the school (choose a topic yourself);

3) ex. 4 (oral).

VIII. Reflection.

Add one of the sentences.

The main idea that I take away from the lesson is ...

The lesson got me thinking about...

The Russian language is one of the most developed languages ​​in the world, the richest literature is written in it, reflecting the historical experience of the great Russian people and the achievements of all mankind. The richness of the Russian language is manifested at all language levels.

On the phonetic level it lies in the variety of sounds, the richness of stress and intonation. According to scientists, the Russian language is one of the most musical languages ​​of the world due to the following characteristics:

1. It has a large number of vowel sounds (a, o, u, s, i, e), organizing the syllable and rhythm of the word. Compare: in the Hamitic languages ​​(ancient Egyptian, Coptic, etc.) - 3 vowel sounds, in some Avar dialects - 2.

2. A quarter of all words in the Russian language consists of sonorant consonants closest to vowels (m, n, r, l), which also give musicality to the sound, cf .: “ H a be R egu are empty nn th in ln standing l about n, do m high on ln, and wda l b d l poison l... "(A.S. Pushkin).

3. A sign of the musicality of the language is the presence of a large number of soft consonants. Almost every Russian hard consonant has a soft paired version. In native Russian words, consonants (b, p, d, t, c, f, s, s, m, n, l, r) before e always soft: case, earth, sky, dough and others. The Russian language also tends to soften borrowed words: academy, beret, motto, scenery, museum, text, term, plywood etc. In Western European languages, consonants before e mostly pronounced firmly: atheist, business, child prodigy, interval, dash, timbre, aesthetics etc., therefore, in some words there are fluctuations in the pronunciation of consonants (options): dean, deodorant, creed, congress, neorealism, neofascism, session and etc.

It is believed that the Russian language (and Slavic languages ​​in general) has a difficult pronunciation. The main reason for this is the accumulation of consonants ( hello no hinder, do not be zealous, testify etc.) and the presence of paired consonants in terms of hardness - softness: brother - take, becoming - set, corner - coal; they say- mole, etc. Difficult vowels include the sound /s/: carpets, red, rummage and under. Unlike French, Polish and other languages ​​with fixed stress, in Russian the stress is different, i.e. it can fall in different words on different syllables ( cloud - barrier - heaven), and mobile, that is, it can move in the same word when it changes ( head - raise your head, big heads etc.).

On the morphemic level the Russian language is distinguished by a wealth of suffixes: diminutives ( table - table), affectionate ( son - son, son), magnifying ( home - house), disparaging ( beard - beard), action producer suffixes (teach - teacher), the carrier of the feature ( oldold man), a weakened degree of quality ( white - whitish) and many others. etc. Russian prefixes are also diverse, cf .: to drive - to drive, to drive away, to expel, to drive, to drive, to drive, to disperse. One word can have up to three prefixes: open-open.

The Russian language is rich and level word formation : it has many models for creating new words, especially in the field of prefix-suffix word formation, for example, from the word pigeon formed the following words:

    dove, dove, dove, dove, dove

    dove, dove, dove, dove, dove

    stuffed cabbage


    dovecote, dovecote, pigeon, pigeon breeding, pigeon-like

    dove, dove

On the lexical level The Russian language is distinguished, firstly, by its huge vocabulary. Here are some data: The Dictionary of the Modern Russian Literary Language (Big Academic Dictionary - BAS) includes more than 110,000 words, the Dictionary of Russian Folk Dialects - 102,000 words, the Big Dictionary of Foreign Words - about 30,000 words, which is very popular Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language .AND. Dahl - more than 200,000 words. Even if we take into account that the named dictionaries in some dictionary entries may overlap, the lexical richness of the Russian language is not questioned. For comparison: the dictionary of the most widespread language in the modern world, Chinese, includes approximately 90,000 hieroglyphic words.

Secondly, polysemy is developed in the Russian language, that is, polysemy. Thus, 80 percent of the words of the Russian language have not one, but several meanings, for example, the word "take" can have up to 50 meanings, the word "language" - 25 meanings that are realized in different contexts.

Thirdly, the presence of a huge vocabulary and polysemy created the basis for the development of synonymy and antonymy. A large number of synonyms (words that are close in meaning) and antonyms (words that are opposite in meaning) decorate and enrich Russian speech.

Phraseological wealth of the Russian language is manifested as the presence of a large number of proper Russian phraseological units ( mother's massacre, put in a long box, put your finger in the sky, come to a hat analysis, two inches from the pot, pour from empty to empty etc.), and in the assimilation by the Russian language of numerous borrowed set expressions: Greek-Latin ( Achilles' heel, sink into oblivion, seize the moment, Pyrrhic victory, Sisyphean labor, Trojan horse, Pandora's box etc.), biblical ( Babylonian pandemonium, bury talent in the ground, massacre of babies, flesh from flesh, parable of the town etc.), phraseological units from Western European languages ​​( ugly duckling, the game is not worth the candle, straw widow etc.). See Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language, edited by A.N. Molotkov, which contains 4,000 entries.

In area morphology The Russian language is characterized by a wealth of word forms, in particular, a branched declension system: 3 types of declension of nouns, 6 cases and 2 numbers - thus, a Russian inflected noun has 12 forms. In addition, the variability of case endings is developed in the Russian declension system, for example, in the genitive case of the singular: came out home - left home; in the prepositional singular: at the airportin the airoport; in the nominative plural: cruisers - cruisers; volumes - volumes and under. The Russian language is also rich in the field of verbal form formation (simple and complex forms of the future tense, the presence of participial and participle forms, etc.).

The Russian language is slender syntax : phrase is built on the on the basis of three types of communication (coordination, control, adjacency), sentences by structure are divided into simple and complex, simple sentences by composition - into one-part and two-part, complex by the presence or absence of unions - into allied and unionless, allied according to relations between parts - into complex and complex; both those and others are divided into varieties depending on the meaning of the unions; non-union complex sentences also differ in the composition and nature of the semantic relations between their parts.

The richness of the Russian language is also manifested in the great variety of its stylistic means (tropes and figures of speech ) with the help of which poets and writers created artistic texts of world significance. Russian fiction is one of the most developed in the world.

Tasks for self-study

    To prove the polysemy of Russian words, do the following exercises:

a) for each group of these words (phrases), select a common word that includes the meanings of these words:

costs cost

expenses fee

loss role

spending value

counting the amount of deficiency