Ordinal numbers in the tables of the month days of the week. Ordinal numbers in English and their relationship with quantitative


1. Educational:

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the days of the week and their sequence.

· Give the concept that seven days make up a week, and each day has its own name.

To give children elementary ideas about time: its fluidity, periodicity, irreversibility.

2. Educational:

· We develop a "sense of time", the ability to save time, to regulate our activities in accordance with time.

· Learn how to plan your day.

3. Developing:

We learn to use words-concepts in speech: first, then, before, after, earlier, later, at the same time.

We enrich the dictionary with antonyms.

· We learn to select ordinal numbers for the name of each day of the week.

We learn to listen to riddles and guess them, give the correct answers.

We develop thinking and logic.



Summary of the lesson on the topic "Days of the week."


  1. Educational:
  • To consolidate the knowledge of children about the days of the week and their sequence.
  • Give the concept that seven days make up a week, and each day has its own name.
  • To give children elementary ideas about time: its fluidity, periodicity, irreversibility.
  1. Educational:
  • We develop a “sense of time”, the ability to save time, to regulate our activities in accordance with time.
  • Learn how to plan your day.
  1. Developing:
  • We learn to use words-concepts in speech: first, then, before, after, earlier, later, at the same time.
  • We enrich the dictionary with antonyms.
  • We learn to select ordinal numbers for the name of each day of the week.
  • We learn to listen to riddles and guess them, to give the correct answers.
  • We develop thinking and logic.

Equipment: cards with the names of the days of the week, cards with numbers 1-7, a ball.

Methods and techniques:

  • Game (games, questions, explanations, use of a surprise moment).
  • Verbal (artistic word, reminder, questions, individual answers of children).

Guys, today we will talk about such a temporary concept as a week. How many of you know how many days are in a week? Correctly! A week consists of seven days. To understand why the week and its days got such names, listen to one of the legends of the Old Testament. “Over the abyss, covered with darkness, in which everything was mixed up: earth, water, fire and air, the spirit of our Lord soared. But according to His will, all this disgrace in the course of six days was transformed into a beautiful world, as soon as he said: “Let it be!” On the first day the Light appeared. In the second, the firmament of heaven stretched out. In the third, the waters separated from the earth. There were seas and rivers, dry land appeared and was covered with plants. On the fourth day of creation, the firmament was adorned with the sun, moon, and stars. On the fifth day, fish appeared in the waters, and birds appeared in the air. On the sixth day, the land was inhabited by different animals, and the first two people, Adam and Eve, were created. And the primordial world became beautiful. Having finished creation, the Lord began to rest from his labors on the seventh day. The seventh day of the week was first called the word "week", because. nothing was done on this day, but after the miraculous Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Christians began to call the seventh day of the week Sunday.

Guys, now I'll tell you a riddle:

“There are exactly seven of these brothers.

You all know them.

Around every week

Brothers walk one after another.

Say goodbye to the last

The front appears.

What is this riddle about? (children's answers)

How many days in a week? (children's answers)

Here are some more riddles:

“What kind of birds are flying by?

Seven in each flock.

They fly in a string,

They don't turn back."

Here's another one:

"There are seven brothers:

Years equal, names different.

Let's remember together what they are called.

Let's play, we bend our fingers.

"Finger game":

Get your fingers ready!

Among the days of any week

Monday will be the first.

The second day followed him,

This Tuesday came to us.

We can't go anywhere...

The third day is always Wednesday.

He is the fourth here and there,

This day is called Thursday.

In a series of working days

Fifth Friday now.

All work completed

Day six is ​​always Saturday.

Day seven? We know him:

Sunday - rest!

So we remembered the days of the week!

Guys, who can tell me (the teacher asks questions, which the children answer in turn):

  1. What's the week before: Tuesday or Wednesday?
  2. Which is the week before: Saturday or Monday?
  3. Which is the week before: Thursday or Tuesday?
  4. What day of the week comes after Wednesday?
  5. What day of the week comes after Friday?
  6. What day does the week end?
  7. What day is in the middle of the week?
  8. What day is between Wednesday and Friday?

Well done. You all did great. Days, which in conversation people usually call "day", are replaced by one another. Seven such days make up a week. Each day of the week, as we have already found out, has its own name. The sequence of the days of the week is always the same. The week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday. The first five days are weekdays. We go to work, to school, to kindergarten. Saturday and Sunday are weekends when we rest.

Now we will play an interesting game with you. I will say the day, and you will call it using a numeral, for example: “Tuesday is the second”, etc. The teacher calls the days of the week, the children name the day in a row: the second, third, fourth, etc.

The teacher invites the children to rest. Fizminutka:

“On Monday I swam (depict swimming),

And on Tuesday I painted (“we draw”),

On Wednesday, I washed my face for a long time (“we wash ourselves”),

And on Thursday I played football (running in place),

On Friday I was jumping-jumping (jumping)

And on Saturday I danced (circling),

And of course Sunday

I rested all day (hand under cheek).

Who looked at us? Guys, it's Mishka! Hello Misha, how are you? Do you know what the days of the week are and what they are called? Well done, you know! We're glad you're so smart. Listen, guys, what Misha has been doing with us for a whole week:

"Mishka on Monday morning

I looked into the fragrant spruce forest.

Ant this afternoon

He helped build the house.

And it rained on Tuesday

The bear came to the Wolf,

Haven't seen him for a long time

And they played dominoes.

Wednesday Mishka to the red squirrel

I looked at the gatherings.

Reading a book together

And the nuts cracked.

And on Thursday Mishka woke up

And went to the Beaver for a haircut,

Got a trendy hairstyle

And I bought myself a comb.

Friday with a new hairstyle

The bear went to the pine forest.

Together with the Hare he was glad

There to collect a bucket of oil.

And on a fine Saturday

Our bear went to the swamp,

Met a frog

He treated him to butter.

On the last day - Sunday -

The bear made jam

He invited all his friends to a feast,

I didn't even forget the birds.

flew by one after another

Seven happy days of the week.

The mouse did everything

I managed to help all my friends!”

And I know, Mishka, that you had a Clean Fly as a guest.

"Once upon a time there was a Clean Fly,

The fly was swimming all the time.

She bathed on Sunday

In excellent strawberry jam.

On Monday - in cherry brandy,

Tuesday - in tomato sauce,

On Wednesday - in lemon jelly,

Thursday - in jelly and resin,

On Friday - in yogurt,

In compote and semolina ...

On Saturday, having washed in ink,

She said, "I can't take it anymore!"

Terribly, terribly tired

But, it seems, it has not become cleaner!

Well, guys, did the rhyme about the Clean Fly make you laugh? Today we have heard the names of the days of the week many times. To remember them, try to understand:

Monday is the day after the week

Tuesday is the second day

Wednesday - middle of the week

Thursday is the fourth day of the week

Friday is the fifth day of the week

Saturday and Sunday are two days off.

Try to remember and never confuse the days of the week.

And now let's stand in a circle, I will throw the ball, and whoever it falls into the hands of, should answer my question:

  1. How many days in a week?
  2. What is the name of the first day?
  3. Why is the seventh day of the week called "Sunday"?
  4. What was "Sunday" called before and why?
  5. Today is Thursday, what about tomorrow?
  6. Today is Thursday, what about yesterday?

What do you think, Mishka, did the guys manage? I think so too.

Time, time, as it just does not exist! It can stretch, fly quickly, pass unnoticed. Usually, time passes unnoticed when we are doing something pleasant or playing. And it was our turn to play the reverse game.

I will say the word "high", and you will answer - "low",

I will say the word "far", and you will answer "close" ...

The teacher plays a game with the children, remember the antonyms associated with time:

  1. Summer Winter
  2. Morning evening
  3. Day Night
  4. Work - rest
  5. Fast - long
  6. Yesterday Today Tomorrow
  7. Dark - light
  8. Soon - long
  9. Weekday - day off
  10. End of the day - start of the day
  11. First month of the year - last month of the year

And at the end of our lesson, listen to the poem "Week":

The week is running, hurrying,

The days go by quickly.

So what, in fact,

Are they filled?

Yes, different things!

My son answered me. -

I went on Monday

Skating with friends.

Tuesday with brother Vanya

I played horses

And on Wednesday I took a sleigh

And rolled him from the mountains.

Thursday with my brother

They looked at books.

And on Friday first

A little bored

And then, on my birthday,

Wrote invitations.

On Saturday they sang in the choir,

They tried their best.

And on Sunday they ate

Pie with strawberries.

Sections: elementary School

The program "Primary school of the XXI century". Textbook S. V. Ivanov "Russian language".


  1. Introduce the numeral as a part of speech.
  2. Give the concept of ordinal and cardinal numbers.
  3. Introduce the customs of the celebration of Shrovetide.

Board layout:

During the classes

I. Org. moment

II. Repetition of what has been learned. The topic of the lesson.

- Today at the lesson we are waiting for a lot of interesting things. We will get acquainted with the new part of the speech and talk about one wonderful event that is taking place these days throughout our country.

1. - Find 4 nouns (damn, spring, joy, sun)

to at G R b about at
about in to s l m f
a e m with and and X
n with about l n c e
at n well h s to h
R a d about with t b
b about in at to I Yu

How are these words related? Why today, this week, you can often hear them? (Shrovetide week is coming)

- Maslenitsa is one of the most beloved, fun and mischievous folk holidays. Russia is a winter, cold country. That is why seeing off winter is always a joy. People forgot about the cold, about melancholy and sadness, baked ruddy and hot, like the sun itself, pancakes. They rejoiced from the bottom of their hearts at the modest arrival of spring, and on the last day of winter they burned an effigy of Maslenitsa.

- What is a noun? (post cards on the board)

2. - Read the poem.

Hello ... hello, Maslenitsa g ... dovaya,
Our guest is d ... horny!
Come to the crows ... nyah,
On the san ... chkah rasp ... snyh.

- Insert the missing letters. Underline the adjectives.

- What is an adjective?

Write down those adjectives in which the number of sounds and letters does not match (annual, dear).

– Explain the meaning of the following words:

3. - Guys, what do they do on Maslenitsa? Write verbs.

- What is a verb?

- Read the proverb:

Oh, Maslenitsa - white-necked, we will meet you well!

How do you understand this proverb? What does "let's meet well" mean?

Wide Maslenitsa,
We praise you
We ride on the mountains
We eat pancakes!

Name the parts of speech you know that are found in this proverb.

- What is a pronoun? (A part of speech that indicates objects or signs of objects without naming them, and replacing a noun, adjective or numeral in speech.)

III. Working on a new theme.

Work with the textbook (p. 55). Heading "Let's think."

- Write down the words in groups: nouns, adjectives, verbs, pronouns, adverbs. We work in notebooks and at the blackboard (5 people write out the words under the corresponding card)

What words were not written out? (nine, second, six) Why?

- Read the rule under the heading "Secrets of the language."

- What is a noun?

- What is the name of the numeral? (number of items or order of items when counting)

What are the 2 groups of numerals? (quantitative and ordinal)

What do we call quantitative numbers? (name the number of items, answer the question how many?)

What are the ordinal numbers? (they name the order of objects when counting, answer the questions which one? which one? which one? which ones?)

IV. Fizminutka.

One - rise, stretch,
Two - bend, unbend,
Three - in the hands of three claps,
Three head nods.
Four - arms wider,
Five - wave your hands,
Six - sit quietly on the chair.

- What new part of speech did you meet in the physics minute?

- What are these numbers? (quantitative)

- Why?

v. Work in a notebook.

- Write down quantitative and ordinal numbers in 2 columns.

- Read the poem. Write out the names of the numerals, ask questions to them. What are these numbers?

Wanted with a friend
We once count:
How many days do we have in a week?
Three, four or five?
We puffed until the evening,
But we managed to find the answer
And the answer is no more true:
Exactly seven days in a week.
(V. Stepanov)

VI. Rubric "Journey to the Past"

– Today we talked a lot about Maslenitsa. Each day of the Maslenitsa week has its own name.

- Explain the meaning of the word "mother-in-law" (wife's mother)

- "Sister-in-law" (husband's sister)

Why do you think the days of the week are called that?

Monday called a meeting: on this day they meet a wide Maslenitsa, dress up a stuffed doll, build snowy mountains, sing counter songs.

Second day of Maslenitsa Tuesday, is called a win. The wild games began. Here are the famous snow, ice fortresses, and girlish fun - swings, and buffoon ditties ...

Third day of Maslenitsa Wednesday- gourmet. On this day, sons-in-law come to their mothers-in-law for pancakes. Fortunately, there are few sons-in-law in modern families - at best, one or two. And before, feeding half a dozen sons-in-law was a ruinous business. Hence the saying "Shrovetide-byedukha - money is saved." But you can’t do anything: “at least lay yourself down, but spend Maslenitsa!”

As soon as everyone comes to their senses after a visit to their mother-in-law, the fourth day comes - wide Thursday. That's when the real fun begins! They carry a stuffed animal on a wheel, ride, sing songs, start caroling.

Fifth day Maslenitsa is called expressively - mother-in-law's evenings. Now the son-in-law treats the mother-in-law with pancakes.

Sixth day this riotous week - sister-in-law gatherings (sister-in-law - husband's sister): the daughter-in-law gives gifts to the sister-in-law. On this day they burned the effigy of Maslenitsa - and finally said goodbye to winter. The ashes were scattered across the field so that there would be a good harvest.

And here is the final day Forgiveness Sunday, seeing off, kisser. The walk ends, there is no more gluttony, a hangover. The last scarecrows are burned so as not to drag winter into spring. For the same purpose, fires are made on ice slides - to melt the ice, to destroy the cold. In the afternoon, they ask for forgiveness, do merciful deeds. This is the day of purification, the day of preparation for fasting. "Forgive me if I'm guilty." “And you forgive me.” - "God will forgive". Forgiveness was accompanied by mutual bows and kisses. Forgiveness Sunday is also a day of remembrance. They ask for forgiveness from the dead, for which they go to the cemetery, leave pancakes on the graves.

- What are the numerals that we used when we counted the days of Shrovetide week (first second Third…)

- What are these numbers?

VII. Summary of the lesson.

- So, what part of speech did you get acquainted with?

- What are the numerals?

How to distinguish ordinal numbers from quantitative ones?

- Did you like the lesson?

- What do you remember most?


Ordinal numbers are studied in the English language course in elementary school. It is assumed that students will understand and firmly remember the patterns of formation of ordinal numbers and the word-exclusion. But in practice, the situation looks sad. Several hours are allotted to study this material, and the guys do not have time to properly consolidate the skill of using these numerals.

I propose a generalization of my experience in the study of ordinal numbers in grade 3. These are exercises for working out, fixing and repeating ordinal numbers, which can be adapted for use on any topic and any teaching materials.

Familiarity with new material is essential. At the stage of introducing new material, I used the method of problem-based learning, which allows you to more fully involve the children in the study of the topic, make them full participants in the educational process, and increase motivation.

Activation of knowledge on the topic "Numerals" we carry out using "Number song" (UMK English O.V. Afanaseva)

and presentation slides with numbers from 11 to 100.

We pay attention to the role of these numerals - to indicate the number of items. Further, with leading questions, the teacher leads the students to the concept of “ordinal numbers”. We did this using the example of a calendar.

- Guys, we got acquainted with the names of the seasons, months, days of the week, and what is the smallest part of the calendar? What name does she have?

- Day, name - number.

- Is it possible, using the numbers familiar to us, to name the date?

- Children offer their options.

Thus, a problem is created between knowing and not knowing, and students may assume that the numbers should be called differently.

Then the teacher offers a list of ordinal numbers and asks to analyze how they are formed. (This task develops students' UUD analysis, comparison).

Students easily distinguish the presence of an article in front of ordinal numbers, the “ending” th of most words, the presence of exception words, special cases of spelling of individual numbers. This way of introducing new grammatical material makes the children participants in the discovery of new knowledge, and therefore provides a stronger understanding and assimilation.

Recognition and recognition of ordinal numbers

Complete the sentences with the names of the months. Complete the sentences.

… is the first month of the year.

…is the second month of spring.

…is the third month of summer.

… is the fourth month of the year.

Cross out the extra word

Fourth, second, first, ten.

Third, think, thirteenth, thirtieth.

Five, fifth, fifteenth, fiftyth.

The gnome wrote down the important events of February for him in his diary. Read the notes and mark important dates on the calendar. (UMK Enjoy English 3 M.Z. Biboletova, Lesson 39, ex. 7)

Listen and mark the birthdays of students (class, forest school) on the calendar.

What month are you talking about?

It is the first month in winter.

It is the second month of the year.

It is the fourth month of the year….

Make a word from letters.

Each student has a card with a letter. The teacher calls which letter is in which place, and the students come out with the corresponding letter and build the word. Read the word. (This exercise can be used at the stage of setting the topic of the lesson and guess any word.)

The first letter is B. The second letter is I. The third letter is R. The fourth letter is T. The fifth letter is H. The sixth letter is D. The seventh letter is A. The eighth letter is Y. BIRTHDAY

Using the alphabet, make a word from the letters whose numbers I will name. (This exercise can be used at the stage of setting the topic of the lesson and think of any word.) The students write the letters in a notebook.

Write the sixteenth letter. Write the eighteenth letter. Write the fifth letter. Write the nineteenth letter. Write the fifth letter. Write the fourteenth letter. Write the twentieth letter. PRESENT

Formation (writing) of ordinal numbers

Fill in the gaps in the table

Insert the required numbers

May is the ……………… month of the year.

January is the …………………….. month of the year.

February is the ………. month of winter.

August is the ……………… month of the year.

Write down the order in which the days of the week are arranged in the calendar in Russia and in England

example: Sunday is the first day of the week.

Automation of the skill of using ordinal numbers in speech

Task 1 At the lesson of physical education

Class! Stand in one line! Count in numerical order!

Students need to call their number in order in the line. This exercise can be performed several times in a row in the form of a physical minute.

Collect the word from the letters and name the order of the letters.

Children receive cards with the letters of the studied word, they need to line up in accordance with the guessed word and name the word order.

S is the first. E is the second. A is the third. S is the fourth. O is the fifth. N is the sixth.

What is the order of the letters of this word in the alphabet? (UMK Enjoy English 2 M.Z. Biboletova Lesson 39, ex 2)

Example: And is the second letter in the ABC. I is….

As a speech warm-up at the beginning of the lesson, you can use the exercise “Do you know the calendar well?”

Teacher: What is the first month of the year?

Pupil: The first month of the year is January.

Productive Level Tasks

Answer the questions

When is your birthday?

What date is it today?

When is your mother's birthday?

When do you go to school?

When do we celebrate New Year/Christmas?

Conduct a class survey and create a calendar of birthdays.

You have received messages from a friend who is coming by train from Moscow. When does he arrive? What carriage is he in?

Meet 12/02/2017, coach 7

Pupil: Jane comes on the twelfth of February. She comes in the seventh coach.


    Biboletova M.Z., Denisenko O.A., Trubaneva N.N. English: English with pleasure / Enjoy English: Textbook for grade 3. general inst. - Obninsk: Title, 2012

    Biboletova M.Z., Denisenko O.A., Trubaneva N.N. Workbook for the English textbook. lang. Enjoy English for Grade 3 general inst. - Obninsk: Title, 2012


  • learn to name ordinal numbers in the name of each day of the week,
  • consolidate knowledge of ordinal numbers in the name of each day of the week;
  • consolidate the ability to count within 10 and vice versa;
  • cultivate a sense of responsiveness to a request for help.

1. Self-massage

Here lives Hmurilka, Rub your eyebrows

The teaser lives here rub your nose

Mixer lives here, Rub the corners of the lips

The Scarecrow lives here. Rub your cheeks

It's Bib's nose! Rub the wings of the nose

Where is your smile? Lift the corners of the lips with your fingers

2. Memory exercise:"Guess the petal with what color is missing on the seven-color flower."

3. Organizing time.

The teacher reads the letter:

“Dear children of the Smeshariki group of the Malyshok kindergarten!

Petya Apelsinov, a 1st grade student, is writing to you. The thing is that in the math lesson I was spinning all the time, distracted, climbed under the desk, in general, did not listen to the teacher when she explained a new topic, and for this the Fairy from the Land of Mathematics bewitched me and in order to remove the curse, you need to complete the following task , but since I didn’t listen to the teacher, I can’t do it alone, please help me, and when all the tasks are completed, the Fairy of the Land of Mathematics will let me go, and I will always listen to the teacher and will do all the tasks myself. Your friend Petya Apelsinov

4. Warm up

Guys! Let's help Pete? (children's answers)

Let's start with the first task then.

You need to answer the following questions:

  • If the table is higher than the chair, then the table? (below the table)
  • If the road is wider than the path, then the path? (already expensive)
  • If the ruler is longer than the pencil, then the pencil? (shorter ruler)
  • If the rope is thicker than the thread, then the thread? (Thinner than rope)
  • If sister is older than brother, then brother? (younger sister)

Well, well done you guys! Here we are with the first challenge!

5. Ordinal up to 10 in forward and reverse order.

Petya writes the next task to us: “To help me remove the curse, you need to show the numbers from 1 to 10 in the correct order and in the reverse order, I can’t complete this task in any way”

6. Consolidation of knowledge about the sequence of days of the week.

Invite the children to listen to the poem:

Our ship ran aground

And sailors all week

They ate caramel aground.

How many days did the sailors sit aground? (7)

Why do you think so? (per week 7 days)

What day of the week is today?

What day of the week was yesterday?

What day of the week will be tomorrow?

What day of the week is between Monday and Wednesday?

What day of the week comes before Thursday?

What day of the week is after Friday?

6. The game "Build a week"

Well done! And with this task you coped! Did you know that each day of the week has its own serial number.

7 children are called and cards with numbers from 1 to 7 are distributed. And the children, together with the teacher, compare the day of the week with ordinal numbers and line them up.

7. Work in notebooks.

In a previous article on the topic of numerals, we dealt with the use of numbers in relation to the time of day. Today we will talk about calendar dates. As you will see, the material again turns out to be quite voluminous. Well, what can you do.

June 8, 2011 — June eighth, two thousand eleven.

If you already have a question on your tongue, please be patient, we'll get to it soon. In the meantime - about everything in order.


Unlike the Russian language, where the year is expressed by an ordinal number, in English a cardinal number is used for this purpose ( cardinal number), which is just a number. If we are talking about a four-digit year, when voicing, the number is divided into halves and pronounced in pairs:

1812 — eighteen twelve
1939 — nineteen thirty nine
2010 — twenty ten

Speaking about the years of the new millennium, it should be noted that here, nevertheless, another form is used more often: two thousand x, two thousand and x:

2000 — two thousand, the year two thousand
2005 — two thousand and five, two thousand oh five
2010 — two thousand ten, two thousand ten
2011 — two thousand and eleven, two thousand eleven

I bought my first car back in nineteen ninety-nine— I bought my first car in 1999.

By the way, due to the fact that their year is expressed by a cardinal numeral, many Anglophones, by the simplicity of their souls, believed that the third millennium should begin on January 1, 2000. ( January 1, 2000) - well, like, the discharges were reset to zero, which means a new era has come. But it was easier for us to understand that this is not just a year with the number 2000, but the two thousandth year, and it will stretch until midnight on December 31, at which point the twentieth century will end, and at the same time the entire second millennium - and already after this, with the first moments of January 1, 2001, will be the beginning of a new era.


Again, unlike us, Anglophones use not ordinal, but cardinal numbers to denote decades; the plural form is formed according to the standard rules of English grammar. The name of the decade necessarily includes the definite article the:

80s - the eighties
90s - the nineties
2000s (zero) - the two thousands

If we have to say "in the mid-nineties", we'll say in the mid-nineties.

The seventies will be remembered for the rise of disco music The seventies will be remembered as the heyday of disco music.


Here we are again in for a surprise: if years and decades are expressed in English by quantitative numbers, then centuries - for some reason, just like ours, by ordinal numbers ( Ordinal Numbers). At the same time, please note that it is customary for them to use not Roman, but ordinary Arabic numerals to record centuries. (which are actually not Arabic at all, but Indian). If you want to specify the era, add the abbreviation BC (Before Christ) or AD (Anno Domini).

12th century BC e. — twelfth (12th) century BC
5th century n. e. — fifth (5th) century A.D.
18th century — eighteenth (18th) century

In a connected context, the definite article is added before the name of the century. the.

The world's population more than tripled during the 20th century— The world population has more than tripled in the twentieth century.

Days of the Month

In its most common form, a date is expressed as the name of the month followed by a number represented by an ordinal number: Month N th . At the same time, in writing, the tail of the order is usually dropped: that is, it is not written 15th , but just 15 - but you must remember that it is necessarily pronounced as fifteenth!

February, 15 - February fifteenth(February 15)
April 1 - April first(April 1)
December 22 - December twenty second(December 22)

Sometimes, to emphasize the significance of the date, a slightly modified format is used: the N th of month. If you remember, there was such a film with Tom Cruise, Born on the Forth of July- "Born on the 4th of July", that is, on the day of their American independence ( independence day).


Actually, this has nothing to do with numerals, but since we have touched on the calendar topic, it would be useful to brush up on the English names of the months.

  • January- January
  • February- February
  • March- March
  • April- April
  • May- May
  • June- June
  • July- July
  • august– august
  • September- September
  • October- October
  • October- november
  • December- December

As you can see, nothing very complicated. To learn how to pronounce it, listen to this simple song:

Days of the Week

Well, to the heap, let's add the days of the week.

  • Sunday- Sunday
  • Monday- Monday
  • Tuesday- Tuesday
  • Wednesday- Wednesday
  • Thursday- Thursday
  • Friday- Friday
  • Saturday- Saturday

In order not to bore you with another children's song, let me better chime you incorruptible Friday I'm In Love good old punks The Cure: for our purposes, it will come in very handy.

The English calendar has one unpleasant feature: the week in it starts with Sunday i.e. from Sunday. The inconvenience in this is obvious, since such a calendar grid is in blatant contradiction with both common sense and universally accepted everyday practice. After all, the horse understands: plowed for five working days, relax for two days off. The British in the depths of their souls admit it themselves, it is no coincidence that the word weekend literally translated as "end of the week", and means exactly the same as ours: Saturday and Sunday. However, their calendars are eventually laid out in such a way that two adjacent days off are spaced on opposite sides of the weekly grid.

All this, of course, is not fatal, but, unfortunately, it introduces some cognitive dissonance.

Yes, and here's more. Please note that the names of the months and days of the week in English are capitalized.

On this topic, English numerals in calendar dates will be considered closed, and finally, as we have already done, everyone is invited to practice transcription.

Please proceed piecemeal. When we're done, the corrected transcript will be hung below the video.

Who will start?

Published: 07.06.2011

Related links:

  • English numerals in examples: Phone numbers, amounts and other figures

As well as:

Comments (18):


Who else is having trouble with clips?
There is little…
let me better cut you the imperishable Friday I "m In Love of the good old punks The Cure
error. Error Message: (empty); the clip does not play. The rest, on the contrary, spin without problems.

Well, to the point. There are two things that are not clear in the “Today in History” video:

~0:20: …The Beatles released what's considered one of the world's greatest albums, “Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band”

~1:14: Eighteen oh one, Brigham Young, the Mormon leader whose religious followers settled in what's now Utah, is born in Whitingham, Vermont.

I must say that the name of the founder and the place of his birth had to be searched on Google, and before that, both were completely incomprehensible.

"What, no one wants to transcribe the "Today in History" video? I thought the English scholars would be happy to have the opportunity to practice ... Or is everything too complicated there?"

I really want to, I’ll just rake up the project at work ...

I have to admit it "s not easy to understand sometimes. Far from perfect, I think, but …

“We" re Sgt. Pepper "s Lonely Heart" s Club Band
We hope you will enjoy the show”
The Beatles released world’s considered one of *** greatest albums “Sgt. Pepper "s Lonely Hearts Club Band". The album "s complex and experimental sounds make it a popular and critical success *** cultural of the late 1960-s.
“A kiss on the hand may be quite continental
but diamonds are the girls’ best friends”
Actress and ** screen sex symbol Merilyn Monroe was born Norma Jeane Mortenson in Los Angeles. Among her films “Gentlemen prefer blonds”, “The seven Year Itch”, “Bus stop”, Some like it hot” and “The Misfits“.
This is CNN. Cable news network founded by Ted Turner hit the airwaves introducing the world 24/7 TV news coverage.
****, the Mormon leader whose religious followers settle *** Uta was born in ***, Vermont.
In 1968 Helen Celler, the blind and deaf author and lecturer, whose stories told ***, dies in Vester Connecticut. She was 87. Today in history, June first.

Yes, it is difficult, especially about 1801.


The Beatles" release was considered one of worlds" greatest albums, "Sgt. Pepper"s Lonely Hearts Club Band".

Actress and silver screen sex symbol Merilyn Monroe was born Norma Jeane Mortenson in Los Angeles…

Helen Keller, the blind and deaf author and lecturer whose story is told in "The Miracle Worker" dies in Easton, Connecticut.

There is nothing to add to the rest.

June 1st, 1967: The Beatles release what "s considered one of rock"s greatest albums: "Sergeant Pepper"s Lonely Hearts Club Band."The album"s complex and experimental sounds made it a popular and critical success amid the counterculture of the late 1960s.1926: "Diamonds Are a Girl"s Best Friend" Actress and silver screen sex symbol Marilyn Monroe is born Norma Jean Mortenson in Los Angeles. Among her films: Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, The Seven-Year Itch, Bus Stop, Some Like It Hot and The Misfits.1980: "This is CNN…" Cable News Network - founded by Ted Turner - hits the airwaves, introducing the world to 24-7 TV news coverage.1801: Brigham Young - the Mormon leader whose religious followers settled what "s now Utah - is born in Whitingham, Vermont. And, 1968: Helen Keller—the blind and deaf author and lecturer, whose story is told in "The Miracle Worker"—dies in Easton, Connecticut. She was 87.Today in History, June 1st — …. The Associated Press.