Proverbs with bsp. XXX






© l. V. POPOVA Moscow State Regional University, Department of Modern Russian e-mail: [email protected]

Popova L. V. - Associative complex sentences with the semantics of prediction in the proverbs of the Russian language // Proceedings of PSPU im. V. G. Belinsky. 2011. No. 23. S. 212-214. - The article analyzes the main types of non-union complex sentences with the semantics of prediction. A classification according to the structure of various types of structures is given.

Key words: divination semantics, proverb, infinitive sentence, imperative, preventive, warning.

Popova L. V. - Аsyndetic sentences with semantics of composite prediction in Russian proverbs // Izv. penz. gos. teacher. univ. im.i V. G. Belinsky. 2011. No. 23. P. 212-214 .- The article describes the principal views of conjunc- tionless compound sentences with semantics of a prediction. The classification by structure of various types of designs is the result.

Keywords: semantics of prediction, proverb, infinitive sentence, imperative, preventive, caution.

One of the actual and used types of statements in the Russian language is prediction. Interest in all kinds of forecasts that can help overcome negative situations and solve human problems is growing due to various changes in the life of the country and society. Prediction is one of the types of preventive influence on a person. Constructions with the semantics of prediction in Russian have not been studied in detail. The purpose of this article is to describe and classify the types of non-union complex sentences (BSP) with the meaning of prediction on the basis of Russian proverbs.

The semantics of prediction can be expressed in Russian by various types of sentences. Among them are complex subordinate clauses with a subordinate clause, non-union complex sentences and simple sentences. Let's consider one of the types of sentences with prediction - BSP. To tell the truth is to annoy yourself. Do not appease the madman - he will be more enraged. If you chase someone else, you will lose yours. With a yaryzhkoy you get along - you are without a shirt. We noticed that predictions in the form of BSP have a certain structure: it is always a two-part structure, in the first part of which an infinitive, a negative imperative / imperative of the singular, or a 2nd person indicative can be used

units numbers. According to the classification of N. S. Pospelov, the type of structures under consideration is characterized by a uniform composition and has a closed structure. The fixed order of the parts in the BSP with the semantics of prediction, the presence of conditional relations between the predicative parts are the most important indicators of this type of prognostic statement (prediction).

BSPs with the semantics of prediction are one of the productive syntactic ways of arranging a proverb in Russian. The instructive function of the proverb is undeniable, since the prediction that finds expression in the proverb summarizes the experience of many generations. The situations captured in it and the natural way out of them, which allows avoiding negative consequences, reveal a special structure of predictive structures in the form of BSP: SITUATION - PREDICTION. For example: Do not sit on someone else's horse - you will get off in the middle of the mud. Give yourself free rein, it will lead you into a dashing lot. To encroach on God is to lose one's own.

It is impossible not to note the generalized meaning of constructions with the semantics of prediction. action in predictive sentences is referred to a generalized addressee. The warning contained in the constructions under consideration is also directed at the listener. The addresser is not personified, but through

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the pronoun you authorizes implicitly. The situation described in the prediction may also apply to the predictor. At the same time, the pronoun you does not occur in the constructions under consideration. This is due to the fact that the pronoun you shows the addresser's detachment from the situation and from the listener. E. M. Galkina-Fedoruk notes that “generalization can take on an even brighter meaning if the sentence refers to such an activity that is inherent, characteristic or not characteristic of everyone in general” .

We have identified three main types of BSP with prediction semantics: BSP, each part of which is an analogue of an infinitive sentence; BSP, in the first part of which the verb is in the form of an imperative (including with negation) singular; BSP with 2nd person indicative unit. numbers in the first part.

Let's consider the first type of BSP with the meaning of prediction: To argue against explicitness is only to quarrel. To tell the truth is to please no one. To rest yourself - you can’t build a house. These are non-union complex sentences, each of the parts of which is an analogue of a one-part infinitive sentence. The type of constructions under consideration expresses conditional-investigative relationships that reflect the speaker's desire to protect the addressee from danger and direct him on the right path, thereby pushing him to action. S. I. Syatkovsky, E. I. Voinova note the generalization of the infinitive action. it can be correlated with any person, both the speaker (addresser), and with any possible person who can perform an action [see: 1, 7]. Thus, the meaning of generalization is inherent in the BSP, each of the parts of which is an analogue of an infinitive sentence. we noticed that in the two parts of the considered type of BSP, there is a different ratio of aspectual forms of verbs-predicates. The use of imperfective verbs makes it possible to express the simultaneity of the situations described, which is typical for affirmative sentences: The wind to click is in vain to break the voice. Along with them, there is another type of BSP, each of the parts of which is an analogue of an infinitive sentence: in the second predicative part of such sentences there is a negation: Live wider than yourself - do not make good. Such BSPs are characterized by the use of a perfective verb with negation, which reflects not only the sequence of events, but also the result in the second part of the construction. The correlation of aspectual and modal forms of verbs in BSP with the semantics of prediction requires further study, but it is already clear from preliminary data that this creates shades in the general meaning of sentences of this type.

The second type of non-union complex sentence with the meaning of prediction is a construction with an imperative in the first part. Do not dig holes for another, you will fall in yourself. Fear the highest, do not say too much. Do not pat the calf on the back - it will wither.

Note that in most cases sentences of this type include a negative imperative in the first part of the BSP. One of the main functions of prediction is to protect a person from impending danger, a warning. So, in this case, in the 1st part of non-union complex sentences, a situation is reflected that the addressee should avoid in order not to get into an unpleasant situation. In the first part of the BSP, the imperfective imperative is predominantly used. In the 2nd part, the predicate is expressed by the personal form of the verb of the perfect form (less often the imperfect form), which actualizes one of the signs of prediction - an anticipatory reflection of reality - the predicted result. The desire to induce the addressee to act and point out the negative consequences if the conditions are not met is at the heart of every prediction. this type should be attributed to the actual predictions, since the BSP under consideration concentrates the main features of a specially organized syntactic construction that expresses the semantics of prediction and warning (prediction).

The third type of BSP with the semantics of prediction is BSP, in the first part of which the verb is used in the form of the indicative of the 2nd person singular. numbers. If you chase someone else, you will lose yours. If you go to court, you won't find the truth. If you don't call both shores yours, none of them will be yours. Let us pay attention to the use of the indicative mood form in the first part of the BSP. The nuclear form of expressing sequence relations between parts of the construction under consideration is the correspondence of aspectual forms of verbs. In both parts of the BSP under consideration, perfective verbs are used. In the given examples, the main signs of prediction are clearly expressed, among them: the presence of conditional-investigative relations, positive goal setting, etc. The ban on the commission of an action is confirmed by a negative result that threatens the addressee. In the considered type of BSP, there is the following variety: a description of a positive situation and, accordingly, its positive outcome. this type of construction refers to the prediction-advice: You will give the judge, you will win the truth - a description of the everyday situation when going to court: it was believed that you need to bring a gift to the judge in order to win the case. The second person of the singular number of verbs in each of the parts of the BSP of this type indicates the generality of the addressee, the relation of the situations described in the prediction to everyone, including the addresser.

Summing up, it should be noted that predictions are linguocultural texts that reflect the wisdom and knowledge of generations. BSP is the most active type of constructions in proverbs with the semantics of prediction. We have established the main types of such sentences: BSP, each of the parts of which is an analogue of an infinitive sentence; BSP, in the lane

Izvestiya PSPU them. V. G. Belinsky ♦ Humanities ♦ № 23 2011

the first part of which the verb is in the form of the imperative (including with negation) singular; BSP with the indicative of the 2nd person singular in the first part.


1. Voinova E. I. On the relationship between infinitive and impersonal sentences // Russian language at school. 1958. No. 2. S. 12-15.

2. Galkina-Fedoruk E. M. On two-part and one-part sentences in modern Russian // Philological Sciences. 1959. No. 2. S. 2.

3. Zolotova G. A. Essay on the functional syntax of the Russian language. M.: Nauka, 1973. 351 p.

4. Kovaleva S. 7000 golden proverbs and sayings. M.: AST: Astrel, 2007. 479 p.

5. Accurate Russian word. St. Petersburg: Avalon, 2008. 512 p.

6. Pospelov N. S. On the grammatical nature of a complex sentence // Questions of the syntax of the modern Russian language. M.: Uchpedgiz, 1950. S. 321-337.

7. Syatkovsky S. I. On the principles of classification of a simple sentence in modern Russian (on the basis of one-part indefinitely personal and generalized personal sentences) // Russian language at school. 1965. No. 3.

Sections: Russian language

The purpose of the lesson: creating conditions for the assimilation of new knowledge about the non-union complex sentence, using the elements of the study, in a class unfamiliar to the teacher, which is preparing for the GIA

Lesson objectives:

  • educational: to form the ability to establish semantic relationships between the parts of the BSP; determine the intonational features of these sentences and, on this basis, choose the right punctuation marks
  • developing: to form in children positive motivation and readiness to perceive new material; develop the ability to compare the studied material with the new, generalize, systematize
  • educational: to cultivate respect for the lesson and the subject as a whole; education of mutual respect and mutual assistance (moral categories of kindness).

Spiritual and moral categories considered in the lesson: kindness, mutual assistance, mutual respect.

Lesson equipment:

  • screen;
  • a laptop;
  • projector;
  • CD with presentation on the topic of the lesson;
  • individual cards with tasks;
  • notebooks;
  • student's individual card;
  • textbook, ed. MM. Razumovsky "Russian language. Grade 9 "- Moscow:" Bustard ", 2006.

During the classes

No, it doesn't die in big life
Everything that resonates with your heart
Live restlessly, live with Maeta:
A person begins with kindness.

Organizing time.

I. Call phase

I'm going to graduate school and I'm writing a research paper on complex sentences. Have you studied this topic? I need your help.

Epigraph work.

- Read the epigraph, formulate the main idea ( a person begins with kindness). Choose synonyms for the word "kindness" ( kindness, benignity, good-heartedness, sympathy, sincerity, compassion, mercy). What is the meaning of the word "kindness"? ( responsiveness, sincere disposition towards people and everything around, the desire to do good to others).

- I think guys, you will all respond to my offer and help me.

Throughout the lesson there is an action: you know yourself - help someone else(a poster with the name of the action is posted on the board).

- Test your knowledge preparation for the GIA).

I distribute cards to strong students, the rest work with the teacher.

Card 1

Thick icicles hanging from the roof thawed in the sun.

Drops, falling from them, loudly hit the ice.

Card 2

Make up simple sentences SSP, SPP and BSP. Write them down, make diagrams.

True virtue is like a river.

The deeper it is, the less noise it makes.

Card 3

Make up simple sentences SSP, SPP and BSP. Write them down, make diagrams.

Talk to a kind person.

The sunbeam will illuminate your soul.

Card 4

Make up simple sentences SSP, SPP and BSP. Write them down, make diagrams.

The moon is above a transparent mountain.

The neighborhood is flooded with false light.

Referring to presentation slides. (1 slide)

as students write sentences, they appear on the screen

What do you know about complex sentences? Types of complex sentences?

- Among the proposals, name the "third extra" (BSP). Why? not yet studied). What caused the difficulty when working with cards? (BSP) What do you know about BSP? Name the BSP. (suggestions appear on the screen - slide 2) Slide 2

Why study BSP if you know what it is? (punctuation is annoying) What punctuation marks can be placed between parts of the BSP? (. ; : - )

(the teacher on the blackboard depicts these signs)

(Let's face the problem: what punctuation mark to put between the predicative parts of the BSP and what will the setting of these signs depend on?).

Formulation by students of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

– What connects the sentences with which you worked and this epigraph? ( subject)

II. Reflection phase

Let's do a little research to solve the problem.

How do we start research? ( we carefully read and study, compare all three proposals: what is common? What is the difference?)

– What differences can you note in the semantic relations of these sentences? (students identify the following: relations between the predicative parts of the BSC are equal, union and emphasizes the sequence of ongoing actions; in NGN - unequal, unions give different semantic shades (condition, time, reason). In the BSP, these relations are expressed less clearly; they depend on the content of the predicative parts included in them. In BSP, the role of intonation is great, which dictates the need for certain punctuation marks).

We analyze each BSP (slide 2) and write the results into the diagram.

Work with the textbook (paragraph 23, p. 131). Checking the results

  • - Who understands partially? Raise one hand.
  • Who didn't understand? Get up.
  • Who understands everything? Raise both hands.


- Who understood everything or partially - they work on cards.

Card 1

  1. To offend your neighbor is to be in trouble yourself.
  2. Speak more boldly: it will be more correct.
  3. It doesn't matter: what's on the forehead, what's on the forehead.

Card 2

Explain punctuation marks

  1. The source quenches thirst - a kind word enlivens the heart.
  2. If you lose your conscience, you won't buy another one.
  3. A wide rainbow stood behind the forests: somewhere, behind the lake, it was raining lightly.

Card 3

Explain punctuation marks

  1. To offend your neighbor is to be in trouble yourself.
  2. You enter the house with a fan - you leave with a hotel.
  3. You please everyone - you annoy yourself.

Card 4

Explain punctuation marks

  1. Neighbor I do good - I feel good ..
  2. I do bad things, I feel bad.
  3. If you don't do good deeds, don't talk about kindness.

Card 5

Collect proverbs. Write down the BSP. Place punctuation marks, explain their setting.

– The rest work with the teacher (slide 3) (explain punctuation).

- Find the "third extra" (mystery). Why?

Throughout the lesson, students help each other.

- Make a cinquain according to the given texts (for those who have coped with the cards)

Do good -
There is no greater joy.
And sacrifice your life
And hurry up
Not for fame or sweets
But at the behest of the soul.
When you boil, fate
You are from impotence and shame,
Do not let the offended soul
momentary judgment.
Cool down.
Believe me, really
Everything will fall into place.
You are strong.
The strong are not vindictive.
The weapon of the strong is kindness. (T. Kuzovleva)

Give, people, warm words!
To make them dizzy.
To be sweet - verbal good honey!
For words to melt ice in the heart!

After all, the word can heal the soul,
Or maybe just hurt and kill.
After all, the word can create beauty.
Or maybe denigrate and spit ...

And do not spare kind words,
Let the green grass bloom!
In order not to cry from the bite of wasps.
Not a cactus, but fragrant jasmine grew.

After all, in every word there is a whole country!
Evil starts a war
And resentment, revenge is born ...
And how many words?! Can't count them all...

Give, people, warm words!
And let the evil rumor be silent!
Let's create happiness!
After all, the word is peace and grace!

Algorithm for writing syncwine

Conclusion: The main leading feature that determines the choice of punctuation marks in the BSP is the semantic relationship between the predicative parts of a complex sentence and the degree of their prevalence, as well as the slow rate of speech, pauses between the predicative parts.

– What texts use BSP punctuation marks? (description of nature, proverbs, sayings, riddles)

- So, BSP with a comma and a semicolon are often used by artists in describing nature, and BSP with a colon and a dash - in proverbs, sayings, aphorisms, riddles.

– Appeal to the epigraph and to the name of the action (Explain the punctuation marks).

III. Reflection

(slide 4)

Choice homework(slide 5)

Individual student assessment card (F.I.)
Content Working with an epigraph repetition study consolidation cinquain Participation in the action reflection
Card work Working with a teacher Card work Working with a teacher
Overall score
  1. A comma is placed between the parts of an allied compound sentence if these parts are closely related in meaning, for example: Pale cheeks sunken in, eyes became big, big, lips burned(Lermontov); The day was gray, the sky hung low, a damp breeze stirred the tops of the grasses and shook the leaves of the trees.(Turgenev); The train left quickly, its lights soon disappeared, after a minute there was no more noise(Chekhov); Nikolai's pockmarked face was covered with red spots, his small gray eyes were fixedly looking at the officer.(Bitter).

    Note. If there is an introductory word between the parts of a non-union complex sentence separated by a comma, then a dash can be used as an additional sign to show which part of the complex sentence the introductory word belongs to, or to emphasize the connecting nature of the second part. For example: Somewhere a motor is knocking - apparently, there is a workshop nearby; Angry dogs barked in the backyards, not daring to run out to meet the britzka - it must have been weaned from this habit by passing soldiers(Sayanov).

  2. If the parts of the non-union complex sentence are more distant from each other in meaning or are significantly common and have commas inside them, then a semicolon is placed between the parts of the sentence. For example: To the left a deep gorge blackened; behind him and in front of us, the dark blue peaks of the mountains, pitted with wrinkles, covered with layers of snow, were drawn in the pale sky, which still retains the last reflection of dawn.(Lermontov); Light dust rises in a yellow column and rushes along the road; a friendly clatter echoes far, the horses run, pricking up their ears(Turgenev); Emerald frogs jump underfoot; between the roots, raising his golden head, lies already and guards them(Bitter).

    If a non-union complex sentence breaks up into parts (groups of sentences) that are remote from each other in meaning, then a semicolon is placed between them, and inside these parts the simple sentences that form them are separated by commas. For example: The pale gray sky grew lighter, colder, bluer; the stars now twinkled with a faint light, then disappeared; the earth became damp, the leaves were sweating, in some places living sounds, voices began to be heard(Turgenev); The rooks flew away, the forest was exposed, the fields were empty; only one strip is not compressed(Nekrasov).

    If in a complex sentence an allied connection of parts is combined with an allied one, then often a semicolon is placed between the parts connected without unions, and a comma is placed between the parts connected by the union. For example: The wind could not rage here; the road was smooth, the horse cheered up and Vladimir calmed down(Pushkin); Dinner is over; the big ones went to the office to drink coffee, and we ran into the garden to shuffle our feet along the paths covered with fallen yellow leaves and talk(L. Tolstoy).

§ 117. Colon in a non-union complex sentence

A colon in an unassociated complex sentence that breaks into two parts is put:

1) if the second part (one or several sentences) explains, reveals the content of the first part (the words “namely” can be inserted between both parts), for example: In fact, Akaky Akakievich's overcoat had some strange device: its collar decreased more and more every year, because it served to undermine other parts.(Gogol); I ask you one thing: shoot quickly(Lermontov); It is pleasant to lie motionless on the hay after a long walk and deep sleep: the body basks and languishes, the face glows with a slight heat, sweet laziness closes its eyes.(Turgenev); Make a plan of the apartment: how are the rooms located, where are the doors, where are the windows, where are things(Bitter); The dark forest is good on a bright sunny day: there is coolness and wonders of light(Prishvin); Then a thought struck him: the partisans must be around here somewhere.(V. Field); To himself, Danilov formulated the task as follows: from Dr. Belov it is necessary to make the head of the train(V. Panova);

2) if in the first part by means of verbs see, look, hear, understand, know, feel etc., a warning is given that a statement of some fact or some description will follow (in these cases, a union can usually be inserted between both parts what), For example: I crawled along the thick grass along the ravine, I look: the forest is over, several Cossacks leave it for a clearing(Lermontov); You yourself noticed: day by day I wither, the victim of an evil poison(Lermontov); I also remember: she liked to dress well and sprinkle perfume(Chekhov); Pavel feels: someone's fingers are touching his arm above the wrist(N. Ostrovsky); He saw: the earth rose from the ashes, the unconquered earth, indestructible life. But (without the intonation of warning before the second part): Hear the earth tremble- comma instead of colon;

3) if there are verbs in the first part look, look, listen etc., as well as verbs with the meaning of action, warning about further presentation and allowing the insertion of the words “and saw that”, “and heard that”, “and felt that”, etc., for example : I looked up: on the roof of my hut stood a girl in a striped dress, with her hair loose.(Lermontov); We drove past a pond: on the dirty and sloping banks, ice edges were still visible.(Aksakov); Oblomov woke up: in front of him in reality, not in a hallucination, stood the real real Stolz(Goncharov); I looked around: the night stood solemnly and regally ...(Turgenev); He thought, sniffed: it smells of honey(Chekhov); Lukashin stopped and looked: water was accumulating in the ditch, the snow was white as sugar(V. Panova). In these cases, there is also a dash instead of a colon to convey various additional shades of meaning, for example: I looked at the hole - the water was dozing(Shishkov); He looked out of the room - not a single light in the windows(V. Panova), - however, for the purpose of justified unification, it is preferable to put a colon;

4) if the second part indicates the basis, the reason for what is said in the first part (a union can be inserted between both parts because, since, since), For example: He blushed: he was ashamed to kill an unarmed man...(Lermontov); In vain do you look around in all directions: there is no way out of the endless tundra(Goncharov); It's good that Lemm didn't hear us: he would have fainted(Turgenev); And Zhilin was depressed: he sees - it's bad(L. Tolstoy); He was even frightened: it was so dark, cramped and unclean(Chekhov); Science must be loved: people have no power more powerful and victorious than science(Bitter); In Mexico, you can’t praise a thing in someone else’s house: they wrap it in a piece of paper for you(Mayakovsky); Pavel did not like autumn and winter: they brought him a lot of physical torment(N. Ostrovsky); Stepan was afraid to approach the cliff: slippery(Shishkov);

5) if the second part is a direct question, for example: There's only one thing I don't understand: how could she bite you?(Chekhov); You'd better tell me this: is it true that Mayakin's son returned?(Bitter); Until now, it remains surprising and unsolved: who, on that fateful night, took the divisional school off guard?(Furmanov); I was driving just now, talking to you and thinking: why don't they shoot?(Simonov).

§ 118. Dash in a non-union complex sentence

A dash in an union-free complex sentence that breaks into two parts is put:

1) if the second part contains an unexpected addition, an indication of a quick change of events (an alliance can be inserted between both parts and), For example: Ivan Ivanovich approached the gate, rattled the latch - a dog barking rose from within(Gogol); Suddenly the closet door quickly swung open - all the servants immediately rolled head over heels down the stairs.(Turgenev); Ignat pulled the trigger - the gun misfired(Chekhov); A ray of the sun will fall on the grass - the grass will flare up with emerald and pearls(Bitter);

Note. In the works of classical writers, occasionally in modern fiction, instead of a dash in this case, there is a colon, for example: There was nothing to do: Marya Ivanovna got into the carriage and went to the palace ...(Pushkin); We were driving behind: no one saw(Lermontov); Light rain sows in the morning: it is impossible to go out(Turgenev); Volodya's horse was lame: papa ordered that a hunting horse be saddled for him.(L. Tolstoy); Worries, sorrows, failures exhausted the poor father to the extreme: he became distrustful, bilious ...(Dostoevsky);

8) if the second part is a connecting sentence (you can insert a word before it This, which is sometimes found in the sentence itself), for example: Not a single image on the wall - a bad sign(Lermontov); Inga was excited, Levshin watched her too closely - this caught Kleba in the eyes(Fedin).

The second part can begin with pronominal words so, such, such, For example: An order is an order - this is how the front brought him up(Vorobiev); The world must be free from the threat of a new war - this is the demand of all progressive mankind.

If there is a word before the connecting clause This sometimes a comma is placed before the dash, for example: The Russian intelligentsia grew and developed in absolutely brutal conditions - this is undeniable.(Bitter); If you find writing disgusting, boring, don't write - it will still turn out badly, falsely.(A. N. Tolstoy); At such a time it is necessary to speak rudely and directly - this is smarter and more honest in front of our children.(Leonov); The wide entrance was completely empty - it seemed strange to me(Kaverin).

Note. To distinguish between cases of setting a colon and a dash in non-union complex sentences, one can proceed from the following general provision: if the main part of the statement (corresponding to the main clause in complex sentences) is enclosed in the first part, and the second (corresponding to the subordinate clause in complex sentences) contains an explanation, disclosure the content of the first part, a statement of a fact, an indication of the reason, then a colon is placed between the parts; if, on the contrary, the main part of the statement is enclosed in the second part, and the first has a subordinate meaning (indicates time, condition, etc.), then a dash is placed between the parts. Wed: It's impossible to get out: it's pouring rain outside(the main statement is contained in the first part, the reason is indicated in the second). - It's pouring rain outside - it's impossible to get out(the reason is indicated in the first part, in the second the consequence, the conclusion, which forms the basis of the statement). Wed also while maintaining the same order of the parts of the non-union complex sentence: The youth left: the evening became boring(I left because I got bored). The youth left - the evening became boring(left, so it became boring).

A non-union complex sentence (BSP) is a complex sentence, the parts of which are connected intonation without the help of unions and allied words. BSP are often found in fairy tales, in artistic and colloquial speech, among proverbs and sayings.

The concept of an allied proposal

In non-union complex sentences, the means of connecting sentences-parts of the BSP are:

  • intonation;
  • order of arrangement of proposals in the composition of the BSP;
  • the ratio of the form and tense of verbs in sentences.

In this way, BSPs differ from compound and complex sentences in which unions play this role.

Non-union sentences can consist of two or more simple or complex sentences, between which, depending on the meaning, a comma, colon, dash or semicolon is placed.

Examples of non-union complex sentences with schemes:

By evening it cleared up, the sun peeked out from behind the trees.

He paced the room anxiously, haunted by the news that his friend had told him.

[…] : [[…],(which)].

They will call - let's go to visit them.

Do not confuse BSPs with simple dash sentences. There are always two syntactic bases in the BSP, expressed by the subject and the predicate or only by the predicate. Examples: Moscow is capital of Russia(simple sentence). Evening will come - let's talk (BSP).

Classification of non-union complex sentences by meaning

Simple sentences in the BSP can express different meanings. The main types of union-free sentences, as well as punctuation rules when writing them, are shown in the table.

TOP 5 articleswho read along with this


What is the punctuation mark



Simultaneity, sequence, enumeration

comma, semicolon

A comma is placed if a union can be put between sentences in the BSP and.

A semicolon is placed in cases where the sentences in the BSP are distant in meaning or widespread.

The mouse ran, waved its tail, the testicle broke.

Andrei returned late; Masha was already asleep.

Contrasties (juxtapositions)

In a sentence there is always a semantic opposition of something; conjunctions can be put between simple sentences ah, but.

Learning time - game hour.

Winner in front - coward behind

Times and conditions

The first sentence in the BSP indicates a time or condition, unions can be put in front of it if, when.

If you like to ride - love to carry sleds


Unions can be put between parts of the BSP as if, as if.

Get angry - the storm will break.

Smile - disperse the clouds.


The second sentence expresses the connecting meaning and before it you can use the words such, such, so; or use the word This.

Bread is the head of everything - so my grandmother taught.

She was late again - it happened often.


The second sentence expresses the meaning of the consequence, it can be preceded by conjunctions so, as a result.

The phone rang - I was distracted from work.

The guests came - we quickly set the table.


The second sentence expresses the meaning of the reason, you can put a conjunction before it because.

I woke up early: my sister woke me up.

Sasha was in a hurry: she wanted to come first.



The second sentence clarifies the first, you can put unions in front of it namely, that is.

He could advise only one thing: never give up.

It was wonderful by the river: we lay on the warm sand and admired nature.



The second sentence complements the first, you can put a union in front of it what or word combinations: and see what; and hear that; and feel that etc.

He noted: the girl has a beautiful dress.

The man looked into the house: it was clean and comfortable.

Complex non-union sentences are studied in the Russian language lessons in the 9th grade.

What have we learned?

We figured out which sentences are complex non-union and which punctuation marks are put in the BSP, depending on their meaning.

  • In the BSP, sentences are connected not by conjunctions or allied words, but by intonation, the order of the sentences, the ratio of the form and tense of verbs.
  • A comma, dash, colon, semicolon can be placed between parts of the BSP.
  • BSPs can consist of simple and complex sentences.
  • BSP is distinguished with the meaning of conditions, time, simultaneity, sequence, enumeration, comparison, attachment, opposition, explanation, cause, effect, addition.

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Depending on the meaning, semantic relationships between simple sentences in non-union complex sentences, the following punctuation marks are used: comma, semicolon, colon, dash. To check the meaning of a non-union complex sentence, you can use synonymous constructions of compound or complex sentences.

Comma in a non-union complex sentence, it is put if simple sentences are connected by enumeration relations (simultaneity and sequence). You can insert the union and between simple sentences.

Wed: The blizzard did not subside, the sky did not clear up(Pushkin). - The blizzard did not subside, and the sky did not clear up; The train went fast, its lights soon disappeared, after a minute there was no more noise(Chekhov). - The train went fast, and its lights soon disappeared, and after a minute there was no more noise.

Semicolon in a non-union complex sentence, it is put if simple sentences are connected by enumeration relations, but are distant from each other in meaning or are significantly common:

To the left a deep gorge blackened; / 1 behind him and in front of us, the dark blue peaks of the mountains, pitted with layers of snow, were drawn in the pale sky, which still retains the last reflection of dawn./ 2 (Lermontov).

Colon in unionlesscomplex

1. The second simple sentence explains the meaning of the first one (relation of explanation). Before the second sentence, you can put the words namely, that is.

Wed: A terrible thought flashed through my mind: I imagined it in the hands of robbers(Pushkin). - A terrible thought flashed through my mind, namely: I imagined it in the hands of robbers.


A colon is required if the first sentence of an asyndetic compound sentence contains the words so, such, such, one etc., the specific content of which is disclosed in the second sentence.

My custom is this: signed, so off my shoulders(Griboyedov); I'll tell you only one thing: you can not sit idly by(Chekhov).

2. The second simple sentence complements the content of the first (additional relations). Before the second sentence, you can insert the conjunction what.

Wed: I knew: the blow of fate will not bypass me(Lermontov). - I knew that the blow of fate would not bypass me.


Sometimes there are verbs in the first sentence look, look, listen and etc.; phrases raise your eyes, raise your head and others, warning of further presentation. In this case, between the parts of the union-free sentence, you can insert not just a union what, but a combination of words: and saw that; and heard that; and felt that etc.

Wed: I looked out of the wagon: everything there was darkness and whirlwind (Pushkin). - I looked out of the wagon and saw that everything was dark and whirlwind; He thought, sniffed: it smells of honey(Chekhov). - He thought, sniffed and felt that smells like honey.

3. The second simple sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first sentence (causal relations). Before the second sentence, you can insert a causal conjunction because.

Wed: Now everyone is in the house had a stern expression: the earthquake was not good(Tynyanov). - Now everyone in the house had a stern expression, because the earthquake was not good; Birds were not heard: they do not sing in the hours of heat(Turgenev). - Birds were not heard, because they do not sing in the hours of heat.

Dash in unionlesscomplexThe offer is made in the following cases:

1. The second simple sentence contains an unexpected attachment, an indication of a rapid change of events. Before the second sentence, you can insert the words and suddenly, and unexpectedly, and suddenly, and immediately:

Cheese fell out - with him there was such a cheat(Krylov). - The cheese fell out, and suddenly there was such a cheat with it; The wind blew - everything trembled, came to life, laughed(M. Gorky). - The wind blew, and at once everything trembled, came to life, laughed.

2. In the second sentence of a complex non-union sentence, opposition is expressed. Unions a, but can be inserted between simple sentences.

Wed: I would be glad to serve - it's sickening to serve(Griboyedov). - I would be glad to serve, but sickening to serve; He is the guest, I am the host(Bagritsky). - He is the guest and I am the host.

3. The second sentence contains a consequence, result, conclusion. Words can be inserted between parts therefore, then, as a result.

Wed: I'm dying - I have nothing to lie(Turgenev). - I'm dying so I don't need to lie; I would go to the pilots - let them teach me(Mayakovsky). - I would go to the pilots, so let them teach me.

Note. If the meaning of the consequence is not expressed intonationally, a comma is put instead of a dash, for example: Man is not a needle, we will find(Chekhov).

4. The first sentence contains the meaning of time or condition. You can put unions before the first part when, if.

Wed: Cats gnaw - mice have freedom (proverb). - When cats gnaw, mice are free; There will be rain - there will be fungi (Pushkin). - If it rains, there will be fungus.

Note If the second sentence in the unionless a complex sentence begins with a particle like this, then a comma is put instead of a dash, for example: Give everyone for vodka, so you yourself will soon have to starve(Pushkin).

5. The second sentence contains a comparison. Between simple sentences, you can put unions as if, as if.

Wed: Says the word - the nightingale sings(Lermontov). - Says a word like a nightingale sings.

6. The second sentence in a compound non-union sentence has an adjunctive meaning and begins with the words so, such, such:

An order is an order - that's how he was raised(Vorobiev).

The second sentence has an attached meaning and you can put the word this before it (sometimes this word is in the sentence itself):

Plan for parsing an union-free complex sentence

  1. Indicate the type of compound sentence (union-free compound sentence).
  2. Indicate how many parts the non-union complex sentence consists of (highlight the grammatical foundations).
  3. Indicate the meaning (semantic relationship) between the parts of the non-union sentence. Justify the punctuation mark (comma, semicolon, colon, dash).
  4. Build a diagram of an asyndetic complex sentence.

Sample parsing

The oak is holding on - the reed has fallen to the ground(Krylov).

Unionless complex sentence; consists of two simple parts: 1) the oak is holding; 2) the reed fell to the ground; grammar basics: 1) the oak is holding; 2) the reed fell. The second sentence contains a contrast (you can insert a union between the parts a: The oak is holding on, and the reed has fallen to the ground). Therefore, a dash is placed between the parts of a complex non-union sentence.

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