Admission to a branch of a major university. Branch or head office? Branch training

I. G. Moguchev,

assistant of the department of foreign languages ​​of the branch in Volkhov

STUDY AND WORK IN THE BRANCH (personal impressions)

I entered the branch of the Herzen University in Volkhov in 1999 with a degree in Philology (English). The branch that year made only the second set. We, applicants, were warmed by the idea that you can study in your hometown

and receive a classical higher education. Many of my friends did not doubt at all where to go to study: everyone knew that there was an opportunity to study at the Russian State Pedagogical University. AI Herzen and at the same time live at home.


All the years of study, we considered ourselves an integral part of the university, we were taught not only by the teachers of the branch, but also by many of the best teachers of the RSPU named after. A. I. Herzen (M. M. Segal, G. M. Vasilyeva, L. I. Kharchenkova, V. B. Ezhelenko, etc.). We also had the opportunity to work both in the fundamental library of the university and in other libraries of St. Petersburg.

The peculiarity and undoubted advantage of studying at the branch is the presence of a relatively small number of students in each specialty, which made it possible to make the approach to learning more individual. This means that all the students were in sight and the teachers constantly took care of them. In the student environment, due to this, communication was and remains to this day closer, more friendly. Many students have known each other since high school.

While studying at the branch, we have always maintained the traditions of the university through participation in student scientific conferences and extracurricular activities.

In 2004, we graduated from the branch, and now most of the graduates work in regional educational institutions. So, out of 31 2004 graduates of the specialty "Philology (English)", 19 people work in educational institutions of the region, and this confirms that the branch is fulfilling its mission.

Due to the fact that the branch is an integral part of the university educational space, I and a number of my fellow students, having successfully completed their studies at the branch, were able to continue their education at the graduate school of the Russian State Pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen. Graduated with honors from

Lial, in 2004 I entered the department of Russian as a foreign language. When passing the entrance exams, I did not feel at all worse prepared than the graduates of the university itself. While studying at the department, I received serious theoretical and practical training, for which I am grateful to the head. R. M. Teremova, Department of Intensive Education of the Russian as a Foreign Language, and Head. Department of RCT T. G. Arkadyeva. In November 2007, I defended my Ph.D. thesis in the dissertation council chaired by S. G. Ilyenko. In addition to me, in 2007 two more graduates of our branch defended their thesis. While studying in graduate school, I taught at the branch at the Department of Foreign Languages. And now for the fourth year I have been an assistant of this department.

The branch has a rich potential, a young promising team, an excellent educational and material base, but the branch has the same problem as all universities - low salaries for teachers. This, of course, is not a problem of a branch, not a university, it is a federal problem. In order to secure young cadres in universities, of course, it is necessary to solve the problem of remuneration for young specialists. This is the only negative that I could identify in the activities of the branch.

In conclusion, I would like to note the following: our branch has a great future, as there are many interesting plans for its development. And most importantly: thanks to our branch, which lives according to the laws of the Herzen University, the city of Volkhov becomes a university city.

Branches of universities, oh, but we didn’t even think about it ...

Good day, dear reader! Today we will talk about the branches of universities and everything connected with them.

“I didn’t pass the exam well”, “I definitely won’t enter”, “To enter a university in a large city, you need connections that I don’t have” - such remarks are often heard from applicants who submit their applications to the admissions committees of Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg, Moscow...

Everyone wants to get a quality higher education - that's a fact. Therefore, the best applicants flock to large cities from all over the country and abroad. Naturally, many cannot “compete” with the results of the Unified State Examination and Olympiads with the best minds, and therefore they can only harbor illusions about entering a prestigious specialty in an elite, as they think, university, such as St. Petersburg State University or Moscow State University.

However, another fact, even more noticeable from the outside, is that almost all applicants forget that almost all large universities have a branch network throughout the country and neighboring countries. But most applicants either don’t know about it (indeed, there are already a lot of universities in St. Petersburg and Moscow, and you tell us about some other branches of universities), or such information is simply ignored. Everyone is rushing to big cities, paying big money to study at the “right” university, with a “cool” name. If you belong to such a category of applicants who aspire to study at institutes and universities with a well-known and prestigious name, then we advise you to carefully look at the branches of prestigious universities, because. This is a real opportunity to get a quality free or inexpensive education.

Advantages and disadvantages of branches of universities.

Let's talk about the cons first. The main disadvantage of university branches can be called its relative remoteness from large cities. Suppose the branch is located in the Moscow region, and the university itself is in Moscow. In principle, if you want to get to Moscow by train with a 50% discount (it applies to full-time students of state universities in the period from September 1 to June 15), it will not be difficult. However, a relatively small city does not give the whole gamut of sensations that such a large city as, for example, Moscow can give.

After all, many applicants come to enter a big city from small towns, precisely because they want to feel the real freedom and “strength” of a big city. Such people regard 5 years of study as an opportunity to gain a foothold in a large city in order to remain working in Moscow or St. Petersburg after graduation.

Therefore, many are repelled from entering university branch precisely the idea that they would study in a relatively small city. However, this minus is relatively small in comparison with the opportunities offered by training at the branch.

Now about pluses. The undoubted advantage is that the competition for admission to university branch significantly less than when entering the head university or institute. Therefore, it is quite realistic to enter a state-funded place, even having not super-outstanding USE results. Moreover, if you successfully passed the Unified State Exam, we can say that you have practically entered the budget.

[Submission of documents to the branches of universities practically guarantees you admission to the specialty you want!]

Why are we so bold to say this? The whole point is that in branches of universities basically only children from local schools or districts of a subject of the federation (regions, territories, republics) enter. And the rest of the applicants, as we have already said, are either simply not aware of the fact that a large university has a network of branches, or such information is not taken seriously. Therefore, if you are burning to enter a prestigious specialty, and at the same time on a budgetary basis, then we advise you to take a closer look at the branches.

Even if the situation with your USE is comparable to a disaster (you passed poorly for various reasons), and you are sure that you won’t even be able to enter the branch on the budget, but you want to study at such and such a university and in such and such a specialty, then university branches all the same, they give you the opportunity to pay tuition several times less than if you studied for a fee (on a contractual basis) at the head university of a large university. Sometimes the difference in money is 2-3 times.

Think about whether your parents will be able to pay for your education at 100,000 rubles a year at a prestigious university in a large city? And even more. Few are able to pay that kind of money, especially if you came to enter a large city from a small village far away. Yes, plus accommodation, food, transport ... The amount for the year runs hoo!

Another thing is a branch of the same prestigious university in a relatively small city, where, firstly, it will be easier for you to adapt, because. the city in which the branch is located will be more similar in size to yours than St. Petersburg or Moscow. And besides, the cost of education and living in a small town will be almost an order of magnitude, i.e. 10 times less than if you studied on a paid basis in a large city. Isn't it a tangible benefit?

Now a few words about diplomas. There is an opinion that getting a diploma university branch, albeit a prestigious university, somehow, not solid, or something. Then at work they will say: “We have graduated from some branch.” Many people believe that since the study took place within the walls of the branch, and not the main university, then all the seals and details will be of the branch.

We hasten to say, THIS IS NOT REAL!

In fact university branch, this is, in fact, the same university, more precisely, a branch of the head university in another city. Yes, of course, all internal documentation in the branch is maintained using local seals, details, etc. However, the most important things for a future student, and this is a student card, a record book and, most importantly, a diploma, are issued by the head university and therefore all these listed documents are stamped from the head university, and not from the branch. And according to the documents, you will pass as a student who studied at the head university, and not at the branch. It's great, isn't it?

Those. you study at university branch 4-5 years, while paying several times less than if you studied at the main university, or maybe you don’t pay anything at all, because. it is quite realistic to enter a branch even with a relatively poor USE on a budget, and at the same time, after graduating from the university, you will have in your pocket exactly the same diploma as a graduate of the same university who studied in a large city.

Fuck, you say! Why didn't anyone tell me about this before? The whole point is that branches of universities less hyped, which goes without saying. They seem to be "in the shadow" of their older comrades. That's why, even if you find out that the university has branches in other cities, you won't run there breaking your head, because. think it's not the same anymore. And that's all, as you already understood!

To prove the correctness of our words, let's look at an example of a specific university branch, about which we can reliably speak, since we know firsthand what kind of branch it is and what opportunities it gives to its students.

A specific example of a branch of a university.

As an example, we will take a well-known Russian university - the Russian State Pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen (RSPU named after A. I. Herzen). Head, i.e. the main university, as you know, is located in the city of St. Petersburg. Let's assume that you don't know if the university has branches in other cities. Therefore, we go to the official website of the Russian State Pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen, which is located at:

We go to the site. Selects the "General" item:

We are looking for where the website of the branch of the university is located and click on it:

And the diploma will be the same ...

As you can see, the difference is quite significant. And do not forget also about accommodation, transport, food. All this in the city of Volkhov, Leningrad Region, is much cheaper than in St. Petersburg (the city of Volkhov is 100 km from St. Petersburg - it's 2.25 hours by train (130 rubles for students)).

Also, an undoubted advantage of the Volkhov branch of the Russian State Pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen is that although a relatively small number of students study here (about 600), this allows teachers to work with almost every student individually. Can you imagine this in a large city, where only one course is 150-200 people?

In the head university, almost all students are like a crowd of people that replaces another crowd. But in the branch the situation is fundamentally different. Here, perhaps the teachers are more humane, they can make reasonable concessions. They will always understand, listen to you, help solve a lot of problems related, for example, to payment, accommodation and other problems of visiting students.

Education is built taking into account the capabilities of each student. This does not mean that everyone is given their own individual program. No. This means that you yourself “forge” your loads depending on your success in mastering the program. Those. you can ask the teacher for some additional task, stay on an elective course, etc.

By the way, we’ll also tell you a secret that if you take on additional obligations in the form of participation in KVN or in another competition, you thereby earn “authority” in the eyes of the entire student and teaching community of the branch, which always affects your assessment at the time of passing the session. As they say, according to work and reward.

Taking into account the fact that the average student does not strive for knowledge, we will tell you directly that in the Volkhov branch of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. AI Herzen is not forced to work beyond his capacity. If you want to have no problems - just hand in all the work on time and you will be happy! However, we advise you to still show interest in scientific activities, because. this is one of the priority areas of the university.

By itself, the city of Volkhov is small, about 50,000 inhabitants. There are 2 large enterprises - the Volkhov aluminum plant and the railway station. Also of the attractions - the oldest operating hydroelectric power station in Europe! It is quite comfortable for a student to live, there are no problems with the hostel, there are always places. The scholarship is paid regularly, and in each first semester of the academic year they often pay double (we don’t even know for any such merits, but oh well). In general, if you are interested in this branch, call, write to its administration.

By the way, if you enter the Volkhov branch of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen on a budgetary basis exactly according to our recommendations, then write to us and you will receive from the site website additional 1000 rubles to the first scholarship! To do this, write to us by e-mail [email protected] a letter before August 10, 2011 indicating your full name and attach a screenshot of this article. Also, a prerequisite will be a subscription to site updates in any way convenient for you (see at the end of the article).

Let's say a few more words about the branch. Few people know, but the same teachers who teach at the head university in St. Petersburg teach at the branch. They come every Wednesday and Saturday and give lectures and seminars to students. So, if you think that the quality of education in the branch is lower than in the main university, then you are mistaken. All students receive knowledge at the level of St. Petersburg and Moscow, and taking into account the individual approach to working with students, sometimes even higher!

Also, a chic library, which is timely replenished with fresh scientific and other literature, contributes to high-quality education. By the way, students have the opportunity to visit the fundamental library of the Russian State Pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen, which is located in St. Petersburg. This is also a big plus for branch students.

Among the shortcomings of the branch, one can note a rather unfavorable location within the city. It takes 15 minutes to get there by bus (17 rubles). For some, this may seem like a ridiculous figure, because. in St. Petersburg and Moscow, sometimes the road takes 1-2 hours, but do not forget that Volkhov is a small city.

Another disadvantage is the canteen of the branch, more precisely the cafeteria. They have quite high prices and not a very diverse menu. Not to say that it is meager, it just offers a limited number of dishes. However, you can get rid of this minus if you take food prepared in advance in the hostel with you. By the way, this is what most students do, so it will not be nonsense if you come to study with food.

In general, the Volkhov branch of the Russian State Pedagogical University im. A. I. Herzen is the place where you can get a quality higher education for little money. This is a higher educational institution, made in the style of an American or European campus (former military unit). Students from more than 30 subjects of Russia and abroad study at the branch. The branch was founded in 1997.

Conclusion: Today, higher education is the norm for a normal life. Therefore, it is not surprising that many applicants seek to enter universities or institutes with prestigious names. However, many of them will not go where they wanted, unfortunately, due to fierce competition when entering the head university in Moscow and St. Petersburg. What should such applicants do? There is a way out - to enter branches of universities.

Studying at the branch is very profitable, primarily from a material point of view. As a specific example, we analyzed the Volkhov branch of the Russian State Pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen. This is a modern institution of higher education that has all the same advantages as the head university in St. Petersburg. Only here it will be much easier to enter, and it will be easier to study.

We hope this article will inspire you, and you will understand that even if you did not pass the exam well, then all is not lost! The main thing is to know alternative options, then there will be fewer problems.

Enter the branches, and you will be happy! We want you to go where you want!

- What to choose: a local university or a branch of the capital's educational institution?

There can be no single answer. In the Rostov region there are, for example, Rostov non-state universities and branches of the capital's universities, where it is easy to study, you can get a diploma, but not get good professional knowledge. There are also (and many!) educational institutions of higher professional education, which provide education no worse than in a good metropolitan university. According to the rating of universities, which is annually conducted by the Ministry of Education of Russia by independent organizations, there are, as a rule, few metropolitan universities in the top twenty universities in the country.

- Is the university responsible for the organization of the educational process and for the quality of training in the branch?

Regulatory documents define a branch as a separate structural unit located outside the location of a higher education institution.

The branch is not a legal entity, but is licensed independently. In accordance with the charter of the university and the regulation on a particular branch, the director of the branch is usually responsible for organizing the educational process, and the rector of the head university should be interested in the quality training of specialists, since the branch is accredited as part of the university.

However, our observations of the activities of university branches show that those branches that have one task - to receive the maximum collection of funds from students and applicants for education - are not in harmony with the quality of training. In violation of the Constitution of Russia, all those who wish are enrolled in branches without competition. Such students will be able to master state educational standards only under very close attention to the branch of the head university, but such attention is not always shown.

- Does the diploma of the branch and the university differ?

No, it's not different. If the educational programs for which training is conducted at the branch of the university are accredited, graduates receive state diplomas. The approved procedure for filling out the diploma form is mandatory for all universities and their departments.

- Is it possible to transfer from a branch to the main university and what is needed for this?

Can. Transfer from a branch to the parent university is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the transfer of a student from one university to another, which is being developed by the university on the basis of a federal document, including within the university (from a branch to a university). These documents contain the entire order of translation. It is simple: the student writes an application addressed to the rector, to which a photocopy of the record book is attached. The rector will be able to transfer a branch student from a state-funded place to the head university only if there is a vacant state-funded seat.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today's article is significantly different from the others posted on my blog. Although I already mentioned about, but today I will quote the words of a person (I allowed myself to call this dialogue an “interview”, maybe I'm wrong), who studied at a branch of a large university, maybe it will be more interesting than my articles, and I want variety. So let's start.

An interview with a person who started studying at a branch of a large university.

  1. Hello. Let's talk about your studies at the institute. You do not mind?

Hello. Don't mind, let's talk. Moreover, there is something to remember.

  1. Tell me, why did you first enter the branch in your city, and did not go to enter the central branch?

To be honest, I just didn’t really want to leave home and was a little afraid of the big city in which the head university was located, because all my life before entering I lived in my small town and practically never been anywhere (I mean other cities). At the branch of the university, I studied the first two courses, and for the third I had to go to another city and study at the head university

  1. Is it true that admission to the branch is almost guaranteed and it is very difficult not to enter?

This is not a completely correct statement. The fact is that the branches are located in small towns, and even from these small towns, many leave to enter the main universities in large cities. Therefore, there are relatively few applicants in the branches and the competition is lower than in the head university. For example, when I applied, the ratio was something like this: there were about 40 people for 15 places. In the head university, there were about 200 applicants for 33 places. So admission to the branch of a large university is really easier, simply due to the fact that there are 2-3 people per place, and 6-8 in the head university. But this does not mean at all that everyone will. I had a couple of friends who could not enter the same university as me. They just didn't make it through the competition.

  1. Let's compare studies at the branch and at the head university. Is there a difference, do you think?

Let's compare. Let's go over the pros and cons of both situations.

Training in the branch - pluses:

  • You study in your hometown, it is morally simpler and easier. As they say: "houses and walls help";
  • There are significantly fewer students and people in general in the branch (this is a plus for sociophobes, misanthropes and just shy people);
  • All classes, as a rule, take place in one building and there is no running around the buildings as in large universities.

Training in the branch - cons:

  • A small number of teachers (who may not always have sufficient qualifications and / or knowledge);
  • Few specialties (in my branch there were only 5 specialties: 2 economic and 3 technical);
  • There are much fewer students and people in general in the branch (this is a minus for sociable people, and in general, from the point of view of establishing new connections, this is just a “black hole”);
  • The actions of the branch management are not always coordinated with the leadership at the head university, which is why various problems, stupid rules, etc. are possible. It all depends on the imagination of the branch management.

Studying at the head university - pluses:

  • Lots of teachers. Almost all of them have academic degrees and a lot of experience and knowledge. They can teach really something interesting and useful. (But personally, they didn’t teach me.)
  • Many people. This is a good springboard for establishing contacts and connections.
  • Activities outside the university are quite developed: sections, circles, additional courses.

Education at the head university - cons:

  • The head university is located in a foreign big city. And this is a housing problem: they may not be given a room in a hostel, and far from everyone has money for a rented apartment.
  • Often you have to run around the buildings during the school day: one subject in one building, the other in another). And it's good if the buildings are nearby. But that doesn't always happen either.
  • It is very problematic to catch teachers in order to pass something if they did not pass something on time.

And if we take specific facts, then here are the statistics: 14 people entered the branch in my group. After the first session, three were expelled. The remaining 11 successfully completed their studies before being transferred to the head university. After the first session at the head university, out of these 11, only 5 people survived. And only three of the remaining five survived to receive a diploma. Diplomas received, one even with honors (I)))). In the group of the head university, the situation was somewhat different: 33 people were admitted. By the third year, only 11 remained, who completed their studies to receive a diploma.

In total, out of 33 + 14 = 47 people, only 11 + 3 = 14 remained, i.e. less than a third of all applicants.

  1. And then there were some difficulties with your studies, or is everything the same as always?

In my case, there were no problems. I was an excellent student at the branch, and I continued to be at the head university. But the rest of the classmates had difficulties. As I said earlier, after the very first session, 6 people were expelled from my classmates from the branch. In the 4th year of the 5 remaining, two more were expelled.

  1. What about domestic difficulties? A hostel, a big unfamiliar city or difficulties with infusion into a new team? Was there anything like that?

Of course it was. The biggest difficulties were domestic. When I arrived in a big city, together with two friends from my hometown, we decided to rent an apartment for three. But unfortunately, both of them flew out of the university after the first session, and I had to move to a hostel. One I would not have pulled the payment of the apartment. There were also difficulties with settling in the hostel. There was a chance of not getting a dorm room at all. To the question “how to study if there is nowhere to live?” from the person responsible for the settlement, a specific answer was received: “first we settle the first-year students, then the sophomores, etc., and if there are places left, then we will accommodate you.” By the way, at that moment I was already in my 4th year, and the chance of getting a room was almost zero in such circumstances. But still, I was lucky, and I got a room in a hostel (however, I had to live in a rented apartment for two extra months and spend a lot of money on rent, because because of the bureaucracy they could not give me a room). And yes, the hostel was the OLDEST and MOST rundown of all the 20 hostels.

  1. In your city there is no opportunity to unlearn the entire course for some specialty, will it be necessary to transfer to the central branch?

Why not? There was an opportunity. But in our branch, the full course of study was only in economic specialties: economists, accountants, etc. In technical specialties (which included my specialty), this was not the case. Only the first two courses, and then - to the head university. And in general, in my branch there were only 5 main specialties: 2 economic and 3 technical. It was like there wasn't much of a choice.

  1. Do you keep in touch with those with whom you started studying? Did they return home in the majority or did they stay with us?

Hardly ever. Periodically I communicate with only one person. Approximately half of the classmates from the branch returned to their hometown. I don't know anything about the fate of the others. As for classmates from the head university, one of them became my best friend and a couple more became just good friends. I don't know anything about the rest. And I'm not interested in their fate.

  1. To summarize, would you advise to enter a branch or go straight to the main university?

Well, here everyone decides for himself. Personally, I do not regret that I studied at the branch. If you want to gradually prepare for student life, you have a direct road to the branch, and if you want to feel like a real student from the very first year, then enter the head university and move into a hostel. Inexpressible sensations are guaranteed.)

Dear students!

For questions related to the transfer and restoration to the number of students of the RSSU, you need to contact the staff of the Department of the Centralized Dean's Office.

Acceptance of documents for translation from another educational organization to BUDGET the basis of training is carried out from 10.02.2020 to 15.02.2020

The main activities of the Department of the centralized dean's office

Transfer from another educational organization to RSSU to continue education in educational programs

1. A set of documents required for translation:

Copy of the passport;

Certificate of the period of study (which indicates the level of education on the basis of which the student entered for the development of the corresponding educational program, the list and volume of studied subjects, courses, disciplines, practices completed, scientific research performed, marks given by the parent organization during the intermediate certification) ;

A certificate confirming that the student is currently studying.

Based on the results of the provision of the above documents, the employees of the centralized dean's office fill out an appropriate application and submit it to the applicant for signature, a list of differences in curricula is drawn up (if the academic difference in curricula exceeds 12 disciplines and the amount of re-credited disciplines is more than 50%, then translation is not possible).

If the source educational organization does not have state accreditation (withdrawal/suspension), an official request from the rector of the source organization to the rector of the RSSU "On transfer to continue education in the main professional educational program" is required.

After a positive response, a set of documents is submitted for consideration.

2. Order of consideration

A set of documents is considered at a meeting of the Educational and Methodological Council.

In the case of a positive decision, the RSSU issues to the applicant a certificate of the established form with an application and a sheet for accounting for the difference in curricula.

The student submits the specified certificate to the original educational institution where he studies with a written application for expulsion in connection with the transfer.

The parent organization, within 3 working days from the date of receipt of the application for expulsion, issues an order to expel the student in connection with the transfer to another organization. And he issues an extract from the order of expulsion in connection with the transfer, from the student’s personal file, a document on education is extracted and issued to him on the basis of which he was enrolled in the university (if the source organization has this document).

The student submits these documents to the RSSU, after which an agreement is concluded with him on the provision of paid educational services. The order on enrollment in the order of transfer is issued after the fact of confirmation of payment.

Prior to receiving the documents, the rector of the host university has the right to admit the student to classes by his own order.

Transfer to RSSU (head university) from RSSU branch

  1. Copy of the passport;
  2. Based on the results of the provision of the above documents, the employees of the centralized dean's office fill out an appropriate application and submit it to the applicant for signature, a list of accounting for the difference in curricula is drawn up.

Transfer from RSSU (head university) to a branch of RSSU

Set of documents for translation:

1. Copy of passport;

This entire set of documents is considered at a meeting of the Educational and Methodological Council.

Transfer from one branch of the RSSU to another branch of the RSSU to continue education in educational programs of higher education

Set of documents for translation:

1. Copy of passport;
2. Based on the results of the submission of the above documents, the employees of the branch fill out an appropriate application and submit it to the applicant for signature, a list of accounting for the difference in curricula is drawn up.

This entire set of documents is considered at a meeting of the Educational and Methodological Council.

Transfer of students of RSSU (branch) from one direction of training (specialty) and (or) form of education to another (th)

Set of documents for translation:

1. Copy of passport;

2. Based on the results of the submission of the above documents, the employees of the centralized dean's office fill out an appropriate application and submit it to the applicant for signature, a sheet is drawn up for accounting for the difference in curricula.

This entire set of documents is considered at a meeting of the Educational and Methodological Council.

Student Admission Schedule for Transfer/Reinstatement/Reinstatement and Transfer

Restoration to the number of students of RSSU (branch)

A set of documents for recovery:

1. Copy of passport;

2. Certificate of study (academic certificate) (if issued upon expulsion);

3. A document on previous education (the original of the specified document or its copy, certified in the prescribed manner, or its copy with the presentation of the original for certification of the copy by the host organization);

4. Based on the results of the submission of the above documents, the employees of the centralized dean's office fill out an appropriate application and submit it to the applicant for signature, a list of accounting for the difference in curricula is drawn up.

This entire set of documents is considered at a meeting of the Educational and Methodological Council.

Additional Information:

1. A student expelled from the RSSU (branch), at the initiative of the student before the completion of the OBOR, has the right to be reinstated to study at the RSSU (branch) within five years after expulsion, if there are vacant places in the RSSU (branch) and with the same conditions training, but not earlier than the end of the academic year (semester) in which the student was expelled. Restoration is made only for the course from which the student was expelled. Restoration to the liquidated branch of the RSSU is not possible. In this case, the restoration is made to the head university / or to the current branch of the RSSU. The reinstatement of a student expelled for no good reason before the completion of the OPOP is carried out within five years after the expulsion if there are vacant places in the RSSU on a paid basis of education, as a rule, at the beginning of the academic year, but not earlier than the end of the academic year (semester) in which the student was expelled. The reinstatement of a student expelled for an unexcused reason from accelerated education before completing the main professional educational program is carried out for an educational program with a standard period of study if there are vacant places in the RSSU on a paid basis of study within five years after the expulsion, as a rule, at the beginning of the academic year, but not earlier than the end of the academic year (semester) in which the student was expelled.
2. If the specialty is excluded from the annex to the RSSU license for educational activities, you have the right to continue your studies at the RSSU on the main professional educational program of higher education that implements the federal state educational standard for the level of higher education, while the direction of training for which you will be restored , is determined by the RSSU on the basis of the conformity of the areas of training of higher professional education, established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, confirmed by the assignment of qualifications (degrees) "Bachelor" and "Master", areas of training (specialties) of higher professional education, confirmed by the assignment of a qualification (degree) "specialist" to a person. Thus, you have the right to be reinstated at the RSSU for training in the OPOP HE, which implements the federal state educational standard for the level of higher education, that is, the undergraduate program corresponding to the program that you mastered.

    Normative documents regulating the procedure for the transfer and restoration of students

  • Order on approval of the Regulations on the procedure for the restoration and transfer of students at the Russian State Social University
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  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 07, 2013 No. 1122 “On approval of the Procedure and conditions for the transfer of persons studying in educational programs of secondary vocational education and higher education to other organizations that carry out
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 14, 2013 No. 957 “On Approval of the Procedure and Conditions for the Transfer of Persons Studying in Educational Programs of Secondary Vocational and Higher Education to Other Organizations Providing Education
    (Size: 18 KB, modified on 01/21/2020)
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 10, 2017 No. 124 "On Approval of the Procedure for Transferring Students to Another Organization Carrying out Educational Activities in Educational Programs of Secondary Professional and (or
    (Size: 31 KB, modified on 01/21/2020)
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated December 19, 2013 No. 1367 Moscow “On Approval of the Procedure for Organization and Implementation of Educational Activities in Educational Programs of Higher Education - p
    (Size: 35 KB, modified on 01/21/2020)
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”;
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