Rules for filling out GEC protocols at the university of the Ministry of Education and Science. Rules and procedure for issuing protocols of state

Protocol #1

meetings of the state attestation and state examination commissions of the faculty ... ... FSBEI HPE "Shadrinsk State Pedagogical Institute"

from ……………….. 20….. years.

Present: list all members and examiners of the state attestation and examination commissions in accordance with the order of the rector.

Listened: about readiness of faculty …. to the state (final) certification.


Dean of the Faculty– introduces the members and examiners of the commissions with the Regulations on the state (final) certification of university graduates.

Heads of departments– report on the readiness of the department for the state (final) certification.

Decided: to recognize that the faculty ... .. is ready for the state (final) certification of students of 4.5, (6) courses.

Signatures with transcript: Chairman of the SAC

Deputy chairman

Members of commissions and examiners


Signatures are affixed after each protocol.

Protocol No. ....

meetings of the state examination

from ………………20… year.

Attendance: list all members of the commission and examiners who were present at this meeting.

Heard: about passing the state exam in ……

Exam student(s)___ f. and about.____

Ticket number …..

1….… the content of the questions is being rewritten

Members of the commission and examiners asked the following questions: list

General characteristics of the answer:

Recognize that the student(s)____ f. and about._________ passed the state exam with a score of _______________.

Signatures with decryption.

Protocol No. ....

meetings of the state attestation faculty commissions ...... FSBEI HPE "Shadrinsk State Pedagogical Institute"

from ……………….20…. of the year

Listened: about the defense of graduation qualification works.

Student(s)____ f. and about._______ WRC theme:…………………………

The following documents are presented in the SAC: list

After the student reported on the work done, the following questions were asked:

General characteristics of the defense of the final qualifying work.

Recognize that the student(s)________ f. and about._______ completed and defended the WRC with an assessment of ___________.

Signatures with decryption.

Protocol No. ....

meetings of the state attestation faculty commissions...

FSBEI HPE "Shadrinsky State Pedagogical Institute"

from ……………….. 20….years.

Attended: list all members of the attestation commission who were present at this meeting.

Listened: about the results of the state (final) attestation and the award of qualifications to students of 4, 5, (6) courses of the faculty …….


The following students of the 4th, 5th, (6th) course of the faculty ..... shall be considered as having passed the state (final) certification, assign them a qualification ...……….., issue diplomas with honors:

all students are listed (full full name, in alphabetical order), who passed the state exams and defended the VKR with excellent marks, indicating the date of each certification and the grade.

The following students of the 4th, 5th, (6th) year of the faculty ….. shall be considered as having passed the state (final) certification, to assign them the qualification ………………. , issue diplomas without distinction:

all students are listed (full full name, in alphabetical order), who passed the state exams and defended the WQR, indicating the date of each certification and the grade.

The following students of the 4th, 5th, (6th) course of the faculty ... .. who have not passed the state (final) certification, be expelled from the institute and issue an academic certificate:

all students are listed (full full name, alphabetically) who have not passed the state (final) certification.

Signatures with decryption.

Date of this protocol must match:

- with the date of the last meeting on the defense of the WRC of this specialty;

- with the date of the order on the graduation of students of this specialty;

- with the date of issue of the diploma.

All minutes of meetings for a given academic year must be printed (without errors and corrections) on a computer, filed in a folder (in 3 holes, the first and last sheets are blank, the sheets should be numbered in the upper right corner with a simple pencil) and handed over to the educational department up to 5 July (for full-time department) and until December 15 (for part-time department) of the current year.

Folder front layout: sheet does not need to be glued, the following inscription is made directly on the folder with a ballpoint pen:

The minutes of the meetings of the state attestation and state examination commissions are kept in the archives of the institute.

PROTOCOL №________

meetings of the state examination commission

(to be completed at each state exam)

_________ ____20___ from _______ hour. ______min. until ___________ hour.


Chairman of the State Examination Commission _______________________________________________________________________________

(Last name, first name, patronymic in full)

Members of the State Examination Commission (Surname, name, patronymic in full):



On passing the state exam in the direction of preparation 44.04.01 "Pedagogical education"

master's program "Literary education in classes with in-depth study of the subject"

Exam student ____________________________________________________________

(Last name, first name, patronymic in full in accordance with the order)

Exam ticket number _____





General characteristics of the student's answers to the questions asked

1. Recognize that the student passed the state exam with a grade

2. Note that _________________________________________________________________


3. Dissenting opinion of the members of the state commission __________________________________



Chairman (signature, full name) ______________________

Members of the State Examination Commission:

(signature, full name) ________________________________________________

Signature of the person who drew up the protocol (signature, full name) ______________


on the program of the state final certification of graduates in the direction of preparation 44.04.01 "Pedagogical education" of the master's program "Literary education in classes with in-depth study of the subject"

Evaluation criteria and indicators

Criteria Indicators Expert rating +/-/?
1. The quality of the design of the GIA program 1.1. The title page of the GIA program is designed in accordance with the requirements of the instruction "Procedure for the development of the GIA program for graduates in the educational programs of the bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs" (clause 5, appendix 1-2)
1.2. The GIA program includes:
- general provisions
- requirements for the graduate, checked during the state exam
- information about the procedure for conducting the state exam
- a list of disciplines / modules of the educational program submitted for verification at the state exam
- list of examination questions and tasks of the state exam
- general recommendations for preparing for the state exam
- requirements for the graduate, checked during the preparation and defense of the WRC
- characteristics of the type of WRC
- WRC structure and requirements for its content
- exemplary topics of WRC
- requirements for registration of WRC
- requirements for the organization of the implementation of the WRC
- the procedure for submitting the WRC for defense
- WRC defense procedure
- fund of appraisal funds for GIA
- change registration sheet
1.3. The structural elements of the GIA program are designed in accordance with the requirements established in the instructions "Procedure for the development of the GIA program for graduates in educational programs of bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs"
2. The quality of the content of the GIA program 2.1. In the section "General Provisions" the purpose of the GIA is formulated, the code and name of the direction of training / specialty and types of state tests are indicated; the types of professional activity and professional tasks of the graduate are determined in the logic of their compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education and taking into account the profile of the program; a complete list of requirements for the results of mastering the educational program in the format of competencies is presented
2.2. The section "Requirements for the graduate, checked during the state exam" indicates the code and name of each competence submitted to the state exam
2.3. The section "Procedure for conducting the state exam" provides information on the form of the state exam (written, oral, or a combination of these forms), the duration of the exam for the student (indicating the time allotted for preparing for the answer and the response time), a list of visual aids, reference materials nature, regulatory documents and samples of equipment permitted for use in the exam, a list of recommended literature for preparing for the exam
2.4. The section "List of disciplines / modules of the educational program submitted for testing at the state exam" contains a list of disciplines / modules of the educational program that ensured the formation of the competencies specified in clause 2.1. GIA programs and are submitted for verification at the state exam
2.5. The section "List of examination questions and tasks of the state exam" presents the topics of theoretical questions and practical tasks submitted for the state exam. The number for each position is a multiple of the number of examination tickets (20 - 30 pieces), each of which includes 1 complex professionally oriented practical task and 1-2 questions of the theory of professional activity
2.6. The section "General recommendations for preparing for the state exam" provides a list of recommended basic and additional literature
2.7. The section "Requirements for the graduate, checked during the preparation and defense of the WQR" indicates the code and name of each competence checked during the preparation and defense of the WQR
2.8. In the section "Type of WRC" the type of WRC is defined and characterized in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education: bachelor's work/thesis/master's thesis
2.9. The section "The structure of the WRC and the requirements for its content" presents the general structure of the WRC and the requirements for what each structural element of the WRC should contain
2.10. The section "Exemplary topics of the WRC" presents the topics of the WRC, taking into account the orientation to the profile of the educational program and the types of professional activity of the graduate
2.11. The section "Requirements for the design of the WQR" indicates the total volume of the WQR, the requirements for the design of its text, tables, figures, list of references, etc. multilevel education FGBOU VPO "VGSPU"
2.12. The content of the sections "Requirements for the organization of the implementation of the WQR", "The procedure for the implementation and submission of the WQR for defense", "The procedure for the defense of the WQR" was developed on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 29, 2015 No. 636 "On approval of the procedure for conducting the state final certification on educational programs of higher education - bachelor's degree programs, specialist's programs and master's programs "and in accordance with the internal document QMS 01.07.OP03.02 / P03" Regulations on final qualifying works of bachelor, specialist and master in the system of multilevel education of FGBOU VPO "VGSPU"
2.13. In the section "Fund of assessment tools for the State Examination" developed: - a matrix of competencies presented in the assessment tools of the state exam; - evaluation tools for the state exam (theoretical questions and practical tasks); - exam tickets for the state exam; - indicators for assessing the level of formation of competencies tested at the state exam; - Criteria for setting final grades in the state exam; - the form of the expert sheet used by the members of the state examination committee in the state exam; - indicators for assessing the level of formation of competencies, tested on the defense of the final qualification work; - Criteria for setting final grades for the defense of the final qualifying work; - form of an expert sheet for a member of the state examination committee for the defense of the final qualification work
indicator number Nonconformity characteristic

Expert committee composed of:

1. _________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________

(academic degree, position, full name)

3. ________________________________________________ concluded:

(academic degree, position, full name)

The program of the state final certification of graduates

meets/partly meets/does not meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

(Underline whatever applicable)

Date of examination: "____" ____________________20___

Expert signatures: ____________ ______________ _____________


Head of the OPOP




"___" _____________ 20__


in the program of the state final certification of graduates in the direction of preparation 44.04.01 "Pedagogical education" of the master's program "Literary education in classes with in-depth study of the subject"

changes made:

In the column "assessment of experts" for each indicator, a mark is made +/?/-

+ meets the requirements of the indicator in full;

? partly meets the requirements of the indicator

- does not meet the requirements of the indicator

A positive conclusion (corresponds / partially corresponds) is given only if all indicators are rated +/?

Size: px

Start impression from page:


1 Administration of the Smolensk Region Department of Culture and Tourism of the Smolensk Region Regional State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Smolensk State Institute of Arts" APPROVED: Acting Rector of the Institute I.V. Khriptulov REGULATIONS on the procedure for drawing up the Book of Minutes of Meetings of State Examination Commissions (SEC) ADOPTED at a meeting of the Academic Council of the Institute protocol 4 of November 20, 2014 CONSIDERED at a meeting of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Institute protocol 4 of "13" November 2014 Chairman of the Council E.V. Gorbyleva SMOLENSK, 2014

2 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS This Regulation establishes the structure of the final state certification of graduates of the regional state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Smolensk State Institute of Arts" (OGBOU HE "Smolensk State Institute of Arts", hereinafter referred to as the Institute), studying in the main educational programs of HPE (BEP HPE) (bachelor's degree, specialist degree) and basic professional educational programs of SPO (OPOP SPO), uniform requirements for the organization and conduct of attestation tests for graduates of all forms of education, uniform forms, rules for registration, development, approval, accounting, storage and distribution of documents accompanying the final state certification graduates. The requirements of this document are obligatory for all educational departments, officials and employees of the Institute. The purpose of the final state certification is to assess the level of preparation of a graduate of a higher (secondary vocational) educational institution for the performance of professional tasks and the compliance of his preparation with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher (Secondary) Vocational Education (FSES VPO, FSES SPO). The final state certification of graduates is carried out for all major educational programs of higher (secondary vocational) education that have state accreditation. The final attestation tests, which are part of the final state attestation, are admitted to a person who has successfully completed the mastering of the main educational program in full and has successfully passed all the previous attestation tests provided for by the curriculum of the Institute.

3 Subject to the successful completion of all established types of final certification tests included in the final state certification, the graduate is assigned the appropriate qualification (specialization, degree) and a state diploma of higher (secondary vocational) education is issued. Re-passing the stages of the final certification in order to increase the grade is not allowed. The regulation on the procedure for drawing up the Book of Minutes of Meetings of State Examination Commissions (SEC) was developed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education and local regulations of the Institute. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS OOP main educational program; OBOR is the main professional educational program; GEF federal state educational standard; higher education; secondary vocational education; IGA final state certification; SEC State Examination Commission; WRC final qualifying work. 2. PROCEDURE FOR REGISTRATION OF THE BOOK OF MINUTES OF MEETINGS OF THE STATE EXAMINATION COMMISSIONS (SEC) All meetings of the state examination committees are drawn up in minutes, which are stapled into separate books: 1. the book of protocols of the SEC for taking the state exam (Appendix 2); 2. book of protocols of the SEC on the defense of final qualification works (Appendix 3);

4 3. book of protocols of the SEC on the assignment of qualifications (degrees) and the issuance of a diploma of higher professional education (Appendix 4). Books of protocols are maintained on the basis of an order approving the composition of the SEC and a schedule for the final state certification for the PEP (OPOP). Books are kept: - separately for the summer issue and for the winter issue; - separately for each commission of the SEC (SEC for taking the state exam, SEC for the defense of the WRC) (according to the order on the approval of the composition of the SEC). The pages in the books of protocols are numbered (the cover of the books is not numbered), the books of the protocols are stitched, agreed by the vice-rector for educational and educational work, the dean of the faculty (director of the college), head. the graduating department, the head of the educational and methodological department, are approved by the rector, after which they are sealed with the seal of the Institute (Appendix 1.). The minutes of the SEC meetings are filled in: - with a pen (blue) in a clear, legible handwriting or in electronic form with a mandatory subsequent printout on paper. In the case when there is a large graduation of students in the direction of training (specialty) and it is impossible to issue it in one book of minutes of meetings, then the book of minutes of meetings is drawn up in two volumes. The numbering of the minutes of the meeting in the second volume continues. The number of pages in the protocol book is not regulated. In the protocol books, when filling out with a pen, it is not allowed to cross out, not confirmed by the signatures of the chairman of the SEC and members of the commissions, as well as erasures. In case of making mistakes when filling out the books of protocols of the SEC with a pen, any corrections must be confirmed

5 signatures of the chairman of the SEC and at least two members of the commission. For example: Ivanov Corrected Ivanovich on Ivan Ivanovich Viktorovich Viktorovich to believe Signatures: Chairman of the SEC Members of the SEC Correcting errors with a pen in the Books of minutes of meetings filled out on a computer is not allowed (in case of an error, the sheet is reprinted). Conventional abbreviations are allowed in the protocol books (Ph.D., D.P.S., D.T.S., Prof., Assoc. each book of minutes of the meetings must be written in Arabic numerals strictly sequentially. In the minutes of the meetings, the surname, name, patronymic of the student must strictly correspond to the surname, name, patronymic indicated in the order for admission to the final state certification. The results of the SEC meeting for the state exam are drawn up in a protocol, which the secretary enters in a special book of minutes of the SEC for the state exam (Appendix 2). The minutes of the meetings of the SEC on the protection of the student's WRC are filled in in accordance with the model (Appendix 3). At the same time: a) the first line indicates the number of the minutes of the meeting of the SEC (the numbering of the protocols is unified and strictly consistent within the book of the minutes of the SEC on the defense of the WRC); b) the second line indicates the date, time of the beginning and end of the SEC meeting; c) is further indicated in the genitive case:

6 - last name, first name, patronymic of the student who submitted his final qualifying work for consideration by the examination committee; - course, form (full-time, part-time (evening), part-time) and training program (full without abbreviations); - code and name of the main educational program; - name of the profile (specialization); e) in the line "on the topic:" the topic of the WRC is indicated; f) in the section "PRESENT" information is provided: - on the composition of the SEC (academic degree and / or academic title, surname, initials of the present chairman of the SEC, members of the commission); g) in the section “Graduation qualification work done: indicate: - under the guidance of which teacher the work was done (academic degree and / or title, surname, initials - in the genitive case); - with the advice of which teacher the work was done (academic degree and / or title, surname, initials in the genitive case) - if the consultant is appointed; h) information is given below on the materials submitted to the SEC, namely: - the form of the submitted work is indicated (final qualification, bachelor's work); - the presence of a recall of the head of the WRC is confirmed, while the surname, initials, academic degree and / or title, position of the head are indicated in the genitive case; - the presence of a review of the work is confirmed, while the surname, initials, academic degree and / or title, position of the reviewer are indicated in the genitive case. i) the number indicates the time (as a rule, no more than 10 minutes), during which the student makes a report on the work performed;

7 j) the table indicates by whom and what additional questions were asked to the graduate (surname, initials of the person who asked the question, the content of the question) and the general characteristics of the answer; k) in the "DECIDED" section: - in the line "Recognize that" the student's surname, first name, patronymic and grade (in words) for which he defended his final qualifying work (bachelor's work) are indicated in full; - in the line "Note that" a dissenting opinion of the members of the commission on the graduate's answer is given; - in the “Recommend” line, the conclusion of the commission is given with the rationale for the assessment made (in the case of a positive defense, the commission may conclude that “the results of the WRC research have been implemented in a cultural institution (the act of implementation is available)”, “the work has been submitted for publication” and etc.; in case of unsatisfactory defense, the commission gives a conclusion that “it is necessary to refine the topic” or “it is necessary to develop a new topic”, etc.). In the conclusion of each protocol of the meeting of the SEC, the names and initials of the chairman of the SEC, members of the commission and the secretary of the commission who participated in its work are indicated. Each protocol must be signed by the chairman of the SEC, members of the commission and the secretary of the commission. The grade for the WRC is entered in the student's record book and is confirmed by the signatures of the chairman and members of the examination committee. Books of protocols of the SEC on the defense of the WRC are brochured and submitted to the chairman of the SAC for the formation of a report on the work of the SAC. Manuscripts of protected WQRs are stored at the department for 6 years (for creative specialties, the storage period is 15 years) and are provided by

8 request to the expert commissions of Rosobrnadzor for state accreditation, for state control of the quality of education. 3. PROCEDURE FOR HOLDING A SEC MEETING ON AWARDING A QUALIFICATION (DEGREE) AND ISSUING A DIPLOMA OF HIGHER (SECONDARY PROFESSIONAL) EDUCATION. The decision to award a graduate a qualification (degree) in the field of study (specialty) and issue a state-recognized diploma of higher (secondary vocational) education is made by the state examination committee based on the positive results of the final state certification, drawn up by the protocols of the examination committees. The meeting of the SEC is held, as a rule, in the last week of the final state certification in accordance with the calendar training schedule of the PEP (OPOP) for the corresponding form of education. The results of the meeting of the SEC on the assignment of qualifications (degrees) and the issuance of a diploma of higher (secondary vocational) education are drawn up in a protocol, which the secretary enters in a special book of protocols of the SEC. Samples of design of the cover of the books of the SEC protocols for the assignment of qualifications (degrees) and the issuance of a diploma of higher (secondary vocational) education (Appendix 4). The protocol of the state examination commission indicates the qualification (degree) assigned to the graduate, as well as the type of higher (secondary vocational) education diploma issued. The protocols may indicate what shortcomings in theoretical and practical training the graduate has. If the SEC recommends a graduate for studying at a master's program (SVE at a university), this decision is recorded in the protocol of the SEC and publicly announced. The final minutes of the SEC meeting are drawn up in accordance with Appendix 4.

9 At the same time: a) the number of the final minutes of the SEC meeting shall be indicated in the first line; b) the following shall be indicated: - the date of the final meeting of the SEC; - information about what the protocol was drawn up (on awarding a qualification (bachelor's degree) in the relevant field of study (specialty) of faculty graduates who have passed all attestation tests; c) in the section "PRESENT:" information is provided: academic rank, surname, initials of the present chairman of the SEC, deputy chairman of the SAC, all members of the commissions); d) in the section “The following materials are presented in the SEC:” the numbers of the submitted minutes of meetings of the state examination commissions are indicated; e) in the section “HEARD:” - paragraph 1 of the final minutes of the SEC meeting confirms that the graduates of the specified program have passed state exams and defended the WQR for the appropriate grades and a decision is made to award them a qualification (bachelor's degree) in the direction of training (specialty) and on issuing their diplomas. Surname, name, patronymic of the student in the final protocol are indicated on one line in the nominative case. At the end of the final protocol, the names and initials of the chairman of the SEC, the deputy chairman of the SEC, all members of the commissions for the state examination and defense of the WRC and the secretary of the commission who participated in the work of the SEC are indicated. The final protocols must be signed by: the chairman of the SEC, the deputy chairman of the SEC, all members of the commissions and

10 Secretary of the SEC. The date of the minutes of the SEC meeting must correspond to the calendar training schedule for the relevant BEP (OPOP) (the last week of the final certification for the corresponding form of education). Books of protocols of the SEC (including the report of the chairman of the SEC) are booked. Books of minutes of meetings of the SEC in the period between meetings are kept in the educational and methodological department of the Institute. After the completion of the work of the SEC and the formation of a report on the work of the SEC for this issue (summer issue or winter issue), the chairman of the SEC submits, according to his commission, to the educational and methodological department: a bound book of protocols of the SEC for taking the state exam; a bound book of protocols of the SEC on the defense of final qualification works; a bound book of SAC protocols for awarding a qualification (degree) and issuing a diploma of higher (secondary vocational) education. After checking the books of protocols, the educational and methodological department delivers them to the archive according to the inventory, where they are to be stored for 75 years.

11 Appendix 1. Template of the title page of the Book of Minutes of the SEC Meetings Administration of the Smolensk Region Department of the Smolensk Region for Culture and Tourism Regional State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Smolensk State Institute of Arts" Faculty (secondary vocational education programs) Graduating Department APPROVED: rector of the institute / 20 g BOOK OF MINUTES of meetings of the State Examination Commissions (SEC) main educational program (basic professional educational program) of higher (secondary vocational) education code and name of the PEP (OPOP): training profile (specialization) degree (qualification) AGREED: Vice-rector for educational and educational work / Dean of the faculty (director of the college) / Head. department / Head of the educational and methodological department / 20 year Tom

12 Appendix 2. Template of the title page of the Book of minutes of meetings of the SEC for the state exam Administration of the Smolensk Region Department of Culture and Tourism of the Smolensk Region Regional State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Smolensk State Institute of Arts" Faculty (secondary vocational education programs) Graduating Department BOOK OF MINUTES OF MEETINGS of the State Examination Commissions (SEC) for the state exam admission main educational program (basic professional educational program) of higher (secondary vocational) education code and name of the PEP (OPOP): training profile (specialization) degree (qualification) Chairman of the SEC Deputy. Chairman of the SEC Members of the SEC: Secretary (signature) (position) (full name) 20

13 Template of the minutes of the meeting of the state examination commission (for taking the state exam) Administration of the Smolensk region Department of the Smolensk region for culture and tourism Regional state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Smolensk State Institute of Arts" Faculty (secondary vocational education programs) Graduating department MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE STATE EXAMINATION COMMISSION 20, for the state exam, code, name of the PEP VPO (OPOP SPO): 1. PRESENT: Chairman of the SEC Deputy. Chairman of the SEC Members of the SEC: 2. LISTENED: The student (studying) Ticket is being examined Questions: 1.

14 2. 3. _ General characteristics of the answer to the questions asked _ 3. RESOLVED: the student (student) passed (a) the State exam with an assessment Dissenting opinion of the members of the State Examination Commission Chairman of the SEC Deputy. Chairman of the SEC Members of the SEC: Secretary (signature) (position) (full name)

15 Appendix 3. Template of the title page of the Book of minutes of the meetings of the SEC on the defense of the WRC Administration of the Smolensk Region Department of the Smolensk Region for Culture and Tourism Regional State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Smolensk State Institute of Arts" Faculty (secondary vocational education programs) Graduating Department Examination Commission (SEC) for the defense of the final qualifying work (bachelor's work) main educational program (basic professional educational program) of higher (secondary vocational) education code and name of the PEP (OPOP): training profile (specialization) degree (qualification) Chairman of the SEC Deputy. Chairman of the SEC Members of the SEC: 20 years

16 Template of the minutes of the meeting of the State Examination Commission (for the defense of the WRC) Administration of the Smolensk Region Department of the Smolensk Region for Culture and Tourism Regional State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Smolensk State Institute of Arts" Faculty (secondary vocational education programs) Graduating Department MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE STATE EXAMINATION COMMISSION 20 from hour. min. up to an hour. min. for the defense of the final qualification work of the student (student) (last name, first name, patronymic of the student) (course, form of education) code, name of the BEP HPE (OPOP SPO): (code and name of the BEP) (name of specialization (profile,)) on the topic: ATTENDED: Chairman of the SEC Deputy. Chairman of the SEC Members of the SEC:

17 The final qualifying work was carried out under the guidance of (academic degree and academic title, full name) with consultation (academic degree and academic title, full name) The following materials are presented in the SEC: 1. Final qualifying work in the form (bachelor's work) 2. Presentation for the final qualifying work (submitted / not submitted) 3. Feedback from the head (academic degree and academic title, full name) 4. Review (academic degree and academic title, full name .) LISTENED: report on the completed final qualifying work within min. The student (student) was asked the following questions: Questions, full name. the person who asked the general characteristics of the answer question

18 DECIDED: 1. Recognize that the student (student) (last name, first name, patronymic of the graduate) Completed (a) and defended (a) the final qualifying work with an assessment 2. Note that 3. Recommend Chairman of the SEC Deputy. Chairman of the SEC Members of the SEC: Secretary (signature) (position) (full name)

19 Appendix 4. Template of the title page of the Book of minutes of the meetings of the SAC on considering the issue of awarding qualifications (degrees) to graduates who have passed all types of final attestation tests Administration of the Smolensk Region Department of Culture and Tourism of the Smolensk Region » Faculty (secondary vocational education programs) Issuing department BOOK OF MINUTES of meetings of the State Examination Commissions (SEC) to consider the issue of conferring a degree (qualification) to graduates who have passed all types of final certification tests main educational program (main professional educational program) of higher (secondary professional) education code and name PEP (OPOP): profile of training (specialization) degree (qualification) Chairman of the SEC Deputy. Chairman of the SEC Members of the SEC: (signature) (signature) (signature) (academic degree and academic title) (academic degree and academic title) (academic degree and academic title) (full name) (full name) ( full name) (signature) (academic degree and academic title) (full name) (signature) 201_ (academic degree and academic title) (full name)

20 Template for the minutes of the meeting of the state attestation commission (to consider the issue of awarding qualifications (degrees) to graduates who have passed all types of final certification tests) Administration of the Smolensk Region (secondary vocational education programs) Graduating Department MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE STATE EXAMINATION COMMISSION 20 to consider the issue of conferring a degree (qualification) to graduates who have passed all types of final certification tests code and name of the PEP (OPOP): PRESENT: Chairman of the SEC Deputy. Chairman of the SEC Members of the SEC: The following materials are presented in the SEC: 1. Minutes of the meeting of the State Examination Commission for taking the state exam 2. Minutes of the meeting of the State Examination Commission for the defense of the final qualifying work (bachelor's work) HEARD: on the results of passing all types of final certification tests and awarding degree (qualification).

21 DECIDED: 1. Consider the following students as having passed the state certification, assign them a degree (qualification) in the direction of training (specialty) (code and name of the PEP (OPOP) and issue a state diploma with honors: Consider the following students as having passed the state certification, assign them a degree (qualification) in the direction of training (specialty) (code and name of the BEP (OPOP) and issue a state diploma without distinction:

22 Dissenting opinion of the members of the State Examination Commission: 1. The following students are recommended to continue their education in the magistracy (for admission to the university):

23 Chairman of the SEC Deputy. Chairman of the SEC Members of the SEC: Secretary (signature) (position) (full name)

Appendix to the order dated 10/28/2016 94/4 PROCEDURE for issuing the Book of Minutes of Meetings of State Examination Commissions in ANO HE MGEU and its institutes (branches) 1. General provisions 1.1. The present

1. General provisions 1.1. This Regulation establishes the requirements for filling out the minutes of meetings of state examination commissions for basic professional educational programs of higher education

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF RUSSIA Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State University for the Humanities" (RSUH)

2 - GIA - state final certification; - SEC - State Examination Commission; - NKR - scientific qualification work; - ND (scientific report) - a scientific report on the main results of the prepared

2 "In the book of minutes of the meetings of the SEC, it is laced, numbered and sealed with sheets (numbered and in words) First Vice-Rector, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "SGLA" S.N. Tumanov End of lacing

The procedure for filling out the book of minutes of meetings of the State Attestation Commissions in the GBOU SPO "North Caucasian Forestry College"

CONTENTS 1 Scope and scope 3 2 Normative references 3 3 Abbreviations, terms, definitions 3 4 General provisions 3 5 Procedure for filling in the books of minutes of meetings of the SEC (EC) 4 6 Final

1943 RECH2A 8T "in 1 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF RUSSIA Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Penza State University" (FGBOU VPO "PGU") ORDER

Contents 1. Scope. 4 2. Purpose 4 3. Designations and abbreviations.. 4 4. General requirements for filling in the forms of minutes of meetings of state examination commissions. 4 5. Filling out forms

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies"

APPROVED Rector of the Saratov State Law Academy, Professor S.B. Surov 201_ with amendments and additions from 2018. The procedure for filling out the minutes of meetings of state

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Tambov State Technical University" ACCEPTED for

1. General provisions 1.1. This Instruction for filling in the minutes of the meetings of state examination commissions for postgraduate programs (hereinafter referred to as the instruction) establishes the requirements for filling out,

Approved by the Vice-Rector of the Kebno-methodical work of the Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov "P.A. Karasev Institute for the design and maintenance of books of minutes of meetings of state examination commissions This instruction has been developed

Sheet 1 of 78 Sheet 2 of 78 Contents 1 General provisions ... 4 2 Types of final certification tests 5 3 State certification commission.6 4 Procedure for conducting final state certification ..

A hyphen, respectively, of the numbers of the first and last according to the serial number of the AK protocol; - in the line "started" the date corresponding to the date of the first meeting of the AC indicated in this book is indicated; - in line


1920 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kuban State University" REGULATIONS on the final state certification

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian University of Economics named after

Appendix to the order of the rector dated 04.03.05 264/1 The regulation becomes invalid from 01.01.2013 due to the adoption of the Rules for training in the main educational programs of higher and secondary vocational education


REGULATIONS on the procedure for conducting the state final certification for educational programs of higher education, bachelor's programs, specialist's programs at the Far East Institute of Higher Education (approved by the order of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education


I approve the Vice-Rector for methodological work. Plekhanov" Karasev INSTRUCTIONS for the design and maintenance of books of minutes of meetings of state examination commissions for educational programs of secondary

Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Sverdlovsk Region State Autonomous Vocational Educational Institution of the Sverdlovsk Region "Karpinsky Engineering College"

APPROVED by the Rector of the Academy A.M. Petrov 2017 CHANGE 3 QMS 04-46-2014 Regulations on the final qualifying work on ongoing programs of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education Date of introduction: 12/22/2017 Make changes

FEDERAL COMMUNICATION AGENCY Buryat Institute of Infocommunications (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Siberian State University

1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. This Regulation on the procedure for filling out the record book of students (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) determines the procedure for filling out the record book and student card of students in the Kirov

REGULATIONS on the Final State Attestation of Graduates of the Institute of Natural Sciences of the Ural Federal University 1. General provisions. 1.1. This Regulation has been developed taking into account the following documents: - Federal Law

1 Subject to successful completion of all established types of final certification tests included in the final state certification, the University graduate is awarded the appropriate qualification

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF RUSSIA Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research University "Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology" ~~~~=--------------

Committee of Education and Science of the Volgograd Region State Budgetary Professional Educational Institution "Volgograd Professional College of Human Resources" Considered At the meeting

Contents 1. General provisions... 3 2. Order of issue... 3 3. Order of maintenance... 3 4. Issuance of a duplicate and storage... 4 Appendix 1... 5 Change registration sheet... 9 Page 2 of 9 1. General provisions

1. General provisions 1.1. The regulation on the rules of procedure for the work of state examination and appeal commissions for educational programs of higher education was developed in accordance with the Federal

1.3. The final certification, which completes the development of the main educational programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school, is the final certification of students in graduate school according to the programs


1. General Provisions This Regulation was developed in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 04/05/2013 240 "On approval of samples of a student card for students and a record book for students

APPROVED by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 2012

I APPROVE To put into effect " "_2011 Rector of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "VyatGU" V.N. Pugach "" 2011 Documented procedure QUALITY SYSTEM Final certification of master's degree graduates at Vyatka State Educational Institution ()

1 work performed by a student in general professional and special disciplines of the direction of training. Thesis is an independent development, involving statistical, economic, logical

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF RUSSIA Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Technological University" (PenzGTU) REGULATION Management system

KABARDINO-BALKARIAN INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS INSTRUCTION for the chairman, secretary and members of the SAC on the final state certification in specialties and areas of higher professional education

KNRTU Page 2 Copy Copy Change Implementation date 1 General provisions 1.1 This Procedure was developed on the basis of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012:

Plan or individual curriculum for the relevant educational program of higher education in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. 1.4 Students who have successfully passed the final certification are issued

1.2. The regulation applies to the record books of students enrolled in training programs for mid-level specialists of secondary vocational education in accordance with federal state

1.9. A student card and a record book are issued to the student free of charge. 1.10. The student signs for the receipt of a student card and an academic record book in the student ID register

I. General provisions 1.1. This Regulation is a local normative act regulating the organization of final certification in an institution of higher professional education in an Orthodox religious organization.

State exam in the specialty (profession) (if any); decision on awarding qualifications; instruction on the procedure for filling out and storing a record book for a student of an educational institution of secondary

1. General provisions 1.1 Regulations on the procedure for individual accounting of the results of mastering educational programs by students, storage in archives of information about these results on paper and (or) electronic

PROCEDURE FOR FILLING OUT A STUDENT'S RECORD BOOK BY TEACHERS OF SibGUTI in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation


Contents 1. Scope ... 3 2. Regulatory references ... 3 3. General provisions ... 4 4. Forms of the state final certification ... 4 5. State examination boards ... 5 6. State

Contents 1. Scope. 4 2. Purpose 4 3. Designations and abbreviations. 4 4. General provisions. 4 5 The procedure for the work of the commissions... 5 6 Support for the work of the commissions... 6 7 The procedure for conducting the state



It is used only in the internal educational process, it cannot serve as a document for admission to another educational institution and for transferring disciplines, MDK in another educational

CONTENTS List of abbreviations 1. Scope 3 2. General provisions 3 3. Individual accounting of the results of mastering the main professional educational programs by students. 4 4. Incentives and


1. General Provisions This regulation on the procedure for filling out and issuing to students, students of a record book and student cards was developed in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 273-FZ


1. General provisions 1.1 This regulation (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) was developed in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation",

1. General provisions 1.1 These Regulations on the rules for filling out, issuing and storing record books for students studying educational programs of higher education at the Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy



Department of Education and Science of the Tambov Region Tambov Regional State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education "Tambov Polytechnic College.

Attestation of students of GBOU SPO 1 APPROVED Director of GBOU SPO Ph.D. T.V. Silkina 20. QMS REGULATION - P 8.2.4. - 05 "On the procedure for conducting the state final certification of students of GBOU SPO DEVELOPER:

PEI IN "LEGAL INSTITUTE" APPROVED Rector Revnova M.B. Order dated "" d. REGULATIONS on the state final certification 1. General provisions 1.1. This Regulation on the state final certification

Appendix 1. A sample of the design of the SEC protocol book (state exam) Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation FSBEI HE "EAST SIBERIAN STATE INSTITUTE OF CULTURE" STATE

Change #1RI 4.2.4-1 Rules and procedure for registration

protocols of state

examination boards

___ APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by order of the Rector of the University No. 33-O dated 01/28/2016

Date of introduction 29.01.2016

1Section 2, clause 3.1.Replace: " STP 7.5-2 Final examination. Position » on the "STO 7.5-2 Final certification of students. Position » .

2 Clause 5.2

"5.2 Order of filling ( Appendix A):

1) the first line indicates the number of the minutes of the SEC meeting;

2) the numbering of the protocols in each book is affixed with Arabic numerals;

3) in the line “On passing the state exam in the direction / specialty”, the code of the direction / specialty, name, focus are indicated;

4) in the line "Student" the full name, first name, patronymic of the student is written in the genitive case. FULL NAME. the student must strictly comply with the last name, first name, patronymic specified in the order for admission to the state final certification;

5) in the “Attended” section, information is provided on the composition of the SEC (surname, initials of those present: chairman of the SEC, members of the commission);

6) in the column "Questions":

  • the ticket number and the full content of each question of the ticket are indicated, with each question numbered in order;

  • in the case when the exam is taken in the form of tests, the numbers of options are indicated;

  • when the exam is taken in writing, either the ticket number and the list of disciplines for which the examinee gives a written answer are indicated, or the ticket number and the content of the questions;

  • when a complex qualification task is given, the number of the option is indicated;
7) in the column "General characteristics of the student's answers ..." information is entered on the additional questions asked. Each additional question is numbered;

8) in the column “1. Recognize that the student passed the state exam with an assessment in words, the student's knowledge is assessed: "excellent", "good", "satisfactory", "unsatisfactory". Abbreviated writing of grades is not allowed;

9) in the column "Note that" the general characteristic of the student's answer is indicated (for example: complete answers to the questions posed were given, fluency in educational or scientific material was demonstrated, exhaustive answers to additional questions were received etc.).

For example:


  • exhaustive answers to all questions of the ticket and additional questions of the SEC members were received;

  • the graduate demonstrates deep basic knowledge;

  • is able to show the cause-and-effect relationships of phenomena;

  • draws conclusions on each question of the examination ticket;

  • convincingly argues his own position, deeply and fully reveals the theoretical and practical aspects of the issue;

  • shows a creative approach to its presentation and demonstrates the debatability of this issue, as well as deeply and fully reveals additional issues, etc.;

  • shows basic knowledge, but not in full;

  • the student demonstrates the ability to analyze the material, but not all conclusions are sufficiently reasoned;

  • there is no answer to one of the questions of the ticket;

  • there is no complete answer to two additional questions;

  • the sequence of presentation of the material is violated, etc.;
"unsatisfactory"- there is no answer to two questions of the ticket, etc.

When testing, the general characteristic of students' answers is indicated as a percentage, for example:

"excellent" - more than 80%;

"good" - 55-80%;

"satisfactory" - 34-54%;

"unsatisfactory" - less than 34%;

10) in the column "Dissenting opinion of the members of the state examination committee" the student's answer is analyzed and the conclusion of the committee is given. for example :

11) the following lines indicate the date, start and end time of the state exam ( not less than 15 and not more than 30 minutes per student).

3 Clause 6.1 amend and state in a new edition:

“6.1 By the beginning of the work of the state examination commissions, the secretaries of the SEC receive a book of minutes of the meetings of the SEC at the UMU. When defending final qualification works, a separate protocol of the SEC meeting for the consideration of the WRC is drawn up for each student.

The minutes of the meeting of the SEC on the protection of the WRC are filled in as follows ( Appendix B):

  • the first line indicates the number of the minutes of the SEC meeting;

  • the next line indicates the date of the SEC meeting;

  • in the line “On review of the final qualification
bots in the direction / specialty ”the cipher of the direction / specialty, name, focus are indicated;

  • in the line "Student" the surname, name, patronymic of the student is written in the genitive case;

  • in the line "On the topic" the topic of the WRC is indicated in accordance with the order of the rector of the university "On the approval of the topics of graduation qualification works and the appointment of scientific supervisors";

  • the section "Attended" provides information on the composition of the SEC (surname, initials of those present: the chairman of the SEC, members of the commission);

  • in the section “Graduate qualification work performed under the supervision” the academic degree, title, surname, initials of the supervisor of the student are indicated in the genitive case;

  • in the line "during consultation" the academic degree, title, surname, initials (if the consultant is appointed) are indicated in the genitive case;

  • Below is information about the materials presented in the SEC, namely:
1) certificate of the dean's office of the faculty/institute about the

examinations and tests and on the fulfillment of the requirements of the curriculum (number, date, full name of the student);

2) the number of pages of the WRC is affixed as a number;

3) the total number of sheets of the application to the work is affixed with a number;

4) tables, diagrams, drawings;

5) the presence of a recall of the head of the WRC is confirmed;

6) the presence of a review of the work is confirmed;

  • the time is indicated by a number (as a rule, no more than 15 minutes), during which the students are informed about the work performed;

  • on a separate line with a serial number it is indicated by whom and what questions were asked to the student ( question content);

  • in the "General characteristics" section, the characteristics of the received answers are indicated (for example: complete answers to the questions posed are given, fluency in the research material is demonstrated, examples from practice are given, etc..);

  • in the line “Recognize that the student completed and defended the final qualifying work with an assessment”, the grade for which the student defended the WRC is written in words: “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”, “unsatisfactory” ( abbreviated writing of grades is not allowed);

  • in the line "assign qualification (degree)" the degree (qualification) to be awarded is indicated;

  • in the line "Mark what", for example, you can specify: WRC as a whole was carried out at a technically high level in accordance with the design assignment with clear graphics and a good explanatory note;

  • in the line “Dissenting opinion” the conclusion of the commission is given (in the case of a positive defense, a conclusion may be given that “ the student is recommended for admission to the magistracy (postgraduate study)" or " the results of the WRC studies are implemented at the enterprise (the act of implementation is available)", or " continue working on the topic of the WRC for writing a dissertation»; in case of unsatisfactory protection - " it is necessary to refine the theme of the WRC" or " need to develop a new theme» etc.).

  • the following lines indicate the date, time of the beginning and end of the WRC defense.
4 Annexes A and B amend and state in a new edition:

An example of filling out the SEC protocol on passing the state exam

P O T O C O L No. _ 1 _
12 _»__ May __ 2016 G.

on passing the state exam in the direction / specialty
_____________01.03.02 ___Applied Mathematics and Computer Science ____________


student __________ Ivanov Andrey Alexandrovich __________________________

(full name of the student)


Sapchenko I.G., Doctor of Engineering Sci., Deputy Director of IMiM FEB RAS

Bormotin K.S., Doctor of Phys.-Math. Sciences, Associate Professor ________________

Zarubin M.M., Ph.D. Phys.-Math. Sciences, Associate Professor _______________

Khromov A.I., Dr. Phys.-Math. sciences, professor __ _____________

Loshmanov A.Yu., Ph.D. Phys.-Math. Sciences, Associate Professor _____________

Kozlova O.V., Ph.D. Phys.-Math. Sciences, Associate Professor ___ _____________

QuestionsTicket number 8

1 First order differential equations ___________________________




2 Fundamentals of Gender Algebra ___



3 Find and display all prime numbers not exceeding №=1000 ____

(use the "sieve of Eratosthenes" method) ________________________



Loshmanov A.Yu. _______________________________________________________

1 What are first order differential equations? _________________

2 Explain Bernouli equation ? __________________________________________

Kozlova O.V. __________________________________________________________

1 What is the difference between a tensor and a general object? ________________________

2 What is method "sieve of Eratosthenes")? _______________________



1. Recognize that the student passed the state exam with a score of __ Great __
2. Note that complete answers to the questions posed were given, fluency in educational and scientific material was demonstrated, exhaustive answers to additional questions were received ________________________




3. Dissenting opinion of the members of the state examination committee

A high level of professional competence was demonstrated. Recommend for admission to graduate school ___________________________




Time of the state exam «_ 12 _»__ May __ 20 16 G.

c_ 10 _h_ 00 _ min to _ 10 _h_ 20 _ min.

Chairman of the State Examination Commission

_Sapchenko I.G. ___________________________________

(full name, signature)

Bormotin K.S. ______________________________________

(full name, signature)

Zarubin M.M. . _______________________________________

(full name, signature)

_Khromov A.I. ________________________________________

(full name, signature)

_Loshmanov A.Yu. _____________________________________

(full name, signature)

. _____________________________________________________

(full name, signature)

Secretary of the SEC Kozlova O.V. ________________________

(full name, signature)



An example of filling out the SEC protocol for the defense of the WRC

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Federal state budget educational

institution of higher professional education

"Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University"


P O T O C O L No. __ 3 __
meetings of the State Examination Commission from "_ 17 __»_ June __ 20_16 G.

on consideration of the final qualifying work in the direction / specialty

_________________21.03.02 Land management and cadastres ____________________

(code of direction / specialty, name, focus)

student ___________ Baranov Vyacheslav Sergeevich _____________________________

(full name of the student)

on the topic_ Management of the reconstruction process of the rehabilitation center _____

for children and adolescents with disabilities _____________________________
Chairman of the State Examination Commission

Kulikov I.M., Deputy heads of administration _________________

Members of the State Examination Commission

_Tsvetkov O.Yu., Ph.D. geogr. Sciences, Associate Professor __________________

Antsigin O.I., Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor ___________________

_Gagul I.A., head of administration department _________________

_Grinkrug N.V., Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor ___________________

_Borzova O.N., associate professor __________________________________

The final qualifying work was carried out under the guidance of

____________ Antsigina Oleg Ivanovich, Ph.D. tech. Sciences ____________________

in consultation __ Grinkrug N.V., Ph.D. tech. Sciences. __________________________

The following materials are submitted to the State Examination Commission:

1. Certificate of the dean's office of the faculty/institute __ _88 ____ from "_ 16 _»__ June ____ 2016 G.
about handed over to students ____ Baranov Vyacheslav Sergeevich _______________

(full name of the student)

exams and tests and on the fulfillment of the requirements of the curriculum.

2. Settlement and explanatory note on _ 130 __ pages

3. Appendix to the settlement and explanatory note on _ 10 _ pages

4. Drawings for WRC on _ 14 __ sheets

5. Review of the head

6. Review of _ WRC _________________________________________________________

After the announcement of the completed final qualifying work (within _ 8 _ min) the student was asked the following questions:

Tsvetkov O.Yu.________________________________________________________

(Full name of the person who asked the question and wording of the question)

1 Relevance of the building? ________________________________________________

2 Who is operating this facility? ____________________________________

Borzova O.N. __________________________________________________________

1 How does investment attractiveness increase when moving to an open joint stock company?

2 Where does the laying depth of 4.22 m come from? _____________________________________

Grinkrug N.V. _________________________________________________________

1 What is the rationale for choosing the location of the object? _________________________

2 What is on the master plan? _________________________________________
General characteristics of the student's answers to the questions asked to him

Demonstrated fluency in research material __________

Complete answers to the questions posed ____________________________
1 Recognize that the student completed and defended the final qualifying work
rated ___ Great ______________________________________________________

2 Assign qualifications __ bachelor ________________________________________

3 Note that __ WRC as a whole was carried out at a technically high level ______

in accordance with the design task with visual graphics _________

and with an excellent explanatory note _______________________________________

Dissenting opinion of the members of the State Examination Commission_________________

The time of the WRC defense " 17 » June _2016 G.

c__ 9 __ h _ 30 _ min to _ 10 _h_ 00 _ min.

Chairman of the State Examination Commission

Kulikov I.M. _______________________________

(full name, signature)

Members of the State Examination Commission:

Tsvetkov O.Yu. ._______________________________________

(full name, signature)

Greenkrug N.V . ________________________________________

(full name, signature)

Antsigin O.I. _________________________________________

(full name, signature)

Gagul I.A. ___________________________________________

(full name, signature)


(full name, signature)

Secretary of the SEC Borzova O.N. . ___________________________

(to point 56 of the calendar plan)


meetings of the state examination commission

h.m. to h.m.

on consideration of the defense of the graduation project (work) of the student Kozich Ivan Sergeevich
Faculty of Information Technology and Management, specialty "Information Technology and Management in Technical Systems"

on the topic "Automated Control System for Vacuum Spraying Plant"

In attendance: Chairman Kuzmitsky Iosif Felitsianovich

members: Kuznetsov A. P., Rodin A. Ya., Markov A. V.,

Pavlova A. V., Soroka N. I., Chumakov O. A.,

Stolbanov N. A., Krupskaya M. A., Lukyanets S. V.,

Naganova T. E., Zatsepin E. N.

The project (work) was carried out under the supervision of Suprunyuk A.S., software engineer

Izovac LLC

Consultants: Pavlova A. V. Naganova T. E., Dunaeva G. M.

The following materials are submitted to the State Examination Commission:

1. Settlement and explanatory note on the graduation project (or the text of the thesis) on 107 sheets.

2. Drawings (tables) for the project (work) on 8 sheets.

3. Review of the head of the graduation project (work) positive.

4. Reviewer of the project (work) Mukha V.S., Doctor of Engineering. Sciences, Professor of the Department of ITAS BSUIR; the project (work) is evaluated (a) by nine points.

After the student reported on the completed project within 15 he was asked the following questions:

1. Explain how a vacuum sensor works

Stolbanov N. A.

2. Explain the method of synthesis of control algorithms. How is pseudo-parallel operation of the program implemented? Markov A.V.

(last name of the person asking the question)

3. What determines the choice of the program's serial interface?

Chumakov O. A.

(last name of the person asking the question)

4. What guided you when choosing a particular model of vacuum sensor?

Soroka N.I.

(last name of the person asking the question)

5. Explain the measures that ensure labor safety when setting up the control system of the spraying installation Zatsepin E.N.

(last name of the person asking the question)

General characteristics of the student's answers to the questions asked and the comments of the reviewer excellent

answers showed a high professional level of knowledge of the graduate

What training did he find in general scientific, general technical, special


Recognize that the student completed and defended the thesis with a mark ten points

Assign Kozich M.S. qualification information technology engineer
and management

Mark, that the work is practical

Dissenting opinions of members of the commission missing (recorded when there is a discrepancy
in the assessment of the graduation project)

Issue a diploma With Honours, no difference)

Chairman of the State

Members of the state

examination committee signature

Visa of the person who made the protocol

M. A. Krupskaya

Appendix 18

(to point 57 of the calendar plan)

defense of diploma projects (works)

by specialty 1-53 01 07 "Information technology and management

(name of specialty)

in technical systems"

HEC No. 12

Chairman of the SEC Kuzmitsky I. F.

No. p / p Surname, name, patronymic of the student Form of study Security Protocol No. The mark received on the defense Issue a diploma
Alfeev Nikolai Konstantinovich * daytime eight no difference
Voronov Alexander Ivanovich daytime six no difference
Gladky Ivan Tikhonovich daytime nine With Honours
Ermolovich Denis Olegovich correspondence nine no difference
· · · · ·
· · · · ·
· · · · ·
· · · · ·
· · · · ·
· · · · ·
· · · · ·
Maksimenko Alexander Igorevich evening five no difference

Secretary of the SEC M. A. Krupskaya