Come up with an interior design for the school cafeteria. Factors that affect human health

Photo: Press Service of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow. Evgeny Samarin

In school restaurants, children can order both set meals and dishes that are not included in the traditional menu. For example, Caesar salad or chicken peasant soup, Viennese waffles or baked apples.

The implementation of the My School Restaurant project continues in Moscow. Since the beginning of the school year, canteens and buffets have turned into restaurants in another 20 schools in the capital. The interiors of catering points were decorated with drawings of popular cartoon characters, seascapes, as well as paintings with sights of Moscow and other Russian cities.

“Now restaurants operate in more than 40 metropolitan schools. You can order, for example, a peasant soup with chicken, Bavarian sausages with a side dish or a dietary Caesar salad with herbs and olives. At the same time, the usual canteen menu is also preserved, ”said Natalya Anpetkova, chairman of the commission for quality control and catering of the city expert advisory council of the parent community under the Moscow Department of Education.

According to her, the interior options in the restaurant are chosen by the students themselves and their parents by voting. So, the restaurant at school No. 954 on Korneichuk Street is decorated in the style of the Soviet cartoon "Vacation in Prostokvashino", and having lunch at the restaurant of school No. 1434 in Ramenki, children can watch the adventures of the funny bear cub Winnie the Pooh. A real creative cafe appeared at school No. 1370 on Altufevskoye Highway. Its walls are decorated with newspaper articles from various publications.

The interiors of school restaurants in the north of Moscow are dedicated to three Russian cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol. For example, on the walls of the restaurant at school No. 1474 on Zelenogradskaya Street, the sights of the northern capital are presented - the Peter and Paul Fortress, the Bronze Horseman and St. Isaac's Cathedral.

A restaurant in honor of the Hero City of Sevastopol was opened at school No. 1288 on Khoroshevsky Highway. Its interior is decorated with images of the sea, Crimean rocks, seagulls and ships. The restaurant at school No. 1359 on Pronskaya Street is called the Lights of Moscow. In its hall you can see paintings with the main symbols of the capital: the Kremlin, the main building of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and the Moscow River.

The My School Restaurant project was launched in 2013. Its goal is to improve the nutritional culture of children and turn the school canteen into a place for communication and recreation for students. All products offered to children comply with sanitary standards and rules. It is prepared from baby food products approved by Rospotrebnadzor.

Almost all metropolitan schools have an information system "Passage and Meals". Pupils go to school and buy food in the cafeteria only with the help of electronic media. This is either a student's social card, or a Moskvenok card (or bracelet).

The educational institution and the history of purchases in the cafeteria and canteen can be found in the personal account of the portal website or in the Moscow State Services application. It is also possible to set up and operational information by e-mail or through push notifications. Using the site, a parent can set an electronic ban on the purchase of certain types of products, such as chocolate bars, pastries or sandwiches, as well as limit the child's spending limit in the canteen.

Restaurants that have opened in Moscow schools since the beginning of the school year:

— the Lavender Field restaurant at school No. 1468 (21 Broshevsky Lane);

— the Navigation restaurant at the Navigatskaya School cadet boarding school (59 Kastanaevskaya Street, building 1);

— the Hero City Sevastopol restaurant at school No. 1288 (Khoroshevskoe shosse, 64a, building 1);

— Creative Cafe restaurant at school No. 1370 (Altufevskoe shosse, 60g);

— Multicolored Chess restaurant at school No. 1298 (99 Yurovskaya Street);

— the Industrial Style restaurant at school No. 924 (Gazoprovod Street, 5a);

— Restaurant "Swallow's Nest" at school No. 1580 (Balaklavsky Prospekt, 6a);

— Restaurant "Holidays in Prostokvashino" at school No. 954 (Korneichuk Street, 37a);

— Winnie the Pooh restaurant at school No. 1434 (15 Ramenki Street, building 2);

— the Art Gallery restaurant at school No. 875 (Vernadsky Avenue, 101, building 5);

— Russkoye Pole restaurant at school No. 627 (Dubininskaya street, 42);

— the Bolshoy Theater restaurant at School No. 2 (Bolshoy Koptevsky Proyezd, Building 5);

— Kosmos restaurant at school No. 1566 (Novomaryinskaya street, building 7, building 2);

— the Renaissance restaurant at school No. 117 (Akademika Pilyugina Street, 14a);

— Saint-Petersburg restaurant at school No. 1474 (Zelenogradskaya street, 33b);

— Rainbow Country restaurant at school No. 2104 (5, 1st Kotelnichesky lane);

— the Olive Field restaurant at school No. 875 (Vernadsky Avenue, 101, building 6);

— Soyuzmultfilm restaurant at school No. 830 (Tushinskaya street, 2);

— restaurant “From the past to the future” at school No. 2114 (Dmitry Donskoy boulevard, building 6, building 1);

— restaurant "Lights of Moscow" at school No. 1359 (Pronskaya street, building 4, building 1).

Restaurants that have opened previously:

— Alice in Wonderland restaurant at School No. 1250 (Leningradskoye Shosse, 27);

— Alice in Wonderland restaurant at School No. 1143 (Krasnodarskaya Street, 9);

— the German Style restaurant at school No. 1446 (Yablochkova Street, 41, building 4);

— restaurant "Asian Style" at school No. 1581 (Bolshoi Poluyaroslavsky pereulok, building 7);

— Russian Style restaurant at school No. 1571 (Svobody Street, 81, building 6);

— the Brazilian Style restaurant at school No. 1259 (5th Monetchikovsky lane, building 7);

— the Greek Style restaurant at school No. 1329 (Nikulinskaya street, 10);

— the Space Style restaurant at school No. 1329 (Nikulinskaya street, 10);

— Provence restaurant at school No. 136 (Krasina street, building 20, building 1);

— the Vovka in the Far Far Away restaurant at school No. 57 (Kholzunova lane, building 8);

— Derevensky stil restaurant at school No. 57 (Khamovnichesky Val street, 26);

— Mosfilm restaurant at school No. 57 (Maly Znamensky lane, 7/9);

— Old Moscow restaurant at school No. 1253 (Zubovsky Boulevard, Building 5, Building 1);

— the Stone Jungle restaurant at school No. 1253 (Zubovsky Boulevard, Building 5 Building 1);

— Little Italy restaurant at School No. 2005 (Rodionovskaya Street, 6/7);

— the Kesha Parrot and His Friends restaurant at school No. 1518 (Prospekt Mira, 87);

— the Book Corner restaurant at school No. 1520 (Maly Kislovsky lane, building 12/8, building 1);

— the Theater Scaffolding restaurant at School No. 1520 (Leontievsky Lane, Building 19/2 Building 1);

— Restaurant "Geometric Minimalism" at school No. 1409 (Khodynsky Boulevard, 7);

— the Aptekarsky Ogorod restaurant at school No. 1468 (Novorogozhskaya Street, building 9);

— Escher's Creativity Restaurant at School No. 179 (Bolshaya Dmitrovka Street, Building 5/6, Building 7);

— The Magic Library restaurant at School No. 1234 (Bolshaya Molchanovka Street, 26/28);

— restaurant "Taj Mahal" at school No. 1399 (Vilis Latsis street, building 33, building 2).

"Tea Party"
Well, what is a tea party without a samovar? We blind it from a rolled cake, put foil under it for volume. Let's not forget about the legs, neck and faucet. They need to be molded separately, moistened with water and attached to the samovar. For a beautiful composition, we blind a teapot and several cups and saucers. We will stick on buns, curlicues and other goodies and glue on the tablecloth embroidered by Vika's grandmother. It turned out to be a beautiful still life. The work was done by Katya Prudnikova and Lisa Khapina.

"Bread is the head of everything!"
We decided to make a kind of amulet that attracts prosperity and abundance to our school house. Even small children know that bread and rolls are baked from dough. For this composition, Vika's grandmother embroidered a towel for us. We will put “baked” products on it. Among the Slavic peoples, such pictures are not painted, but have the usual color for baking, which is considered especially attractive. Add a jug of milk and a basket of eggs. Many natural materials go well with salt dough. Spikelets of wheat, oats, rye are perfect for this composition.

"Coffee Fish"
The idea was spied on by Dvatai in her excellent work.
When making crafts, decoupage technique was used. Painted with mother-of-pearl acrylic paints. Pasted natural coffee beans. The work was done by Yulia Pozdnyakova.

Menu design.
Completed by Kydyrova Begayym (idea from the pages of the magazine "Collection of Ideas" No. 2, 20098)
Domestic kittens are red with white stripes, there are gray kittens with black stripes. Our kitten is not domestic, but marine! First of all. It is completely salty. Secondly, its stripes look like a sailor's vest! Add a chef's hat and a fish in the paw. Why not a ship's cook - a cook ?! Let's make letters from the dough. It remains only to attach the menu to the file.

"Design design of the school canteen" Authors of the project: Alexandra Kolobova, Yulia Ryazanova, students of grade 11 a of secondary school 18 Project leaders: Martynyuk Olga Valentinovna, teacher of art and MHK, Chuprynina Olga Nikolaevna, teacher of computer science and music, Kirsova Anastasia Fedorovna, teacher of the Russian language and literature.

Purpose and objectives of the project Purpose: Designing a school canteen based on the principles of safety, ergonomics, manufacturability and aesthetics. Tasks: 1. Activation of the parent and student community for joint project activities on the aesthetic design of the dining room; 2. Studying the influence of the visual environment of the dining room on the formation of a food culture and psychological comfort; 3. Conducting sociometric studies of the attitude of students to the development and implementation of a design project for the aesthetic design of the school canteen; 4. Organization of a wide discussion of design projects for the aesthetic design of the school canteen.

Design of the dining area Great importance in the design of the interior of the dining room is given to the selection of colors. In the dining room, it is planned to allocate several zones: children's (for students in grades 1-5), teenage (grades 6-8), senior (grades 9-11), teachers' room.

Dishes for table setting In the course of work on the project, the problem of the influence of the color and shape of dishes on a person's appetite was also investigated. White tableware is great for a school cafeteria. It will restore your vitality, add energy, relieve the remnants of sleep. A simple round plate will protect your food from negative energy and give you courage. This is the type of crockery used in our dining room.

Classical music and its influence on the taste of food. Classical music has a beneficial effect on the taste of products. During meals, we recommend using musical fragments from the works of Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Vivaldi and other composers; a combination of sounds of individual elements of wildlife: the voices of birds, the sound of water (sea, river).

The influence of painting on the aesthetic perception of a person From the TV screen, we offer to demonstrate reproductions of paintings by famous Russian artists depicting landscapes, which will certainly have an impact on the human condition, creating a feeling of peace and comfort, which will contribute to the relaxation of schoolchildren, relieve psychological stress.
CONCLUSIONS: In the complex, our project forms a single concept of the culture of aesthetic design of the dining room; is focused on exceptional functionality, safety and compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements. A single design style, a common color scheme unites the areas of the dining room. The decorativeness of the interior is given by the ornament that separates its elements. Artistic fragments of the design are made using computer printing on lightweight plastic structures.

MKOU "Soldatsko-Stepnovskaya secondary school"

Designed by 3rd graders

Head: Slyusarenko O.L.

Primary school teacher

year 2012

1. Introduction

2.Main part

Relevance of the problem

Goals and objectives

Project implementation

The results of a survey of primary school students MKOU "Soldatsko-Stepnovskaya secondary school"

Stages of work on the project

a) collecting information

b) making sketches of dining room and utensils

c) creating a memo

d) presentation of the results


Informational resources.


We run to the dining room:

We really want to eat.

Tired in class.

And in the dining room they recharged

We eat delicious food.

Every day we grow up

We are gaining strength, health!

Relevance of the problem

Human health is the greatest value of a person. Nutrition is one of the main means of maintaining health.

The basic rules of nutrition are variety and timeliness; a child cannot not receive a full-fledged hot meal if he is at school for 4-6 lessons (In our class, 12 out of 12 people eat in the canteen (this is 100%).

The school canteen plays a huge role - since it is the aesthetic appearance of the canteen and the observance of the food culture by children that are the key to proper nutrition.

For us, this problem is relevant. Our class decided to draw the attention of elementary school students to this problem. We described the solution to this problem in the project.

The purpose of our work :

  1. education of a physically and morally healthy person at school;
  2. development of educational interests and skills of students by means of extracurricular activities;
  3. development of cognitive activity and interests of students;
  4. formation of a healthy lifestyle among students;
  5. To pay attention to this problem of all elementary school students, through the creation and distribution of memos, by holding a competition for the best sketch of the dining room.

Project objectives:

Drawing drawings "What I see our dining room."

Collect proverbs and sayings about food, about the rules of conduct in the dining room.

Develop rules of conduct in the school cafeteria for students, create a memo.

Prepare a class hour "Rules of conduct in the canteen" with a presentation with the participation of elementary school students


Project execution mechanism:

The main executors of the project are 3rd grade students of the MKOU "Soldatsko-Stepnovskaya secondary school". The project is being implemented on the basis of the MKOU "Soldatsko-Stepnovskaya secondary school". The project will be coordinated by a primary school teacher

Slyusarenko O.L. Financial support for the implementation of the project is not required.

Project participants

  1. 3rd grade students;
  2. parents of 3rd grade students;
  3. primary school teacher of the MK OU "Soldatsko-Stepnovkasya secondary school"

Project description

Subject of study:educational process in an educational institution, aimed at the formation of a positive social experience in relation to the world around.

Project implementation:

1.Studying the need for this social. project for elementary school students.

2. Definition of goals and objectives of the social project.

3. Drawing up a work plan:

- conduct a survey among elementary school students;

- hold a competition for the best dining room design;

- create and distribute a leaflet "Rules of conduct in the canteen for elementary school students";

Defense of the project at the school competition of social projects;


Expected results

1. Social activity of primary school students, their willingness to take personal part in the implementation of the project.

2. Participation in the competition of social projects.

3. Obtaining social positive experience by students.


We were interested in doing the project. We learned how to create a design, draw up a project, make a presentation of the project. Everyone had their own business. Parents helped us in the selection of proverbs and sayings, in the design of the dining room. And most importantly, in our canteen they began to pay attention to the rules of conduct and our reminders. Our class loves what we've done. We hope that everyone will also like our work.

You may have already heard about the amazing project of a canteen-cafe in one of the Moscow schools - in the "Big City" there was a note about the details of the project itself. One of the architects who came up with the cafe is Katerina Bulgakova. It was she, together with her colleague Natalia Skurchaeva, who brought to life the project of a canteen that could not have been imagined before in an ordinary Russian school.

Was this project unusual for you? Did you feel that you changed something in people's stereotypes?

The canteen project turned out to be really special for us, as this kind of social projects come across not so often. When there is an opportunity to make not just a beautiful interior, but an interior with an idea, an interior that changes not just the environment, but the mentality.

Our children spend most of their time in schools, and the school interior as such does not exist at all. Most often, these are dull, featureless spaces with a sad Soviet echo. Long almost hospital dark corridors, bare walls, and there is nothing to say about the dining room. There, usually, you don’t even want to go there. The eternal smell of cabbage, chairs that tights cling to, bent aluminum forks and sheer dullness. Therefore, when the opportunity arose to radically change this - to make the school cafeteria the center of school life, a cafe that you want to go to, where you can escape from the usual school environment, prepare for the test and even get creative - we were very happy.

What examples in this theme of public space for children inspire you?

In European countries, children's interiors have long been made according to the principle of transformability. Transformer interiors, different functional areas, interactive areas - that is, a "smart" interior that can change depending on needs and tasks.

Our interiors are mostly made according to the principle of embellishment. Those. conceptual, semantic and social load is almost absent. The interior can be not only pleasant for the child, but also developing, teaching, and so on.

That is why we have provided in the interior a green interactive wall covered with artificial grass and consisting of cells of different sizes. This wall can be an exhibition space - children can hang their drawings, photographs, crafts, contests on it. For the holidays, the wall can be decorated with thematic images - flowers in spring, Christmas tree decorations in winter, leaves in autumn. We covered some of the walls with graphite paint, on which you can draw pictures with chalk, write congratulations, and so on. That is, the interior can change depending on the season, holidays and important events.

Have you asked children what they would like from such a space?

My daughter Varya is in the 4th grade, and the school interior is already very important for her. The youngest daughter Lisa is going to school next year. Natasha's children - triplets - go to kindergarten, they are 4 years old. So for us, the school theme is relevant, like for no one else. Before starting this project, we interviewed all our children, and children of acquaintances who go to school - how they imagine the school canteen, what they like and what they don't. We also asked parents, and having collected all these opinions, we set to work. I learned a lot about school life for myself by consulting with my 10-year-old daughter.

Describe the difficulties you faced and the pleasant moments.

It's nice that there are people who are willing to invest in the school cafeteria, making sure that the children feel really good. Such customers are rare (Konix-shkolnik is a company that supplies food and equipment to children's institutions).

Lisa, Katya's youngest daughter