The use of airborne support units. Educational programs

Educational activities at the school are carried out in Russian.

The school is designed to fulfill the state personnel order for the training of highly qualified specialists with higher education in the specialty:

in the interests of the Airborne Forces:

56.05.04 "Personnel management (Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and equivalent bodies of the Russian Federation)", qualification "Specialist in the field of management". USE: mathematics (profile, minimum threshold - 32 points), Russian language (36), social studies (42). (JOYS)

Military specialties:

  • "The use of military intelligence units of the Airborne Forces";
  • "The use of units of the airborne troops";
  • "Use of airborne support units";
  • "The use of units of the Marine Corps";
  • "The use of units of the Airborne Troops (mountain)".

05/11/04 "Infocommunication technologies and special communication systems", qualification "Engineer". USE: mathematics (profile - 32), physics (40), Russian language (36). (BOTH AND GIRLS)

Military specialties:

  • "The use of communications units of the Airborne Forces."

in the interests of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation:

56.05.04 "Personnel management (Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and equivalent bodies of the Russian Federation)", qualification "Specialist in the field of management". USE: mathematics (profile, the minimum threshold for the USE is 32), Russian (36), social studies (42). (JOYS)

Military Specialty:

  • "The use of special units".

45.05.01 "Translation and translation studies", qualification "Linguist-translator". USE: foreign language (profile, minimum threshold - 26), Russian (26), history (32). (JOYS)

Military Specialty:

  • The use of special intelligence units.

The term of study in all specialties is 5 years. Graduates receive a diploma of a specialist, they are awarded the first military rank of "lieutenant".

Specialties of training under the programs of secondary vocational education

Since December 2009, the school has been training cadets to fill the positions of warrant officers (sergeants) for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the following specialties:

02/23/03 "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles", qualification "Technician".

Military specialties:

  • "Operation, repair and storage of automotive equipment";
  • "The use of special intelligence units."

02/25/08 "Operation of unmanned aerial systems", qualification "Operator of unmanned aerial vehicles".

Military Specialty:

  • "Operation and repair of the airframe and propulsion systems of aircraft."

The term of study is 2 years 10 months.

02/11/11 "Communication networks and switching systems", qualification "Technician".

11.02.09 "Multichannel telecommunication systems", qualification "Technician".

11.02.10 "Radio communication, radio broadcasting and television", qualification "Technician".

Admission on the basis of a document on secondary general (complete) education, without exams in general education subjects.

Military Specialty:

  • “Operation, repair and storage of communication equipment”.

The term of training in connected specialties is 2 years 6 months. Graduates receive a diploma of secondary vocational education, the military rank of "ensign" is awarded.

amphibious support company

parachute regiment (1980s)

VDS - airborne service

VDT - airborne equipment

TVDT - heavy airborne equipment

SPDO - means of parachute support

rdo - airborne support company

vdo - airborne support platoon

The task of the company: storage, repair, accounting, issuance of PDO funds to regiment units that do not have their own airborne support units (i.e., everything except for the PDB -regimental command, reconnaissance company, communications company, engineer company, first-aid post, material support company); transportation of TVDT to the initial landing areas (airfields), assistance to units during mooring and, in general, preparing equipment and cargo for landing. Actually, they do not participate in the landing - they are sent to form airborne units from reservists.In addition, the task of the RDO is the landing of ammunition and other cargo to the previously landed troops.


With the transition of the RAP to armored vehicles, the OShS of the airborne support company and its equipment also changed.

Officials of the airborne service of the regiment control (not included in the company):

1) Head of the VDS regiment (major)

2) Deputy Head of the Airborne Forces for Airborne Equipment (Captain)

3) Senior technician for parachute devices and automatic devices of the regiment (ensign)

4) Senior instructor for parachute instruments and automatic devices (ensign)

5) Head of the airborne complex (ensign)

Table number 3. amphibious support company(RAP on armored vehicles, 1980s)

Organizational structure of the company:

company management

1st and 2nd Platoon

Platoon management

1 and 2 car departments

Styling department

3rd platoon

Platoon management

– sewing workshop

– laboratory

- warehouse of airborne equipment

- warehouse of parachute equipment


1) Company commander

2) Deputy technical commander (PDO)

3) Deputy political commander

4) Foreman of the company


Art. lieutenant

Art. lieutenant

Art. ensign

Total in control:

4 people: 3 officers, 1 great-pra.

1st and 2nd platoon (transportation and packing)

platoon management

Total in platoon:

19 people: 2 great-grandfathers, 3 sergeants. and 14 soldiers.

9 vehicles Ural-375/-4320

1 truck crane 8T-210 (based on the Urals)

9 2-ax. trailers

1) Platoon leader

2) Star. platoon instructor for PDO - deputy. commands. vzvv.



1st Automobile Department

2) Driver-radio operator

3) Driver

4) Driver

5) Crane driver






2nd Automobile Department

1) Squad leader - old. driver

2) Driver-radio operator

3) Driver

4) Driver

5) Driver






styling department

1) Squad leader

2-7) Stacker



3rd Platoon (Storage and Repair)

platoon management

Total in platoon:

12 people: 5 great-grandfathers, 7 soldiers.

1 truck crane 9T-210 (based on KrAZ)

1) Platoon commander - early. sewing workshop

2) Instructor - beginning. repair and maintenance laboratories parachute devices and pyrotechnics



sewing workshop

3) Star. PDO repair master

4) PDO repair master




5) Senior master instrument operator

6) Master instrument maker

7) Master instrument




VDT warehouse

8) Warehouse manager

9) Head of TVDT storage

10) Storekeeper




warehouse PDI

11) Warehouse manager

12) Storekeeper



TOTAL in the company:

person l/s

including officers




truck cranes 8T-210 (based on Ural-375/-4320)

and 9T-… (based on Kraz-255)

trucks Ural-375 or Ural-4320

2-os. heavy trailers

AKS-74 assault rifles

PM pistols

Notes to Table No. 3.

1. The political officer and foreman relied only in wartime. However, there might not have been a foreman of the company, then his functions were performed by one of the ensigns of the company (probably the head of the PDI warehouse).

2. Two types of trailers are used: one is for transporting individual parachutes, the other is for transporting platforms along with mounted parachute platforms.

3. All personnel of the company's conscripts are armed with AKS-74 assault rifles. Officers and warrant officers are regularly armed only with a PM pistol.

4. After the regiment was sent to the landing - the OBDO of the division, the RDO of all regiments and the airborne division of the battalions are reduced to a single rear group and, under the command of the head of the rear, they prepare the landing of materiel for the already airborne units. After that, this rear group, on its own, moves along with the front to the landing point, where it collects PDI and TVDT for reuse.

"Re-drop" loads are dropped along with transport wheels and a tow leash for possible transport to the drop site. (The air shock absorber can be removed very quickly and easily and does not interfere with the movement of the platform. But this method is not standard - after receiving the goods, the units should by all means disassemble the received material assets (ammunition, water, food, etc.) by units as quickly as possible .

After the landing of the RAP, special teams are allocated from the units to collect parachutes at the landing site in heaps, which are later picked up by the RMO that arrives under its own power.

5. The composition of specific RDO RAPs may vary slightly depending on the staffing of the regiment. So, for example, RDO regiments of the 7th Guards. airborne forces in the period 1983-91 had a slightly increased composition due to the increased composition of the regiment itself.

Combat training of the Airborne Forces [Universal Soldier] Ardashev Alexey Nikolaevich



"Learn to win!"

Motto 242 UTs VDV

With the development of the Airborne Forces in the Soviet Union, the system of training command personnel developed and improved, which was initiated by the creation in August 1941 in the city of Kuibyshev of the Airborne School, which in the autumn of 1942 was relocated to Moscow. In June 1943, the school was disbanded, and training continued at the Higher Officer Courses of the Airborne Forces. In 1946, in the city of Frunze, to replenish the officer cadres of the Airborne Forces, a military parachute school was formed, the students of which were officers of the Airborne Forces and graduates of infantry schools. In 1947, after the first graduation of retrained officers, the school was relocated to the city of Alma-Ata, and in 1959 to the city of Ryazan. The school program included the study of airborne training (ADP) as one of the main disciplines. The methodology for passing the course was built taking into account the requirements for airborne assault forces in the Great Patriotic War. After the war, the airborne training course was constantly taught with a generalization of the experience of ongoing exercises, as well as recommendations from research and design organizations. The classrooms, laboratories and parachute camps of the school are equipped with the necessary parachute shells and simulators, models of military transport aircraft and helicopters, slipways (parachute swings), springboards, etc., which ensures that the educational process is conducted in accordance with the requirements of military pedagogy. Today in Ryazan there is a military unit of the Airborne Forces, a Center for Special Physical Training, and a training ground for the Airborne Forces.

Ryazan Institute of Airborne Troops named after General of the Army V.F. Margelov(branch of the VUNTS SV "Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" (Moscow).

Military specialties (specializations) training:

The use of airborne units:

- the use of airborne units (mountain).

The use of airborne support units:

- the use of marine units

- the use of military intelligence units of the Airborne Forces

- the use of communications units of the Airborne Forces.

Ryazan Institute of Airborne Troops named after General of the Army Margelov V.F. was formed in 1998 on the basis of the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School twice Red Banner named after Lenin Komsomol. The educational institution has its own school, a training center located 60 km from Ryazan, an aviation military transport squadron and the Central Sports Parachute Club of the Airborne Forces. On the territory of the school there are barrack-type dormitories for cadets, educational buildings and laboratories for conducting classes (including firing and technical complexes), a shooting range, an airborne training complex, sports and gyms for practicing various types of martial arts, a stadium with a sports town, a dining room, a cadet cafe, a club, a post office, a medical center, a consumer service center. The school prepares command personnel with higher military special education in two specialties:

“Personnel management”, commander of an airborne platoon of the Airborne Forces, with the qualification “manager”;

"Translation and translation studies", commander of the reconnaissance platoon of the paratrooper units of the Airborne Forces, with the qualification of "linguist-translator".

The main subdivisions of the institute are departments, companies and platoons of cadets. The institute trains and educates cadets of 10 military and 4 civilian departments:

- tactics;

- tactical and special training;

- weapons and shooting;

– humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines;

- airborne training;

– material part and repair;

– operation and driving;

- multi-purpose tracked and wheeled vehicles;

- command and control of troops in peacetime;

– physical training and sports;

– foreign languages;

– mathematics and informatics;

– applied mechanics and engineering graphics;

- Russian language.

Currently, 12 candidates of sciences work at the institute.


The educational process at the Ryazan Airborne Forces School is different from the educational process at a secondary school. Training at the school is based on a close combination of theory and practice, its duration is 5 years, at officer courses (training of commanders of paratrooper companies (battalions) and airborne service specialists) - 5-10 months. The entire period of study is divided into 10 academic semesters - two semesters per academic year. At the end of each semester and academic year, an examination session is held in accordance with the curriculum. The main forms of educational work are: lectures, seminars, laboratory work, practical classes with a training platoon of cadets, group exercises and classes, tactical classes and exercises, internships, course projects, tests, consultations, independent work of cadets.

During the training, cadets spend more than a year on field trips. Every year, cadets are given a winter holiday vacation of 2 weeks and a basic summer vacation of 30 days. Cadets who graduated from the college with a diploma with honors enjoy the preferential right to choose a place of service after graduation within the limits of the order established for the school.

November 25, 2012 in Ryazan, the first graduation of the Training Center for Sergeants of the Armed Forces took place - the faculty of secondary vocational education of the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School (RVVDKU) named after General of the Army V.F. Margelov.

RVDKU graduates

Among the graduates of the school there are many famous military leaders, modern military and political figures:

Pavel Grachev - former Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation;

Valery Vostrotin - Deputy Minister for Emergency Situations;

Alexander Lebed - former governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory;

Evgeny Podkolzin - former commander of the Airborne Forces;

Georgy Shpak - former commander of the Airborne Forces;

Vladimir Shamanov - former army commander, former head of the administration of the Ulyanovsk region, and now adviser to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation;

Alexander Kolmakov - Commander of the Airborne Forces;

Wojciech Jaruzelski - former leader of Poland;

Levan Sharashenidze - former Minister of Defense of Georgia;

Amadou Toumani Touré is the current President of Mali;

and many others.

The track record of the institute includes 45 Heroes of the Soviet Union, 63 Heroes of the Russian Federation, thousands of holders of military orders, more than 60 champions of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union, Russia and the world in parachuting.

From May 2012 to January 2013, training under the program of intensive combined arms training was organized for military personnel undergoing military service under a contract on the basis of the Omsk 242nd training center for the training of junior specialists of the Airborne Forces (Omsk). The so-called survival courses are designed for one and a half months and are carried out according to uniform training programs developed by the Ministry of Defense. The main emphasis in them is on instilling skills that will allow you to skillfully act in extreme situations, emerge victorious in the most difficult situations that arise when you encounter an enemy.

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Intelligence service

Main article: tactical intelligence

Gathering information about the deployment, weapons, numbers, engineering preparation of positions, the combat security system, the enemy’s communications system, as well as the hostilities planned by the enemy. The regular units carrying out reconnaissance in the troops are reconnaissance platoon (rv) in the battalion reconnaissance company (RR) in the regiment / brigade, separate reconnaissance battalion (orb) in the division separate reconnaissance regiment / brigade in the army / district.

Defense against weapons of mass destruction

Abbreviated ZOMP - a set of measures to protect personnel from the effects of nuclear, chemical and bacteriological (biological) weapons. The protection of personnel in the initial stages is carried out by the forces of the line units themselves. The regular units in the troops that carry out a comprehensive ZOMP are, are chemical defense platoon in the regiment chemical protection company (rhz) in the brigade, separate battalion of radiation, chemical and biological protection (obrkhbz) within the division separate regiment / brigade of radiation, chemical and biological protection (oprkhbz / obrrkhbz)- as part of the army / district.


A set of measures to hide from the enemy the true location of their units, personnel and military equipment, maintain their combat capability and ensure surprise actions. It is carried out by own forces of linear divisions.

Engineering support

A set of measures aimed at successfully overcoming obstacles to the offensive of own troops (building crossings, installing bridges, clearing minefields, making passages in the obstacles set by the enemy, etc.), measures to complicate the advance of the advancing enemy (laying minefields, installing anti-tank obstacles , installation of anti-personnel barriers, etc.), measures to protect personnel and military equipment from the damaging effects of enemy fire weapons (arrangement of a system of trenches and trenches, caponiers for military equipment, dugouts, arrangement of firing points, etc.). The regular units in the troops that carry out integrated engineering support are, are engineer sapper platoon (sv) in a separate battalion engineering and sapper company (ISR) in the regiment / brigade, separate engineer-sapper battalion (OISB) in the division separate engineer regiment / brigade (OISP / OISBR) in the army / district.

Chemical supply

A set of measures to create the necessary conditions for units to perform their tasks in an environment of radioactive, chemical and bacteriological (biological) contamination, as well as to mask their actions with smoke and aerosols. The measures consist of radiation and chemical reconnaissance, timely and skillful use of personal and collective protective equipment, dosimetric monitoring, special treatment for degassing and decontamination, as well as the use of masking fumes and aerosols. The regular units in the troops providing chemical support are a chemical protection platoon as part of a regiment, a chemical protection company as part of a brigade / division, a chemical protection battalion as part of a division / corps, a chemical protection regiment / brigade as part of an army / district. Also, regular chemical protection units are assigned the function of using flamethrower-incendiary weapons in combat conditions, which essentially equates them to line units (the concept of a line unit).


A set of measures to prevent a sudden attack by the enemy on their own troops, as well as to prevent reconnaissance and sabotage units of the enemy in the places of deployment of units of their own troops. Depending on the nature of the combat mission performed by subunits, guarding can be marching, guard, combat, and direct. The main elements of any type of protection is the organization of guard duty and patrolling the area. It is carried out by the own forces of line units, guard companies and battalions and commandant units.


A set of measures to organize communication between subunits and commanders at all levels, aimed at the successful completion of combat missions, reliable command and control of troops and effective interaction between subunits. The regular units in the troops providing communications are communications platoon (Sun) in the battalion communications company (rs) regiment / brigade, separate communications battalion (obs) in the division separate regiment / communications brigade (ops / obrs) in the army / district.

Additional types of combat support for military branches

Airborne support

A set of measures to provide the airborne troops, special forces, parachute reconnaissance units of the ground forces with technical means for parachute landing - human parachute systems, parachute systems for airborne auto and armored vehicles, drop containers and platforms for weapons, ammunition and equipment, allowing the parachute troops to solve assigned combat missions. The regular units providing integrated airborne support are paratrooper platoon (up to) for paratrooper battalion, paratrooper company (pdo) for the regiment / brigade, separate airborne support battalion (obdo) for airborne division.

Radar support

A set of measures to provide radar information to the command posts of anti-aircraft missile formations and units of military air defense and missile defense. It is carried out by the forces of the Radiotechnical Troops. In the armed forces of various states, parts of the radio engineering troops are either part of the Air Force, or part of the air defense / missile defense forces, or are available in each branch of the military. They are military units armed with mobile or stationary radar stations that serve to notify air defense / missile defense units about the appearance of an air enemy with complete information about the enemy (number of air targets, speed, height, range, advance course, dimension of targets). By its essence radar support for the air defense / missile defense forces is a complete analogue of such a type of combat support as intelligence service for the Ground Forces. In the USSR Armed Forces, the radio engineering troops were organizationally represented by one separate radio engineering battalion (ortb) as part of a combined arms / tank army or one or two brigades / regiments as part of a military district.

Topographic and geodetic support of the battle

A set of measures for the preparation and communication to the troops of topographic and geodetic data necessary for studying and assessing the terrain, orienting on it, the effective use of weapons and military equipment and command and control. At its core, topographic and geodetic combat support refers to the general tasks solved by intelligence, but has a broader definition and application to artillery troops. It is for artillery that the level of topographic and geodetic support plays a decisive role in the successful fulfillment of the assigned combat missions. Topographic and geodetic support of combat in the troops is carried out by aviation reconnaissance units that carry out aerial photography, regular reconnaissance units of the ground forces and topographic service units at headquarters from the division level and above (in artillery this is topographic battery as part of artillery brigade).

see also




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