Consider the solar system. Versions: Artificial Solar System

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Our solar system moves in a spiral. It seems unlikely, but this movement is identical to the structure of DNA. If it seems to you that the theory of the rotation of the Earth around the Sun is an absolutely proven fact, then you are greatly mistaken. There are so many inconsistencies in this theory that it has long been on the same shelf with Darwin's theory of the origin of man from apes. It is beneficial for someone that people do not know the truth, and this deception is instilled from childhood, from school, so that then a person grows up in a completely false worldview. The most amazing thing is that many people believe that the Earth revolves around the Sun so much that they are not able to perceive reality. They laugh at this information.

How scary would sound for you now the information that the Sun revolves around the Earth? You would surely have had a strong emotional drama inside you. Your brain would refuse to accept it. But to know for sure - you need to be on the Sun to see that the Earth revolves around. This is unrealistic to do, so all that exists is theories and more theories. Even spacecraft can't help figure out what revolves around what. Because there is not, and cannot be, a foundation in space, a certain point by which one can judge the movement of something. For example, you are sitting on a train and there is a train in front of you. And now you see that the movement has begun. Who is moving? Train opposite or your train? You look at the ground below and understand who is moving. But in space it is impossible, in space everything moves. And it is impossible not only to understand what is moving, but also what is moving around what.

More and more scientists in our time come to the conclusion that there is a joint movement of the Sun and the Earth relative to each other. Those. there is not (and in fact there cannot be) a rigid concept that it is the earth that revolves around the sun. This is currently indicated by the two most important facts, the presence of an analemma and the equation of time. But all this already goes beyond the conversation in simple words and flows to a more complex level. Therefore, if you want to know more - study this topic. Knowing the truth is very important. Especially many can be shocked by the scale of deception that reigns around ...

From the Bible that the god Yahweh was categorically against paganism and the worship of other gods ( we will talk about Yahweh separately). The main cult of the pagans, destroyed in every possible way by the ideology of the EC, was the worship of the Sun as the supreme deity. It is likely that the Sun was revered in the ancient world due to the simple understanding of people that it is a source of vital energy and all events on Earth directly depend on the processes occurring in it. Back in the 30s of the last century, A. Chizhevsky formulated the relationship between the cycles of solar activity and various phenomena of the biosphere, singled out the relationship of a living organism with its external environment.

From this it can be assumed that the worship of the Sun, the generator of super high frequencies, was not at all a religious cult, but the result of the understanding of the ancient people of the importance of the relationship between the Sun and the Earth, and the morning or evening prayer to the luminary was nothing more than tuning a person to a higher frequency. corresponding to positive emotions, which in turn have a beneficial effect on the body.

And it is not surprising that the gods, whose main goal was to develop the lowest possible frequency, encouraged people to fight pagan cults, planting their belief system and destroying the knowledge of more ancient civilizations of the Earth with the hands of fanatics.

The most famous example is the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, who denied the religious dogmas of those times and preached that God is Love. Love is a state of a person corresponding to the highest frequency of biorhythms and its opposite is fear - the lowest frequency.

And we can see how throughout the history of mankind there was a struggle for the characteristics of the frequency generated by our brain. In other words, the ability to impose a certain train of thought on all of humanity allows us to translate anything into reality, using their ability to create the world around us with thought.

The generation of precisely low frequencies of fear is possibly due to the fact that fear, destroying the integrity of consciousness, leads to an effect similar to the splitting of an atom with the subsequent release of energy.

This explains the meaning of sacrifices and the extraction of fear-gawwah energy. Provided that this energy can be given strength and direction by pre-programming a person or by collecting and passing through a frequency modulator (through oneself in the case of black magicians), one can give great strength to one's own thought by using the energy of others. From this it turns out that the main resource extracted from centuries on Earth is the power of thought.

We will talk about the above separately, but for now

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This is a system of planets, in the center of which is a bright star, the source of energy, heat and light - the Sun.
According to one theory, the Sun was formed along with the solar system about 4.5 billion years ago as a result of the explosion of one or more supernovae. Initially, the solar system was a cloud of gas and dust particles, which, in motion and under the influence of their mass, formed a disk in which a new star, the Sun, and our entire solar system arose.

At the center of the solar system is the Sun, around which nine large planets revolve in orbits. Since the Sun is displaced from the center of the planetary orbits, then during the cycle of revolution around the Sun, the planets either approach or move away in their orbits.

Terrestrial planets: and . These planets are small in size with a rocky surface, they are closer than others to the Sun.

Giant planets: and . These are large planets, consisting mainly of gas, and they are characterized by the presence of rings consisting of ice dust and many rocky pieces.

And here does not fall into any group, because, despite its location in the solar system, it is located too far from the Sun and has a very small diameter, only 2320 km, which is half the diameter of Mercury.

Planets of the solar system

Let's start a fascinating acquaintance with the planets of the solar system in order of their location from the Sun, and also consider their main satellites and some other space objects (comets, asteroids, meteorites) in the gigantic expanses of our planetary system.

Rings and moons of Jupiter: Europa, Io, Ganymede, Callisto and others...
The planet Jupiter is surrounded by a whole family of 16 satellites, and each of them has its own, unlike other features ...

Rings and moons of Saturn: Titan, Enceladus and more...
Not only the planet Saturn has characteristic rings, but also on other giant planets. Around Saturn, the rings are especially clearly visible, because they consist of billions of small particles that revolve around the planet, in addition to several rings, Saturn has 18 satellites, one of which is Titan, its diameter is 5000 km, which makes it the largest satellite in the solar system ...

Rings and moons of Uranus: Titania, Oberon and others...
The planet Uranus has 17 satellites and, like other giant planets, thin rings encircling the planet, which practically do not have the ability to reflect light, therefore they were discovered not so long ago in 1977 quite by accident ...

Rings and moons of Neptune: Triton, Nereid and others...
Initially, before the exploration of Neptune by the Voyager 2 spacecraft, it was known about two satellites of the planet - Triton and Nerida. An interesting fact is that the Triton satellite has a reverse direction of orbital motion, and strange volcanoes were also discovered on the satellite that spewed nitrogen gas like geysers, spreading a dark mass (from liquid to vapor) for many kilometers into the atmosphere. During its mission, Voyager 2 discovered six more satellites of the planet Neptune...

The idea that our solar system was deliberately built the way we know it is not new. It has been discussed by scientists for some time, but information about these discussions and their conclusions, to put it mildly, is not popularized.

In 2005, in the Northern Caucasus in Nizhny Arkhyz, in a special astrophysical observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a scientific conference "Horizons of astronomy: the search for extraterrestrial civilizations" was held. Correspondent Andrey Moiseenko talks about it in a very interesting article “Did aliens build the solar system?”. He writes that many scientists are “firmly convinced that life in the Universe did not appear only on Earth. And in billions of other star systems there are planets where you can find some kind of living creature: from the simplest unicellular to obscenely developed, such as humanity. Or even smarter…”

We will give here a few fragments from this article that directly relate to the issues we cover.

“... It turns out that astronomers in recent years have more and more reasons to assert that the structure of the solar system is anomalous, and a version has appeared that it was created ... artificially.

As of September of this year, 168 planets have been discovered in the star systems closest to us, - says the head. Laboratory of the Department of Planetary Physics of the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. Sciences Leonid Ksanfomality. - Planetary systems there are built according to the principle - the largest planet is located closest to its sun. There is a clear pattern: the smaller the planet, the farther it is from its star. In our country, little Mercury “spins” near the Sun. And the orbits of the giant planets Jupiter and Saturn are far from the star. Of course, there are scientific models that justify such an anomalous arrangement. But in practice, in telescopes, astronomers have not found similar systems.

Perhaps systems like ours exist, we have studied only a tiny piece of the “sky”, suggests Dr. Xanfomality. “But still, the formation of Jupiter in its current orbit is an extremely unlikely phenomenon ...”

“... A couple of decades ago, only a scientist who did not care about his reputation could “blame” on extraterrestrial civilizations interference in the structure of the solar system. - Says senior researcher at the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics. Sciences Sergey Yazev. But you can't argue with facts. Suppose that we are studying the solar system “from the outside”, from one of the star systems. And what is left to think, seeing we have a lot of “strange patterns”? Of course, each of them can be found some scientific reasonable explanation, to build a model. But in practice, stellar systems similar to the anomalous solar system have not yet been discovered. Perhaps, when stronger telescopes appear, everything will change, but now a model of artificial interference can also be suggested as an explanation. If we assume that intelligent life in the Universe necessarily exists, then this version is no worse than others ... "

In fact, there are many more mysteries in our solar system. Many of them are quite difficult to understand without special education. But there are even more of them, the essence of which is quite easy to understand. You just need to think a little about the content of the material presented and try to draw conclusions based on common sense, and not on the dubious authorities of some "scientists". This is what Fyodor Dergachev did. Last year (2009) he published an article titled “Results of Internet Research “An Artifact Named ‘Solar System’””. In this article, he cited a lot of materials on the topic that interested him, found on the Web, systematized these materials and provided them with small comments. And the opportunity to draw conclusions left to the readers themselves. We will give a few short fragments from his article.

“... The question of possible artificial interference in the formation of the solar system is far from new. Back in 1993, Candidate of Technical Sciences Alim Voitsekhovsky published the book "The Solar System - a Creation of the Mind?" Senior Researcher at the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS, Candidate of Phys.-Math. Sci. Sergey Yazev wrote an article “Occam’s Razor and the Structure of the Solar System” five years ago, considering a model of artificial interference in the formation of planetary orbits billions of years ago…

Materials on the anomalies of the planets, as well as their satellites, have accumulated quite enough. I would like to present them within the framework of a coherent and obvious logical construction for readers. Thus, the idea was born to use the phenomenon of resonance, which permeates the entire solar system, to “structure” the topic…

“The motion of Mercury is coordinated with the motion of the Earth. From time to time, Mercury is in inferior conjunction with the Earth. This is the name given to the situation when the Earth and Mercury are on the same side of the Sun, lining up with it on the same straight line. Inferior conjunction repeats every 116 days, which coincides with the time of two full revolutions of Mercury and, meeting with the Earth, Mercury always faces it with the same side. But what kind of force makes Mercury align not with the Sun, but with the Earth. Or is it a coincidence? More weirdness in the rotation of Venus...

Venus has many unsolvable mysteries. Why does it not have a magnetic field and radiation belts? Why is water from the bowels of a heavy and heated planet not squeezed out into the atmosphere, as happened on Earth? Why does Venus rotate not from west to east, like all planets, but from east to west? Maybe she turned upside down and her north pole became south? Or did someone throw it into orbit, having previously twisted it in the other direction? And the most striking, and for the Earth, also the eternal mockery of the “morning star”: with a frequency of 584 days, it approaches the Earth at a minimum distance, ending up in inferior conjunction, and at these moments Venus always faces the Earth with the same side. This strange look, eye to eye, cannot be explained in terms of classical celestial mechanics.”

“The orbit of Saturn shows a 2:5 resonance with respect to Jupiter, the formula “2W of Jupiter - 5W of Saturn = 0” belongs to Laplace ... It is known that the orbit of Uranus has a resonance of 1:3 with respect to Saturn, the orbit of Neptune has a resonance of 1:2 with respect to Uranus, 1:3 regarding Neptune. In the book by L.V. Xanfomality "Parade of the Planets" indicates that the structure of the solar system, apparently, was determined by Jupiter, since the parameters of the orbits of all planets are in the correct ratios with its orbit. Works are also mentioned there, which state that the formation of Jupiter in its current orbit is an unlikely phenomenon. Apparently, despite the large number of ... models that explain the resonant properties of the solar system, one can also keep in mind the model of artificial interference.

("Occam's Razor and the Structure of the Solar System").

Returning to the topic of resonances, it should be noted that the Moon is also a celestial body, one side of which is constantly facing our planet (which, in fact, means “the equality of the period of the Moon’s revolution around the Earth to the period of its rotation around its axis) ...

And the record holder for resonances is, of course, the Pluto-Charon pair. They rotate, always facing the same sides to each other. For designers of space elevators, they would be an ideal testing ground for technology development ...

The next step, quite logically, was to consider the anomalies of other satellites, whose axial rotation is synchronous with the orbital one. There were a great many of them, or, to be more precise, almost all of them. Astronomical sites state that the satellites of the Earth, Mars, Saturn (except Hyperion, Phoebe and Ymir), Uranus, Neptune (except Nereid) and Pluto are synchronously revolving around their planets (always facing them with one side). In the Jupiter system, such a rotation is characteristic of a significant part of the satellites, including all the Galilean ones. Synchronous rotation is most often explained by tidal interactions. However, there are questions…”

For sane people, this information will be quite enough to think hard and come to the conclusion that there simply cannot be such a number of anomalies and coincidences in nature! That larger planets cannot be farther from a star than smaller ones. That the orbits of all the planets cannot lie in the same plane and cannot be circles. That the distance from a star to any planet cannot be calculated by the simplest formula, understandable even to a schoolboy. That almost all satellites cannot rotate around their axis synchronously with orbital rotation, i.e. all the time to be turned to your planet by the same side! Can not!

This is absolutely impossible in the wild!

Certainty about the uniqueness of our solar system appeared recently, when they were able to explore open "exoplanets" (planets orbiting other stars) and found that in other solar systems everything is completely different from ours. Recently, a small note appeared on this topic called “The solar system was born in unique conditions”:

“U.S. and Canadian scientists have shown through computer simulations that unique conditions were needed to form the solar system, and it is a very special case among other planetary systems. The results of the study are published in the journal Science. Most of the previous theoretical models explaining the formation of the solar system from a protoplanetary disk of gas and dust were based on the assumption that our system is "average" in all respects. In recent decades, about 300 exoplanets have been discovered - planets orbiting other stars. Summarizing these data, astronomers from the American Northwestern University (Illinois) and the Canadian University of Guelph came to the conclusion that the solar system is in many ways a unique case and that very special conditions are needed for its formation.

– The solar system was born in special conditions to become the calm place that we see. The vast majority of other planetary systems did not meet these special conditions at the time of their appearance, and are very different, says lead author of the study, astronomy professor Frederic Rasio, quoted in a press release from Northwestern University. – Now we know that other planetary systems are not at all like the solar system… The shape of the orbits of exoplanets is elongated, not circular. The planets are not where we expect them to be. Many Jupiter-like giant planets, known as “hot Jupiters,” get so close to the stars that they orbit them in a matter of days… Such a turbulent history leaves very little chance of a quiet solar system like ours, and our models confirm this. Certain conditions must be exactly met in order for the solar system to appear ... We also know that our solar system is special, and we understand what makes it special ... "

These scientists, as always, are not very precise and strict in their conclusions. And they hardly understand "what makes it special." In fact, our solar system was NOT born under unique conditions. She was artificially made so “unique” - as adapted as possible for a long and safe life. Nevertheless, the results of these studies may well serve as proof that preparations for the colonization of Midgard-earth were most likely carried out for more than one hundred thousand years. It is very likely that this preparation included not only the creation or delivery of the necessary moons, but also the correction of the orbits of all the planets of our solar system, and the colonization of Dei and Mars, and probably much more that we have no idea about.

Recently it turned out that our solar system is an anomaly in the universe, this has led to the emergence of a hypothesis about its artificial origin. It may seem incredible, but there are serious arguments in favor of such an assumption.

In early 2010, NASA's astronomical observatory in the constellation Cygnus discovered a planetary system called Kepler-33. Unexpectedly, this discovery called into question the traditional ideas of scientists about the structure of our solar system. It turned out that the planets of the Kepler-33 system were similar in many respects to Mercury, Venus, the Earth and other planets of the solar system. However, there was one serious difference, which surprised scientists to a large extent.

The planets of the Kepler-33 system, unlike the planets of our solar system, are very clearly distributed in size. Closer to the luminary is the largest planet, then a smaller one follows, then an even smaller one, and so on. On the periphery of the system is the smallest planet. American scientists considered this arrangement of planets to be anomalous, because in our solar system the smallest planets (Mercury, Venus and Earth) are closest to the star, and the largest (Jupiter and Saturn) are exactly in the middle.

As it turned out, scientists hastened to classify the open planetary system as anomalous, the study of another 146 star systems showed that in them, as in the Kepler-33 system, the planets were located from the largest star to the smallest on the periphery. It turned out that our solar system was anomalous! The hypothesis immediately arose that the planets in the solar system are arranged in such a strange anomalous order in an artificial way. Who could do it and why?

Jupiter is a shield for the planet Earth

The fifth planet from the Sun - the gas giant Jupiter - is in many ways a big mystery for scientists. It is in a completely atypical orbit for such a planet. It is as if someone deliberately positioned this planet in such a way that it served as a cosmic shield for the Earth. Jupiter plays the role of a kind of "trap", intercepting objects that would otherwise fall into our planet.

Suffice it to recall the events of July 1994, when fragments of the Shoemaker-Aevy comet crashed into Jupiter with great speed, the area of ​​​​the explosions was then comparable to the diameter of our planet. Here are more recent cases. In 2009, Australian amateur astronomer Anthony Wesley observed an asteroid impact on Jupiter. Wesley's data was confirmed by professional astronomers. On September 10, 2012, again, an amateur astronomer from the USA, George Hall, recorded the collision of Jupiter with a huge asteroid. If he fell to Earth, our civilization would cease to exist.

Although Jupiter is the main shield of the Earth, Saturn also helps him. According to scientists, if these planets were absent in our solar system or if they were located elsewhere, there would be no intelligent life on Earth. Our planet would be “bombarded” a thousand times more often by asteroids and large meteorites, and every 10 thousand years there would be a catastrophic collision that would put life on the brink of destruction.

So, Jupiter is located in such a way that it actively protects our planet and life on it from comets and killer asteroids. Is it by chance? Judging by other planetary systems, it is no coincidence. Relatively recently, scientists, based on the existence of a large number of planetary systems with two luminaries, proposed the hypothesis that the second unrealized star in our solar system is Jupiter. It, like the Sun, consists of hydrogen and helium and is already giving off more energy into space than it receives from the Sun.

True, there is a hypothesis that Jupiter was already a sun, they say that in very ancient texts there are descriptions of two suns. Proponents of the hypothesis believe that Jupiter was “turned off” by the super-civilization that created our solar system. The question arises: why did she do it? Supposedly to save the Earth. Two luminaries could approach, the explosion that followed after that would destroy our entire planetary system. In addition, Jupiter is like a reserve sun, when the active luminary has used up all its "ammunition", our space curators can "turn it on" to provide all the planets with heat and light.

Are UFOs Repairing the Sun?

Has it ever surprised you that during a solar eclipse, the disk of the Moon perfectly overlaps the disk of the Sun? And this happens with a huge difference in diameters: the Moon is 3,500 km, and the Sun is 1,400,000 km. Although the luminary is 400 times larger than the Earth's satellite, it is also 400 times farther from our planet. Many see in this only a unique coincidence, but there are those who speak of a special plan of the Creators of the solar system, especially since there is a hypothesis about the artificial origin of the moon. There is historical evidence that once it was not in the sky, which means that it was “adjusted” precisely to the point that ensures such a coincidence of the disks of the Sun and the Moon.

Remembering the Sun, it is worth dwelling on the facts that directly indicate that amazing and mysterious events are taking place in our planetary. In 2005, the expert of the European Space Agency, the Dutch astrophysicist Piers van der Meer, said that there are signs of a terrible catastrophe approaching - the explosion of the Sun and the death of mankind. The scientist pointed out that the usual internal temperature of the Sun was 15 million degrees Celsius, and in 2005 it reached 27 million! The astrophysicist associated the process of global warming with the heating of the Sun.

The scientist calculated that the explosion of the Sun will occur in 2011-2012. Fortunately, the disaster has passed us. Was Piers van der Meer wrong, or did some external forces intervene in the processes taking place on the Sun? In 2010-2012, giant UFOs were observed more than once near the Sun, frames with them were taken using the SOHO and STEREO space observatories, which monitor the processes on our star. It was recorded how some UFOs "dived" into the Sun, while others flew out of it.

It is curious that after the “hype” on the Internet about these UFOs near the Sun, from the frames of the official NASA STEREO website, these objects suddenly disappeared, and the UFOs that obviously had a man-made form were the first to disappear. What did UFOs do on the Sun, maybe they repaired it? And what if Piers van der Meer was right and our cosmic benefactors saved us from certain death? By the way, after a powerful solar flare on February 25, 2014, a whole fleet of huge UFOs was again seen near our luminary ...

Vitaly Golubev


It is now that people quite "easily" imagine their place in the boundless expanses of the Cosmos.
They have been moving towards such ideas for many thousands of years - from the first questioning views of the primitive man on the night sky of the Earth, to the creation of the most powerful telescopes in all frequency ranges of EM oscillations.

Other types of wave processes (gravitational waves) and elementary particles (neutrino telescopes) are now also used to study the properties of outer space. Space scouts are used - interplanetary spacecraft that continue their work already outside the solar system and carry information about our planet to those inhabitants of the Galaxy (Universe) who will become the owners of these spacecraft in the future.

Studying nature (other Greek φύσις), mankind had to move from simple contemplation and sophistication (natural philosophy) to the creation of a full-fledged science - physics - experimental and theoretical (G. Galileo). Physics was able to predict the future in the development of natural processes.

Physics, in its essence, is the basis for all sciences, including mathematics, which cannot exist separately from nature, since it draws its themes from nature and is a tool for its study. As the mysteries of planetary motion were unraveled, new sections of mathematics were created (I. Newton, G. Leibniz), which are now being used with great success in all sections of human activity, without exception, including in the knowledge of the laws of the universe. Understanding these laws has made it possible to determine our place in the universe.

The process of cognition continues and cannot stop as long as a person and his natural curiosity exist - he wants to know what everything is made of and how it is arranged (galaxies, stars, planets, molecules, atoms, electrons, quarks ...), where everything comes from ( physical vacuum), where it disappears (black holes), etc. For this, scientists create new physical and mathematical theories, for example, superstring theory(M- theory)
(E. Witten, P. Townsend, R. Penrose, etc.), which explain the structure of both Macro- and Microworlds.

So, our Galaxy (the Milky Way) is included in the so-called local group of galaxies. The sizes of galaxies and the distances between them are huge and require special units of measurement (see column on the right).

our neighbors from the local group of galaxies (enlarge picture)

Our Galaxy - the Milky Way is a giant disk consisting of stars of various types, star clusters, interstellar matter, consisting of various types of radiation, elementary particles, atoms and molecules, dark matter, the secret of which astrophysicists are now struggling with. At the center of our Galaxy there is a black hole (at least one) - another of the astrophysical problems of our time.

The diagram below shows the structure of the Galaxy (sleeves, core, halo), its size and the place occupied by the Sun, the Earth and other planets - satellites of the Sun.

location of the solar system in the Milky Way Galaxy (diagram)
enlarge picture

scheme of arms (branches) of the Milky Way (solar system highlighted)
enlarge picture

COSMOGONY(Greek κοσµογόνια from Greek κόσµος - order, world, Universe and γονή - birth - origin of the world) - a branch of astronomy dedicated to the origin and development of celestial bodies.


A complete theory of the formation of the solar system still does not exist. All hypotheses, starting with R. Descartes (1644), existed for a certain time, and when they could not explain some of the phenomena occurring in the solar system, they were either completely rejected or developed and supplemented by other scientists.

The first serious cosmogonic hypothesis about the origin of the solar system was created and published in 1755 German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), who believed that the Sun and the planets were formed from solid particles of a huge cloud, which approached and stuck together under the influence of mutual gravity.

The second cosmogonic hypothesis was put forward in 1796 by the French physicist and astronomer Pierre Simon Laplace (1749-1827). Taking the ring of Saturn as a gas ring that separated from the planet as it rotated around its axis, Laplace believed that the Sun arose from a gas nebula, the rotation speed of which increased when it was compressed, and because of this, rings of gaseous matter were separated from the Sun (similar to the rings of Saturn) that gave birth to the planets.

This hypothesis has existed for over 100 years. However, like Kant's hypothesis, it was rejected because it did not explain the laws of the solar system. And a reliable hypothesis should explain the following basic patterns of the solar system:

1) the planets revolve around the Sun in almost circular orbits, slightly inclined to the plane of the earth's orbit, making an angle of 7 ° with the plane of the solar equator (the exception is the [dwarf] planet Pluto, whose orbit is inclined to the plane of the earth's orbit by 17 °);

2) the planets revolve around the Sun in the direction of its rotation around its axis (from west to east), and most of the planets rotate in the same direction (with the exception of Venus, Uranus and Pluto, rotating from east to west);

3) the mass of the Sun is 99.87% of the mass of the entire solar system;

4) the product of the mass of each planet by its distance from the Sun and its orbital speed is called the angular momentum of this planet; the product of the Sun's mass times its radius and linear speed of rotation is the angular momentum of the Sun. In total, these products give the angular momentum of the solar system, of which 98% is concentrated in the planets, and the Sun accounts for only 2%, i.e. The sun rotates very slowly (the linear velocity of its equator is 2 km/s);

5) the physical properties of the terrestrial planets and giant planets are different.

The hypotheses of Kant and Laplace could not explain all these regularities and therefore were rejected.
So, for example, Neptune is removed from the Sun by an average distance d = 30 AU. and its linear orbital velocity v = 5.5 km/s. Consequently, during the separation of the ring that gave rise to it, the Sun should have had the same radius and the same linear velocity of its equator.
As it contracted further, the Sun successively gave birth to other planets, and currently has a radius of R≈0.01 AU.
According to the laws of physics, the linear velocity of the solar equator would have to be

those. far exceed the actual speed of 2 km/s. This example already shows the failure of Laplace's hypothesis.

At the beginning of the XX century. other hypotheses were put forward, but they all turned out to be untenable, since they could not explain all the basic laws of the solar system.

According to modern concepts, the formation of the solar system is associated with the formation of the Sun from the gas and dust environment. It is believed that the gas and dust cloud, from which the Sun formed about 5 billion years ago, slowly rotated. As the cloud contracted, the rotation speed of the cloud increased, and it took the form of a disk. The central part of the disk gave rise to the Sun, and its outer regions - to the planets. This scheme fully explains the difference in the chemical composition and masses of the terrestrial planets and giant planets.

Indeed, as the Sun flared up, light chemical elements (hydrogen, helium) under the action of radiation pressure left the central regions of the cloud, moving to its periphery. Therefore, the terrestrial planets were formed from heavy chemical elements with small impurities of light ones and turned out to be small in size.

Due to the high density of gas and dust, solar radiation weakly penetrated to the periphery of the protoplanetary cloud, where low temperature reigned and the incoming gases froze onto solid particles. Therefore, distant giant planets were formed large and mainly from light chemical elements.

This cosmogonic hypothesis also explains a number of other regularities of the solar system, in particular, the distribution of its mass between the Sun (99.87%) and all the planets (0.13%), the modern distances of the planets from the Sun, their rotation, etc.

It was developed in 1944-1949. Soviet academician Otto Yulievich Schmidt (1891-1956) and subsequently developed by his collaborators and followers.