Cetelem bank litigation. Court proceedings



st. Batyushkova, 12, Vologda, 160001


The operative part of the resolution was announced on December 25, 2014 .
The resolution was issued in full on January 12, 2015.

Fourteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal composed of the presiding Murakhina H.The., judges Osokina H.GN and Pestereva O.Yu.
when maintaining the protocol by the secretary of the court session Mazaletskaya O.O.,
Having considered in open court the appeal of the limited liability company "Cetelem Bank" against the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Novgorod Region dated October 09, 2014 in case No. А44-1939/2014 (Judge Larina I.G.),

u s t a n o v i l:

Limited Liability Company "Cetelem Bank" (TIN 6452010742, OGRN 1027739664260; location: 125040, Moscow, Pravdy Street, 26; hereinafter - the bank, LLC "Cetelem Bank") applied to the Arbitration Court of the Novgorod Region with an application to the Administration of the Federal services for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being in the Novgorod region (TIN 5321101433, OGRN 1055300903833; location: 173015, Veliky Novgorod, Germana street, house 14; hereinafter referred to as management) on declaring illegal and canceling the order to eliminate the identified violations from 03/19/2014 No. 49/ZPP.
By the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Novgorod Region dated October 09, 2014 in case No. A44-1939/2014, the claims were denied.
The bank did not agree with the judicial act and filed an appeal, in which it asks to cancel the court decision. In support of the complaint, he points out that Order No. 49/ZPP dated 19.03.2014 is illegal, since the standard forms of agreements on the provision of a targeted consumer loan for the purchase of a motor vehicle, agreements on the provision of a loan for urgent needs, as well as the General Conditions for Issuing and Servicing Credit products of Cetelem Bank LLC, which were in force at the time of its issuance, have become invalid and are not applied by the bank when concluding agreements due to the entry into force of Federal Law No. 353-FZ of December 21, 2013 “On Consumer Credit (Loan)” (hereinafter - Law No. 353-FZ, Law on Consumer Credit).
The Office did not respond to the appeal.
The persons participating in the case were duly notified of the time and place of the consideration of the appeal, no representatives were sent to the court, in connection with this the case was considered in their absence in accordance with Articles 123, 156, 266 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - APC RF).
Having examined the evidence in the case, having checked the legality and validity of the court decision, having examined the arguments of the complaint, the court of appeal finds no grounds for satisfying it.
As follows from the materials of the case, on the basis of order No. 49 dated January 29, 2014, the department conducted a scheduled inspection of the activities of the Novgorod Representative Office of Cetelem Bank LLC in order to ensure consumer protection and compliance with mandatory requirements for goods (works, services), as a result of which an act was drawn up inspection dated 03/19/2014 No. 49, which reflects that LLC "Cetelem Bank" violated the requirements of the Law of the Russian Federation dated 07.02.1992 No. 2300-1 "On Protection of Consumer Rights" (hereinafter - Law No. consumers), expressed in the inclusion in the standard forms of agreements on the provision of a targeted consumer loan for the purchase of a motor vehicle, on the provision of a loan for urgent needs, in the General Conditions for the Issuance and Servicing of Credit Products of Cetelem Bank LLC, as well as in agreements with specific consumers of bank services , conditions that infringe on the rights of consumers, expressed in providing the bank with the possibility of direct debiting funds from the accounts of a client - an individual.
In connection with the identified violations, on March 19, 2014, the bank was issued order No. 49/ZPP to eliminate the identified violations by April 19, 2014, by excluding from the specified standard forms of contracts and the General Conditions for the Issuance and Servicing of Credit Products of Cetelem Bank LLC, those conditions, which infringe the rights of consumers in comparison with the rules established by laws or other legal acts of the Russian Federation.
In addition, on March 19, 2014, a report on an administrative offense was drawn up against the bank, and on April 18, 2014, Resolution No. 449 was issued, by which the bank was held liable under Part 2 of Article 14.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in the form of a fine of 10,000 rubles.
Disagreeing with the order, the bank challenged it in court.
According to Part 4 of Article 200 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, when considering cases on challenging non-normative legal acts, decisions and actions (inaction) of state bodies, local government bodies, other bodies, officials, the arbitration court in a court session checks the contested act or its individual provisions, contested decisions and actions (omissions) and establishes their compliance with the law or other regulatory legal act, establishes the authority of the body or person that adopted the contested act, decision or committed the contested actions (omissions), and also establishes whether the contested act, decision and actions violate (inaction) the rights and legitimate interests of the applicant in the field of entrepreneurial and other economic activities.
In accordance with Article 40 of the Consumer Rights Protection Law, state control and supervision over compliance with laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating relations in the field of consumer rights protection is carried out by the authorized federal executive body for control (supervision) in the field of consumer protection ( its territorial bodies), as well as other federal executive bodies (their territorial bodies) exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of consumer protection and safety of goods (works, services), in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
Regulations on the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 322 dated June 30, 2004, functions related to the implementation of supervision and control over compliance with the mandatory requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, including in the field of protection of rights consumers (clause 5 of the Regulations) are assigned to the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare.
Paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Article 17 of Federal Law No. 294-FZ of December 26, 2008 “On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs in the Exercise of State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 294-FZ) provides for the obligation of officials of the body state control (supervision), the municipal control body that conducted the inspection, within the powers provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, issue an order to take measures to prevent harm to life, human health, harm to animals, plants, the environment, state security, property of individuals and legal entities, state or municipal property, prevention of natural and man-made emergencies, as well as other measures provided for by federal laws.
Consequently, the challenged order was issued by the department within the limits of its powers.
According to Article 9 of the Federal Law of January 26, 1996 No. 15-FZ “On the Enactment of Part Two of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation”, paragraph 1 of Article 1 of the Consumer Rights Protection Law, relations with consumers are regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) , the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with them.
By virtue of paragraph 1 of Article 16 of the Consumer Rights Protection Law, the terms of the contract that infringe on the rights of the consumer in comparison with the rules established by laws or other legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of consumer protection are recognized as invalid.
In paragraph 4 of Article 421 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the terms of the contract are determined at the discretion of the parties, except when the content of the relevant condition is prescribed by law or other legal acts (Article 422).
According to paragraph 1 of Article 422 of this Code, the contract must comply with the rules binding on the parties, established by law and other legal acts (imperative norms) in force at the time of its conclusion.
In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 845 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, under a bank account agreement, the bank undertakes to accept and credit funds received to the account opened by the client (account holder), fulfill the client's instructions to transfer and issue the appropriate amounts from the account and conduct other operations on the account.
The bank may use the funds available on the account, guaranteeing the client's right to freely dispose of these funds (paragraph 2 of Article 845 of this Code).
By virtue of paragraph 3 of Article 845 of the said Code, the bank is not entitled to determine and control the directions of use of the client's funds and establish other restrictions not provided for by law or the bank account agreement, restrictions on his right to dispose of the funds at his own discretion.
In accordance with Article 854 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, funds are debited from the account by the bank on the basis of the client's order.
According to Article 858 of the said Code, restriction of the client's rights to dispose of the funds on the account is not allowed, except for the seizure of the funds on the account or the suspension of operations on the account in cases provided for by law.
In accordance with clause 3.1 of Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 54-P dated August 31, 1998 “On the procedure for providing (placement) by credit institutions of funds and their return (repayment)” (hereinafter - Regulation No. 54-P), the repayment (return) of funds placed by the bank funds and payment of interest on them is made by transferring funds from the accounts of borrower clients - individuals on the basis of their written instructions, transferring funds of borrower clients - individuals through communication agencies or other credit organizations, depositing cash by the latter to the cash desk of the creditor bank on the basis of a cash receipt order, as well as deductions from the amounts due for wages to borrower clients who are employees of the creditor bank (at their request or on the basis of an agreement).
Thus, the return of funds placed by the bank and the payment of interest on them are made according to the active will of the borrower, whether it is a payment order in the case of non-cash settlements, or a written order, transfer, cash deposit to the bank's cash desk - in other cases. Thus, Regulation No. 54-P also does not provide for the possibility of direct debiting by the bank of funds from the client's account.
The Board of Appeal rejects the bank's argument that the current legislation, in particular the Federal Law of June 27, 2011 No. 161-FZ "On the National Payment System" (hereinafter - Law No. 161-FZ) and the Regulation of the Bank of Russia "On the Rules for Transferring Funds » dated 06/19/2012 No. 383-P, it is possible to obtain a pre-given acceptance of the payer, since in this case it is provided for by the standard forms of agreements on the provision of a targeted consumer loan for the purchase of a vehicle, on the provision of a loan for urgent needs, General conditions for the issuance and maintenance of credit products LLC "Cetelem Bank" the client's consent to write off funds from the account without additional acceptance does not fall under the signs of "a prior acceptance".
In addition, paragraph 2 of Article 854 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides that, without the client's order, debiting funds on the account is allowed by a court decision, as well as in cases established by law or provided for by an agreement between the bank and the client.
In accordance with clause 2.9.1 of the Regulation of the Bank of Russia "On the rules for the transfer of funds" dated June 19, 2012 No. 383-P, the payer's advance acceptance may be given in an agreement between the payer's bank and the payer and (or) in the form of a separate message or document, in including an application for a pre-given acceptance, drawn up by the payer in electronic form or on paper, indicating the amount of acceptance or the procedure for determining it, information about the recipient of funds who has the right to present instructions to the payer's bank account, about the payer's obligation and the main contract, including including in cases stipulated by federal law, indicating the possibility (impossibility) of partial execution of the order, as well as other information. In advance, this acceptance must be given before the presentation of the order of the recipient of funds. In advance, this acceptance may be given in relation to one or more bank accounts of the payer, one or more recipients of funds, one or more instructions of the recipient of funds.
From the foregoing, it follows that these terms and conditions of the contracts do not fall under the signs of “a prior acceptance”, since they do not contain the amount of acceptance or the procedure for determining it, information about the recipient of funds who has the right to present instructions to the payer’s bank account, about the payer’s obligation and the main contract, in including in cases stipulated by federal law, indicating the possibility (impossibility) of partial execution of the order, as well as information about the payer's bank accounts in respect of which the acceptance was given in advance.
In accordance with Article 310 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a unilateral refusal to fulfill an obligation and a unilateral change in its conditions are not allowed, except as otherwise provided by law.
According to civil law (Chapter 42 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), the borrower has an obligation to repay the loan ahead of schedule at the request of the lender only in certain cases, which include the following:
in case of violation by the borrower of the period established for the return of the next loan amount, if the loan agreement provides for the return of the loan in installments (paragraph 2 of Article 811 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
if the borrower fails to fulfill the obligations stipulated by the loan agreement to ensure the return of the loan amount, if the security is lost or its conditions worsen due to circumstances for which the lender is not responsible (Article 813 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
in the event that the borrower fails to comply with the terms of the loan agreement on the intended use of the loan amount, in case of violation of the obligations to ensure that the lender can exercise control over the intended use of the loan amount (Article 814 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
In all other cases, not stipulated by the requirements of the law, the lender is not entitled to demand early repayment of the loan. The specified condition of the contract infringes on the rights of consumers in connection with the expansion by the bank of the cases of early repayment of the loan listed in the law.
Thus, the inclusion in the standard forms of agreements on the provision of a targeted consumer loan for the purchase of a motor vehicle, on the provision of a loan for urgent needs, in the General Conditions for the Issuance and Servicing of Credit Products of Cetelem Bank LLC, conditions on the possibility of direct debiting by the bank of funds from the client's accounts - an individual is rightfully recognized by the defendant as violating consumer rights.
The Bank did not provide any evidence of non-compliance of the disputed order with the requirements of the legislation and violation of its rights and interests in the field of entrepreneurial activity by this non-normative legal act.
Consequently, there are no grounds for invalidating the challenged order.
In addition, the legality of the order is also confirmed by the decision of the Arbitration Court of the city of Moscow dated June 16, 2014 in case A40-56702 / 2014, which has entered into force, which confirms the legality of bringing the bank to administrative responsibility for committing the above violations, as well as conducting an audit in respect of it .
In the appeal, the applicant points out that Order No. 49/ZPP dated March 19, 2014 is illegal, since the standard forms of the above disputed agreements, as well as the General Conditions for Issuing and Servicing Credit Products of Cetelem Bank LLC, in force at the time of its issuance, have become invalid and are not applied by the bank when concluding contracts in connection with the entry into force on 01.07.2014 of the Consumer Credit Law.
This argument is subject to rejection, since no evidence of non-use of the current disputable model agreements and the General Conditions for the Issuance and Servicing of Credit Products of Cetelem Bank LLC was presented in the case file. In addition, this circumstance could not affect the legality of the challenged order, since at the time of its issuance the violations indicated in it took place, which is confirmed by the case materials, in this regard, the order of 19.03.2014 No. 49 / ZPP is legal.
Under the above circumstances, the court of appeal found that the decision was made by the arbitration court of first instance with the full clarification of the circumstances of the case, no violations of substantive and procedural law were established, there were no grounds for satisfying the appeal and canceling the contested judicial act.
Guided by articles 269, 271 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the Fourteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal

p o s t a n o v i l:

The decision of the Arbitration Court of the Novgorod Region dated October 09, 2014 in case No. A44-1939/2014 is left unchanged, the appeal of the limited liability company "Cetelem Bank" is not satisfied.
The decision may be appealed to the Arbitration Court of the North-Western District within a period not exceeding two months from the date of its adoption.


N.V. Murakhina

N.N. Osokina



Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Court composed of:

presiding judge Kondakova T.A.,

judges Kochetkova M.The. and Kulaeva E.V.,

when maintaining the protocol of the court session by the secretary Ignatiev S.V.,

examined in open court the appeal Baykova Oh.A.

on the decision of the Soviet District Court g.N.Novgorod dated December 11, 2014 in the case on the claim of Baykova Oh.A. to LLC "Cetelem Bank" on the recognition of the terms of the contract as invalid, the recognition of the debt repaid, the obligations terminated, the recovery of compensation for moral damage, court costs, the recognition of the accrual of the fine as invalid,

After hearing the report of the judge of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Court Kochetkova M.The., explanations of the representative Baykova Oh.A. by proxy Dovbush M.S., panel of judges


Baykova O.A. applied to the court with these requirements against Cetelem Bank LLC, indicating that<…>concluded an agreement with the defendant on the provision of a targeted consumer loan for the purchase of a motor vehicle No.<…>. Clause 7.12 of this agreement provides that the client agrees that all issues, disagreements or claims arising from the agreement with the bank and related to the collection of debts by the bank under the agreement are subject to consideration in court at the location of the bank. The plaintiff believes that the specified condition of the contract is contrary to the law - clause 2 of article 17, clause 1 of article 16 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated 07.02.1992 No. 2300-1 “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, since the jurisdiction of disputes arising from contracts which is the consumer is established by law and cannot be changed by agreement of the parties. Thus, the provisions of clause 7.12 of the loan agreement are void and on the basis of Art. 168 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is subject to invalidation. Besides,<…> <…>year, on the need to provide information and documents, as well as on changing the provisions of clause 7.12 of the agreement regarding the jurisdiction of the dispute under this agreement.<…>this notice was received by the bank. However, the respondent did not respond to this notification.<…>year, the plaintiff resubmitted said notice. Having not received a response to the repeated notification, the plaintiff<…>year transferred to the bank on account of the early fulfillment of the obligation to repay the loan under the agreement dated<…>year cash in the amount<…>. Considering these actions of the defendant to be illegal, the plaintiff, taking into account the changed requirements, asked the court to recognize the conditions of clause 7.12 of the agreement on the provision of a targeted consumer loan for the purchase of a motor vehicle No.<…>from<…>year invalid (insignificant); recognize the repaid debt to Cetelem Bank LLC under the agreement on the provision of a targeted consumer loan for the purchase of a car from<…>year, and obligations terminated, recognize the accrual of a fine in the amount of<…>rubles for non-submission for temporary storage of the Title for the car invalid; recover from Cetelem Bank LLC compensation for non-pecuniary damage in the amount of<…>rubles, court costs in the amount of<…>rubles.

In the trial court plaintiff Baikova Oh.A. and her representative by proxy Dovbush M.S. did not appear, the time and place of the hearing of the case were notified.

The representative of the defendant Ltd. «Setelem Bank» by proxy Kurmaev D.The. did not recognize the claims.

By the decision of the Soviet District Court g.N.Novgorod dated December 11, 2014, the claims of Baykova Oh.A. partially satisfied. Recognized invalid due to the nullity of the terms of clause 7.12 of the agreement on the provision of a targeted consumer loan for the purchase of a car No.<…>from<…>of the year.

Compensation for non-pecuniary damage in the amount of<…>rubles, a fine of<…> <…>rubles. A state fee in the amount of<…>rubles. The rest of the claims Baykova Oh.A. denied.

The appeal Baykova Oh.A. the question was raised about the cancellation of the court decision in the part in which she was denied satisfaction of the claims for recognition of the repaid debt to the bank, as taken in violation of the norms of substantive and procedural law.

In objections to the appeal, LLC “Cetelem Bank” asks the court decision to be left unchanged, the appeal is dismissed.

The legality of the decision of the court of first instance was verified by the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Court in the manner prescribed by Chapter 39 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

By virtue of Part 1 of Article 327.1 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the Court of Appeal considers the case within the limits of the arguments set forth in the appeal.

Having checked the materials of the case, discussed the arguments of the appeal, objections to the complaint, having heard the explanations of the persons who appeared in the case, the panel of judges does not find grounds for canceling the court decision, since it was decided in accordance with the requirements of the law and the circumstances established in the case.

<…>year between Baikova O.A. and Cetelem Bank LLC signed an agreement on the provision of a targeted consumer loan for the purchase of a vehicle No.<…>.

Clause 7.12 of this agreement provides that the client agrees that all issues, disagreements or claims arising from the agreement with the bank and related to the collection of debts by the bank under the agreement are subject to consideration in court at the location of the bank.

In accordance with Part 7 of Art. Claims for the protection of consumer rights may also be brought to court at the place of residence or place of stay of the plaintiff or at the place of conclusion or place of execution of the contract.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 17 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 7, 1992 No. 2300-1 “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, claims for consumer protection can be brought to court at the location of the organization, place of residence or stay of the plaintiff, place of conclusion or execution of the contract. In this case, the choice between several courts that have jurisdiction over the case belongs to the plaintiff.

Thus, in order to protect the rights of consumers, as an economically weak party in the contract, the legislator introduced additional mechanisms of legal protection, including the issue of determining the jurisdiction of civil cases with their participation.

The inclusion by the bank in the loan agreement of a provision on the jurisdiction of the dispute to a particular court (in particular, at the location of the bank) infringes on the consumer's rights established by law.

According to Part 1 of Art. 16 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", the terms of the contract that infringe on the rights of the consumer in comparison with the rules established by laws or other legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of consumer protection are recognized as invalid.

Consequently, clause 7.12 of the loan agreement concluded between the plaintiff and the defendant does not comply with the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation and the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", and therefore, by virtue of Art. 168 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is void.

Resolving the stated requirements, the court of first instance, having assessed the circumstances established in the case in relation to the above provisions of the law, made the correct conclusion that the condition of the loan agreement, clause 7.12 of the contested loan agreement, is invalid by law.

The appeal does not contain any arguments contesting the said conclusions of the court of first instance.

It appears from the case file that<…>year, by registered mail with a notification and a description of the investment, the plaintiff sent a notice to the defendant about the early repayment of the loan under the agreement dated<…>year, on the need to provide information and documents, as well as on changing the provisions of clause 7.12 of the agreement regarding the jurisdiction of the dispute under this agreement (case sheets 21-23).

<…>the notice was received by the defendant.

However, the respondent did not respond to this notification.

<…>year, the plaintiff repeatedly sent the said notice to the bank.

Having not received a response to the repeated notification, the plaintiff<…>year transferred to the bank on account of the early fulfillment of the obligation to repay the loan in the amount of<…>.

It is established that by the date of the next monthly payment (<…>year) the defendant did not credit the entire amount transferred by the plaintiff in the amount of<…>on account of the early fulfillment of the obligation to repay the loan under the agreement dated<…>of the year.

This transfer was not made by the bank due to insufficient funds, since<…>year, the bank charged the plaintiff a fine for not providing a vehicle title in the amount of<…>rubles.

<…>year, the defendant canceled the payment of a fine for not providing a vehicle title in the amount of<…>rubles (case sheet 185), and<…>years on account of early execution Baikova Oh.A. obligations under the contract credited to her account the deposited funds.

Thus, at the time of the decision by the court, the loan agreement was executed by the parties in full, the obligations of the parties were terminated.

The court correctly stated that, since at the time of the decision, the said loan agreement was terminated by its execution, the recognition of this loan agreement as executed (terminated) on a certain date will not in itself entail any consequences and will not directly lead to the restoration of the plaintiff's rights.

Taking into account the grounds for the stated requirements and the subject of the dispute under consideration, the arguments of the appeal on the illegal use of funds and the accrual of interest for the period from<…>year on<…>years, do not entail the cancellation of the decision of the court of first instance, as unfounded.

Other arguments of the appeal, challenging the conclusions of the court on the merits of the dispute considered, also cannot affect the content of the court's decision, the correctness of the court's determination of the rights and obligations of the parties in the framework of the disputed legal relationship, and do not indicate the existence of the provisions of Art. 330 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation grounds for the cancellation of the court decision.

The arguments contesting the conclusions of the court regarding the satisfaction of claims Baykova Oh.A. for the recovery in her favor of compensation for non-pecuniary damage and a fine, and requirements for the abolition of the decision in this part of the appeal does not contain.

Violations of the norms of substantive and procedural law that led or could lead to an incorrect resolution of this case (including those to which there are references in the appeal) were not allowed by the court.

Meanwhile, in the operative part of the decision it is not indicated that the recovery from LLC «Cetelem Bank» compensation for non-pecuniary damage, a fine and expenses for paying for the services of a representative is made in favor of Baykova Oh.A.

According to the provisions of paragraph 6 of Article 330 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, this circumstance cannot be a basis for changing the decision. The decision of the court in this part is subject to clarification.

Based on the foregoing, guided by Articles 328, 329, 330 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Court


the decision of the Soviet District Court g.N.Novgorod on December 11, 2014 to uphold, the appeal Baykova Oh.A. - without satisfaction.

Clarify the operative part of the decision of the Sovetsky District Court of Nizhny Novgorod dated December 11, 2014 instead of the words “To recover from Cetelem Bank LLC compensation for non-pecuniary damage in the amount of<…>rubles, a fine of<…>rubles, the costs of paying for the services of a representative in the amount of<…>rubles” indicate “To collect from LLC “Setelem Bank” in favor of Baykova Oh.A. compensation for non-pecuniary damage in the amount<…>rubles, a fine of<…>rubles, the costs of paying for the services of a representative in the amount of<…>rubles".

presiding judge.

Do you think you are Russian? Born in the USSR and think that you are Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian? No. This is not true.

You are actually Russian, Ukrainian or Belarusian. But you think you are a Jew.

Game? Wrong word. The correct word is "imprinting".

A newborn associates himself with those facial features that he observes immediately after birth. This natural mechanism is characteristic of most living beings with vision.

Newborns in the USSR for the first few days saw their mother for a minimum of feeding time, and most of the time they saw the faces of the maternity hospital staff. By a strange coincidence, they were (and still are) mostly Jewish. Reception is wild in its essence and effectiveness.

All your childhood you wondered why you live surrounded by non-native people. Rare Jews on your path could do anything with you, because you were drawn to them, while others were repelled. Yes, even now they can.

You cannot fix this - imprinting is one-time and for life. It is difficult to understand, the instinct took shape when you were still very far from being able to formulate. From that moment, no words or details have been preserved. Only facial features remained in the depths of memory. Those traits that you consider your family.


System and Observer

Let us define a system as an object whose existence is not in doubt.

An observer of a system is an object that is not a part of the system it observes, that is, it determines its existence, including through factors independent of the system.

From the point of view of the system, the observer is a source of chaos - both control actions and the consequences of observational measurements that do not have a causal relationship with the system.

An internal observer is an object potentially achievable for the system in relation to which the inversion of the observation and control channels is possible.

An external observer is even an object potentially unattainable for the system, located beyond the event horizon of the system (spatial and temporal).

Hypothesis #1. All-seeing eye

Let's assume that our universe is a system and it has an external observer. Then observational measurements can take place, for example, with the help of "gravitational radiation" penetrating the universe from all sides from the outside. The capture cross section of "gravitational radiation" is proportional to the mass of the object, and the projection of the "shadow" from this capture onto another object is perceived as an attractive force. It will be proportional to the product of the masses of objects and inversely proportional to the distance between them, which determines the density of the "shadow".

The capture of "gravitational radiation" by an object increases its randomness and is perceived by us as a passage of time. An object that is opaque to "gravitational radiation", the capture cross section of which is larger than the geometric size, looks like a black hole inside the universe.

Hypothesis #2. Internal Observer

It is possible that our universe is watching itself. For example, using pairs of quantum entangled particles spaced apart in space as standards. Then the space between them is saturated with the probability of the existence of the process that generated these particles, which reaches its maximum density at the intersection of the trajectories of these particles. The existence of these particles also means the absence of a sufficiently large capture cross section on the trajectories of objects capable of absorbing these particles. The remaining assumptions remain the same as for the first hypothesis, except:

Time flow

External observation of an object approaching the event horizon of a black hole, if the determining factor of time in the universe is an "outside observer", will slow down exactly twice - the shadow from the black hole will block exactly half of the possible trajectories of "gravitational radiation". If the determining factor is the “internal observer”, then the shadow will block the entire trajectory of interaction and the flow of time for an object falling into a black hole will completely stop for a view from the outside.

Also, the possibility of combining these hypotheses in one proportion or another is not excluded.

Legal advice:

1. I took a car loan from Setelem Bank, wrote an application for refusal of life insurance at Sberbank on March 24th. How do I know if my insurance has been cancelled?

1.1. Easy: call the Security Council and ask.
Good luck.

Did the answer help you? Not really

1.2. You will have to transfer funds for insurance within 10 days, or set them off against a loan, if this is provided for by the insurance rules.

Did the answer help you? Not really

2. Setelem bank car loan vacation job loss.

2.1. Write an application to the bank for debt restructuring / deferred payment, attach documents confirming your loss of work.

Did the answer help you? Not really

3. What is the clause in the contract 1.3 of the amount for payment of other consumer needs? Bank Setelem.

3.1. Not quite clear. You need to look at the contract to answer your question.

Did the answer help you? Not really

4. We are going to apply for a car loan in a network bank, are we obliged to leave the Title Deed at the bank?

4.1. You need to ask the bank for this. Everyone has different conditions for issuing a loan.

Did the answer help you? Not really

5. It is possible to return insurance in case of early repayment of a car loan at Cetelem Bank.

5.1. Is it possible to demand the return of part of the insurance, and in some cases the full amount, is the insurance on hand now?

Did the answer help you? Not really

6. How to keep a car loan. The bank sued. Setelem.

6.1. Just negotiate with the bank, look for money and repay the loan.
Otherwise, the bailiffs will impose a penalty on the car.

Did the answer help you? Not really

6.2. Or challenge the pledge agreement if it is drawn up with violations. There are other options, but again, it all depends on the terms of the contract. In some cases, the car is sold and the buyer is subsequently found to be in good faith. For a more detailed study of the situation, you can apply for a personal consultation at the contacts below.

Yours faithfully, the lawyer in Volgograd - Stepanov Vadim Igorevich.

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7. Setelem Bank imposed a fine for untimely prolongation of CASCO. How to dispute?

7.1. What do you have in the terms of the contract? I take it this is a car loan? Look pzhsta. After all, a contract is when 2 parties agree on certain conditions and putting their signature, they confirm that they have come to an agreement on all points and affirm their intentions to fulfill the conditions set forth in the contract.
If there really was a violation of the essential terms of the contract on your part, then the imposition of a fine (if it is also provided for by the contract) is quite a place to be.

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7.2. If this penalty is provided for by your loan agreement, then it is useless to dispute this fact. You yourself agreed to this condition when signing the contract. All the best!

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8. Auto credit network bank. Delays 4 months. threaten to sue.

8.1. The Bank has the right to judicially recover the existing debt + fines, penalties, forfeits, etc. It is more profitable for you to negotiate with the bank and find a way out of the situation, otherwise legal costs will be added to the debt. If the car is pledged to the bank, then it is possible that the bank will demand to foreclose on the collateral.

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9. Can I defer the monthly payment on a car loan at a network bank?

9.1. Nicholas!
If you do this, then, obviously, the sanctions provided for by the loan agreement (penalties, fines) will be applied.

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10. Cetelem Bank refuses to pay the balance of the insurance in case of early repayment of the loan.

10.1. If the loan was repaid ahead of schedule, then you can claim a refund of part of the money, if such a condition is provided for in the contract.

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11. How can I find out if a car loan has been approved for me by a network bank?

11.1. How to find out if my car loan was approved by a network bank.

How to find out if my car loan was approved by a network bank.
They should call, if they don't call, then they refused. Go pick up the documents if you handed over.

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12. How to send the policy with the documents on Casco payment to the bank setelem?

12.1. You can send by mail with a list of attachments and acknowledgment of receipt.
But it is better to hand over directly to the bank.

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12.2. The bank's website contains all contact information, as well as a multi-line phone for contacting the operator, so check it out.

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13. I am on maternity leave to care for a child up to three years old. In October last year, I took out a loan due to very urgent circumstances on unfavorable terms. Now, during the coronovirus epidemic, my husband has no income, besides, we have 2 small children. How can I correctly arrange credit holidays for the maximum period at Cetelem Bank so that there is no refusal?

13.1. In order to receive credit holidays, it is necessary to document that your spouse's income has decreased by 30% percent or more, this can be confirmed by a certificate of closure of the IP or a certificate from the place of work. If the spouse did not work officially, then it will not be possible to arrange credit holidays, it will only be possible to refinance the loan, at the discretion of the bank.

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Consultation on your question

call from landlines and mobiles is free throughout Russia

14. Soon there will be a month on the delay of a car loan in a network bank, I want to make 2 payments at once in 10 days. How long does it take for the bank to sue, and is the car always taken away?

14.1. Usually from delay to court passes from a couple of months to a year.
The car will be foreclosed on even later, until the court decision comes into force, until the bailiffs hand over the case. So you still have time to fix everything.

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14.2. The bank will not immediately sue, first you will have a pre-trial settlement, in the form of telephone conversations and writing claim letters.
Respectfully! Please leave your feedback for my consultation!

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14.3. This is at the discretion of the bank. Usually, before going to court, a claim is sent to the debtor.

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14.4. Not always, the bank sues starting from 3 months.

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15. I took a car loan from Setelem Bank and wanted to know if I can refuse life insurance, since 14 days have not passed since the purchase of the car, so what should I do for this?

15.1. Christina, you need to write an application for termination of the insurance contract to the Insurance Company with which you have concluded an agreement. But in such cases, banks often increase the interest rate on the loan.

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15.2. Taking into account the norms of the current legislation, namely clause 1 of Instruction of the Bank of Russia dated November 20, 2015 N 3854-U "On the minimum (standard) requirements for the conditions and procedure for the implementation of certain types of voluntary insurance" - when implementing voluntary insurance, the insured (person who takes a loan and accordingly concludes an insurance contract) has the right to withdraw from the insurance contract and demand a full refund of the funds for insurance within 14 days from the date of conclusion of the insurance contract or from the moment the bank or insurance company enters the borrower in the register of insured persons. The period of 14 days is called the cooling period. In this case, it is necessary to apply in writing to the credit and insurance organizations with a request, indicating that the insurance contract has been terminated and, accordingly, the insurance premium is subject to return. In a situation where the requirements of the borrower are not satisfied in a pre-trial order, it is necessary to claim in court, by filing a statement of claim with the court at the place of official registration of the borrower and the territorial jurisdiction of the judicial authority.

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16. If I pay, according to the writ of execution to the bailiffs, and the bank sends an SMS in the form of "Cetelem Bank" LLC: During the verification of information under your contract, inconsistencies were identified. Providing fictitious personal data is a violation of the law. Today, pay the overdue debt and call back Bank 88005005509" how to proceed?

16.1. If you did not provide false information, then you do not need to call anywhere.

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17. Bank Setelem sued for the full cost of the loan, half was paid, the court at the place of registration, I am in another city, is it possible to file an objection by e-mail so that the court decision does not come into force, and how can this be done? how to reduce the amount? Thank you.

17.1. You can file an objection to the claim.

If you send an objection by e-mail, it must be duplicated by sending the document by Russian Post by registered mail. It is necessary.

The amount can be reduced, but for this it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the full text of the statement of claim and the calculations attached to it.

I can prepare for you an objection to the claim with all the necessary calculations, completely ready to be sent to court. If you need my help, write to the email address of which is attached to my answer.

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18. Took a credit card for 10 thousand bank. Threw it out 6 years later. they called and said that the amount is 180 thousand percent .. you have to pay. How in 6 years they have not sued if they have a reason? The card was issued by mail.

18.1. The creditor's right to decide when to go to court. The expiration of the limitation period does not deprive the creditor of the right to apply to the court.

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18.2. The statute of limitations does not automatically apply. It can only be applied by the court, and only at the request of the parties. The bank transferred the money to your card, and what you did with it is your business. After discarding the card. The counter continued to work.

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19. I have my last car loan installment at Cetelem Bank this month. What are my next steps, given that the car dealership where the loan agreement was drawn up and the bank are in different cities?

19.1. Make the last installment. The next day after the write-off, pick up the original TCP and receive a certificate of closing the loan. Actually, everything.

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20. Car loan setelem bank. The contract states that CASCO is issued for at least one year. Is it possible not to apply for the second year.

20.1. If the contract does not provide for mandatory registration of CASCO insurance, then it is not necessary. However, if you refuse Casco insurance, you personally take full responsibility to the bank, in the event that an accident occurs and the car loses its marketable value, and compulsory OSAGO insurance does not cover the damage caused, or you are the culprit of the accident, all the costs of restoring the car are borne by owner. At the same time, the loan to the bank will not go anywhere.

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21. I paid in court with a pension to the bank for 2 years, 5 thousand each, for 2 years, I’ve finished now I’m being charged a penalty of 185 thousand. The loan itself was 200, you can somehow get out of everything and how to be Help?

21.1. You don't have to pay a voluntary fee. Let the bank go to court, and you can claim in court a reduction in the amount of the penalty in accordance with Art. 333 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

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21.2. in this case, you do not have to pay anything. If the bank goes to court, you should apply with a response to reduce the amount of the penalty, etc.

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22. I took a car loan from Cetelem Bank, except for the amount of 707450 rubles. , which was needed to buy a car, the amount was also added to pay for other consumer needs - 39844. The loan was repaid in full within 6 months. Can I return part of the amount for other consumer needs, since I no longer need them?

22.1. You can with a warning from the lender about the early repayment of the loan at least a month in advance.

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22.2. Need to see what these needs are? As a rule, insurance and services are imposed with a car loan, where exactly did this money go?

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23. I pay a car loan to Setelem Bank, I overdue the purchase of CASCO, (but bought) I was fined 10,000 rubles. (this is stipulated in the contract and they were also hurt by the fact that I did not buy insurance from their representative) the point is, can the Bank remove the amount of the fine from the amount I pay for the principal debt that I pay monthly?

23.1. Read the contract, most likely there is such a sequence of repayment and it costs, first legal costs, then penalties, then interest, then the main debt. Look for the order of repayment in the contract.

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24. SMS received from Creditexpr Debt "Cetelem Bank" LLC, 88OO5OO55O9 to LLC KIF, call 88002220483, although I am not familiar with this bank at all.

24.1. We do not deal with these issues.

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24.2. These are collectors. Ignore, otherwise they can write off a round sum from the phone and the bank account linked to it.

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25. Took out a loan in a network in 2014. Could not pay. 11/28/2018
.learned that the debt has been sold to collectors since 2015. The bank itself is gone. Is it possible to save the entire debt?

25.1. If 3 years have not passed since the last payment on the loan (Article 196 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), then you will not be able to write off the debts.

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№ – 538/2014


Dzerzhinsky District Court<адрес>composed of:

presiding judge Popov K.B.,

at the secretary FULL NAME5,

having considered in open court a civil case on the claim of the Limited Liability Company "Cetelem Bank" to FULL NAME2 for the recovery of debt under a loan agreement, foreclosure on mortgaged property,


LLC "Cetelem Bank" filed a lawsuit against FULL NAME2 for the recovery of debt under the loan agreement, foreclosure of the pledged property, in support of indicating that CB "BNP Paribas Vostok" LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "Bank" / "Creditor" ) and FULL NAME2 (hereinafter referred to as the "Borrower" / "Respondent") entered into an Agreement on the provision of a targeted consumer loan for the purchase of a vehicle No. provide the Borrower with a loan in the amount of 202,000.00 rubles for a period of 24 months with a fee for using the loan in the amount of 14.5 percent per annum of the loan amount, and the Borrower undertakes to repay the loan on the terms and in the manner established by the Loan Agreement. DD.MM.YYYY CB "BNP Paribas Vostok" LLC changed its corporate name to "Cetelem Bank" LLC, which was recorded in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Certificate dated DD.MM.YYYY Ser. 77 No. 014387804). The target loan was provided to the Borrower for the purchase of a DaewooNexia car identification number (VIN) XWB3L32EDDA007062 and payment of the insurance premium under the Personal Accident Insurance Contract for Borrowers dated DD.MM.YYYY, concluded between the Borrower and CARDIF Insurance Company LLC, payment insurance premium under the CASCO insurance contract dated DD.MM.YYYY<адрес>parts of the above Loan Agreement No. C 04100132928 dated DD.MM.YYYY are the Client's Application Form for issuing a loan, the General Conditions for Issuing and Servicing Loan Products by Cetelem Bank LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "General Conditions"), the Loan Payment Schedule and the Bank's Tariffs (hereinafter - Tariffs). DD.MM.YYYY, in order to ensure the proper fulfillment of the terms of the said Loan Agreement between Cetelem Bank LLC and the Respondent, a Vehicle Pledge Agreement No. (hereinafter referred to as the “Pledge Agreement”) was concluded, in accordance with which a vehicle - DaewooNexia was pledged , identification number (VIN) XWB3L32EDDA007062, vehicle passport<адрес>. The Bank fulfilled its obligations under the Loan Agreement in full and provided the Borrower with a loan in full, as evidenced by the statement of account No. 40817810704100132928. The demand for full early repayment of the debt was sent to the Respondent, but has not been fulfilled to date. The Respondent's debt under the Agreement on the provision of a targeted consumer loan for the purchase of a motor vehicle No. C 04100132928 dated DD.MM.YYYY to Cetel Bank LLC is: 167,711.85 rubles, of which: the amount of the principal debt under the Loan Agreement - 157,440.64 rubles, the amount of interest for use in cash - 5345.17 rubles, the amount of interest accrued on the overdue debt is 525.94 rubles. He asks the court to recover from the Defendant - FULL NAME2 in favor of "Cetelem Bank" LLC debt under the Agreement on the provision of a targeted consumer loan for the purchase of a vehicle in the total amount - 167711.85 rubles. Foreclose on pledged property - vehicle DaewooNexia identification number (VEST) XWB3L32EDDA007062, vehicle passport<адрес>, through sale at public auction, set the initial sale price of the pledged property - DaewooNexia vehicle identification number (VPN) XWB3r32EDDA007062, vehicle passport<адрес>, in the amount of 133600.00 rubles. To recover from FULL NAME4 the benefit of "Cetelem Bank" Ltd. the costs of paying the state duty in the amount of 4554.24 rubles.

At the hearing, the representative of LLC "Cetelem Bank" did not appear, submitted a statement on the consideration of the case in his absence.

defendant FULL NAME2 at the hearing did not appear, the date and time of the hearing notified in a timely manner and properly, the reason for failure to appear court did not report objections to the claim did not provide. Earlier at the hearing, he provided the original receipt confirming the partial repayment of the debt in the amount of 50,000 rubles.

The court, having examined the written materials of the case, finds the claims subject to satisfaction on the following grounds.

By virtue of clause 1, part 1, article 8 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, civil rights and obligations arise from contracts and other transactions provided for by law, as well as from contracts and other transactions, although not provided for by law, but not contrary to it.

According to Article 307 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, by virtue of an obligation, one person (debtor) is obliged to perform a certain action in favor of another person (creditor), and the creditor has the right to demand that the debtor fulfill his obligation.

In accordance with Articles 309, 310 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, obligations must be performed properly in accordance with the terms of the obligation and the requirements of the law, other legal acts, and in the absence of such conditions and requirements, in accordance with business practices and other usually imposed requirements. Unilateral refusal to fulfill an obligation and unilateral change of its conditions are not allowed.

In accordance with Article 819 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, under a loan agreement, a bank or other credit institution (creditor) undertakes to provide funds (credit) to the borrower in the amount and on the terms stipulated by the agreement, and the borrower undertakes to return the amount received and pay interest on it.

On the basis of Article 432 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an agreement is considered concluded if an agreement is reached between the parties, in the form required in the relevant cases, on all essential terms of the agreement. Essential are the conditions on the subject of the contract, the conditions that are named in the law or other legal acts as essential or necessary for contracts of this type, as well as all those conditions regarding which, at the request of one of the parties, an agreement must be reached.

established by the court.

CB "BNP Paribas Vostok" LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "Bank" / "Lender") and FULL NAME2 (hereinafter referred to as the "Borrower" / "Respondent") entered into an Agreement on the provision of a targeted consumer loan for the purchase of a motor vehicle No. C 04100132928 from DD. MM.YYYY (hereinafter referred to as the "Loan Agreement"), in accordance with which the Bank undertook to provide the Borrower with a loan in the amount of 202,000.00 rubles for a period of 24 months with a fee for using the loan in the amount of 14.5 percent per annum of the loan amount, and the Borrower undertook to repay the loan for conditions and in the manner prescribed by the Loan Agreement.

DD.MM.YYYY CB "BNP Paribas Vostok" LLC changed its corporate name to "Cetelem Bank" LLC, which was recorded in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Certificate dated DD.MM.YYYY Ser. 77 No. 014387804).

The target loan was provided to the Borrower for the purchase of a DaewooNexia car identification number (VIN) XWB3L32EDDA007062 and payment of the insurance premium under the Personal Accident Insurance Contract for Borrowers dated DD.MM.YYYY, concluded between the Borrower and CARDIF Insurance Company LLC, payment insurance premium under the CASCO insurance contract dated DD.MM.YYYY

The integral parts of the above Loan Agreement No. C 04100132928 dated DD.MM.YYYY are the Client's Application Form for issuing a loan, the General Conditions for Issuing and Servicing Loan Products by Cetelem Bank LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "General Conditions"), the Loan Payment Schedule and Tariffs Bank (hereinafter - Tariffs).

DD.MM.YYYY, in order to ensure the proper fulfillment of the terms of the said Loan Agreement between Cetelem Bank LLC and the Respondent, a Vehicle Pledge Agreement No. (hereinafter referred to as the “Pledge Agreement”) was concluded, in accordance with which a vehicle - DaewooNexia was pledged , identification number (VIN) XWB3L32EDDA007062, vehicle passport<адрес>.

The Bank fulfilled its obligations under the Loan Agreement in full and provided the Borrower with a loan in full, which is confirmed by the statement of account No. 40817810704100132928.

The demand for full early repayment of the debt was sent to the Respondent, but has not been fulfilled to date.

The Respondent's debt under the Agreement on the provision of a targeted consumer loan for the purchase of a motor vehicle No. C 04100132928 dated DD.MM.YYYY to Cetel Bank LLC is: 167,711.85 rubles, of which: the amount of the principal debt under the Loan Agreement - 157,440.64 rubles, the amount of interest for use in cash - 5345.17 rubles, the amount of interest accrued on the overdue debt is 525.94 rubles.

In accordance with Art. 819 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the rules stipulated by the provisions on the Loan apply to relations under a loan agreement. In accordance with Art. 810 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation The borrower is obliged to return to the lender the received loan amount on time and in the manner prescribed by the loan agreement.

According to part 2 of Art. 811 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, if the loan agreement provides for the return of the loan in parts (in installments), then if the borrower violates the deadline set for the return of the next part of the loan, the lender has the right to demand early repayment of the entire remaining loan amount together with the interest due.

According to Art. 309 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, obligations must be properly executed in accordance with the terms of the obligation.

Thus, at the court session it was established that the Respondent's debt under the Contract for the provision of a targeted consumer loan for the purchase of a motor vehicle No. C 04100132928 dated DD.MM.YYYY to Setel Bank LLC amounts to 167,711 rubles 85 kopecks.

Taking into account the above requirements of the law, the circumstances of the case, established at the hearing, the court considers the claims for the recovery of debt under the loan agreement reasonable and subject to satisfaction, in part.

As established at the hearing, the plaintiff, during the consideration of the case, voluntarily fulfilled his obligations, paid the debt under the loan agreement in the amount of 50,000 rubles, which is confirmed by a cash receipt order No. from DD.MM.YYYY

Consequently, the debt to the bank after the plaintiff's partial fulfillment of his obligations amounts to 117,711 rubles 85 kopecks.

If the Borrower violates its obligations under the agreement, the Bank has the right to foreclose on the pledged property and sell it.

Considering the above circumstances, the court considers it necessary to satisfy the plaintiff's claims for foreclosure on the pledged property - DaewooNexia model car identification number (VIN) XWB3L32EDDA007062, the owner of which is currently FULL NAME2

As follows from the conclusion on the revaluation of the market value of the vehicle, the market value of the pledged vehicle amounted to 167,000 rubles.

Thus, taking into account the terms of the pledge agreement, which provide for the initial sale value as 80% of the market value, the initial sale value of the vehicle is 133,600 rubles.

Due to the absence of objections from the defendant, the court considers it necessary to determine the initial sale value of the car in the amount of 133,600 rubles.

In accordance with Art. 98 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation to the party in whose favor the decision of the court took place, the court awards to compensate on the other hand all the legal costs incurred in the case in proportion to the satisfaction of the requirements.

The court found that when filing a claim, the plaintiff paid a state duty in the amount of 4554 rubles 24 kopecks, which is confirmed by a payment order.

Since the claims of the plaintiff against the defendant are partially satisfied, then from the defendant FULL NAME2 in favor of LLC «Setelem Bank» in respect of reimbursement of expenses for the payment of the state duty, 3554 rubles 23 kopecks are to be recovered.

Guided by Articles 194-199 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the court

the claims of the Limited Liability Company "Cetelem Bank" to FULL NAME2 for the recovery of debt under the loan agreement, foreclosure of the pledged property - partially satisfy.

Collect from FULL NAME2 the debt under the Agreement on the provision of a targeted consumer loan for the purchase of a motor vehicle No. C 04100132928 from DD.MM.YYYY in the amount of 117,711 rubles 85 kopecks.

Foreclose on the pledged property - car model Daewoo Nexia, identification number (VIN) XWB3L32EDDA007062, owned by FULL NAME2, setting the sale price of the car in the amount of 133,600 rubles.

Collect from FULL NAME2 in favor of the Limited Liability Company "Cetelem Bank", to reimburse the costs of paying the state duty in the amount of 3554 rubles 23 kopecks.

To satisfy the rest of the claims of the Limited Liability Company "Cetelem Bank" to FULL NAME2 for the recovery of debt under the loan agreement, court costs - refuse.

The decision can be appealed on appeal through the Dzerzhinsky District Court<адрес>in the Volgograd Regional Court within a month from the date of the final decision of the court.

The final decision was made by DD.MM.YYYY.