Singlet oxygen: toxic effects on cells. singlet oxygen

Molecular oxygen differs from most molecules by having a triplet ground state, O 2 ( X 3 Σ g−). The molecular orbital theory predicts three low-lying excited singlet states O 2 ( a 1 Δ g), O 2 ( a′ 1 Δ′ g) and O 2 ( b 1 Σ g+) (the nomenclature is explained in the article Symbols of molecular terms). These electronic states differ only in the spin and occupancy of the degenerate antibonding π g-orbitals. States O 2 ( a 1 Δ g) and O 2 ( a′ 1 Δ′ g) are degenerate. State O 2 ( b 1 Σ g+) - very short-lived and quickly relaxing to a lower-lying excited state O 2 ( a 1 Δ g). Therefore, it is usually O 2 ( a 1 Δ g) is called singlet oxygen.

The energy difference between the ground state and singlet oxygen is 94.2 kJ/mol (0.98 eV per molecule) and corresponds to a transition in the near IR range (about 1270 nm). In an isolated molecule, the transition is forbidden according to the selection rules: spin, symmetry, and parity. Therefore, direct excitation of oxygen in the ground state by light for the formation of singlet oxygen is extremely unlikely, although it is possible. As a consequence, singlet oxygen in the gas phase is extremely long-lived (the half-life of the state under normal conditions is 72 minutes). Interactions with solvents, however, reduce the lifetime to microseconds or even nanoseconds.

Chemical properties

Direct determination of singlet oxygen is possible by its very weak phosphorescence at 1270 nm, which is not visible to the eye. However, at high concentrations of singlet oxygen, fluorescence of the so-called singlet oxygen dimols (simultaneous emission of two singlet oxygen molecules in collisions) can be observed as a red glow at 634 nm.

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  1. Mulliken, R.S. Interpretation of the atmospheric oxygen bands; electronic levels of the oxygen molecule. Nature, 1928 , Vol. 122, P. 505.
  2. Schweitzer, C.; Schmidt, R. Physical Mechanisms of Generation and Deactivation of Singlet Oxygen. Chemical Reviews, 2003 , Vol. 103(5), P. 1685-1757. DOI:
  3. Gerald Karp. Cell and Molecular Cell Biology concepts and experiments. Fourth Edition, 2005 , P. 223.
  4. David R. Kearns. Physical and chemical properties of singlet molecular oxygen. Chemical Reviews, 1971 , 71(4), 395-427. DOI:
  5. Krasnovsky, A.A., Jr. Singlet Molecular Oxygen in Photobiochemical Systems: IR Phosphorescence Studies. Membr. Cell Biology], 1998 , 12(5), 665-690. Pdf file at

An excerpt characterizing singlet oxygen

At the Rostovs', as always on Sundays, some close acquaintances dined.
Pierre arrived earlier to find them alone.
Pierre has grown so fat this year that he would have been ugly if he had not been so large in stature, large in limbs and had not been so strong that, obviously, he easily wore his thickness.
He, puffing and muttering something to himself, entered the stairs. The coachman no longer asked him whether to wait. He knew that when the count was at the Rostovs, it would be before twelve o'clock. The Rostovs' lackeys joyfully rushed to take off his cloak and take his stick and hat. Pierre, out of club habit, left both his stick and his hat in the hall.
The first face he saw of the Rostovs was Natasha. Even before he saw her, he, taking off his cloak in the hall, heard her. She sang solfeji in the hall. He realized that she had not sung since her illness, and therefore the sound of her voice surprised and delighted him. He quietly opened the door and saw Natasha in her purple dress, in which she had been at mass, walking around the room and singing. She was walking backwards towards him when he opened the door, but when she turned sharply and saw his fat, astonished face, she blushed and quickly went up to him.
“I want to try singing again,” she said. “It’s still a job,” she added, as if apologizing.
- And fine.
- I'm glad you've come! I am so happy today! she said with that former animation, which Pierre had not seen in her for a long time. - You know, Nicolas received the George Cross. I'm so proud of him.
- Well, I sent the order. Well, I don’t want to disturb you,” he added, and wanted to go into the drawing room.
Natasha stopped him.
- Count, what is it, bad, that I sing? she said, blushing, but without taking her eyes off her, looking inquiringly at Pierre.
- No ... Why? On the contrary... But why do you ask me?
“I don’t know myself,” Natasha answered quickly, “but I wouldn’t want to do anything that you don’t like. I believe in everything. You don’t know how important you are to grinding and how much you have done for me! .. - She spoke quickly and without noticing how Pierre blushed at these words. - I saw in the same order he, Bolkonsky (quickly, she uttered this word in a whisper), he is in Russia and is serving again. What do you think,” she said quickly, apparently in a hurry to speak, because she was afraid for her strength, “will he ever forgive me?” Will he not have an evil feeling against me? What do you think? What do you think?
“I think…” said Pierre. - He has nothing to forgive ... If I were in his place ... - According to the connection of memories, Pierre was instantly transported by imagination to the time when, consoling her, he told her that if he were not him, but the best person in the world and free , then he would ask for her hand on his knees, and the same feeling of pity, tenderness, love seized him, and the same words were on his lips. But she didn't give him time to say them.
- Yes, you - you, - she said, pronouncing this word you with delight, - is another matter. Kinder, more generous, better than you, I do not know a person, and cannot be. If you were not there then, and even now, I don’t know what would have happened to me, because ... - Tears suddenly poured into her eyes; she turned, raised the notes to her eyes, began to sing, and went back to walking around the hall.
At the same time, Petya ran out of the living room.
Petya was now a handsome, ruddy fifteen-year-old boy with thick, red lips, like Natasha. He was preparing for the university, but lately, with his comrade Obolensky, he secretly decided that he would go to the hussars.
Petya ran out to his namesake to talk about the case.
He asked him to find out if he would be accepted into the hussars.
Pierre walked around the living room, not listening to Petya.
Petya tugged at his hand to draw his attention to himself.
- Well, what's my business, Pyotr Kirilych. For God's sake! One hope for you, - said Petya.
“Oh yes, your business. In the hussars then? I'll say, I'll say. I'll tell you everything.
- Well, mon cher, well, did you get the manifesto? asked the old count. - And the countess was at the mass at the Razumovskys, she heard a new prayer. Very good, she says.
“Got it,” Pierre replied. - Tomorrow the sovereign will be ... An extraordinary meeting of the nobility and, they say, ten thousand a set. Yes, congratulations.
- Yes, yes, thank God. Well, what about the army?
Ours retreated again. Near Smolensk already, they say, - answered Pierre.
- My God, my God! the count said. - Where is the manifesto?
- Appeal! Oh yes! Pierre began looking in his pockets for papers and could not find them. Continuing to pat his pockets, he kissed the hand of the countess as she entered and looked around uneasily, obviously expecting Natasha, who did not sing anymore, but did not come into the drawing room either.
“By God, I don’t know where I’ve got him,” he said.
“Well, he will always lose everything,” said the countess. Natasha entered with a softened, agitated face and sat down, silently looking at Pierre. As soon as she entered the room, Pierre's face, previously cloudy, shone, and he, continuing to look for papers, glanced at her several times.
- By God, I'll move out, I forgot at home. Certainly…
Well, you'll be late for dinner.
- Oh, and the coachman left.
But Sonya, who went into the hall to look for the papers, found them in Pierre's hat, where he carefully put them behind the lining. Pierre wanted to read.
“No, after dinner,” said the old count, apparently foreseeing great pleasure in this reading.
At dinner, at which they drank champagne for the health of the new Knight of St. George, Shinshin told the city news about the illness of the old Georgian princess, that Metivier had disappeared from Moscow, and that some German had been brought to Rostopchin and announced to him that it was champignon (as Count Rastopchin himself told), and how Count Rostopchin ordered the champignon to be released, telling the people that it was not champignon, but just an old German mushroom.
“They grab, they grab,” said the count, “I tell the countess even so that she speaks less French.” Now is not the time.

Normally, O2 is in a stable state called triplet and is characterized by the lowest level of molecular energy. Under certain conditions, the O2 molecule transforms into one of two excited singlet states (*O2), which differ in the degree of energization and the "life" duration. In most living cells in the dark, the main source of singlet oxygen is the spontaneous dismutation of superoxide anions (see "Superoxide anion: toxic effects for cells", reaction 3). Singlet oxygen can also arise from the interaction of two radicals:

O2- + OH goes into OH- + * O2 (9)

Probably, any biological system in which O2- is formed can be an active source of singlet oxygen. However, the latter also occurs in dark enzymatic reactions in the absence of O2-.

It has long been known that the toxicity of molecular oxygen to living organisms increases in the light. This is facilitated by substances in the cell that absorb visible light - photosensitizers. Many natural pigments can be photosensitizers. In the cells of photosynthetic organisms, chlorophylls and phycobiliproteins are active photosensitizers. The oxidation of biologically important molecules under the influence of visible light in the presence of molecular oxygen and a photosensitizer is called the photodynamic effect.

The absorption of visible light leads to the transition of the photosensitizer molecule to an excited singlet state (*D):

D + (h * new) goes into * D,

where (h*new) is a quantum of light.

Molecules that have passed into the singlet state can return to the ground state (D) or go over to the long-lived triplet state (tD), in which they are photodynamically active. Several mechanisms have been established by which an excited molecule (TD) can cause oxidation of a substrate molecule. One of them is associated with the formation of singlet oxygen. The photosensitizer molecule in the triplet state reacts with O2 and transforms it into an excited singlet state:

tD + O2 goes into D + *O2.

Singlet oxygen oxidizes the substrate molecule (B):

B + *O2 goes into BO2.

The photodynamic effect is found in all living organisms. In prokaryotes, as a result of photodynamic action, many types of damage are induced: the loss of the ability to form colonies, damage to DNA, proteins, and the cell membrane. The cause of damage is the photooxidation of certain amino acids (methionine, histidine, tryptophan, etc.), nucleosides, lipids, polysaccharides and other cellular components.

Cells contain substances that quench singlet oxygen and reduce the possibility of structural and other damage caused by it. One of the "quenchers" of singlet oxygen are carotenoids, which protect photosynthetic organisms from the lethal effects photosensitized by chlorophyll. *O2 interceptors are also various biologically active compounds: lipids, amino acids, nucleotides, tocopherols, etc.

Usage: in laser technology. The essence of the invention: to solve the technical problem associated with the exclusion of conditions leading to clogging of the generated singlet oxygen flow by potential quenchers of the components of the laser active medium, and with the search for conditions that ensure the operating mode of the electrochemical system corresponding to the stable state of the electrolyte, in the method for producing singlet oxygen, including absorption of gaseous oxygen by electrolyte, electrochemical reduction of dissolved oxygen to superoxide O - 2 and oxidation of the latter to singlet oxygen O 2 (1 g), then output to the receiver, distilled water is used as an electrolyte, oxidation of superoxide O - 2 is carried out electrochemically at the anode, and as a receiver, the gas phase is used above the surface of the electrolyte, opposite to the surface absorbing gaseous oxygen.

SUBSTANCE: invention relates to quantum electronics, mainly to cw chemical lasers, and can be used to create a multi-purpose iodine-oxygen laser for producing singlet oxygen as an energy carrier for lasers of this type. It is now known that in the stable (triplet) state on the outer incompletely filled g orbital of the oxygen molecule, if we consider the electronic configuration of this molecule in terms of the model of a linear combination of atomic orbitals, there are two antibonding electrons with parallel spins. For this reason, the interaction between these electrons has the character of repulsion, which reaches a minimum value if the electrons are in mutually perpendicular planes. In total, according to the Pauli principle, there can be no more than four electrons on the molecular g orbital, which differ from each other by the value of at least one of the quantum numbers m e or m s

Experimentally confirmed theoretical studies are also known, according to which the nearest excited (singlet) states of the oxygen molecule arise as a result of the formation of an unshared pair of antibonding electrons on the outer incompletely filled g orbital of the molecule, i.e. pairs of electrons with antiparallel spins. For this reason, the interaction between these electrons has the character of attraction, which reaches its maximum value if the electrons are in the same plane. The metastability of the singlet states of the oxygen molecule is explained by the strict prohibition of the transition to the ground (stable) state by means of dipole radiation. In other words, the transition from a singlet to a triplet state by means of dipole radiation requires a conversion of the spin of an excited electron during an electronic transition, and the probability of this process is extremely small. The excitation of an oxygen molecule under natural conditions is explained by the procedure of electron exchange between the molecules of the metastable complex [ 3 O 2 . 3 O 2 ] as a result of the absorption of one photon of the corresponding energy by this complex. During the quenching of an excited state, the exchange of electrons between the molecules of the excited metastable complex [ 1 O 2 . 1 O 2 ] is accompanied by the emission of one photon

It is easy to see that the exchange of electrons between the molecules of a metastable complex is a statistical process and, for this reason, is of little use as a mechanism for a practical method for obtaining singlet oxygen. For practical purposes, a much more attractive mechanism is based on the exchange of electrons, which occurs through the transfer of an electron from a donor to an acceptor by an oxygen molecule during any reduction-oxidation process. The closest in technical essence to the proposed method for producing singlet oxygen is a method that includes the absorption of gaseous oxygen by a liquid solution containing ferrocene molecules (C 5 H 5) 2 Fe, electrochemical reduction of dissolved oxygen to superoxide O - 2, electrochemical oxidation of ferrocene molecules to cations [ (C 5 H 5) 2 Fe] + and the oxidation of the latter superoxide O - 2 to singlet oxygen O 2 (1 g), which is then absorbed by a chemical trap

Significant disadvantages of the known method include the good solubility of ferrocene only in organic solvents. In the known method, a solution of ferrocene in acetonitrile CH 3 CN was used as a liquid solution, which, when the generated flow of singlet oxygen is released into the gas phase, will inevitably lead to clogging of subsequent laser paths with particles emerging from the liquid solution during the transition of such a heterogeneous system to an equilibrium state, particles that are potential quenchers of laser active medium components. Such clogging reduces the efficiency of the entire system. The disadvantages of the known method should also include the insufficient stability of the liquid solution, since the solvent included in its composition is acetonitrile, judging by the positive value of the standard Gibbs molar energy

G = 100.4 kJ/mol,

Corresponding to the formation of this substance, should reduce the mentioned characteristic of the liquid solution. In addition, acetonitrile is toxic; it is assumed that the maximum allowable concentration of acetonitrile in air is 0.002%. In addition, the presence of organic reagents in the system in contact with oxygen should significantly increase the explosion and fire hazard of the system. When developing the proposed method, the problem was solved associated with the exclusion of conditions leading to clogging of the generated singlet oxygen flow by potential quenchers of the components of the laser active medium, and the search for conditions that ensure a stable state of the electrolyte during the operation of the electrochemical system. The essence of the invention lies in the fact that in the method for producing singlet oxygen, including the absorption of gaseous oxygen by an electrolyte, the electrochemical reduction of dissolved oxygen to superoxide O - 2 and the oxidation of the latter to singlet oxygen O 2 (1 g), which is then output to the receiver, electrolyte is used distilled water, the oxidation of superoxide O - 2 is produced electrochemically at the anode, and the gas phase above the electrolyte surface, opposite to the surface absorbing gaseous oxygen, is used as a receiver. Indeed, the outer molecular g-orbital of superoxide O - 2 contains three antibonding electrons, two of which form a lone pair and, for this reason, are more strongly bonded to the rest of the molecule than the third unpaired electron. The bond strength of this last electron is determined by the electron affinity of the oxygen molecule:

O - 2 +0.44 eV _ O 2 +e -.

If this weakly bound electron is torn off from superoxide O 2 in any way, for example, by electrochemical oxidation at the anode, then the oxygen molecule formed after that will be in the singlet, i.e., excited state, since the total spin of the lone pair of electrons is equal to zero. The value of the affinity of the oxygen molecule for the electron indicates that the equilibrium potential of the oxidative electrode half-reaction

O - 2 _ O 2 +e - \u003d -0.44 V

Approximately 2.7 times lower than the equilibrium potential of the redox electrode half-reaction

O 2 + 4H + + 4e - 2H 2 O = +1.229 V,

This will ensure the operation of the electrochemical system in the region corresponding to the stable state of the electrolyte. The technical result obtained by the proposed set of features and expressed in the generation of a stream of singlet oxygen O 2 (1 g) without macroscopic amounts of impurities of potential quenchers of the laser active medium components (with the exception of water vapor), as well as in enabling the electrochemical system to operate in a mode corresponding to a stable state of the electrolyte, is not achieved by any of the known methods for producing singlet oxygen for continuous chemical iodine-oxygen lasers identified in the analysis of the state of the art. The proposed method for producing singlet oxygen is implemented as follows. From the side of the cathode, gaseous oxygen is supplied to the surface of the electrolyte of distilled water, which, after being absorbed by the electrolyte, is reduced on the cathode to superoxide O - 2 . These oxygen anions under the action of an electric field move to the anode, where they are oxidized to singlet oxygen O 2 (1 g). Singlet oxygen enters the gas phase through concentration diffusion through the electrolyte surface opposite to the surface absorbing gaseous oxygen. The use of the proposed method for producing singlet oxygen will make it possible to create a multi-purpose continuous chemical iodine-oxygen laser in the most economical version at the moment in terms of manufacturing technology, operation and environmental friendliness.


A method for producing singlet oxygen mainly for a continuous chemical iodine-oxygen laser, including the absorption of gaseous oxygen by an electrolyte, the electrochemical reduction of dissolved oxygen to superoxide O - 2 and the oxidation of the latter to singlet oxygen O 2 (1 d), which is then output to a receiver, characterized in that that distilled water is used as an electrolyte, superoxide O - 2 is oxidized electrochemically at the anode, and the gas phase above the electrolyte surface of the opposite surface absorbing gaseous oxygen is used as a receiver.

singlet oxygen

Molecular orbital diagram for singlet oxygen. Quantum mechanics predicts that such a configuration (with a lone pair of electrons) has a higher energy than the triplet ground state.

Singlet oxygen- the general name for two metastable states of molecular oxygen (O 2) with a higher energy than in the ground, triplet state. The energy difference between the lowest energy of O 2 in the singlet state and the lowest energy of the triplet state is about 11400 kelvin ( T e (a 1 Δ gX 3 Σ g−) = 7918.1 cm −1), or 0.98 eV.

Molecular oxygen differs from most molecules by having a triplet ground state, O 2 ( X 3 Σ g−). The molecular orbital theory predicts three low-lying excited singlet states O 2 ( a 1 Δ g), O 2 ( a′ 1 Δ′ g) and O 2 ( b 1 Σ g+) (the nomenclature is explained in the article Symbols of molecular terms). These electronic states differ only in the spin and occupancy of the degenerate antibonding π g-orbitals. States O 2 ( a 1 Δ g) and O 2 ( a′ 1 Δ′ g) are degenerate. State O 2 ( b 1 Σ g+) - very short-lived and quickly relaxing to a lower-lying excited state O 2 ( a 1 Δ g). Therefore, it is usually O 2 ( a 1 Δ g) is called singlet oxygen.

The energy difference between the ground state and singlet oxygen is 94.2 kJ/mol (0.98 eV per molecule) and corresponds to a transition in the near IR range (about 1270 nm). In an isolated molecule, the transition is forbidden according to the selection rules: spin, symmetry, and parity. Therefore, direct excitation of oxygen in the ground state by light for the formation of singlet oxygen is extremely unlikely, although it is possible. As a consequence, singlet oxygen in the gas phase is extremely long-lived (the half-life of the state under normal conditions is 72 minutes). Interactions with solvents, however, reduce the lifetime to microseconds or even nanoseconds.

Direct determination of singlet oxygen is possible by its very weak phosphorescence at 1270 nm, which is not visible to the eye. However, at high concentrations of singlet oxygen, fluorescence of the so-called singlet oxygen dimols (simultaneous emission of two singlet oxygen molecules in collisions) can be observed as a red glow at 634 nm.

see also


  1. Mulliken, R.S. Interpretation of the atmospheric oxygen bands; electronic levels of the oxygen molecule. Nature, 1928 , Vol. 122, P. 505.
  2. Schweitzer, C.; Schmidt, R. Physical Mechanisms of Generation and Deactivation of Singlet Oxygen. Chemical Reviews, 2003 , Vol. 103(5), P. 1685-1757. DOI:10.1021/cr010371d
  3. Gerald Karp. Cell and Molecular Cell Biology concepts and experiments. Fourth Edition, 2005 , P. 223.
  4. David R. Kearns. Physical and chemical properties of singlet molecular oxygen. Chemical Reviews, 1971 , 71(4), 395-427. DOI:10.1021/cr60272a004
  5. Krasnovsky, A.A., Jr. Singlet Molecular Oxygen in Photobiochemical Systems: IR Phosphorescence Studies. Membr. Cell Biology], 1998 , 12(5), 665-690. Pdf file at

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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Singlet oxygen therapy, oxygen therapy, photo singlet oxygen therapy

Singlet Oxygen Therapy

Description of the method

Singlet oxygen therapy (SOT) is a new method of oxygen therapy based on the use of singlet oxygen mixtures (SOX). The transformation of the steam-water mixture into SCS is carried out in the process of passing this mixture through a special activator, where it is exposed to a hard

ultraviolet radiation in a constant magnetic field and additional activation by an optical flow of the red spectrum. Under the action of hard ultraviolet radiation, the oxygen element (molecularly linked to the hydrogen element) is excited and this molecule actively transitions to the singlet state. This state is characterized by the transition of the electron clouds of the oxygen molecule to higher levels. As a result, the kinetic energy increases, and hence the amplitude

vibrational movements of intermolecular bonds of water. In this case, water acquires a unique property - a small-cluster state. The residence time in this state is short, and the water oxygen molecule returns to its original state again. The newly formed water has a structured state, which in its properties is similar to the intracellular state of water in biological structures. The additional application of a magnetic field contributes to the spin polarization of electron clouds,

which makes the water molecule more energy-intensive, and, accordingly, water - unique. This process of a singlet-dipole transition is accompanied by the release of electromagnetic energy quanta in the ultraviolet range, which form the energy-informational basis of the SCS. The intake of SCS into the human body has an effect on membrane-metabolic processes and bioenergetic transformations inside the cell, resulting in the normalization of antioxidant functions.

As a result of the use of SCS, the following main biophysical and biochemical processes occur:

Activation of biochemical and biophysical reactions;

Stabilization of aerobic metabolism;

Normalization of blood pressure, biochemical parameters and antioxidant functions of the body;

Improving the rheological properties of blood, coronary and cerebral circulation, tissue respiration;

Decreased tissue hypoxia and lactic acid levels in muscles;

Restoration of ionic permeability of cell membranes;

Stimulation of regenerative and reduction of inflammatory processes;

Detoxification of the body;

Inhibition of the tumor process;

Increasing the body's immunity.

In addition, SOT provides a faster recovery of the functional state of the body after:

Severe physical overload or sports competitions;

stress conditions;

Poisoning (including acute and chronic alcohol poisoning);

Extensive surgical interventions;

Overheating in the sun and UV burns.

SCT is well combined with drug treatment, physiotherapy and spa treatment. The device is designed for preparation of a singlet-oxygen mixture by activating purified water vapors with ultraviolet radiation in a constant magnetic field and additional activation with an optical beam of the red spectrum.

Indications for use

1. Diseases of the respiratory organs without decompensation and without exacerbation.

2. Pathology of the digestive system.

3. Diseases of the central nervous system without process decompensation or graded according to severity:

Residual or residual phenomena;

mild or moderate severity;

Consequences of inflammatory diseases of the brain and spinal cord and injuries;

After a stroke.

4. Diseases of the peripheral nervous system with pain manifestations, trophic disorders.

5. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

6. Diseases of the endocrine glands (including diabetes).

7. Functional disorders of the peripheral nervous system.

8. Diseases of the respiratory system:


Tuberculosis intoxication;

Chronic recurrent and obstructive bronchitis;

asthmatic bronchitis;

Occupational respiratory diseases;

Acute poisoning with toxic gases;

Emphysema of the lungs;

Bronchial asthma;


9. Diseases of the cardiovascular system:

Hypertension 1-2 degree;

Stable angina pectoris 2-3 f.c.;

Functional cardiopathy;

post-infarction condition;

Rheumatism with secondary immunodeficiency syndrome;

Coronary artery disease;

Atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis (with arterial hypertension);

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (by hypertonic type);



10. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

Chronic gastritis;


Peptic ulcer of the 12th duodenal ulcer;


11. Endocrine pathology:


Obesity 1 and 2 degrees;

Chronic fatigue.

12. Neurological diseases:


cerebrovascular pathology;


Asthenic conditions;

diencephalic syndrome.

13. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system:


Post-traumatic bone injuries;

Bechterew's disease.

14. Skin diseases:



Trophic ulcers.

15. Immunosuppressive conditions:

Secondary immunodeficiency states (infectious, allergic);


autoimmune processes.

16. Infectious diseases:


Diphtheria and meningococcal bacteriocarrier;

Acute nasopharyngolaryngitis;

Acute and chronic tonsillitis;

Acute intestinal infections.

17. Surgical diseases:

burn disease;

Postoperative period;

Oncological diseases.

18. Radiology:

Rehabilitation of the liquidators of the consequences of accidents at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

19. Urological diseases:

kidney disease;

Bladder disease;

Diseases of the urinary tract.

20. Obstetrics and gynecology:

Rehabilitation of women in different periods of pregnancy;

Diseases of the female genital area.

21. Gerontology:

Age-related diseases;


22. Sports medicine:

Adaptation of athletes to competitions;

Recovery period after the competition.

SCT is well combined with drug treatment, physiotherapy and spa treatment.


Malignant neoplasms;

Systemic blood diseases;

Sharp general exhaustion of the patient (cachexia);

Hypertension stage 3;

Pronounced atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels;

Diseases of the cardiovascular system in the stage of decompensation;

Bleeding or inclination to it;

The general serious condition of the patient;

Feverish state.