Spp with several adnexal exercises joint unions. Synopsis of a lesson in Russian on the topic "complex sentence with several subordinate clauses"

Already at the very beginning of the 20th century, Fet was called the "singer of silence", "singer of the inaudible", the new reader listened with rapture to Fet's lines that "they move" with an "air foot", "barely uttered." "All the world's joy and sweetness of love dissolved into the most refined element and fills its pages with fragrant vapors; that's why his poems make your heart skip a beat, your head spins, "wrote the famous literary critic K. Aikhenwald.

In the spring of 1845, Afanasy Fet served as a non-commissioned officer of the cuirassier regiment, which was located in southern Russia, in the Kherson province. Here Fet, a great connoisseur of beautiful ladies, met and became friends with the Lazich sisters, Elena and Maria. The eldest was married, and the courtship of the regimental adjutant for a woman who sincerely loves her husband did not lead to anything.

Maria Lazich is a fan of Fet's poetry, a very talented and educated girl. She also fell in love with him, but they were both poor, and for this reason A. Fet did not dare to join his fate with his beloved girl. A tragedy soon occurred to Maria: she burned down in a fire that broke out in her room from a carelessly left cigarette. The girl's white muslin dress caught fire, she ran out onto the balcony, then rushed into the garden. But the fresh wind only fanned the flames ... Dying, Maria seemed to be asking to keep him, Fet, letters. And she also asked that he not be blamed for anything ... But the feeling of guilt constantly haunted Fet throughout his life.

In the memoirs of the poet, Maria Lazich appeared as a tall “slender brunette” with “extraordinary luxury of black hair with a bluish tint”. In memory of past feelings, Fet wrote a poem. Some sounds are rushing And cling to my headboard. They are full of languid separation, Trembling with unprecedented love. It would seem, so what? The last gentle caress resounded, The dust ran along the street, The postal carriage disappeared... And only... But the song of parting Unrealizable teases with love, And bright sounds rush And cling to my headboard.

Until the end of his days, Fet could not forget Maria Lazich, the life drama, like a key, nourished his lyrics, gave his poems a special sound. It is assumed that his love lines had one addressee, these are the poet's monologues to the deceased Mary, full of remorse, passionate. Her image was revived more than once in Fetov's lyrics.

A few years later, after the death of Maria, Afanasy Fet connected his life with a legal marriage with the daughter of the tea merchant Botkin. He showed himself to be a good master, increased his wife's fortune, and in his sixties he achieved the highest command and returned the name of his father Shenshin with all the rights belonging to his family and rank.

Fet's lyrics are thematically extremely poor: the beauty of nature and female love - that's the whole theme. But what great power Fet achieves within these narrow limits. The later poems of Fet, in the 1990s, are amazing. Elderly in life, in poetry he turns into a hot young man, all of whose thoughts are about one thing - about love, about the riot of life, about the thrill of youth ("No, I did not change", "He wanted my madness", "Love me! As soon as your humble", "I still love, I still languish"). What happiness: both the night and we are alone! The river is like a mirror and all glitters with stars; And there ... throw your head back and take a look: What depth and purity are above us! Oh, call me crazy! Call it what you want; at this moment, my mind is weakening And in my heart I feel such a surge of love, That I can’t be silent, I won’t, I can’t! I'm sick, I'm in love but, tormented and loving - Oh, listen! oh understand! - I do not hide my passion, And I want to say that I love you - You, I love you alone and wish! 1854

Researchers of the poet's work suggest that Fet's death is suicide. Knowing how destructive alcohol is for him, he, seriously ill, sends his wife for champagne, and after her departure he quickly dictates to his secretary: “I don’t understand the conscious increase in suffering, I voluntarily go to the inevitable.” He grabs a heavy stiletto for cutting paper, they take it away, but the corpulent and purple-faced old man, out of breath, runs into the dining room. Halfway through, he suddenly collapses onto a chair and dies ... Fet died in 1892 and was buried near the church in the village of Kleimenov.

The greatest poet of his time, Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet, pays great attention to the theme of love. So, in his works, Fet presents us with a lyrical hero who has a fine mental organization. The writer in his works uses the technique of parallelism: the mood of the lyrical hero, his feelings and emotions, which are often reflected in nature. Nature for him is part of a bright feeling. Fet is convinced that all these feelings and the variety of colors that are present in love are also characteristic of nature.

Fet's love lyrics are something magical and unearthly. In his poems, he describes love as a warm and bright feeling, reflecting it in endless variety. He believes that love is a feeling that never fades and remains for a long time in the memory of each of us. Often, the author's works take the form of memories. So, for example, in his poem “The night shone. The garden was full of moon. Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet endows the lyrical hero with memories. This work of the author has its own history. So, the poet, having heard songs performed by Tatyana Bers, finds a muse in her. Tatyana made his heart experience love, which he spoke about in his poem. Fet writes about love, which, by chance, turned out to be unfulfilled. The author, conveying everything through the lyrical hero, tells about his condition.

From the first lines we learn that the poet is full of experiences, he is endowed with memories of the past, which, unfortunately, torment him. Describing the beloved who plays with the strings of the instrument, he draws a certain line between the human heart and the strings of the instrument. He wants to hear the voice of his beloved, but, alas, he cannot ... Reading the poem, readers are more and more immersed in Fet's love lyrics, which are filled with memories and experiences.

In his work, the great poet Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet describes love in all its glory. Most likely, the life of the poet was open to sincere feelings and warm memories that excited Afanasy Afanasyevich. Surely the author is convinced that such a bright feeling should be represented in the whole gamut of feelings. With great zeal, he conveys to each person the feelings of a lyrical hero, makes him empathize with him. In his works, he tries to get into the soul of the reader and permanently settle his thought there, which affects the most beautiful feeling in the world - love. After all, love is a feeling of emotional affection that every person on Earth has experienced. In the eyes of Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet, love is something that is never forgotten and makes us remember everything that happened at a certain moment of happiness associated with love. Reading his works, the reader is immersed in reasoning, penetrates and understands the views of the poet. All his work is easy to understand and leaves a lasting impression.

Composition The theme of love in the lyrics of Fet

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet was a famous Russian poet, he wrote his first collection in 1840, and its name was "Lyrical Pantheon". In 1860, when the peace of the people was disturbed by the revolution, Afanasy Afanasyevich took the side of the landowners. Fet stops writing and returns to his work only in his declining years and publishes four collections and releases them under the same name “Evening Lights”.

Afanasy Afanasyevich is an unusual writer, his poems are musical and touch every note of the heart. Fet's lyrics are filled with love and this is the most distinctive feature from everyone. Tragic love played an important role in his lyrical poems. Afanasy Afanasyevich was in love with a very smart girl named Maria Lazich. Love for her inspired the writer, but it all ended in tragedy. For unknown reasons, the girl died, and Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet until the end of his days felt guilty because of her death.

Afanasy Afanasyevich was a cold and calculating man, but in his works he so beautifully lyrically described the feeling of love that many did not believe in it. After the death of Lazich, Fet's sense of guilt is so great that this is some kind of impetus for Afanasy Fet's dual world. Perhaps that is why in real life he is impregnable and cold, and in his works his heroes are lyrical and they are overwhelmed with a feeling of love.

Afanasy Afanasyevich wrote many poems about his love and separation from Maria Lazich. In poems, he says that she has already suffered, and he still has to, toils on this earth. All his life he hoped for a reunion with his beloved and carried her a sensual and strong love.

Afanasy Afanasyevich lived by his poetry and it was a completely different world for him, in which he wanted to show all the beauty of lyrical heroes. Afanasy Afanasyevich wanted to show all readers how much you can change the world if you fill it with love.

Fet wrote about lost love and how he misses his beloved, and he wants to meet her soon. He devoted many works to his sincere, bright feelings. Afanasy Fet in his poems wrote about Mary as a living girl.

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A special place in Fetov's lyrics is occupied by love theme. “Love of Fetov’s lyrics,” wrote D.D. Good, - by no means some admiringly dreamy, incorporeal, but the most natural feeling generated by nature to continue on earth, it is in this essence that it is infinitely beautiful - one of the highest manifestations of the "music" of the world, like beauty poured into universe."

But it should also be noted feature of Fet's love lyrics: the poet was amazingly able to convey the idea of ​​\u200b\u200btransforming a person with a feeling of love: gaining the ability, under the influence of an experienced feeling, to open the soul of the world, its secret beautiful life:

I saw your milky, baby hair,
I heard your sweetly sighing voice -
And the first dawn I felt the ardor;
Subject to a raid of spring gusts,
I breathed a stream and clean and passionate
A captive angel with windy wings.

I understood those tears, I understood those torments,
Where the word becomes numb, where sounds reign,
Where you hear not a song, but the soul of a singer,
Where the spirit leaves the unnecessary body,
Where do you hear that joy knows no bounds,
Where you believe that happiness will never end.

Contemplation of the beloved, attention to her voice allows the hero to understand the beauty of the world and give him amazing power, the ability to fly and gain the secrets of the universe - happiness and joy hidden in tears and torment. But the loving hero not only discovers the beauty and mystery of the universe. Love makes him omnipotent, helping to transform the world itself, to transfer to it a particle of its own fire - its soul, to spiritualize - to ignite it with its own feeling, to bring warmth and light into the cold darkness:

Closer and closer here!
Open your wicked eye!
You are in the heart with a blush of shame,
I am your beam, flying far.

On the mountains in the darkness of the night,
On the gray cloud of the sunset
Like a brush, I am this beam
I'll throw in blush and gold.

In vain cold haze
Blackening, everything hangs over us:
Let the vastness itself
From us it will light up with fires.

Perhaps, for the first time in Russian poetry, the feeling of love is recognized as a force that changes human nature, giving rise to a person's ability to take off - like a bird or an angel - above earthly existence. The motif of the flight of lovers, so characteristic of the subsequent poetic generation - Russian symbolists, has, of course, the poetically impudent image of A. Fet as its source:

Love me! As soon as your humble
I will meet the eye
At your feet I will spread patterned
Living carpet.

Inspired by an unknown desire,
Above all earthly
In what fire, with what self-forgetfulness
We will fly!

And, shining in the azure of dreams,
Will you appear
Reign forever in the breath of chants
And beauty.

Contemporaries often joked about the ability of the old poet to compose inspirational love poems with youthful fervor. This ability of the poet to keep the purity and immediacy of experiences was explained by Fet himself. In one of the letters to Ya.P. Polonsky, he argued: “You are absolutely right in believing that a person who has not personally experienced all the love yearning in all its various shades is not able to write about him; but a person who irrevocably loses the experienced spiritual moments cannot be called a poet.

Trying to determine the originality of the sound of the theme of love in Fet, the researchers note the invariable connection in the experiences of the hero of two mutually exclusive feelings - joy and suffering, seeing in Fet's poetry the source of the famous Blok's statement "Joy - Suffering - one". Love, even happy love, in Fet always causes not only light, but also pain. The inseparability of these two feelings largely determines the experiences of Fetov's hero. So, recalling the happy event of his youth, the hero speaks of the bitterness of happiness (“Looking into the fire, I forgot, / The magic circle tormented me, / And something bitter responded / An excess of happiness and strength”). The highest experience of love is defined by the hero with the help of the oxymoron “suffering of bliss” (“In the suffering of bliss I stand before you”).

You can note another feature of Fet's poetry, which turned out to be so unusual against the background of his contemporary lyrics and so significant for the next poetic generation: the heroine of his poems appears not only as an ideal embodiment of an earthly woman, but also as a goddess or heavenly body. At the same time, the ideal phenomenon acquires awe and feelings of a person, and in human experience the earthly feeling of love is combined with admiration and reverence:

Reproach, pity suggested,
Do not irritate the soul of the sick;
Let the kneeling
I should stay in front of you!

Burning over the vain earth,
You kindly allow
I revel in purity
And the beauty of your soul

See how transparent light
You are surrounded on earth
Like God's world in this world
In the bluish haze drowns! ..

Oh, I am blessed in the midst of suffering!
How glad, forgetting yourself and the world,
I'm rising sobs
Hot hold back the tide!

The same combination of the earthly and the heavenly in the image of the heroine can be seen in the poem "You're all on fire - your lightning", 1888):

You are all on fire. Your lightning
And I'm adorned with glitter...
Under the shadow of gentle eyelashes
Heavenly fire is not afraid of me,

But I'm afraid of such heights
Where I can't stand
How can I keep the image
What is given to me by your soul?

Such poems later allowed Blok to say that the idea of ​​Eternal Femininity was firmly established by Fet. We can say that the poetic image of love in Fet's lyrics strikingly coincides with the concept of love, affirmed in the works of Fet's younger contemporary, the philosopher Vl. Solovyov. According to the philosopher, there are two kinds of love: for a higher being - a goddess and for a person. “Love ascending” “we love a higher being in relation to us, receiving from him the wealth that he possesses and which we cannot achieve with our own strength.” “Love descending” “we love a being lower than ourselves, to whom we give the spiritual wealth we have, having received it from our higher beloved.” And only the combination of these two experiences is, according to Vl. Solovyov, perfect love.

With amazing power, ascending and descending love, earthly and heavenly, are united in the experiences of the hero in the poem. "With what reluctance I desire", 1863. Here, a high love for a star allows the hero to realize his love for an earthly girlfriend, her destiny for him:

With what reluctance I desire
I was looking for one star in the night!
How I loved her shimmer
Her diamond rays!

<...>Love, participation, care
My eyes trembled in her
In the steppe, from the river turn,
From the night mirror of the seas.

But so much silent thought
Does not send me a ray of it anywhere,
Like the roots of a weeping willow
In your garden, in your pond.

Love for an earthly woman and love for a goddess are not opposed in Fet's lyrics. Perhaps it can be said that both “she” is a goddess, and “she” is an earthly woman in some ways close to the lyrical “I”. The light emitted by both the young lover and the heavenly body makes them close, similar (“If the winter sky burns with stars ...”, “Ah, child, I am attached to you ...”).


Many schoolchildren have difficulty distinguishing Fet's poetry from Tyutchev's creations - undoubtedly this is the fault of the teacher, who failed to correctly present the masterpieces of two meters of Russian literature. I assure you that after this article about interesting facts from the life of Fet, you will immediately learn to distinguish the poetics of Afanasy Afanasyevich from the work of Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev, I will try to be very brief!

In Tyutchev's poetry, the world is represented as cosmic, even the forces of nature come to life and become natural spirits that surround a person. The motives in Fet's work are closer to reality (mundane). Before us is a description of real landscapes, images of real people, Fet's love - the same complex feeling, but earthly and accessible.

The secret of the poet's surname

As a child, A. Fet experienced a shock - he was deprived of his noble title and paternal name. The real name of the writer is Shenshin, his father is a retired Russian captain, and his mother is the German beauty Charlotte Fet. Parents met in Germany, where they immediately had a whirlwind romance. Charlotte was married, but completely unhappy in marriage, her husband liked to drink and often raised his hand to her. Having met a noble Russian military man, she fell desperately in love with him, and even maternal feelings did not interfere with the reunion of two hearts - Charlotte had a daughter. Already in the seventh month of pregnancy, Charlotte runs away to Russia to Afanasy Shenshin. Later, Shenshin will write a letter to Charlotte's husband, but in return he will receive an obscene telegram. After all, the lovers committed an un-Christian act.

The future poet was born in the Oryol province, was recorded in the register of births by Afanasy Shenshin. Charlotte and Shenshin got married only two years after the birth of their son. At the age of 14, Athanasius was recognized as illegitimate, he was given back the surname Fet and is called a "foreigner." As a result, the boy loses his noble origin and the inheritance of the father of the landowner. Later he will restore his rights, but after many, many years.

Fet and Tolstoy

In the works of Lotman there is a mention of one unusual case from the life of two great writers. Everyone played card games in those days, he especially liked to gamble (but now it’s not about him). So, the process of the games was quite emotional, in a fit of rush the players tore and threw the cards on the floor, money fell along with them. But it was considered indecent to raise this money, they remained lying on the floor until the end of the game, and then they were taken away by lackeys in the form of a tip.

Once, socialites (including Fet and Tolstoy) were playing a card game, and Fet bent down to pick up a fallen banknote. It was a little strange for everyone, but not for Tolstoy, the writer bent down to his friend to light a candle. There is nothing shameful in this act, because Fet played with his last money, unlike his rivals.

Fet also wrote prose

In the 60s of the 19th century, Fet began work on prose, as a result, two prose collections were published, consisting of essays and short stories, sketches.

"We can not be separated" - the story of unhappy love

The poet met Maria Lazich at a ball in the house of the famous officer Petkovich (this happened in 1848, when the sun mercilessly burned down on the border of the Kyiv and Kherson provinces). Maria Lazich was charming - tall, slender, swarthy, with a mop of dark thick hair. Fet immediately realized that Maria for him is like Beatrice for Dante. Then Fet was 28 years old, and Maria - 24 years old, she had all the responsibility for the house and younger sisters, because she was the daughter of a poor Serbian general. Since then, all the writer's love lyrics have been dedicated to this beautiful young lady.

According to contemporaries, Mary was not distinguished by incomparable beauty, but she was pleasant and seductive. So Athanasius and Maria began to communicate, write letters to each other, spend joint evenings discussing art. But one day, leafing through her diary (then all the girls had diaries in which they copied their favorite poems, quotes, attached photographs), Fet noticed musical signs, under which there was a signature - Franz Liszt. Ferenc, a well-known composer of that time, who toured Russia in the 40s, met Maria and even dedicated a piece of music to her. At first, Fet was upset, jealousy surged over him, but then when he heard how great the melody sounds for Maria, he asked to play it constantly.

But the marriage between Athanasius and Mary was impossible, he has no means of subsistence and title, and Mary, although from a poor family, is from a noble family. Lazich's relatives did not know about this and did not understand at all why Fet had been communicating with their daughter for two years, but did not propose. Naturally, rumors and speculation about Fet himself and Mary's immorality spread around the city. Then Athanasius told his beloved that their marriage was impossible, and the relationship must be urgently terminated. Maria asked Athanasius to just be there without marriage and money.

But in the spring of 1850 something terrible happened. In desperation, Maria sat in her room, trying to gather her thoughts on how to live on, how to achieve an eternal and indestructible union with her beloved. Suddenly, she stood up sharply, which caused the lamp to fall on a long muslin dress, in a matter of seconds the flame engulfed the girl's hair, she only had time to shout "Save the letters!" Relatives put out the fire of madness, but the number of burns on the body was incompatible with life, after four painful days, Maria died. Her last words were "He is not to blame, but I ..". There is speculation that it was suicide, not just an accidental death.

Marriage of convenience

Years later, Fet marries Maria Botkina, but not because of strong love, but by calculation. In his heart and poems, the image of the tall and black-haired Maria Lazich will forever be preserved.

How Fet returned the title

It took the poet several years of service in the infantry to achieve the rank of officer and receive the nobility. He did not like the army way of life at all, Fet wanted to engage in literature, not war. But in order to regain his rightful status, he was ready to endure any difficulties. After the service, Fet had to work for 11 years as a judge, and only then did the writer become worthy of receiving a title of nobility!

Suicide attempt

After receiving the title of nobility and family estate, having achieved the main goal in his life, Fet, under some pretext, asked his wife to go to visit someone. On November 21, 1892, he closed himself in his office, drank a glass of champagne, called the secretary, dictating the last lines.

“I don’t understand the conscious increase of inevitable suffering. Volunteering towards the inevitable. November 21, Fet (Shenshin)"

He took out a stylet for cutting paper and raised his hand over his temple, the secretary managed to snatch the stylet from the writer's hands. At that moment, Fet jumped out of the office into the dining room, tried to grab a knife, but immediately fell. The secretary ran up to the dying writer, who said only one word "voluntarily" and died. The poet left no heirs behind him.

From the section "Love lyrics of poets of all times and generations".


Athanasius Fet

If you love like me, endlessly
If you live with love and breathe,
Put your hand on my chest carelessly:
You can hear the heartbeat under it.

Oh don't count them! in them, by magical power,
Every impulse is filled with you;
So in the spring behind the healing stream
Spins moisture in a hot stream.

Drink, indulge in happy minutes, -
The thrill of bliss will embrace the whole soul;
Drink - and do not ask with an inquisitive eye,
Will the heart dry up soon, cool down.

Athanasius Fet

The night shone. The garden was full of moonlight. lay
Beams at our feet in a living room with no lights.
The piano was all open, and the strings in it were trembling,
Like our hearts for your song.

You sang until dawn, exhausted in tears,
That you are alone - love, that there is no other love,
And so I wanted to live, so that, without dropping a sound,
Love you, hug and cry over you.

And many years have passed, languid and boring,
And in the silence of the night I hear your voice again,
And blows, as then, in these sonorous sighs,
That you are alone - all life, that you are alone - love,

That there are no insults of fate and hearts of burning flour,
And life has no end, and there is no other goal,
As soon as you believe in sobbing sounds,
Love you, hug and cry over you!


Athanasius Fet

What happiness: both the night and we are alone!
The river is like a mirror and all glitters with stars;
And there ... throw your head back and take a look:
What depth and purity above us!

Oh, call me crazy! Name
Whatever you want; at this moment I'm weakening my mind
And in my heart I feel such a surge of love,
That I can’t be silent, I won’t, I don’t know how!

I'm sick, I'm in love but, suffering and loving -
Oh listen! oh understand! I don't hide my passion
And I want to say that I love you -
You, you alone I love and desire!

Athanasius Fet

Don't avoid; I don't pray
No tears, no heart of secret pain,
I want freedom for my anguish
And repeat to you: "I love you."

I want to rush to you, fly,
Like waves on a plain of water,
Kiss the cold granite
Kiss and die!


Athanasius Fet

No, I haven't changed. To deep old age
I'm the same devotee, I'm a slave to your love
And the old poison of chains, sweet and cruel,
Still burning in my blood

Although memory insists that there is a grave between us,
Though every day I wander languidly to another, -
I can't believe that you forget me
When you are here in front of me.

Will another beauty flash for a moment,
It seems to me that I'm about to recognize you;
And tenderness of the past I hear a breath,
And, shuddering, I sing.

Athanasius Fet

Just meet your smile
Or I will catch your gratifying glance, -
It is not for you that I sing a song of love,
And your beauty is indescribable.

They say about the singer at dawn,
Like a rose with a love trill
He is glad to praise incessantly
Above her fragrant cradle.

But silent, magnificently pure,
Young mistress of the garden:
Only a song needs beauty
Beauty does not need songs.


Athanasius Fet

I came to you with greetings
Say that the sun has risen
What is hot light
The sheets fluttered;

Tell that the forest woke up
All woke up, each branch,
Startled by every bird
And full of spring thirst;

Tell that with the same passion
Like yesterday, I came again
That the soul is still the same happiness
And ready to serve you;

Tell that from everywhere
Joy blows over me
I don't know what I will
Sing - but only the song matures.


Athanasius Fet

Cheeks glow with scarlet heat,
Sable is covered with frost,
And breathing light steam
It flies from your nostrils.

Daring curl in punishment
Turned gray at sixteen...
Isn't it time for us to ride? -
Warmth and light awaits at home -

And start talking
Until dawn about love? ..
And frost your patterns
On the glass will write again.

Athanasius Fet

You tell me: I'm sorry!
I say goodbye!
You say don't be sad!
I'm plotting confessions.

It was a wonderful evening yesterday!
For a long time he will be in sight;
Everyone - only we do not have time;
The flame fades in the fireplace.

Well, what is this look for?
Where is my bitter cold?
Am I glad of your sadness?
Know I'm haughty and young?

Why did you sigh? bloom -
The purpose of the age-old creation;
You tell me: I'm sorry!
I say goodbye!