A bear will never touch a strange person. School tour of the Olympiad in the Russian language

No, you wanted to tell a lot!..

Well, Remez loves, where are the rivers, where are the lakes, loves the willow, flies across the sea. Whoever keeps Remez's nest in the house, thunder does not strike that house. And Remez dies in a storm - a coastal bird. And a big singer: the voice is not great, small, just for children ...

Like a cuckoo?

And Leila's eyes fall asleep.

It's creepy in the forest. The night is getting closer, the night is getting closer. The whole forest embraced. And the stars - and the stars - are big.

The prickly lips were chained to the icy Wind, they were not ordered to blow with cold, and Frost-Crackle, covered with snow, sat down to rest in the cold kingdom at midnight.

The warm summer has come.

Forgotten bad weather.

Everything lives, everything swarms around the ground, grows like a bush.

The puffing bear staggered through the forest, and the grasshopper - the will: chirps at least all night.

People with sharp braids went. The hay has ripened.

And wherever you look, everything is as if unseen: you bend down to each flower, you would touch any grass ...

Good weather, beautiful.

Gay! - Belun passes near the rye.

What a white, he himself is in a white shirt, and the sun does not veil: he likes it. It comes from the forest: without it, they say, it is dark in the forest. If you get lost, just ask Belun and show you the way.

Grandpa, hay?

Does not hear. Where can you hear it!

Here I stepped on the border ...


What do you want, dear? - grandfather smiled: and he is well ...

Belun walks along the border, walks along the summer road, strikes with a stick: does the old one remember the ancient busovo time or another time was given for reflection ... our Russian share?

The clang of the scythe is louder.

Grasshopper chirps.

So until the white month clanging spit call.

Belun walks along the field, endows with good.

Behind the Grave Hill stands the white hut of Belun.

Belun is a kind old man. Alalei and Leila stayed with their grandfather to stay.

With dawn, Belun set off early for the field. Tall, all white, he walked all morning along the dewy boundary, guarding each ear. At noon, Belun went to the bee-keeper, and when the heat subsided, he returned to the field again. Only late in the evening did Belun come to his hut.

They did not lag behind their grandfather, and they followed him both to the field and to the bee-keeper. And how kind he is, what an affectionate white Belun!

Everyone loves Belun. The bear did not touch.

A bear will never touch a strange man, he knows! - the old man said, - if you meet a bear, tell him: “Go, go, Misha! I'm a stranger, I won't do anything to you." And the bear is gone.

In the evenings, Belun told fairy tales when he couldn’t sleep, or in the weather, when it was scary, or they started to pester him very much.

And Belun's dog is Belka. The old man will cut bread for dinner, Squirrel will give the crust - the first piece. And he always did this: Squirrel the first piece.

We eat Belkin's share, - grandfather once said, - a person has a dog's share.

How so - doggy?

And they could not calm down until Belun told them everything.

It wasn't like that before, it wasn't like that. And the land was not like that. A rye ear from the ground started from the very root and was broomy, like that of oats. It was impossible to mow or reap, they cut the ears with a stone awl so as not to lose the grain. And there was plenty of bread for everyone.

And it happened one day, Christ went out as a wanderer on the field, Christ went out to see how his people live on earth. How can people live? It is known that they are fed up with bread up to their throats, so other than they will undertake to reproach each other - they have become rabid!

A wanderer walks across the field, rejoices: there are so many grains, the ear is full from the ground to the top. And the wanderer walked all day until evening, and in the evening he gathered for the night.

He knocks there, asks here, but no one lets him in. They're chasing a stranger.

"Still steal something!" - that's what everyone has in mind: it's scary for the good, although there is nowhere to put it, any kind of good.

The wanderer entered the rich house. He did not ask for a lodging for the night, he asks for a piece of bread - alms. And the hostess was baking pancakes, saw a wanderer, quarreled at what the world stands, turned out the door. Yes, in a hurry, she grabbed a pancake, wiped a dirty shop with a pancake - a bad cat's trail, threw the pancake after her.

The wanderer picked up a pancake, put it in a knapsack and went into the field.

“No, you can’t get enough of anything, apparently! He has no grief! A man in freedom has become mad!”

The wanderer became angry and, standing in the middle of the field, called a terrible cloud.

And a terrible cloud rose to his call. A storm blew up.

It burned with fire, beat with hail, washed away with rain.

They no longer shout, they don’t scream - they were dumbfounded: after all, the whole economy was gone, all the grain was lost, all the ears were plucked. And only one small ear remained on a long straw.

Black, empty, naked on free rich land.

It was then that Squirrel came out of the kennel, - said the kind white Belun, - the dog sees, things are bad, you will die of hunger, and ran out into the field and how howl. “What are you, Belka, howling?” "I am hungry!" And the dog's tears touched God, God removed a formidable cloud. The sun shone, warmed up. And a small ear of a dog remained on the ground - that Belka had from God for her tears, a small ear of a dog, on long straw. Since then, people have been eating a dog's share. Our share of the dog!

Bees flew into the green yard - this is fortunately. And they stayed to live.

Linden blossom. The whole fragrant garden is gilded with lime blossom.

Frequent strong swarm from sky to damp ground.

That's good, well, fun!

Here the warm day has sailed away, the Vespers star rises, and they are gray, ardent, buzzing - they collect honey.

There will be a lot of white honey.

And across the buckwheat fields and in the floodplain green meadows, along the yellow slumber, in the motley porridge and in the scarlet dawn, bees curl from flower to flower. Frequent, strong swarm from sky to damp ground.

That's good, well, fun!

Here, in place of the day, a long evening dawn will open, and they are gray, ardent, buzzing - they are working.

There will be a lot of red honey.

Thick honeys, yellow wax.

There will be enough honeycombs for everyone on Spasov's day: God - a candle, a chunk - grandfather, and enough for the hive for the winter.

And tell us, bee, where did you come from?

One bee chose sweet honey from the virgin grass.

And we are not ordered to tell, - answered the bee. - The Water Grandfather does not like those who do not know how to keep a secret, and the Water Grandfather is in charge of us.

We'll just tell grandpa.

And grandfather Belun himself leads a bee, wise, he knows without you.

Well, we won't tell the big ones.

Well, - the bee buzzed, - I would have told you anyway, only I don’t have time to tell for a long time ...

And the shaggy gray bee sang:

And Vodyanoy quarreled with Domov, everything would be old for them to quarrel, a gray-haired one stopped by Frolovsky horse. And the horse lay for a year in a damp quake. No one enters the Kochkorya swamp! It was from this Frolov horse that we were born by spring. Once the fishermen threw a net and pulled us out of the swamp, the strength of bees, and we, the bees, scattered to all the flowers all over the world. The Solovki saint Zosima and another saint Savvaty are watching us, and they are guarding us. Our mother Svirya and Sviona, grandmother Anna Sudomirovna.

And God's bee flew, carried a lot of honey from the field for the coming dream.

The sky burned in a crimson evening.

There, across the expanse of heaven, it was as if a swarm of golden bees sent honeydew to the ground, promising dawn, the sun and a bucket.

School tour of the Olympiad in the Russian language

4. Who is who? (Morphology)

Match the two quatrains and explain why the first comma comes before the word blue, and in the second blue stands out on both sides.

To the coast of the sea a long alley

Leads away as if the sky:

There the sea rises, blue

Between the forgotten marble columns...

Evening silent alley

Calls me to the rocky shores.

Where the sea rises blue

To desolate and distant skies.

Grade : 1 point

Fill the table. Based on the meaning of the phraseological unit and the etymological hint, set the “conceived” phraseological unit and write down the answer under the corresponding number in the notebook where you are doing the work.


or figurative





An empty piece of paper of no value, a fake document of no real value.

It used to mean: "stupid, poorly drafted document." Dupe.

Move extremely fast.

"Horse" origin of phraseological unit.

Disappear forever and without a trace, subject to forever and complete oblivion.

Leta is the river of oblivion in the underworld, from which the souls of the dead drank water in order to forget their past life (ancient Greek mythology).

Retire to eternity = die

Thrown into a chill (from cold, fear, excitement)

Murashka (from murash), insect, ant.

Poor man, no money. Empty person, spiritual nonentity (secondary meaning)

A dimple in a person, located between the collarbones on the neck. According to popular notions, this recess is called soul because the soul was placed here. It was said about a sincere, frank person that he had soul wide open(a man with an unbuttoned shirt collar, showing that he has nothing in his bosom). The sinus is the space between

chest and adjacent clothing.

Very doubtful, unclear

Pitchfork- circles, not modern: "type of agricultural tool"

Cheap but good quality at the same time

The old meaning of the word angry- from the word srd (heart), that is, dear, good.

Rough, poor quality work

Origin - from the speech of carpenters

Nothing to say, nothing to say

Origin - from the "card family" as well as: mix cards(destroy someone's plans) stake(hoping to achieve something, risking one's property, fortune, etc.)

Something Desired, Desirable

Grade. Correct translation - 5 points (each mistake reduces by 0.5 points). Word comment - each word 2 points. Maximum -15 points

Olympiad in Russian.

Most French words come from Latin. The same Latin word (or the root of a word) could, on the one hand, be reflected in the French language (most often in a modified form), and on the other hand, penetrate into the Russian language. What Russian words are historically (through Latin) associated with the following French words, if it is known that the superscript sign “∧” is placed above the vowel after which the sound “s” was in the source language:

1. arrêter [arete´] - to stop

2. fête [fat] - holiday

3. plâtre [platr] - gypsum

4. pâte [pat] - dough, marmalade

5. bête [bet] - animal

Score: 1 point for each answer. Total - 5 points.

Adjust the proportion:

big warm

---- = ---- = -----

huge sob

What is the relationship between the words in the denominator and the words in the numerator?

Evaluation: correctly put words - 2 points. Explanation - 2 points. Total - 4

Why do you think the words “walking”, “whiteness” are nouns, because the first denotes an action, and the second a sign?

Grade. The correct answer is a maximum of 2 points.

From the given series of words, write out those in which there is (or was) a prefix about - (o-). Prove the presence of a prefix by choosing a related word.

Lunch, obelisk, rim, headband, roundup, shoes, oats, oval, jail, honey agarics, headlong, autumn.

Grade. For a correctly written word - 0.5 points, for related words - 0.5 points.

In the Izbornik of 1073 we read:

In four ways, play a person: by not apocalyptic, on etc_ flatter, on

unreason_ nyu, on love.

Explain the meaning of the underlined words in this sentence.

Grade. For translation - 2 points and for explanation - 4 points. Total: 6 points.

Place commas in the references in the following texts. Explain why punctuation marks are used differently in apparently similar constructions.

A) “What are you bargaining guests for

And where are you sailing now?

B) “Oh, you are guests, gentlemen

How long did you travel? where?

Is it okay for the sea? or bad?

And what is the miracle in the world?

C) “My dear mother!

You are a young princess!

Look there:

Father is coming here."

Grade. In each case, only for the placement of punctuation marks when addressing - 0.5 points, for each explanation - 0.5 points. Total: 3 points.

Underline the comparison in these sentences. Specify how the comparison is expressed.

1) There, hosts of souls offer unceasing gifts in a harmonious chorus of their prayers

() 2) And in a different current, they are again drawn by fate, will converge closer for a moment than all the worlds among themselves (). 3) As if by an agreed sign, suddenly a streak of the sky will flare up ... (F. Tyutchev). 4) She took familiar sheets and looked at them wonderfully, as souls look from a height at their abandoned body ... (F. Tyutchev) 5) The whole day is as if crystal, and the evenings are radiant. (F. Tyutchev)

Grade: Each correct answer - 1 point ... Maximum - 5 points.

Highlight the grammatical foundations, determine the types of sentences (two-part or one-part, complete or incomplete). Describe the components of the grammatical basis.

1. It was a real pleasure to drive along the soft spring road (CH along the hare trail they reach the bear one (after We are small people, and you are a great person (CH There is not a soul on the street. 5. To sit on this cloud and swim, swim on it at this terrible height (Boons of the evening is still sleeping, it's dark in the yard (Fet).

Grade: each suggestion is 1 point. Total - 6 points.

Determine the syntactic function of the highlighted adverbs.

1. Goose flocks both on the right and on the left (V. Peskov). 2. The path to the right will leave without a horse (BunMargarita saw that she was alone with the moon flying above her (M. Bulgona was once married, but soon became a widow (Turg, even married, she recalled with tenderness the girl’s time (Pet’s ear caught female laughter, fast and brisk steps down (M. Bulg.).

Grade: correct answer - 1 point. Total - 6 points.

Read a fragment from Radishchev's "Letter to a friend living in Tobolsk", published in the first volume of the PSS (1938) based on a lifetime publication in 1790. Find and comment on linguistic phenomena (facts) that are not characteristic of the modern Russian language. Combine recurring phenomena into one example and comment together.

On the day appointed for the celebration, at two o'clock in the afternoon, crowds of people flocked to the place where they wanted to see the face of their renovator and enlightener. The regiments of the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky Guards, who were once companions of the dangers of Petrov and his victories, as well as other Regiments of the Guards who were here, under the leadership of their chiefs, surrounded the places of disgrace, Artillery, the Novotroitsk Cuirassier Regiment and the Kiev Infantry took their places on the nearby streets. Everything was ready, thousands of spectators built for that elevation and a crowd of people scattered all over the nearby places and roofs were looking forward to seeing the image of the one that their ancestors hated while alive, and mourned after death.

Grade. For the named phenomenon (word, morpheme) - 0.5 points. Comment to the word - 0.5 points. Total no more than 6 points (+1 point for the depth of the answer as a whole).

District Olympiad in Russian

2009-10 academic year

10-11 grade

Some of the words in this table are spelled incorrectly. Write them down in a corrected form in a notebook (save the form of the table). Which of the data in the word table are borrowed?

Corrected version

Borrowed or not

baking sheet






Grade. For each correctly completed column - 0.5 points. Total: 10 points.

In a fragment from a Russian spiritual verse

Who will live falsely,

That desperate from God,

And who will live the truth

The one who is attached to the Lord.

1. Make a morphemic analysis of the underlined words.

2. Determine their meaning

Grade. 1.2 points (1 point for each correct morphemic parsing); 2. 3 points; 1 point is added for the depth of the answer. Total: 6 points.

Explain the spelling of the participle "moved" with the suffix -IM.

Grade: correct answer - maximum 2 points.

What is the grammatical meaning of the verb be in the following expressions characteristic of folk speech? Translate them into literary language.

No matter how much you cry, but stop being. No matter how much fun, but to be married.

Grade. For translation - 2 points, 4 points - for explanation. Total: 6 points.

In the first half of the XVIII century. Russian scientific terminology has not yet settled down. All of the following words are terms denoting the same concept:

3) summer season;

4) rosada;

5) vegetative things, vegetation;

6) vegetative;

7) plants.

In 1757, in his speech “On the birth of metals from the shaking of the earth,” he first proposed a new term for this concept, using a word that already existed in the Russian language for it. This term, which supplanted all the others, is still used today. Name this term. Specify related words for each of the given terms.

Grade . For a word - 3 points, 1 point for the interpretation of each. Total: 10 points.

Consider two newspaper headlines:



Is there a semantic difference in these phrases? Justify your answer.

Grade : up to 7 points depending on the answer.

Read an excerpt from the poem "Gypsies".

He* waited for deliverance to come.

And all the unfortunate yearned,

Wandering along the banks of the Danube,

Yes, bitter tears shed,

Remembering your distant city,

And he bequeathed, dying,

To move south

His longing bones

And death - alien to this land

Restless guests.

* This refers to Ovid in exile.

Retell the highlighted passage in prose.

1) What syntactic function does the word perform in the sentence guests.

2) What is the discrepancy between the form of this word and the modern grammatical norm.

Grade. For the correct arrangement of words in the text - 4 points. For question 1) - 2 points. Points for a question. Total: 10 points.

Compare the highlighted pairs of words in the two texts presented. Give an interpretation of these pairs in terms of meaning, word formation and usage.

Boy talking to mom

- When I went home to do my homework, I stuck key.

And how did you get into the house in the evening?

I have ate key.

In one region, this was the case:

Walking once,

The sage came across a thorny bush

And scratched out eye.

But he was extremely smart

And without saying a word

He wandered into another bush

And eye scratched again.

(S. Marshak)

Grade . Up to 9 points depending on the answer.

In an excerpt from the poem "Autumn", arrange commas in all possible ways. Explain each option.

The leaves in the field turned yellow

And spin and fly

Only in the forest drooped spruce

Greenery is gloomy.

Grade . Maximum - 5 points.

Read the text. Translate it into modern Russian.

Hedgehog wrote to his prince Yaroslav Volodimerovich. Let us blow, like golden-forged trumpets, into the mind of our mind and begin to beat the upliftment of our wisdom into the silver argans. Stand up, my glory, stand up in the psalter and in the harp. I'll get up early, let's confess. May I open my divination in parables and proclaim my glory in the tongues. For the sense of a man's heart is strengthened in his body by beauty and wisdom. Be my tongue the reed of a scribe of a cursive writer, and my mouth is gentle, like river speed. For this sake, I attempted to write all the sins of my heart and smashed evil, like an ancient one - a baby on a stone. But I'm afraid, sir, of your blasphemy against me.

Answer briefly the questions:

1. What part of speech is the word written?

2. What is the origin of the word Volodimerovich?

3. Where did the ъ go in the word trumpet in modern Russian?

4. What does the word psalms mean in this text?

Grade : translation - maximum 6 points. For answering questions - 1 point. Total - 10 points.

Behind the Grave Hill stands the white hut of Belun.

Belun is a kind old man. Alalei and Leila stayed with their grandfather to stay.

With dawn, Belun set off early for the field. Tall, all white, he walked all morning along the dewy boundary, guarding each ear. At noon, Belun went to the bee-keeper, and when the heat subsided, he returned to the field again. Only late in the evening did Belun come to his hut.

They did not lag behind their grandfather, and they followed him both to the field and to the bee-keeper. And how kind he is, what an affectionate white Belun!

Everyone loves Belun. The bear did not touch.

A bear will never touch a strange man, he knows! - the old man said, - if you meet a bear, tell him: “Go, go, Misha! I'm a stranger, I won't do anything to you." And the bear is gone.

In the evenings, Belun told fairy tales when he couldn’t sleep, or in the weather, when it was scary, or they started to pester him very much.

And Belun's dog is Belka. The old man will cut bread for dinner, Squirrel will give the crust - the first piece. And he always did this: Squirrel the first piece.

We eat Belkin's share, - grandfather once said, - a person has a dog's share.

How so - doggy?

And they could not calm down until Belun told them everything.

It wasn't like that before, it wasn't like that. And the land was not like that. A rye ear from the ground started from the very root and was broomy, like that of oats. It was impossible to mow or reap, they cut the ears with a stone awl so as not to lose the grain. And there was plenty of bread for everyone.

And it happened one day, Christ went out as a wanderer on the field, Christ went out to see how his people live on earth. How can people live? It is known that they are fed up with bread up to their throats, so other than they will undertake to reproach each other - they have become rabid!

A wanderer walks across the field, rejoices: there are so many grains, the ear is full from the ground to the top. And the wanderer walked all day until evening, and in the evening he gathered for the night.

He knocks there, asks here, but no one lets him in.

They're chasing a stranger.

"Still steal something!" - that's what everyone has in mind: it's scary for the good, although there is nowhere to put it, any kind of good.

The wanderer entered the rich house. He did not ask for a lodging for the night, he asks for a piece of bread - alms. And the hostess was baking pancakes, saw the wanderer, quarreled about what the world was worth, turned out the door. Yes, in the heat of the moment, she grabbed a pancake, wiped the dirty shop with a pancake - a bad cat's trail, threw the pancake after her.

The wanderer picked up a pancake, put it in a knapsack and went into the field.

“No, you can’t get enough of anything, apparently! He has no grief! A man in freedom has become mad!”

The wanderer became angry and, standing in the middle of the field, called a terrible cloud.

And a terrible cloud rose to his call. A storm blew up.

It burned with fire, beat with hail, washed away with rain.

They no longer shout, they don’t scream - they were dumbfounded: after all, the whole economy was gone, all the grain was lost, all the ears were plucked. And only one small ear remained on a long straw.

Black, empty, naked on free rich land.

It was then that Squirrel came out of the kennel, - said the kind white Belun, - the dog sees, things are bad, you will die of hunger, and ran out into the field and how howl. “What are you, Belka, howling?” "I am hungry!" And the dog's tears touched God, God removed a formidable cloud. The sun shone, warmed up. And a small ear of a dog remained on the ground - that Belka had from God for her tears, a small ear of a dog, on long straw. Since then, people have been eating a dog's share. Our share of the dog!

The school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language in the 2009-2010 academic year.

7th grade

Work time - 90 minutes

I round

Exercise 1.

Explain the reasons spelling errors in words yellow, vchira, boots, night.

Task 2.

Katya complains to her mother about the puppy:

Mom, smiling, replies:

Task 3.

1. All sisters _____________ .

2. In _________________ damn it.

3. ______________ pays twice.

4. ______________ endure everything.

5. Affairs _________ , ______________ writes.
Task 4.

aquarium, watercolor, scuba, water area?

Task 5.

"chameleon words".

Task 6.

- strange « Go, go, Mishka!.And the bear is gone.

Task 7.

Seventh-grader Sergei read a page from his diary to a friend, where he recalls one of the days of the summer holidays. He listened with interest to Sergei, but then noticed that if something was corrected in the record, the story would become even more interesting. Do you agree with him? Edit Sergei's story.

On Tuesday I woke up early in the morning, ran to the window, which led into the courtyard, in which there was no one else. But Uncle Pasha's motorcycle was already parked outside the house where he lives. I felt a wave of joy that washed over me, rushed to the bed, quickly made it up, had a hasty breakfast, grabbed a backpack that I had collected in the evening, and quickly ran out into the yard and met the guys there, who were also with backpacks. Then Uncle Pasha came out holding fishing rods. And we on bicycles, and he on a motorcycle went fishing to the lake, where we fished until the evening and caught a lot of fish.
Task 8.

  1. Need to write leash, because prefixes pa-

  2. Need to write disengage, since after the prefix there is a deaf consonant c.

  3. Need to write reset, because prefixes h- does not exist in Russian.
Comment on your choice.
Task 9.

Underline the endings of the following nouns in the genitive plural form.

Cows, houses, tables, heads, horseshoes.

In which of the words does the accentuation of the ending depend on its meaning?

Task 10.
Make sentences with the word language so that it acts as different members of the sentence (the form of the word can be changed).

II round

Write an essay.

Theme "School of the Future"

Answers and evaluation criteria.

7th grade

I round
Exercise 1.

Explain the reasons spelling errors in words yellow, vchira, boots, night.

Number of points.

For the explanation of the erroneous spelling of one word 1 point

Maximum 4 points.

Errors are explained by the reflection in the writing of the features of the sound of words (the current spelling rules are not taken into account) and the features of the system connections of individual sounds, namely:

1. [zh] lty - [f] has no pair in softness (always hard), and the letter yo indicates the softness of the preceding consonant, so for the writer here the letter is “natural” about, corresponding to a solid consonant;

2.vchira - [e], denoted by a letter e, in an unstressed position, it is pronounced as a sound close to [and];

3. boots[G], denoted by a letter G, stunned at the end of a word and pronounced like [to];

4. night[h] has no pair in hardness (always soft), so the letter b, denoting the softness of the preceding consonant, here, from the point of view of the writer, is "redundant".

Task 2.

Katya complains to her mother about the puppy:

- He dragged my slippers somewhere!

Mom, smiling, replies:

- I hope your favorite skirt has not suffered from it yet?

Explain why the mother responded that way to her daughter.

Number of points.

1 point

Mom tried to point out to Katya the mistake she had made - the use of the word slippers as a masculine noun, while it is feminine slipper.

Task 3.

Fill in the missing words in proverbs and sayings.

1. All sisters _____________.

2. In _________________ damn it.

3. ______________ pays twice.

4. ______________ endure everything.

5. Affairs _________ , ______________ writes.
Number of points.

For each proverb - 1 point. Only 5 points.

All sisters on earrings.

Still waters run deep.

Miser pays twice.

Paper will endure everything.

Things are going, the office writes.

Task 4.

Is there a relationship between the words aquarium, watercolor, scuba, water area? Specify the lexical meaning of these words.

Number of points.

The answer to the question is 1 point.

The meaning of words is 4 points.

Maximum 5 points.

All these words are related in terms of their origin: they go back to the Latin root aqua (1)– water, with the value of which everything is connected: aquarium - a reservoir adapted for keeping, breeding and displaying aquatic animals and plants (1); watercolor - water transparent paint, as well as painting with such paints(1); scuba - a device for breathing a person under water (1); water area - a section of the water surface (1).

Task 5.

The famous Russian linguist Alexander Matveevich Peshkovsky called words of a certain category "chameleon words". What are these words? Why did the scientist call them that? Give 4 examples of such words.

Number of points.

Definition of "chameleon words" - 1 point.

Comment - up to 2 points.

One example - 1 point.

Maximum 7 points.

These are words that move from one part of speech to another (1). Like a chameleon that changes its color depending on temperature and illumination, depending on the context (1), they acquire different lexical and grammatical “coloring” (1). Clockwork (mechanism) - a relative adjective denoting a sign of an object (mechanism); sentry (on duty) - noun denoting a person (person).

Task 6.

Read a fragment of A. Remizov's fairy tale.

- strange A bear will never touch a man, he knows! the old man said. - If you meet a bear, tell him:« Go, go, Mishka!.And the bear is gone.

Give the old meaning of the underlined word. In what sense is this word used in modern Russian?

Number of points.

Determination of obsolete value - 1 point.

Determination of the modern value - 1 point.

Total 2 points.

In this text, the word is used in the meaning of "wandering, passerby" (1). In modern Russian, it has the meaning "unusual, incomprehensible, puzzling" (1).

Task 7.

Seventh-grader Sergei read a page from his diary to a friend, where he recalls one of the days of the summer holidays. He listened to Sergei with interest, but then noticed that if something was corrected in the record, the story would become even more interesting. Do you agree with him? Edit Sergei's story.

On Tuesday I woke up early in the morning, ran to the window, which led into the courtyard, in which there was no one else. But Uncle Pasha's motorcycle was already parked outside the house where he lives. I felt a wave of joy that washed over me, rushed to the bed, quickly made it up, hurriedly had breakfast, grabbed the backpack that I had packed in the evening, and quickly ran out into the yard and met the guys there, who were also with backpacks. Then Uncle Pasha came out holding fishing rods. And we on bicycles, and he on a motorcycle went fishing to the lake, where we fished until the evening and caught a lot of fish.
Number of points.

Up to 6 points- depending on the accuracy and variety of methods chosen to replace repetitive subordinate clauses.
Task 8.

Check the wrong statement:

  1. Need to write leash, because prefixes pa- does not exist in Russian.

  2. Need to write disengage, since after the prefix there is a deaf consonant c.

  3. Need to write reset, because prefixes h- does not exist in Russian.
Comment on your choice.

Number of points.

  1. Choosing the wrong statement - 1 point.

Dad is dragging honeycombs, - bye bye,

Mom berries basket, bye-bye.

Who is a deer, who is a bear, - buy bye-bye.

I hung the cradle in the forest, bye-bye.

Removed warriors came out, - buy bye-bye,

Nebuyukany, nelulyukany, bye-bye.


mouse holes

Kotofey Kotofeyich

Kotofey Kotofeyich kept frowning. September watched his half-sighted kind eyes. The cat walked up the tower gloomy. Already Alalei and Leilai go this way and that to the Cat - nothing works: everything is wrong, everything is not according to him. At night, it happened that he wouldn’t open his eyes for a minute, the Cat would sit without sleep until the morning with a tiger and a bird. Faithful Beasts: tiger- iron legs, rope tail, yes pockmarked, big-eyed bird- an iron beak, without a head, - Kotofeev's faithful animals somehow mysteriously exchanged winks with their disheveled friend.

Warm days were coming. The snow melted. Baibak woke up. Baibak came out of the mink and began to whistle. At early dawn, Alalei and Leila went to the lake with round bread to meet spring. But spring did not entertain their favorite, the old Cat.

“But didn’t some kind of trouble happen to the little white Bunny?” - they thought when, sorting out the blue snowdrops, they remembered the last merry year - their journey salt.

You guessed it, - said Kotofei Kotofeich, - a big trouble happened to Zaika.

Again the old woman Buroba! - they attacked the Cat: they wanted to know the whole truth about the little white Bunny, whom they loved very much.

Not Buroba. Worse.

Who? Goryn-serpent!

More terrible.

One-eyed - famously?

Yes. It’s the one-eyed one, ”the Cat mourned,“ we must go to rescue the Bunny.

And we are with you, Kotofey Kotofeyich!

No, no, - the Cat waved angrily, - there are still not enough of you became! If you get enough wits, then you will find something to do, but for now, stay in the tower, I'll go alone. Bast-eyed goat will look after you.

Well, the Goat? .. The Goat will sit alone ... The Goat has a lot of maple leaves.

Kotofey Kotofeyich did not answer anything - he missed it. The cat kept purring to himself: Zaikin's misfortune must have been very big. Soon, a willow stick and boots appeared in the tower near the stove - this meant that the day was close when the Cat would leave the tower.

Water flowed from the mountains onto Alexei, the man of God, and the old Pike, breaking through the ice with her tail as usual, left the lake and came to the Kot's tower to visit.

In recent days, the Cat has had such a gripe: no matter how much you ask him, the Cat never went out to the guests or already went out when the guests took their hats. The same thing happened this time.

Alalei and Leila had to occupy Pike. The goat - with bast eyes busied herself with the housework - the Goat tried to treat the rare guest better. The conversation didn't stick. Fortunately, Pike herself, who had been silent for a whole winter, spread her blue wings and talked very easily: she talked about the Sturgeon and the Trap-fish - which is the governor of the fish, and how this Utrip-fish cannot eat Ruff from the tail, then she talked about the lake , about the sea - in what seas she swam and how many miracles she saw on the sea ... on the Sea-Ocean.

Only their mouths opened in surprise: they had never heard anything like it about any sea.

And when Pike, having eaten roaches and perches, found herself at her pike's command again at her lake, Alalei and Leila went straight to Kotofey Kotofeich.

Kotofey Kotofeyich, my dear, - they said in one voice, - let us go to the Sea-Ocean: we want to look at the light of God! Let go, please, what is worth to you!

And there is nothing to think about, - cut off the Cat, - to the Sea-Ocean! But do you know that no one has ever made it to the Sea-Ocean, and if they did, it was bad. What did you think!

Yes, you are salt led us!

Are you not enough?

Let go, Kotofey Kotofeyich, we will just take a look at the sea and immediately return.

We'll be back, we'll be back! - mimicked the Cat. - Returned daredevils once or twice and counted, and where did you get the idea that there is somewhere in the world the Sea-Ocean?

And Pike told us.

Pike? - The cat rolled his eyes terribly and immediately rushed to carefully examine Alalei and Leila: he counted their fingers and toes, counted their ears and eyes - this is such a people. Pike! - the Cat purred, seeing everything in its place safe and sound. - It's quick, whatever it hits, it grubs, old fat woman! And there is no Sea-Ocean!

No, there is, there is ... behind the Koshcheev kingdom, - clung to Kota Alalei and Leila and did not lag behind.

Well, well, there is, - the Cat surrendered, - just from that? You want to be cut into small pieces, you want your heart and liver taken out, you want straps cut out of your back, you want your fingers cut off, you want your eyes gouged out, you want to be tied to a horse's tail. , you want to be thrown across the field, you want to be given to be eaten by animals, you want to be buried alive in the ground or turned into stone, do you want this?

No, we don't.

And Baba Yaga? .. Probably Baba Yaga will not refuse to ride and lie on your bones! And if you get caught by Zalesnaya, an armless woman, she will grab you without blinking!

And which Tsar Peas fought with mushrooms, will we see him, Kotofey Kotofeich?

Then the Cat realized that all his exhortations were in vain, and became very angry.

Shame on you, Alalei! - Cat Alalei scratched his hand and disappeared.

For two whole days Kotofey Kotofeyich did not speak to anyone. Alalei and Leila wandered around the tower not on their own: the Sea-Ocean did not go out of their heads, and of all the Kotofeev fears, only one Zalesnaya armless woman confused them, but soon this cunning woman ceased to frighten.

Meanwhile, the goat took the most ardent part in them and tried so hard to arrange the Cat so that the Cat would speak.

On the third day, towards the end of dinner, the Cat spoke. And they, of course, took advantage of the change that had come, molested the Cat and molested him until the very evening that the Cat agreed.

Well, I agree, you will go to the Sea-Ocean, - said the Cat, - just wait a bit, I'll think about it.

The night has come. And the cat was thinking. And Koza had to fiddle for a long time to put Alalei and Leila to bed. But even lying in their beds, they could not calm down. And already at night such impatience arose that they decided to immediately go to Kotofey Kotofeich and beg the Cat to let them go, and certainly tomorrow.

Kotofei Kotofeich had a light burning.

Without dressing, they went to his door and, quietly opening the door, they were already ready to kneel on the threshold and shout out their last request to the Cat, when suddenly the sight that met their eyes struck them so much that they, without a peep, stuck to their feet. in place.

The chambers of Kotofei Kotofeich turned into the top of a high mountain, a huge oak grew on the mountain, under the oak sat Kotofei Kotofeich himself, and with him the Black Eagle and the White Owl.

Cat, Eagle and Owl were conferring about something.

Well, - said the Cat, - I'll do it, I'll gouge out one-eyed Likha's only eye, and only then Likho will lose all his strength, and Bunny will be out of danger.

The eagle opened its red beak in approval of the Cat.

The cat turned to Eagle:

And what do you say, sky-high Eagle, about the venture to go to the Sea-Ocean?

Hearing about themselves, Alalei and Leyla stopped breathing and stretched out so much that they were ready at any moment to fall somewhere into the abyss.

It is necessary to have bear strength, wolf teeth, falcon wings, fish speed, lynx claws to get to the Sea-Ocean, - the Eagle minted.

Where to get this? - spread the cat helplessly paws.

The idea is empty! Eagle said.

They are very annoying ... Woe to me with them and nothing more. The eagle raised its black wings in impatience.

I don’t even know myself,” continued Kotofei Kotofeich, “how can they go on alone without me? It's easy to say, to the Sea-Ocean!

Let them go, - the Owl stood up, - they will get there.

I don't think so, - the Eagle shook his head and again opened his red beak.

The danger is great, but since they are asking, they must be fulfilled, you let go, Kotofey, ”the Owl insisted.

Alalei and Leila's eyes turned green, and their hearts jumped with joy so much that, without remembering themselves, they somehow miraculously found themselves back in bed.

The sun was already shining high from behind the forest, when Alalea and Leila were awakened by the Goat.

Get up soon, it's time to get ready for the road: tomorrow you are going to the Sea-Ocean.

Hearing such joyful news from the Goat, Alalei and Leyla almost strangled the Goat, and so they squeezed her without mercy, and rolled head over heels on the floor with her so that the Goat butted them twice and for real, but it didn’t hurt.

On this memorable day at dinner, they ate snake porridge in order to know and understand the language of animals, birds and flowers, and sipped fragrant broth from wonderful herbs - Goats making: A goat is a great master in these matters.

Then they tried to try on all sorts of animal dresses, taken out by the Goat from the storerooms, where a lot of good things were stored in forged Ustyug chests. But the animal dresses were sprinkled with some kind of caustic tobacco from moths, from which the head immediately became dizzy, and all the junk was taken back.

The last evening was spent in conversations.

The goat spent a long time explaining to Alalea and Leila how to go for them and what to do and what not to do, and although they listened attentively to the Goat, somehow everything flew out of their heads by itself. However, when the Goat finished her instructions, they swore to her that they would fulfill the goat's covenant and would not do anything that should not be done, but would always do what should be done, and they ate a lump of earth to reinforce their words. And the goat also ate a little.

All roads lead to the Sea-Ocean, - said Kotofei Kotofeich, approving Kozy's science, - but there are three main paths: the first path lies with magical countries, the second path lies with wide rivers, the third path lies with dark forests, swamps, fields and rivers.

We will go to magical countries!

Well, that's what I knew, - the Cat, out of annoyance, went up the tower and purred plaintively, - no, it's impossible, so you will be lost. The first two paths are closed to you: in order to travel through fairy lands, you must be able to navigate wide rivers, and you still have a long way to go to wide rivers, and without me you cannot manage alone. There remains the third path, which you go.

And when will we go to magical countries?

And we'll see when! And here's another thing: go to your grandfather, to Belun, your grandfather has been waiting for you for a long time. You will rest at his place, you will please the old man, but if you happen to spend the winter, stay with my old matchmaker Kopoul Kopoulovich. Copole is a scientist cat, a big boutchik! big booty! - and, singing something pleasant to himself under his breath, Kotofei Kotofeich went off to his chambers: the Cat was also going on the road.

When the dawn entered the window of the tower, Alalei and Leila began to say goodbye to the Goat. The goat really did not want to part with them for so long.

Look, be careful, you, Alalei, take care of Leila, you, Leila, obey Alalei, but come back as soon as possible! - shouted the Goat after them, when they went down the stairs from the tower to freedom.

True, a lot of time passed before Alalei and Leila went out onto the road: Kotofei Kotofeich kept returning to the tower, forgetting first one thing, then another, then as if bird did not say something, tiger didn't ask for anything.

At the crossroads, Kotofey Kotofeich repeated his admonition once more, kissed them, and they parted: the Cat went to Likha-One-Eyed to rescue Bunny, Alalei and Leila - far away to the Sea-Ocean.

Self-swallowing wolf

What was the feeling of our travelers when, unexpectedly, without even finishing the first day of their unknown journey to the mysterious Sea-Ocean, they found themselves in the most impossible and sad situation: Alalei and Leila fell into the belly of the Self-Glotted Wolf.

And it all happened very simply. Having met a sleeping wolf in the clearing, Alalei and Leila could not resist and, forgetting Goats' science, could not help but touch the terrible wolf. They stroked Samoglot on his grey, glossy fur, though they stroked the wolf very quietly, but the wolf was awake - the wolf is very sensitive! - not understanding well what's the matter, hap! - and swallowed them.

It would be for them to obey the Goat, to strictly fulfill even such things that the Goat herself, sending travelers on the road, having bothered, forgot to say, and not to act so recklessly from the very first step ... Is it a joke, because the Wolf-Self-Glotter is not a simple wolf - a fool wolf harp -Samogudy got it from far away lands! And getting into the belly of such a wolf is no joke.

Sitting in Samoglot's belly, Alalei blamed Leila, Leila blamed Alalei.

It's you all, Leila, - said Alalei, - you! Well, why did you need to stroke this wolf! Well, we looked at him;

No, Alalei, - Leila objected, - it's not me, it's you. You showed me the wolf, you led me to the wolf, and you were the first ... no, you remember, Alalei, the wolf swallowed you first, and me at the same time.

And not at all at the same time! I missed you, I wanted to scream, and just at that very moment the wolf grabbed me. Who was the first to be swallowed by the wolf: me or you?

You, Alalei!

Of course, me! I'm always to blame. And what will the Goat say when it reaches the Goat! What will Kotofei Kotofeich himself say! Oh, Leila, our journey is gone, goodbye Sea-Ocean now.

Come on, Alalei, let's raise a cry, we'll stomp, make noise, squeak, we'll be heard and set free.

Who will hear us? And where are you sinking! Released? Who needs it? Here you would not touch the wolf, that's what you need.

You don't love me, Alalei!

Yes, if I were alone, - Alalei was offended, - if I alone got into the belly of a wolf, by God, I wouldn’t think about anything. Cause I'm worried about you...

I, Alalei, want to eat.

Alalei could not answer. Alalei just shrugged helplessly: in fact, what to get Leila, such a capricious and tender, and a spoiled darling, here, in the belly of the Wolf Self-Glut!

All corners of Samoglotov's belly were littered with all kinds of living creatures, but everything was in the most inappropriate and inedible form: goats, sheep, rams, calves were dumped alive, and right there all sorts of horns, hooves, beaks, tails, withers, beards, manes, and right there things quite random - mittens, felt boots, a lot of canvas walls and a red pot-bellied samovar.

It started to rain in the belly.

It was raining in autumn, fine and warm, like in summer.

Samoglot ran, and so the wolf ran on his wolf business, ran through the forest and the field, and again the forest, and again the field, through logs, through swamps, through ravines and ravines.

The steps of the sun had already subsided, the moon had already left, and the nightingale - a spring vagrant bird, whistling, sang its song, when night came on the wolf: having run to its heart's content, the wolf crashed to the ground and snored like a wolf.

Having managed to get wet and dry, Alalei and Leila gradually got used to it and, recovering from the shock, thrown to the other end of the wolf's belly, went to wander in the belly, looking for at least some kind of light at will.

After a long search in the left side - Samoglot sleeps on the right - they found something like a dormer window.

Leila was the first to look out at will and immediately, out of fear, hid behind Alalei. Alalei looked out and closed his eyes.

What happened? What was free? What scared Leila so much, why did Alalei close his eyes?

Do not be afraid, Leila, - said Alalei, - this they… you need to get used to them ... they are not people at all, just don't be afraid, Leila.

And both, tightly clinging to each other, leaned out of the wolf's window into the wild.

The moon lowered its horns low, and it was visible as during the day.

Samoglot sleeping on a mound - on some Swedish grave, and from the grave the entire poemny bank to the very river was shaking - it was teeming with all sorts of spring evil spirits.

And whoever was not there: brownies, domikhs, humous, bathhouses, ladders, forest, wood goblin, leaf shakers, root, hollow, moss, field, water, cowsheds, strangers, broth and bummer, bone breaker, leatherder, tyazhkun, connecting rod, hitnik , hawk, golohvost, yarun, weevil, spynya, kureha and whisperer with his whisper.

Some persecuted, like chickens with a footnote, and straw and stuck, others are fragrant - and shaking and swung - black-based, blacks, swimming, discharge, champs, horses, hoarseers, third quiet, chickens - the grass under them will not trample, the flowers do not break , and snake-like lop-lipped, lop-eared, hook-nosed, thin-legged, and underground crawled from underground holes - from a damp and cold country.

Spring has expelled everyone, spring has lured everyone out of the dark winter cloaks, spring has swirled - and can not sleep, everything is beckoning.

While away the evil spirits of the spring night, she carried on a conversation with each other.

How it started is unknown. Yes, the conversation with evil spirits from nothing and starts right.

Forest praised the forest.

It’s good in the forest, - Lesovoy rustled, like fir cones rustle, - it’s good and easy and fun! Auku, tea, you know? Auka lives in a hut and his hut is with golden moss, and his water is all year round from spring ice, his pomelo is a bear's paw, smoke comes out of the chimney briskly, and Auka is warm in frosts. Old men and old women - Lesavki they sit in last year's leaves, and as autumn approaches, autumn stars will see Lesavka, grab hands, jump through the forest, whistle throughout the forest, without a head, without a tail, they jump, that's how they whistle! Listin-the blind man and Listina-baba only know, they roam in the leaves through the forest, rustling. Leshak's the vorostyannik sleeps in brushwood. Zalesnaya- a woman is an armless woman, and she strives to grab you, as thin as a blade of grass. And behind the lake in the blueberry forest lives Boli-boshka. And behind the lazy swamp lives Swamp. And behind the wild steppe, behind the birch forest - a witch Rogan. At night, Rogan walks through the forest in a wreath of forest flowers, the witch cries quietly and sadly. And about the fierce beast Corocodile I I do not know anything. Has anyone heard?

The evil kept silent.

The migratory light crackled, then flashed brightly, then slightly glowed like a blue snake.

One hammered - cow leg, licking his lips, he said:

I am Cow Leg! There is a beast cat-and-lion- he is a terrible beast, mustachioed, and Corocodile, I haven't heard anything about Corocodile.

And we have a completely different way, - squeaked Weevil- Adam had a lot of us children. Once on Easter, God ordered Adam to take all of us children out to show off. Adam was embarrassed: he was ashamed to drag such a crowd. Adam dragged only the elders, and we stayed at home. We are these very hidden household children of Adam.

And we are fallen spirits, - the soft-footed one hissed, - fallen spirits, we were very annoying, we didn’t do things, we followed on the heels of God, well, God turned us from heaven.

And we are unfaithful, we are former angels, the archangel drove us. We flew for forty days, forty nights, and whoever got where, he stayed there, ”the former angel screwed up from himself, unlike anything else: his nose is a notch of a rocker, his legs are a curl of birch bark, and light as a hop cone.

Beast cat-and-lion there is a terrible, mustachioed ... - licked his lips with a tambourine Cow-leg; this animal Kotylev was given to the Cow-leg.

And with the spring midnight, a stonefly daughter walked straight into the evil spirits through the spring meadow Zovutka.

Became Zovutka. Her curly braid crumbled like a star. Zovutka blinked with lightning.

And as if thunder struck evil spirits.

From last year's straw, a staring without solomin, crushed with warm straw. And the meadow responded, buzzed, and the whole shore clicked and groaned and hooted, the forest chirped like a dragonfly.

A round dance went, began to play, spun - oh, a round dance!

Either a hoof, or horns, or a wing, or God knows what, or maybe a cat-and-lion beast, maybe the beast itself crocodile, something, someone crushed the paw of the wolf.

As Samoglot jumped up, he pulled air, snorted and was like that.

Alalei and Leyla barely managed to jump away from the window.

The wolf rushed, Samoglot flew at breakneck speed, ran through the forest and the field, and again the forest and again the field, through logs, through swamps, through ravines and ravines.

Sickness in the wolf's belly.

Layla was dozing.

I, Alalei, feel sorry for Zovutka.

They, Layla, have fun.

The beast korokodil will eat it. And how did they not notice us?

They are not up to us.

And who is up to us, Alalei?

Morning will come. We'll wait for the morning, Samoglot will fall asleep, and we'll be free through the window.

If only the morning would be sooner... I love you, Alalei, I love you very, very much, Alalei.

And when morning came, Alalei and Leila came out of the wolf's belly to freedom. And they wandered for a long time through the forest, through the field and through the swamp, they met with all sorts of misfortunes, and, having learned a lot of all sorts of wonders, they went out onto the path.

The path will lead them to the Sea-Ocean.

Layla, I love you very, very much!

spring thunder

Angels are walking across the bridge.

Knocking, stomping horses. Smoothly rolling white pine carts. On wagons a cartload of wildflowers, a whole cartload of curly young birch trees.

The wheels roll smoothly, do not creak: they are smeared with tar.

And right on the way to the formidable crossroads, where the paths of the Sun, the Earth and the Moon diverge, stepping firmly on deaf iron legs, they are led by a guide - an eagle-winged bird Glavina: women's long hair is lowered over her eyes, and arrows fly evenly from her eyes.

That's why it's rattling around.

Angels are walking across the bridge.

White God, where did you go?

And we, angels, went with bell flowers and curly birch trees to the seventh heaven to God to celebrate the Trinity.

Remez - the first bird

Lost their way, but they don't know the way. The forest is unfamiliar. And night. It would be better for them to wait at the gray-haired Auki in the hut. Warm at the gray-haired Auki. Auka is intricate: he knows a lot of tricky tricks, a joker, he will build a monkey, turn over with a wheel and want to scare, the Indian is scary. Yes, he is Auk, to scare.

It was pouring rain, and only in the evening, after sunset, the rising wind tore the angry clouds away, and the sun set brightly behind the corner.

Lost their way, but they don't know the way. The forest is unfamiliar. And night. Pine and spruce rustle, as in the weather. And the stars - and the stars - are big!

Saved the bush. He let me sleep.

It’s good even in the summer: every bush will let you in, and in the winter you will disappear when it covers the whole earth with hoarfrost and cold.

Hush, Layla! Here, besides us, like us, without a road, a one-eared little Hare with a mustache! How cold! And he's afraid of everything, poor thing.

The hare did not recognize them. The hare mistook them for something and for such a thing, he got scared in earnest and now fled away - where is it!

Well, then everything was cleared up.

And three remained under the bush: Alalei, Leyla and Hare with a mustache while away the night.

The gray one told them about the fox - which the fox sings songs, and about the fierce beast - which is an angry beast, and about the bird's leg - which leg itself goes everywhere. Warmed up and dozed off.

They themselves do not mind. In a dream, he tilts his head, but someone has a tongue ... he would talk everything, and his ears are like that ... they would listen to everything, and his eyes are like that .... they should see everything. Here they don't sleep.

Bunny fell asleep?

And then how - the second dream, go, sees!

The stars are big!


And the biggest ones?

In the desert, where the camels are.

And if you climb a tree, can you grab onto the stars?

But when we fall asleep and climb on the Christmas tree, you will grab it.

Did you promise to tell me about the bird?

About what about a bird?

Yes, about that one ... you told me ... the first bird is like that ...

BUT! about Remez - the first bird!

Well, what is she, Alalei, small?

So-so: not great, small, brownish itself, the neck is white. She has a nose - you won’t find another one like this in birds and special paws. Fussy, everything remezit. And she builds a nest - better than all nests - she has a nest with a purse ... for that she is reputed to be the first with God. That's all.

No, you wanted to tell a lot...

Well, Remez loves, where are the rivers, where are the lakes, loves the willow, flies across the sea. Whoever keeps Remez's nest in the house, thunder does not strike that house. And Remez dies in a storm - a coastal bird. And a big singer: the voice is not great, small, just for children ...

Like a cuckoo?

And Leila's eyes fall asleep.

It's creepy in the forest. The night is getting closer, the night is getting closer. The whole forest embraced. And the stars - and the stars - are big.


The prickly lips were chained to the icy Wind, they were not ordered to blow with cold, and Frost-Crackle, covered with snow, sat down to rest in the cold kingdom at midnight.

The warm summer has come.

Forgotten bad weather.

Everything lives, everything swarms around the ground, grows like a bush.

The puffing bear staggered through the forest, and the grasshopper - the will: chirps at least all night.

People with sharp braids went. The hay has ripened.

And wherever you look, everything is as if unseen: you bend down to each flower, you would touch any grass ...

Good weather, beautiful.

Gay! - Belun passes near the rye.

What a white, he himself is in a white shirt, and the sun does not veil: he likes it. It comes from the forest: without it, they say, it is dark in the forest. Get lost, just ask. Belun will show the way.

Grandpa, hay?

Does not hear. Where can you hear it!

Here I stepped on the border ...


What do you want, dear? - grandfather smiled: and he is well ...

Belun walks along the border, walks along the summer road, strikes with a stick: does the old ancient bus time remember or did something else come to mind ... our Russian share?

dog share

Behind the Grave Hill stands the white hut of Belun.

Belun is a kind old man. Alalei and Leila stayed with their grandfather to stay.

With dawn, Belun set off early for the field. Tall, all white, he walked all morning along the dewy boundary, guarding each ear. At noon, Belun went to the bee-keeper, and when the heat subsided, he returned to the field again. Only late in the evening did Belun come to his hut.

They did not lag behind their grandfather, and they followed him both to the field and to the bee-keeper. And how kind he is, what an affectionate white Belun!

Everyone loves Belun. The bear did not touch.

A bear will never touch a strange man, he knows! - said the old man. - If you meet a bear, tell him: “Go, go, Misha! I'm a stranger, I won't do anything to you." And the bear is gone.

In the evenings, Belun told fairy tales when he couldn’t sleep, or in the weather, when it was scary, or they started to pester him very much.

And Belun's dog is Belka. The old man will cut bread for dinner, Squirrel will give the crust - the first piece. And he always did this: Squirrel the first piece.

We eat Belkin's share, - grandfather once said, - a person has a dog's share.

How so - doggy?

And they could not calm down until Belun told them everything.

It wasn't like that before, it wasn't like that. And the land was not like that. A rye ear from the ground started from the very root and was broomy, like that of oats. It was impossible to mow or reap, they cut the ears with a stone awl so as not to lose the grain. And there was plenty of bread for everyone.

And it happened one day, Christ went out as a wanderer on the field, Christ went out to see how his people live on earth. How can people live? It is known that they are fed up with bread up to their throats, so other than they will undertake to reproach each other - they have become rabid!

The clang of the scythe is louder.

Grasshopper chirps.

So until the white month clanging spit call. Belun walks along the field, endows with good.

A wanderer walks across the field, rejoices: there are so many grains, the ear is full from the ground to the top. And the wanderer walked all day until evening, and in the evening he gathered for the night.

He knocks there, asks here - no one lets him in. They're chasing a stranger.

"Still steal something!" - that's what everyone has in mind: it's scary for the good, although there is nowhere to put it, any kind of good.

The wanderer entered the rich house. He did not ask for a lodging for the night, he asks for a piece of bread - alms. And the hostess was baking pancakes, saw a wanderer, quarreled at what the world stands, turned out the door. Yes, in a hurry, she grabbed a pancake, wiped a dirty shop with a pancake - a bad cat's trail, threw the pancake after her.

The wanderer picked up a pancake, put it in a knapsack and went into the field.

“No, you can’t get enough of anything, apparently! He has no grief. A man in freedom has become mad!”

The wanderer became angry and, standing in the middle of the field, called a terrible cloud.

And a terrible cloud rose to his call. A storm blew up.

It burned with fire, beat with hail, washed away with rain.

They no longer shout, they don’t scream - they were dumbfounded: after all, the whole economy was gone, all the grain was lost, all the ears were plucked. And only one small ear remained on a long straw.

Black, empty, naked on free rich land.

It was then that Squirrel came out of the kennel, - said the kind white Belun, - the dog sees, things are bad, you will die of hunger, and ran out into the field and how howl. “What are you, Belka, howling?” - "I am hungry!" And the dog's tears touched God, God removed a formidable cloud. The sun shone, warmed up. And a small ear of a dog remained on the ground - that Belka had from God for her tears, a small ear of a dog, on long straw. Since then, people have been eating a dog's share. Our share of the dog!