Student Scholarships. What is an academic scholarship and how to get it? Types of scholarships in Russia

Everyone, without exception, who bears the honorary title of a student, is certainly interested in his scholarship, its size and payment terms. A large number of students are concerned about the question of whether the scholarship is paid in the summer. And if everything is more or less clear with the size, which is directly proportional to academic performance, then it is sometimes difficult to figure out the timing of payments. As a rule, there are practically no questions about the payment of scholarships in the autumn/winter period, but whether they give a scholarship in the summer is of interest to many students.

Academic Scholarship

Do those students who could not successfully pass the session receive a scholarship in the summer? The scholarship in the summer is awarded only if the summer session was successfully passed by the student. In order to receive an academic scholarship, a student must pass the session with positive marks, that is, “good” and “excellent”, and not have any debts.

In case of unsatisfactory passing of the summer session, the scholarship will be paid only for the month of June, and for July and August in the presence of "tails" will not be paid. In most universities, 5 students are expelled from July 1st immediately after graduation. Therefore, the scholarship is not paid in August. However, in some universities, the expulsion occurs in August, so students are fully entitled to receive payments for June and July.

Each university has its own approved Regulations on the procedure for accrual and payment. Often in practice, the case with the payment is as follows:

  • If the student successfully passed the session, then the scholarship for July and August is paid to him in advance in June. This is a great help before the upcoming summer vacation.
  • Also, very often universities give scholarships to students in the fall, simultaneously with the September payment.

social scholarship

To clarify the issue of payment, you must contact the department of labor and wages or your dean's office. In the event that there is an academic debt or, simply speaking, “tails” for the spring session, the social stipend is not paid in the summer until the student retakes the session. At the time of closing the debt in the summer, it continues to be paid. Moreover, the payments will include the period for which it was not paid.

Suppose that a student did not pass the exam in June, therefore, he is not charged in the summer. The last scholarship he received was in May. In July, the student retaken the exam, and for any grade. As a result, the student will receive a "social program" for July, as well as for May and June, within the prescribed period.

For many students, a scholarship is the only means of subsistence, for others it is a significant help. There are not so many students for whom a scholarship does not matter. Therefore, it is not surprising that most students in higher education keep a close eye on the amount of their tuition fees and how they are calculated. In this regard, the question is very popular: is the scholarship reward paid in the summer, in the months during which classes are not held? To begin with, let's figure out what a scholarship is in general.

A scholarship is a special payment made to students of higher and professional educational institutions of full-time education. To receive it, you must meet a certain level of academic performance, so not all students from among those who are eligible for it receive a scholarship. The exception is students of the first semester of the first academic year, that is, those students who have not yet passed the first session, they receive academic payments without exception.

In Russia, universities and other organizations pay the following types of scholarships:

  • academic;
  • personal;
  • nominal;
  • social.

The conditions for receiving an academic allowance are the least strict: for this, it is enough just to close the session on time with “good” or “excellent” in the subjects taken into account, after which the student is provided with payments for the next six months, including in the summer. It is interesting that students who study abroad can also receive benefits, but for this it is necessary to conclude a special international agreement.

Summer benefits

In order to receive payments in the summer, it is necessary to successfully, from the first time, close the session of the second semester, while the average score in the exams should not be lower than four. However, this is only a standard requirement, each university can establish its own rules, because of this, the conditions for obtaining scholarships in different universities are not the same.

Holidays are not limited to the summer months, so it is useful for students to be aware of how benefits are calculated during these periods. Payments during periods free from study are no different from ordinary ones, by analogy they are made on schedule, their size and availability depend only on the student's progress.

By the way, it is worth knowing that the scholarship for June is also determined by the session for the first semester, since the session of the second semester is held in June, following which payments for the first semester of the next academic year will be determined, including for the remaining summer months. Thus, even if the student does not cope with the session, the student will still receive the allowance for June, unless he “flunked” the last session as well.

It is important to remember that graduates do not receive benefits after passing the last session, because they are expelled from the university or other educational institution in connection with its graduation. Almost always, the expulsion of graduates occurs before the first of July, therefore, they can receive benefits only in the first summer month. It can be concluded that students who are still studying and have successfully passed the last session of the academic year, the scholarship will be paid in the summer.

Benefit method

Each university has the right to introduce its own unique procedure for calculating allowances, this does not mean that some educational institutions do not pay allowances in the summer months, there may simply be certain features in this procedure.

The basic procedure is as follows: upon successful completion of the session, the student receives an allowance for three months - for June (the month in which tests and exams were taken), for July and for August. Those students who failed to successfully pass exams and tests receive payment for only one month. In other educational institutions, payments for July and August occur simultaneously with September. That is, sometimes a student receives a triple scholarship in one month.

It is worth considering that students are guaranteed the right to a scholarship only in public universities, in private educational institutions the scholarship is usually not paid, or only a small part of students pay it for particularly exemplary studies.

By the way, if you close the debt on failed exams and tests from previous sessions in time, then the scholarship for the summer months will be accrued. That is, there is an opportunity to receive payments for the past months, if you deal with the past sessions. However, for this, your average score must be at least four. Accordingly, it is beneficial for students to go to retakes, trying to improve their grades.

Another payment procedure applies:

  • in colleges;
  • in technical schools.

You can also receive a scholarship in other countries where students from Russia can study:

  1. Ukraine.
  2. Belarus.
  3. Germany.
  4. France.
  5. Great Britain.
  6. And others.

Clarification of the client

Good afternoon! You can specifically answer the question posed, and not describe the concept of social scholarship and the procedure for its appointment. I already know this. Is it permissible to divide the norm of the state social scholarship, established for students studying in professional educational organizations, into calendar days? How should the state social scholarship be accrued if it is not assigned from the first day of the month:

1) is accrued in the amount approved by the standard, regardless of the date of appointment, or

2) is accrued and calculated in proportion to calendar days?

    social scholarship


Lawyers Answers (3)

    Andreev Artem


    social scholarships for students in 2016: who is eligible, the amount and necessary documents for the appointment of a social scholarship.
    A social scholarship is a scholarship that is awarded to students in need of social assistance.
    The following students have the right to receive a social scholarship without fail:

    orphans (left without parental care);
    disabled people of I-II groups, disabled children;
    students exposed to radiation
    disabled due to military injury or illness
    who have served at least three years under a contract or in the Ministry of Internal Affairs
    Required documents for receiving a social scholarship:
    To receive a social scholarship in 2016, you need to provide a certificate from the social protection authority at the place of residence. The validity of this certificate is one calendar year, therefore, for the appointment of "social programs" it must be provided annually.
    To obtain a certificate, you will need to provide the following documents to the Social Security Administration:
    income certificates (salary, pension, scholarship, allowance, subsidy, compensation, etc.) of each family member;
    information about the composition of the family;
    a certificate stating that you are studying at an educational institution;
    scholarship certificate;
    additional documents upon request.
    After the social security authorities calculate the income of the student's family and issue a certificate confirming the right to receive a social scholarship, the student submits it to the dean's office of his university. Based on this certificate, he writes an application for a social scholarship. As a rule, the educational institution requires that the certificate be received in September
    Most often, in an educational institution, documents for a social scholarship are accepted until September 30, but it is better to start processing at the beginning of the month
    The amount of the social scholarship
    The amount of the state social scholarship is determined by the educational institution independently, but cannot be lower than the minimum amount of the scholarship, which is at least 2010 rubles in the 2016 academic year for university students and from 730 rubles. college students.
    Will there be an increase in the scholarship in 2016 in Russia?
    Please note that increased scholarships are possible for needy students who study "good" and "excellent".
    The payment of social scholarships may be suspended due to debt in the examination session. The payment is resumed after the repayment of the debt from the moment of suspension. And not from next month, as is practiced in educational institutions.
    Termination of payments due to absences and delays with positive academic performance is illegal and is equated to article 145.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Non-payment of wages, pensions, scholarships, allowances and other payments” and article 285.1 “Abuse of official powers”.

    Read more on the Scholarship website

    Maria Antonova

    Benefits Lawyer

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    • Lawyer, Kurganinsk

      • expert

      Hello Aliya!

      The state social scholarship, assigned from January 1, 2017 to students who received state social assistance, is assigned to the specified category of students from the day they submit to the organization engaged in educational activities, a document confirming the appointment of state social assistance, for one year from the date of appointment of the specified state social assistance. help.

      dated December 19, 2016 N LO-2003/05

      Federal Law No. 312-FZ of July 3, 2016 “On Amendments to Article 36 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 312-FZ) amended Part 5 of Article 36 of the Federal Law of December 29 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Education), which come into force on January 1, 2017, according to which the procedure for assigning state social scholarships to students has been changed.
      In particular, from January 1, 2017, the appointment of state social scholarships is carried out by students who have received state social assistance.
      For the purpose of uniform enforcement of the norms of the Federal Law N 312-FZ and ensuring the observance of the rights of students to provide measures of social support, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia draws attention to the following.
      From January 1, 2017, in accordance with Part 5 of Article 36 of the Law on Education (as amended by Federal Law N 312-FZ), the basis for awarding students a state social scholarship is a document confirming the appointment of state social assistance.
      At the same time, taking into account that, according to Part 3 of Article 2 of Federal Law N 312-FZ, the provisions of Part 5 of Article 36 of the Law on Education apply to legal relations that arose after January 1, 2017, until January 1, 2017, the state social scholarship is awarded to students eligible for receipt of state social assistance by providing the relevant document issued by the body of social protection of the population, and is paid before the first day of the month following the month of termination of the document on the basis of which it was appointed.
      In addition, the state social scholarship, assigned from January 1, 2017 to students who have received state social assistance, in accordance with Part 1 of Article 1 of Federal Law N 312-FZ, is assigned to the specified category of students from the date they submit to the organization engaged in educational activities, a document confirming appointment of state social assistance, for one year from the date of assignment of the said state social assistance.
      For example, on February 18, 2017, a student submitted a document confirming the appointment of state social assistance, the date of issue of which is January 21, 2017. Thus, the state social scholarship is assigned and paid to the student from February 18, 2017 to January 21, 2018.

      The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation also sends a letter from the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Russian Federation for consideration in the work, containing clarifications regarding the procedure for assigning state social assistance.
      At the same time, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia draws the attention of the heads of organizations engaged in educational activities to the need, together with the representative bodies of students and student councils, to work among students to explain the changes made to the Law on Education in order to timely apply to the relevant authorities for state social assistance.


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It will be extremely interesting for every student in a higher educational institution in Russia to find out how things will be with the increase in scholarships in 2017. Let's see what scholarships students receive this year and how much these amounts will change in the future, including in 2017, 2018 and 2019.

How much will scholarships for students of the Russian Federation be raised in 2017

And immediately to the good news: scholarships for students in Russia in 2017 will grow. So according to the latest official information, in 2017, student scholarships will grow by 5.9%, in 2018 - by 4.8%, and in 2019 - 4.5%, thus, in the next three years, scholarships will be indexed annually, which is not bad. Based on the figures presented above, the minimum scholarship in the universities of the Russian Federation will have the following amount: in 2017 - 1419 rubles, in 2018 - 1487 rubles, and in 2019, respectively - 1554 rubles.

Of course, hardly anyone can feel like a rich man, receiving that kind of money. But if a successful and smart young man or girl studies well, participates in public life, and also has a certain talent encouraged in the form of additional payments, then you can get quite decent money per month (see the most in Russia in 2017).

It should be noted that quite recently, a draft law was submitted to the State Duma, with the help of which the deputies plan to equalize the minimum amount of a scholarship at the minimum wage level, by the way, the size will be increased to 7800 rubles. If this bill is adopted, then Russian students will be able to count on a significant increase in their income.

Types of student scholarships in the Russian Federation

It should be noted that in Russia there are several types of scholarships that students of higher educational institutions receive:

State academic scholarship;
Enhanced Academic Scholarship.
State. social scholarship;
Additional scholarships.

The amount of scholarships for Russian students at the moment

Of course, the amount of scholarships in different regions of the Russian Federation and in different universities may vary slightly. But at the same time, you need to understand that the state transfers a certain amount to the university for cash payments to students, and each university already has the right to independently distribute funds among students, determining the amount of payments, however, focusing on the national level.

State Academic Scholarship

To receive this type of payment, you should study without triples (the fewer fours, the higher the scholarship) and actively participate in the social life of your educational institution. At the moment, the minimum amount of this payment in Russia in 2016 is 1340 rubles for students of the highest level and 487 rubles for students receiving secondary vocational education. education. The maximum payout in this area is 6 thousand rubles. In turn, graduate students receive a scholarship in the amount of 2600 rubles, doctoral students - up to 10 thousand rubles.

Enhanced State Academic Scholarship

Higher scholarships are received by excellent students participating in public student organizations. Universities determine its value independently. In 2016, it is from 5 to 7 thousand rubles for students, for graduate students - from 11 to 14 thousand.

State social scholarship

Primarily, social scholarship receive children from low-income families, the disabled, orphans affected by the accident at a nuclear power plant, the disabled and combat veterans. The amount of this payment in 2016 is 2010 rubles. for students of higher educational institutions and 730 for secondary professional level.

See also: detailed timetable, compulsory subjects.

All students know about the existence of a social scholarship, but they do not understand that they have the right to receive it every month. Payments are received by both the student and the graduate student. Nothing depends on the student's performance, unlike other scholarships. According to the law of the Russian Federation, orphans, children left without care, disabled people of the 1st and 2nd degrees who fell ill due to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident are the first to receive payments.

Higher education institutions have the right to increase or decrease the number of candidates for social scholarships. Children from low-income families are added to the number of scholarship holders.

If the average salary of one family member is less than the subsistence level, a student from such a family is eligible for a scholarship.

Payout amount

In higher educational institutions, the size of the state social scholarship is 2130 rubles, in college - 795. The state decided in 2016 a scholarship in the amount of 2010 rubles. make it minimal.


In each city, the list of documents is different, so the student will need to contact the social security authorities at the place of residence and find out what papers are needed. You also need to ask what is the cost of living in your region.

If the salary of family members in total is less than the subsistence level, feel free to collect documents and contact the institution where you study.

When contacting the authorities, bring with you:

  • the passport;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • income statement of each family member for 6 months;
  • a confirmation document from the educational institution that you are studying there;
  • a document stating whether you are receiving other scholarships or not.

It will take a long time to collect the papers. Documents are collected once a year, and scholarships are paid monthly.

A certificate of family composition is issued free of charge at the municipal housing service. Each member of the family receives income statements at work. Pensioners - in the pension fund, the unemployed - in the Employment Center.

Freshmen apply for scholarships within the first month, counting from the first day of class. The scholarship committee considers each application received without fail.

Increase in 2018-2019

The State Duma raised the issue of increasing the scholarship fund by 20%. Vyacheslav Nikonov believes that orphans, the disabled, Chernobyl students need a bonus.

“A university student receives at least 1,200 rubles a month, and a college or technical school student receives 430 rubles. Why is there such a big difference that college students are worse than college kids?” Vyacheslav said at the meeting.

Grigory Balykhin, a member of the education committee, has been trying for 7 years to achieve justice on this issue, but to no avail.

Types of scholarships and their amounts


Issued to students of budgetary institutions. It is received by students of primary, secondary and higher educational institutions. To qualify, you must meet four prerequisites:

  1. Learn on a budget.
  2. Study on a daytime basis.
  3. Pass the session on "excellent" and "good".
  4. The educational institution has state accreditation.

Presidential and government

Awarded for merit in any activity. They are received by students and graduate students, but also by people who do not study at universities and who have achieved high results in their profession. The size of these scholarships is high compared to others.

Scientists and graduate students who carry out promising projects and research in science in priority areas of modernization of the Russian economy receive 20,000 rubles a month. (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2012).

Adjutants, graduate students, students, cadets and students of educational institutions of higher professional education receive a scholarship if they have achieved outstanding success in their studies and scientific research. Cadets, students and trainees receive 2200, and adjutants and graduate students - 4500 rubles (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2012).

To support talented youth, to raise the prestige of some professions and specialties of secondary vocational education, the state also allocated funds for scholarships. The amount of payments for students in high-class educational programs of secondary vocational education reaches 2,000 rubles.

Students and graduate students studying on a budgetary basis, full-time in specialties that meet the priority areas of reconstruction and scientific and technical formation of the economy, receive payments from the government every month. The amount of the scholarship for university students will be 7,000 rubles, and for graduate students - 14,000 rubles.