The term professional burnout. Professional burnout: diagnostics and factors

It's hard to imagine your life without stress. The realities of modernity are the presence of everyday stressful situations, some of which a person withstands with dignity, while others leave a serious imprint and can make themselves felt for a long time. Increasingly, stressful situations at work are associated with professional burnout of employees.
Working without breaks and days off, in emotionally unfavorable conditions, leads to the accumulation of fatigue and depletion of a person’s vitality, which threatens with serious diseases, both psychological and physiological.

What does the term "professional burnout" mean?

In 1974, for the first time, this term was voiced by the American psychiatrist Herbert Freudenberger. This concept was introduced in the psychology section and was originally used to refer to the psychological state of employees who had close contact with clients, as a result of which they experienced emotional overstrain.

The term "professional burnout syndrome" comes from the English burn-out and implies complete psychological and emotional exhaustion, associated with feelings of lack of demand and own uselessness.

A psychologist from the USA, K. Maslach, worked seriously in this area and made a significant contribution to it, who did serious work and associated this term with people working in the helper field (help - "help"). These are doctors and teachers, lawyers and social workers, psychotherapists and priests.

E. Moppoy outlined in 1981 a clear image that defines the emotional state of an employee experiencing professional burnout: "The smell of burning emotional and psychological wiring."

Modern psychologists are sounding the alarm, classifying this syndrome as one of the dangerous occupational ailments that affect those who, by the nature of their activities, are forced to closely communicate with people. The result of a negative impact on the body can be irreversible personality changes with serious mental disorders.

Which areas of work are most affected by the disease?

Emotional and professional burnout is currently quite extensive, it extends to the entire area of ​​professional activity, characterized as "man - man". Those most at risk include social workers and educators, advertising and art project managers, doctors, politicians and journalists, businessmen, and even psychologists themselves.

Excessive communication with people contributes to the devastation of the worker. It is more difficult for those who perceive their occupation as a special mission, a mission to intervene, correct the situation and obligatory rescue people in trouble. Such a “rescuer complex” is capable of causing serious harm to the assistant himself, who is at risk of professional burnout. It is difficult to assess the professional activity of an individual employee right away; it is necessary to see the problem from the outside in order to start corrective measures and help the person.

It is necessary to pay attention to workaholics who are ready to devote themselves to work without a trace, denying themselves weekends and vacations, striving to spend at least 24 hours a day at work. Such people do not find themselves in other spheres of life, closing the meaning of their existence only on the profession, thereby excluding realization in the family, society, losing the opportunity to increase and consolidate self-esteem in another way.

There are known facts when a successful teacher, fully realizing himself at work, missed his own children. A person, due to emotional dependence and excessive enthusiasm at work, suddenly realizes his worthlessness in other areas of activity, while psychologically breaking down, feeling tired, morally and physically exhausted. An individual driven into such a trap very rarely gets out of the current situation on his own, because it is capable of bringing him to a fatal end.

Who is at risk of burnout at work?

Burnout syndrome threatens certain categories of people at risk in the workplace:
Workaholics who do not see life in its other manifestations, except for the realization of themselves in the workplace.
Residents of large cities who are not able to refuse the imposed communication with a huge number of unfamiliar or completely unfamiliar people in public places (transport, service sector, work in a large company).
Introvert workers who, due to their individual psychological characteristics, are not able to meet professional requirements that involve close communication with a large number of different people. Due to their natural shyness, modesty and isolation, they cannot cope with emotional discomfort, accumulated emotional stress, simply without having the skills to get rid of negative experiences.
People who have changed jobs, are on probation, awaiting certification in the professional field. Employees who find themselves in a completely new environment or an unusual situation, which obliges them to show new qualities and high efficiency.
Professional burnout of employees threatens people who experience a double sense caused by a conflict with themselves, when it is necessary to be torn between family and work, also experiencing all the costs of fierce competition in the professional field.
Employees over the age of 45, for whom it is difficult to find a new job in our country due to age restrictions. Because of the fear of losing their jobs in an unstable situation and a crisis in the country, such employees are in constant stress.
People who have achieved certain heights. Achieving the goal brings a feeling of emptiness, confusion, meaninglessness of what is happening. There is a feeling of lack of prospects, the meaning of life, doubts about personal and professional failure, lowering self-esteem.

These are the main factors of professional burnout, as a result of which moral and physical resources are reduced to a critical minimum. Psychological discomfort is not felt immediately, but in the end it leads to the fact that the beloved business, which occupied all thoughts and all the time that he lived, becomes at first indifferent, then irritates, and ultimately disgusts. The lack of novelty leads to the fact that in the fourth year of activity there is disappointment and devastation, which results in inconsistency with the requirements of both others and oneself.

Causes of professional burnout

To clearly understand the problem, it is necessary to find out the reasons that contributed to the development of burnout in the workplace, then it will be easier to outline ways out of this situation.
Experts have identified groups that are most at risk of professional burnout:
1) people who made a mistake in choosing a profession or are forced to do an unloved business for various reasons (for them, work is like hard labor);
2) employees experiencing a serious internal conflict associated with a discrepancy between a balanced ratio between domestic duties and the requirements of the professional sphere;
3) individuals who are forced to rigidly defend their compliance in the field of activity in a competitive confrontation in the work team.

The work environment in constant stress negatively affects employees, while reducing labor productivity, which causes losses to the enterprise. Depletion of vitality can cause psychosomatic disorders. Negatively affect the condition of the employee:
irregular working day, busy schedule, work without breaks and days off;
forced need to constantly emotionally contact with different people;
psychological stress in the work team, unfavorable emotional and psychological atmosphere;
regular stressful situations at the workplace in the absence of emotionally unloading places where stress is relieved and professional burnout is prevented with the participation of a psychologist.

What is psycho-emotional exhaustion manifested in?

Workplace burnout syndrome is a complex process with a number of specific features. Each person, due to individual character traits, tolerates the manifestation of the disease in different ways. Sometimes this is due to a lack of psychological flexibility and is associated with both social (wage level) and biographical features (the ability to withstand life's difficulties, satisfaction in personal life), and the psychological maturity of the individual also plays an important role.

A person under the load of work that has fallen on him, which he cannot cope with, but is not able to refuse it, begins to fade and become stale. This process is gradual and is reflected in a loss of motivation, a decrease in the quality of work, negative changes on the intellectual level and serious health problems.

What threatens excessive zeal in the workplace?

Diagnostics of professional burnout most often reveals the following manifestations:

Unreasonable irritability and resentment, a sad feeling and hopelessness;
tearfulness, depressive manifestations;
negative thoughts and experiences are actively exaggerated, which do not leave you alone day or night;
migraine attacks, frequent disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
nightmares, restless sleep, or insomnia;
a complete breakdown and a feeling of never-ending fatigue, which is felt even after a long sleep;
emotional scarcity;
a noticeable change in weight (losing weight or being overweight);
indifferent attitude to changes in the external environment (there are no proper reactions to novelty, a dangerous situation);
a feeling of general weakness, reflected in the biochemical level in the body;
professional burnout causes a drowsy, inhibited state;
emotional and physical stress causes impaired respiratory function;
unreasonable outbursts of anger;
increased anxiety.

All of the above cannot be ignored, because it threatens with irreversible consequences.

Research scientists

This problem is actively studied by professionals (Zofnass and Lindner, Kemp and Suter), who actively discussed it within the framework of the 12th World Congress, pointing out a number of psychosomatic disorders inherent in this psychological phenomenon.

One of the specialists (V.V. Boyko) outlined the concept of this disease as a protective mechanism developed for psychological protection, when emotional reactions of the body are blocked under the influence of a psycho-traumatic factor.

Professional burnout of social workers is caused as a response to prolonged stressful situations that are caused by interpersonal communication under adverse circumstances, as well as the inability to abstract in time from the problems of strangers, passing them through oneself.

Scientists identify:
Depletion in the emotional sphere, which causes the devastation of vital resources. The employee is not able to fully fulfill his professional duties due to the lack of the correct emotional response to the work situation. Very often there are emotional breakdowns.
The development of a cynical and soulless attitude towards others. A person depersonalizes both colleagues and clients, relations with them are formal. Internal irritation grows, which is difficult to contain, and over time it turns into unreasonable conflict situations.
The professional qualities of an employee are noticeably declining, cases of incompetent attitude to their duties are becoming more frequent. There is a complex of guilt for failures, doubts about one's professional suitability - all this leads to low self-esteem in professional and personal life. And then a complete indifference to what is happening in the workplace is formed.

According to experts, it is necessary to prevent professional burnout in any team if the management is interested in the effective operation of the enterprise.

Syndrome symptoms in organizations

Very often, entire organizations are burnt out due to the mistakes of the management team. Most employees experience emotional exhaustion, depersonalization of employees occurs, a pessimistic mood reigns in the team, lack of initiative is observed.
The reasons for this state of affairs are:
inconsistent management actions that cause disagreements in tactical and strategic plans;
empowering employees who do not enjoy respect and authority in the team;
there is no clear system for stimulating and motivating staff, or it is ineffective;
the functional responsibilities of employees are not formulated, often neither the employee nor the manager understands what the duties of an individual person are.
work is valued objectively.

The inefficient work of one employee can negatively affect the entire team. So, the professional burnout of a teacher will eventually affect the children, then problems with their parents will come, and then the entire work team will begin to feverish.

The following points can be a peculiar indicator of professional burnout of an organization:
1. High staff turnover.
2. Unbearable working conditions are created for young employees, they are forced to quit before having worked even a year.
3. Frequent smoke breaks, tea drinking with reduced labor motivation.
4. Increased conflict among the staff, caused by a difficult atmosphere in the work team.
5. Professional failure of the staff, expressed depending on the management team. Increased dissatisfaction with the actions of managers, as well as the helplessness of employees who depend even in small things on the opinion of the head.

The employee must feel his need in the workplace.
Remove total control on the part of the manager, which hinders professional growth, the manifestation of initiative and independence in the workplace.
Remove competition between employees, causing discord in the team and inconsistency in actions. Without such discomfort, the work will be more productive.
Clearly formulate job descriptions and define the scope of functional responsibilities.
Objectively assess the contribution of each employee to the common cause.
Set up a stress relief room (with sports equipment or music for relaxation).
The policy of "divide and conquer" should be replaced by "unite and conquer".
In a team with a favorable climate, labor productivity is always higher than in an unfriendly and stressful one.

Syndrome of professional emotional burnout: how to avoid?

Knowing the causes of the problem, it is necessary to make efforts to prevent it.

You should listen to yourself and analyze your condition and behavior.
You need to treat your own person with love, treat yourself to small joys, take care of external attractiveness.
Take care of a reasonable alternation of productive activities and outdoor activities.
The occupation must correspond to the abilities, capabilities, character traits and temperament. Only your favorite work can bring satisfaction, the desire to reach heights and believe in yourself.
You should not make work the meaning of your whole life and rob yourself, depriving you of the opportunity to realize yourself in other areas of life.
It is necessary to fight gloomy thoughts, if possible, getting more positive emotions. So, the professional burnout of a teacher is unlikely to please the students on whom he breaks down, unable to organize a class. You should go on an excursion with a class or with friends, go on a hike, to the theater, to an exhibition, in a word, change the situation for a while and gain new positive impressions.
It is important not to reproach yourself by referring to more successful people, but to live your life, making it exciting, not forgetting your own hobbies and meetings with dear people.
Get rid of the desire to help everyone to the detriment of yourself. You need to be realistic about your resources.
Do not be afraid to seek help from a psychologist. Sometimes spoken aloud things help to find a way out, and reasonable advice will never be superfluous.

The human body is capable of self-regulation, which will allow you to get out of a difficult situation with the correct positioning of yourself. In neglected situations, the help of specialists is needed, but at the initial stage, as studies of professional burnout have shown, a person can help himself. For this you need:
do not take negative situations to heart, try to disengage from them and look at the situation from the outside;
smile and laugh heartily (when appropriate) and perceive the most difficult situations with humor;
be able to find positive aspects in any problem;
keep gloomy thoughts out of your mind, remember happy life moments;
physical exercise, which organizes not only the body, but also awakens the mind, makes it possible to be proud of oneself for the ability to overcome laziness in the morning;
walks in the fresh air, allowing you to fully enjoy deep breathing and contemplation of nature in any weather;
communication with the cosmos, God, the Higher Mind, destiny;
reading of books;
air and sun baths;
the ability to compliment other people not for something, but just like that.

The ability to appreciate what you have will help you overcome temporary difficulties and prioritize.

38 357 0 Have you ever heard the expression "burned out at work"? Probably heard. This psychological state is especially relevant for citizens of metropolitan areas. Meanwhile, this is not just a catch phrase that characterizes the situation when a person has worked so hard that he was completely exhausted. This is a very real psychological problem, which is called burnout syndrome. The burnout syndrome is typical for those who, due to their excessive work and only work, are so exhausted physically and mentally that they undermine their health and lose interest in life in general. How not to burn out at work? Professional burnout: concept, causes, stages, prevention.

Imagine you are working tirelessly. At first, your body will not resist it. But when the excessive return to work crosses a certain limit, the situation will become stressful, and then completely turn into chronic stress. Naturally, your body simply does not want to tolerate such an attitude towards itself and will show you in every possible way that it is impossible to work like this. You will constantly feel tired, which will become chronic over time, you will lose interest in work, and in your favorite activities, and in friends and family. All of these symptoms are similar to those of depression.

Psychologists combined all these signs and identified them as a state of "burnout" in the second half of the 20th century. In 1974, psychiatrist J. Freudenberg first described the symptoms of "professional burnout" in his writings. He cited the following as signs of burnout:

  • nervous exhaustion;
  • loss of any motivation;
  • decreased concentration;
  • apathy.

Burnout syndrome does not develop immediately, it takes a decent amount of time. But for different people, the period of development of the syndrome varies: someone “burns out” in 5 years, someone’s body fights longer, someone less. For some, even with hard work, burnout syndrome does not manifest itself at all, since a person perfectly combines both work and good rest.

Ways to recognize burnout

Each of us is psychologically individual, so the symptoms of burnout vary from person to person. For example, this process occurs differently in men and women, because the latter are more emotional. How to recognize the symptoms of burnout? How to understand that psychological overload is approaching a critical point? Here are the general criteria for this condition:

  • you feel emotionally exhausted;
  • you are indifferent to what is happening around;
  • you become irritable, aggressively treat your colleagues;
  • you often “go into yourself” and do not want to communicate with others;
  • you have lost faith in your strengths: you doubt yourself, your talent, your abilities;
  • your productivity has dropped, you cannot concentrate;
  • you are constantly in a sleepy state;
  • you constantly put off things for later;
  • you constantly feel tired and depressed (even during rest).

All these criteria are the body's reaction to your condition. Your body is signaling danger to you! And only you yourself can make a “reset”: for this you need to correlate your requests and opportunities and try to bring them to a balance.

As I have already noted, burnout syndrome can manifest itself in different ways. In general, experts divide its signs into three groups:

  1. Psychophysical symptoms:
    • Fatigue at any time of the day;
    • Emotional and physical exhaustion;
    • Lack of curiosity for something new;
    • Lack of fear in dangerous circumstances;
    • General asthenization (decreased activity, weakness, deterioration of hormonal parameters);
    • Sudden changes in body weight (both a sharp weight loss and a sharp increase);
    • Complete / partial insomnia;
    • Causeless headache, persistent gastrointestinal disorders;
    • Inhibited state and constant desire to sleep;
    • The appearance of shortness of breath;
    • Decreased perception of the surrounding world through the senses (impaired vision, hearing, smell, etc.).
  2. Socio-psychological symptoms:
    • Feeling of depression, indifference, passivity;
    • state of depression;
    • High level of irritability;
    • Constant nervous breakdowns;
    • Constant negativity (feelings of resentment, guilt, suspicion);
    • Increased anxiety, constant anxiety;
    • Feeling of hyper-responsibility and, accordingly, fear of not coping with something;
    • Negative attitude towards future prospects in life.
  3. Behavioral symptoms:
    • You begin to think that your job is getting harder and soon you won't be able to do it at all;
    • You yourself change your mode of work (for example, you start to arrive early and leave late);
    • You constantly take work home (even if it's not necessary) and don't do it;
    • You refuse to make professional decisions, looking for reasons to explain;
    • You feel useless;
    • You do not believe in improvement and are indifferent to the results of work;
    • You are not completing important tasks by slowing down on small details.

This list of signs is not complete, it is simply impossible to compile a complete list, since each person is individual. But, if you notice the manifestation of any of the listed symptoms behind you, it is worth considering: are you not burning out at work without noticing it yourself?

Causes of burnout syndrome

The cause of burnout syndrome at work lies in the fact that a person cannot find a balance between work and other areas of life, such as work and leisure, work and family. For those who, due to their work, constantly interact with other people, the body itself produces a certain reaction: it itself psychologically protects you from stress. The same J. Freideberg, when describing professional burnout, used the example of his colleagues - doctors.

Imagine that at work you often communicate with other people. And you, as a good worker, naturally, get involved in their problems and experiences, try to help them as much as possible. You can do this both consciously and unconsciously. It turns out that you pass through yourself the problem of each of your clients. But you also have your own problems and worries. As a result, all this accumulates, and the reserves of your psyche are not at all endless.

It turns out that the further a person plunges into his work, the faster the burnout syndrome develops. Ultimately, this will lead to the fact that you stop enjoying work, leisure, and life in general: one day you will break down and not feel the strength to move on.

As an example of a burnout syndrome, one can describe the activities of doctors. They are constantly in the process of active communication with patients (among whom there are those who are negative), they are constantly faced with unforeseen circumstances, their working conditions are very changeable. It's all common causes of burnout , which, in principle, are capable of causing the syndrome in representatives of other professions.

But there is also specific causes of burnout : low salary, lack of necessary equipment and medicines, inability to help a person in some severe cases, the presence of deaths among patients, forcing the situation by the patients themselves and their relatives.

Not all people succumb to burnout at work. Many manage to cope with it thanks to:

  • ability to change under stressful conditions;
  • high self-esteem;
  • self-confidence;
  • confidence in their knowledge and professional qualities;
  • the ability to maintain a positive attitude towards oneself and others.

Thanks to self-confidence and positive attitudes, a person can cope with a stressful situation and not succumb to burnout syndrome, despite the prevailing conditions around.

Burnout stages

The process of professional burnout is studied by many specialists in the field of psychology. Almost each of them offers his own division of this process into stages. In general, there are five stages of burnout:

  1. The first stage is the "honeymoon": the employee is satisfied with his duties, he is enthusiastic, shows excessive activity, even refuses needs that are not related to work. Then he begins to experience the first work stresses, which are getting stronger. Because of this, the work no longer brings as much pleasure as before, the energy of the worker begins to decline.
  2. The second stage - "lack of fuel": there is a constant feeling of fatigue, insomnia begins to disturb. The employee loses interest in his duties, the productivity of his activity decreases. The level of the employee's own participation in relation to colleagues, the rest of those around him decreases. Labor discipline begins to suffer, the employee evades his duties. There are signs of depression and aggression. Under the condition of high motivation, the employee will continue to burn at the expense of internal resources, which in the end will still lead to the next stage.
  3. The third stage is "chronic": during this period, chronic irritability, exhaustion, a feeling of depression, and a constant feeling of lack of time begin to appear. At this stage, the employee develops health problems - headaches, gastrointestinal disorders, pressure surges, sexual problems, tachycardia. Dependence on nicotine, caffeine, or alcohol may develop.
  4. The fourth stage is the "crisis": the employee develops chronic diseases, he loses his ability to work. The feeling of dissatisfaction with one's life sharply intensifies.
  5. Fifth stage - "breaking through the wall": health and mental problems lead to dangerous diseases that threaten a person's life. He begins to feel a sense of helplessness, the meaninglessness of his life, full of despair.

Consequences of burnout at work

The consequences of the burnout syndrome, first of all, are health and psychological problems. A “burnt out at work” person gets himself so many all sorts of “sores”, and already in the chronic stage, which will be problematic to cure.

Physiological "sores"

These are problems with the work of the heart and gastrointestinal tract, problems with the spine, a sharp decrease or increase in weight, poisoning of the body with nicotine and alcohol, a low level of immunity.

Psychological "sores"

Due to the burnout syndrome, chronic depression can develop, which will lead to a constant feeling of depression and depression, increased irritability, and sleep disturbances. If you do not turn to a specialist with such a depressive state in time, then depression will soon lead to serious somatic problems.

Prevention of burnout at work

What to do if you feel that you are "burning at work"? So that your condition does not go into a critical phase, it is necessary to follow the following recommendations of psychologists at the first signs of the syndrome:

  • Switch! Your life consists not only of work, you have family, friends, favorite hobby. Meetings with family and friends, as well as activities that give positive emotions, are the best ways of psychotherapy.
  • Go in for sports and give up bad habits!
  • Evenly distribute work throughout the day, do not forget to take breaks! At the end of the day, forget about work and get distracted by more enjoyable activities!
  • If you have the opportunity to refuse to work on the weekend - refuse!
  • After a working day, when you come home, go to the shower and imagine that you are washing away all negative emotions from yourself - such a psychological technique helps a lot to “discharge”.
  • Take it easy on problems, you can't be better everywhere and in everything - this is quite normal!
  • Use pleasant tricks to improve performance:
    • Place on the desktop a photo of relatives or just a picture depicting a place that you like;
    • Try to go out into the fresh air a couple of times during the day;
    • Use the smell of citrus fruits - an aromatic sachet or a couple of drops of essential oil on your wrists will be useful for both good mood and health.
  • Don't forget your vacation! Timeouts are a must!
  • Make plans for the future, do not break away from other areas of life;
  • Develop and improve yourself, share experience with colleagues.

professional burnout. How not to lose interest in your work? Psychotherapy

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Modern psychological studies concerning social workers show their susceptibility to professional deformations (A. V. Budanov, 2011; B. D. Novikov, 2012; A. A. Rean, 2012; A. R. Fonarev, 2013; A. K. Markova, 2009; S. P. Beznosov, 2009; E. T. Lunina, 2010; K. A. Yudchits, 2011; S. E. Borisova, 2011; E. D. Yurchenko, 2011, etc.). One of the frequent negative manifestations among representatives of these professions is the phenomenon of "mental burnout". This syndrome occurs in situations of intense professional communication under the influence of many external and internal determinants and manifests itself as a "muting" of emotions, the disappearance of the sharpness of feelings and experiences, an increase in the number of conflicts with communication partners, indifference and isolation from the experiences of another person, loss of a sense of the value of life, loss of self-confidence, etc.

Against the background of the growing interest in the problem of professional burnout, it is important to pay attention to the features of professional burnout of social workers, whose professional activities are largely related to everyday interaction with people, their psychological and physical difficulties, including with colleagues in the course of their daily professional activities. Therefore, it becomes relevant to study the features of the manifestation of this syndrome, clarify its symptoms and factors that determine its formation in the professional development of managers, in order to develop evidence-based health programs aimed at preventing occupational deformities and diseases, as well as restoring the psychoenergetic potential of workers.

In the modern structure of economic relations, the activities of a manager are complex, multifaceted. Management activity is extremely complex, representing a unity of objective and subjective variables, requirements for technological and communicative competence. On the one hand, managerial relations in the "leader-subordinate" system are determined by the characteristics of the socio-economic system of society, on the other hand, managerial relations are formed between people and therefore are determined by the peculiarities of their consciousness. The manager's activity is characterized by high intensity, saturation of actions, frequent intervention of external factors, a wide network of contacts at various levels, and the predominance of direct verbal (oral) communication with other people.

The main functions of managers, as you know, include: planning, forecasting, organizing and coordinating the interaction of subordinates, decision-making, control. In addition to purely “production functions” and the formal relations associated with them, characterized by high cognitive complexity, “socio-psychological” functions associated with the “human factor” and informal relations in the team: communicative, educational, disciplinary, psychotherapeutic and others. The latter, in turn, can be characterized by a special emotional intensity (Sventsitsky, 1986). The complex and responsible nature of the manager's activity determines the presence of various stressful situations that create the prerequisites for the emergence of a mental burnout syndrome.

1. Signs and factors of professional burnout

Professional burnout is a syndrome that develops against the background of chronic stress and leads to the depletion of the emotional, energy and personal resources of a working person.

For the first time the term "burnout" (burnout) was introduced by the American psychiatrist Freudenberger in 1974, it meant a state of demoralization, disappointment and extreme fatigue. Burnout is a state of physical and psychological exhaustion caused by prolonged exposure to emotionally overburdened situations. This interpretation is close to understanding burnout as a "chronic fatigue syndrome". Emotional exhaustion is manifested in a reduced emotional background, indifference, emptiness and fatigue.

In the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Ozhegov, the verb "burn out" has two meanings: to burn out entirely; fade, lose color. Surprisingly, these two shades of meaning are also preserved in relation to the irreversibility/reversibility of the process of professional burnout. So, according to researchers Vodopyanova N.E. and Starchenkova E.S., "burnout is dangerous because it is not an episode, but the end result of the process of "burning to the ground." However, "with systematic work to update personal resources and optimize organizational (environmental) working conditions, the process of" burning out can be not only stopped, but also transformed into "productive combustion".

The reduction of personal achievements can manifest itself either in a tendency to negatively evaluate oneself, one's professional achievements and job opportunities, or in limiting one's duties in relation to others, which leads to a feeling of incompetence. The burnout syndrome is most typical for representatives of communicative professions ("person-to-person"), including for all categories of managers and personnel managers. Burnout develops, as a rule, in those who, by the nature of their activities, must communicate a lot with other people, and the result of the activity (moral and material) depends on the quality of communication. A characteristic feature of professional burnout is its dynamism, it is a process that develops over time, accompanied by the presentation of such external and internal requirements for a person that exceed his own resource. Intense physical and emotional stress, lack of time for the implementation of tasks, hyper-responsibility and perfectionism are risk factors that increase the likelihood of burnout, leading to a change in attitude towards the work being done. Work is perceived as a formality, as a difficult necessity, and not a source of satisfaction and self-actualization. Thus, professional burnout is a special case of personality deformation due to the implementation of professional activities. Professional burnout syndrome is an unfavorable reaction to work stress, which includes psychophysiological, mental and behavioral components.

The signs that make up the professional burnout syndrome can be conditionally divided into three main groups: psychophysical, socio-psychological and behavioral.

The psychophysical signs of professional burnout include such as: a professional working manager

Feeling of constant, persistent fatigue, not only in the evenings, but also in the mornings, immediately after sleep (the so-called symptom of chronic fatigue);

Feeling emotional and physical exhaustion;

Decreased susceptibility and reactivity to changes in the external environment (lack of curiosity reaction to the novelty factor or fear reaction to a dangerous situation);

General asthenia (weakness, decreased activity and energy, deterioration of blood biochemistry and hormonal parameters);

Frequent causeless headaches;

Persistent disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;

Sudden loss or sudden weight gain;

Complete or partial insomnia (quick falling asleep and lack of sleep in the early morning, starting at 4 a.m. or, conversely, inability to fall asleep in the evening until 2-3 a.m. and "hard" awakening in the morning when you need to get up for work);

Constant lethargy, drowsiness and desire to sleep throughout the day;

Shortness of breath or shortness of breath during physical or emotional stress;

A noticeable decrease in external and internal sensory sensitivity: deterioration of vision, hearing, smell and touch, loss of internal, bodily sensations;

Perhaps occupational burnout is one of the reasons for the decline in life expectancy in Russia, especially among men.

The socio-psychological signs of professional burnout include such unpleasant sensations and reactions as:

Indifference, boredom, passivity and depression (low emotional tone, feeling of depression);

Increased irritability to minor, petty events;

Frequent nervous "breakdowns" (outbursts of unmotivated anger or refusal to communicate, "withdrawal");

Constant experience of negative emotions for which there are no reasons in the external situation (feelings of guilt, resentment, suspicion, shame, constraint);

Feeling of unconscious anxiety and increased anxiety (feeling that "something is not right");

Feeling of hyper-responsibility and a constant feeling of fear that "it will not work out" or the person "will not cope";

A general negative attitude towards life and professional prospects (like "No matter how hard you try, nothing will work anyway").

The behavioral symptoms of professional burnout include the following actions and forms of employee behavior:

Feeling that the work is getting harder and harder and harder and harder to do;

The employee noticeably changes his working regime of the day (early comes to work and leaves late, or, conversely, comes to work late and leaves early);

Regardless of the objective need, the worker constantly takes work home, but does not do it at home;

The leader refuses to make decisions, formulating various reasons for explanations to himself and others;

Feeling worthless, disbelief in improvement, decreased enthusiasm for work, indifference to results;

Failure to perform important, priority tasks and "getting stuck" on small details, spending most of the working time in a little conscious or unconscious performance of automatic and elementary actions that do not meet official requirements;

Distance from employees and customers, increasing inadequate criticality;

Alcohol abuse, a sharp increase in cigarettes smoked per day, the use of narcotic drugs.

Symptoms of professional burnout can be "infectious" and manifest themselves not only in individual workers. Often there is professional burnout of organizations, which manifests itself in the fact that the vast majority of employees have an internal physical or emotional state with the same signs, as well as the same forms of behavior. In such cases, individual differences between workers are noticeably "erased", they become unnaturally similar and identical, as if "on the same face." People become pessimists who do not have faith in positive changes at work and the ability to change something with their own efforts.

The reasons for the professional burnout of the organization are constant contradictions in the strategic and tactical leadership; excessive, unrealistic demands on employees; transfer of responsibility to employees who do not have authority; lack of objective criteria for evaluating the results of work; inefficient system of personnel motivation and stimulation.

Signs of professional burnout in organizations: inadequately increased staff turnover (from 100% or more per year, that is, almost all employees leave during the year, and some work for less than a year); reduced motivation to work, too frequent "smoke breaks" and "tea" breaks; professional dependence of personnel on managers, which manifests itself either in an increased and inadequate critical attitude towards management, or in a sense of helplessness without active help from management; too high conflict of staff and a difficult atmosphere in the company.

Both for an individual employee and for an organization, the state of professional burnout may be unconscious or misunderstood and assessed. It is difficult, almost impossible to see one's own unfavorable state for both a person and an organization, therefore there are no conditions for starting corrective and restorative measures in time. It is possible to single out two large blocks of organizational and individual factors influencing the occurrence and process of the professional burnout syndrome.

organizational factors.

The group of organizational factors, which includes the conditions of the material environment, the content of work and the socio-psychological conditions of activity, is the most representative in the field of burnout research.

Working conditions. The main emphasis in the study of these factors was placed mainly on the time parameters of activities and the amount of work. Virtually all studies paint a similar picture, indicating that increased workload stimulates the development of burnout.

Working hours. The increase in the length of the working day, frequent overtime work, as well as irregular working hours, which take on a "chronic" form, have a direct impact on the occurrence of burnout. Breaks from work have a positive effect and reduce burnout, but this effect is temporary: the burnout level partially increases three days after returning to work and fully recovers after three weeks. The presence of links between this group of factors and burnout is to some extent explained not only by their actual influence on this phenomenon, but also by their objective content, the possibility of quantitative measurement and unambiguous understanding.

The content of labor. This group of factors includes quantitative and qualitative aspects of working with clients: the number of clients, the frequency of their service, the degree of depth of contact with them. Data on the interaction between burnout and the number of clients, their number served over a certain period, is not unambiguous, although theoretically one can assume a positive relationship between these variables, which is confirmed by a number of studies. However, there are also studies in which such a relationship between these variables was not found. Apparently, the lack of communication can also be mediated by other factors, in particular, the duration of this contact.

The degree of autonomy and independence of the employee in their activities and the ability to make important decisions is an important factor that interacts with burnout. Almost all studies confirm a negative correlation between these variables and burnout, although it is noted that the relationship between the latter variable is closer.

Socio-psychological factors. Perhaps one of the most important among the socio-psychological factors considered in the context of burnout is the socio-psychological relationships in the organization, both vertically and horizontally. The decisive role in this is played by social support from colleagues and people who are higher in their professional and social position, as well as other persons (family, friends, etc.). In almost all studies on this problem, there is a negative relationship between burnout and social support among representatives of almost all professions related to the provision of professional assistance to people. The most significant for employees is support from supervisors and administration. Moreover, some researchers emphasize that intrapersonal conflicts in a group of workers (i.e., horizontally) are much less psychologically dangerous than conflicts with people occupying a higher professional position. The above studies emphasize the importance of such a factor as feedback, the absence of which correlates with all three components of burnout, leading to an increase in the level of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, reducing professional self-efficacy.

On issues related to other features of socio-psychological interaction in a vertical team, there are several studies devoted to studying the influence of leadership style on the tendency to burn out among subordinates. There is little correlation between the two variables, with democratic leadership being less likely to contribute to burnout.

An important factor is the stimulation of employees; this problem was considered in line with the category of remuneration of workers for their work - material and moral, in the form of approval from the administration and gratitude of the recipients. Almost all researchers note that insufficient remuneration (monetary and moral) or its absence contribute to the occurrence of burnout. At the same time, some researchers note that in preventing burnout, it is not the absolute amount of remuneration that is important for employees, but its correlation with their own labor expended and the labor of their colleagues, which in this context is referred to as fairness. There are studies showing that additional rewards for doing certain work increase the feeling of professional effectiveness, while punishment leads to the development of depersonalization.

Finally, the last of the organizational factors that have a close relationship with burnout is role conflict and role duality. In all studies devoted to this aspect of the problem, a positive relationship is emphasized between these characteristics and emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, as well as negative correlations with professional effectiveness.

individual factors.

A number of researchers paid special attention to individual factors, preferring them to organizational ones. Research in this area gives the following idea of ​​the influence of individual factors on burnout.

Socio-demographic characteristics. Of all socio-demographic characteristics, age has the closest relationship with burnout, which is confirmed by numerous studies.

It is noted that young people (19-25 years old) and older people (40-50 years old) are most susceptible to emotional burnout. The relationship between gender and burnout is not so straightforward. A number of studies note that men are more prone to burnout than women, while other researchers come to completely opposite conclusions. There are studies showing a link between marital status and burnout. They note a higher degree of predisposition to burnout of persons (especially males) who are not married. Moreover, bachelors are more prone to burnout, even compared to divorced men.

Data on the relationship between work experience in the specialty and burnout are rather contradictory. In most studies, there is no significant correlation between these variables, and only a few studies reveal a negative relationship between them. In particular, there is a slight negative correlation between total work experience and work experience in a given medical institution and burnout among psychiatrists.

There is some evidence of a positive relationship between the level of education and the degree of professional burnout. However, this trend is observed only in relation to depersonalization, and emotional exhaustion does not depend on this factor. The reduction of professional achievements, on the other hand, gives a completely opposite picture, having the highest values ​​for subjects with secondary rather than higher education. The influence of other socio-demographic variables on burnout - ethnicity and race, place of residence, socio-economic status, salary level - has been studied to a much lesser extent.

Personal characteristics. The study of personality characteristics in their relationship with burnout is an important area of ​​study of this phenomenon. A number of scientists believe that personal characteristics have a much greater influence on the development of burnout, not only in comparison with demographic characteristics, but also with the factors of the working environment.

"Personal Resilience". This characteristic in foreign psychology is defined as the ability of a person to be highly active every day, to exercise control over life situations and to respond flexibly to various kinds of changes.

2. Professional burnout in the activities of a manager

Among the personal factors predisposing managers to the development of burnout syndrome, foreign researchers note such factors as introversion, low self-esteem, low empathy, type A stress response, workaholism, certain motivational characteristics, etc. Numerous studies have identified three main factors the occurrence of professional burnout among employees of managerial activities.

The first factor that reduces the likelihood of burnout syndrome is formed by: an orientation towards cooperation and compromise, a high motivation for self-development and professional growth, a creative approach to solving professional problems, and a high level of communication skills. Personal factors preventing mental burnout include: high sociability in small groups, social courage, radicalism.

The second factor that determines the likelihood of developing emotional exhaustion and depersonalization includes low self-esteem, emotional instability, low activity and inability to unite the team, and a tendency to avoid difficult communication situations.

The third factor of mental burnout is the "blurring" of personal goals and values, the low level of managerial skills, the inadequacy of self-esteem, the characteristics in terms of "conservatism - radicalism".

The results of factor analysis suggest that the personal and style characteristics of managers determine both the different types of their "professional burnout" and the impact they have on management strategies, interaction with subordinates, and the health of specialists. The development of this issue is very relevant for determining ways to prevent burnout syndrome and relieve the negative effects of stress in interpersonal relationships.

A generalization of studies of various groups of Russian middle managers made it possible to identify three groups of personal and behavioral characteristics that reduce the risk of burnout among managers.

Personal factor. Sociability and social courage, high expressiveness, practicality - rationality, average values ​​of conformism and suspicion, emotional stability, adequate self-esteem, optimism, hyperthymism, professional experience, high qualification, high motivation for self-development and professional growth.

Models of overcoming behavior. Prosocial models, expansion of social contacts, search for social and professional support, confident active problem-oriented and emotionally focused actions (distancing, positive reassessment, rationalization, self-control and self-control), orientation towards constructive ways of conflict management according to K. Thomas (compromise, cooperation ), the breadth of the repertoire of overcoming behaviors and the flexibility of their application in accordance with the situation.

Managerial skills. Creativity in approach to solving professional problems, a high level of communication skills, the ability to rally a team, a high level of management skills.


In order to avoid the occurrence of professional burnout syndrome, employees in managerial activities need to constantly increase their knowledge, this can be done at advanced training courses, retraining, additional education, and so on.

An important aspect in the professional activity of a manager is the self-regulation of the emotional state. The need for self-regulation arises when a social worker is faced with a new, unusual, intractable problem for him, which does not have an unambiguous solution or involves several alternative options. Self-regulation is necessary in a situation where a social worker is in a state of increased emotional and physical stress, which prompts him to impulsive actions, or if he is in a situation of evaluation by children, colleagues, and other people. To relieve tension, it is necessary to learn how to manage both cognitive processes and personality: behavior, emotions and actions. You can use the exercises developed by G. Dyakonov. These exercises are focused on restoring the resources of the individual. Knowing himself, his needs and ways to satisfy them, a person can more effectively, rationally distribute his forces during each day or a whole year.

The employee must listen to his feelings and experiences and answer the questions: why am I no longer interested in this job? Why do I not believe in the success of my work? Emotional burnout is only partly due to stress. In many cases, the reason is much deeper - it lies in the employee's motivation to perform a particular job. And if the right motivation is found, interest in work will return, the employee will set priorities, stress will disappear. It is possible that the employee, having determined for himself the areas of interest and motivation, will decide on his own to change the position, and sometimes the company. Such a step can also be a solution to the problem, and the task of the head and the HR manager is to help him choose a suitable position in the company or support him in his search for other options. The main thing for the employee in this situation is to act.

It is also recommended to rationally organize your working time, ensuring a harmonious balance between work and leisure. At work, find different approaches to solving the same problems, expand or change your job responsibilities or powers, participate in new projects, engage in education and self-education. In his free time from work, devote time to his loved ones, engage in his own interests and hobbies, and his physical health.

The syndrome of professional (emotional) burnout is a psychological defense mechanism developed by a person in the form of complete or partial exclusion of emotions in response to selected psycho-traumatic effects. "Burnout" is partly a functional stereotype, since it allows a person to dose and economically spend energy resources. At the same time, its dysfunctional consequences may arise, when "burnout" negatively affects the performance of professional activities and relationships with partners.

Emotional burnout is dangerous for its consequences. If you do not pay attention to the signs of burnout that have appeared, then such major troubles as depression, nervous breakdowns, and psychosomatic disorders will follow.

Professional burnout is more prone to employees who, by the nature of their service, are forced to communicate a lot and intensively with various people, acquaintances and strangers. First of all, these are managers, medical and social workers, consultants, teachers, police officers, etc.

Employees who have an introverted character, whose individual psychological characteristics do not agree with the professional requirements of communicative professions, “burn out” especially quickly. They do not have an excess of vital energy, are characterized by modesty and shyness, are prone to isolation and concentration on the subject of professional activity. It is they who are able to accumulate emotional discomfort without "dumping" negative experiences into the external environment.

It has been noticed that the symptoms of professional burnout can be "infectious" and manifest themselves not only in individual employees, but also in the whole organization. In this case, burnout is manifested in the fact that the vast majority of employees have an internal physical or emotional state with the same symptoms, as well as the same forms of behavior.

However, there are people who experience burnout syndrome with less health risks and a less pronounced decrease in efficiency. First of all, these are people who have good health and consciously, purposefully take care of their physical condition. Also, these are people who have high self-esteem and confidence in themselves, their abilities and capabilities.


1. Batarshev A.V. Psychology of personnel management. - M.: 2011.

2. Vodopyanova N.E., Starchenkova E.S. Burnout Syndrome. - St. Petersburg: 2010.

3. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language; - M.: 2006.

4. Frankl V. Say "Yes" to life. - M.: 2007.

5. Fromm E. "To have" or "to be". - M.: 2011.

6. Ababkov V.A., Perret M. Adaptation to stress. - St. Petersburg, 2011.

7. Kamenyukin A., Kovpak D. Antistress - training. - St. Petersburg, 2011.

8. Miteva I.Yu. Stress management course. - M., 2010.

runov D. Combustion syndrome: a positive approach to the problem / D. Moscow: MGU Publishing House 2008.

10. Trunov. Journal of Practical Psychology. - M.: Publishing house of Moscow State University, 2008.

11. Methodology for diagnosing the level of emotional burnout V. V. Boyko / based on materials from Internet sites.

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Relevance. In recent years, not only the problem of professional stress, but also the associated syndrome of "professional burnout" of workers has become more and more relevant. The syndrome of "professional burnout" in the literature is also referred to as "professional burnout", which allows us to consider this phenomenon in the aspect of personal deformation under the influence of professional stress.

Among the external factors contributing to the emergence of professional burnout, the following are distinguished: organizational factor (not a clear organization and planning of work, work overload, conflict of roles), psycho-emotional stress (emotional and nervous overload, intense communication, psychological difficulty of the contingent); unfavorable psychological atmosphere (insufficient social support, conflict).

Such scientists as M.A. Aminov, V.V. Boyko, N.V. Grishina, A. Lenglet, A.K. Markova, K. Maslach, L.M. Mitina, V.E. Orel, A.A. Rukavishnikov, T.V. Formanyuk, H. Freudenberger and others.

The purpose of the study: to identify the features of professional burnout of employees.

Object of study: professional activity.

Subject of research: professional burnout of employees.

Research objectives:

1. Consider the essence of the concept of professional burnout syndrome.

2. To study the symptoms and factors of professional burnout.

3. Identify the causes and manifestations of professional burnout.

4. Describe measures to prevent professional burnout.

Research methods: analysis of psychological literature, analysis of the relationship between the individual aspects of the phenomenon.

The concept of professional burnout syndrome

In modern psychology, great attention is paid to the problem of mental states.

The mental state is a specific structural organization of all the mental components that a person has, due to the given situation and the foresight of the results of actions, their assessment from the standpoint of personal orientations and attitudes, goals and motives of all activities.

Mental states can be endogenous and reactive, or psychogenic and have a complex structure. One of the parameters included in the structure of mental states is duration.

It is customary to distinguish fleeting (unstable), long-term and chronic conditions. Particular attention should be paid to long-term and chronic mental conditions, which include the state of chronic fatigue, chronic stress, which is most often associated with the influence of everyday stress.

Recently, the term "professional burnout" has become more and more common. Unfortunately, representatives of many professions are subject to professional burnout.

Professional burnout is a special case of professional deformation.

The term "emotional burnout" (burnout) was first introduced into psychological practice by the American psychiatrist Freidenberg in 1974. Professional burnout syndrome is associated with prolonged exposure to stress-forming factors of medium intensity associated with professional activities. In fact, professional burnout is a long-term chronic stress.

According to most scientists, burnout is most prone to employees who, by the nature of their activities, are forced to communicate a lot and intensively with people. First of all, these are leaders, managers and other representatives of “helping and communicative professions”.

Moreover, workaholics burn out especially quickly - those who work with high dedication and responsibility, perfectionists who strive to change the world for the better. As Freudenberg noted, “used matches” can be, first of all, kind, gentle and emotionally involved idealists; introverts who experience their impressions long and deeply; fans who work day and night to bring their ideas to life. They are so carried away that they do not take care of their health, forget about their personal lives, put everything on the altar of their business. Working at the limit of their capabilities at a frantic pace, giving themselves without a trace, they are waiting for the recognition of society. And without waiting for it, they get a serious blow. This behavior in psychology is called “type A behavior”.

Professional burnout is characterized by the emergence of a feeling of indifference to work, colleagues (even if they were quite nice to you before) and in general to everything that happens. A person loses self-confidence, begins to blame himself for the lack of knowledge, experience, competence and professionalism Formanyuk T. V. The teacher's "emotional burnout" syndrome. - M. 2004. S. 30 ..

Professional burnout is a process of gradual loss of emotional, cognitive and physical energy, which manifests itself in symptoms of emotional, mental exhaustion, physical fatigue, personal detachment and a decrease in satisfaction with the performance of work Yuryev L.M. Professional burnout of medical workers. - M., 2004. S. 23 ..

Thus, professional burnout is a psychological defense mechanism developed by a person in the form of a complete or partial exclusion of emotions in response to selected psycho-traumatic effects. This is an acquired stereotype of emotional, most often professional, behavior. "Burnout" is partly a functional stereotype, since it allows you to dose and economically spend energy resources. At the same time, its dysfunctional consequences may occur, when “burnout” negatively affects the performance of professional activities and relationships with partners.

Sometimes professional burnout (in foreign literature - "burnout") is denoted by the concept of "professional burnout", which allows us to consider this phenomenon in the aspect of personal deformation under the influence of professional stress.

V.V. Boyko considers "burnout" as a psychological defense mechanism developed by a person in the form of complete or partial exclusion of emotions from a psychotraumatic situation. Boyko V.V. The energy of emotions in communication: a look at yourself and others. - M., 2003. S. 155 ..

Professional burnout is a set of negative experiences associated with work, the team and the entire organization as a whole. One of the types of professional deformation of personality Trunov D.G. "Combustion syndrome": a positive approach to the problem // Journal of Practical Psychology. 1998. No. 8. P. 84. It often manifests itself in specialists who are forced to closely communicate with people during the performance of their duties.

Occupational burnout as a dynamic process that develops over time is characterized by an increasing degree of severity of its manifestations Leonova AB Basic approaches to the study of occupational stress. - Kharkov, 2004. S. 111 ..

As can be seen from the above list of signs of the mental "burnout" syndrome, there is no single point of view on this problem. But the fact that it includes a wide range of emotional-volitional and intellectual components is an undoubted fact. And all these terms play an important role in the adaptation of a person to the conditions of a professional and life situation. The ability to manage your emotions, your desires, passions is an important task for any professional. Learning to change negative emotions into positive ones is an important condition for successful work with people.

It should be noted that the professional deformation of the personality is a change in the qualities of the personality (perception stereotypes, value orientations, character, ways of communication and behavior), which occur under the influence of long-term performance of professional activity. Due to the inseparable unity of consciousness and specific activity, a professional type of personality is formed. Professional deformation has the greatest influence on the personal characteristics of representatives of those professions whose work is connected with people (officials, managers, personnel workers, teachers, psychologists). The extreme form of professional deformation of the personality is expressed in their formal, purely functional attitude towards people. A high level of professional deformation is also observed among medical workers, military personnel and intelligence officers.

According to the conclusions of psychologists, professional deformation of managers consists in psychological disorientation due to constant pressure on them from both external and internal factors. It is expressed in a high level of aggressiveness, inadequacy in the perception of people and situations, and finally, in the loss of a taste for life. All this gives rise to another common problem for many managers: the inability to effectively self-improve and develop.

Professional deformation of personality can be episodic or persistent, superficial or global, positive or negative. It manifests itself in professional jargon, in manners, even in the physical appearance of Larentsova L.I., Maksimovsky Yu.M., Sokolova Yu.D. Syndrome of "emotional burnout" in dentists // New Dentistry. 2002. No. 2. P. 97..

Administrative delight and managerial erosion are particular cases of professional deformation.

Administrative enthusiasm is a kind of psychological state, expressed in excessive enthusiasm for administration, intoxication with one's power. It leads to abuse of power, administrative arbitrariness. Quite often, administrative enthusiasm is one of the evidences of professional personality deformation among leaders of various ranks.

Managerial erosion or "corruption" by power is one of the interesting psychological phenomena. It lies in the fact that over time, the effectiveness of the activities of subjects of power (leaders) decreases. A long stay in a leadership position leads to the fact that the decisions that the leader makes become less and less effective and rational. Power as an organizing and directing force, as they say, "spoils".

Managers make less and less rational decisions. The greatest danger threatens those who occupy the highest positions. This is due to the fact that in the process of implementing leadership functions, control (power) over other people brings a person more and more pleasure. In this case, a person is not so much concerned with the interests of the cause as striving for dominance (domination). Public benefit is replaced by personal pleasure and the rapture of power. The desire for power in such a leader is subject to the same laws as drug addiction. An increase in power never gives him complete satisfaction. On the contrary, it causes an even greater desire to control others, to influence them. The more power, the stronger the tendency to expand it.

Leaders “corrupted” by power are becoming more and more egocentric. The problem of preserving and expanding power becomes the most important for them. They constantly expand the network of controlling or repressive means. Wanting to justify their steps, they can create myths about enemies and all sorts of threats to the organization. The emergence and development of managerial erosion does not depend on the leadership style. It affects managers who profess both democratic and authoritarian styles. This style, effective at first, may lose its practical focus and value over time. New conditions often require new forms of management, while managers retain the old forms and management strategies.

The tried and tested methods of exercising power eventually become anachronistic; decision schemes and controls do not give the expected effect. Managers who are worse than others adapt to new conditions and strongly defend the old methods of leadership, make worse and worse decisions, perform the functions of organizing and implementing management worse and worse.

The main method of preventing managerial erosion is rotation (replacement) in leadership positions. Therefore, many organizations have a maximum tenure for leadership. After some time, leadership is entrusted to new people. New people, as a rule, demonstrate great innovation, creativity and enthusiasm Chuvakov G.I. Features of the syndrome of emotional burnout in nurses of medical institutions // Vrachebnye vedomosti. 2007. - No. 3. - S. 65 ..

The relationship of the identified changes with the nature of professional activity associated with responsibility for the fate, health, and life of people has been established. These changes are regarded as the result of prolonged occupational stress. Among the professional stressors that contribute to the development of professional burnout, there is a mandatory work in a strictly established daily routine, a high emotional saturation of interaction acts. For a number of specialists, the stressfulness of interaction is due to the fact that communication lasts for hours, is repeated for many years, and the recipients are patients with a difficult fate, disadvantaged children and adolescents, criminals and victims of disasters, who talk about their innermost, suffering, fears, hatred.

The burnout professional attempts to create an emotional distance with them as a way to overcome the burnout. In parallel, a negative attitude develops in relation to one's own professional achievements (reduction of professional achievements).

Currently, there are several theories that distinguish the stages of emotional burnout.

N.G. Osukhova distinguishes 3 stages of the development of professional burnout, comparable with the last two phases of stress (the phase of resistance and the phase of exhaustion), which are characterized by the following manifestations:

1. Muffled emotions, the disappearance of the sharpness of feelings. Boring and empty. Muted feelings for the family. The food seems coarse and insipid.

2. The people with whom you have to work begin to annoy, a feeling of hostility towards patients arises, which at first can be restrained, but gradually it becomes more and more difficult to hide the irritation. As a result, anger literally spills out onto an innocent person who was waiting for help and humanity from a professional. Moreover, the "burnout" often does not understand the reasons for his irritation.

3. Empty eyes and an icy heart. The whole world becomes indifferent. The very presence of another person causes discomfort and a real feeling of nausea, up to vomiting. Possible headache, apathy, insomnia, depression, food aversion or bulimia, alcoholism, etc.

J. Greenberg's model is a change of the following stages:

1. "Honeymoon". The employee has a positive attitude towards work, but as work stress accumulates, professional activity begins to bring less and less pleasure and the employee becomes less energetic.

2. "Lack of fuel." Fatigue, apathy, insomnia appear. In the absence of additional motivation and stimulation, the employee's interest in work activity, work productivity decrease, distancing and cynicism may develop. If the motivation is high enough, using NZ (untouchable energy reserves) shows high results, but at the expense of his health.

3. Chronic symptoms. Excessive work without rest leads to exhaustion, reduced immunity, constant irritability, depression.

4. Crisis. Chronic diseases often develop, which can lead to partial or full performance; worries about insufficient professional competence and quality of life intensify.

5. "Punching through the wall." Physical and psychological problems become acute and can provoke a life-threatening illness.

Dynamic model B. Perlman and E.A. Hartman is:

1. Tension arises due to:

Lack of skills and abilities of the employee necessary to meet the status-role and professional requirements;

Work inconsistency with a person's expectations, needs, or values.

2. There are strong feelings and experiences of stress.

3. The state of a person is characterized by the reactions of the main three classes (physiological, affective-cognitive, behavioral) in individual variations.

M. Burish's model includes the change of the following phases:

1. Warning phase.

2. Decrease in the level of own participation.

3. Emotional reactions.

4. Phase of destructive behavior.

5. Psychosomatic reactions.

6. Disappointment.

Model R.T. Golembievsky and R.F. Munzenrieder:

Phases 1-3. Low burnout. Availability of resources to cope with stress.

Phases 4-5. Medium burnout. Increased emotional exhaustion.

Phases 6-8. High degree of burnout. Exhaustion. Lack of energy and emotional resources.

Model V.V. Boyko is a change of certain phases Boyko V.V. Syndrome of "emotional burnout" in professional communication. - St. Petersburg, 1999. S. 46 .:

A) Phase "Anxious tension": a precursor and "trigger" in the formation of emotional burnout.

B) Phase "Resistance": resistance to increasing stress;

C) Phase "Exhaustion": a pronounced drop in the overall energy tone and a weakening of the nervous system.

Thus, professional burnout is a negative manifestation of the professional impact on the personality of an employee.

Recently, such a medical term as "professional burnout" has been very common. For the first time, employees of the Montreal Hospital spoke about him. Many believe that this disease is nothing more than a form of depression. However, there is something to argue about here.

It is believed that this syndrome is one of the forms. Earlier (in 1974), the concept appeared. But professional burnout is a process of prolonged exposure to stress-causing factors on the body. And they are all connected with the professional employment of the patient. That is, this disease is a serious chronic process.

As a rule, this syndrome develops most often in people who, by the nature of their activities, constantly communicate with people or are engaged in intellectual work: journalists, teachers, doctors, leaders in various fields, and so on. Professional burnout has several characteristics. So, with its development, there is complete apathy for work, colleagues (even if you were friends before) and for everything that happens, in general. As a rule, a person begins to think that he is not competent enough, he has little experience and knowledge to occupy this position or post.

As a rule, this syndrome has a number of physical signs. The fact is that due to the accumulation of negative emotions, the body begins to deplete. And this is expressed in a constant feeling of fatigue, increased fatigue, sleep disorders (regular insomnia). The person becomes very irritable, he begins to have problems with vision and hearing,

In general, burnout syndrome can occur under the influence of three factors:

  1. Personal. According to psychologists, women are more susceptible to such a disease. The fact is that it is they who tend to endure all the difficulties associated with their professional activities very emotionally. Also, this syndrome often develops in those people who are more humane and prone to sympathy. They are often carried away by the idea, light up, and their passion can reach fanaticism. Also, professional burnout is no less dangerous for authoritarian and reserved people who have a low level of empathy.
  2. Role. This syndrome is most often found in those teams where the duties and responsibilities of employees are not clearly distributed, actions are inconsistent, and competition is increased.
  3. Organizational. Professional burnout directly depends on the level of psycho-emotional activity (the need for active communication, which requires emotional costs, decision-making, high concentration on the perception of information). The unfavorable atmosphere in the team also increases the risk of developing the syndrome: conflicts, bureaucracy, the need to work with psychologically difficult members of society (sick people, etc.).

Many seriously believe that this disease is just a fiction. In fact, this is a serious disease that requires treatment. At the first symptoms, you should seek the advice of a psychologist. If there are also physical symptoms, you need to visit a therapist.

Prevention of professional burnout requires a constant alternation of work and outdoor activities. At work, you need to be able to switch from conflict situations to positive moments, not to dwell on one thing for a long time. You also need to determine for yourself the appropriateness of choosing a profession or place of work. Maybe it's just not for you. Then the solution to the problem lies simply in the correct choice of the type of activity.