Longing how to deal with it. Constant depression, sadness in the soul, longing and deep sadness

Love themes are often found in poetry, prose, paintings, sculpture, songs, performances. Love can push a person to the most reckless actions, and this is wonderful, especially when the feeling is mutual.

However, very often it is not mutual or suddenly disappears, leaving a person with darkness, despair, longing. There are several ways to overcome boredom, and magic is one of the most effective.

For example, a conspiracy from longing, or prayers for a photo can quickly dispel a negative mood, help avoid the development of depression, and allow you to feel new positive emotions.

Thanks to this magic, the magician calls on the heavenly forces to intervene in the situation, and if this works, there will be no trace of love longing for a loved one. This can happen for various reasons: for example, you come to terms with the loss, you begin to take life easier, or your loved one will no longer give you reasons to become discouraged.

When longing disappears, life will sparkle with new colors. The person seems to wake up from a long sleep. Updated, he will be able to move on. There are also cases when longing is inspired by the intervention of magical forces. Fortunately, solving such a problem is also not difficult, because for this excellent conspiracies have been developed from longing for a person, or prayers for a photo.

Examples of the best conspiracies

The following conspiracy is best read when you are going to get rid of love anguish, or save a person close to you from it. Practice shows that you can get rid of not only longing for your loved one, but also other depressive states that may be associated with tragic events, such as the death of relatives.

Conspiracy "From longing" to the photo

“In the distant sea-ocean, on the magical island of Buyan, On a wide green meadow, under a mighty oak, the servant of God (name) sits, he yearns and twists. Eight uninvited, uninvited elders are coming, Goy you will sit here, goy you will be bored here, Trouble has found a place for itself, from you, slave
God's (name) away, She left the zeal of the heart, from the young head. So that the elders together break the melancholy-grit, So that it rushes from west to east, From the sea to the river, from the road to the crossroads, Nowhere and no one accepts that melancholy, does not wings and does not shelter. I speak the servant of God (his name) from anguish, to this day, to this very minute, no one will overcome my Word either in spirit or flesh. Amen!"

You need to repeat these words every day three times in a row, and after a week you will see an improvement in your condition.

Conspiracy "From longing" to the water

"Don't whine, my heart,
No pain my heart
Do not grieve, my soul,
Lie down my soul
On the Lord God Jesus Christ.
Come down, Lord, from the life-giving cross,
And I, God's servant (name), will pray to this cross,
I ask you to remove boredom and longing from me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

Cover you mother earth, the water is cold
Yes, granite rock.
Go away, melancholy, to the dark dungeon, to the indestructible dungeon.
May it be your grave forever and ever.
My longing is buried
And my heart is calm.

After they are read, you need to wash it several times.

Get a new white scarf, if you can't find one in the store, try sewing it yourself.

In the morning, come to the church, it is desirable that it is located near the cemetery. At the entrance, give alms to the poor, crumble the bun to the pigeons. Walk around the cemetery, preferably in a clockwise direction.

At the exit from the cemetery, take a handkerchief in your left hand and read the words of the plot.

The conspiracy "From longing" on a scarf

“In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! The servant of God (her name) came to the threshold of the kingdom of the dead, she did not bring death with her, but her black sadness, smoked, hateful thoughts. Let them stay here in the damp land, in a kingdom that has not yet let anyone go. Strongly it holds its inhabitants, also
let him firmly hold my black thoughts, hateful sadness. To my words, an iron castle, steel locks, a stone canopy. Forever and ever. Amen!"

Crumple up the handkerchief and quietly leave it in the cemetery, turn over your left shoulder, throw 9 ruble coins over your left shoulder with your right hand, then say “Paid” and quickly leave without looking back. On the way home, don't smile, don't say hello, don't talk to people you meet. A conspiracy can only be carried out on a waning moon.

Protection against conspiracies for melancholy

Unmotivated longing can be the result of black magic, fortunately, the problem is easy to get rid of. True, to perform some rituals, a person must be a believer and baptized. Otherwise, these methods will not work.

For example, imagine that an invisible luminous Orthodox cross is hanging in the air, gradually starting to progressively rotate. Over time, it will begin to rotate so quickly that it forms a barrier that protects you, resembling the shell of a chicken egg.

The color must be golden, blue or orange.

Another way to get rid of oppressive longing is the following ritual. Connect the thumbs and forefingers of both hands, squeeze them with a ring. From the remaining fingers, make 2 rings by connecting them. Repeat three times, as a result, closing your biofield from the negative.

If you feel that when talking with a particular person you experience negativity, try to quietly cross your legs and arms while continuing the conversation. You can also imagine a mirror brick wall made of crystal in front of you, which will not only block, but also reflect the negative waves emanating from evil people.

Before answering the question of how to get rid of longing, you need to understand what it is - longing. Synonyms for this word are sadness, sadness. In fact, this is a difficult state of mind, which is probably familiar to everyone.

Signs of depression

Recently, depression has become a popular disease, most often taken for granted, something inevitable, and it is treated with all kinds of pills.

In a state of despondency, a person becomes depressed, sad thoughts visit him, he can “wind” himself to suicide, and so on. The reasons for longing are memories of failures, heavy losses of loved ones, and even the weather.

How to get rid of melancholy and despondency, because such a protracted state can lead to serious consequences? People in this state not only spoil the lives of themselves and those around them, but also endanger their own health.

Consequences of despondency and longing

From constant dissatisfaction with oneself and other people, a person begins to have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, from longing and soul-tormenting experiences, problems with the heart arise, from heavy thoughts - insomnia. Many are afraid to move forward, develop, and they have difficulties with the musculoskeletal system. Fear of life pushes some to use mind-stupefying drugs or alcoholic beverages.

Let's try to figure out what mental pain is, what it leads to and how to get rid of longing and sadness.

Oddly enough, but longing for someone, suffering, pain that a person experiences, has a reverse, positive side. If a person, in separation from someone, yearns or feels heartache, seeing injustice, then this suggests that he has not lost everything yet, he has not degraded completely and is a person.

own life script

To understand why a person yearns, you need to carefully remember your past life and try to find out the cause of mental pain, because just like that, without reasons, it does not arise. We cannot change someone else, but we can change ourselves - it is in our power. Often people get depressed because they live in some kind of fictional world that does not meet their needs, and when reality shows its true face, such people begin to yearn, take offense at everyone and fall into depression and even despair.

The concentration of vital forces on a certain scenario of one's own life forces a person to experience pain and does not answer the question of how to get rid of longing. But instead, you could enjoy life. And we need to be attentive and accept everything that life presents us, and not put our demands at the head.

How adults treat children

From birth, a child remembers the reaction of parents to what is “good” and “bad”. If parents and other adults around the child perceive any life troubles as a disaster, then there is a high probability that, having become an adult, he will develop exactly the same approach to life.

If they constantly reproach, insult, then he will have a defensive reaction in the form of despondency and sadness, which he directs at himself. But a person cannot always be in this state, so despondency, sadness and depression are automatically triggered every time after some kind of failure. All previous life was such that he accumulated such automata. Consider examples of what depression can cause and how to get rid of melancholy.

  1. Depression occurs whenever such expressions are heard: “Everything is bad”, “Life is a hard thing”, “It's hard for everyone”, “You can't do it”, and so on.
  2. When we remember the sad events of the past: the loss of a loved one, breakups, bad stories, deuces at school, and so on.
  3. Memories of the dislike of loved ones, for example, similar expressions: “You are stupid”, “You are fat”, “Ugly” and so on.
  4. Longing and despondency are developed from the habitual behavior of adults who are used to groaning and gasping at any difficulty, telling instructive stories with an unhappy ending, listening to sad songs, watching tragic films.

Naturally, the opposite actions will sooner or later lead a person out of a “stagnant” depression, the problem is only in himself.

How to get rid of longing for a loved one

This is the most difficult problem. If a loved one has passed away, you need to understand that it was the will of God and no one knows completely why this happened. The pain of separation, mental pain, those experiences that a person experiences when faced with death - this is a good state for the soul of the one who experiences.

Many, especially women, fall into a prolonged depression after the loss of a loved one. They live only in their pain, not noticing anything around, and thus drive themselves into a dead end. Such people, as it were, voluntarily stop their lives, hang on one level. They have no joy and happiness, they have only pain.

This state is similar to the state of people with a psychological trauma of consciousness, but, unlike patients, such people voluntarily doom themselves to a dependent state. Getting used to living in such a state, people gradually feel the need for it, get some taste, for them mental pain becomes a comfort zone. Under the pretext of a tragedy, they hide from real life, do not want to solve problems, both their own and those close to them.

Taste of joy

How to get rid of longing for a person who either passed away or rejected our love for him?

You need to feel the taste of joy and happiness, already forgotten by man. Try to look beyond the black stripe in order to feel all the joys of the bright stripe, in a word, learn to enjoy life again. In fact, no one suffers all their lives, it’s just that people who are prone to depression forget about the state of happiness, joy, they say that they don’t need anything else in life, and so on, but if they themselves look inside themselves, they will understand that a person created for a full life, where there is both sorrow and joy.

Any pain makes us wiser, an attentive person, having experienced mental or physical pain, learns from this, investigates the reasons why the trouble occurred, and tries not to repeat this again.

Is it worth it to go to the sorcerers

The emotional pain from love is especially useful, as it teaches people to love. Many do not know how to get rid of longing for a former loved one or husband (wife), and resort to unworthy methods, going to the so-called fortune-tellers, sorceresses and other psychics. With the help of external influences or "charms" they want to forcefully attract to themselves the one with whom they would like to go through life.

Instead of adequately surviving such a state, they spoil the life not only of those people who rejected them, but first of all for themselves. Some go to any conspiracy. They want to get rid of longing for their beloved so much that they do not consider anything. But with such cases, jokes are bad, and everything can turn against them.

Conclusion. life to the fullest

There is only one way out of this situation - to learn to look at life realistically and not to forget that, in addition to the bad, there is also good in it. Any pain, misfortune, rejected love, and so on make a person stronger, if only he copes with it with dignity.

Only through suffering, painful relationships, a person begins to appreciate what he has in life. Finally, he begins to see clearly and notices other people around, rejoices and becomes wiser and more interesting.

Each person will have to suffer a lot in life, experience grief, love, joy and happiness, sadness and separation. The mistake many who fall into depression is that they stop, as if frozen and frozen in life. And life is a movement, so you need to move on in order to live.

It is better not to fill your head with thoughts about how to survive the longing and pain of loss, but in reality to survive this state and move forward. Life is multifaceted, and it is impossible to feel it to the end and enjoy it to the fullest if you do not accept what it offers us.

Parting with a loved one is a very difficult situation, especially for women. According to statistics, women are much more likely than men to worry about this, and often even bring themselves to nervous breakdowns. Breaking up with a former lover on the stress scale will be roughly next to his final loss (death). In order not to finally bring yourself to nervous exhaustion, you should understand that it is quite difficult to cope with this problem on your own. But if there is no personal psychologist at hand to help you recover faster, you can try to follow our advice.

So, how to overcome longing for a loved one:

1. First of all, you need to understand that all your experiences are mainly due to the fact that you feel sorry for yourself. And this is selfishness. You think you will not find such a wonderful person as your partner was. Maybe. But you yourself are no worse than him. Look at you! Think about how many positive qualities you combine in yourself. Most likely, it is your lover who should regret that you broke up. Regain faith in yourself and look at the world more optimistically.

2. Secondly, take your mind off thoughts of loss. Get all worries out of your head. In this case, any work (except mental), hobbies, sports is very well suited. Try to remove all things from the house that will remind you of what happened. If you have children or relatives in need of care, it is best to devote all the time to them. Constant employment will quickly bring you to your usual working state, and everything will not look in such gloomy colors as it seemed before.

3. Try to bring love back into your life. Of course, you should not kill all your free time on dating sites or try to get your ex back. Take a look around, maybe there are people in your environment who care about you. Attend social events more, get to know each other and communicate.

4. You need to be patient, strong feelings do not go away quickly. Only time will help drive away the longing. The main thing is to endure the first week, then you will feel that negative thoughts come less and less, and life goes on.

5. If nothing helps, you can try to communicate with those who are currently experiencing the same thing. Together, it is much easier to cope with any mental trauma.

6. And finally, start to enjoy at least something. Make yourself a gift, buy a thing that you have long wanted or go on a trip to other countries. Good films and books are also great help to distract from reality. Try something new.

Therefore, in order to understand how to overcome longing for a loved one, you must first understand yourself. A thorough analysis of the situation, a pleasant pastime and close people - this is what should be the main remedy. Think only positively, and then everything will be fine!

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It grabs us imperceptibly. A stupid feeling of longing for the departed. This is not a banal nostalgia that passes like a runny nose. No, this is the destructive, destructive influence of past memories, events and people. How to get rid of longing, sadness, the past?

Such negative emotions as constant depression, sadness and deep sadness, longing in the soul cause a person to feel hopelessness and incredible self-pity. I want to constantly shed tears, complain about my unfortunate fate and arouse sympathy.

Today, many people know for themselves what it means to fall into depression and feel aching sadness and longing in the soul. Permanent depression is a serious mental disorder, although many take it for granted in modern life and are treated with special antidepressants. But these negative emotions cannot be cured with the help of pills, their presence indicates serious problems and an internal breakdown of a person.

In a state of depression, a person, as a rule, feels severe depression, he is overcome by sadness and melancholy and sad thoughts, a person tends to feel sorry for himself, he feels complete loneliness and his misunderstanding by others, he does not even want to move. A person who is depressed by longing and sadness can eat sweets (or drink alcohol) in order to somehow brighten up a bleak state. He can be tormented by bleak thoughts about how bad everything is, sometimes leading to thoughts of suicide.

A person can fall into deep sadness and a depressive state for various reasons: if an accident happened to him or someone close to him, problems at work, because of gloomy and cloudy weather, after watching a sad movie or just like that, he will take it and roll on his soul yearning.

Depression and eternal longing in the soul are dangerous for a person, they not only reduce his vitality and spoil his mood, but also constant depression and sadness threaten serious health problems. In addition to gastrointestinal disorders from constant dissatisfaction with oneself and life, heart problems from tormenting experiences and longing, insomnia from heavy thoughts, problems with the musculoskeletal system from unwillingness and fear to develop and move forward in life, constant depression also contributes to dependence on any means of avoiding problems (alcohol, drug addiction, food). Also, in the most extreme case, it leads to a complete unwillingness to live, a feeling that a person is dying of longing.

Why is there sadness in your heart?

Of course, you should not blame external circumstances for the occurrence of your depression and deep sadness. There are many reasons for these negative emotions, and all of them lie not in external stimuli (which are only an excuse), but inside the person himself. Of course, the reason to be sad is not in rainy weather outside the window, not in a quarrel with a loved one, who poured water from head to toe on a passing car, turmoil at work, or an unexpected pimple that popped out on his face. After all, someone easily perceives such "little things in life", and for those prone to a state of depression and longing, this is the greatest tragedy in life.

Like many other negative emotions, depression, sadness, melancholy and sadness appear in us as a result of certain past events, as a response to past grievances, psychological trauma, lack of attention and love. From birth, we accumulate information from adults about what is "good" and "bad", we remember their reaction to certain events, we copy emotions. If adults in a family perceive any life changes as a problem, their child is very likely to learn to react and fall into melancholy at any obstacle that arises.

"Everything is bad..." Where do we get such attitudes from?

The attitude of those around us is also of great importance: if a child is not loved, they are often scolded, especially using rude words (such as "fool!", "Stupid!"), In every possible way they demonstrate that we are unworthy of love or must do some kind of then the assignments and tasks of adults - depression and sadness will become a protective reaction of an unloved child to such indifference.

But depression, sadness in the soul and deep sadness that rolls over us from time to time - this is not the real us. These negative emotions are a kind of automaton that works in us every time. We get used to reacting this way, to perceive everything that happens as a problem. All previous life served as a pretext for the accumulation of such automata within us:

negative attitudes fixed in us (“everything is bad”, “life is a difficult thing”, “this is a difficult problem”, “you can’t do it”), which we receive more often from relatives;

events of the past when we were no longer ready to calmly accept them (for example, parting, unhappy first love, deuce at school, for which we were strongly scolded) and all the conclusions drawn as a result of them;

the dislike of loved ones, which we turned against ourselves ("I'm not handsome", "fat");

patterns of response and behavior that we have adopted from others (oohs and sighs, tears, cautionary tales with unhappy endings, sad movies, sad songs).

To get rid of depression, deep melancholy, sadness at heart and your endless sadness on your own, you need to go through a serious path and go to such personal deposits of mental material that is stored in our subconscious. Otherwise, it will not be possible to cope with depression. All of the above, as well as a lot of other material (it is different for each person, rough sketches are given here) - all this daily feeds the state of depression.

A person will not just die of longing and feel sadness in his soul. The reasons are in it. It is necessary to remove the charge from this material (otherwise, to deprogram the subconscious). After all, if you start extracting from memory episodes that were especially traumatic, you can feel the same pain as you once did, you will also want to cry, feel sorry for yourself. This confirms that the material has a charge and it awakens depression and longing in a person again and again. The only thing is that you need to be ready for long-term work, because a person has been saving his negativity for many years and it will not be possible to simply get rid of it. But this is quite realistic if you work for a total result and do not skimp. I wish everyone to know the joy of life, without tears, depression, sadness and sadness!

How to get rid of sadness:

1. Find reasons.

Think about what is causing or causing your discouragement. As a rule, this is a routine that we are forced to do at home or at work. And, accordingly, fatigue from total immersion in all this many small and again boring, routine, but, as it seems, necessary, not canceled and urgent matters. When, because of this routine, we do not see the goal and do not understand at all what and how. When, for some foreseeable period of time - 2 - 3 days, we do not see the results of our efforts, that is, we do not receive feedback from the work being done and are immersed only in the work process, this reduces motivation and plunges us into despondency .

Sometimes, however paradoxical it may seem, the cause of despondency, on the contrary, may be complete relaxation. And hence the feeling of own uselessness, restlessness and often loneliness.

2. Find a solution.

In any case, think about what you can qualitatively change in your life regimen and in your lifestyle in general? Think also about how to do things that will radically reverse the situation. Those. if before that you were immersed in many things and worked without a break, then you need relaxation.

A sharp change of scenery is needed - a vacation, a trip to the mountains, to the sanatoriums of Kislovodsk, etc. If, on the contrary, you toiled from idleness and uselessness, you need urgent involvement in some kind of vigorous activity - getting an appropriate job or two at once, new acquaintances, possibly new personal relationships, marriage or some kind of social activity, joining some - a group of active people, an interest club, for example. In other words, you need to bring something essentially, qualitatively new into life.

Thus, if you carefully and consciously approach the consideration of this problem, then the solution will be found without the help of specialists. It is important here not to delay and not allow yourself to sink into a state of despondency for a long time. As in solving any other problems, the disease is easily overcome in the early stages. Chronic despondency can turn into depression, which is considered one of the most difficult to treat conditions. And in this case, it is hardly possible to do without the help of a specialist - a psychologist or psychotherapist. So be careful and take care of yourself and your condition.

  1. Remember how in childhood after an injection you were treated to something sweet - and your mood immediately rose? This will work even now! After all, from the sweet endorphin is produced in the body - the hormone of happiness. Buy a cake, pastry or just chocolate, pour hot strong tea and relax in a comfortable chair. Such a pastime will cheer you up and give you strength.
  2. Another way to get a dose of endorphin is through physical activity. Go for a jog, fitness, gym ... This will not only cheer you up, but also help tone your muscles.
  3. This method is especially relevant and popular for the weaker sex - this is shopping. If the funds do not allow you to buy a new thing, you can simply call your friends and have fun trying on a variety of outfits. It's great to go to a fancy dress store and see yourself in different looks.
  4. If you are sad because of the lack of an interlocutor, a great option is to get a pet. Whoever you choose, the animal requires care, participation and communication. If you are needed and loved, then the mood rises!
  5. Well, perhaps the most effective and fun way to get rid of depression is sex. It will cheer up both you and your partner, give you a boost of energy for the coming day or let you fall asleep sweetly for the coming night - that's how it will turn out for someone.

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How to cheer up - 16 powerful ways to drive away boredom

You meet old drunkards more often than old doctors.
Francois Rabel.

With damp, dirty, dreary ... Muddy, disgusting, chilly ... Outside. Bad mood and in the soul - sadness, sadness ...

Desires are absent, tears are present. Although there are no special reasons ... It's just sad ... I want one thing - to bury myself in a blanket, curl up in a ball and cry, feeling sorry for myself.

You can explain this condition from a medical point of view, or you can explain it from a meteorological one ... You yourself understand everything. And you know for sure that it will pass. That's just when?!

Green longing is unproductive. It is not advisable to indulge in it for a long time.

Conclusion - gotta cheer up. And the ways can be different ... Here are 16 of the most powerful.

  • §one. Shopping!

    There is no need to explain much here. You no doubt know the feeling of complete satisfaction that comes from the process of running-searching-trying-trying-thinking-trying-buying-running (and so on in a circle). What a depression, if these amazing breeches are just your size! Shopping is the case when the process brings much more pleasure than the result (). Not?

  • §2. Sex

    Silently, persistently, purposefully, without being distracted by details, achieve your goal. Yeah? And later, when the mood improves significantly, you can talk. You can have sex partners.

  • §3. Conversation with Natasha (Marusya, Anyuta)

    The main thing here is to force yourself to dial a phone number. And that’s it, it started… You can describe your depression in general terms and in detail, say what you think about “This”, “This” and “These”, without embarrassment in epithets. When the conversation gradually turns to her unemployed Nikitka (that), the abnormal neighbor Angela and the mother-in-law who has come to visit, you understand that you are, in general, the happiest person! And she needs to cheer up, not you.

  • §4. Good melodrama

    A simple but sure way. Experiencing all the vicissitudes of fate with the heroine, reaching the inevitably happy ending, you yourself will not notice the moment when a smile settles on your lips, and sadness evaporates forever. Melodramas.

  • §5. My signature recipe!

    This is what helps me always, under any circumstances. Ingredients: bath foam, a pound of sweet and sour apples, a fresh issue of your favorite magazine, half an hour of time. We collect a full bath of hot water, turn off the phones and enjoy. Full ecstasy! Mood improves instantly. Honestly. Replacing apples with exotic counterparts is allowed.

  • §6. domestic labor

    It can be anything: washing floors, making dumplings, painting a battery. I don’t want anything, and with such a mood a good result is doubtful, but here, again, the process is important when you put your anger with dissatisfaction with life in general, and specific persons, in particular, into a rag (in dough, in a brush), and it becomes significantly easier. Yes, and homemade dumplings with cabbage will significantly brighten up the coming evening.

  • §7. Party

    No, this is too much, you're not in the mood to arrange it! But to accept the invitation is quite within our power. The mere application of war paint will allow you to escape from depressing thoughts. The main thing is to push yourself out from under the covers. And there, as the song says, behold, a new twist ...

  • §eight. New hairstyle

    This item should have been placed third, immediately after sex (or before?). What patterns exist between the condition of the hair and a positive attitude, apparently only scientists know, but it has been verified from our own experience - after visiting the salon, depression disappears forever.

  • §nine. Swimming pool (aerobics, gym, shooting range)

    To my shame, I discovered this way of dealing with sad moods relatively recently. Helps unconditionally! Only an hour of time - and, "Ay, sadness, where are you?".

  • §ten. Solemn miscarriage of rubbish!

    Natashkin's signature recipe for fighting depression. The entire contents of cabinets, niches and mezzanines are shaken out. In order of priority, it is decomposed into two (three) piles - “in the trash” and “until next time” (“abnormal neighbor Angela”). Things are moving slowly, you think about every thing that went out of fashion a couple of seasons ago. But you will definitely fit into these trousers, just drop two (well, okay, three) kilos. Over time, the process speeds up, you get excited, and now the last faded top flies to Angelina's new clothes (thrown clothes?)! Everything! If the "until next time" pile is significantly smaller than the other two, then you've completed the task, congratulations! As for Natashka, she throws away everything that has never been worn during the year.

  • §eleven. Cry, regret...

    Now let's take the path of least resistance. Want to cry? We will! Feel sorry for yourself? Necessarily! Cover yourself with your head, hug your pillow, indulge in sad thoughts and cry, cry ... Exactly twenty-eight minutes. Then wash your face, drink coffee (jasmine tea, cola, milk) and apply any of the above methods!

  • §12. Chocolate!

    A proven recipe for fighting another Natasha's bad mood! I am indifferent to sweets, but Natasha, without catastrophic consequences for the figure, eats any trouble with chocolate and feels great in any, the most dreary time of the year!

  • §thirteen. Viewing old photos

    Not necessarily from last summer, where the sun, the sea, and this, uh-uh ..., “I don’t remember my name” are still with you, school pictures are much more fun. And here's Natashka's wedding ... What are the outfits of the guests and the festive styling of beautiful ladies! No, but Denis, after all, is handsome! And you look so good together. By the way, he flew in from an internship? Maybe you should call?

  • §fourteen. Creation

    Macramé, sewing, collage making, beadwork, clay modeling. Yes, whatever! Take a break from boredom! Express your sadness in music, drawing, poem! Who knows, maybe the result will be a unique masterpiece!

  • §fifteen. Bed day (has nothing to do with sex!)

    To apply this method, you must have enough free time - half a day, at least. Better day. Having previously turned off all the phones, sleep, sleep, sleep. As long as possible. The rest of the day you flirt between the sofa, refrigerator and TV. Change of clothes (in this case, pajamas) and hygiene procedures are not welcome. But only one day! The application of the above method of normalizing mood can be combined with points 2, 3, 4, 13.

  • §sixteen. This is your signature recipe!

    A recipe that has stood the test of time. Something that helps you get out of a depressive state quickly, and with the least loss. This method has helped you more than once, and will not let you down today. Why not take advantage of them?

Questionable ways to deal with sadness and bad mood:

  • §one. Alcohol

    It's one thing to have a couple of cocktails at a party, and quite another - alcohol as a means of combating depression. It is difficult to keep track of the norm of what you drink, the stage of excitement is replaced by others, less optimistic, and, as a result, you only aggravate the situation with a bad mood.

  • §2. Call to your beloved

    Men, by nature, are focused on a specific solution to a problem. He will offer you a bunch of options, and the dear person will not realize that you just need to speak out, complain, cry and forget. A loved one may simply not understand you.

  • §3. Work

    Not domestic work and not creativity, but work, your professional duties, where the final result is very important. Preparation of a package of documents for the client, development of the project, design of the premises, finally. The time spent will not match the quality of the final product. The mood must be raised before the work begins.

On its own, being in a bad mood is not the end of the world. And anyway - who said that the mood is bad and that it needs to be done by others? It is enough to change your attitude towards him.

A murky rainy evening. Or maybe he is mysteriously purple? Pearl gray? Soft lilac? It's up to you.

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