We teach the child to count. Tasks and examples for the first grade in mathematics

In this lesson, we will learn how to solve examples in several operations for addition and subtraction. We will also understand why brackets are placed in the examples, and in what order to solve such examples. The knowledge gained will help us to solve more complex problems in the future.

Topic: Acquaintance with the basic concepts in mathematics

Lesson: Solving Examples in Multiple Steps

It is necessary to represent the following actions using a mathematical expression and solve the example.

The figure shows 4 geometric shapes:

After that, add 2 more:

These actions can be written with the following mathematical expression:

As a result, we got an example in 2 actions: the first action is addition, the second action is also addition.

Examples in several actions are solved in order - from left to right, as the addition of figures was performed.

1st action: ;

2nd action: : .

Answer: 9

Example 2:

The figure shows 4 geometric shapes:

Let's add 3 more geometric shapes to these figures:

Then we remove 2 figures:

These actions can be represented using the following mathematical expression:

As a result, we got an expression with two actions: the first action is addition, the second is subtraction.

1st action: ;

2nd action: : .

Answer: 5.

Example 3:

You need to solve the following mathematical expression:

There are parentheses in the condition of this example. In mathematics, parentheses indicate that if they are present in an example, then this action must be performed first.

So, the first step is to perform the addition in brackets, and then subtract the result from 7.

1st action: ;

2nd action: .

Answer: 3.

If there are several actions in the example, then the actions are performed in order - from left to right.

When solving examples in several actions, the action in brackets must be performed first, and then all other actions in order.

So, in this lesson we learned how to solve examples in several actions for addition and subtraction. It is necessary to remember the order of actions in examples without brackets and with them.


  1. Aleksandrova L.A., Mordkovich A.G. Mathematics 1st grade. - M: Mnemosyne, 2012.
  2. Bashmakov M.I., Nefedova M.G. Mathematics. 1 class. - M: Astrel, 2012.
  3. Bedenko M.V. Mathematics. 1 class. - M7: Russian word, 2012.
  1. Social network of educators ().
  2. Teacher Portal ().
  3. Myshared.ru ().


1. It is necessary to represent the following actions using a mathematical expression and solve the example.

Simulators can be used for additional work with first-graders, teachers and parents in the classroom and at home for both individual and collective training. They contribute to the automation of the child's computational skills, the development of skills to add, subtract, compare and solve simple problems.

The basis of 1st grade mathematics is the composition of a number. Knowing the composition of the number, and you should start with the houses, the child will be able to solve absolutely any example of addition or subtraction much faster. Therefore, we allocate a whole page to the composition of the number, click on the picture to

Have you mastered the houses? Now you can take on real examples of addition and subtraction, first within ten, and then within 20.

If there is a need to repeat the entire first class program, starting with the basics, see the simulators below.

To view and download the full version of the simulator, click on the picture.

Examples in mathematics for grade 1

The manual corresponds to the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standard for elementary school. Each work in the manual is designed for a weekly load. The systematic completion of tasks will consolidate the learning skills and abilities on the topics of the mathematics course being studied, will bring the ability to solve problems, numerical expressions, equalities and inequalities to automaticity. 12 sheets for 12 weeks.

Math simulator for grade 1. Problem solving training. A.V. Beloshistaya

The manual is compiled in accordance with the basic mathematics program for elementary grades and contains tasks for teaching problem solving in grade 1. Such tasks can be used both by the teacher at school and by parents for teaching and consolidating the material at home.

math maze

It is necessary to draw a path through those cells, the sum of the numbers in which is 10. The task develops not only mathematical abilities, but also attention and the ability to hold attention.

Each parent should understand that the high quality of the knowledge gained in the first grade is an opportunity to further assimilate all the program material at school.

Starting school, you need to teach your child to solve examples for the first grade in mathematics correctly and quickly.

What features of thinking should be taken into account?

Any tasks and examples for the first grade in mathematics should be designed to work with a visual aid. A child of 5-7 years old has not developed abstract thinking, so it is difficult for him to work with addition and subtraction in his mind.

To help the baby understand the meaning of these actions, you need to use counting material. It can be ordinary sticks, matches, pencils. It will be better and more interesting for the child to solve examples for the first grade in mathematics, if the condition is based on favorite cartoon characters.

Such actions should and can be done by all parents. It is enough to take pictures, cards with your favorite fairy-tale characters, line up cars, dolls in a row and make addition and subtraction examples. The game solves any example or problem quickly and easily. Gradually, such actions will be brought to automaticity, and the child will remember subtraction and addition within ten.

It is important to know! A huge mistake parents make is counting on their fingers. It is impossible to teach a child such an account. By the middle of grade 1, math examples will have several actions, including moving through a dozen. If at home the student can see fingers and toes, solve examples, then at school such actions will not be available.

Mathematics (First Grade): Examples

What kind of examples should be given to children? What is the secret to fast counting?

Firstly, the student must be able not only to add or subtract numbers, but also to clearly understand the concepts of “total”, “sum”, “difference”. Each of these concepts in the future will play an important role in solving problems.

Secondly, it is important to memorize the table of composition of the number. In the future, it will help you quickly solve examples of the first ten and add or subtract with the transition through a dozen.

Give your child examples by type:

2+2; 4+3; 7+3; 8+2; 10-3; 5-2.

Examples of this type help to remember the composition of a number:

… +3=10; 5+… =8; 10-… =7; 8-…=6; … -2=4; 4+…=7.

Give your child the opportunity to gain knowledge in the game, memorize the composition of the number and add, subtract, having fun.

First grade. Mathematics. Examples and tasks

In order for the student to quickly solve problems, you need to analyze with him all the general concepts that will be key questions in the condition. He must understand the meaning of the phrases “how much”, “together”, “add”. They will require the addition of the available numerical values ​​in the problem. In the case of the presence of the phrases "difference", "how much more", "how much less" - this is the action of subtraction.

Suggest solutions to problems in the form of a game. For example:

  1. Santa Claus bought 5 cars in the store. He gave 1 of them to Sasha, the second to Misha, and all the rest he brought to your baby. How many cars did your child get?
  2. Mom brought home 2 kilograms of sweets, and dad - 3. How many candies will be at home?
  3. Luntik received 10 sweets from the grasshopper Kuzi. He gave 5 to Mila, 3 to his grandmother Cape. How many sweets does Luntik have left?

Tasks and examples for the first grade in mathematics are the foundation that will help you later gain knowledge and meaningfully apply it in your studies.