Reduced military service. When does a conscript's term of service begin and end? How to prepare for military service so that you can transfer it easily

If the army is strong, the country is invincible! Calling to serve adult men, Russia trains experienced military men, thereby strengthening its power. In our country, weapons are being modernized and equipment is being improved every year, which means that the army is becoming more qualitative and professional.

2017-2018 draft: terms of service

When young men come of age, they are concerned about the question: how many years do they serve in the Russian army? The two-year service life was revised in 2008. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, it began to be one year, and this order remains relevant for Navy soldiers and conscripts. The call will continue to be carried out twice a year: in spring and autumn.

2017 recruits can rest assured that this deadline will not change for them.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are improving every year by optimizing command structures and improving the quality of service of soldiers. The reform was launched in 2011 and is being implemented in stages. One of the objectives of the project is to increase the number of professional military and contract soldiers. Today, any conscript can join the ranks of the Armed Forces on a contract basis. Their service life will be two years. In this case, the soldier will receive a salary and can count on certain benefits. Contract service is ideal for those who decide to devote their lives to military affairs.

After the end of the contract, the soldier can go to civilian life or extend the contract. Contracts for the military are classified by terms:

  • For soldiers entering the rank of foreman / sergeant or entering into a contract for the first time - from 2 to 3 years.
  • For those who enter the ranks of the Armed Forces with the rank of midshipman / officer - 5 years.
  • For military personnel who renew the contract for the second time or each subsequent one, they can serve up to 10 years.
  • Short-term contracts from six months to a year, signed during periods of emergency, that is, to soldiers and the military to eliminate the consequences of natural disasters, to restore order or to organize security measures for citizens.

According to the current legislation, alternative service can be done while studying at universities where military departments are organized. The program provides 450 hours of theory, after which students are sent to training camps. In the field camp for young fighters, conditions are created that are as close as possible to those in the army. The term of stay at the training camp is 3 months. The military department gives in the future the opportunity to serve under a contract in the rank of junior officers.

How is service in the Russian army going, is there hazing? What do they do in the army? What a conscript needs to know - legal advice.

Rumors, stories, publications in the press, high-profile scandals - all this creates a colorful picture of how service in the Russian army goes. In the minds of some, service in the ranks of the Russian army is a "school of life", in the minds of others - the fear of physical pain, the situation of complete lack of rights and subordination to the will of sergeants and officers. Let's figure out how military service is in modern Russia: what are the advantages of serving in the army, what to take a conscript to the army and to the assembly point, what service in the army gives.

Boys are taught from childhood that when they reach adulthood, they will become soldiers. The initial image of a soldier-defender of the Motherland does not cause negativity in most kids, and most of them do not think becoming a soldier is scary. Only later, during adolescence and youth, does a negative image of military service begin to form. By the time the time comes for the first time to appear for a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office and receive a draft certificate, the conscript no longer wonders how long the service in the army is, because he knows that for conscripted military personnel the service life is 12 months and is calculated from the date of assignment of the military the rank of private. At the same time, the conscript begins to take an active interest in how the service in the army goes, the conditions of life in the army, the rules and traditions that prevail in the army environment.

When service in the army is getting closer, the stories of friends who have served about it occupy more and more attention of the conscript and make you seriously think about what the army is, what the conscript needs to know and whether he has enough strength to break away from his usual family life for a year. For some, this is a difficult life test, but for someone, long-term service in the Russian army does not scare - over time, they sign a contract and army life becomes a natural way of life for them.

In order for the memories of military service to remain good, an appropriate psychological attitude and good physical preparation are necessary.

The point is not even that military service implies high physical exertion, but that it provides for some violence against the person and a mandatory regime:
performing physical exercises at any time of the year, regardless of the weather;
minimum of household amenities;
change in sleep and rest;
change of climate and time zone;
transition to fairly monotonous food.

There is a simple answer to the question of how to prepare for military service - to learn to be as independent and collected as possible before the service, to get maximum self-service skills, to try to put your health and physical shape in order. All this will help to quickly and easily go through the adaptation period.

It has long been noted that young men who are accustomed to physical labor from childhood (village residents, representatives of working specialties) are easier to adapt to army service. The process of adaptation takes a little longer for conscripts who are physically weak. Service in the army after higher education is especially difficult due to the difference in age and sometimes the biased attitude of less educated colleagues towards a conscript with a “tower”.

If desired, you can also get a military registration specialty (VUS). Higher education training is especially popular among conscripts who want to get a driver's license and later serve in the army as a driver. Young men who have been trained in the specialties of drivers and who have passed exams by military examination commissions receive a certificate that is the basis for passing qualifying exams at the local traffic police and obtaining a driver's license.

The initial registration of conscripts for military registration is carried out from January 1 to March 31 in the year they reach the age of 17 years. During the same period, a preliminary selection of recruits for training in the Higher Educational System is also carried out.

So, the army is just around the corner - what does the conscript need to know, what should he take with him to the assembly point? Citizens in respect of whom a decision has been made to call for military service are given a summons to appear at the appointed time at the military registration and enlistment office for subsequent dispatch to the assembly point and then to the place of military service. On the day of sending conscripts to the assembly point, they are required to have with them:
- passport of a citizen of Russia;
- registration certificate (on the same day, the registration certificate is withdrawn, and a military ID is issued in return);
- driver's license and certificate of the presence of VUS (if any);
- shoes and clothes (according to the season).

Wives, mothers or grandmothers often take care of the collections for sending to the military unit, who seek to supply the conscript with a mass of unnecessary and useless things in army life: warm knitted socks, scarves, etc. The advice on what to take to the conscript in the army, received from fathers and grandfathers who served several decades ago and recommending taking more needles and threads or a weekly supply of stew with you - since then a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, the norms and procedures for providing for the defenders of the Fatherland have changed a lot.

At the assembly point, all conscripts are provided with food and clothing in accordance with established standards. At the same time, after receiving a military uniform, the conscript has the right to send his personal belongings home from the local branch of the Russian Post free of charge (clause 8, article 20 of the Federal Law “On the status of military personnel”).

Often, recruits at the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence are given a memo that lists things that you can take with you to the assembly point:
- toiletries;
- products (bread, canned food, condensed milk, water in a plastic bottle).

You can also take some cash with you, as there is often a small shop on the territory of the collection point, where conscripts can buy basic necessities.

The same memo from the military registration and enlistment office usually indicates what is forbidden to take with you to the assembly point, in particular:
- piercing and cutting objects;
- alcoholic drinks;
- any medications, unless prescribed by a doctor.

Arrival at the military unit, the course of a young soldier (KMB)

At the assembly point, conscripts can stay for several days while a “team” is being formed to be sent to a military unit. Immediately upon arrival at the unit, recruits are taken to the bathhouse and uniformed. Usually, the foreman's eyes are so swollen that he accurately determines the size and size of the issued form. But feel free to immediately ask to change any element of the form in size if it does not suit you. Tight shoes and headgear are the main cause of injury among recruits.

Military service is not so terrible - the reviews of those who served about the KMB are unambiguous: the first month is the time before taking the oath, this is a period of gradual adaptation to the service, obtaining the basic skills of an army hostel, studying military regulations, the basics of drill training and getting used to physical activity. There is an unspoken rule of "young" during KMB not to touch. This is overseen by petty officers and sergeants, who are entrusted with the command and initial training of recruits. All of them are from the "old-timers", physically the most prepared and enjoying authority.

During the passage of the KMB, a soldier has two dreams: to eat and sleep. Gradually, the body adapts to the new regimen, regular nutrition and physical activity. After taking the oath, the division into divisions takes place, and in fact, the service itself begins with this.

Military service and relationships with colleagues

Sociability and fortitude are of great importance in the army. The ability to build relationships with peers and adequately get out of conflict situations is probably the main thing that military service gives. For several months of conscription service, enough cohesive teams do not have time to form, the difference in service life is negligible - this made it possible to almost completely eradicate hazing in the modern army. For a year of service, the “old-timers” themselves do not have time to “smell the gunpowder” and their stories about serving in the army, about “spirits”, “elephants”, “scoops” and “grandfathers” are nothing more than kitsch and army folklore.

For violation of the statutory rules of relations between military personnel, associated with the humiliation of honor and dignity, violence or mockery, the perpetrators are subject to disciplinary and even criminal liability (Articles 286, 335, 336 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

It cannot be said that military service is so terrible - the reviews of those who served indicate that it is easiest to join the army team, showing intelligence or skills that are interesting and useful to colleagues. For example, the ability to play the guitar and the knowledge of a dozen or two army songs is almost a guarantee that such a guy will become the "soul of the company."

Service in the army, reviews of which are generally positive, is not difficult for most recruits. Moreover, now the term of service in the Russian army has been reduced to 12 months, and living conditions are much better than even 10-15 years ago. After serving in the army, a young person is more likely to find a decent job, because. the employer will not be afraid that tomorrow his employee will be drafted into the army. For those who served in the army, the doors of most law enforcement agencies are open, they will be gladly hired and employed in the security service or private security companies.

The advantages of military service can be listed for a long time, but do not forget that military service is, first of all, the fulfillment by citizens of the Russian Federation of the constitutional duty and obligation to protect the Fatherland, and for evading conscription for military service, the draft dodger faces imprisonment for up to 2 years (part 1 of article 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

In order to answer the question of how long they served in the army in the USSR, you need to understand that the formation of this period was preceded by a long history of the formation of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union.

  1. In pre-revolutionary Russia, 25 years were allotted for the service of the fatherland. Without exception, all nobles had to repay their debt to the Motherland during this period.
  2. Thanks to the military reform of 1874, the service was reduced to 7 years.
  3. After the end of the First World War and general mobilization, the service life was 3 years. It remained that way until 1941.
  4. From 1945 to 1967 - the period was 3 years, in the fleet it was - 4 years.
  5. With the military reform in 1967 and until 1993, they were drafted into the army for 2 years.

How was the service

The armed forces of the Soviet Union served to protect the freedoms and gains of the entire Soviet people. For this reason, the attitude towards the army was appropriate. On September 1, 1939, the law on universal conscription into the army came into force, as a result of which service in the Soviet army became an honorary right of all citizens. Since 1939, an active growth in the production of weapons began, and specialized military educational institutions were also opened.

Before the start of the war with Nazi Germany, the reorganization of the armed forces was not completed in full, so the war of 1941-1945 became a heavy burden for the Soviet people.

During the war, they continued to train officers through accelerated courses. After the victory in the Second World War, the conscription service continued.

In those days, this was an obligatory and prestigious duty, and no one had the desire to somehow shirk it, but they were also afraid to serve, no less than now. Nevertheless, everyone had to go through this stage of life, otherwise it would be difficult to find their place in society in later life. After all, even when applying for a job, the first thing they asked was where he served. It was a shame not to go into the army, they did not take them into the ranks of the armed forces only because of illness, and this already cast a shadow on the attitude towards such a person.

Find out: Commission from the army due to illness, list of diseases

Service began with wires to the army. In the days of the USSR, great attention was paid to this issue, feasts were rolled up, in terms of the number of guests equal to a wedding celebration. Such events usually lasted all night and the next morning the boy, with the whole company, was sent to the service.
The Soviet army for yesterday's schoolchildren was a school of life. They really grew up there. Learned discipline, got the skills necessary for life. Not always helpful, but learned a lot. First of all, physical endurance.

Striking differences

What is the difference between service in Soviet times and how it is now:

  • In order to inform my mother that everything is fine, it took from two weeks to a month, that is how long it took for the letter to reach the mail.
  • Physical exercise. This issue has been given great attention. For 2 years, a guy who could not pull himself up on the crossbar 1 time could be made into a strong and hardy man.
  • It was necessary to dress in 45 seconds, and this was a prerequisite for further service.
  • Due to the fact that 2 years is a long service life, there was a place for extra-statutory relations on the basis of service life. The military hierarchy was strictly observed.
  • Tremulous attitude towards fellow countrymen. In the USSR, they could be distributed throughout the Soviet Union, so fellow countrymen were treated in a special way.
  • Without fail, all the soldiers were distributed attire in the kitchen. There were no specially invited people in the kitchen. Cooks were recruited from among the soldiers.
  • Such a ritual as hemming collars was an obligatory component of a soldier's ordinary day.

But in the army of the times of the USSR, the issue of "hazing" was very strongly developed. Absolutely everyone went through the entire hierarchical army order, from “spirit” to “grandfather”, and in order to survive in this system, one had to have a strong spirit, first of all. Many who served then say that my service in the Soviet army was a natural selection, because the strongest survived. It is believed that these army laws came into the ranks of the Soviet army in 1967, after another military reform.

Find out: The structure of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, what types and types of troops exist

In the army of that year, the term was reduced by 1 year. This became the reason for the discontent of the old-timers, who poured out their anger on the young recruits, and then, on the rise, the former "young" rose to the rank of "grandfathers" and, in turn, began to educate the new arrivals. It was impossible to break this chain. Also in Soviet times, there was a high probability of getting into some kind of hot spot, helping the fraternal people of some country, the soldiers were not given a choice.

Russian army today

Now service in the Russian army is 1 year. In the ranks of the armed forces, the number of contract servicemen exceeds the number of conscripts.
What changes did the military reform bring to the army:

  • Due to the fact that the service life has decreased to 1 year, the duration of the KMB passage is 1 month.
  • Such a concept as “hazing” has lost its meaning, because a new call can meet in part only with old-time soldiers who have served 8 months or less. There are almost no extra-statutory relations on the basis of service life.
  • Canteen outfits have been cancelled. All cooking is done by civilians.
  • It is allowed to have a mobile phone. Thanks to this, parents know all the details of their son's service.
  • Soldiers in the service in rare cases are allowed to equipment and weapons. Maintenance of military equipment and its repair is entrusted to servicemen under the contract.
  • Soldiers are mainly engaged in auxiliary work. They dig, paint fences and other useful things.
  • The living conditions of the personnel have improved. Mostly soldiers live in renovated or new barracks.
  • The soldiers stopped beating. Daily physical examinations are performed to detect abrasions and bruises.
  • In a soldier's uniform, such details of clothing as collars and footcloths were canceled. Soldiers use socks, but do not use collars.

Summing up, I would like to say that military service was and remains a difficult task, both in Soviet times and now. But despite this, many young people go to the army, and even

How many are in the army now is a question that interests many Russians, since information periodically appears in the media about a possible increase in the term of conscription service. You can find out how long conscripts and contract soldiers serve in the army by reading this article.

What is the term of military service on conscription in 2015-2016

Since the beginning of 2007, the period of conscription service has been gradually reduced in our country. Thus, for persons called up for service during 2007, it was reduced from 2 to 1.5 years. And from 2008 to the present day, the term of conscript service is 1 year.

This period is the same for all categories of recruits and does not depend on the presence or absence of higher education or officer rank. These circumstances, which once mattered, since 2008 do not affect the length of service.

Don't know your rights?

Despite the rumors that appear from time to time about the increase in the duration of the army service, at present the authorities are not considering any bill on this issue.

How many are under contract

The duration of the contract service is specified in the text of the contract being concluded. At the same time, the law establishes that the first contract with a person entering the service is drawn up for a period of:

  • 5 years - if a citizen enters the service as a midshipman or officer;
  • 2 or 3 years - when entering the service as a sailor, soldier, sergeant or foreman (a citizen has the right to choose for himself whether to conclude a contract for a two- or three-year period).

A subsequent contract can be concluded both for various periods (from 1 year to 10 years), and until the serviceman reaches the maximum age of service. For the majority of the military, this age is 50 years, for colonels and captains of the 1st rank - 55 years, for persons with the highest military ranks - 65 years. It should be noted that the law allows the conclusion of a new contract even after the age limit (but not more than 65 years).

Will not be an exception. And no wonder - after all, this time can be spent on building a career or family.

How long the conscript will be away from home and at what age he will return directly depends on the service life.

fuel the excitement and persistent rumors that the term will be extended. Both the conscripts themselves and their parents are worried. Many are already contemplating plans to evade military duty.

However, it is enough just to understand the rumors a little and it will become quite obvious that the conscripts have nothing to fear.

Service life in 2019

Rumors are constantly circulating among recruits that the term of service in the army will be increased to two years. Such a change radically changes everything, because a very small part of the employees are willing to spend an extra year on their military duty. So far, such are at the level of rumors and in fact have no real facts under them.

The fact is that earlier they served in the Russian army for two years. Of these, half a year was spent on mastering theoretical knowledge. The remaining 18 months the employee was obliged to spend in a military unit, mastering the practical side of this craft. Later, the government came to the conclusion that the period needed to be shortened.

Among the young men at that time, a fairly large percentage tried in various ways to "slope" from the draft, and many succeeded. Those who were forced to go served very reluctantly. Thus, the effectiveness of the army was low. But as time went on, everything changed. Young people have become more willing to come to the military registration and enlistment offices for military service.

At the same time, many types of official deferments from the army have become irrelevant, so there are much fewer ways to "slope". Thanks to this, the army is steadily replenished with young men for each draft campaign. At the same time, the demand for military departments of universities has fallen - they also give a respite, and earlier this method was very popular among conscripts.

In the State Duma by individuals several times the question was raised about returning the service life to 2 years, or at least increasing it to 18 months. However, these initiatives were not supported. The question of changing the term of service was also asked to the President, to which he answered categorically that an increase in the period of service should not be expected.

If the President does not change in the country, then there will be no reason to worry about an increase in the term of office. Therefore, with great probability, in 2019, the young men will also serve 12 months.

Transition to contract service

In 2012, Dmitry Medvedev proposed an initiative to gradually introduce contract service in Russia. The strategy is designed in such a way that contract soldiers should gradually force out most of the conscripts. This is a fairly reasonable solution, which has already been implemented by quite a few states.

The advantages of such an approach are obvious. First of all, only people who are truly interested in this will get into the army. Such young men will give themselves completely both in training and on the battlefield. Becoming a soldier will be their own decision and they will understand the full responsibility of this profession.

At the same time, the military power of the state will increase disproportionately. Such soldiers will be much better trained. At the same time, they will have the most important thing - enthusiasm, a desire to serve and a willingness to devote themselves completely to this business.

Replacing unmotivated conscripts, who sometimes have to be dragged by force to the draft board, for contract soldiers who are eager to defend their country, the state will receive a very effective army.

The transition strategy to contract service is divided into 3 stages:

  • mass promotion of the benefits of contract service and setting the ratio of contract soldiers / conscripts in the army in the proportion of 70/30 or 80/20, respectively;
  • gradual change in the ratio of contractors / conscripts to the proportion of 85/15, improvement of service conditions;
  • increase in salaries for contractors, transition to the ratio of contractors / conscripts to a ratio of 90/10.

It is worth noting that this strategy is in the process of being implemented. Its final result cannot be assessed in the coming years. The army, where 90% of employees are under contract, will have to wait a little longer.

Military department and alternative service in Russia

Do not forget completely legal means of exemption from military service. They are not available to everyone and not quite simple, but still they exist:

  • work instead of service at a special enterprise that has military status;
  • passing the military department at the university.

Very few can claim the first option. Indigenous representatives of ethnic groups, the number of representatives of which is limited, can also become employees of military enterprises. Conscripts who are not allowed to do military service by religion can also apply for this option. At the same time, the conscript must work at the enterprise for 21 months.

Thus, there is every reason to believe that in 2019, the term of service in the army will remain unchanged- conscripts will have to perform the duty for 12 months. A change in this period is extremely unlikely, so do not worry in vain.

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