All about primitive people to read. Life of primitive people - message report


1. Historical epochs.
2. Acquaintance with history and archeology.

4. Primitive world.
5. Conclusion.

1. Historical epochs.

The history of mankind can be divided into several major eras:

  • - primitive history;
  • - ancient world history;
  • - history of the Middle Ages;
  • - the history of modern times;
  • - Modern history.

2. Acquaintance with history and archeology

The most ancient era in the history of mankind is called primitive.

How did people find out about primitive people? Scientists carry out excavations, extract from the earth things of ancient people, their bones. Scientists who excavate are called archaeologists.

Archeology - the science of antiquity. It studies the history of society from the remnants of the life and activities of people. Scientists believe that the oldest people, whose “traces” were found in Africa and Asia, lived more than a million years ago. Based on the remains of the skeletons of the most ancient people, it was possible to establish how they looked.

The first known ancestors of humans and monkeys lived more than two million years ago and were called driopithecus.

3. The difference between primitive man and modern.

ancient man was very different from us - modern people - and looked like a large monkey. However, people did not walk on four legs, as almost all animals walk, but on two legs, but at the same time they leaned forward strongly. The man's hands, which hung down to his knees, were free, and he could do simple work with them: grab, hit, dig the ground. The foreheads of the people were low and sloping. Their brains were larger than those of a monkey, but much smaller than those of modern humans. He did not know how to speak, he made only a few jerky sounds, with which people expressed fear and anger, called for help and warned each other about danger, ate only what he found.

They were arboreal animals resembling great apes in their structure. Some of them led only an arboreal way of life. It was they who could give rise to a line of animals that later became the ancestor of man.

4. Primitive world.

The most ancient era the history of mankind is called primitive. Primitive (tribal) community. Characterized by collective labor and consumption.

primitive people lived in groups, because it was impossible to cope with the difficulties of life alone. They didn't have to worry about warm clothes. They lived where it is always warm. Primitive people built dwellings to protect themselves from the scorching rays of the sun, bad weather, and predators.

The first tools of labor of people were hands, nails and teeth, as well as stones, fragments and branches from trees. The first people had to hunt, collect various plants, and also learn how to make the first simple tools from sticks, bones and animal horns, and then from stone.

Main occupation of ancient people there were hunting and fishing (occupations for men), which required great strength and dexterity. Ancient man could hardly count to more than five, but he could sit motionless for hours in ambush while hunting or build an ingenious trap for a huge mammoth. Gathering (occupation for women) - the ability to understand different plants and collect edible mushrooms, as well as the exchange of prey - with other tribes.

ancient man together with other animals, he fled from the fire in fear. But then there was a daredevil who began to use the fire left by natural phenomena as a result of thunderstorms, volcanic eruptions, forest fires. Man has not yet been able to make fire himself. And so the big problem was the preservation of fire. The loss of fire was tantamount to the death of the whole family. Later, man learned to make fire, and fire saved him during the period of cooling on Earth. He began to use fire for cooking. He could fry a piece of meat on it, bake root crops on coals and take them out in time so that they do not burn out. Fire gave man what is not in nature.

Within each tribe, certain customs and rules of behavior developed. Living in caves, they painted on the walls. They sculpted from clay or carved people and animals out of stone, decorated dishes. Perhaps they wanted to depict the world in which they lived.

5. Conclusion.

primeval history lasted hundreds, thousands of years. During this time, people settled on all continents except Antarctica. They appeared on the territory of our country about half a million years ago.

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Historians have determined the time of the appearance of the first man on Earth - this happened about 2.5 million years ago: then he was still covered with wool and did not have his own language. It is called "handy man" or Australopithecus. About one and a half million years ago, he was replaced by a “handy man” - more developed and having the rudiments of culture.

How ancient people lived: life

In harsh conditions, it was impossible to survive alone, so people united in communities where they were engaged in collective labor. They had common tools, and the booty was also divided among all members of the community. Thanks to such a device, it became possible to transfer knowledge from generation to generation: the older members of the community taught the younger ones the necessary skills, if new information appeared, it was added to the already known - this was how it was accumulated.

Tools and fire

The tools of labor of ancient people were quite primitive: the main tools were made of stone, which was then used to process wood and bone. From stones, breaking off pieces of the desired shape and size, primitive people made scrapers, chopped and spears, which replaced a simply pointed stick. The utensils were mostly hollowed out from wood or animal bones. Later, man learned to weave baskets and nets for catching fish. Excavating the sites of ancient people, archaeologists received a lot of important finds, according to which these facts were restored.

At that time, man already used fire, but he could not yet produce it, so the fires were carefully preserved.

Rice. 1. Ancient man produces fire.

hunting and gathering

Labor already at this stage was divided into female and male. The weaker ones, women, were engaged in gathering, looking for herbs, roots and berries in the forest, as well as bird eggs, larvae, snails, etc. The men went hunting. How did ancient people hunt?

They not only used round-ups, but also dug traps and made traps.

Both hunting and gathering are appropriating forms of economy that forced the tribes to a nomadic way of life: devastating one area, they moved to another. When the bow and arrow appeared, more food was obtained, devastation occurred faster. In addition, parking lots had to be located close to the water, and this made it difficult to find a new place. So the conditions forced people to move from an appropriating form to a producing one.

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Rice. 2. Primitive hunter.

Agriculture and cattle breeding

At first, people began to tame animals, and they were the first to domesticate a dog, which later helped herd herds and hunt, and also guarded the house. Then pigs, goats and sheep were tamed. Having mastered the skills of their breeding, the ancient man was able to start cattle. The herds were also communal.

The horse was the last to be domesticated - this happened around the 4th century BC. e. The very first, according to archaeological evidence, this was done by the tribes living in the western part of the Eurasian steppes.

Farming was done by women. The planting process looked like this: the earth was loosened with a digging stick, where the seeds of local useful plants were thrown. Later, this primitive tool was replaced by a shovel, which was made of wood using a stone scraper, then it was replaced by a hoe: a stick with a bough, and then a stick with a sharp stone tied to it.

The appearance of the Neanderthals

This type of man appeared about 200 thousand years ago. By this time, man had already learned how to make fire, his life became more ritualized. Due to the onset of the ice age, people moved to live in caves, they developed crafts, for example, dressing skins from which they sewed fur coats. In the same period, art was born: drawings made by the hand of a primitive man were still very primitive - just stripes and lines, but images of animals soon appeared. Neanderthals did not have such a developed form of communication as writing.

Rice. 3. Neanderthal.

Neanderthals died out 30 thousand years ago, and the reason for this is still not known. The main version is the displacement by more developed Cro-Magnons, “reasonable people”.

What have we learned?

From an article on the topic “Ancient people” (Grade 5), we learned that, according to archaeologists, the most ancient people, according to the history of their origin, went through four stages of development from Homo erectus to Homo sapiens. They had primitive tools and weapons, they were first engaged in appropriating and then producing forms of activity, they lived in communities.

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I wouldn't want to trade places with an ancient man. Although now many are talking about the need to “simplify”, throw off the shackles of civilization, live in nature, eat natural food. And then we, like our ancestors, will be able to live up to 150 years. I read a lot about human evolution. And I think every educated person would agree that The life of ancient people was difficult.

Life and survival of ancient people

In fact, people's life expectancy was much shorter. They lived up to 35-40 years. There were almost no infections and oncology then. But people had to hunt and that was very dangerous.

Even then they learned to share responsibilities. There was some resemblance patriarchy. The men provided food, the women processed prey (cooked food, dressed skins), the oldest members of society were engaged in raising and educating children. It was the prototype of a pension.

How did ancient people live and eat?

Probably, the diet of ancient people really was healthier. Except that, more often than not, it wasn't enough. But we wouldn't like it anyway:

  1. They ate much more protein. But meat has always been in short supply. In the course were, for example, larvae and insects.
  2. Rarely consumed carbohydrates. Delicious sweet fruits and fruits were a luxury. Since then, we have retained an unhealthy attachment to sweets.
  3. The opening of fire was a breakthrough. Thermally processed food is better absorbed. Its proteins influenced the growth of the human brain and accelerated evolution.
  4. There was no salt in the diet. Yes, food tastes better with it, and it contains the necessary trace elements. But it can cause dehydration and lead to heart problems.

Despite the fact that the life of ancient people was much more difficult, biologically they were more adapted to this world. As a view, of course. It is unlikely that any of us would have liked such a life. too much complex She was. All our modern problems and diseases are connected with the fact that we managed to deceive nature. Would you like to trade places with an ancient man?

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When I was little, they always read books to me, and very often there were topics about the ancient world and customs. ancient people. I was so interested in this topic that I could listen all day long about how ancient people lived, what they did. And now I will try to tell you about the life of ancient people.

What people are considered ancient

The exact date it appeared ancient man, scientists still can not name. One thing is known, that they appeared about two million years ago. Ancient people somewhat resembled modern man, but, to a greater extent, they were gorilla-like in appearance. They had Long hands, the shape of the skull is more similar to the shape of a monkey, they also had a brain smaller than the brain of a modern person. Compared to ancient people, ancient people were already able to pronounce certain sounds and phrases, but they could not pronounce sentences and words that made sense. It is possible to highlight some characteristics of ancient people:

  • mozg is slightly more than that of a monkey;
  • the ability to pronounce abrupt sounds;
  • association in small communities, like tribes.

In fact, I believe that ancient man is an evolving and more capable representative than his most ancient relative.

The life of ancient people

Ancient people had, basically, a monotonous and monolithic way of life. Almost every day they did the same thing. Main occupations ancient people were:

  • hunting;
  • gathering;
  • extycha and fire support;
  • development of new lands.

The life of these people was quite cruel, and I can explain why.

In ancient times, a person who had a stronger physique, and a larger the instinct of self-preservation, received almost all the benefits of the nature around him, while a weak and infirm person was dying of hunger or cold.

The day of the ancient people passed quite routinely. Approximately it looked like this: in the morning or in the evening, the men united in groups, and then went hunting. Having obtained some kind of game and having come to their place of dwelling, they went to the women who, with the help of fire, cooked meat, fish or root crops. They mainly produced fire with the help of lightning, and then supported it by constantly throwing sticks, branches and coals into it. Ancient people lived in caves, and this was their only refuge.

A life ancient man was very dangerous, he was surrounded wild conditions, predatory animals and birds willingly taking away the last food from a person. Therefore, the life of ancient people was not easy, rather, I would say, it was not life, but survival.

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As a child, I dreamed of becoming an archaeologist. I dreamed of myself on the Kulikovo field or in the sands of Babylon, pulling weapons and skulls of warriors out of the ground. My dream almost came true: I became a historian. For me, "ancient" and "prehistoric" are not the same thing. The ancient world already had a history. See how different it can be.

When and how did ancient people live?

Ancient world. Knowledge and myths intertwined when we hear this phrase. Little information went to historians about those times. But today we can confidently say that 6000 years ago arose ancient civilization in the valley Tigris and Euphrates.They called themselves "blackheads", and we call them Sumerians. They created the first gods for themselves, they had their own culture, but only fragments of it are available for study. What we can learn today about their lives seems scary to us, but at the same time wise. In the center their cities there were multi-stage towers - ziggurats, on the tops of which there was a sanctuary, what today would be called a temple.

Ancient people they knew how to observe the starry sky and knew as many as five planets. Houses they built from stone and bricks. The household (yard) was on the roof. dressed up they dressed in woolen clothes and dressed skins. And then there were the jewels. Flimsy (according to our concepts) Sumerian ships made of reed trunks even sailed to India. It was real ancient civilization. Here are some more interesting facts about the ancient people of Sumer:

  • the ancient Sumerians had prototypes modern bank safes;
  • in their homes there were no windows;
  • knives did from clay.

Other ancient

The question, what was before the ancient man, tormented society. At the end of the 19th century, Mrs. Blavatsky in my work "Secret Doctrine" answers these questions.

All modern people are descendants of the Hyperboreans, a great race, with their own civilization, who lived on north of Eurasia or for Arctic Circle. They had the gift of foresight and teleportation, possessed unknown technical skills, but 9000 years ago they fell into decline. What else does he say Blavatsky about ancient people:

  • now lives fifth race, and there will be seven in all;
  • believed that the end of each race is associated with space disaster;
  • proved that the teaching of history about the ancient world is incorrect.

Of course it is pseudohistory, utopia, alternative. You can call it differently, but how exciting! I'm sure we still have a lot to learn about how he lived ancient person.

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Of course, everyone notices how humanity develops over the years. New blessings of civilization appear. Even I remember very well the time when no one knew about the existence of a mobile phone and, for example, a tablet computer. But in the distant past, people had to make fire and make household items on their own. Let me remind you a little about how ancient people lived.

Lifestyle of ancient people

History tells us that primitive people appeared on our planet around 2 million years ago. Of course, it is impossible to recreate the smallest details of their life, but today a lot is already known about the life of that time.

The conditions were difficult, so no one lived alone. Ancient people gathered in small groups where each had specific responsibilities. Together they got their own food, guarded and equipped their home.

Such primitive tools as a stick and a stone helped ancient people to get their own food. The most important problem was subsistence. Primitive people were largely dependent on nature. In dry weather, they were left without berries, and the fires that broke out drove away all the animals. That is why they did not stay in one place for a long time. They had to roam in search of food.

The best option for them was to find a cave to live in. close to water. Then the animals that came to the watering place became their constant prey. All the accumulated skills and experience were passed down from generation to generation.

Household items and cooking

In the distant past, people also ennobled their homes and found ways to create household items. So, for example, for the manufacture of household utensils, ancient people used:

  • dense branches of trees;
  • coconut shell;
  • wood;
  • bamboo;
  • skin.

They're driving cooked in wooden troughs throwing hot stones at them. Only later, when the ancient people learned how to make pottery out of clay they were able to cook food on the fire. To prepare dinner, women:

  • harvested fruits;
  • looking for bird eggs;
  • found snails and crabs.

Laid down on men's shoulders hunting and fishing. Having caught a good prey, it was possible to get not only a hearty meal from it, but also a skin and bones, which were then used in everyday life. It is hard to believe that our life has become so advanced compared to primitive times. Perhaps our descendants will also be surprised how our cars drove along the roads, and did not fly through the air. :)


The world

Subject. Beginning of human history. History of the primitive world.

primitive art


1. Give students an idea of ​​primitive people.

2. Develop horizons.

3. Raise interest in history.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Once - we read the chronicle,

Two - go to the museum,

Learn about prehistoric times

And we will become wiser.

The bell is ringing

Let's start our lesson.

We need to understand a lot

To become historians.

Teacher. Today we will start studying the second book "The World Around Us". What topics will we explore in this book? Open the content and read their titles.

Students. We will study history.

Teacher. What is history?

Students. History is the science of the past. She studies how various peoples lived, what events took place.

Teacher. All peoples of the world have their own present and past. Everyone wants to know where they came from and how their ancestors lived. Knowledge of history helps people to live: recognizing the past, we see that at all times our ancestors experienced difficulties, hardships and hardships. But life went on, years of sorrows and misfortunes gave way to better times. History is a journey through time. It goes back into the depths of centuries, into hoary antiquity.

Let's remember the historical terms learned earlier and solve the crossword puzzle.

Crossword questions:

1. An institution that collects, preserves and exhibits objects of history.

2. Institution where documents are kept.

3. Business paper.

4. A book with a list of all the days of the year.

5. An item on display in a museum.

Teacher. Read the highlighted word. Who is it?

Students. Herodotus is the first scientist-historian.

Teacher. He is called the "father of history". Almost two and a half thousand years have passed since a Greek named Herodotus first introduced people to his scientific work. He called his work "History".

II. Exploring a new topic.

Teacher. Read the topic of the lesson. What do you think it will be about?

Students. About our ancestors, about primitive people.

Teacher. And how did people know about primitive people? What science helped us learn about the life of primitive people?

Students. Archeology helps historians. Archaeologists excavate, extract from the earth the things of ancient people, their bones.

Teacher. Archeology is the science of antiquity. It studies the history of society from the remnants of the life and activities of people. Scientists believe that the oldest people, whose "traces" were found in Africa and Asia, lived more than a million years ago. Based on the remains of the skeletons of the most ancient people, it was possible to establish how they looked. The most ancient man was very different from us - modern people - and looked like a large monkey. However, people did not walk on four legs, as almost all animals walk, but on two legs, but at the same time they leaned forward strongly. The man's hands, which hung down to his knees, were free, and he could do simple work with them: grab, hit, dig the ground. The foreheads of people were low and sloping, and the brain is larger than that of a monkey, but much smaller than that of modern people. The ancient man could not yet speak, he made only a few jerky sounds, with which people expressed anger and fear, called for help and warned each other of danger. More than half of primitive people did not live to be 20 years old: some died in the claws of predators, others from disease and hunger.

The teacher asks to look at the pictures on p. 5 of the textbook and find the features that distinguish primitive man from modern.

Students provide answers.

Teacher. Read the text on p. 4–6 textbooks. Answer the question: why is the most ancient era of human history called primitive?

Students provide answers.

Complex for improving cerebral circulation:

1. Starting position - sitting on a chair. And one, and two - take your head back and gently tilt. And three, and four - tilt your head forward, do not raise your shoulders.

Repeat 4-6 times.

2. Starting position - sitting, hands on the belt. One - turn the head to the right. Two is the starting position. Three - turn the head to the left. Four is the starting position.

Repeat 6-8 times at a slow pace.

3. Starting position - standing or sitting, hands on the belt. One - right hand forward, left - up. Two - change the position of the hands. Repeat 6-8 times.

4. Starting position - standing or sitting, hands on the belt. Once - swing your left hand over your right shoulder, turn your head to the left. Two is the starting position. Three, four - the same with the right hand.

The teacher invites students to write a story about a primitive man using the picture on p. 4 textbooks.

a story about a primitive man

The earliest people lived where it was always warm. Therefore, they did not need to take care of warm clothes. They needed houses primarily to protect themselves from the scorching sun, and they built these huts very quickly. Most of the time of primitive people went in search of food.

Women and children plucked fruits from trees, dug up edible roots, looked for insect larvae, bird and turtle eggs - they collected what nature gave them.

But people needed meat. It was hunted by men. At that time, mammoths lived on Earth. How was the mammoth hunted? They dug a huge pit-trap, covered it with poles on top, the poles were masked with branches. A mammoth could accidentally fall into such a trap, but more often than not, hunters deliberately raised a fuss, frightened the mammoth with fire and drove it into a hole. He could no longer get out, the hunters could only finish off their prey. After that, the trap pit turned into a pantry, where a whole mountain of meat was stored, and people could live in peace, without worrying about how to satisfy their hunger.

The success of hunting and collecting edible plants largely depended on the vagaries of nature: either a forest fire would destroy trees with edible fruits and drive away animals, or a drought would destroy the grass that gave people edible grain ...

The hunters, going hunting, did not know what awaited them: maybe they would kill a big beast and provide themselves with meat for several days, or maybe they would run through the forest all day in search of prey, and return home with nothing.

And then one day the women noticed that in the place where grains were usually ground on a stone "grater", spikelets with the same grains grew. They guessed that it was accidentally scattered grains that sprouted. We tried to deliberately scatter the grains - it turned out, and even how: where one grain fell, a whole spikelet grew. Now it was already possible to grow grain near the house, and not wander in search of forests and meadows.

It so happened that men, having killed a wild pig on a hunt, brought home the piglets left from it. They placed the cubs in a corral, fed them, raised them ... And it turned out that now failure in hunting is not terrible for people: here it is, food - in a pen near the house.

This is how agriculture and animal husbandry arose, and people became less dependent on the vagaries of nature.

The first people lived in tribes, communities. They had common dwellings, collective labor. It was easier to survive that way. In addition, living in a community, the elders taught the younger ones to make tools from stone and wood, to hunt. Knowledge and skills were thus passed down from generation to generation.

mastery of fire

Man has always struggled with the elements of nature. And fire was the first of the elements conquered by man. Forest fires, volcanic eruptions introduced people to fire. People wanted to learn not only to resist fire, but also to learn how to use it for their own benefit, extracting it artificially. It is very difficult to make a fire, so it was preserved and protected in order to avoid the everyday laborious process. Russian traveler of the thirteenth century S.P. Krasheninnikov, exploring the life of the ancient peoples of Kamchatka, in his book described the process of making fire: a stick was twisted on a dry plank with a hole until smoke and fire appeared in dry blades of grass near the hole. These devices (ancient Kamchadals) always carried with them, wrapping them in dry birch bark.

Tools and weapons

Primitive people made tools and household items from stone, bone and wood. The main tools of labor were made of stone, and they processed bone and wood. Pieces of the desired shape were chipped off the stone, then they learned how to grind, but work with such a tool still went slowly. The ancient people of Kamchatka, according to S.P. Krasheninnikov, axes were made from whale and deer bones or from jasper in the form of a wedge, tying them to crooked ax handles with straps. With them they hollowed out boats from a single piece of wood, it took about three years. Knives, arrows, spears, lancets were made from rock crystal. Dog bones were used to sew clothes and shoes. The presence of lancets, by the way, indicates that people, even at an early stage of their development, had an idea about medicine. Iroquois Indian tribes, whose history was studied by the nineteenth-century American ethnographer L.G. Morgan, shot from very tight bows, the string of which could only be pulled by very strong men. The blunt end of the arrow was feathered in a spiral, and this gave the rotational movement of the arrow in flight, which, in turn, ensured horizontal movement and accuracy of the hit. Later, this idea was used by designers in the screw rifling of rifle barrels. In addition to bows, the ancient Indians made stone tomahawks and war clubs.

Household utensils, cooking

Ancient people in different parts of the world made household utensils from branches of trees and bushes, from birch bark, coconut shells, wood, bamboo, and leather. Food was stored in wicker baskets. They cooked food in dugout wooden troughs, throwing red-hot stones at them. And when people learned how to make dishes from clay, real cooking became possible. Chopsticks served as forks, and sea and river shells served as spoons. Gathering, hunting, fishing In the primitive era, people were engaged in an appropriating form of economy - gathering fruits, root crops, snails, crabs, larvae, bird eggs. It was the work of women. The men hunted and fished. There were different methods for hunting: round-ups, paddocks, traps, traps, nets. The peoples of the Arctic regions hunted marine animals. The purpose of hunting is the extraction of food and other means of subsistence, that is: skins, bones, fat, feathers, tendons, horns. Fish were caught by aiming at it with sharp sticks, stones, and later weaved to catch nets.

Cattle breeding

Appropriating forms of economy are replaced with time by producing ones. And one of them is animal husbandry. It arose from hunting, by taming and breeding animals. The first domesticated dog, which served in the hunt, guarded the house. Later they domesticated pigs, goats, sheep, and even later - cattle. The horse was tamed last.


They laid the foundation for women who were engaged in gathering. Trees were cut down and burned with stone axes, thus clearing areas in wooded areas. They loosened the earth with a digging stick with a sharp end, then they began to make sticks with flat ends (hence the shovel came from), and even later they came up with a hoe, which at first was an ordinary bough with a process, and then a sharp stone, animal horn or bone tip. In different parts of the earth, people grew in their fields those plants that live in this area in the wild. In Indo-China - rice, in America - corn, pumpkin, potatoes, in Asia - wheat, in Europe - cabbage, etc.


Life forced ancient people to master crafts. Depending on local conditions and the availability of raw materials, different crafts developed. The earliest of these are woodworking, processing of bark, skins, weaving, dressing of leather and felt, as well as pottery. There is a guess that pottery arose when women began to coat wicker vessels with clay or squeezed out depressions for liquid in pieces of clay.