Authentic history. Don't dwell on the past


(Greek authentikys - authentic). A concept developed in humanistic psychology and psychotherapy and reflecting one of the most important integrative characteristics of a person. According to Rogers (Rogers S. R.), who actively used this term, A. is the ability of a person in communication to refuse various social roles (psychotherapist, professional, teacher, leader, etc.), allowing the authentic, characteristic only a given individual's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Along with the ability for unconditional acceptance and empathy, A. is a mandatory component of effective human communication.
The boundaries of the concept of A. are fuzzy. Often, as synonyms for the term A., such definitions as a fully functioning personality (Rogers C. R.), freedom (Allport F. N.), self-actualization (Maslow A. H.), self, holistic personality (Perls F.S.), congruence (Grinder J., Bandler R.).
The psychological meaning of A. can be defined as a coordinated, integral, interconnected manifestation of the main psychological processes and mechanisms that determine personal functioning. The manifestation or non-manifestation of A. from this point of view is observed when personal motives and interests collide with social norms, the dominant tendencies of social consciousness. In such a situation, authentic behavior presupposes the whole experience of direct experience, not distorted by psychological defense mechanisms. A person is involved in what is happening and then directly shows his emotional attitude towards it. His thoughts and actions are in harmony with his emotions. In modern areas of psychology that develop a formal structure of communication, the behavior of such a person is assessed as congruent (i.e., from the point of view of an outside observer, the information coming from him through verbal and non-verbal channels is consistent).
In the traditions of humanistic psychology, A. also characterizes a certain ideal personality, as opposed to a neurotic personality. On the way to A. personal growth is carried out. In the Gestalt therapy of A., the self is preceded by the stages of awareness of the relativity of social norms, the ineffectiveness of behavioral patterns, the assertion of one's own value with the discovery in oneself of the possibility of manifesting any, even negative emotions, while simultaneously taking responsibility for authentic behavior in society. In this context, A. is not a role model for, say, a hero, but the freedom gained in the struggle with oneself in accepting one's unique features and a unique strategy for building one's own life. An example of authentic behavior is the behavior of a participant in a training group who, feeling fear of the upcoming group discussion of the question “How do you feel now?”, Honestly admits that he is afraid.

Psychotherapeutic encyclopedia. - St. Petersburg: Peter. B. D. Karvasarsky. 2000 .


See what "AUTHENTICITY" is in other dictionaries:

    - (other Greek αὐθεντικός authentic) refers to the correctness of principles, properties, views, feelings, intentions; sincerity, devotion. Authenticity can also mean: Authenticity in psychology (congruence); Authenticity of texts ... ... Wikipedia

    Authenticity- Authenticity ♦ Authenticité Truth about yourself, alone with yourself. Authenticity is the opposite of dishonesty. Does it follow from this that it is synonymous with good faith? I would say that this is her more modern and more… … Philosophical Dictionary of Sponville

    In data processing, the property of data being authentic, meaning that the data was created by legitimate participants in the information process; and the data has not been subjected to accidental or intentional tampering. In English: Authenticity See also: Data… Financial vocabulary

    Reliability, authenticity; reality, equivalence, authenticity Dictionary of Russian synonyms. authenticity see authenticity Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language ... Synonym dictionary

    Authenticity- (authenticity): A property that guarantees that the subject or resource is identical to the one claimed. Note Authenticity applies to entities such as users, processes, systems and information... Source: FINANCIAL SERVICES. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR… … Official terminology

    Authenticity, credibility. Dictionary of business terms. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms

    AUTHENTIC [te], oh, oh; chen, chna (book). Same as authentic. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Authenticity, [from Greek. authenticikos]. Authenticity, correspondence to the original, original source. Large dictionary of foreign words. Publishing house "IDDK", 2007 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    authenticity- and, well. authenticator adj. Dipl. Authenticity of the document, interpretation. I judge that you will read the necessary authenticity of my note. 16. 3. 1827. N. I. Turgenev to A. I. Turgenev. // ABT 6 394. The author wished to write him a few lines on ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    authenticity- Authenticity, authenticity. Accounting topics... Technical Translator's Handbook

    Authenticity- (from Gr. Authentikos authentic; English authenticity) authenticity, correspondence to the original, original source. For example, an authentic interpretation of a law is an interpretation given by the state authority that issued the relevant act. See also… … Encyclopedia of Law


  • Authenticity. What Consumers Really Want, JH Gilmour. The Experience Economy Paradox: The more fictional the world seems, the more we demand what is real. As reality is defined, changed and commercialized,…

Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949-1992 .


See what "authenticity" is in other dictionaries:

    - (other Greek αὐθεντικός authentic) refers to the correctness of principles, properties, views, feelings, intentions; sincerity, devotion. Authenticity can also mean: Authenticity in psychology (congruence); Authenticity of texts ... ... Wikipedia

    Authenticity- Authenticity ♦ Authenticité Truth about yourself, alone with yourself. Authenticity is the opposite of dishonesty. Does it follow from this that it is synonymous with good faith? I would say that this is her more modern and more… … Philosophical Dictionary of Sponville

    In data processing, the property of data being authentic, meaning that the data was created by legitimate participants in the information process; and the data has not been subjected to accidental or intentional tampering. In English: Authenticity See also: Data… Financial vocabulary

    Reliability, authenticity; reality, equivalence, authenticity Dictionary of Russian synonyms. authenticity see authenticity Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language ... Synonym dictionary

    Authenticity- (authenticity): A property that guarantees that the subject or resource is identical to the one claimed. Note Authenticity applies to entities such as users, processes, systems and information... Source: FINANCIAL SERVICES. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR… … Official terminology

    Authenticity, credibility. Dictionary of business terms. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms

    Authenticity, [from Greek. authenticikos]. Authenticity, correspondence to the original, original source. Large dictionary of foreign words. Publishing house "IDDK", 2007 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    authenticity- and, well. authenticator adj. Dipl. Authenticity of the document, interpretation. I judge that you will read the necessary authenticity of my note. 16. 3. 1827. N. I. Turgenev to A. I. Turgenev. // ABT 6 394. The author wished to write him a few lines on ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    authenticity- Authenticity, authenticity. Accounting topics... Technical Translator's Handbook

    Authenticity- (from Gr. Authentikos authentic; English authenticity) authenticity, correspondence to the original, original source. For example, an authentic interpretation of a law is an interpretation given by the state authority that issued the relevant act. See also… … Encyclopedia of Law


  • Authenticity. What Consumers Really Want, JH Gilmour. The Experience Economy Paradox: The more fictional the world seems, the more we demand what is real. As reality is defined, changed and commercialized,…
  • Authenticity. What consumers really want. / Authenticity: What Consumers Really Want, Gilmour J.H., Pine II J.B. / James H. Gilmore, B. Joseph Pine II. 352 pp. The Experience Economy Paradox: The more fictional the world seems, the more we demand what is real. As reality is defined, changed and...

Authenticity - what does it mean? A foreign word is increasingly found in our lives. One of the reasons is that counterfeit goods are often sold on the market. And in order to "calculate" them, you need to determine the authenticity of the product. Also, this concept is used in jurisprudence, art, philosophy, information technology. Many meanings of the word "authenticity" are considered in this material.

Dictionary interpretation

The meaning of "authentic" in the dictionary is explained as follows. This term is characterized as bookish and designating the property of an object in accordance with the adjective "authentic" - authenticity (the authenticity of the films presented by journalists was confirmed by the prosecutor's office).

The adjective "genuine" is also bookish and is interpreted as "corresponding to the genuine, real, real, original, uncopied" (The bewitching dance was accompanied by an authentic Mexican melody performed by musicians in colorful folk costumes).

Synonyms and origin

Synonyms for "authenticity" are reliability, authenticity. Synonyms for the adjective corresponding to it are real, real, genuine, and antonyms are false, fake.

The word "authenticity" comes from the adjective "authentic", which came into Russian from French - authentique. And there it appeared from the ancient Greek αὐθεντικός, meaning "main, genuine", which came from αὐθέντης - "autocratic ruler, hand-made." From the Greek adjective came the English authenticity - "correspondence to the original source, authenticity."

Variety of meanings

Based on the dictionary interpretation, we can conclude that authenticity is in simple words: a property of objects or phenomena that characterizes their authenticity, reality, reliability. You can talk about the authenticity of the product, document, feelings, views, intentions. Consider some of the shades of the meanings of this word in more detail.

The concept of authenticity is also present:

  • In psychology, where it is considered as congruence and expresses self-consistency, the integrity of the individual.
  • In jurisprudence, where it means the coincidence of multilingual texts of international treaties in logic and content.
  • In art, where it is interpreted as the authenticity of the sample, the reliability of the transfer and is opposed to the concept of "plagiarism".
  • In technology, where it is understood as the authenticity of the manufactured products, that is, confirmation that it is not a counterfeit.
  • In philosophy, where it is formulated as a person's ability to refuse in communication from different social roles and show thoughts and emotions that are peculiar only to this person.
  • In information that provides for the possibility of avoiding its defects such as lack of completeness and accuracy when it is changed in an unauthorized way.

In jurisprudence

To better understand what authenticity is, let's consider one of its legal aspects.

Lawyers often use the term "authentic text". It means the text of an official document, according to the meaning of the corresponding text in any other language. It has the same legal force as it, since texts written in foreign languages ​​must fully correspond to each other in meaning and logic.

In such an area of ​​law as international law, the term "authentic text" is used when the text of the agreement was developed, agreed and approved in one of the languages, but for ease of use, its content is set out in two or more languages.

In this case, in accordance with generally accepted rules, the text of the contract is considered equally authentic and equally valid in each of the languages. That is, it is equally authentic. Its authenticity is established in two or more languages.

In this case, there is one nuance. The text of the agreement itself may include a clause stating in which language (languages) it will take precedence in legal force if there are disagreements in the interpretation of this document.

In art

In this field, authenticity is a concept that speaks of the reliability of the transmission, the authenticity of the presented sample. In some cases, it is used to determine the originality of the work. Its opposite in this context is plagiarism.

In the literature, authentic texts are understood as the author's texts, which have not been touched by editing and editorial changes. Often this concept is applied to diaries, personal correspondence, manuscripts of specific authors. In painting, this is the author's style, a special presentation and technique. Music refers to a particular manner of performance and the use of certain instruments.


Concluding the consideration of the question that this is authenticity, it would be advisable to familiarize yourself with such a concept as authentication. This word refers to the procedure by which authentication takes place. It occurs when, for example:

  • verifying the authenticity of the user by comparing the password for the designated login, which he entered, with what is stored in the database of logins;
  • the authenticity of the e-mail is confirmed by checking the digital signature contained in it using the sender's public key;
  • the checksum of the file is checked to see if it matches the amount declared by the author of this file.

In Russian, the term "authentication" is usually used in the field of information technology. Conducted checks can be both mutual and unilateral. They are usually carried out using cryptographic methods. This should not be confused:

  • authentication, which is essentially a procedure for granting certain rights to a subject;
  • identification, which is the process of recognizing a subject by a corresponding identifier.

Sim-Sim, open up!

One of the difficult tasks that people have faced since ancient times was the task of making sure the messages received were authentic. To do this, they came up with speech passwords, intricate seals. When certain authentication methods appeared, using various mechanical devices, this greatly simplified the matter.

An example of this is the usual lock and key, which were invented a very long time ago. Another example, dating back to earlier times and taken from the oriental tale of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, is the story of the treasure hidden in the cave.

To move the stone that blocked the entrance to the cave, it was necessary to say the password: "Sim-Sim, open!" In this age of rapid development of network technologies, automatic authentication is ubiquitous.

(Greek authentikys - authentic). A concept developed in humanistic psychology and psychotherapy and reflecting one of the most important integrative characteristics of a person. According to Rogers (Rogers S. R.), who actively used this term, A. is the ability of a person in communication to refuse various social roles (psychotherapist, professional, teacher, leader, etc.), allowing the authentic, characteristic only a given individual's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Along with the ability for unconditional acceptance and empathy, A. is a mandatory component of effective human communication. The boundaries of the concept of A. are fuzzy. Often, as synonyms for the term A., such definitions as a fully functioning personality (Rogers C. R.), freedom (Allport F. N.), self-actualization (Maslow A. H.), self, holistic personality (Perls F.S.), congruence (Grinder J., Bandler R.). The psychological meaning of A. can be defined as a coordinated, integral, interconnected manifestation of the main psychological processes and mechanisms that determine personal functioning. The manifestation or non-manifestation of A. from this point of view is observed when personal motives and interests collide with social norms, the dominant tendencies of social consciousness. In such a situation, authentic behavior presupposes the whole experience of direct experience, not distorted by psychological defense mechanisms. A person is involved in what is happening and then directly shows his emotional attitude towards it. His thoughts and actions are in harmony with his emotions. In modern areas of psychology that develop a formal structure of communication, the behavior of such a person is assessed as congruent (i.e., from the point of view of an outside observer, the information coming from him through verbal and non-verbal channels is consistent). In the traditions of humanistic psychology, A. also characterizes a certain ideal personality, as opposed to a neurotic personality. On the way to A. personal growth is carried out. In the Gestalt therapy of A., the self is preceded by the stages of awareness of the relativity of social norms, the ineffectiveness of behavioral patterns, the assertion of one's own value with the discovery in oneself of the possibility of manifesting any, even negative emotions, while simultaneously taking responsibility for authentic behavior in society. In this context, A. is not a role model for, say, a hero, but the freedom gained in the struggle with oneself in accepting one's unique features and a unique strategy for building one's own life. An example of authentic behavior is the behavior of a participant in a training group who, feeling fear of the upcoming group discussion of the question “How do you feel now?”, Honestly admits that he is afraid.

Definitions, meanings of the word in other dictionaries:

Clinical psychology. Dictionary, ed. N.D. Curd

Authenticity (from the Greek authentikys - authentic) is the ability of a person to refuse various social roles in communication, allowing to manifest authentic thoughts, emotions and behavior peculiar only to this person (K. Rogers). Authentic behavior in a humanistic...

Philosophical Dictionary

(Greek autentikos - authentic, coming from the source) - 1) the text of any document, which, if there are necessary grounds (if it meets certain criteria), is officially recognized as identical to the original, true, correct, valid; synonymous with "official document". The texts of legal normative acts of the legislative and subordinate levels, published in official sources of the relevant state authorities, can be considered as A.. Among such sources are the published "Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. Official Weekly Edition", "Collection of Federal Constitutional Laws and Federal Laws", "Bulletin of Normative Acts of Federal Executive Bodies", -

2) A copy of an interstate official document (duly executed, containing the text of an international treaty), which is given legal status by a decision agreed by the contracting parties and fixed in the same treaty or in a special diplomatic document attached to it the status of genuine, reliable, basic.

In the modern practice of concluding bilateral international treaties, usually drawn up in the state languages ​​of the counterparty countries, each of the signed copies is equally recognized as A., which is consistent with one of the basic principles of international law - the principle of sovereign equality of states. In some other cases, bilateral international treaties contain the necessary clarifications:

Thus, the Russian-Japanese peace treaty concluded in 1905 (Portsmouth Peace Treaty), which was drawn up in English and French (moreover, it directly indicated the absolute similarity of both editions in their content), stipulated that in the event of a dispute on the interpretation of its provisions, the text written in French shall be considered binding (ie A.). In former times, multilateral international treaties were drawn up in "diplomatic languages" - Latin (Middle Ages), French (XVII-XIX centuries), English (late XIX - early XX centuries), and therefore there are problems in establishing the authenticity of texts, such as rule did not occur. Today, when there is no single and binding "diplomatic language" for all states, this category of international treaties is drawn up in languages ​​agreed by the contracting parties (in most cases, in the languages ​​of all or some of them). In particular, one of the most famous multilateral international treaties - the UN Charter - is drawn up in Chinese, French, Russian, English and Spanish, each of the texts is equal to A.

The authentication procedure may be provided for in the text of the treaty itself or agreed upon by the negotiating states specifically. In the absence of such a procedure, the authenticity of the prepared text is established in one of the following ways: by signing, subject to subsequent confirmation by the competent authority of this contracting state, or by initialing (fastening each page of the text with the initials of persons authorized to negotiate as a sign of their agreement with such a redaction).

3) A. interpretation of the law - a kind of official interpretation of the text of a normative act or its separate provision (rule of law), which comes from the very authority that issued such an act. Such clarification is mandatory, i.e. has a normative character for all persons and bodies applying this act or rule of law. A. interpretation can also be given by bodies that did not issue the normative act being interpreted, but are endowed with special powers by the competent authorities (for example, the authority of a ministry of a corresponding profile to explain government decrees related to the activities of this ministry); A. Interpretation of an international treaty - clarification of the actual meaning and content thereof, carried out by the contracting parties themselves on the basis of "mutual agreement and therefore binding on the counterparty states. This type of interpretation is carried out through the exchange of notes, the signing of a protocol, a special agreement. Volosov M. E.

Law Encyclopedia. 2005 .



See what "AUTHENTIC" is in other dictionaries:

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    Law Dictionary

    Authentic, reliable, corresponding to the original, primary source. Dictionary of business terms. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms

    - [te], oh, oh; chen, chna (book). Same as authentic. | noun authenticity, and, wives. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    authentic- oh, oh. authenticator adj. Same as authentic. Lex. Ush. 1935: Authentic and Authentic; SIS 1937: authentic; BASS 2: Authentic/Chinese… Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    authentic- and outdated authentic. Pronounced [authentic]… Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

    authentic- Genuine, coming from the original source. Accounting topics... Technical Translator's Handbook

    AUTHENTIC- authentic, coming from the original source ... Legal Encyclopedia

    authentic- [te], oh, oh; chen, chna, book. Authentic, coming from the original source. Authentic text. Related words: authenticity Etymology: From the Greek autentikos ‘genuine’. Culture of speech: The adjectives authentic and authentic / chesky coincide in ... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    Authentic (gr. autentikos) authentic, coming from the original source; authentic text of an international treaty a text drawn up in one or more languages, considered equally authentic and of equal force; authentic, authentic... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    AUTHENTIC- (from the Greek. Authentikos authentic) corresponding to the genuine, valid, true, based on the original source; authentic text the text of a document officially recognized as equivalent to another text, usually in another language, ... ... Professional education. Dictionary


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