biological time. What is biological time

In modern science, the concepts of biological, psychological and social space and time are also used.

In living matter, space and time characterize the features of the spatio-temporal parameters of organic matter: the biological existence of a human individual, the change of species of plant and animal organisms.

Space, in which life phenomena take place, i.e. there are living organisms and manifestations of their aggregates, is enantiomorphic space. Those. its vectors are polar and enantiomorphic. Without this, there could not be a dissymmetry of living organisms.

In the geometric expression of time, in which life phenomena occur, all its vectors must also be polar and enantiomorphic.

Time is biological, associated with life phenomena and corresponding to the space of living organisms, which has a dissymmetry.

Polarity of time in biological phenomena, it is expressed in the fact that these processes are irreversible, i.e. geometrically, in the line A→B, the vectors AB and BA are different.

Enantiomorphism of time expressed in the fact that in the process going in time, dissymmetry naturally manifests itself at certain intervals of time.

The properties and manifestation of such time associated with space are sharply different from the rest of the space of our planet, they may differ from other times. This question can only be answered by an empirical study of time.

Such a study shows that biological time is equal in duration to geological time, since throughout geological history we are dealing with life. Biological time covers about n∙10 9 years, n = 1.5÷3.

The beginning of life, i.e. We do not know the beginning of biological time, and there are no data on the end of biological time. This biological time manifested itself in the same environment, because all living things came from living things. It was an irreversible process, where time, related to space, has polar vectors. this is indicated by a single process of evolution of species. steadily going all the time in the same direction. It goes at different speeds for different species, with stops, but in general, the picture of wildlife is constantly changing, not stopping and not returning back. Characteristic for some species is their extinction, i.e. sharply expressed polar character of time vectors. The question of the existence of a certain limit in time for plant and animal species has been raised more than once, but, apparently, in general form it should be resolved in the negative, since there are species that invariably exist without significant morphological changes for hundreds of millions of years. The most characteristic, in the sense of time in living matter, is the existence of generations.

Genetically replacing generations, they constantly change in their morphological characteristics, and this change either occurred in jumps over long periods of time, or, conversely, accumulate imperceptibly from generation to generation. becoming visible only through large numbers of generations. It is important that in both cases an irreversible process is observed that goes with the passage of time.

Before moving on to biological time, let's make some clarifications. The more developed the system, the more important internal development mechanisms are for it. And they rely on past experience and on the growing role of foresight and design of the future.

That is why highly organized systems (as opposed to simple ones) have their own internal time and space along with the basic ones - relatively universal time and space.

Proper time characterizes the most important processes occurring in a biological organism.

Biological time is the biosystem's own internal time, which characterizes, first of all, the most important life-support processes.

It has a pronounced cyclicity. Biocycles (unlike the primitive cycles of physical systems) are associated with information processes, as well as with the growth (or at least with the preservation) of non-gentropy. Physical cycles are much less conditioned by past interactions than by present ones. And for biocycles, both of them play an important role.

Biological generations are a kind of temporary form and measure of biological development. Their change is an essential species-generic characteristic.

Biological organisms genetically inherit biocycles that are vital for past generations. These biocycles capture the most important experience of successful adaptation to the environment. Over time, a new characteristic was added to them - leading reflection. Based on the processing of new immediate information, the body prepares in advance for the most probable (though not cyclical) event in the future.

So, both plants and animals have some biocycles associated with cycles in the surrounding nature. They are influenced by daily and seasonal cyclical changes, periodic changes in solar activity, etc.

The listed natural rhythms also affect a person. Its biotime is influenced by seasonal and daily cycles. The earth's magnetic field is also affected. It "pulsates" with a frequency of 8-16 oscillations / sec. This coincides with the a-rhythm of the biopotentials of the brain.

Solar activity has a strong influence on many terrestrial processes. It has an eleven-year cycle. On the second day after powerful solar flares, the number of car accidents and suicides increases almost 3 times (ceteris paribus).

However, man also has something that is not characteristic of his fellows in the animal kingdom. It depends on cyclical processes in the socio-cultural environment.

Moreover, sociocultural rhythms are capable of influencing the natural environment. Anthropogenic activity violates some natural biogeochemical processes and cycles in the biosphere.

Let's move on to the cycles, which are largely affected by internal causes for the body. For a child in the mother's womb, the most important biorhythm is the rhythm of his own and mother's heart. Therefore, the newborn enjoys musical and sound influences with a similar rhythm. A typical example of an internally conditioned biorhythm is the female menstrual period (approximately 28 days), an hour and a half frequency of nocturnal erections in both men and women.

Certain physiological rhythms characterize the functioning of the brain. A modern electroencephalogram cannot determine what a person is thinking. However, it well shows the degree of mental tension. The following rhythms are clearly distinguished:

1) d (delta) - rhythm - deep sleep (slowest impulses);

2) a (alpha) - rhythm - calm wakefulness with eyes closed, light drowsiness; when the eyes are opened, they disappear (it was said above that this rhythm is also affected by the "pulsation" of the Earth's magnetic field);

3) q (theta) - rhythm - the rhythm of concern;

4) b (beta) - rhythm - attention, intense activity, thinking (50-1000 impulses / sec).

The described rhythms of the brain correspond to fluctuations in electromagnetic fields, which are 100 million times weaker than the level of the Earth's magnetic field.

As observations show, "culminating flights" of thinking occur quite rarely, about 5 minutes a day. The spindle-shaped teeth on the curved lines that testify to them appear only with intense reflection, sharp discussions, and solving difficult problems.

According to popular beliefs, there are life rhythms that have a common cause of origin, but proceed at different levels: 23 days - physiological cycle, 28 - emotional, 33 - mental (intellectual). What are they due to? And from when to count?

The considered biorhythms begin their fluctuations with a powerful release of adrenaline into the bloodstream and the first breath of a newborn. It is as if mother nature, releasing a child into the orbit of life, forces at this crucial moment important modes of his life.

The described cycles manifest themselves throughout a person's life, causing ups and downs in the corresponding forms of activity. When 3 biocyclic minimums or critical days coincide, some Japanese firms release employees from work that requires increased concentration. In one of our cities, computers calculated difficult days for city transport drivers and left them to work in the garage - as a result, the accident rate became noticeably less.

When the maxima of three biocycles coincide, a person seems to fly on wings. A woman in such a period "will stop a galloping horse, enter a burning hut." But it will be better if life allows her to be creative at this time, break world records or give birth ...

Chronobiology (biorhythmology) studies biological time in all its diverse forms. Civilization disrupts natural rhythms. This is especially felt by people who are forced to work at night (for example, metro builders, astronomers) or those who often change their location and, accordingly, time zones (pilots, astronauts, athletes).

It has long been noted that if a person finds himself directly in the natural environment, he returns to natural rhythms. Sometimes they are better to follow in intensely nervous urban life. Alternating strenuous work with rest, you can achieve much more than exhausting yourself with incessant work. It is no coincidence that couches for relaxation began to appear in some offices.

And yet let us remember that we have a great gift - willpower. A person can order himself by saying “Yes” when a tired body prompts “No”. Or vice versa, a person can say to himself: “No!”, Although the body asks: “Yes!” And as a result, achieve the goal.

Is it possible to slow down and speed up biological time? Biologists are already partially able to slow it down. It is enough to cool the body, and the living will slow down their pace, or even stop completely, while increasing, they restore their normal rhythm. Scientists have long been thinking about how to stop the biological clock of astronauts for a given period. In this state, they can reach the most distant planets, almost without aging during the journey. But to speed up biological time is much more difficult.

How to concentrate biological time? Biologists have determined that special substances called biogenic stimulants serve as a kind of concentrator of biological time. The biological clock mechanism appears to be the same in all organisms, except for bacteria, which have not "acquired" a clock at all. But do life processes proceed at the same speed in unicellular and multicellular organisms? After all, for some, life lasts a day, for others, a century.

Here is a rotifer - a microscopic, but multicellular creature. Some of its species live only one week. During this week, the rotifer has time to grow and grow old. So how does biological time go by in this rotifer, like in humans, or 3,000 times faster?

Nature itself gave the researcher a device that allows you to monitor the flow of biological time in a living organism, without entering directly into its life and without violating the relationship in its structure. This device is the process of dividing itself. The speed of its division indirectly speaks of both the metabolism inside it and the time in which it lives. Cell division provides even more important information - where is the mechanism that controls the course of biological time in the living.

At first glance, it seems somewhat strange that the elephant, man, mouse and other mammals, which differ so much in size and life expectancy, take the first steps on the path of life at the same speed.

If we consider the first steps of life in development from one cell and compare the mouse and the elephant, it turns out that the elephant lives 60 years, the mouse - 2-3 years. Embryonic development in a mouse is 21 days, and in an elephant - 660, almost 2 years. Everything starts at the same time, but ends differently. Perhaps the biological time in the mouse cell immediately ran faster, and it overtook the embryo of an elephant several times in development? No, it's not. Both the mouse and the baby elephant develop at the same rate for the first 7 days. But why do elephant and mouse embryos have the same biological clock in the first week?

It turned out that during this period, almost all mammalian embryos had a biological clock set, as it were, on a "dog". Hereditary mechanisms - genes that regulate the rate of growth and metabolism, do not work at this time.

First, the embryo gains a cell mass, in which it will then have to build various organs. As soon as the construction of organs begins, it is as if the clock spring is wound up. Each plant is now done with care and not to the end. All the work of the biological clock is under the control of the genetic apparatus, and the more complex the organism becomes as it develops, the more clearly the genes give out information. The body begins to dominate the work of the biological clock, and the action of various hormones slows down the biological time even more. In an embryo whose biological clock is not so strongly controlled by the genetic apparatus and hormonal influences, because it has not yet developed an endocrine system.

Is it possible to remove the brake of time in an adult organism and make it live faster? Maybe there are substances that concentrate time, or, more simply and more accurately, remove the brake of time? The whole danger in this case comes down to a violation of the biological clock. The acceleration of metabolism and cell division should be harmonious and always within the normal range. The metabolism in living cells always proceeds at a somewhat lower rate, the cell has rather large reserves in case of danger. This means that if you give a danger signal, the cell will partially remove its temporary brake and all processes in it will go at an increased speed. To do this, it is necessary to act directly on those genes that regulate the rate of chemical interactions of huge biomolecules inside the cell.

How to give the cage a danger signal? In the process of evolution in the cells of the body, a mechanism has been developed that perceives the decay products that are obtained from the cells suffering in the neighborhood. Since the molecular mechanisms of danger perception in living beings are of the same type, in the presence of decay products, the biological clock, both animals and plants, will accelerate its course. That is why aloe leaves kept in the dark, or animal tissues kept at 4 0 C for several days, already contain substances that can speed up the metabolism in the cells of the body into which they will be introduced.

A person at the very beginning of embryonic development lives in accelerated biological time. As it develops, biological time slows down. After birth, it still continues to go a little faster than in an adult. By old age, it seems to people that time “stands still”. Isn't the brake of time, the genes of time, coming into play here at full power?

The modern understanding of biological time comes from the recognition of proper time for biological systems. This time manifests itself in the form of the time of parts of the organism, the time of the individual, the time of generational change without changing the form of life, and the time of changing life forms simultaneously with the change of generations (evolutionary time). Possessing relative autonomy, biological time, primarily the time of an individual, is measured by its own clock, which are various kinds of rhythmic processes occurring in subcellular structures, cells, tissues, organs, and physiological systems. Correlating their own time with the world time (the physical time of the external world), living systems reflect the latter in their own time structure. But since there is no pure, empty time, but there is a time of the duration of material processes, then the ratio of external (world) and internal time is the ratio of the duration of external and internal processes.

Being a form of existence of matter, at the same time, time is reified (“objectified”) in various material processes, and living systems reflect external, world time to the extent that their internal and life (metabolic, physiological) processes reflect the processes of the external world. . On the other hand, internal, biological time is autonomous to the extent that the life processes of a given living system are autonomous. Being inextricably linked with the external world (environment), acting as an element of the "organism-environment" system, the living system does not dissolve in this environment, but retains its isolation from the environment, opposes it. Being a product of the environment, the living system is the otherness of this environment, its selectively accumulated history. Therefore, the opposition of the organism to the environment is not absolute, but relative, with the preservation of commonality in the fundamental, main thing. The basic laws of the flow of time are the same for the outside world and for living systems. However, the manifestations of these laws in living systems have certain specifics. As a clot of organized matter separated from the environment and generated by it, a living system retains its isolation from the environment, its qualitative certainty - despite the “onslaught” of the environment, which it (the living system) resists, for the reason, in particular, that time in the living system flows differently than in the outside world (if this were not the case, the living system would immediately dissolve in the outside world).

Fast-flowing internal life processes represent a densified otherness (and display) of slowly-flowing processes of the external world.

The momentary reflective act of a living system, which in a sense is accumulated time, at all stages - at the entrance, in the central links, at the exit - embodies the dialectical inseparable unity of the past, present and future. The real content of momentary reflection is not just a response to external influence, but a response-forecast built on the basis of the past, necessarily anticipating the future and bringing it into the present.

The organism is only relatively autonomous; ultimately, the organism is an element of the "environment-organism" system. Therefore, its reflective activity is essentially a self-reflection of the "environment-organism" system. Personifying the active principle of this system, the organism predetermines its movement and development by its activity. In the course of evolution, the body acquired a specialized reflection apparatus - the nervous system. Ensuring the integration of the parts of the body into a single whole, the nervous system at the same time ensures the effective use of these parts (and the body as a whole) in the organization of activities based on reflection carried out by its higher departments. Although the specialized apparatus of reflection that arose in evolution - the nervous system - further subjugates its basis, bodily organization, the nervous system in its reflective activity preserves and improves the main and initial property of biological reflection - its directed anticipatory character. The activity of reflection lies in the fact that all, including highly organized, living systems that have a nervous system, bring something of their own into reflection. This "one's own" is precisely the advance directed by the need.

biological time

Before moving on to biological time, let's make some clarifications. The more developed the system, the more important for it internal development mechanisms. And they rely on past experience and on the growing role of foresight and design of the future.

That is why highly organized systems (as opposed to simple ones) have, along with basic- relatively universal time and space - exist own internal time and space.

own time characterizes the most important processes occurring in a biological organism.

biological time - this is the own internal time of the biosystem, which characterizes, first of all, the most important processes of life support.

It has a pronounced cyclicity. Biocycles (unlike the primitive cycles of physical systems) are associated with information processes, as well as with the growth (or at least with the preservation) of non-gentropy. Physical cycles are much less driven by past interactions than by present ones. And for biocycles, both of them play an important role.

Biological generations are a peculiar temporal form and measure of biological development. Their change is an essential species-generic characteristic.

Biological organisms genetically inherit biocycles that are vital for past generations. These biocycles capture the most important experience of successful adaptation to the environment. Over time, a new characteristic was added to them - forward reflection. Based on the processing of new direct information, the body prepares in advance for the most probable (though not cyclical) event in the future.

So, both plants and animals have some biocycles associated with cycles in the surrounding nature. They are influenced by daily and seasonal cyclical changes, periodic changes in solar activity, etc.

These natural rhythms also affect a person. Its biotime is influenced by seasonal and daily cycles. The earth's magnetic field is also affected. It "pulsates" with a frequency of 8-16 oscillations / sec. This coincides with the a-rhythm of the biopotentials of the brain.

Solar activity has a strong influence on many terrestrial processes. It has an eleven year cycle. On the second day after powerful solar flares, the number of car accidents and suicides increases almost 3 times (ceteris paribus). Lebedev. N and Zh, 1968 No. 3

However, man also has something that is not characteristic of his fellows in the animal kingdom. It depends on cyclical processes in the socio-cultural environment.

Furthermore, sociocultural rhythms capable of influencing the environment. Anthropogenic activity disrupts some natural biogeochemical processes and cycles in the biosphere.

Let's move on to cycles that are heavily affected by internal cause for the body. For a child in the mother's womb, the most important biorhythm is the rhythm of his own and mother's heart. Therefore, the newborn enjoys musical and sound influences with a similar rhythm. A typical example of an internally conditioned biorhythm is the female menstrual period (approximately 28 days), an hour and a half frequency of nighttime erections in both men and women.

Certain physiological rhythms characterize the functioning of the brain. A modern electroencephalogram cannot determine what a person is thinking. However, it well shows the degree of mental stress. The following rhythms are clearly distinguished:

1) d (delta) - rhythm - deep sleep (slowest impulses);

2) a (alpha) - rhythm - calm wakefulness with eyes closed, light drowsiness; when the eyes are opened, they disappear (it was said above that this rhythm is also affected by the "pulsation" of the Earth's magnetic field);

3) q (theta) - rhythm - the rhythm of concern;

4) b (beta) - rhythm - attention, intense activity, thinking (50-1000 impulses / sec).

The described rhythms of the brain correspond to fluctuations in electromagnetic fields, which are 100 million times weaker than the level of the Earth's magnetic field.

As observations show, "culminating takeoffs" of thinking occur quite rarely, about 5 minutes a day. The spindle-shaped teeth on curved lines that testify to them appear only with intense reflection, sharp discussions, and solving difficult problems.

According to popular beliefs, there are life rhythms that have a common cause of origin, but proceed at different levels: 23 days - physiological cycle, 28 - emotional, 33 - mental (intellectual). What are they due to? And from when to count?

The considered biorhythms begin their fluctuations with a powerful release of adrenaline into the bloodstream and the first breath of a newborn. It is as if mother nature, releasing a child into the orbit of life, forces at this crucial moment important modes of his life.

The described cycles manifest themselves throughout a person's life, causing ups and downs in the corresponding forms of activity. When 3 biocyclic lows or critical days coincide, some Japanese firms release employees from work that requires increased concentration. In one of our cities, computers calculated difficult days for city transport drivers and left them to work in the garage - as a result, the accident rate became noticeably less.

When the maxima of three biocycles coincide, a person seems to fly on wings. A woman in such a period "stops a galloping horse, enters a burning hut." But it will be better if life allows her to be creative at this time, break world records or give birth ...

Chronobiology (biorhythmology) studies biological time in all its diverse forms. Civilization disrupts natural rhythms. This is especially felt by people who are forced to work at night (for example, metro builders, astronomers) or those who often change their location and, accordingly, time zones (pilots, astronauts, athletes).

It has long been noted that if a person finds himself directly in the natural environment, he returns to natural rhythms. Sometimes they are better to follow in intensely nervous urban life. By alternating hard work with rest, you can achieve much more than exhausting yourself with incessant work. It is no coincidence that couches for relaxation began to appear in some offices.

And yet let us remember that we have a great gift - willpower. A person can order himself by saying “Yes” when a tired body prompts “No”. Or vice versa, a person can say to himself: "No!", although the body asks: "Yes!" And as a result, achieve the goal.

mental time

Consider now consciously or unconsciously experiencedmental time. It subjectively and is not a simple copy of real, objective time, although to some extent it is conditioned by it.

Mental time and space are most connected with the value-oriented life of a person, the world of his sensory perceptions and ideas. You can measure time in hours, or you can measure it by the degree of your impatience or bliss (“happy hours do not notice”). Can measure distances kilometers, and it is possible with its degree fatigue.

Large in size physical time in mental time may seem very small, and small - very large. It has been wisely observed that measuring life in years is like measuring a book in the number of pages, a painting in square meters, and a sculpture in kilograms.”

The simplest and evolutionarily primary mental forms, which to some extent correspond to natural (physical and biological) space and time, are unconscious spatial perception and temporary representation.

Animals, babies and sleeping people experience only the immediate present time. human consciousness for the first time allows you to do what is impossible at the unconscious level: discursively making a difference past, present and future. However, when it comes to psychological time directly experienced by people, then we can in a certain sense agree with Aurelius Augustine (354-430), who believed that it was more correct to say not “past”, “present” and “future”, but “present of the past”, “present of the present” and “present of the future” .

Goal-setting and goal-realizing activity allows a person to make the connections between the past, present and future more saturated, to connect them deeper and more fully into a single existential integrity.

mental time symbolically. There are special moments in it - moments of the Beginning and the End (but for nature these moments are not much different from others, for her they are ordinary moments). New Year of life. New Year calendar. New Year in study, creativity, love. At such moments, we seem to be at the pass. You can look back. Try to anticipate what lies ahead.

Why, after each birthday, a new upsurge of vitality seems to begin? After all, this rarely coincides with the maxima of all three biorhythms - physiological, emotional and mental. The fact is that here a different, “noospheric” (sociocultural) cyclicality is manifested, associated with the change of calendar cycles. And this means that in this case, to a large extent affects psychological attitude, attitude.

The specialty, as well as age, leave an imprint on mental time. Anthropologist can say: - Most recently, in the last millennium ... And from a child you can hear: - A very, very long time ago, a few days ago ...

The main time of childhood is very slow. Let's try to explain why. Let's say the child is 2 years old. How long does he have to wait for his next birthday? “One year,” an adult wise with life experience will say. And he will be right in his own way. But for a child, this is half the life already lived! Half a lifetime to wait for the next birthday ...

So, the first reason for the slow time of childhood is that "current time" is related to all life. The second reason is that time is always involuntarily measured and experienced through events; a lot of events happen - that means a lot of time passes (and vice versa). And for a child, almost everything that happens is perceived as an Event, since it has not yet lost its unusualness and novelty.

However, with age, the experience of time changes. But what psychophysiological prerequisites determine the appearance of the temporal aspect of the experienced events?

Numerous observations have shown that at first the child develops independent temporal s e experiences, and each of them connects a certain desire and its successful or unsuccessful result. At about a year and a half, a vague, but more general time indicator is formed - the concept of "now", and at two years - the concept of "soon". Only a three-year-old child begins to confidently distinguish between such more abstract concepts as "not today", "tomorrow", "yesterday".

But even at the age of four or five, a child, according to the observations of J. Piaget, simultaneous thinks non-simultaneous: seeing that two objects left the same point at the same time and arrived at two final places at the same time, he agrees that the "start" was simultaneous, but denies the simultaneity of the "finish". The child believes that only what happens in the same place can be simultaneous, and in different places only different times can exist. This is one of the manifestations of syncretism.

Unlike physical and other objective forms of time, which are irreversible (anisotropic), mental time is reversible. The priceless gift of our soul is the ability to mentally leave the present time. You can fly into the future on the wings of fantasy: - What does the coming day prepare for me?

You can relive the past: - Where, where have you gone, my golden days of spring?

The knowledge of one's mortality gives a special meaning to life. Conscious finiteness in time is a common human destiny. “Memento mori” - this aphorism appeared in antiquity.

It is important to perceive your life as a certain - albeit small - link in history. Feel like someone's continuation and someone's beginning. To assume a share of the common responsibility for the fate of the world. And then there is light both at the beginning and at the end of the tunnel.

Mental life is measured by activity, deeds, events.

We know - time is extensible

It depends on

What kind of content

You fill it Marshak)

Are the psychic time and space experienced by a person related to each other? Certainly yes. Let me remind you that in evolutionary and ontogenetic development, the experience of space first arises, and only then - on its basis and in connection with it - the experience of time. Only abstraction or disease can split them. There are many processes in which, to one degree or another, this connection between the experience of space and the experience of time is manifested. Here is one such manifestation. In some countries, in front of checkpoints or dangerous sections, specially arranged transverse stripes (“zebra stripes”) are applied to the road: at first, the distances between the stripes are large, but gradually decrease to about a meter. A driver who is driving at a constant speed, it seems that his car accelerates rapidly, and he subconsciously starts to release the accelerator and slow down.

Speaking about the special connection between space and time in artistic and aesthetic experiences, M. M. Bakhtin (not without the influence of Einstein's ideas) introduced the concept of "chronotope" (from the Greek chronos - time and topos - place) into cultural studies and literary criticism.

In a sharply experienced form, chronotopic, say, a football match, extinguishing a fire, a theater performance and other similar events in which space and time, without losing their originality, are intertwined in sensually inseparable wholeness. However, here, too, much depends on the "intensity of passions." If the players, saving their energy, simply play for time, and the actors callously pronounce memorized phrases, then the spatial-event components are relegated to the background, and boredom comes to the fore - an indicator that time seems to have stopped.

Self-deepening into himself, a person is able to widely push the limits of the individual "I". And then boundless spatial and temporal distances open before him, a world ready for co-evolutionary development and communication dialogue.