What are departments in universities. What does training at the military department give

Many young guys who want to get a higher education are advised by their parents and older comrades to choose a university that has a military department.

They explain this simply: studying at the military department allows you to avoid mandatory conscription into the army as an ordinary soldier. It is not easy to enter such a university, the competition for it is usually higher than for universities without a military department, and the majority of applicants are guys of military age.

Is it worth overcoming obstacles to get into the military department of a university, or is there no point in military education?

What is a military department in a university?

The tradition of military education in higher education has existed in our country for nearly a century. The first military departments, which were called courses of higher pre-conscription training, appeared in the universities and technical schools of the USSR in 1926. They had to solve the most important task - to prepare for the army a sufficient number of military-trained junior commanders.

Students were given 180 hours of theoretical military training, after which they were taken to a military camp for two months. At the end of the university, they had to serve in the army for a 9-month period, after which they were included in the junior and middle command staff of the reserve.

The practice of military training of students was strengthened after the end of the Great Patriotic War. The number of universities with a military department has increased significantly, as the experience of the war showed the effectiveness of this system for training educated junior commanders. After the collapse of the USSR, in the years when the state did not pay due attention to the army, the military department was abolished in many educational institutions, and today it is available in only 35 universities in the country.

Another 33 educational institutions have opened military training centers (VTCs). Upon completion of their studies, graduates become junior reserve officers and are not subject to the usual conscription into the army.

Studying at the military department

Even if there is a military department at the university, not all students can get a military specialty. Admission to the department is open only to guys no older than 30 years old who do not have contraindications for health reasons. Education at the military department begins with the third year. To qualify for it, the student must first undergo a medical check at the military registration and enlistment office, and then apply to the military department:

- medical certificate of the military registration and enlistment office;

— photocopies of the relevant pages of the passport;

- your account book;

- a certificate from the dean's office certifying that he studies at this university.

The training combines theoretical training, which is conducted in the format of regular lectures, with practice - the study of drill, weapons, fire training and the study of military equipment. The term of study, which gives the right to an officer rank, is 30 months, to a sergeant rank - 24 months. A graduate of the military department can also leave the university as a reserve soldier if he has completed the corresponding 18-month course of study.

The final part of the study is military training, which lasts a month and takes place on a territory specially designed for this. Upon completion, students take the state exam and take the oath, after which they become reserve lieutenants.

What does training at the military department give?

Having received the rank of junior officer after military training, a university graduate may not worry that he will be drafted into the army for military service - this will not happen. Five years after graduation, he may be called up for a military retraining course, which lasts no more than two months. Those who have passed these charges are awarded the rank of senior lieutenant and again sent to the reserve.

If a graduate feels a craving for military service, he can enlist in the army under a contract, where he will immediately receive an officer's position. This immediately guarantees a good salary and opens up the prospect of a further military career. There are many branches of service in the modern Russian army that require educated, technically competent officers.

"APPROVE" Rector ___________________ (name of the university) _____________________________ (full name, signature) "___" ____________ ____ d. Regulations on the department ___________________ (name of the university) 1. General provisions This regulation on the department is an internal document of __________ ________________________________________________________________, the full name of the university) determines its main tasks, functions, composition, structure, rights, responsibilities, organization of activities and interaction with other departments of the university, as well as third-party organizations.

1.1. Department ____________________ (hereinafter referred to as the Department) is the main educational and scientific structural unit of ____________________ (hereinafter referred to as the university), which unites specialists in a certain field of science and provides educational, scientific, educational and methodological work in one or more related disciplines, reflected in whole or in part in its name. The department operates in accordance with the Charter of the university and these Regulations.

1.2. The department is guided in its activities by the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Education and Science, the Charter of the university, internal regulations, orders and orders of the dean or rector, academic council, these Regulations and other local acts of the university.

1.3. The department reports to the rector of the university and the dean of the faculty in terms of his competence. The department is organized by the decision of the Academic Council of the university. Organization, renaming, division, merger or liquidation of the Department is carried out on the basis of the decision of the Academic Council and approval by the order of the rector of the university.

1.4. The department is not a legal entity.

1.5. The department receives a license to conduct educational activities as part of the university.

1.6. The right to implement educational programs of higher and postgraduate professional education is given to the profiling department from the moment of issuing a license for the relevant areas of training and levels of education.

1.8. This Regulation was developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" dated 10.07.1992 N 3266-1, the Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education" dated 08.22.1996 N 125-FZ, the Model Regulation on an educational institution of higher professional education (higher educational institution) of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2008 N 71, the Charter of the university and other legislative and legal acts regulating the activities of higher educational institutions.

2. Tasks, functions and powers of the Department

2.1. The main task of the Department is the organization and implementation of educational work on a qualitative level to train highly professional specialists with deep theoretical and applied knowledge and competencies in accordance with state educational standards; educational work among students, teachers, employees; scientific research on the profile of the Department, training and retraining of scientific and pedagogical staff and improving their skills.

2.2. The main tasks include:

2.2.1 Organization and implementation of the educational process and its methodological support in the disciplines of the Department.

2.2.2. Satisfying the needs of the individual, society and the state in the intellectual, cultural and moral development of qualified specialists through the system of training for work in a certain area of ​​professional activity and in scientific and pedagogical personnel of the highest qualification.

2.2.3. Organization and conduct of fundamental, exploratory and applied scientific research and other scientific work on the profile of the Department and the problems of the system of multilevel professional education.

2.2.4. Ensuring the teaching of disciplines and courses provided for by state educational standards and training curricula, optional disciplines and courses in the profile of the Department, as well as included in the programs and curricula of postgraduate and additional education; introduction of modern pedagogical technologies into the educational process.

2.2.5. Organization and implementation of scientific research by the staff of the Department on their own initiative, as well as in accordance with grant support, budgetary and extrabudgetary agreements.

2.2.6. Formation of students' civic position, tolerant consciousness, ability to work and life in modern conditions, prevention of extremism.

2.2.7. Preservation and enhancement of the cultural and scientific values ​​of society.

2.3. To achieve the goals set, the Department is entrusted with the following functions:

Development of curricula, including for training in reduced and (or) accelerated forms of education, according to an individual plan, according to programs of additional professional education;

Development and submission for approval in the prescribed manner of the work programs of the academic disciplines of the department, as well as drawing up conclusions on the work programs of the academic disciplines prepared by other departments;

Preparation of educational and methodological complexes of disciplines, textbooks, teaching aids and other educational and methodological literature, as well as organizing the review of textbooks, teaching aids and other educational and methodological literature;

Determining the need for basic educational literature on the disciplines of the Department for the formation of library funds;

Formation and updating of the departmental fund of additional educational literature and other information resources of the Department;

Conducting training sessions provided for by the relevant curricula;

Management of independent work of students;

Conducting ongoing monitoring of progress, intermediate certification of students, centralized testing;

Organization and implementation of measures for the introduction of innovative educational technologies in all types of training sessions conducted by the Department;

Management of students' research work, development of their creative activity by involving them in the scientific work of the Department, participation in competitions and competitions of students' scientific works, external competitions for special scholarships;

Carrying out educational work with students through the curatorship system operating at the university;

Formation and maintenance of databases of the Department, presentation of annual reports on educational activities in accordance with the requirements of the documents of the university.

List of functions for research activities:

Carrying out research work on the subject of R&D of the Department in accordance with the approved R&D plans and introducing their results into the educational process;

Formation and maintenance of databases of the Department, provision of annual reports on scientific activities in accordance with the requirements of the documents of the university;

Participation in scientific-methodical and scientific-practical conferences;

Preparation of monographs and scientific articles, reviews of abstracts of dissertations, etc.

List of functions for personnel work and resource provision:

Planning for advanced training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff of the Department;

Consideration of individual work plans of teachers;

Study, generalization and dissemination of the experience of the leading teachers of the Department, assistance to novice teachers in mastering pedagogical skills;

Involvement of leading scientists and specialists of scientific institutions, enterprises and organizations in pedagogical activities;

Consideration of candidates for enrollment in postgraduate and doctoral studies, attachment to the Department of applicants for academic degrees for the preparation of a candidate or doctoral dissertation;

Consideration of individual plans of graduate students, applicants, plans for the preparation of dissertations for doctoral students and topics of dissertations;

Hearing periodic reports of doctoral students, graduate students, applicants, conducting their annual certification;

Development, if necessary, of additional programs for the candidate's examination in a special discipline;

Preparation of conclusions for candidate and doctoral dissertations prepared by graduate students, doctoral students, researchers and applicants;

Participation in the formation of the educational and information environment at the Department (participation in equipping educational and scientific audiences with equipment and teaching aids, acquiring reference and information systems that are adequate to the goals of the scientific and educational activities of the Department);

Formation and maintenance of databases of the Department, submission of annual reports on the personnel work of the Department in accordance with the requirements of the documents of the university.

The list of functions for the activities of the Department as a structural unit of the university:

Participation in career guidance in schools, lyceums, colleges, enterprises and institutions;

Participation in the work on organizing the recruitment and admission of applicants as part of the faculty;

Participation in freshman days, open doors, meetings with alumni, cultural and educational activities of the faculty and university, etc.;

Participation in the events provided for by the annual plans of educational and extracurricular work with students;

Organization and conduct of self-examination of the Department in accordance with the procedure established by the documents of the university;

Participation in the development and implementation of documents at the Department of the university.

2.4. The powers of the Department include:

Proposal and development of a list of names of optional disciplines and elective courses, the number of hours for their study within the framework of the requirements of the state educational standard of higher professional education;

Recommendations for the implementation in the curriculum of the sequence of studying disciplines, the type of final certification and the distribution of the number of hours established by the state educational standard of higher professional education for their study, by type of training;

Implementation of the rights specified in the state standard of higher professional education in the formation of an appropriate educational professional training program for a specialist;

Use of the premises assigned to the Department for consultations, additional training sessions with students enrolled in the main educational program, for conducting scientific research according to the plan of the Department and postgraduate consultations;

Drawing up working curricula and work programs of disciplines, taking into account the requirements of standard curricula, qualification characteristics, submitting them for consideration by the educational and methodological department and the rector;

Entry with the idea of ​​expulsion of underachieving students, a petition for the encouragement of particularly distinguished students, faculty and staff;

Conducting an analysis of the content and quality of teaching in all disciplines of specialties together with interested departments and teachers, developing proposals to increase students' interest in learning, their desire to acquire knowledge, skills and competencies;

Participation in the development and approval of draft instructions, regulations and other internal regulatory documents on the activities of the Department, faculty, university;

Involvement, in agreement with the management of the university, employees of other departments and third-party organizations to participate in the work of the Department;

Submission of proposals to the management of the university on changes in the staff list, admission, dismissal and relocation of employees of the Department, their encouragement and punishment;

Presentation of the university in external organizations on the activities of the Department.

2.5. Employees of the Department have other rights and powers provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and the Charter of the university.

2.6. The department is required to:

Ensure high efficiency in all areas of its activities;

Avoid violations of internal labor regulations.

2.7. Department staff are required to:

Observe labor discipline;

Carry out official duties, individual work plans, instructions of the head of the Department;

Participate in general events of the Department, faculty, university.

2.8. The following types of administrative penalties are envisaged, taken within the framework of the current legislative and regulatory acts:

Refusal (by a reasoned decision of the academic council of the faculty, approved by the vice-rector for academic affairs) from the services of an individual teacher (teachers) of the Department in work at this faculty;

Revision (by the decision of the academic council of the university) of the right of the Department to participate in the implementation of educational programs, or the imposition of a temporary ban on certain types of its activities;

Dissolution of the Department.

2.9. Responsibility for the quality and timeliness of the tasks and functions, the implementation of work plans in all areas of the Department, as well as for the creation of conditions for the effective work of the teaching and teaching support staff is the head of the Department.

3. Composition, structure and management of the Department

3.1. The composition, structure and quantitative composition of the Department depend on the volume and nature of the teaching load, the volume and nature of scientific research, other reasons provided for by the legal and organizational and administrative documents of the relevant ministries and the university. The composition, structure, as well as changes to them are approved by the rector. The department, depending on the volume of workload, is organized as part of at least _____ staff units (teachers), of which at least _____% must have an academic degree and (or) title.

3.2. The department can have in its structure: educational laboratories, computer classes, methodical rooms, research laboratories. In its composition, the Department may have branches, educational and scientific centers, laboratories located at enterprises, organizations and institutions. The Department (staff) includes: Head of the Department, Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer, Senior and Junior Staff, Senior Laboratory Assistant, Laboratory Assistant. Positions may be introduced: deputy head of the Department, professor-consultant, assistants, graduate students, doctoral students, teaching and support staff, as well as employees of scientific and other educational units attached to the Department.

3.3. The Department provides for the positions of the teaching staff (PTS) and educational support staff. Teaching positions include the positions of the Head of the Department, Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer. The teaching and support staff of the department includes heads of laboratories, senior laboratory assistants, laboratory assistants.

3.4. The replacement of positions of the teaching staff and scientific workers is carried out under an employment contract concluded with the relevant employee for a period of up to _______________. The conclusion of an employment contract is preceded by a competitive selection, conducted in accordance with the Charter of the university and the "Regulations on the procedure for filling positions of scientific and pedagogical workers in a higher educational institution of the Russian Federation."

3.5. The teaching load for the teaching staff is established by the rector in accordance with the "Guidelines for the planning of educational, teaching-methodical, research and other work performed by the teaching staff".

3.6. Employees of the department regularly improve their skills through internships, training at institutes, faculties and advanced training centers, participating in research and teaching work, scientific conferences, symposiums.

3.9. The main activities of the Department are discussed at meetings. The work of the department is carried out in accordance with annual plans, covering educational, scientific and methodological, research, educational and other types of work. Discussion of the implementation of these plans and other issues of the Department's activities is held regularly at meetings of the Department under the chairmanship of the head with the participation of the faculty of the Department.

3.10. Meetings of the Department are held once a month in accordance with the annual work plan on time. Extraordinary meetings may be held as needed.

3.11. Proposals on the agenda of the meeting of the Department can be made by any employee of the Department. By the decision of the majority of employees, the agenda can be changed or supplemented. It may include questions that do not require prior preparation. At the suggestion of the head of the Department, the regulations for the discussion of issues accepted for consideration are approved.

3.12. The entire composition of the Department participates in the meetings of the Department. Teachers of other departments, higher educational institutions, employees of interested organizations can be invited to the meetings of the Department.

3.13. Voting is carried out by all members of the Department present at the meeting. Full-time teachers take part in the voting on recommendations for the position of the teaching staff. On certain issues, the form of voting is determined - open or secret. Each member of the Chair has one vote. In case of equality of votes, the voice of the head of the Department is decisive.

3.14. At each meeting of the Department, a protocol must be kept, which is signed by the head of the Department and the secretary of this meeting.

3.16. The department must have documentation that reflects the content, organization and methodology of the educational and research process, the list of which is determined by the Instruction on office work of a higher educational institution.

4. Management of the Department

4.1. The department is headed by the head, elected by the Academic Council of the university from among the most qualified and authoritative employees of the university of the corresponding profile, who have an academic degree or title. Preliminarily, the candidacy of the head of the Department is considered at a meeting of the Department chaired by the dean of the relevant faculty. At the meeting, the presentations of the candidate (candidates) are heard and by voting (secret or open) a decision is made to recommend one or more candidates for election to the position of head of the Department. Voting is considered to have taken place if at least __________ of the list of full-time teachers was present. Voting results are determined by a simple majority. The recommended candidate is considered and approved by the academic council of the faculty. The election of the head of the Department on the proposal of the Department and the academic council of the faculty is held at a meeting of the Academic Council of the university by secret ballot. The elected head of the Department is appointed to the post by order of the rector of the university. The head of the Department has the status of the head of the main structural unit of the university. The right to raise the issue of early dismissal of the head of the Department by the Academic Council of the university belongs to the rector, dean and academic council of the relevant faculty.

4.2. The general management of the departments is carried out by an elected representative body - the academic council of the faculty.

4.3. The Head of the Department carries out the organization and management of all areas of the Department's activities. The Head of the Department bears full responsibility for the quality and timeliness of the fulfillment of the tasks assigned by this Regulation to the Department, the implementation of the work plan of the Department in all areas of activity.

4.4. If necessary, on the basis of the presentation of the head of the Department, in agreement with the dean and on the basis of his order, the head of the Department may delegate some of the functions of managing the Department to other employees of the Department.

4.5. The head of the Department reports in his activities to the Academic Council of the university, the academic council of the faculty, the dean, the supervising vice-rector, the rector.

5. Responsibility

5.1. Responsibility for the proper and timely fulfillment by the Department of the requirements provided for by these Regulations lies with the head of the Department.

5.2. The Head of the Department is personally responsible for:

Organization of the activities of the Department to fulfill the tasks and functions assigned to the Department;

Organization at the Department of operational and high-quality preparation and execution of documents, record keeping in accordance with applicable rules and instructions;

Compliance with employees of the Department of labor and production discipline;

Ensuring the safety of property assigned to the unit, and compliance with fire safety rules;

Compliance with the legislation of draft orders, instructions, regulations, resolutions and other documents endorsed by him.

5.3. The responsibility of the employees of the Department is established by these Regulations and job descriptions.

6. Property and funds of the Department

6.1. The property transferred by the university to the Department is in operational management and is on the balance sheet of the university. For the purpose of ensuring educational activities, the Department is assigned premises, computers, office equipment, communications and other items of organization of labor activity.

6.2. The material and technical support of the Department is carried out at the expense of funds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7. Relationships of the Department with other structural units of the university

7.1 The department accepts for execution all the orders of the rector for the university and faculty regarding its activities.

7.2 The department accepts for execution all decisions of the academic council of the faculty and the Academic Council of the university.

7.3 The department takes into account and manages the decisions of the methodological commission of the faculty and the central methodological commission of the university.

7.4 The department interacts with educational, administrative and other departments of the university and regulates its relations with them in accordance with the structure of the university, management procedures defined in the documents of the university, organizational, administrative and regulatory documents of the university, the Charter of the university.

It happens that applicants, choosing the right specialty when entering a university, are well versed in the names of faculties, but have no idea which departments are included in them. Meanwhile, specialization in all academic disciplines is carried out by the departments. Therefore, it is not superfluous to find out what it is and how it differs from the well-known concept of "faculty".


Faculty is a structural unit of a higher educational institution, its administrative and educational and scientific division, which organizes the educational process in the preparation of students and graduate students in a particular specialty. The area of ​​responsibility of the faculty also includes the management of departments that carry out research work in certain areas and teach the relevant academic disciplines.

department- a structural subdivision of the faculty, which is responsible for teaching academic disciplines, organizing educational work, conducting industrial practices, training and advanced training of personnel. In addition, the department is a research link of the faculty and one of its methodological substructures.


The faculty unites several departments and coordinates the directions of their research and educational activities. The administrative management of the work of the departments is entrusted to the scientific council of the faculty headed by the dean. The Scientific Council decides on the timing of the defense of diploma projects and master's theses, on the nomination of scientific papers for awards, on the organization of scientific conferences and symposiums, on the participation of teachers and students in such international events.

The office of the faculty maintains the necessary documentation, including the preparation and issuance of state diplomas and certificates of advanced training certified by the seal of the faculty.

The dean of the faculty is appointed a researcher with administrative experience, who has the degree of doctor of science and the title of professor.

The department is headed by a member of its faculty with the academic title of professor or associate professor. Under his leadership, the tasks of the department are solved, which, in particular, include lecturing, organizing research and methodological work, conducting intermediate certifications and sessions.

Education and training of specialists at the department is carried out in one or more related disciplines. The department usually has its own laboratories or research centers equipped with the appropriate equipment.

To coordinate educational and scientific work, meetings of the department are regularly held, in which teachers take part, and consultations for students on the preparation of term papers and theses.

The department also solves issues related to course retraining, postgraduate education and advanced training of personnel.

The joint work of individual departments consists in the implementation of educational programs approved for this university.

Findings site

  1. Faculty is an administrative and educational and scientific subdivision of a higher educational institution. The department as an educational and scientific unit is part of the faculty.
  2. The faculty carries out administrative management and general management of the departments at all levels of their work. The department solves the problems of research and educational plan.
  3. At the faculty level, decisions are made regarding the timing of the defense of graduation projects and master's theses. The department regulates the timing of intermediate certification and sessions.
  4. The scientific and teaching staff of the department provides the educational process and the organization of research work. The office of the faculty maintains the necessary documentation, including the execution of documents on graduation from a higher educational institution.

It happens that applicants, choosing the right specialty when entering a university, are well versed in the names of faculties, but have no idea which departments are included in them. Meanwhile, specialization in all academic disciplines is carried out by the departments. Therefore, it is not superfluous to find out what it is and how it differs from the well-known concept of "faculty".

What is a department and faculty

Faculty is a structural unit of a higher educational institution, its administrative and educational and scientific division, which organizes the educational process in the preparation of students and graduate students in a particular specialty. The area of ​​responsibility of the faculty also includes the management of departments that carry out research work in certain areas and teach the relevant academic disciplines.
department- a structural subdivision of the faculty, which is responsible for teaching academic disciplines, organizing educational work, conducting industrial practices, training and advanced training of personnel. In addition, the department is a research link of the faculty and one of its methodological substructures.

Comparison of department and faculty

What is the difference between a department and a faculty?
The faculty unites several departments and coordinates the directions of their research and educational activities. The administrative management of the work of the departments is entrusted to the scientific council of the faculty headed by the dean. The Scientific Council decides on the timing of the defense of diploma projects and master's theses, on the nomination of scientific papers for awards, on the organization of scientific conferences and symposiums, on the participation of teachers and students in such international events.
The office of the faculty maintains the necessary documentation, including the preparation and issuance of state diplomas and certificates of advanced training certified by the seal of the faculty.
The dean of the faculty is appointed a researcher with administrative experience, who has the degree of doctor of science and the title of professor.
The department is headed by a member of its faculty with the academic title of professor or associate professor. Under his leadership, the tasks of the department are solved, which, in particular, include lecturing, organizing research and methodological work, conducting intermediate certifications and sessions.
Education and training of specialists at the department is carried out in one or more related disciplines. The department usually has its own laboratories or research centers equipped with the appropriate equipment.
To coordinate educational and scientific work, meetings of the department are regularly held, in which teachers take part, and consultations for students on the preparation of term papers and theses.
The department also solves issues related to course retraining, postgraduate education and advanced training of personnel.
The joint work of individual departments consists in the implementation of educational programs approved for this university.

ImGist determined that the difference between a department and a faculty is as follows:

Faculty is an administrative and educational and scientific subdivision of a higher educational institution. The department as an educational and scientific unit is part of the faculty.
The faculty carries out administrative management and general management of the departments at all levels of their work. The department solves the problems of research and educational plan.
At the faculty level, decisions are made regarding the timing of the defense of graduation projects and master's theses. The department regulates the timing of intermediate certification and sessions.
The scientific and teaching staff of the department provides the educational process and the organization of research work. The office of the faculty maintains the necessary documentation, including the execution of documents on graduation from a higher educational institution.

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It is not knowledge that makes us noble, but love and the desire for science and truth, which arise when a person begins to receive knowledge.

Many applicants are well versed in the names of faculties, they know the specifics and direction of work of the university and faculty they have chosen, but they have absolutely no idea about the structure of the educational institution. What is the difference between the work of the rector and the work of the dean, what is the faculty and how does it differ from the department, what are the main and most important structural units at the university, we will consider in this article.

Higher education institutions differ from each other, but the structure of the university is always the same. A higher educational institution not only provides higher specialized education, but also implies the implementation of scientific activities. Universities can be state and commercial. Each of them must have a Charter that regulates the activities of the educational institution.

University structure

Management and coordination of the work of the entire university is carried out by the rector. It has assistants, vice-rectors, each of which is responsible for a separate area of ​​work and functioning of the educational institution. Also, each university has a special unit called the Academic Council. It is headed by the rector. He is the chairman of the council. The composition of the Academic Council is approved annually.


One of the main structural and administrative units of the university. There can be a different number of faculties in each higher educational institution. They differ from each other in the specifics of profile subjects. At each faculty, students are given the opportunity to:

Prepare for one or several very close to each other specialties;

The opportunity to improve the level of knowledge and professional qualifications;

To take part in the research activities of the departments that are part of the faculty.

Each faculty at the university unites several departments and coordinates their work in the following areas:

Scientific - the study of various disciplines;

Research - practical study of any material;

Educational - teaching disciplines and subjects to students;

Educational - education of students of various qualities through training.


Being a structural unit of the faculty, the department is responsible for teaching individual subjects, organizing educational work, organizing various types of practices, and raising the level of knowledge of pedagogical workers. It is a scientific research unit of the faculty.

The head of the department is one of the members of its professorial staff;

Each department should have its own research laboratories with all the necessary equipment;

For more successful and systematic work, meetings of the department are held periodically.

The department also carries out scientific activities within the framework of its specialization. Each faculty may have several different departments.

The faculty generalizes and coordinates the work of all departments with the help of the scientific council of the faculty, headed by the dean. They differ from each other in the specifics of core subjects, for example, economics, information systems


The dean's office is an association of the dean, his deputies and methodologists responsible for different areas of work. Each faculty has its own dean's office. How many people and who exactly will be included in its composition is decided by the rector of the university.

The main tasks of the dean's office:

Collaboration with the admissions committee;

Development and control of educational and educational processes at the faculty;

Timely delivery of all necessary information to students;

Monitoring the progress of students;

Maintaining all necessary documents and others.

In addition, students can contact the dean's office with any question regarding the educational process, obtaining the necessary certificates and various others, which arise a lot, especially in the first year.

In order not to overload the dean's office with work, a curator is allocated for each group. This is a person from among the teachers who helps students to adapt, introduces them to the rules of the educational institution, provides assistance as far as possible in any issues that arise, controls the attendance and progress of students, and involves them in socially significant events held at the educational institution.

Thus, higher educational institutions have their own structure and organization, which has been perfected over the years, and is the most acceptable and convenient for all participants in the educational process. Each person occupies a special place in it and performs the functions assigned to him to achieve the most important and significant development goals facing all employees and students of the university.