Verbs and their conjugations. "how to determine the conjugation of a verb"

How to define conjugation? The conjugation rule is studied at school for several hours. However, not every student is able to memorize it without good practice. In this regard, we decided to remind you of what a verb conjugation is. The conjugation rule will also be presented to your attention along with relevant examples.

general information

The definition of this or that conjugation of the verb confuses a fairly large number of people. Especially often this problem occurs during the creation of any written text. And in order not to be considered an illiterate person, the endings of verbs must be written correctly. But for this you need to know all the rules about conjugations.

What is conjugation?

A grammatical conjugation is called, which determines its change in numbers and persons, and also dictates which letter should be written in a dubious ending.

In modern Russian, 2 are known which are named respectively: the first and the second. Depending on which of the named words this or that word belongs to, a letter is selected at the end. By the way, do not forget that past tense verbs do not have conjugation. The conjugation rule says that there are no endings in such words that can be doubted.

How to define conjugation

To write a verb correctly, you should constantly remember the rules for conjugations.

So, let's look at them in more detail. In order to find out what conjugation a particular verb has, to determine which particular vowel at its end should be written, you need to look at where the stress falls in the word being checked. In the event that the ending itself is under the stress position, then everything immediately becomes clear with its spelling. This is due to the fact that the vowel is in a strong position, and therefore no doubt should arise.

But what to do if you still need to find out what kind of conjugation this or that word has? The conjugation rule says that it is determined by the vowel itself. Thus, if the letters “e”, “u” or “y” are under stress, then we can safely indicate that the verb being checked belongs to the first conjugation. If a strong position is occupied by "I" or "a", then this is the second conjugation.

Examples of determining conjugations by stressed endings

Here are specific examples to help you remember the rules for conjugations:

  • Sleep is an imperfective verb. The emphasis in it falls on the ending -yat. Accordingly, this word belongs to the second conjugation.
  • Bear is an imperfective verb. The stress in it falls on the ending -ut. Accordingly, this word refers to the first conjugation.

Verbs with the prefix you-

The conjugation rule described above applies to almost all verbs. However, students often have difficulty with those words that begin with the prefix you-. This is due to the fact that in most cases the emphasis falls on it. Let's give an example: burn out. If you are faced with such a situation, then experts recommend simply discarding this morpheme and considering the word without using a prefix. For example, burn out - burn. The resulting verb has an imperfect form and a second conjugation. Accordingly, the initial word from which it was formed also refers to it.

What if the stress does not fall on the verb ending?

Now you know that for competent writing, you must definitely apply the above rule. Verb conjugation is fairly easy to determine. But if it is problematic for you to do this, then it is recommended to create a table on a separate sheet that will contain all the features of the rule.

So, with those cases when the ending is stressed, as well as with the prefix, we figured it out. But how to determine the conjugation of a verb if its ending is in an unstressed position? In this case, it should be determined by the infinitive. What it is? For those who have forgotten, this term is understood as an indefinite (or initial) one that answers questions such as “what to do?” and “what to do?”.

Examples of determining the 1st conjugation by unstressed endings

If you have a word in front of you, the stress of which does not fall on the ending, then what rule should be applied? Verb conjugation includes many nuances. And in order to correctly write the necessary text, you should know them all.

Consider how the conjugation of verbs is determined, the ending of which takes an unstressed position:

  • Draws (what does he do?) - this is an imperfective verb. Quite a lot of students write it with an error, instead of ending -et putting -it (draws). But this is not true. In order to write this word correctly, you should put it in an indefinite form: draws - (what to do?) Draw.
  • He will say (what will he do?) - this is a perfective verb. When writing it, it is also easy to make a mistake, instead of ending -et, putting -it (say). To determine which vowel should be used in the last syllable, the given word must be similarly converted into an infinitive: say - (what to do?) say.

So, what gives us such a rule of the Russian language? The conjugation of verbs in this case depends on their initial form. Thus, if the infinitive ends in -yat, -et, -ut, -at, -ot or -yt, then the word being checked belongs to the first conjugation. Accordingly, the personal endings for these words will be as follows: -et, -eat, -et, -eat, -yut, -ut. -y and -y are also possible.

Examples of determining the 2nd conjugation by unstressed endings

Rule 2 of conjugation is similar to the 1st. Let's start with a few examples:

  • Walk (what are you doing?) is an imperfective verb. Very often, instead of the unstressed ending -ite, students write -et. In order to write this word correctly, it needs to be put in the initial form: walk - (what to do?) walk.
  • Spend (what are you doing?) is an imperfective verb. Instead of ending it with -ite, students mistakenly put -et. For its correct spelling, the verb should also be put in an indefinite form: spend - (what to do?) spend.

Based on these examples, we can safely conclude that the verbs of the 2nd conjugation are those verbs whose initial form ends in -it. In this case, the personal endings of such words will be as follows: -it, -ish, -ite, -im, -yat, -at. -y and -y are also possible.

Exceptions to the rules

All rules have their exceptions. So, the words “to sway”, “to shave”, “to build” and “to lay” must be attributed to the first conjugation, even though in the initial form they end in “-it”. Thus, their personal endings will be as follows: shave - shave, shave; to be founded - to be founded; lay - lay, lay, etc.

Among other things, this rule includes such exception words as “offend”, “watch”, “hate”, “endure”, “hold”, “see”, “hear”, “twist”, “depend ”, “breathe”, “drive”. All of the above expressions belong to the second conjugation, even though their infinitives end in -et and -at. Thus, their personal endings will be as follows: drive - drive, hate - hate, offend - offend, hold - hold, see - see, endure - endure, look - look, breathe - breathe, depend - depend, etc.

Features of conjugation of verbs

In addition to the verbs of the first and second conjugations, in our language there are also words with different conjugations. These include the following: "to run", "to want", "to glimpse", "to give" and "honor". Why are they called heterogeneous? The fact is that in some forms of such verbs the endings of the first conjugation are used (more often in the singular), and in others - the second (more often in the plural). Here are some examples:

  • he wants;
  • you want;
  • I want;
  • they want;
  • You want;
  • we want.

As can be seen from the example, a heterogeneous word includes the endings of both the first conjugation and the second.

Ways to remember rules and exceptions

In our native language, there are an incredible number of rules that have no less number of possible exceptions. It should be noted that verb conjugation is one of the most difficult topics to remember in high school. After all, it is not in vain that a large number of theoretical and practical hours are devoted to it. Moreover, in order to greatly facilitate the study of this rule, teachers of literature and the Russian language annually come up with more and more new ways of how to remember the rules for conjugation of verbs. For this, different songs, comic poems, algorithms, tables and diagrams are created. However, the essence of them is the same: it is extremely important to understand the dependence of one or another letter in the verb, which is in an unstressed position, on a letter in an indefinite form. You should also leave in memory a place for 15 exception words.

If you remember these dependencies once and for all, then you can determine the conjugation of verbs even before you start writing it down.

So, let's consider several algorithms for memorization:

  • 1st conjugation. It includes all those verbs whose initial form does not end in -it (of course, with the exception of the following exceptions: “shake”, “shave”, “build up” and “lay”).
  • 2nd conjugation. It includes all those verbs whose initial form ends in -it (of course, except for the following exceptions: "offend", "look", "hate", "endure", "hold", "see", "hear", " twirl", "depend", "breathe", "drive").

To facilitate the process of remembering such exception words, the following rhyme was specially invented, containing all the necessary information:

To the 2nd yarn

We'll take it without a doubt

All verbs that -IT,


And also look, offend,


Drive, hold, breathe, endure,

And depend, and twirl.

Materials for working with students

The verb has d ve basics:

1. - the basis of the infinitive and the past tense

2. - the basis of the form of the present and future tense

The initial form of the verb is infinitive(infinitive). The infinitive names an action outside of its relation to the person (producer of the action) and the moment of speech. The infinitive answers the questions: what to do? what to do? This is the invariant form of the verb. In a proposal, it can act as any member of the proposal.

Suffixes are indicators of the infinitive –t, -ty, -ch, -st, -sti.

CONJUGATION- This is a change of the verb in persons and numbers. Verbs conjugate only in indicative mood in present and future tense.

In the past tense, verbs are inflected by gender and number.

Depending on the nature of personal endings, 2 types of conjugation are distinguished.

Table 1






The only thing

The only thing




-y/- Yu

-eat/- eat

-them/- them -


-you eat/- eat

-ish/- ish

-youte/- ee

-ite/- ite


-et/- no

-it/- it

-ut/- ut

-at/- yat

Verb Conjugation Algorithm

  1. Check if the verb is among the verbs to remember or to exclude

For memorization












start up









find fault







be based

be ruffled

to give

there is


run away


to want














    If the stress falls on the END, we will use the table. 1 or "universal" scheme (2+1)





Vowels in



years THEM

years SHEE

years YAT

2- AND… +1- AND I…



tr EAT

tr eat

tr UT

2- E… +1- U/U…

The rule about conjugation of verbs in Russian is one of the necessary attributes of competent written speech.

Only knowing and being able to put it into practice, you can understand how to write verb endings correctly.

What is verb conjugation

The term "conjugation" first appeared in Russian in the seventeenth century. It was formed from the word “conjugate”, in the outdated meaning “attach, bring closer”, from Latin - “lean”, “lean”.

In linguistics, it is given the meaning: "the combination of various verbal forms." In the old textbook of John of Damascus, this term is characterized by such words as "marriage", "union".

Conjugation in modern linguistics is used to denote the change of verbs in person and number. There are only two of them in Russian: the first and the second.

How to determine the conjugation of a verb by personal endings

The endings of words denoting the actions of objects in the first, second and third persons are called personal (“-u”, “-yu”, “-eat”, “-eat”, “-eat”, “-et”, “-et ”, “-im”, “-eat”, “-eat”, “-im”, “-ete”, “-ete”, “-ite”, “-ut”, “-yut”, “-at ”, “-yat”) singular and plural.

To determine the conjugation, you first need to highlight the stressed syllable in the word and see if the stress falls on the ending or not.

For example, in the word "fight" the stress falls on the second syllable, that is, the personal ending is unstressed. And in the word "run" the stress falls on "-at", that is, it is stressed.

Conjugation in stressed endings

By the stressed ending of a word denoting the action of an object, it is very easy to determine the conjugation, for this it is enough to know only the endings for I and II conjugations.

Usually, the second conjugation includes verbs in “-it”, and the first one includes all the rest (including “-t”, as in the words “live”, “eat”, “-ti” for the word “go”, etc.). d.).


  • "weed" ends with "-t" - 1 conjugation;
  • “stand” - ending “-yat” - 1 conjugation;
  • "nap" - at the end of "-at" - 1 conjugation.

However, there are many exception verbs, which will be discussed below.

Verb conjugation in Russian using examples in the table

Verb conjugation by unstressed personal endings

If the word denoting the action of the object has an unstressed personal ending, then you need to form an indefinite form from it and see which letter comes before “-t”. In this case, the initial form should be taken of the same type as the personal form.


  • “raises” is an imperfective verb. This means that the indefinite form must also be of an imperfect form - “raise”. The ending "-yat" means I conjugation;
  • “melts” is an imperfective verb, in the infinitive “melt”, i.e. this word should be included in the I conjugation, since it ends with “-yat”.
  • "glue". We put it in an indefinite form: "glue". The ending "-it", respectively, this verb belongs to the II conjugation;
  • “fight” - “fight”, on “-ot” and is included in the I conjugation.

Task: conjugate (that is, change in persons and numbers) the above words.

To determine the person of a verb, you need to put a personal pronoun in front of it. We get "I raise" and "raise".

First conjugation:

  1. I raise, we raise;
  2. you lift, you lift;
  3. he lifts, they lift.

And now let's conjugate the verb of the second conjugation to see how the endings change:

  • I glue, we glue;
  • you glue, you glue;
  • he glues, they glue.

Summing up, we note that to find out which vowel to put at the end of a word, two methods can be used:

  • The first way is to put the verb in the third person plural.

For example, you need to find out the ending of the verb "vert_t". We put in the third person: "they twirl." The verb ends with “-yat”, which means that this is a verb of 2 conjugations and in an indefinite form the ending will be “-it”, i.e. "twirl".

Similarly, with the verbs of the first conjugation, for example, "start". We put in the third person: "they will start." The ending “-yut”, therefore, is 1 conjugation, and the indefinite form will have the ending “-yat”: “to start”.

  • The second way is the definition by the indefinite form of the verb or the infinitive(i.e., the verb must answer the questions “what to do?” or “what to do?”). Putting the verb in the indefinite form, we look at the ending. There is a verb not in “-it”, then it belongs to the first conjugation and the letter “e” will be written in an unstressed personal ending.

For example, the verb "stro_t". We put it in the infinitive, it turns out to be “build”, the ending is “-it”, that is, the verb of the second conjugation and the letter “and” will be written in personal form - “builds”.

The verb “zate_t” in the infinitive has the ending “-yat”, that is, it refers to the first conjugation and in the personal form it will have the ending “-et”, that is, “starts”.

Exceptions 1 and 2 conjugations

It is important to remember all the exceptions that apply to this rule. Exceptions must be learned, since the spelling of words denoting the actions of objects largely depends on them.


As you can see, it is not difficult to determine the conjugation of a verb; it is not without reason that students go through this rule in elementary school. But this knowledge will allow you to correctly write personal verb endings, which is simply necessary for a person who wants to have a competent written speech.

The question of how to determine the conjugation of a verb is quite problematic even for the Russian-speaking population. To finally understand this, it is necessary to understand the strict algorithm for calculating the conjugation and choosing the correct vowel of the end of the verb.

If the stress falls on the end of the verb.

For example, let's take the verbs - "get up", "do" (the endings -eat and -ish). We put them in the third person plural - we get "get up" (ending -yut) and "administer" (ending -at).

We check with the endings of the first and second conjugations: -ut, -yut and -at, -yat, respectively. It turns out that the verb "stand up" ("stand up") refers to the first conjugation, and "perform" ("perform") - to the second.

How to determine the conjugation of a verb in an unstressed ending position.

There is a grammatical concept in Russian - an indefinite or impersonal form of the verb. To put any of them into this form, you need to ask the question - what to do? (what to do?).

For example, the verbs "stabs", "mutters". We put them in an indefinite form, it turns out - to prick and mutter. Now pay attention to the letters before the –th: in this case, it is “o” and “a”. The endings that correspond in an indefinite form to 1 and 2 conjugation must be remembered.

The algorithm is this - we remember what questions the verb in the infinitive answers, remember the endings for the first conjugation:

The previously considered verbs "stab" and "mutter" both belong to the first conjugation.

The second will include infinitive forms ending in -it (except for shaving, laying, building up) and a number of exceptions that need to be remembered.

Let's decide directly on the endings that will correspond to verbs 1 and 2 of conjugation in different persons and numbers. To do this, we need a verb that we will conjugate - it will be "sow" (1 conjugation) and "throw" (2 conjugation).

In the infinitive, the verb "sow" obviously refers to the first conjugation, we can determine this from the ending. As a result, we get - I se (s), you se (eat), he se (s), we se (eat), you se (e) and they se (s).

In parentheses are the endings of 1 conjugation, in 1 person singular. and 3rd person pl. it can also be -y and -ut respectively. For example, in the verb "say" (infinitive), these forms will be - "say (y)" and "say (ut)".

Let us now turn to the verb of the second conjugation "throw" and conjugate it, see the table.

At the end, it is not difficult to understand that this is a verb of the second conjugation. We change by persons and numbers - I throw (s), you throw (s), he throws (it), we throw (them), you throw (s), they throw (yat).

The correct definition of endings in a letter affects not only verbs, the spelling of which can sometimes be simply guessed. This is necessary for the correct setting of suffixes in present participles. Therefore, this question touches upon several topics in the grammar of the Russian language at once.

Now let's try to determine the correct spelling of the verb endings in the proposed text:

“Why are you asking (eating) about this?” he wondered. “I don’t know, pigeons will soon arrive, and I will have a letter.”

We have two highlighted verbs - their infinitives "ask" and "fly". It would seem that in the first case this is a verb related to the first conjugation and, accordingly, its ending is -eat. And what about the second, because the ending -yat refers to the second conjugation, and the infinitive indicates the first?

The fact is that the ending -at in the infinitive is stressed. In this case, we cannot determine the case from it, we need to mentally figure out which endings will correspond to different persons and numbers for this verb and we will understand that we have the first conjugation:

It becomes clear that it is important not only what questions the verb in the infinitive form answers. It must be understood that the infinitive with a stressed position at the end is not a conjugation determiner.

There remains an important issue for discussion - exceptions that always refer to the second conjugation, although they do not end in -it. You just need to remember them and keep them in your head like a multiplication table, applying if necessary.

P there are eleven such exceptions, the question of how to learn irregular verbs worries many. The best option is to memorize it like a children's counting rhyme, but it looks like this:

"Drive, breathe, hold, depend, see, hear and offend, and then endure, twist, hate and look."

The counting rhyme is learned in a couple of minutes and is really firmly remembered. How to use knowledge about these verbs?

We conjugate one for clarity:

infinitive Offend (2 conjugation)
I offend We are offended (by them)
You are offended You are offended
He is offended They offend

Exception verbs of the first conjugation

Recall that the first conjugation also has exceptions - these are verbs ending in the endings characteristic of the second conjugation in the infinitive form - shave, lay, build, sway. The latter, of course, are rarely seen in writing, but one is worth conjugating as an example.

Indeed, some forms were in doubt, it would be quite possible to write, for example, “he lays” or “we lay”. In order to avoid misunderstandings, exceptions are invented that are easy to remember.

Opposite conjugated verbs

In addition to all the previously mentioned exceptions, it is worth noting the existence of differently conjugated verbs. That is, you will not be able to change them according to the rules of only 1 and 2 conjugations, such verbs must also be remembered.

So, verbs that do not change in persons and numbers according to the usual algorithm are run, want, and also give and eat. Example:

The singular forms correspond to the 1st conjugation, the plural endings refer to the second. It is important to remember this so as not to write “wants” instead of “wants” out of habit. At first, the exception verbs are memorized, in the future the forms are automatically remembered, and you will be surprised how easy it is to determine the conjugation.

Finally, let's summarize, to identify the conjugation of the verb:

  1. See where the emphasis falls. If this is the ending, put the verb in the form that corresponds to the pronoun "they" and determine the conjugation.
  2. Otherwise, we put the verb in the infinitive form. At the end, we determine the conjugation, remembering first whether the verb is an exception.

Determining the conjugation of a verb is not such a difficult topic, you just need to remember the order of operations and keep at the ready a number of available exceptions.

Video about how to determine the conjugation of a verb



Ending - ut (-yut) -I conjugations

Ending -at (-yat) -II conjugations

Exceptions: WATCH

To determine the conjugation by the unstressed ending of the verb, you must:

    Put it in an indefinite form (what to do? What to do?).

If the verb ends in -it, then it is a verbII CONJUGATIONS.

If it ends in - et, -at, -ot, - ut, - yt, then this is a verbI CONJUGATIONS.

    Put in 3rd person, pl. number (they):

Ending - ut (-yut) -I conjugations

Ending -at (-yat) -II conjugations

Exceptions: SEE, HEAR, HATE, DRIVE, BREATHE, HOLD, OFFEND. AND DEPEND, andWATCH, and also endure, twirl. All verbs that are on -it, except for SHAVING, CUTTING.

To determine the conjugation by the unstressed ending of the verb, you must:

    Put it in an indefinite form (what to do? What to do?).

If the verb ends in -it, then it is a verbII CONJUGATIONS.

If it ends in - et, -at, -ot, - ut, - yt, then this is a verbI CONJUGATIONS.

    Put in 3rd person, pl. number (they):

Ending - ut (-yut) -I conjugations

Ending -at (-yat) -II conjugations

Exceptions: SEE, HEAR, HATE, DRIVE, BREATHE, HOLD, OFFEND. AND DEPEND, andWATCH, and also endure, twirl. All verbs that are on -it, except for SHAVING, CUTTING.

To determine the conjugation by the unstressed ending of the verb, you must:

    Put it in an indefinite form (what to do? What to do?).

If the verb ends in -it, then it is a verbII CONJUGATIONS.

If it ends in - et, -at, -ot, - ut, - yt, then this is a verbI CONJUGATIONS.

    Put in 3rd person, pl. number (they):

Ending - ut (-yut) -I conjugations

Ending -at (-yat) -II conjugations

Exceptions: SEE, HEAR, HATE, DRIVE, BREATHE, HOLD, OFFEND. AND DEPEND, andWATCH, and also endure, twirl. All verbs that are on -it, except for SHAVING, CUTTING.

To determine the conjugation by the unstressed ending of the verb, you must:

    Put it in an indefinite form (what to do? What to do?).

If the verb ends in -it, then it is a verbII CONJUGATIONS.

If it ends in - et, -at, -ot, - ut, - yt, then this is a verbI CONJUGATIONS.

    Put in 3rd person, pl. number (they):

Ending - ut (-yut) -I conjugations

Ending -at (-yat) -II conjugations

Exceptions: SEE, HEAR, HATE, DRIVE, BREATHE, HOLD, OFFEND. AND DEPEND, andWATCH, and also endure, twirl. All verbs that are on -it, except for SHAVING, CUTTING.

To determine the conjugation by the unstressed ending of the verb, you must:

    Put it in an indefinite form (what to do? What to do?).

If the verb ends in -it, then it is a verbII CONJUGATIONS.

If it ends in - et, -at, -ot, - ut, - yt, then this is a verbI CONJUGATIONS.

    Put in 3rd person, pl. number (they):

Ending - ut (-yut) -I conjugations

Ending -at (-yat) -II conjugations

Exceptions: SEE, HEAR, HATE, DRIVE, BREATHE, HOLD, OFFEND. AND DEPEND, andWATCH, and also endure, twirl. All verbs that are on -it, except for SHAVING, CUTTING.