I want to be stylish where to start. Loving yourself is a virtue

It would seem that the answer to the question stated in the title of the article is simple. To be stylish, you need to follow fashion trends, and to be well-groomed, you must remember to follow your appearance. Why doesn't everyone get it? Probably, the upbringing and attitude of others towards women who spend energy, time and money on self-care interfere. But we must resist these views and start treating ourselves differently. How to become stylish and well-groomed? Tips on this topic can be found in the article.

You have to make time for yourself

In order to start taking care of yourself, without fail need to make time. In most cases, women and girls look bad, who believe that spending precious hours looking after their appearance is bad. They are ashamed to take it away from their family, work or study. This is fundamentally the wrong approach.

No one will argue that a well-groomed appearance can only be a person who adheres to healthy habits. Is it bad for the family if the wife and mother remain in good health? And for active work or study, isn’t this a help? The answer is obvious. Therefore, first of all, you need to go to the fitness room or go for a run in the park.

Healthy lifestyle

Self-care implies that a person takes care that his body remains in good condition. Good skin, beautiful hair and nails, straight posture are the hallmarks of a healthy person. There are things that a person cannot change. Of course, the appearance of a woman changes with age and there are diseases that harm beauty. But you should do everything you can to resist these misfortunes. People around you will notice and appreciate it.

Daily regime

To look great, you need to sleep well. When a person is young, he may not notice how bad sleep affects his appearance. But as a result of years spent in the wrong rhythm, earlier aging will come. This does not mean at all that at the age of twenty it is necessary to adhere to the regime of a pensioner. You just have to try to give yourself time to recover.

Proper nutrition

Get into the habit of eating right as early as possible. The foods we consume can seriously harm our health or, conversely, contribute to its maintenance. It is necessary to develop your own diet, listening to the advice of your doctor and your body. A girl eating a layered hamburger does not look stylish and well-groomed.

fitness classes

To have an attractive figure, to be strong and energetic, you should pay attention to sports loads. Now there are a huge number of proposals for how you can do fitness. It is not difficult to choose the option that will bring pleasure. And there are offers for every pocket. The main thing is not to look for excuses, but just start practicing.

Beauty saloon

Today, in order to stand out from the background of other women, it is necessary to regularly do certain procedures in a beauty salon. We must immediately make a reservation that many things can be done at home on their own.

What must be done once in a certain time?

  1. Visit to a hair stylist. The hairstyle of a modern woman should be in order. Before the next visit to the master, it is worth studying the latest fashion trends in haircuts and hair coloring.

  1. Shaping and coloring of eyebrows and eyelashes (possibly eyelash extensions). These procedures can be done at home, but it must be done.

  1. Visiting a nail technician. Manicure is an integral part of the image of a stylish and well-groomed woman. If you don’t want to devote too much time to manicure, you can only do a hygienic version with a transparent coating. But you should not do too “rich” design on the nails. It won't look classy.

  1. Cosmetic care, corresponding to individual, for example, age characteristics. Here we mean such procedures as facial skin cleansing, masks, hardware care, etc. If it is not possible to visit a beauty salon, then those procedures that are easy to perform should be done at home.
  2. Depilation of certain areas of the body.
  3. Of course, the face and body must be looked after daily. For the face and body, you need to purchase a set of creams and serums suitable for your skin type. It is necessary to apply the funds every morning and every evening.

Makeup, clothes, shoes and accessories

Fashion changes every six months, but do not think that it is impossible to keep track of it. It is necessary to devote at least half an hour to viewing a fashion magazine before the start of the new season. This will be enough to give you an idea of ​​what colors, prints, shapes and silhouettes will be worn by stylish women in the near future.


It is important not to overdo it with the application of decorative cosmetics on the face. In no case should you confuse evening makeup and daytime makeup. What is appropriate for going out is in no way suitable for work and everyday life in general.

Clothes, shoes and accessories

A stylish woman always knows what clothes to choose for this or that occasion. It is necessary to understand the difference between the image for business meetings, for a date or for relaxation. There are many options for images, but you can figure them out. It is necessary to devote time to studying these details and then there will never be questions about what to wear to this or that event.

Probably, it would not be superfluous to recall that a woman's shoes should be in perfect order. Accessories for a casual look are chosen not too luxurious. If the outfit was worn conspicuous, then the accessories should be discreet.

In order to develop a taste, it is necessary to visit exhibitions more often, leaf through magazines and books about fashion and art. Then there will be no mistakes in choosing your own style.

A real fashion expert is the editor-in-chief of the Russian version of the international authoritative fashion magazine L’Officiel, the host of the Fashion Sentence program Evelina Khromtchenko. Her advice and recommendations are always relevant, relevant and valuable, one might say - "in the bull's-eye." Here are her main recommendations that will allow a woman to be fashionable, stylish and confident. So, Evelina Khromtchenko's fashion tips.

1. Be sure to have shoes of flesh (natural) color in the wardrobe. They are perfect for any outfit, besides visually lengthen the leg.

2. Another must have - a few white shirts. Fitted shirts for men perfectly emphasize the beautiful chest, hips and waist.

3. Be sure to have a set of clothes "for yourself" in your wardrobe. You can wear it for your own pleasure - for communication and meetings with friends. Calm tones, layering without emphasizing the waist - all this contributes to your comfort.

4. Be sure to buy classic black trousers, a black V-neck jumper and black formal pumps with comfortable heels. Pants must fit you well and properly, a jumper with such a cutout will emphasize the line of the neck. This outfit can be played hundreds of times with different accessories and it will always look chic and different.

5. Remember that shoelaces and straps shorten the leg. And classic boats pull the figure. This should be taken into account especially for women of short stature.

6. Things of the same style, style and color in the wardrobe - boring! A real fashionista should be diverse: different styles, different clothes, shoes and accessories.

7. The rule of a monochromatic suit is the presence of bright accessories and makeup! Place accents in the form of shoes, bags, brooches, scarves.

8. One color tunic and bag - only for the beach. This set includes bare legs, flip flops, a large straw bag and oversized sunglasses.

9. There must be at least one pair of high heeled shoes in the wardrobe. The heel gives the woman some instability that attracts men to support her.

10. Wearing a bright, catchy dress, make a smooth discreet hairstyle so as not to distract attention from the dress.

11. Choose bright shoes with straps so that the ankle is open.

12. Remember, if the top of the clothes is voluminous and bulky, then the bottom should be light and airy. Look for harmony!

13. Wear bright, unconventional and revealing things in sultry resorts, where they look great.

14. Open the décolletage for a dramatic look, elongate the leg line with well-fitting trousers and add interesting accessories. With a casual dress, a clutch, oversized sunglasses and a bright silk scarf will look good.

15. Do not be afraid of fashionable trousers with a low line between the legs. Contrary to popular belief that they shorten the legs, on the contrary, they fit perfectly and slim.

16. Seductive and flirty gait Marilyn Monroe can be repeated by wearing a skirt just below the knee, which will interfere with walking a little.

17. Light skirts, for example, beige, should be worn by slender long-legged women.

18. To attract the attention of others, you can simply: make up your lips with bright lipstick, put on huge sunglasses and a bright bag.

19. A coat doesn't have to be tight. This is outerwear, which means it can be free.

20. For full hips, skirts and dresses are just below the knee.

21. To show off the neckline in a plunging jacket, be sure to wear a top in a contrasting color.

22. In the wardrobe should be things for all occasions in your life. These are clothes for home, shopping, work, elegant clothes. All these things should be appropriate, stylish and fit well on you.

23. Fat women can wear black, hiding flaws. But it’s worth emphasizing the dignity by adding a couple of bright elements, for example, in the chest area.

24. If the top of the clothes is very frivolous, then the bottom should be in the same style.

25. Small women should open their neck and décolleté, do not fasten with all the buttons, so as not to give the impression of a man in a case.

26. Large ladies should not carry large bags, they will make you even bigger and bulkier.

27. Beware of boring kits and lack of accessories.

28. Fashionable hair color - uniform and natural shades. Forget about highlights and different colors on your hair.

29. The best modern and elegant set for every day is a simple coat with a well-defined shoulder girdle, a pencil skirt, pumps.

30. Manicure with painting or rhinestones is a bad form. Everything that is called "nail design" is absolutely not fashionable and completely tasteless.

31. Jeans should be smooth, corrective. They should improve your figure, make you slimmer and legs longer. Forget about jeans with embroidery, sequins and lace.

32. Bottle green, cold pink, lilac, beige, gray, azure and even red go well with purple.

33. Tops and blouses should be tight enough. They may have a neckline or open sleeves, but your body should not be visible through the fabric.

34. If you have a voluminous lower part, wide trousers that are tight on the hips and pencil skirts will suit you.

35. Do not use a floral pattern several times in one set, for example, on a skirt and on a blouse.

36. When choosing classics, buy things that are perfect in size. Classics must be perfect.

37. Translucent things look vulgar and disfigure the figure. But if you really like translucent blouses, a flirty jacket is a must to cover your body a little.

38. The fur thing should not merge with the hair, it looks funny.

39. For an evening out, one thing should shine in clothes - either a dress or accessories.

40. Flat soles in shoes are a sign of housewives and oligarchs. If you don't feel like one or the other, wear high heels.

41. Full girls should not wear jeans with a low waist, they visually shorten the figure. It is better to choose classic jeans and all kinds of skirts and dresses.

42. If you want a dressy look, don't take a large bag with you, even if it fits well in color and shape. It will be better - a clutch of any size or a small neat handbag.

To look like luxuriously and effectively every girl dreams, and these dreams are quite realistic and come true.

After all, today we will tell you how to look expensive for minimal investment, how to dress stylishly, relying on your abilities, and how to follow fashion correctly without becoming an object of ridicule.

How to make your image stylish and fashionable?

The image of a woman is how others see her, what impression she makes, and how memorable her appearance remains.

  • They say that you need to meet by the mind, not by the clothes. But in our time, few people will pay attention to a smart, but bad-looking person. Therefore, it does not matter what kind of thing you have, branded, expensive or made from natural fibers. It is important to remember that combination and proper selection of clothes plays a very important role in certain situations.
  • It is necessary not only to choose beautiful things, but also be able to look after behind them. Things that are not monitored immediately betray their untidy owner. And from the outside it looks very unattractive.
  • Do not chase fashion, choose models that suit you. Try to choose classic models that are suitable for all seasons.
  • Things wear confidently, no need to be wary of wearing what suits you, but you like it. Be proud and carry things on yourself, let them make you stand out from the crowd.
  • Simplicity and classic always in fashion. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, a simple cut, calm natural tones will always be a winning option for any day.
  • Find your chip, that distinctive thing that only you will have. And it will only make you stand out from the rest.
  • remember, that "stylish and expensive" is not a synonym for "uncomfortable and extravagant". Your style is determined by how concisely clothes fit, how colors are chosen, how confident you are. The high cost of your image is by no means in its price, but in how competently you present yourself in the chosen image.
  • It is important to remember that no matter how hard you try to dress properly, neglected appearance, poor condition of the hair, face, body and skin will outweigh the bowl with stylish and beautiful things. Take care of your appearance, pamper yourself, spend at least 10 minutes a day on body care procedures.

How to look fashionable and expensive without spending a lot of money: 12 fashion rules

After analyzing all the advice of fashionistas, bloggers and experts, we came to the conclusion that you can look fashionable and expensive if you follow 12 rules:

Honesty and Precision First and foremost

  • Nature has rewarded all of us with individual beauty, giving us an appearance that distinguishes each of us from the rest. And nature gave her ideal, pure and beautiful. But it will not remain so without the help of its owner.
  • Therefore, it is necessary to take care of your appearance and preserve the beauty that is inherent in you by nature. Take care of your appearance, be sure to take time for yourself, then you will have both mood and energy.
  • Do not neglect physical activity to maintain good shape, do self-massages and baths, spa treatments and contrast showers. Together, you will not spend much time, but you will gain inner harmony, refresh your appearance and improve your health.
  • Make sure that everything in your image is neat and well-groomed, this applies not only to things, but also to the skin of your hands and feet. It is not necessary to use expensive salon services. It is quite possible to cope on your own with the help of improvised means and our advice.

Match colors correctly

Color rules the ball, so when dressing in any outfit, remember that the combination is necessary for the harmony of the image. In order for you to correctly approach the solution of this issue, we have prepared for you a table that clearly shows the basic shades and the colors that complement them.

For example, if your dress is blue, then you can choose shoes and yellow accessories that are a few shades darker.

Minimal make-up and hair styling

  • Bright makeup does not always look appropriate, as well as pompous hairstyles with a strong hold. But natural beauty, and sometimes negligence, look elegant and at ease in any situation.
  • Try to create a natural make-up, emphasize only what stands out from your nature - eyes or lips, eyebrows or cheekbones, forehead or cheeks.
  • Hair will look spectacular if it has as little styling as possible. This is striking when you have motionless hair.
  • Light curls, straight strands, a gathered bun or ponytail - that's what's easy and simple. And most importantly - it's a classic, it will always be in place. Therefore, do not load your head with unnecessary hair structures for any reason.

The more concise the image, the more stylish you look.

  • Conciseness is synonymous with minimalism and simplicity. And it concerns everything - appearance, clothing, lifestyle, style of speech. No need to invent layered and ambiguous outfits, because brevity is a talent. Try to express the idea in a few clear, figurative things.
  • First think over the base, what you really want to show, mood or aspiration. And then complement it with bright accessories, but without loading the overall look. Remember, the simpler your bow, the more expensive the image and you as a whole look.

Decide on a bright accent

  • A bright accent is something that complements your image with a bright, but unobtrusive thing.
  • It can be special shoes, unusual shape, bright color.
  • Or a belt that will turn an ordinary office dress into a cocktail option.
  • And perhaps this accent will be in the form of beads - highlighting the main thing in your image.
  • Or glasses that will complement the fashionable look with their unusual shape or animalistic color.

The accent can be anything, but the main thing is that it should be one. Otherwise, it will cease to play the role of an accenting object in your image.

Combine items from your basic wardrobe

  • The basic wardrobe has long expanded its boundaries and now includes a lot more things than years ago. Now you can buy a basic wardrobe and use only it, combining different things from his collection.
  • In this case, it is important to experiment, what will be comfortable, beautiful and natural for you. As for the compatibility of styles and colors, the basic wardrobe corresponds to these properties by 100%. It includes things that are absolutely combined with each other.
  • The attractiveness of the base also lies in the fact that things of this nature will suit both the feast and the world. They can be easily transformed from office and strict to festive or evening options, and vice versa.

Expensive and bright - not always fashionable and stylish

  • It is an absolute delusion to consider fashion and style inaccessible in terms of money and bright in appearance. Because far from these criteria correspond to the given parameters.
  • Fashionable is what is popular in a certain season, which is recognized as a standard. Fashion can be followed, followed and loved. Also, fashion is what fits perfectly and makes you irresistible.
  • And the style is determined by everyone for himself, it can be business, strict, glamorous, street or classic. Everyone chooses for himself what style he wants to follow.
  • It is possible to look fashionable and stylish even at minimal cost, you just need to correctly capture the essence of the direction, the main fulcrum.
  • Many believe that following fashion is very expensive and significantly hits the pocket. But this is not so, because you do not need to buy everything that glitters and walks the catwalk.
  • It is important to capture the main thing, something that will be a classic for a long time, which will make you the object of enthusiastic glances. And maybe it will come back after a while.

Get to know a good tailor

Those who do not know how to sew on their own or do not have the opportunity to use sewing equipment should definitely have a good dressmaker in their contacts. Many will wonder what it would be for, because now you can find anything you want on the shelves of shopping centers. But not everything is so simple.

  • Every woman has her own individual figure, and it doesn't have to be a guitar, an hourglass or a triangle.
  • Things are made according to ready-made dimensional patterns, which do not always correspond to your given shapes.
  • Trying on two sizes of the same thing, you can observe the following picture: one is small and the other is large. And there is no choice between them. In such a problem, a dressmaker comes to the rescue, who will fit a thing that is too big in size to fit your size.
  • This is how it is very easy to buy the clothes you like without fear for the figure. Because you do not need to go on any diet or gain extra pounds.

Choose from discreet, quality fabrics

"Greedy pays twice" - this saying can be interpreted in different ways, but the result is the same - do not pay more. After all, you are not rich enough to buy cheap and low-quality things.

  • Choose natural materials - your skin needs air too.
  • Give preference to simple discreet shades - this is beneficial in terms of selecting accessories and complementing things.
  • Quality fabrics will last a long time with proper care.
  • Smooth seam, perfect stitching will make your figure perfect and highlight your dignity. When choosing any clothing, carefully inspect its inside and outside.

Wear fur and fur accessories

If you are not from GreenPeace, then natural furs will serve you well. But if you feel sorry for wearing the skins of animals, then they can be replaced with artificial furs. Moreover, now many options have been invented to replace natural furs.

  • Fur is a sign of wealth and luxury. He's always been that way and you can't take that away from him. A woman in a beautiful fur coat looks more chic than a feather boa.
  • Fur accessories are bright enough on their own. Therefore, when composing an image that includes objects made of fur, stop at one of those.
  • The fur is universal - it is combined with any things of the wardrobe. Whether it's a dress and stilettos or jeans and high boots.

50 shades of grey

monochrome- quite a popular trend in the fashion world. The combination of shades of the same color makes the image unique, elegant and stylish. The main thing in this business is to start from one main color, which will be on the base main thing. After that, simply complement it with a few tones lighter or darker with accessories and minor things.

Create your style, have your chips

Zest- this is what should be in every person, especially in a woman. That thing that will hook, something that will leave a lasting impression in a good way.

  • It is important to understand that each person has idols, but each is individual.
  • Imitation does not make sense, because it hides your essence.
  • Find something in yourself that will set you apart from the crowd, which will be an exception to the rule, and when you find it, emphasize this feature.
  • Follow your own style, be individual in every matter, have your own point of view on any situation.

What to combine simple things to look stylish?

Simple things are easily combined with other things and accessories. They can be supplemented, transformed and dressed in any situation. They will always be spectacular and irreplaceable.

  • Bright accessories will effectively emphasize the conciseness of the outfit.
  • different textures effectively transform a casual look.
  • Screaming print emphasize your individuality.
  • Mismatched materials With the right selection, they will highlight your natural image.
  • Unusual jewelry will complement the minimalist image with a twist.

Women's fashion mistakes

  1. Vulgarity- lack of taste. Often, women in pursuit of fashion make too strong an “upgrade”, which results in bad taste and cheapness.
  2. Unnatural- artificial embellishment of appearance. It always looks cheap, no matter what anyone says, but it's true. Skillful, effortless emphasizing of one's natural beauty will look more advantageous than artificial eyelashes, nails and hair.
  3. Dimensionlessness- clothes should be in size, even oversized models have one. Therefore, you do not need to get carried away with small things in the hope that they will remove extra pounds.
  4. Age- something that no one agrees to put up with. But clothes that are not dressed according to age attract attention, and this is rather ironic.
  5. Bright aroma- interfering with breathing. Not all ladies know how to use perfume. Namely, they inflict a lot on themselves, splashing all parts of the body. Although a drop of good, persistent perfume is enough. After all, the fragrance should give the impression of a thin haze after you leave.
  6. Lots of animalism- scares, and often repels. Zebra, cheetah, tiger, snake, pick one. You do not need to choose every thing in animal style.
  7. irrelevance- often there is such a situation that women go out of town in high heels, and for the party in torn jeans and a sweatshirt. Dress appropriately for the occasion and the event.
  8. Ignoring one's own idiosyncrasies- in each case plays into the hands. Choose things based on your individual color type.
  9. Too much brightness- when there are a lot of bright things, this does not make the image interesting and organic. No need to try to put on all the bright things that you have in your wardrobe at one time.
  10. Black all over- not always appropriate. Especially if this color is present in all wardrobe items. You need to complement the image with other colors.

How to look fashionable, stylish and expensive in 30 years?

  • Choose outfits according to your figure.
  • Give preference to calm tones.
  • Don't neglect length.
  • Emphasize the figure with concise models.
  • Don't overload your look with accessories.
  • Choose neutral dresses.

Features of a fashionable image in 40 years

The elegant age is the time when a woman should have everything, because she has the right to it, she has earned it. Therefore, ladies over the age of 40 need to think about how to embellish themselves.

  • Natural and calm shades will adequately emphasize your beauty.
  • Strict models look advantageous at any time of the day.
  • Pay attention to the little things.
  • Neutral dresses will look loyal in any situation.
  • Bright but calm jewelry will complement any look.
  • A floor-length skirt will elegantly fit both for daytime and for a party, as well as for an official part.

The nuances of fashionable style at 50 years old

A wardrobe for women of great age should be age-appropriate on the one hand and a little refreshing on the other. The main thing is not to overdo it and not become objects of ridicule.


Life is filled with numerous events: work, everyday fuss, meetings... Like any real woman, you really want to look fashionable and stylish at all these events. But spending a lot of time and money on shopping is too much of a luxury.

Well, if finances allow you to follow fashion. But the fact of the matter is that fashion is fickle and capricious, and buying branded clothing will not automatically make you attractive. Let's see how guaranteed

Fashion is a matter of money. Style is a matter of individuality.

If you are thinking about how to become fashionable and stylish, first think about your final result! Think HOW you want to look? Fashionable or stylish?

Yes, in our materials we have repeatedly emphasized that fashion and style are different concepts.

FASHIONABLE THINGS are a product of time.

  • Only a few seasons are relevant, they have a pronounced “trend” color.
  • They give you an ultra-modern look (provided they are properly fitted).
  • They quickly lose relevance (and these are financial and time costs) and the presence of a really large wardrobe)).
  • STYLISH THINGS are out of time and fashion trends. They are relevant yesterday, today and tomorrow.

  • They will not add the same bright note to your image as fashionable things, but at the same time, if you strictly adhere to the chosen style, you will always be INDIVIDUAL.
  • Understanding how to choose your style and stay true to it is a rather long process. In some cases, finding your own style, choosing stylish things and the whole image takes up to a year.

    There are pluses in both, so here are some tips on how to become fashionable and stylish at the same time.


    Competent analysis of the wardrobe is the first thing you should do before you become stylish and fashionable.

    1. To begin with, select all things that are physically and morally obsolete - things with defects, lost their color and structure, those that you did not like or became small. Things that are hopelessly out of fashion (for example, wedge sneakers) will also go here.

    2. Did you find a couple of things that you completely forgot about? If you haven't worn something for over a year, you will never wear it again! Give them to charity, and never regret anything!


    Have you cleared the shelves? You can start filling them up! But only the right things.
    First of all, ask yourself a few questions:

    1. What things do you need on a daily basis (at work and at leisure)?
    2. What lifestyle do you lead? Who are you meeting?
    3. What impression do you want to create with your clothes?

    Now sort the things in the closet according to your needs. Analyze if you have enough clothing options for office/casual/holiday occasions. Fill in these gaps.

    Your future stylish wardrobe is functional things that create the desired image for you.

    First of all, these should be things from the Basic and Stylish groups. Dilute them with a couple of trendy items (you can also look at inexpensive analogues presented in stores or learn to shop on the Internet). Such novelties will bring an ultra-modern touch to the main ensemble.


  • Color type
  • Body type / complexion
  • Age
  • The key to success is an adequate view of yourself from all sides and the ability to present yourself competently. And then you will build a stylish image for any type of appearance and figure.

    Everyone wants to look beautiful in the eyes of others, but not everyone succeeds and not always. At the same time, there are people who always look great, regardless of the time of day or year. How do they do it? What secret do they know? How to become the most fashionable?

    The science of being fashionable can be mastered by everyone, but for this it is necessary to make certain efforts and start moving in the right direction.

    First thing it is necessary to analyze yourself honestly and without prejudice. Assess your appearance and try to figure out what you like and don't like about yourself. It is also necessary to understand what needs to be corrected in your figure, what needs to be masked, and what, on the contrary, should be emphasized.

    After studying the features of your physique, turn your attention to online resources dedicated to fashion issues, or to various fashionable glossy publications. In them you can find a lot of things in which you can look no worse than real ones. You may never decide to buy and wear such clothes, but you will gain invaluable experience in matters of clothing compatibility, styles and be able to develop your own fashion line.

    By imitating the professional ones, copying some of their solutions and combining them according to your tastes, you can create your own unique image. It is also very important that you keep your finger on the pulse of fashion, knowing what is the trend in the current season.

    There are no trifles in the question of how to become fashionable. Even wearing the most fashionable items of clothing, you still cannot bear the title of a real fashionista. No less important than clothes are hair, makeup, as well as manicures and pedicures.

    If you have such an opportunity - regularly visit beauty salons. At the same time, it’s not scary if you take care of your hair, skin or nails in your own hands, and you will do all the necessary procedures yourself at home. Moreover, it is even safer than visiting salons, as you will only use your own tool, completely eliminating the risk of infection with something unpleasant. All this does not apply to hair. Your hairdresser should be done by a master. Of course, this will entail additional costs, but the result will be much better. Don't forget that your hairstyle is one of the most important fashion accessories, so it's out of the question to treat it casually.

    Never abuse makeup in everyday life.

    This advice applies to both very young fashionistas and already mature ladies. in everyday conditions it will look not only inappropriate, but also ridiculous. It will be quite sufficient if you apply a base on your face, quite a bit of blush and emphasize the expressiveness of your lips with gloss. Don't try to do your lip makeup. Don't try to match makeup with your outfit. This seems like a good idea only at first glance, but trust me, pink lips and pink shadows against a pink blouse look at least funny. It will be better if you use makeup that will emphasize the beauty and expressiveness of your eyes.

    Another important skill for becoming fashionable is ability to shop properly. The first step is to get the basic wardrobe items that you can use for several seasons. You should not clog cabinets with things that will lose their relevance in a few months. After you decide on the basis, you can proceed to the acquisition of accessories and attributes, such as shoes or boots, scarves, bags, gloves or rings, everything that will give your look originality and uniqueness.

    When starting shopping, it is better to take with you a person who can give you advice on choosing clothes, as well as competently criticize your choice if necessary.

    In order to become fashionable, you need to learn how to wear bright colors and how to combine them correctly. Do not get hung up on black, which many consider a universal solution. This is not true at all. Moreover, it is not suitable for everyone.

    And our last tip. If you want to become fashionable, but do not have any definite ideas about this, remember that only one style remains relevant at all times, and this style is a classic.