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: January 1, as in most Christian countries, and during the new moon - the so-called "Chinese New Year" - Chunjie (Spring Festival).

The history of celebrating the Chinese New Year goes back many centuries. He does not have a fixed date, it is calculated according to the Far Eastern lunar-solar calendar. The beginning of the year falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice and therefore shifts between January 21st and February 21st.

Each year is associated with a specific zodiac sign and element.

In the north of China, it is customary to eat dumplings (jiaozi) on New Year's Day, and in the south - slices made from glutinous rice (niangao). Northerners prefer dumplings, because in Chinese the word "jiaozi" is consonant with the words "seeing off the old and meeting the new." In addition, dumplings resemble traditional gold and silver bars in their shape and symbolize the wish for wealth. For the same reason, southerners eat "niangao", symbolizing the improvement of life every year.

The festive New Year's dinner ends with the distribution of "money of happiness". Adults give children red envelopes with money invested in them, which are supposed to bring good luck throughout the new year. In ancient times, New Year's money was presented in the form of one hundred copper coins tied together and symbolizing the hope of living up to a hundred years. After a gala dinner, you can’t go to bed so as not to miss your happiness.

In China, there is also a tradition that originated in ancient times: during the celebration of the New Year, when coming to visit, present two tangerines to the hosts, and when leaving, receive two other tangerines from them. The emergence of this tradition is associated with the fact that in Chinese "a pair of tangerines" is consonant with the word "gold".

In China, in general, on New Year's Eve it is customary to give gifts from paired itemssymbolizing unity, family harmony: two vases, two mugs, and so on.

It is not customary to give watches, especially to the elderly, or toys and children's things to those who have not had children yet. Usually, guests give New Year's gifts to the hosts before leaving, sometimes they even leave them secretly.

The New Year is followed by three festive days: chuyi, chuer and chusan, during which friends and relatives pay each other visits and give gifts. Then the holiday resumes, and the festivities continue for another two weeks.

During the festive performances, traditional dances of lions and dragons are performed. The dance of lions, which symbolizes protection from troubles and misfortunes in the new year, began to be performed and spread throughout China during the Chunjie festival in the 14th-16th centuries. The dance of dragons also has a long history.

It was included in festive ceremonies as early as the 12th century and expressed people's admiration for the dragon.

The dragon, made of paper, wire and wicker, can reach 8-10 meters. His body is flexible and consists of a different, but necessarily an odd number of parts. Each part is controlled by a single dancer with the help of a pole, the undulating, writhing movements of the dragon require great coherence of the participants.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

New Year in China is celebrated twice. On January 1, the European New Year is celebrated, and during the new moon, the Chinese New Year or Spring Festival (Chunjie). And New Year traditions in China depends on what kind of new year they celebrate.

European New Year in China

Yuan tribute (European New Year) is very quiet and modest. There is no sparkle of lights on the streets, no magnificent feasts at home, no decorated Christmas trees. Only in large shopping centers they put artificial Christmas trees and little Santa Clauses. The Chinese do not consider this time to be festive, preferring the original Chinese Spring Festival.

Spring Festival

The history of the Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) has more than one century. However, he does not have a specific date. It is celebrated between January 21 and the last days of winter. Warmth comes, a new life cycle begins, hopes for well-being, happiness, and health come.

The traditions of the Spring Festival are very rich. On the eve of a significant day, the Chinese fasten five strips of paper to the door lintel, which symbolize honor, good luck, wealth, joy and longevity. According to ancient tradition, the New Year should be celebrated noisily and cheerfully, with firecrackers and fireworks. In this way, the Chinese cast out evil spirits so that they do not bring grief and illness. If the spirits find a quiet home, it becomes their haven. Then the owners will be unhappy.

Many, many years ago, before the invention of firecrackers and firecrackers, the Chinese made noise with whatever objects they had at hand. And from the 14th century, the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire threw bamboo sticks into the oven, which burned and made a loud crack. Further, pyrotechnics came to replace the chopsticks. According to popular beliefs, evil spirits are afraid of the color red. Therefore, these holidays are colored in red. In the villages, the tradition is still preserved to tightly close all doors and windows so that evil does not penetrate through them.

Before the Spring Festival, the Chinese clean the house, utility rooms, and yard. Everything should be sparkling clean. On the days of the festival, sweeping and washing the floors is considered a bad omen.

Instead of a Christmas tree, the Chinese install the Tree of Light, which is decorated with flowers, bright ribbons, and lanterns.

Festive New Year's table

In China, as in many other countries, They believe that how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it. Therefore, a lot of hearty and tasty dishes are served on the table. The whole family sits down at the table a few hours before the New Year. In the north of the country, dumplings are especially loved, in the south - soup with dumplings and noodles. Long noodles symbolize a long happy life. After dinner, “money of happiness” is distributed to everyone. They are given in red envelopes, which are supposed to bring wealth and good luck. Until the morning no one sleeps, so as not to miss their happiness.

two tangerines

Since ancient times, there has been a beautiful and interesting custom in the Celestial Empire. Guests should give the owners of the house two tangerines. When the invitees went home, they were presented with a couple of tangerines as a gift, but already different ones, those that were prepared in advance for the guests. This custom arose due to the fact that in Chinese the phrase "two tangerines" is consonant with the word "gold".

The Chinese love to give paired gifts, as they denote harmony in the family, common interests. It is not customary to give watches to the elderly, toys or children's things to couples who are expecting a baby. Gifts are presented before leaving, sometimes they are simply put in a secluded place so that the owners find them on occasion.

Three holidays

After the New Year, three festive days follow - chui, chuer and chusan. This is the time to connect with friends and family. Everyone goes to visit each other, exchange gifts, have fun from the heart. The fun continues for another 14 days.

Dances of lions and dragons

In China, during the festivities, dances of lions and dragons are danced, which are considered traditional and sacred. The dance of the lions brings protection from adversity and grief. It has come down to our days from the 14th century. No less ancient dragon dance, which came from the 12th century. He expresses admiration for the dragon.

In every country, the New Year is celebrated according to special traditions. The Chinese New Year is interesting for its ancient rituals, strict observance of traditions, faith in their power. The one who honors the ancestors and their will will always be healthy, rich and happy.