How to find your account number online. About the record book and student card

Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region

State budget educational institution

secondary vocational education

(secondary special educational institution)

"Chelyabinsk College of Textile and Light Industry"



I approve

Director of GBOU SPO (SSUZ) "ChTTLP"

I. I. Pushkareva ____________

"_____" ___________ 20____


1. General Provisions

1.1. The record book is a document of a student of SBEI SPO (college) "ChTTLP" (hereinafter referred to as the Technical School), which records the passage of the training program at the Technical School, the assessment of current control and the State Final Attestation, educational and industrial practice.

1.2. A student card is a document certifying that the person is a student of the College.

1.3. The record book and student card are assigned a registration number, which must have a code and a serial number. The code contains information about the year the student entered the technical school.

1.4. The secretary of the educational unit makes an application signed by the Deputy Director for educational, methodological and scientific work addressed to the director for the issuance of record books and student cards in accordance with the order for admission to the number of students of the Technical College. If there is a signed application, the accounting department issues to the secretary of the educational department forms of record books and student cards.

1.5. The student record book of the Technical College is issued to newly admitted students during the first semester of study, but no later than a month before the start of the winter session.

1.6. The student card is issued by the secretary of the educational unit during the first two weeks of the first year of study.

1.7. A student card and a record book are issued for the entire period of the student's study.

1.8. The student signs for the receipt of a student card and a student record book in the educational register of student cards and record books.

2. Registration and maintenance record book

2.1. Entries in the ledger are madeneatly, with a fountain or ballpoint pen, ink or ink in black, blue or purple. All entries must be legible. Erasures, blots, corrections, not certified in the prescribed manner, are not allowed in the record book.

2.2. On the first spread, on the left side of the record book, in the upper left corner, a photograph of a student measuring 3 cm * 4 cm is pasted, on which a seal is placed in such a way as to capture part of the photo. In the line "Student Signature" the student puts his signature.

2.3. On the first spread, on the right side, a stamp is placed with the name of the Technical School and the following is indicated:

    "Record book number" -coinciding with the number of the student card and the registration number of the student;

    "Specialty (profession)" in accordance with the name in the Federal State Educational Standard for the specialty, without abbreviations;

    "Form of education" (full-time, part-time, external study);

    “Enrolled by order” - the date is recorded indicating the number (in numbers, two-digit number), month (in words) and year in four-digit number (numbers) and the number of the enrollment order;

    The "date of issue" is written with the date (digits, two digits), the month (in words) and the year in four digits (digits).

This page of the record book is filled in by the secretary of the educational unit.

The Director of the Technical School puts his signature in the line "Director of the Technical School". The signature of the Director is stamped.

2.4. If a student is enrolled in a technical school in the order of transfer from another educational organization, the secretary of the educational unit fills in the line “Enrolled by order” indicating the dateorder to enroll a student in a technical school in the order of transferand order numbers.

studentenrolled in a technical school in the order of transfer from another educational organization, issued a record book and a student card. All credited disciplines and modules are entered in the record book in accordance with the curriculum in the specialty, indicating the grades received on the basis of the Academic Certificate.

2.5. A student reinstated in a technical school is issued a new record book and a student card in the prescribed manner. All credited disciplines and modules are entered in the record book, indicating the grades received.

2.6. The procedure for making changes on the first spread of the grade book:

    the correction is certified by the inscription "corrected believe ", signed by the Head of the Department and the seal of the technical school.

2.7. Grades obtained by the student based on the results of the intermediate and State final attestation are put in the record book.

2.8. Grades are set by the examiner on the page of the record book corresponding to the semester of passing a given academic discipline, interdisciplinary course (IDC) or module.

On the left side of the page, the results are displayed for disciplines, MDTs or modules for which exams, comprehensive exams are provided for in this semester by the curriculum.

On the right side of the page, the results are displayed for disciplines, MDTs and modules for which credits and tests are provided for in this semester by the curriculum.

2.9. By the time of receiving credits for the 1st semester, the student must draw up a spread of the record book, namely, enter the academic year and last name, first name, patronymic (completely in the nominative case). On all subsequent sheets of the record book, the student, by the time of receiving credits for the corresponding semester, enters the academic year and last name, first name, patronymic. The number of the semester is determined by the working academic plan: 1st course starts from the 1st semester.

2.10. The teacher filling out the record book enters the name of the discipline, MDT or professional module in full accordance with the order to reduce the names. Each discipline, MDK or module is given only one line. Therefore, their name can be written in two sublines.

The column "Total number of hours" is filled in by the Head of the department in accordance with the curriculum and takes into account classroom hours.

The student's level of preparation is assessed in points: excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, credited, not credited, and appropriate entries are made in the Interim Attestation Sheet and the record book.

The grade obtained in the exam is entered by the teacher in the student's record book (except for unsatisfactory). The date of the interim certification is written: day, month - two-digit number, year - four-digit. Next, the teacher's signature and decoding of the signature (Initials, surname) are put.

2.11. If the number of credits and tests for the semester and marks on the implementation of the curriculum exceeds the number of lines in the section "Results of the intermediate certification", it is allowed to line the page (1 - 2 lines) below the table.

2.12. The examination mark is put in numbers and words (excellent, good, satisfactory), the test - the word "passed" or the mark, if the test is differentiated. The grade "unsatisfactory" and the mark "not passed" are not entered in the student's record book.

2.13. When retaking exams (no more than two disciplines) for an increased grade, the record of passing the exam in the record book is repeated in the same semester and the date of the actual retake is indicated.

2.14. In the last week of the semester, subject to the student fulfilling the curriculum and passing the tests and tests provided for by the curriculum, the head of the department puts the stamp “Admitted to the session” on the right side of the spread.

2.15. Within a week after the completion of the course, in the absence of academic debts, the signature of the class teacher is put on the right side of the spread of the record book. On the left side of the spread of the record book in the line “Student”, the initials and surname of the student are written in the nominative case and a record is made of the transfer to the next course (in Arabic numerals).

2.16. The procedure for making changes in case of an incorrectly made entry. It is not allowed to gloss over or cross out marks given by mistake by the teacher in the grade book. Correction procedure:

    the line with an incorrect entry is crossed out entirely;

    in the free line, the head of the department, on the basis of the completed statement, enters the correct entry;

    the correction is certified by the signature of the Head of the Department, the inscription "to believe corrected" and the seal of the technical school.

2.17. In accordance with the curricula in the specialty, information is entered in the record book about the passage of the stages of educational and industrial practice and the results of defending the report on the completion of the practice in the columns of the "Practice" section:

    "Course" - in Arabic numerals;

    "Semester" (in accordance with the curriculum) - in Arabic numerals;

    "Name of the type of practice" - in accordance with the curriculum;

    "Place of internship, as whom he worked" - the official name of the organization in which the student had an internship in accordance with the order to send him to practice and the name of the profession (position) in which the student had an internship;

    "Total number of hour/w.unit" - in accordance with the curriculum;

    “Assigned qualification, rank / Grade” - from the student’s production characteristics from the head of the practice, if the rank was assigned at the enterprise or from the protocol of the qualification commission, if the rank was recommended during the practice, but not assigned, or the grade obtained during the defense of the report;

    “Date” is a number, a month is a two-digit number, a year is a four-digit number;

    Signature, initials and surnames of practice leaders.

2.18. Records of the results of the defense of term papers (projects) are filled in on the corresponding spread:

    "Name of subjects, courses, disciplines (modules)" in accordance with the curriculum;

    “The theme of the course project (work) without abbreviations (no more than 70 characters), in brackets (KR / KP);

    "Evaluation" (excellent, good, satisfactory);

    "Date of delivery" is written: day, month - two-digit number, year - four-digit;

    "Signature of the teacher";

    "Teacher's last name" initials and last name of the head of the course design.

2.19. The correctness of the information on passing the test, exam, term paper (project), practice is certified by the signature of the teacher who conducted this test event, or the head of the department.

2.20. Records of the results of passing the final tests are made in the spreads "Results of the state final certification" in accordance with the tests provided for by the curriculum.

In the section "Graduate qualification work":

    "Type of final qualifying work" - the diploma work or diploma project is indicated;

    "Theme" - the name of the topic in accordance with the order of the director on the approval of the themes of final qualifying works;

    "Head of the final qualifying work" - the initials and surname of the head in accordance with the order of the director.

In the section "Protection of the final qualifying work" the following entry is made:

    In the line "Admitted to the defense" the date of the order on the admission of the student to the defense is put. The date is written: day, month - two-digit number, year - four-digit;

    The line "Date of defense" indicates the date of defense, which coincides with the minutes of the meeting of the State Examination Commission. The date is written: day, month - two-digit number, year - four-digit;

    In the line "Rating" - (excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory);

    In the line "Chairman of the State Examination Commission" the Chairman signs, his initials are indicated. Surname.

In the section "State exam" (if it is provided), the following is recorded:

    In the line "Student" the initials and surname of the student are written in the nominative case;

    In the line "Admitted to pass the state exam" the date of the order on the admission of the student to pass the state exam is put. The date is written: day, month - two-digit number, year - four-digit;

    In the line "Deputy Head" the signature, initials and surname of the deputy director for educational, methodological and scientific work and the seal of the technical school are put;

    The table "Results of the state exam" records the name of all subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) in accordance with the Program of the State Final Attestation, the assessment of each of the stages, the date of holding, the signature of the chairman of the State Attestation Commission.

    In the line "Chairman of the State Examination Commission" the Chairman signs, his initials, surname are indicated.

In the section "Decision of the State Examination Commission" the following entry is made:

    The date is written: day, month - two-digit number, year - four-digit;

    the protocol corresponds to the Protocol of the State Examination Commission;

    In the line "Student" the initials and surname of the student are written in the dative case;

    In the line "Qualification awarded" the qualification is written in the nominative case according to the Federal State Educational Standard;

    The line “Issued a diploma of secondary vocational education” indicates the series and number of the diploma blank and the number of the diploma in the registration book;

    "Date of issue" The date is written: day - two-digit number, month - in words, year - four-digit number;

    In the line "Head of the educational organization" the signature of the director of the Technical School is put, his initials and surname are written, the seal of the Technical School is put.

2.21. Sections "Graduation qualification work", "Defence of final qualification work" "State exam" - are filled in by the secretary of the State Examination Commission (SEC). Chairman of the SEC, signs in the appropriate lines.

2.22. In the section "Decision of the state examination committee" is filled in by the secretary of the SEC: date, protocol number, initials and surname of the student, name of the qualification.

The lines “Issued a diploma of secondary vocational education”, “Date of issue” are filled in by a personnel specialist on the basis of a register for issuing diplomas, signed by the director of the technical school and stamped by the technical school.

2.23. At the end of the GIA, the secretary of the SEC transfers the completed record books to the personnel department.

3. Registration and maintenance of a student card

3.1. At the top of the page is a stamp with the name of the College.

3.2. The student card is filled in by the class teacher of the group in which the student is studying, by hand with a blue or black ballpoint or ink pen, while the fields on the left side are filled in:

    "Student card number" -matching number record book and student registration number;

    "Surname, name, patronymic of the student" in the nominative case;

    “Enlisted by order” - the date is recorded indicating the day, month (in figures, two-digit number) and year in a four-digit number (numbers) and the number of the enrollment order;

    "Date of issue" is written indicating the number (in numbers, two-digit number), month (in words) and year in four-digit number (numbers), "form of education" (full-time, part-time, external study);

    In the line "Student Signature" the student puts his signature.

3.3. Also, on the left side, in the indicated place, a photograph of a student measuring 3 cm * 4 cm is pasted.

3.3. In the line "Head of the educational organization", the director of the Technical School puts his signature. The signature of the director of the technical school is certified by the seal of the technical school, which must include part of the photograph of the student.

3.4. On the right side of the student card, the secretary of the educational unit annually fills in the field "Valid until" indicating the date in accordance with the working curriculum in the specialty.

In the line “Head of the educational organization”, the director of the Technical School (head of the department) puts his signature. The signature is certified by the seal of the College.

3.5. In the case of a transfer of a student from another educational organization, the student card is filled in according to the same rules, taking into account the following points:

    the date of issue of the student card is the date of the corresponding order of the director on the enrollment of the student in the order of transfer;

    on the right side of the student card, the course for which the student is accepted is fixed (the student's previous courses of study are not indicated on the student card).

3.6. From the beginning of each academic year, during the first month, the student is obliged to renew the student card in the Academic Department.

3.7. The procedure for making changes to the student card:

    incorrect entry is crossed out;

    the correct entry is entered from above or to the right;

    the correction is certified with the inscription “to believe corrected”, the signature of the Head of the department and the seal.

4. Issuance of a duplicate student card or record book

4.1. In case of loss, damage, etc. student card and / or record book in order to obtain a duplicate, the student must submit an application to the director of the College for issuing a duplicate. On this application, the head of the department writes a petition, and the student submits an advertisement to the newspaper on recognizing the document as invalid and presents a copy of the receipt for the filing of the advertisement. The application with the petition of the head of the department is submitted to the director for signature.

4.2. Issuance of a duplicate student card and / or record book is made only by order of the Director of the College.

On the basis of the director's order to issue a duplicate of the lost document, the secretary of the educational unit makes an application addressed to the director signed by the head of the department for the issuance of a student card form and / or a record book by the accounting department.

4.3. Duplicate student card and / or grade book are filled in in accordance with sections 2 and 3, taking into account the following points:

    date of issue - date of issue of the duplicate;

    on the right side of the student card, the course the student is studying at the moment is fixed (the student's previous courses of study are not indicated in the duplicate of the student card);

    above the name of the technical school in capital letters is written "DUPLICATE".

4.4. The duplicate document retains the registration number of the document.

4.5. The student signs for the receipt of a duplicate in the study section in the register of student cards and record books.

4.6. All data on the student's progress for the entire period of study until the moment a duplicate is issued to him is entered by the secretary of the educational unit into a duplicate of the record book on the basis of the original statements of intermediate certification for all previous semesters stored in the educational unit.

4.7. If necessary, the head of the department also has the right to make notes in accordance with the original documents. In the column “Signature of the teacher”, in this case, a note is made about the document used, for example, “based on the examination sheet”. This mark is sealed by the signature of the head of the department and the seal of the technical school.

4.8. In the case of reinstatement in the number of students when re-crediting grades in individual disciplines, MDT and modules, entries in the record book about the implementation of the curriculum, passed tests and exams are made on the basis of original documents (intermediate attestation statements) by the same teachers on the basis of the student's application.

4.9. In the case of a transfer of a student from another educational organization, if necessary, marks in the record book on previously received tests and exams, records on the implementation of the curriculum are made by the head of the department. At the same time, in the column "Signature of the teacher" a mark is made "based on an academic certificate". This mark is sealed by the signature of the head of the department and the seal of the technical school.

5. Transfer of the gradebook and student card to the archive

5.1. Upon completion of training, the record book is handed over by the secretary of the educational unit to the personnel department, from where, together with the personal file, it is transferred to the archive, where it is stored for 75 years.

5.2. Upon completion of training, the student card is handed over by the student along with the bypass sheet to the educational unit, where it is destroyed according to the act of the established form.

5.3. In the event of a student leaving the technical school before the end of the course, the record book, together with the bypass sheet, is handed over to the personnel department, from where, together with the personal file, it is transferred to the archive, where it is stored for 75 years. On the basis of the order for expulsion from the technical school, the secretary of the educational unit issues to the student an academic certificate of the established form at his request. The record book cannot serve as a document for admission to another educational organization and for transferring disciplines in another educational organization.

5.4. When a student is reinstated on the basis of an order for restoration, the archive employee transfers the student's personal file to the educational department, the student receives a record book and a student card in the prescribed manner.

The regulation was developed in accordance withby order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of April 5, 2013 N 240"Aboutatassertionsamples of a student card for students and a record book for students (cadets) mastering educational programs of secondary vocational education "

Code - (number of the record book).

Parameter name Meaning
Article subject:
Rubric (thematic category) Connection

Department of Math


Methodical materials and instructions

to perform control work

for part-time students

Korolev, 2006

Donskoy A.D. Physics.Methodological materials and instructions for the performance of tests for students of correspondence courses. Korolev: KIUES, 2005.- 63 p.

Reviewer: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Borisov V.F.

Head Department of Mathematics KIUES Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Borisov V.F.


1. During the study of the general physics course, a part-time student must submit test papers to the department.

2. Control tasks are given to students by the lecturer of the stream.

3. It is extremely important to carry out examinations in ink in a school notebook, on the cover of which provide information according to the following model:

Physics Test No. __

Student - Kiselev A.V.

Group - EZS-1

Code - (number of the record book).

4. The conditions of the tasks in the control work must be completely rewritten without abbreviations. Leave margins for the teacher's comments on the pages of the notebook.

5. At the end of the test, indicate which textbook or teaching aid the student used when studying physics (name of the textbook, author, year of publication). This is done so that the reviewer, in case of extreme importance, can indicate what the student should study to complete the test.

6. In the event that the control work was not credited during the review, the student is obliged to submit it for re-review, including in it those tasks, the solutions of which turned out to be incorrect. It is extremely important to submit the repeated work together with the uncredited work.

7. Passed test papers are presented to the examiner. The student must be ready, during the exam (test) to give explanations on the merits of solving problems included in the tests.

8. Solutions to problems should be accompanied by brief but comprehensive explanations. Where possible, provide a drawing or diagram.

9. The designations of physical quantities in the condition of the problem, in the figure and in the course of the solution must be the same.

10. You need to solve the problem in a general way, ᴛ.ᴇ. express the desired value in the letter designations of the quantities specified in the condition of the problem. With this method of solution, intermediate values ​​are not calculated.

11. After receiving the calculation formula to check the correctness, it should be substituted into the right side of the formula instead of the symbols of the values ​​of the designation of the units of these quantities, perform the necessary actions with them and make sure that the unit obtained in this case corresponds to the desired valuee. If there is no such correspondence, then this means that the problem is solved incorrectly.

12. The numerical values ​​of quantities when substituting them into the calculation formula should be expressed only in SI units. As an exception, it is allowed to express in any, but the same units, the numerical values ​​of homogeneous quantities that are in the numerator and denominator of the fraction and have the same degree.

13. When substituting into the calculation formula, as well as when writing the answer, the numerical values ​​\u200b\u200bof the quantities should be written as the product of a decimal fraction with one significant digit before the decimal point and the corresponding power of ten. For example, instead of 0.00129 kg, write down 1.29 * 10 -3 kg, etc.

14. Calculations according to the calculation formula must be carried out in compliance with the rules of approximate calculations (see "Problem book in physics" A. G. Chertov, A. A. Vorobyov ʼʼ Appendix on approximate calculations ʼʼ.) As a rule, the final answer should be written with three significant figures. This also applies to the case when the result is obtained using a calculator.

Code - (number of the record book). - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Code - (number of the record book)." 2017, 2018.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region

State budget educational institution

secondary vocational education

(secondary special educational institution)

"Chelyabinsk College of Textile and Light Industry"



I approve

Director of GBOU SPO (SSUZ) "ChTTLP"

I. I. Pushkareva ____________

"_____" ___________ 20____


1. General Provisions

1.1. The record book is a document of a student of SBEI SPO (college) "ChTTLP" (hereinafter referred to as the Technical School), which records the passage of the training program at the Technical School, the assessment of current control and the State Final Attestation, educational and industrial practice.

1.2. A student card is a document certifying that the person is a student of the College.

1.3. The record book and student card are assigned a registration number, which must have a code and a serial number. The code contains information about the year the student entered the technical school.

1.4. The secretary of the educational unit makes an application signed by the Deputy Director for educational, methodological and scientific work addressed to the director for the issuance of record books and student cards in accordance with the order for admission to the number of students of the Technical College. If there is a signed application, the accounting department issues to the secretary of the educational department forms of record books and student cards.

1.5. The student record book of the Technical College is issued to newly admitted students during the first semester of study, but no later than a month before the start of the winter session.

1.6. The student card is issued by the secretary of the educational unit during the first two weeks of the first year of study.

1.7. A student card and a record book are issued for the entire period of the student's study.

1.8. The student signs for the receipt of a student card and a student record book in the educational register of student cards and record books.

2. Registration and maintenance record book

2.1. Entries in the ledger are madeneatly, with a fountain or ballpoint pen, ink or ink in black, blue or purple. All entries must be legible. Erasures, blots, corrections, not certified in the prescribed manner, are not allowed in the record book.

2.2. On the first spread, on the left side of the record book, in the upper left corner, a photograph of a student measuring 3 cm * 4 cm is pasted, on which a seal is placed in such a way as to capture part of the photo. In the line "Student Signature" the student puts his signature.

2.3. On the first spread, on the right side, a stamp is placed with the name of the Technical School and the following is indicated:

    "Record book number" -coinciding with the number of the student card and the registration number of the student;

    "Specialty (profession)" in accordance with the name in the Federal State Educational Standard for the specialty, without abbreviations;

    "Form of education" (full-time, part-time, external study);

    “Enrolled by order” - the date is recorded indicating the number (in numbers, two-digit number), month (in words) and year in four-digit number (numbers) and the number of the enrollment order;

    The "date of issue" is written with the date (digits, two digits), the month (in words) and the year in four digits (digits).

This page of the record book is filled in by the secretary of the educational unit.

The Director of the Technical School puts his signature in the line "Director of the Technical School". The signature of the Director is stamped.

2.4. If a student is enrolled in a technical school in the order of transfer from another educational organization, the secretary of the educational unit fills in the line “Enrolled by order” indicating the dateorder to enroll a student in a technical school in the order of transferand order numbers.

studentenrolled in a technical school in the order of transfer from another educational organization, issued a record book and a student card. All credited disciplines and modules are entered in the record book in accordance with the curriculum in the specialty, indicating the grades received on the basis of the Academic Certificate.

2.5. A student reinstated in a technical school is issued a new record book and a student card in the prescribed manner. All credited disciplines and modules are entered in the record book, indicating the grades received.

2.6. The procedure for making changes on the first spread of the grade book:

    the correction is certified by the inscription "corrected believe ", signed by the Head of the Department and the seal of the technical school.

2.7. Grades obtained by the student based on the results of the intermediate and State final attestation are put in the record book.

2.8. Grades are set by the examiner on the page of the record book corresponding to the semester of passing a given academic discipline, interdisciplinary course (IDC) or module.

On the left side of the page, the results are displayed for disciplines, MDTs or modules for which exams, comprehensive exams are provided for in this semester by the curriculum.

On the right side of the page, the results are displayed for disciplines, MDTs and modules for which credits and tests are provided for in this semester by the curriculum.

2.9. By the time of receiving credits for the 1st semester, the student must draw up a spread of the record book, namely, enter the academic year and last name, first name, patronymic (completely in the nominative case). On all subsequent sheets of the record book, the student, by the time of receiving credits for the corresponding semester, enters the academic year and last name, first name, patronymic. The number of the semester is determined by the working academic plan: 1st course starts from the 1st semester.

2.10. The teacher filling out the record book enters the name of the discipline, MDT or professional module in full accordance with the order to reduce the names. Each discipline, MDK or module is given only one line. Therefore, their name can be written in two sublines.

The column "Total number of hours" is filled in by the Head of the department in accordance with the curriculum and takes into account classroom hours.

The student's level of preparation is assessed in points: excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, credited, not credited, and appropriate entries are made in the Interim Attestation Sheet and the record book.

The grade obtained in the exam is entered by the teacher in the student's record book (except for unsatisfactory). The date of the interim certification is written: day, month - two-digit number, year - four-digit. Next, the teacher's signature and decoding of the signature (Initials, surname) are put.

2.11. If the number of credits and tests for the semester and marks on the implementation of the curriculum exceeds the number of lines in the section "Results of the intermediate certification", it is allowed to line the page (1 - 2 lines) below the table.

2.12. The examination mark is put in numbers and words (excellent, good, satisfactory), the test - the word "passed" or the mark, if the test is differentiated. The grade "unsatisfactory" and the mark "not passed" are not entered in the student's record book.

2.13. When retaking exams (no more than two disciplines) for an increased grade, the record of passing the exam in the record book is repeated in the same semester and the date of the actual retake is indicated.

2.14. In the last week of the semester, subject to the student fulfilling the curriculum and passing the tests and tests provided for by the curriculum, the head of the department puts the stamp “Admitted to the session” on the right side of the spread.

2.15. Within a week after the completion of the course, in the absence of academic debts, the signature of the class teacher is put on the right side of the spread of the record book. On the left side of the spread of the record book in the line “Student”, the initials and surname of the student are written in the nominative case and a record is made of the transfer to the next course (in Arabic numerals).

2.16. The procedure for making changes in case of an incorrectly made entry. It is not allowed to gloss over or cross out marks given by mistake by the teacher in the grade book. Correction procedure:

    the line with an incorrect entry is crossed out entirely;

    in the free line, the head of the department, on the basis of the completed statement, enters the correct entry;

    the correction is certified by the signature of the Head of the Department, the inscription "to believe corrected" and the seal of the technical school.

2.17. In accordance with the curricula in the specialty, information is entered in the record book about the passage of the stages of educational and industrial practice and the results of defending the report on the completion of the practice in the columns of the "Practice" section:

    "Course" - in Arabic numerals;

    "Semester" (in accordance with the curriculum) - in Arabic numerals;

    "Name of the type of practice" - in accordance with the curriculum;

    "Place of internship, as whom he worked" - the official name of the organization in which the student had an internship in accordance with the order to send him to practice and the name of the profession (position) in which the student had an internship;

    "Total number of hour/w.unit" - in accordance with the curriculum;

    “Assigned qualification, rank / Grade” - from the student’s production characteristics from the head of the practice, if the rank was assigned at the enterprise or from the protocol of the qualification commission, if the rank was recommended during the practice, but not assigned, or the grade obtained during the defense of the report;

    “Date” is a number, a month is a two-digit number, a year is a four-digit number;

    Signature, initials and surnames of practice leaders.

2.18. Records of the results of the defense of term papers (projects) are filled in on the corresponding spread:

    "Name of subjects, courses, disciplines (modules)" in accordance with the curriculum;

    “The theme of the course project (work) without abbreviations (no more than 70 characters), in brackets (KR / KP);

    "Evaluation" (excellent, good, satisfactory);

    "Date of delivery" is written: day, month - two-digit number, year - four-digit;

    "Signature of the teacher";

    "Teacher's last name" initials and last name of the head of the course design.

2.19. The correctness of the information on passing the test, exam, term paper (project), practice is certified by the signature of the teacher who conducted this test event, or the head of the department.

2.20. Records of the results of passing the final tests are made in the spreads "Results of the state final certification" in accordance with the tests provided for by the curriculum.

In the section "Graduate qualification work":

    "Type of final qualifying work" - the diploma work or diploma project is indicated;

    "Theme" - the name of the topic in accordance with the order of the director on the approval of the themes of final qualifying works;

    "Head of the final qualifying work" - the initials and surname of the head in accordance with the order of the director.

In the section "Protection of the final qualifying work" the following entry is made:

    In the line "Admitted to the defense" the date of the order on the admission of the student to the defense is put. The date is written: day, month - two-digit number, year - four-digit;

    The line "Date of defense" indicates the date of defense, which coincides with the minutes of the meeting of the State Examination Commission. The date is written: day, month - two-digit number, year - four-digit;

    In the line "Rating" - (excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory);

    In the line "Chairman of the State Examination Commission" the Chairman signs, his initials are indicated. Surname.

In the section "State exam" (if it is provided), the following is recorded:

    In the line "Student" the initials and surname of the student are written in the nominative case;

    In the line "Admitted to pass the state exam" the date of the order on the admission of the student to pass the state exam is put. The date is written: day, month - two-digit number, year - four-digit;

    In the line "Deputy Head" the signature, initials and surname of the deputy director for educational, methodological and scientific work and the seal of the technical school are put;

    The table "Results of the state exam" records the name of all subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) in accordance with the Program of the State Final Attestation, the assessment of each of the stages, the date of holding, the signature of the chairman of the State Attestation Commission.

    In the line "Chairman of the State Examination Commission" the Chairman signs, his initials, surname are indicated.

In the section "Decision of the State Examination Commission" the following entry is made:

    The date is written: day, month - two-digit number, year - four-digit;

    the protocol corresponds to the Protocol of the State Examination Commission;

    In the line "Student" the initials and surname of the student are written in the dative case;

    In the line "Qualification awarded" the qualification is written in the nominative case according to the Federal State Educational Standard;

    The line “Issued a diploma of secondary vocational education” indicates the series and number of the diploma blank and the number of the diploma in the registration book;

    "Date of issue" The date is written: day - two-digit number, month - in words, year - four-digit number;

    In the line "Head of the educational organization" the signature of the director of the Technical School is put, his initials and surname are written, the seal of the Technical School is put.

2.21. Sections "Graduation qualification work", "Defence of final qualification work" "State exam" - are filled in by the secretary of the State Examination Commission (SEC). Chairman of the SEC, signs in the appropriate lines.

2.22. In the section "Decision of the state examination committee" is filled in by the secretary of the SEC: date, protocol number, initials and surname of the student, name of the qualification.

The lines “Issued a diploma of secondary vocational education”, “Date of issue” are filled in by a personnel specialist on the basis of a register for issuing diplomas, signed by the director of the technical school and stamped by the technical school.

2.23. At the end of the GIA, the secretary of the SEC transfers the completed record books to the personnel department.

3. Registration and maintenance of a student card

3.1. At the top of the page is a stamp with the name of the College.

3.2. The student card is filled in by the class teacher of the group in which the student is studying, by hand with a blue or black ballpoint or ink pen, while the fields on the left side are filled in:

    "Student card number" -matching number record book and student registration number;

    "Surname, name, patronymic of the student" in the nominative case;

    “Enlisted by order” - the date is recorded indicating the day, month (in figures, two-digit number) and year in a four-digit number (numbers) and the number of the enrollment order;

    "Date of issue" is written indicating the number (in numbers, two-digit number), month (in words) and year in four-digit number (numbers), "form of education" (full-time, part-time, external study);

    In the line "Student Signature" the student puts his signature.

3.3. Also, on the left side, in the indicated place, a photograph of a student measuring 3 cm * 4 cm is pasted.

3.3. In the line "Head of the educational organization", the director of the Technical School puts his signature. The signature of the director of the technical school is certified by the seal of the technical school, which must include part of the photograph of the student.

3.4. On the right side of the student card, the secretary of the educational unit annually fills in the field "Valid until" indicating the date in accordance with the working curriculum in the specialty.

In the line “Head of the educational organization”, the director of the Technical School (head of the department) puts his signature. The signature is certified by the seal of the College.

3.5. In the case of a transfer of a student from another educational organization, the student card is filled in according to the same rules, taking into account the following points:

    the date of issue of the student card is the date of the corresponding order of the director on the enrollment of the student in the order of transfer;

    on the right side of the student card, the course for which the student is accepted is fixed (the student's previous courses of study are not indicated on the student card).

3.6. From the beginning of each academic year, during the first month, the student is obliged to renew the student card in the Academic Department.

3.7. The procedure for making changes to the student card:

    incorrect entry is crossed out;

    the correct entry is entered from above or to the right;

    the correction is certified with the inscription “to believe corrected”, the signature of the Head of the department and the seal.

4. Issuance of a duplicate student card or record book

4.1. In case of loss, damage, etc. student card and / or record book in order to obtain a duplicate, the student must submit an application to the director of the College for issuing a duplicate. On this application, the head of the department writes a petition, and the student submits an advertisement to the newspaper on recognizing the document as invalid and presents a copy of the receipt for the filing of the advertisement. The application with the petition of the head of the department is submitted to the director for signature.

4.2. Issuance of a duplicate student card and / or record book is made only by order of the Director of the College.

On the basis of the director's order to issue a duplicate of the lost document, the secretary of the educational unit makes an application addressed to the director signed by the head of the department for the issuance of a student card form and / or a record book by the accounting department.

4.3. Duplicate student card and / or grade book are filled in in accordance with sections 2 and 3, taking into account the following points:

    date of issue - date of issue of the duplicate;

    on the right side of the student card, the course the student is studying at the moment is fixed (the student's previous courses of study are not indicated in the duplicate of the student card);

    above the name of the technical school in capital letters is written "DUPLICATE".

4.4. The duplicate document retains the registration number of the document.

4.5. The student signs for the receipt of a duplicate in the study section in the register of student cards and record books.

4.6. All data on the student's progress for the entire period of study until the moment a duplicate is issued to him is entered by the secretary of the educational unit into a duplicate of the record book on the basis of the original statements of intermediate certification for all previous semesters stored in the educational unit.

4.7. If necessary, the head of the department also has the right to make notes in accordance with the original documents. In the column “Signature of the teacher”, in this case, a note is made about the document used, for example, “based on the examination sheet”. This mark is sealed by the signature of the head of the department and the seal of the technical school.

4.8. In the case of reinstatement in the number of students when re-crediting grades in individual disciplines, MDT and modules, entries in the record book about the implementation of the curriculum, passed tests and exams are made on the basis of original documents (intermediate attestation statements) by the same teachers on the basis of the student's application.

4.9. In the case of a transfer of a student from another educational organization, if necessary, marks in the record book on previously received tests and exams, records on the implementation of the curriculum are made by the head of the department. At the same time, in the column "Signature of the teacher" a mark is made "based on an academic certificate". This mark is sealed by the signature of the head of the department and the seal of the technical school.

5. Transfer of the gradebook and student card to the archive

5.1. Upon completion of training, the record book is handed over by the secretary of the educational unit to the personnel department, from where, together with the personal file, it is transferred to the archive, where it is stored for 75 years.

5.2. Upon completion of training, the student card is handed over by the student along with the bypass sheet to the educational unit, where it is destroyed according to the act of the established form.

5.3. In the event of a student leaving the technical school before the end of the course, the record book, together with the bypass sheet, is handed over to the personnel department, from where, together with the personal file, it is transferred to the archive, where it is stored for 75 years. On the basis of the order for expulsion from the technical school, the secretary of the educational unit issues to the student an academic certificate of the established form at his request. The record book cannot serve as a document for admission to another educational organization and for transferring disciplines in another educational organization.

5.4. When a student is reinstated on the basis of an order for restoration, the archive employee transfers the student's personal file to the educational department, the student receives a record book and a student card in the prescribed manner.

The regulation was developed in accordance withby order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of April 5, 2013 N 240"Aboutatassertionsamples of a student card for students and a record book for students (cadets) mastering educational programs of secondary vocational education "